A rational regime of work and rest is the basis of safe work. Work and rest schedule Presentation on the topic of work and rest schedule

Work and rest regimes: uniform and long alternation of periods of work and rest over a certain period of time, ensuring the maintenance of high performance and health. 2 Students are a special professional group of the population, characterized by a certain age category and specific working and living conditions. The age limits of the group are from 17 to 27 years.

4 The student’s time budget should include: Study sessions at the educational institution; Studying at home; Extracurricular activities (reading, studying foreign languages, hygiene measures, eating, walking, sports and physical education, etc.) Students’ work activities are varied and include: Mental work during lectures; Working with a textbook; Completing tasks in laboratories; Industrial practice etc. Time costs: 5-6 hours – classroom training; 4-6 hours – non-classroom work; DURATION OF WORKING DAY – hours; SLEEP – 6-8 hours (25% of students sleep less than 6 hours, 4% - more than 8 hours). Twice a year there is a sharp increase in the mental load of students, causing stressful conditions– sessions.

Negative factors in a student’s lifestyle 5 Untimely meals; Systematic lack of sleep; Little exposure to fresh air; Insufficient physical activity; Bad habits. Forced sitting position; Eye strain; Mental and emotional stress. Most often, students have the following diseases: -VSD -Caries -Diseases of the digestive system -Chronic otolaryngological diseases -Hypertension, etc.

Work and rest schedule 6 This is the normative basis of a student’s life, which has its own individuality (compliance with specific conditions, health, performance, interests). It is important to ensure relative consistency in the student's daily activities. The student must correctly alternate between work and rest. After classes at the university and lunch, 1.5-2 hours should be spent on rest. (Passive rest - only when very tired). It is necessary to avoid overwork and monotonous work.

The structure of classroom work is regulated by the drawn up lesson schedule. 7 The daily total academic load of students should be 10 hours (6 classroom hours and 4 independent hours). The most intense exercises should occur during periods of natural increase in performance - from 9 to 13 and from 16 to 20). Classes on the most difficult subjects should be scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Schedule training sessions must be compiled in such a way as to ensure a gradual increase in the training load, optimal rhythm and work schedule. This should be achieved by measured alternation of “difficult” and “easy” subjects, lectures and practical classes for 3 pairs of study hours. The following combination of lecture (L) and practical (P) classes is advisable: I option L-P-P optimal option II P-L-P optimal III option P-P-L acceptable

8 The school day of each group of students should begin every day at a strictly defined hour. The optimal start to the school day is 12:00. In order to prevent fatigue, between a pair of teaching hours at a university there should be a break of minutes, between 2 and 3 hours of minutes. (lunch break) There should be no “windows” in the class schedule To increase the share independent work and activation of educational research work For students, it is advisable to allocate a day of independent study in the schedule, with mandatory monitoring of the effectiveness of its use.

9 ORGANIZATION OF STUDENTS’ EXTRA-CLASSROOM TIME The duration of rest after classroom lessons should be 1.5 - 2 hours. During independent studies, it is recommended to take breaks every 1 - 1.5 hours, the minimum duration of which should be limited to 5 minutes, and the maximum - 15 minutes. The motor mode of students should amount to hours of active muscular activity per week. Students' daily activity should be at least steps per day. It is recommended to allocate about 8 hours in the weekly time budget for cultural and educational needs. The time allotted for night sleep should be hours, while going to bed is recommended no later than 24 hours, and getting up no earlier than 7 hours. The duration of the so-called free time of students in school days weeks should be about hours a day, on rest days - at least hours.

10 DAY REGIME OF STUDENTS DURING PREPARATION FOR EXAMINATIONS During the period of preparation for exams, in order to reduce the time required to get involved in work, it is advisable to make working periods longer, dividing the whole day into approximately three parts - from morning to lunch, from lunch to dinner and from dinner to departure to bed. Each working period of the day should end with rest in the form of a walk or non-tiring physical labor. Every 1 - 1.5 hours you should take breaks, the duration of which should vary from 5 to 15 minutes (depending on the degree of fatigue). While preparing for exams, you should maintain an active motor mode. Sports activities during this period should be of medium intensity (30-minute sports games, strength exercises, etc.). The examination schedule should be designed in such a way that the waiting time for a student to be called to the examination hall does not exceed minutes.

11 Requirements for organizing the mode of work with PCs for higher education students educational institutions For first-year students, the optimal time for study sessions when working with a PC is 1 hour, for senior students - 2 hours, with a mandatory break of minutes between two academic hours of classes. When drawing up a schedule of classes with a PC, the following requirements must be met: - eliminate long breaks lasting one hour between paired academic hours allocated for classes with a PC; - do not allow senior students to combine the third and fourth pairs of classes with a PC; - do not conduct training sessions with PCs for senior students after 17:00 in the third and fourth pair of lessons; - training sessions for senior year students with VDT and PC are in exceptional cases allowed in the period from 17 to 20 hours with a mandatory shift of training sessions in the schedule to the first or second pair of lessons; - the motor mode of students and the pace of work on a PC should be free.

12 Work and rest schedules should be observed, because not only the student’s well-being and performance during educational activities, but also the mood. To do this, you need to carefully plan your daily schedule, following recommendations regarding sleep, because lack of sleep harms our body, depriving us of a significant part of our energy. But don’t forget about your physical education. You need to engage in any sport that you like best, and if you can withstand this load, and do exercises in the morning.

14 1. What is taken into account when creating a student’s daily routine? (list 5 factors) 2. What types of activities does the student’s time budget include? (list) 3. List the negative factors in the student’s lifestyle (any 4). 4. How many hours should the daily total academic load of students be? 5. How many hours should the rest period be after class? QUESTIONS
SRS on the topic: “Nature and man. Work, study and rest."Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Karaganda State Medical University
Department of Russian Language
on the topic: “Nature and man. Work,
study and recreation."
Completed: art. gr. 1-002 Stoma. Izteleuova Ainur
Checked by: Ph.D. Philol. Sciences, Art. Rev. Sizov D.V.

Karaganda 2017

Nature and man
Mountains of Kazakhstan
Flora of Kazakhstan
Altai violet
Fauna of Kazakhstan
Work and rest


Nature and man
Man cannot exist separately without nature.
The globe is a home for man. Here he has everything
necessary for life: air, water, food. But unfortunately,
a person often forgets about this and treats his
the planet seems to be struck, it destroys the surrounding

nature, forgetting that it is she who gives him life.
Now the person begins to realize his mistake. He
understands that you need to take care of your home, because many
generations still want to live on this land. They want to breathe
clean air, drink clean water, and admire

the surrounding world.

Mountains of Kazakhstan
The Altai Mountains are an amazing land,
endowed with natural contrasts from
rocky mountains to rocky ridges,

covered with eternal snow.
Tien Shan Mountains with
highest point in Kazakhstan
Khan Tengri Peak. This
the highest mountain is not easy,
who they want to conquer
avid climbers are also
and the beautiful mountain, which
amazes the imagination during
sunset, casting a purplish red color. Nature
Kazakhstan knows how to surprise
even the most experienced


Flora of Kazakhstan
The appearance of each landscape is determined first of all
green plants are the basis of all living things. In Kazakhstan according to
vascular plants, including horsetails, ferns,
gymnosperms and flowering plants.

Violet Altai

Distinguished by the largest flowers of all Kazakhstan flowers
violets (there are 30 species). Settles in meadows and moist areas
gravelly slopes from the upper part of the forest belt to the alpine.
It is found from Altai to the Western Tien Shan, forming during
flowering purple or yellow “fields”.

“Man cannot help but be fascinated by nature, he
connected with her by a thousand inextricable ties, he
her son."
I. S. Turgenev

Fauna of Kazakhstan
In the modern fauna of Kazakhstan there are 180 species of mammals, 500 species of birds, 52 species of reptiles, 12 species
amphibians, over 100 species of fish. More than 50 thousand species of invertebrates (insects, crustaceans, mollusks,
worms). More than 30,000 species of insects alone have been recorded.

Work and rest
Work and rest are a necessary human condition for life. Save
performance and good health are possible only with the right combination of mental
and physical labor, as well as active rest and sleep.

The labor regime is the basis for high
performance. It is determined
character and determination
employee. The rhythm of work should be
moderate and properly selected.
Work should bring satisfaction
rather than feeling depressed. For general
the employee's mental state also
influences general climate at work
and attitude in the team. Perfect
work is an environment in which
combine a business approach, good
relationships, creativity and initiative.

Rest is required to relieve fatigue and exhaustion and also promotes recovery
performance. But rest must also be motivated. And then it turns out, you sleep, you sleep, and
there is no time to rest. It is better to spend some part of the rest in an active state. It's a small matter
better than a lot of idleness.

Sleep is one of the types of rest.
Insufficient rest, like insomnia,
leads to overwork and reduces
the body's defenses. Sleep is the most
a complete type of holiday during which
restoration of the body. Especially in
brain cells.

Studying is interesting.
After all, this is the key that
opens the door to
extensive and
inexhaustible peace
knowledge. It's not in vain
came up with a proverb:
"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness". She's like
emphasizes that
uneducated person
will achieve nothing in
life, does not learn new things and

Study, work, relax in moderation and take care of nature


Alexandra Dolzhenko: “Study” //Access mode: https://otvet.mail.ru/question/85548380
“Work and rest mode”//Access mode: www.bessonnize.net/23_rezhim.html
Valery M. “In the very center of Eurasia.” - Karaganda-1998
Ivashchenko A. A. “Ivashchenko” Plant world of Kazakhstan. - Popular scientific publication. - Almaty: OJSC
“Almatykitap”, 2004.

Work and rest regimes are the regulated duration and alternation of periods of work and rest during a shift, day, week, established depending on the characteristics of labor processes and ensuring the maintenance of high performance and health of workers. The following work and rest modes are distinguished: intra-shift, daily, weekly, annual.

The intra-shift mode is established taking into account the phase changes in performance during the day and the nature of the work. The task of establishing a rational regime of work and rest is to ensure rapid absorption of workers, maximize the period of stable high performance, and reduce the fatigue phase.

A quantitative indicator of the rationality of the intra-shift work and rest regime is the proportion of the period of high performance in the working period. The optimal value in the first half of the shift is 75%, in the second - 65%. A private indicator reflecting the level of performance is the frequency and severity of occupational injuries.

The annual work and rest regime determines the alternation of working periods with periods of long rest associated with regular annual vacations, which are necessary to maintain health, ensure high performance and longevity. Flexible working time regimes that combine periods of flexible and fixed time have great potential for improving work and rest regimes.

Work and rest are a necessary human condition for life. You can maintain efficiency and good health only with the right combination of mental and physical labor, as well as active rest and sleep. The work schedule is the basis for high performance. It is determined by the character and determination of the employee. The rhythm of work should be moderate and correctly selected. Otherwise…

Work should bring satisfaction, not a feeling of depression. The general mental state of the employee is also influenced by the general climate in the workplace and attitude in the team. The ideal job is an environment that combines a business approach, a good relationship, creativity and initiative.

Sleep is one of the types of rest. Insufficient rest, like insomnia, leads to overwork and reduces the body's defenses. Sleep is the most complete type of rest, during which intensive restoration of the body takes place. Especially in brain cells. Insomnia

There is even the term occupational therapy, with which specialists treat many illnesses and mental disorders, including insomnia. As they say, without work, rest is not sweet. mental disorders The correct work and rest regime allows you to maintain good health and high performance at long time. In the work-rest regime, a special place is occupied by the alternation of rest and work. When choosing a work and rest regime, an important place is occupied by the general health of a person, his age, climatic conditions, diet and other factors.

The establishment of a socially necessary length of working time and its distribution across calendar periods in an enterprise is achieved by developing rules that provide for the order of alternation and the duration of work and rest periods. This order is usually called the work and rest regime. One of the main issues in establishing rational work and rest schedules is identifying the principles for their development. There are three such principles: meeting production needs; ensuring maximum human performance; combination of public and personal interests.

Intra-shift work and rest schedule - the order of alternating work and rest time during a work shift. The basis for the development of any intra-shift work and rest regime is the dynamics of performance. When developing an intra-shift work schedule, taking into account production conditions and the characteristics of each specific type of work, the total amount of time for rest, the distribution of this time throughout the shift (breaks in work and their duration), and the nature of rest are determined.

Rest can be active or passive. Passive rest (sitting, lying down) is necessary for heavy physical work associated with constant transitions or performed while standing, especially when unfavorable conditions external environment. Leisure recommended for work in favorable working conditions. The most effective form of active recreation is industrial gymnastics, that is, performing a special set of gymnastic exercises. Active rest speeds up the recovery of strength, since when changing activities, the energy expended by the working organ is restored faster.

In the 21st century, society's demands on teachers are much higher than in the previous century. But these requirements cannot be met unless they are created favorable conditions for teaching and educational work at school. The personality of the teacher is of no small importance for deciding educational and educational tasks in educational institutions. The quality of training sessions largely depends not only on the professionalism of the teacher, but also on his internal state - on physical and mental health. As you know, the health of the child is directly dependent on the health of the teacher. The personality of the teacher and his life should be a model of the path of health, and, consequently, morality and wisdom of children and adolescents.

IN last years Programs aimed at preserving and maintaining the health of schoolchildren began to be actively developed. However, very rarely does it come to the health of the teacher himself, who daily finds himself in the same conditions as students, but due to the specifics of his work, is more susceptible to increasing factors of social tension in society. The work of a teacher is a constant return of mental strength and a constant, often abrupt, change of situations. Statistics show that in Lately the number of diseases has increased among teachers of various educational institutions nervous system, vocal organs, musculoskeletal system, vascular system. In this regard, it seemed to us interesting topic teacher health research.

In clarifying issues related to the specifics of a teacher’s work, a lot of valuable information is provided by studying and comparing professional activity rural and urban teachers. It is known that the main risk factors for teachers’ work are: - increased psycho-emotional stress; - significant voice load when performing professional duties; - dominance in the process labor activity static load with insignificant total muscle and motor load; - a large amount of intense visual work; - high density of epidemic contacts. Each of these major risk factors pedagogical work may contribute to the emergence of occupationally caused types of pathology of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems

If you don’t start working on yourself, don’t learn to restore your vitality and relieve stress, then you can soon move from the group with an average risk of relapse to the next group. In 17°/o teachers, there is depletion of vitality and a high level of breakdown of defense mechanisms.

Of the 30 teachers surveyed, only one adheres to the diet, while the rest do not adhere to it, sometimes even going without breakfast and lunch. This attitude towards diet is associated with heavy workload. And this is where your attitude towards your health comes into play. It was also found that teachers (77%) do not do exercises. Only (10%) of the teachers surveyed, if possible, allocate time for physical education and sports on their days off. All the teachers surveyed have a fairly good memory.

Teachers often complain that it is difficult for them to withstand a heavy vocal load: their voice gets tired and takes their breath away. Most of these shortcomings are due to their lack of skills to properly speech breathing. In this regard, the school administration needs to provide for the implementation of hygienic preventive measures to preserve the voice and prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For example, correctly plan the teaching load for each teacher during the day and during the week; improve classroom acoustics; maintain indoor microclimate standards; create favorable conditions for teachers to rest during breaks, etc.

From our own research we can conclude: teachers with extensive teaching experience (20-25 years) are more susceptible to occupational diseases than teachers with less work experience. Starting from 15 years of experience, rural and urban teachers already have chronic diseases different systems body. The main task of psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis in the work of a teacher is to normalize the moral and psychological climate in the team, interpersonal relationships, neutralization of factors that increase psycho-emotional stress. It is very useful for a teacher to master the technique of autogenic training, which is highly effective method, allowing you to relieve fatigue, avoid overwork, improve your well-being, and manage your emotional state.

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TOPIC: Work and rest schedule for students

Study questions 1. Mode necessary condition healthy image life 2. Mental and physical performance 3. Students’ daily routine 4. Prevention of overwork

A person lives by the 24-hour rhythm of the Earth. During the day the following changes: Body temperature Heart rate Blood pressure level Performance

Remember - all human organs have their own biological rhythms

2. Mental and physical performance of a person The mental performance of a person changes throughout the day. The best period is from 9 to 11 o’clock After rest from 16 to 17 o’clock

Physical performance of a person is strongest from 8 to 12 o'clock and from 14 to 17 o'clock Weakest from 3 to 5 o'clock

Schoolchild's daily routine Waking up Morning exercises Breakfast Class at school Lunch Walk Preparing homework Dinner Free time dream


Signs of overfatigue Frequent headaches Poor sleep Having nightmares Feeling exhausted and tired after sleep Poor appetite

To prevent overwork: Eliminate or reduce exposure to harmful irritating factors Organize your rest correctly (alternating different types activities) Eat nutritiously

Questions for review How to understand the concept of biological rhythms? When is the best time to prepare lessons? When to exercise? Daily regime. How to avoid overwork?

Homework Analyze your daily routine and give an assessment

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

summer work and recreation program Summer travel

The goal of the program is to create conditions for organized recreation for students in the summer, strengthen the physical, mental and emotional health of children, develop Creative skills children.Tasks for...

The role of work and rest regime for maintaining human health (class hour)

The class hour is dedicated to human health. On class hour Students get acquainted with the rules for creating a daily routine and create a daily routine in joint activities with the teacher....

“Schoolchild’s daily routine” - Text No. 2. 8. Don't waste time, be precise in your promises. Changing activities relieves fatigue and helps restore performance. Nutrition. The main components of a schoolchild's daily routine. Development of fatigue and overwork. A schoolchild's working day consists of studying at school and preparing homework at home.

“Schoolchild’s daily routine” - Schoolchild’s daily routine. Preparing homework: 16.15-17.30, Walking in the fresh air: 17.30-19.00. Sleep: 20.30-7.00. Consequences of violating the daily routine. Getting ready for bed: 20.00-20.30. Breakfast: 7.30-7.50. An approximate daily routine for a primary school student. Walk or play and sports activities outdoors: 14.30-16.00.

“Daily routine” - Do everything quickly and carefully. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do. Continue the proverbs and sayings: If you miss a minute, you will lose an hour. Regime – routine of affairs, actions. Human hygiene. Get down to business - don't get distracted. Five minutes for noise and jokes.

“Labor and Rest Camp” - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow in the school museum. And, of course, how nice it is to receive the money you personally earned... In Lianozovsky Park. In the assembly hall we will wipe down every chair, Goals are achieved, tasks are solved. If you work well, eat well! As well as certificates and gifts. Every window sill. The labor and recreation camp at the Education Center has been operating annually for more than 10 years.

“Leisure rest” - The concept of “Leisure”. Statistics. In his free time, the individual is free from responsibility to society. There are many interpretations of the word "leisure". Year after year, the number of children attending sections and clubs decreases. We know that time is stretchable. Rest. A survey of modern teenagers revealed another sad fact.

“Lesson daily routine” - Free time. Lessons. Get dressed. Dream. Soap. Teach children to create a daily routine. Walk. So as not to be late for school. Why do you need to follow a daily routine? To consolidate students' knowledge of hygiene standards and culture of behavior. School. Remember firmly that... Breakfast. Dinner. To keep up with everything. Make the bed.