Presentation on the topic "The role of biology in space exploration." Presentation on the topic "The role of biology in space exploration" Download presentation The role of biology in space exploration

Space biology is a branch of biology that studies the features of the existence of living organisms in extraterrestrial conditions, the impact of cosmic factors on them, as well as the possibility of the existence of life on other planets.

The emergence and development of space biology is associated with successes modern science and rocket technology, which made it possible to fly beyond the earth's atmosphere.

Space biology develops research methods and means of ensuring the life activity of humans and animals in space flight conditions, when a living organism can be simultaneously influenced various factors. First of all, this is ionizing radiation (see Cosmic radiation), acceleration and weightlessness, as well as long-term isolation under conditions of limited physical activity, an artificial atmosphere, some dietary features, etc. The effect of these factors on humans, animals and plants is studied in laboratory conditions, simulating individual factors of space flight, or in flights on artificial satellites Earth and spaceships directly controlled by humans.

When solving the problem of the existence of life on other planets, a study is being carried out natural conditions of these planets, analysis of the composition of meteorites in comparison with the forms of manifestation of life on Earth in various climatic conditions (Arctic, Antarctic, mountains, deserts, etc.).

Animals (monkeys, dogs, mice, guinea pigs), insects (Drosophila flies, etc.), plants (unicellular algae - seeds of wheat, peas, onions, etc.) are used as research objects.

Studies of animals that have flown on various aircraft (including rockets) have shown scientific evidence possibilities of human flights into outer space.

In the process of medical and biological research, the functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, etc.) are studied, characterizing its general condition, the limits of tolerance to the effects of harmful factors; carry out studies of the protective functions of the body, biochemical studies of blood, urine, the state of hematopoietic functions using cytological and histological methods. Genetic studies of the processes of transmission of hereditary characteristics and growth under the influence of space flight factors are carried out on plants and fruit flies.

They are widely used in space biology research. modern methods and equipment. So, to study and monitor the status of various functional systems electrophysiological equipment is used (electroencephalographs, electrocardiographs, myographs, etc.); to measure physical and physiological parameters characterizing the state of the object of study and its living conditions directly in flight - telemetric methods, television, which allows you to observe the object from a distance, computers that make it possible to timely and accurately process the information necessary to monitor the condition a living object located in the cabin of a spacecraft.

The data obtained on the effect of individual factors of space flight on living organisms made it possible to develop protective measures for the safety of human flights in space - hermetic cabins, means of protection against ionizing radiation, etc. (see Space medicine).

A big and very complex problem of space biology is the development of means to ensure normal human life during flight into space. The choice of an appropriate life support system for an astronaut is determined by the duration of the space flight. Thus, for a flight lasting only a few days, a life support system is used, based on the use of food, water and oxygen taken from the Earth or highly efficient chemical compounds, absorbing and releasing oxygen.

On long-term space flights to other planets of the solar system, when supplies taken from Earth cannot provide astronauts, more will be used complex systems life support based on the biological circulation of substances in the ship’s cabin. In this regard, they carry out experimental work to substantiate the principles and methods of providing the necessary conditions for human life in the cabin of a spacecraft.

To provide astronauts with air, physical or physico-chemical methods of the gas environment of the cabins are used, that is, converting used air into air suitable for breathing, with a slight addition of fresh, unregenerated air from reserves taken from the Earth.

The water supply system involves the recovery of water from human waste (exhaled air, urine). Through distillation, electroosmosis, purification with ion exchange resins, etc., water suitable for drinking can be obtained.

To provide astronauts with the necessary nutrients, biological communities are created: plant - animal - human. For this purpose, algae (for example, chlorella), garden crops, zoo- and phytoplankton, poultry, rabbits, etc. can be used on the ship. The creation of such systems is a necessary condition ensuring human flight to other planets of the solar system.

Generally scientific achievements space biology had a great influence on the development general biology, contributed to the success of space medicine in solving problems of ensuring human space flights.

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Important for the further development of ecophysiological research were experiments on the Soviet biosatellite Cosmos-110 with two dogs on board and on the American biosatellite Bios-3, which had a monkey on board. During a 22-day flight, the dogs were for the first time exposed not only to the influence of inevitably inherent factors, but also to a number of special influences (irritation of the sinus nerve electric shock, compression of the carotid arteries, etc.), with the goal of finding out the features of the nervous regulation of blood circulation in conditions of weightlessness. Blood pressure in animals was recorded directly.

During the monkey's flight on the Bios-3 biosatellite, which lasted 8.5 days, serious changes in sleep-wake cycles were discovered (fragmentation of states of consciousness, rapid transitions from drowsiness to wakefulness, a noticeable reduction in sleep phases associated with dreams and deep sleep) , as well as disruption of the circadian rhythm of some physiological processes. The death of the animal, which followed soon after the early end of the flight, was, according to a number of experts, due to the influence of weightlessness, which led to the redistribution of blood in the body, loss of fluid and disruption of the metabolism of potassium and sodium.

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Research in space biology made it possible to develop a number of protective measures and prepared the possibility of safe human flight into space, which was carried out by flights of Soviet and then American ships with people on board. The significance of space biology does not end there. Research in this area will continue to be especially needed to solve a number of issues, in particular for the biological exploration of new space routes. This will require the development of new methods of biotelemetry (a method for remote study of biological phenomena and measurement of biological indicators), the creation of implantable devices for small telemetry (a set of technologies that allows remote measurements and collection of information to be provided to the operator or user), the transformation various types energy arising in the body into the electrical energy necessary to power such devices, new methods of “compression” of information, etc. An extremely important role space biology will also play in the development of biocomplexes, or closed ecological systems with autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms, necessary for long-term flights.

GOU Lyceum No. 000

Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg


Medical and biological research in space

Gurshev Oleg

Head: biology teacher

St. Petersburg, 2011

Introduction 2

The beginning of biomedical research in the middle of the 20th century. 3

Impact space flight on the human body. 6

Exobiology. 10

Prospects for the development of research. 14

List of sources used. 17

Appendix (presentation, experiments) 18


Space biology and medicine- a complex science that studies the characteristics of human life and other organisms in space flight conditions. The main task of research in the field of space biology and medicine is the development of means and methods of life support, preserving the health and performance of crew members of spacecraft and stations during flights of varying duration and degree of complexity. Space biology and medicine are inextricably linked with cosmonautics, astronomy, astrophysics, geophysics, biology, aviation medicine and many other sciences.

The relevance of the topic is quite great in our modern and fast-paced 21st century.

The topic “Medical and Biological Research” interested me last year two, since I decided on my choice of profession, so I decided to do a research paper on this topic.

2011 is an anniversary year - 50 years since the first human flight into space.

Start of biomedical research in the middleXXcentury

The following milestones are considered the starting points in the development of space biology and medicine: 1949 - for the first time it became possible to conduct biological research during rocket flights; 1957 - for the first time Living being(the dog Laika) was sent into a near-Earth orbital flight on the second artificial satellite of the Earth; 1961 - the first manned flight into space was completed. With the aim of scientific justification the possibility of a medically safe human flight into space, the tolerability of impacts characteristic of the launch, orbital flight, descent and landing on Earth of spacecraft (SV) was studied, and the operation of biotelemetric equipment and life support systems for astronauts was tested. The main attention was paid to studying the effects of weightlessness and cosmic radiation on the body.

Laika (cosmonaut dog) 1957

R the results obtained during biological experiments on rockets, the second artificial satellite (1957), rotating spacecraft-satellites (1960-1961), combined with data from ground-based clinical, physiological, psychological, hygienic and other studies, actually opened the way man into space. In addition, biological experiments in space at the stage of preparation for the first human space flight made it possible to identify a number of functional changes that occur in the body under the influence of flight factors, which was the basis for planning subsequent experiments on animals and plant organisms during flights of manned spacecraft, orbital stations and biosatellites . The world's first biological satellite with an experimental animal - the dog "Laika". Launched into orbit on November 3, 1957. And stayed there for 5 months. The satellite existed in orbit until April 14, 1958. The satellite had two radio transmitters, a telemetry system, a software device, scientific instruments for studying the radiation of the Sun and cosmic rays, regeneration and thermal control systems to maintain conditions in the cabin necessary for the existence of the animal. The first scientific information was obtained about the state of a living organism under space flight conditions.

Achievements in the field of space biology and medicine largely predetermined successes in the development of manned astronautics. Along with flying , carried out on April 12, 1961, it is worth noting such epoch-making events in the history of astronautics, such as the landing of astronauts on July 21, 1969 Armstrong(N. Armstrong) and Aldrina(E. Aldrin) to the surface of the Moon and many months (up to a year) flights of crews at the Salyut and Mir orbital stations. This became possible thanks to the development of the theoretical foundations of space biology and medicine, the methodology for conducting medical and biological research in space flights, the justification and implementation of methods for the selection and pre-flight preparation of astronauts, as well as the development of life support equipment, medical monitoring, and maintaining the health and performance of crew members in flight.

Team Apollo 11 (from left to right): Neil. A. Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, Commander Edwin (Buzz) E. Aldrin.

Impact of space flight on the human body

During space flight, the human body is affected by a complex of factors related to flight dynamics (acceleration, vibration, noise, weightlessness), staying in a sealed room of limited volume (altered gas environment, hypokinesia, neuro-emotional stress, etc.), as well as factors of outer space as a habitat (cosmic radiation, ultraviolet radiation and etc.).

At the beginning and end of space flight, the body is influenced by linear accelerations . Their values, gradient of increase, time and direction of action during the period of launch and insertion of a spacecraft into low-Earth orbit depend on the characteristics of the rocket and space complex, and during the period of return to Earth - on the ballistic characteristics of the flight and the type of spacecraft. Performing maneuvers in orbit is also accompanied by the impact of accelerations on the body, but their magnitudes during flights of modern spacecraft are insignificant.

Launch of the Soyuz TMA-18 spacecraft to the International space station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome

Basic information about the effect of accelerations on the human body and methods of protection against their adverse effects was obtained through research in the field of aviation medicine; space biology and medicine only supplemented this information. It was found that being in conditions of weightlessness, especially long time, leads to a decrease in the body’s resistance to acceleration. In this regard, a few days before the descent from orbit, the astronauts switch to a special physical training regime, and immediately before the descent they receive water-salt supplements to increase the degree of hydration of the body and the volume of circulating blood. Special chairs have been developed - supports and anti-g suits, which ensures increased tolerance to acceleration when astronauts return to Earth.

Among all the factors of space flight, the constant and practically irreproducible in laboratory conditions is weightlessness. Its influence on the body is diverse. Both nonspecific adaptive reactions characteristic of chronic stress and various specific changes occur due to disruption of the interaction of the body’s sensory systems, redistribution of blood to the upper half of the body, reduction of dynamic and almost complete removal of static loads on the musculoskeletal system.

ISS summer 2008

Examinations of cosmonauts and numerous experiments on animals during the flights of the Cosmos biosatellites made it possible to establish that the leading role in the occurrence of specific reactions combined into the symptom complex of the space form of motion sickness (sickness) belongs to the vestibular apparatus. This is due to an increase in the excitability of otolith and semicircular canal receptors under weightless conditions and a disruption in the interaction of the vestibular analyzer and other sensory systems of the body. Under conditions of weightlessness, humans and animals show signs of detraining of the cardiovascular system, an increase in blood volume in the vessels of the chest, congestion in the liver and kidneys, changes in cerebral circulation, and a decrease in plasma volume. Due to the fact that in conditions of weightlessness the secretion of antidiuretic hormone, aldosterone and the functional state of the kidneys change, hypohydration of the body develops. At the same time, the content of extracellular fluid decreases and the excretion of calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen, sodium, potassium and magnesium salts from the body increases. Changes in the musculoskeletal system occur predominantly in those departments that, under normal conditions of life on Earth, bear the greatest static load, i.e., the muscles of the back and lower extremities, in the bones of the lower extremities and vertebrae. There is a decrease in their functionality, a slowdown in the rate of periosteal bone formation, osteoporosis of the spongy substance, decalcification and other changes that lead to a decrease in the mechanical strength of bones.

IN initial period adaptation to weightlessness (takes on average about 7 days) approximately every second cosmonaut experiences dizziness, nausea, incoordination of movements, impaired perception of the body’s position in space, a feeling of a rush of blood to the head, difficulty in nasal breathing, and loss of appetite. In some cases, this leads to a decrease in overall performance, which makes it difficult to perform professional duties. Already on initial stage During flight, initial signs of changes appear in the muscles and bones of the limbs.

As the duration of stay in conditions of weightlessness increases, many unpleasant sensations disappear or are smoothed out. At the same time, in almost all astronauts, if proper measures are not taken, changes in the state of the cardiovascular system, metabolism, muscle and bone tissue progress. To prevent unfavorable changes, a wide range of preventive measures and means is used: a vacuum tank, a bicycle ergometer, a treadmill, training-load suits, an electric muscle stimulator, training expanders, salt supplements, etc. This allows you to maintain good health and a high level of performance of crew members on long-term space flights.

An inevitable accompanying factor of any space flight is hypokinesia - a limitation of motor activity, which, despite intense physical training during the flight, leads to general detraining and asthenia of the body in conditions of weightlessness. Numerous studies have shown that prolonged hypokinesia, created by staying in bed with the head tilted (-6°), has almost the same effect on the human body as prolonged weightlessness. This method of modeling in laboratory conditions some of the physiological effects of weightlessness was widely used in the USSR and the USA. The maximum duration of such a model experiment, conducted at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the USSR Ministry of Health, was one year.

A specific problem is the study of the effects of cosmic radiation on the body. Dosimetric and radiobiological experiments made it possible to create and put into practice a system for ensuring radiation safety of space flights, which includes means of dosimetric control and local protection, radioprotective drugs (radioprotectors).

Orbital station "MIR"

The tasks of space biology and medicine include the study of biological principles and methods for creating artificial habitats on spacecraft and stations. To do this, they select living organisms that are promising for inclusion as links in a closed ecological system, study the productivity and sustainability of populations of these organisms, and simulate experimental unified systems living and nonliving components - biogeocenoses, determine their functional characteristics and capabilities practical use in space flights.

Such a direction of space biology and medicine as exobiology, which studies the presence, distribution, characteristics and evolution of living matter in the Universe, is also successfully developing. Based on ground-based model experiments and studies in space, data have been obtained indicating the theoretical possibility of the existence of organic matter outside the biosphere. A program is also being carried out to search for extraterrestrial civilizations by recording and analyzing radio signals coming from space.

"Soyuz TMA-6"


One of the areas of space biology; searches for living matter and organic matter in space and on other planets. The main goal of exobiology is to obtain direct or indirect evidence of the existence of life in space. The basis for this is the findings of precursors of complex organic molecules (hydrocyanic acid, formaldehyde, etc.), which were discovered in outer space by spectroscopic methods (in total, up to 20 were found organic compounds). Exobiology methods are different and are designed not only to detect alien manifestations of life, but also to obtain some characteristics of possible extraterrestrial organisms. To assume the existence of life in extraterrestrial conditions, for example, on other planets of the solar system, it is important to determine the survival ability of organisms when experimentally reproducing these conditions. Many microorganisms can exist at temperatures close to absolute zero and high (up to 80-95 ° C); their spores can withstand deep vacuum and prolonged drying. They tolerate much larger doses ionizing radiation than in outer space. Extraterrestrial organisms would probably be more adaptable to living in environments containing little water. Anaerobic conditions do not serve as an obstacle to the development of life, so it is theoretically possible to assume the existence in space of microorganisms with a wide variety of properties that could adapt to unusual conditions by developing various protective devices. Experiments carried out in the USSR and the USA did not provide evidence of the existence of life on Mars, there is no life on Venus and Mercury, and it is unlikely on the giant planets, as well as their satellites. IN solar system Life probably exists only on Earth. According to some ideas, life outside the Earth is possible only on a water-carbon basis, characteristic of our planet. Another point of view does not exclude the silicon-ammonia base, but humanity does not yet have methods for detecting extraterrestrial life forms.


Viking program

Viking program- NASA's space program to study Mars, in particular, for the presence of life on this planet. The program included the launch of two identical spacecraft- “Viking 1” and “Viking 2”, which were supposed to conduct research in orbit and on the surface of Mars. The Viking program was the culmination of a series of missions to explore Mars, which began in 1964 with Mariner 4, continued with Mariner 6 and Mariner 7 in 1969, and with the Mariner 9 orbital missions in 1971 and 1972 The Vikings took their place in the history of Mars exploration as the first American spacecraft to land safely on the surface. It was one of the most informative and successful missions to the red planet, although it failed to detect life on Mars.

Both devices were launched in 1975 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Before the flight, the landers were thoroughly sterilized to prevent contamination of Mars. earthly forms life. The flight time took a little less than a year and arrived at Mars in 1976. The duration of the Viking missions was planned at 90 days after landing, but each device operated significantly longer than this period. The Viking-1 orbiter operated until August 7, 1980, the descent vehicle until November 11, 1982. The Viking-2 orbiter operated until July 25, 1978, and the descent vehicle until April 11, 1980.

Snowy desert on Mars. Photo of Viking 2

BION program

BION program includes complex studies on animal and plant organisms during flights of specialized satellites (biosatellites) in the interests of space biology, medicine and biotechnology. From 1973 to 1996, 11 biosatellites were launched into space.

Leading scientific institution: State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Design department: GNP RKTs "TSSKB-Progress" (Samara)
Flight duration: from 5 to 22.5 days.
Launch location: Plesetsk cosmodrome
Landing area: Kazakhstan
Participating countries: USSR, Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Canada, China, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, USA, France, Czechoslovakia

Studies on rats and monkeys on biosatellite flights have shown that exposure to weightlessness leads to significant but reversible functional, structural and metabolic changes in the muscles, bones, myocardium and neurosensory system of mammals. The phenomenology is described and the mechanism of development of these changes is studied.

For the first time, in the flights of the BION biosatellites, the idea of ​​​​creating artificial gravity (AG) was put into practice. In experiments on rats, it was established that IST, created by rotating animals in a centrifuge, prevents the development of unfavorable changes in muscles, bones and myocardium.

Within the framework of the Federal Space Program of Russia for the period 2006-2015. in the section “Space Facilities for Fundamental Space Research”, the continuation of the BION program is planned; launches of the BION-M spacecraft are scheduled for 2010, 2013 and 2016.


Prospects for research development

The current stage of exploration and exploration of outer space is characterized by a gradual transition from long orbital flights to interplanetary flights, the nearest of which is seen as expedition to Mars. In this case, the situation changes radically. It changes not only objectively, which is associated with a significant increase in the duration of stay in space, landing on another planet and returning to Earth, but also, which is very important, subjectively, since, having left the already familiar earth’s orbit, the cosmonauts will remain (in a very small number of a group of their colleagues) “lonely” in the vast expanses of the Universe.

At the same time, fundamentally new problems arise associated with a sharp increase in the intensity of cosmic radiation, the need to use renewable sources of oxygen, water and food, and most importantly, the solution of psychological and medical problems.


The difficulty of controlling such a system in a limited hermetically sealed volume is so great that one cannot hope for its rapid implementation into practice. In all likelihood, the transition to a biological life support system will occur gradually as its individual links become ready. At the first stage of development of BSZHO, obviously, there will be a replacement of the physico-chemical method of oxygen production and utilization carbon dioxide- to biological. As is known, the main “suppliers” of oxygen are higher plants and photosynthetic single-celled organisms. More challenging task is to replenish water and food supplies.

Drinking water will obviously be of “terrestrial origin” for a very long time, and technical water (used for household needs) is already being replenished through the regeneration of atmospheric moisture condensate (AMC), urine and other sources.

Of course, the main component of the future closed ecological system- plants. Research on higher plants and photosynthetic plants single-celled organisms on board spacecraft showed that under space flight conditions, plants go through all stages of development, from seed germination to the formation of primary organs, flowering, fertilization and maturation of a new generation of seeds. Thus, the fundamental possibility of carrying out the full cycle of plant development (from seed to seed) in microgravity conditions was experimentally proven. results space experiments were so encouraging that they allowed us to conclude already in the early 80s that the development of biological life support systems and the creation on this basis of an ecologically closed system in a limited hermetic volume is not such a difficult task. However, over time, it became obvious that the problem cannot be solved completely, at least until the main parameters that make it possible to balance the mass and energy flows of this system are determined (by calculation or experiment).

To replenish food supplies, animals must also be introduced into the system. Of course, at the first stages these should be “small-sized” representatives of the animal world - mollusks, fish, birds, and later, possibly rabbits and other mammals.

Thus, during interplanetary flights, astronauts need not only to learn how to grow plants, keep animals and cultivate microorganisms, but also to develop a reliable way to control the “space ark”. And to do this, we first need to find out how an individual organism grows and develops under space flight conditions, and then what demands each individual element of a closed ecological system makes on the community.

My main task in research work was to find out how interesting and exciting space exploration has been and what a long way they still have to go!

If you just imagine the diversity of all living things on our planet, then what can you assume about space...

The universe is so large and unknown that this type of research is vital for us living on planet Earth. But we are only at the very beginning of the journey and we have so much to learn and see!

Throughout the time I was doing this work, I learned so many interesting things that I never suspected, I learned about wonderful researchers like Carl Sagan, I learned about the most interesting space programs carried out in the 20th century, both in the USA and in the USSR, I learned a lot about modern programs like BION, and much more.

Research continues...

List of sources used

Great Children's Encyclopedia Universe: Popular Science Edition. - Russian Encyclopedic Partnership, 1999. Website http://spacembi. *****/ Great encyclopedia Universe. - M.: Publishing house "Astrel", 1999.

4. Encyclopedia Universe (“ROSMEN”)

5. Wikipedia website (pictures)

6.Space at the turn of the millennium. Documents and materials. M., International relationships(2000)


“Mars transfer”

"Mars transfer" Development of one of the links of the future biological-technical life support system for astronauts.

Target: Obtaining new data on the processes of gas-liquid supply in root-inhabited environments under space flight conditions

Tasks: Experimental determination of capillary diffusion coefficients of moisture and gases

Expected results: Creation of an installation with a root-living environment for growing plants in relation to microgravity conditions

· Set "Experimental Cuvette" for determining the characteristics of moisture transfer (speed of movement of the impregnation front and moisture content in individual zones)

    LIV video complex for video recording of the movement of the impregnation front

Target: Using new computer technology to improve the comfort of an astronaut’s stay during a long space flight.

Tasks: Activation of specific areas of the brain responsible for the astronaut’s visual associations associated with his native places and family on Earth with a further increase in his performance. Analysis of the astronaut's condition in orbit by testing using special techniques.

Scientific equipment used:

Block EGE2 (individual hard drive of an astronaut with an album of photographs and a questionnaire)

"VEST" Obtaining data for the development of measures to prevent the adverse effects of flight conditions on the health and performance of the ISS crew.

Target: Evaluation of a new integrated clothing system from various types materials for use in space flight conditions.


    wearing "VEST" clothing, specially designed for the flight of the Italian cosmonaut R. Vittori on the ISS RS; receiving feedback from the astronaut regarding psychological and physiological well-being, that is, comfort (convenience), wearability of clothes; her aesthetics; the effectiveness of heat resistance and physical hygiene on board the station.

Expected results: Confirmation of the functionality of the new integrated clothing system "VEST", including its ergonomic indicators in space flight conditions, which will reduce the weight and volume of clothing planned for use in long-term space flights to the ISS.

Suzdaltseva Maria

To understand the role of biology in space research, we must turn to space biology.

— Goal of the work: study the influence of a complex of unusual environmental factors on a living organism.

1.Study the features of space biology.

2. Using the example of living organisms, determine the significance of laboratory and flight experiments.

3. Establish the degree of humaneness of the experiments.

4.Establish the significance of space biology.
Hypothesis: Is it possible to explore new space routes and organize space tourism with the help of space biology?



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Research work The importance of biology in space research Performed by: Maria Suzdaltseva Student of the MAOU "Gymnasium named after N.V. Pushkov" Supervisor: Biology teacher Omelchenko Yu.E.

Rationale: To understand the role of biology in space research, we must turn to space biology. Purpose of the work: to study the influence of a complex of unusual environmental factors on a living organism. Objectives: 1.Study the features of space biology. 2. Using the example of living organisms, determine the significance of laboratory and flight experiments. 3. Establish the degree of humaneness of the experiments. 4.Establish the significance of space biology. Hypothesis: Is it possible to explore new space routes and organize space tourism with the help of space biology?

Introduction. Space biology is a complex of predominantly biological sciences that study: 1) the features of the life activity of terrestrial organisms in outer space and during flights on spacecraft 2) the principles of constructing biological systems for supporting the life of crew members of spaceships and stations 3) extraterrestrial life forms.

Space biology is a synthetic science that has brought together into a single whole the achievements of various branches of biology, aviation medicine, astronomy, geophysics, radio electronics and many other sciences and created its own research methods on their basis. Work on space biology is carried out on various types of living organisms, from viruses to mammals.

Main part. The primary task of space biology is to study the influence of space flight factors (acceleration, vibration, weightlessness, altered gas environment, limited mobility and complete isolation in closed sealed volumes, etc.) and outer space (vacuum, radiation, reduced tension magnetic field and etc.).

Main part. Research in space biology is carried out in laboratory experiments that, to one degree or another, reproduce the influence of individual factors of space flight and outer space. However, the most significant are flight biological experiments, during which it is possible to study the influence of a complex of unusual environmental factors on a living organism.

Guinea pigs, mice, dogs, higher plants and algae (chlorella), various microorganisms, plant seeds, isolated human and rabbit tissue cultures and other biological objects were sent on flights on artificial Earth satellites and spaceships.

In the areas of entry into orbit, the animals showed an acceleration in heart rate and respiration, which gradually disappeared after the spacecraft transitioned to orbital flight.

Normalization of the pulse after exposure to accelerations in zero gravity occurs much more slowly than after tests in a centrifuge under Earth conditions.

Analysis of the motor activity of dogs showed a fairly rapid adaptation to unusual conditions of weightlessness and restoration of the ability to coordinate movements. The same results were obtained in experiments on monkeys. Research conditioned reflexes in rats and guinea pigs after their return from space flight, no changes were found compared to pre-flight experiments.

Important for the further development of ecophysiological research were experiments on the Soviet biosatellite Cosmos-110 with two dogs on board and on the American biosatellite Bios-3, which had a monkey on board.

Genetic studies conducted in orbital spacecraft space flights, showed that exposure to outer space has a stimulating effect on dry onion and nigella seeds.

As a result of biological research carried out on high-altitude and ballistic missiles, satellites, satellites and other spacecraft, it was established that a person can live and work in space flight conditions for a relatively long time.

Conclusions: 1. In the course of my work, I found out that research in space biology made it possible to develop a number of protective measures and prepared the possibility of safe human flight into space, which was carried out by flights of Soviet and then American ships with people on board. 2. I am convinced that research in this area will continue to be especially needed for biological exploration of new space routes. This will require the development of new methods of biotelemetry (a method for remote study of biological phenomena and measurement of biological indicators), the creation of implantable devices for small telemetry (a set of technologies that allows remote measurements and collection of information to be provided to the operator or user), the conversion of various types of energy arising in the body into the electrical energy necessary to power such devices, new methods of “compression” of information, etc. 3. I am studying, and will continue to study, scientific literature on this issue; I'm going to continue working on this topic. Because I am convinced that space biology will play an important role in the development of bicomplexes necessary for long-term flights.

References: References 1. Aerospace and environmental medicine. - 2000. – T. 34, N 2. 2. Kopaladze R.A. // Regulation of animal experiments - ethics, legislation, alternatives: Review / Ed. ON THE. Gorbunova. - M., 1998. 3. Lukyanov A.S., Lukyanova L.L., Chernavskaya N.M., Gilyazov S.F. Bioethics. Alternatives to animal experimentation. - M., 1996. 4. Pavlova T.N. Bioethics in higher school. - M., 1997. 5. Techniques for working with experimental animals: Guidelines. - M., 1989. 6. Sanitary rules for the design, equipment and maintenance of experimental biological clinics (vivariums). - M., 1973. 7. Fosse R. // Lab. animals. - 1991. - T. 1, N 1. - P. 39-45. 8 . Howard-Jones H. // WHO Chronicle. - 1985. - T. 39. - P. 3-8. 9 . Schweitzer A. Decline and revival of culture. - M., 1993. 10. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. - Washington: National Academy Press, 1996. 11. Regan T. The Case for Animal Rights. - London; N.-Y., 1984.

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    Theoretical basis, subject, object and laws of biology. The essence, analysis and proof of the axioms of theoretical biology, generalized by B.M. Mednikov and characterizing life and non-life that differs from it. Features of the genetic theory of development.

    abstract, added 05/28/2010

    The concept of magnifying instruments (magnifying glass, microscope), their purpose and design. The main functional, structural and technological parts of a modern microscope used in biology lessons. Carrying out laboratory work in biology lessons.

    course work, added 02/18/2011

    Biographical research and scientific activity Charles Darwin, founder evolutionary biology. Substantiation of the hypothesis of human origin from an ape-like ancestor. Basic provisions evolutionary doctrine. The scope of natural selection.

    presentation, added 11/26/2016

    Use of algae in space. Negative sides. The science that deals with problems of biology in space is called space biology. One of the problems of which is the use of algae for the benefit of humanity in the conquest of space.