Drawings of planets of the solar system. About the planets of the solar system for children. How to draw the planets of the solar system with a pencil

    In order to draw the solar system, you must first know and study the solar system well, and then take blank white paper, multi-colored pencils, an original picture solar system(like a still life) and start with the outline of the planets and the sun, rearrange the planets correctly and then paint them. There are already very good graphic pictures above, so I have attached only pictures from which you can start drawing, following my instructions.

    If you need a drawing with all the planets around the sun, then user Txajan showed exactly how to draw the solar system. I want to suggest how to draw the solar system from another review.

    Very often at school they are given the task of drawing the solar system. For this purpose we will need colored pencils and a sheet of paper.

    First of all, we draw the Sun.

    Then we proceed to the very first planet Mercury. It is a small ball of gray-brown color.

    Behind Mercury is the green-blue Earth with the gray dot of the Moon.

    Then we draw red Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth.

    The gray shadow behind Mars symbolizes the asteroid Belt.

    Next comes the striped orange and white Jupiter.

    Then we draw yellow Saturn.

    And behind it is the blue-blue planet Uranus.

    Well last planet- tiny brown Pluto.

    In order to draw our solar system using pencils step by step, we will need the following items.

    To begin with, we need - Pencils (multi-colored), white paper and, most importantly, a Photo - diagram.

    Below I have attached a photo diagram for your convenience. draw our solar system.

    First you need to draw the orbits of the planets (as in the diagram.)

    Then we start drawing general form planets of the solar system.

    At the beginning you need draw the sun.

    After this you need draw Planet Mercury.

    Then you need draw the planet Venus.

    Then we begin draw the planet Mars.

    After Mars you need draw the planet Jupiter.

    After you drew the planet Jupiter, start draw the planet Saturn.

    After Saturn draw the planet Uranus.

    After you have drawn the planets, start drawing comets and asteroids (as in the diagram).

    So we continue, as in the diagram.

    In the end, we begin to paint as in the diagram below and get such a beautiful picture of the solar system.

    Draw the solar system There are different ways to attend a physics lesson.

    Main principle drawing of the solar system - it is necessary to show the sun in the center of the system, and the planets that revolve around the sun in their orbits.

    In the solar system, Mercury is closest to the sun, followed by the planet Venus, then our planet Earth, then Mars, after Mars Jupiter, then Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

    You can draw the orbits of the planets of the solar system by simply placing circles around a circle-sun or by drawing them in the form of ellipses.

    The planets themselves are drawn in the form of circles; it is advisable to keep the size of the circles in accordance with the size of the planets, showing their approximate sizes in relation to each other.

    Drawing of the solar system You can simply draw it with a pen or felt-tip pen, or you can color it. making the background dark.

    The solar system is the Sun and other space objects that revolve around this star.

    Drawing the solar system is not that difficult. You just need to know the placement of certain objects/planets, their order and name.

    We draw the solar system with a pencil like this:

    Drawing the solar system with a pencil is not that difficult. To do this, you need to designate the center of the system - the sun. You can draw a large circle and flames from it. Then we draw a circle and a circle with the planet Mercury on it. Draw another circle and next planet On him. This is how we depict all the planets of the solar system.

    All the drawings are relatively easy, so everyone can copy them.

    The most important and main tool - an assistant in drawing our Solar System - is a compass! Or, as a last resort, an mp3 disc. It will help you draw both the Sun and all the planetary orbits.

    We start, perhaps, with the largest circle (this is our Sun), draw lines of orbits, draw the planets with a compass, and depict the stars as many points.

    I propose to draw the Solar System with a pencil step by step as follows:

    Drawing steps:

    1) We start drawing with an image of the sun and nine lines around which we will place the planets;

    2) We begin to draw planets with circles;

    3) We draw Saturn with a circle around meteorites;

    4) We finish drawing Plato;

    5) We shade the planets with a pencil.

The solar system is a group of planets revolving in specific orbits around a bright star - the Sun. This star is the main source of heat and light in the solar system.

It is believed that our planetary system was formed as a result of the explosion of one or more stars and this happened about 4.5 billion years ago. At first, the Solar System was an accumulation of gas and dust particles, however, over time and under the influence of its own mass, the Sun and other planets arose.

Planets of the Solar System

At the center of the solar system is the Sun, around which eight planets move in their orbits: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Until 2006, Pluto also belonged to this group of planets; it was considered the 9th planet from the Sun, however, due to its significant distance from the Sun and small size, it was excluded from this list and called a dwarf planet. More precisely, it is one of several dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt.

All of the above planets are usually divided into two large groups: the terrestrial group and the gas giants.

The terrestrial group includes such planets as: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. They are distinguished by their small size and rocky surface, and in addition, they are located closest to the Sun.

TO gas giants include: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. They are characterized by large sizes and the presence of rings, which are ice dust and rocky pieces. These planets consist mainly of gas.


The Sun is the star around which all the planets and satellites in the solar system revolve. It consists of hydrogen and helium. The age of the Sun is 4.5 billion years, it is only in the middle of its life cycle, gradually increasing in size. Now the diameter of the Sun is 1,391,400 km. In just the same number of years, this star will expand and reach the orbit of the Earth.

The sun is the source of heat and light for our planet. Its activity increases or becomes weaker every 11 years.

Due to the extremely high temperatures on its surface, a detailed study of the Sun is extremely difficult, but attempts to launch a special device as close to the star as possible continue.

Terrestrial group of planets


This planet is one of the smallest in the solar system, its diameter is 4,879 km. In addition, it is closest to the Sun. This proximity predetermined a significant temperature difference. average temperature on Mercury during the daytime it is +350 degrees Celsius, and at night - -170 degrees.

If we take the Earth year as a guide, Mercury makes a full revolution around the Sun in 88 days, and one day there lasts 59 Earth days. It was noticed that this planet can periodically change the speed of its rotation around the Sun, its distance from it and its position.

There is no atmosphere on Mercury; therefore, it is often attacked by asteroids and leaves behind a lot of craters on its surface. Sodium, helium, argon, hydrogen, and oxygen were discovered on this planet.

A detailed study of Mercury is very difficult due to its close proximity to the Sun. Sometimes Mercury can be seen from Earth with the naked eye.

According to one theory, it is believed that Mercury was previously a satellite of Venus, however, this assumption has not yet been proven. Mercury does not have its own satellite.


This planet is the second from the Sun. In size it is close to the diameter of the Earth, the diameter is 12,104 km. In all other respects, Venus differs significantly from our planet. A day here lasts 243 Earth days, and a year lasts 255 days. The atmosphere of Venus is 95% composed of carbon dioxide, which creates on its surface Greenhouse effect. This results in an average temperature on the planet of 475 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere also contains 5% nitrogen and 0.1% oxygen.

Unlike the Earth, most of whose surface is covered with water, there is no liquid on Venus, and almost the entire surface is occupied by solidified basaltic lava. According to one theory, there used to be oceans on this planet, however, as a result of internal heating, they evaporated and the vapors were carried away solar wind into outer space. Near the surface of Venus, weak winds blow, however, at an altitude of 50 km their speed increases significantly and amounts to 300 meters per second.

Venus has many craters and hills that resemble earth's continents. The formation of craters is associated with the fact that the planet previously had a less dense atmosphere.

A distinctive feature of Venus is that, unlike other planets, its movement occurs not from west to east, but from east to west. It can be seen from Earth even without the help of a telescope after sunset or before sunrise. This is due to the ability of its atmosphere to reflect light well.

Venus has no satellite.


Our planet is located at a distance of 150 million km from the Sun, and this allows us to create on its surface a temperature suitable for the existence of liquid water, and, therefore, for the emergence of life.

Its surface is 70% covered with water, and it is the only planet to contain such an amount of liquid. It is believed that many thousands of years ago, steam contained in the atmosphere created the temperature on the Earth's surface necessary for the formation of liquid water, and solar radiation contributed to photosynthesis and the birth of life on the planet.

The peculiarity of our planet is that under earth's crust there are huge tectonic plates, which, moving, collide with each other and lead to changes in the landscape.

The diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km. An earthly day lasts 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds, and a year lasts 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 10 seconds. Its atmosphere is 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and a small percentage of other gases. None of the atmospheres of other planets in the solar system has such an amount of oxygen.

According to scientific research, the age of the Earth is 4.5 billion years, approximately the same amount of time it has existed the only satellite Moon. It is always turned to our planet with only one side. There are many craters, mountains and plains on the surface of the Moon. It reflects very little sunlight, so it is visible from Earth in the pale moonlight.


This planet is the fourth from the Sun and is 1.5 times more distant from it than the Earth. The diameter of Mars is smaller than Earth's and is 6,779 km. The average air temperature on the planet ranges from -155 degrees to +20 degrees at the equator. The magnetic field on Mars is much weaker than that of Earth, and the atmosphere is quite thin, which allows solar radiation to unimpededly affect the surface. In this regard, if there is life on Mars, it is not on the surface.

When surveyed with the help of Mars rovers, it was found that there are many mountains on Mars, as well as dried up river beds and glaciers. The surface of the planet is covered with red sand. It is iron oxide that gives Mars its color.

One of the most frequent events on the planet are dust storms, which are voluminous and destructive. It was not possible to detect geological activity on Mars, however, it is reliably known that significant geological events previously occurred on the planet.

The atmosphere of Mars consists of 96% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen and 1.6% argon. Oxygen and water vapor are present in minimal quantities.

A day on Mars is similar in length to those on Earth and is 24 hours 37 minutes 23 seconds. A year on the planet lasts twice as long as on Earth - 687 days.

The planet has two satellites Phobos and Deimos. They are small in size and uneven in shape, reminiscent of asteroids.

Sometimes Mars is also visible from Earth with the naked eye.

Gas giants


This planet is the largest in the solar system and has a diameter of 139,822 km, which is 19 times larger than Earth. A day on Jupiter lasts 10 hours, and a year is approximately 12 Earth years. Jupiter is mainly composed of xenon, argon and krypton. If it were 60 times larger, it could become a star due to a spontaneous thermonuclear reaction.

The average temperature on the planet is -150 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere consists of hydrogen and helium. There is no oxygen or water on its surface. There is an assumption that there is ice in the atmosphere of Jupiter.

Jupiter has a huge number of satellites - 67. The largest of them are Io, Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. Ganymede is one of the largest moons in the Solar System. Its diameter is 2634 km, which is approximately the size of Mercury. In addition, a thick layer of ice can be seen on its surface, under which there may be water. Callisto is considered the most ancient of the satellites, since it is its surface that has the largest number of craters.


This planet is the second largest in the solar system. Its diameter is 116,464 km. It is most similar in composition to the Sun. A year on this planet lasts quite a long time, almost 30 Earth years, and a day lasts 10.5 hours. The average surface temperature is -180 degrees.

Its atmosphere consists mainly of hydrogen and a small amount of helium. In her upper layers Thunderstorms and auroras often occur.

Saturn is unique in that it has 65 moons and several rings. The rings are made up of small particles of ice and rock formations. Ice dust perfectly reflects light, so Saturn's rings are very clearly visible through a telescope. However, it is not the only planet with a diadem; it is just less noticeable on other planets.


Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system and the seventh from the Sun. It has a diameter of 50,724 km. It is also called " ice planet", since the temperature on its surface is -224 degrees. A day on Uranus lasts 17 hours, and a year lasts 84 Earth years. Moreover, summer lasts as long as winter - 42 years. This a natural phenomenon This is due to the fact that the axis of that planet is located at an angle of 90 degrees to the orbit and it turns out that Uranus seems to be “lying on its side.”

Uranus has 27 moons. The most famous of them are: Oberon, Titania, Ariel, Miranda, Umbriel.


Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. It is similar in composition and size to its neighbor Uranus. The diameter of this planet is 49,244 km. A day on Neptune lasts 16 hours, and a year is equal to 164 Earth years. Neptune is an ice giant and for a long time it was believed that no weather phenomena occur on its icy surface. However, it was recently discovered that Neptune has raging vortices and wind speeds that are the highest among the planets in the solar system. It reaches 700 km/h.

Neptune has 14 moons, the most famous of which is Triton. It is known to have its own atmosphere.

Neptune also has rings. This planet has 6 of them.

Interesting facts about the planets of the solar system

Compared to Jupiter, Mercury seems like a dot in the sky. These are the actual proportions in the solar system:

Venus is often called the Morning and Evening Star, since it is the first of the stars visible in the sky at sunset and the last to disappear from visibility at dawn.

An interesting fact about Mars is the fact that methane was found on it. Due to the thin atmosphere, it constantly evaporates, which means that the planet has a constant source of this gas. Such a source could be living organisms inside the planet.

There are no seasons on Jupiter. The biggest mystery is the so-called “Great Red Spot”. Its origin on the surface of the planet has not yet been fully elucidated. Scientists suggest that it was formed by a huge hurricane, which has been rotating at very high speed for several centuries.

An interesting fact is that Uranus, like many planets in the solar system, has its own ring system. Due to the fact that the particles that make up them do not reflect light well, the rings could not be detected immediately after the discovery of the planet.

Neptune has a rich blue color, so it was named after the ancient Roman god - the master of the seas. Due to its distant location, this planet was one of the last to be discovered. At the same time, its location was calculated mathematically, and after time it was able to be seen, and precisely in the calculated place.

Light from the Sun reaches the surface of our planet in 8 minutes.

The solar system, despite its long and careful study, still conceals many mysteries and secrets that have yet to be revealed. One of the most fascinating hypotheses is the assumption of the presence of life on other planets, the search for which is actively continuing.

Space attracts not only scientists. This is an eternal topic for drawing. Of course, we cannot see everything with our own eyes. But the photos and videos taken by the astronauts are amazing. And in our instructions we will try to depict space. This lesson is simple, but it will help your child figure out where each planet is located.

You will need: a sheet of paper; pencil; eraser; compass;
Step 1

Main circle

First, draw a large circle on the right side of the paper. If you don't have a compass, you can trace a round object.


The orbits of the planets depart from the center and are at the same distance.

central part

The circles gradually increase in size. Of course, they won’t fit completely, so draw semicircles.

The orbits of planets never intersect, otherwise they will collide with each other.

Finishing drawing the orbits

The entire sheet should be covered in semicircles. We know of only nine planets. But what if in distant orbits there are also cosmic bodies that move in the most distant orbits.


Make the central circle a little smaller and outline it with a thick line so that the Sun stands out against the background of the other orbits.

Mercury, Venus and Earth

Now let's start drawing the planets. They need to be arranged in a certain order. Each planet has its own orbit. Mercury revolves near the Sun itself. Behind it, in the second orbit, is Venus. Earth comes third.

Mars, Saturn and Neptune

Earth's neighbor is Mars. It is slightly smaller than our planet. Leave the fifth orbit empty for now. The next circles are Saturn, Neptune. These celestial bodies They are also called giant planets, as they are tens of times larger than the Earth.

Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto

There is another one between Saturn and Neptune big planet- Uranus. Draw it on the side so that the images do not touch.

Most big planet Jupiter is considered the solar system. That's why we'll depict it on the side, away from other planets. And in the ninth orbit, add the smallest celestial body - Pluto.

Rings on Saturn

Saturn is famous for the rings that have appeared around it. Draw several ovals in the center of the planet. Draw the rays different sizes, which depart from the Sun.

Surfaces of planets

The surface of each planet is not uniform. Even our Sun has different shades and black spots. On each planet, draw the surface using circles and semicircles.

Draw fog on the surface of Jupiter. Sandstorms often occur on this planet and it is covered with clouds.

The last details are the concentric circles on the Sun. On some planets, draw a shadow by separating it with a semicircle. You can also draw its satellite, the Moon, near the Earth.


Space in space is dark blue. The Sun is yellow, Mercury is gray, Venus and Jupiter are brown. The earth is green-blue. Mars is red, Neptune is green, Saturn is sandy in color, and its rings are white or light blue because they are icy. Uranus is blue-blue and Neptune is gray-black. You can also add other details: stars, comets and asteroids.

How to draw the Solar System with a pencil step by step?

    In order to draw the solar system, you must first know and study the solar system well, and then take blank white paper, multi-colored pencils, an original picture of the solar system (like a still life) and start with the outline of the planets and the sun, rearrange the planets correctly and then paint them. There are already very good graphic pictures above, so I have attached only pictures from which you can start drawing, following my instructions.

    If you need a drawing with all the planets around the sun, then user Txajan showed exactly how to draw the solar system. I want to suggest how to draw the solar system from another review.

    Very often at school they are given the task of drawing the solar system. For this purpose we will need colored pencils and a sheet of paper.

    First of all, we draw the Sun.

    Then we proceed to the very first planet Mercury. It is a small ball of gray-brown color.

    Behind Mercury is the green-blue Earth with the gray dot of the Moon.

    Then we draw red Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth.

    The gray shadow behind Mars symbolizes the asteroid Belt.

    Next comes the striped orange and white Jupiter.

    Then we draw yellow Saturn.

    And behind it is the blue-blue planet Uranus.

    Well, the last planet is tiny brown Pluto.

    In order to draw our solar system using pencils step by step, we will need the following items.

    To begin with, we need - Pencils (multi-colored), white paper and, most importantly, a photo - diagram.

    Below I have attached a photo diagram for your convenience. draw our solar system.

    First you need to draw the orbits of the planets (as in the diagram.)

    Then we begin to draw a general view of the planets of the solar system.

    At the beginning you need draw the sun.

    After this you need draw Planet Mercury.

    Then you need draw the planet Venus.

    Then we begin draw the planet Mars.

    After Mars you need draw the planet Jupiter.

    After you drew the planet Jupiter, start draw the planet Saturn.

    After Saturn draw the planet Uranus.

    After you have drawn the planets, start drawing comets and asteroids (as in the diagram).

    So we continue, as in the diagram.

    In the end, we begin to paint as in the diagram below and get such a beautiful picture of the solar system.

    Draw the solar system There are different ways to attend a physics lesson.

    The main principle of drawing the solar system is to show the sun in the center of the system, and the planets that revolve around the sun in their orbits.

    In the solar system, Mercury is closest to the sun, followed by the planet Venus, then our planet Earth, then Mars, after Mars Jupiter, then Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

    You can draw the orbits of the planets of the solar system by simply placing circles around a circle-sun or by drawing them in the form of ellipses.

    The planets themselves are drawn in the form of circles; it is advisable to keep the size of the circles in accordance with the size of the planets, showing their approximate sizes in relation to each other.

    Drawing of the solar system You can simply draw it with a pen or felt-tip pen, or you can color it. making the background dark.

    The solar system is the Sun and other space objects that revolve around this star.

    Drawing the solar system is not that difficult. You just need to know the placement of certain objects/planets, their order and name.

    We draw the solar system with a pencil like this:

    Drawing the solar system with a pencil is not that difficult. To do this, you need to designate the center of the system - the sun. You can draw a large circle and flames from it. Then we draw a circle and a circle with the planet Mercury on it. We draw another circle and the next planet on it. This is how we depict all the planets of the solar system.

    You can depict the orbits of the planets in semicircles like this:

    The solar system is already drawn very thoroughly, so I’ll just add...

    Isn't it a beautiful photo...

    Since it is not indicated which stars are needed, I propose this option.

    Schematic drawing of the planets.

    And here is our planet Earth.

    All the drawings are relatively easy, so everyone can copy them.

    The most important and main tool - an assistant in drawing our Solar System - is a compass! Or, as a last resort, an mp3 disc. It will help you draw both the Sun and all the planetary orbits.

    We start, perhaps, with the largest circle (this is our Sun), draw lines of orbits, draw the planets with a compass, and depict the stars as many points.

    I propose to draw the Solar System with a pencil step by step as follows:

    Drawing steps:

    1) We start drawing with an image of the sun and nine lines around which we will place the planets;

    2) We begin to draw planets with circles;

    3) We draw Saturn with a circle around meteorites;

    4) We finish drawing Plato;

    5) We shade the planets with a pencil.

Preparing for work

We will need pencils and colored pencils, glitter, an eraser, a compass, a sheet of paper and a little theory. To understand how to draw the solar system correctly, remember school curriculum. This will help us avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

  1. It is impossible to convey the true sizes and distances between cosmic bodies in the picture. After all, if the Sun is depicted the size of a tennis ball, then the Earth must be drawn as a small dot at a distance of 4 meters from it. Therefore, for clarity, the proportions will have to be distorted.
  2. At the center of the solar system is a star called the Sun. Various cosmic bodies, large and small, rotate around it in ellipsoidal orbits. The pictures usually depict the largest of them - the planets.
  3. When we were in school, we memorized: there are nine planets in the solar system. However, in 2006, Pluto was officially stripped of this title. It took its place among the dwarf planets, which includes, besides it, four more cosmic bodies.

How to draw the Solar System with a pencil? Sketch

Let's start drawing. Using a simple pencil, place a dot on the left side of the sheet, placing it approximately in the middle. We draw a slightly rounded line towards the center, directing it slightly upward, as shown in the diagram. Then we continue the line to the right, lifting it again towards the end of the album sheet. The orbits of cosmic bodies will be located on this line. We denote them with dashes, keeping in mind the sizes.

As you can see in the pictures, the smallest planet is Mercury, the largest is Jupiter. Decide whether you will depict Pluto or follow the scientists in excluding it from the list.

Using a compass, draw a large circle on the left. This is the Sun. It should occupy about a third of the sheet, although in reality its dimensions are even larger compared to other bodies.

How to draw the planets of the solar system?

In those places where the orbits of cosmic bodies were outlined, we draw circles with a compass or by hand. First - small Mercury, then Venus and the larger Earth. Where the rounded line rises is Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth and Venus. All these are planets terrestrial group. After them comes the asteroid belt, which we will depict later.

Let's start drawing the giant planets formed by their gas. We denote Jupiter with a fairly large circle. Saturn is a little smaller, we draw rings around it. They consist of both small dust particles and entire blocks of ice rotating around the orbit. In fact, other giant planets of the Solar System also have such rings, but they are much less pronounced. Let's denote Uranus as a smaller circle, Neptune as a slightly larger circle, but both planets should be much larger than ours native land. If you want to draw Pluto, make it really tiny. Now we erase all the auxiliary lines.

Let's add colors

How to draw the solar system in paints? Follow our instructions and you won't go wrong! Color the sun bright orange with red spots added. Mercury - in grey. For Venus you will need a yellow pencil, for Earth - a blue one. Mars is famous for its red-orange soil, rich in iron.

Gas planets do not have a solid surface. They are covered with clouds. On Jupiter, in addition to white clouds, there are also orange ones. Let's paint it with these colors. For Saturn you will need yellow, but not bright, but pale. Color Uranus blue, applying almost no pressure to the pencil. Neptune is exactly the same, but appears darker because it is further from the Sun. Let's denote Pluto as light brown. Our planets are ready, all that remains is to add the finishing touches.

Finishing the drawing

It's time to depict small celestial bodies. Between Mars and Jupiter there is an asteroid belt. There are more than 600 thousand of them in total. In the figure, asteroids can be indicated by many points evenly distributed along an ellipsoidal orbit.

Beyond the planet Neptune there are also many icy fragments that make up the Kuiper Belt. Pluto is one of the largest objects in this cluster. We take a pencil and use dots to depict this phenomenon. From here comets sometimes fly into the solar system. They look like a ball from which many straight lines of different lengths extend.

We color outer space black. All that remains is to decorate the picture with tiny shining stars. You can use glitter for this purpose. The drawing is ready.

Now you know how to draw the solar system with your child and amaze school teacher astronomical knowledge. We hope that working together will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

Space beckons with its mysteries and mystery. Let's try on simple examples understand the complex structure of the Universe. Let's make a model of the solar system with the children and go on a journey to distant stars.


There are a lot of stars and planets in our Universe. They are far from each other, but we can see some even with the naked eye. All planets are different, and only on Earth there is life. Our Earth revolves around the Sun, and with it seven other planets. Some planets have satellites. The Earth, for example, has the Moon.

A simple rhyme will help you remember all the planets of our solar system:

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.

In order for this short story to resonate with a child’s soul, we suggest making a visual model of the Solar System, guided by one of the proposed ideas.


The universe is limitless, but for convenience, let's put part of it in a shoebox. Space in a box is not difficult to make, the materials are very simple.

Remove the lid from the shoe box. Invite your child to paint the bottom and sides with the “color of space” - dark blue, black. Make stars from plasticine or colored cardboard and glue them to the walls of the space box. The most important part of the work is to sculpt all the planets of the solar system and the Sun itself. Help your child attach space objects to strings and secure them to the top wall of an upside-down box.

While they were crafting, we remembered the names of the planets, tried to approximately maintain their sizes relative to each other and fix their location relative to the Sun and their neighbors.


If your child is one of those who likes to study the issue thoroughly, in all the small details, be puzzled appearance planets. Discuss why this or that planet is the color it is and what this is connected with.


Mercury grey . The surface is rocky with large craters.


Venus yellow-white. It has this color due to a dense layer of sulfuric acid clouds.


Earth light blue. The oceans and atmosphere give it this color when viewed from a distance. When you get closer, you can see the colors brown, yellow and green.


Mars red-orange. It is rich in iron oxides, due to which the soil has a characteristic color.


Jupiter orange with white splashes. Orange is due to ammonium hydrosulfide clouds, white is due to ammonia clouds. There is no solid surface on Jupiter.


Saturn light yellow. The red clouds are covered with a thin haze of white ammonia clouds, creating the illusion of a light yellow color. There is no hard surface.


Uranus pale blue due to methane clouds. There is no hard surface.


Neptune pale blue. Covered with methane clouds (like Uranus), but due to its distance from the Sun it appears darker. There is no hard surface.


Pluto light brown. The rocky surface and dirty icy methane crust give it such a hue. Sometimes it is referred to as the 9th planet of the solar system, but it is worth knowing that not so long ago it was excluded from the list of planets and classified as dwarfs. Astronomers have substantiated the reasons for this.


The planets revolve around the Sun along a certain trajectory. To explain this to your child, make a layout on horizontal plane. Draw circles and place each planet on its own “treadmill.”


You can show the approximate distance from the planets to the Sun on a model with wooden skewers.



You can visually depict the size of the planets and the distance to the Sun in this way. The planets are wool balls. The sun is the top of the tree. Each planet is on its own “branch”.



Here is an example of a visual aid that not only explains how everything works in the Universe, but also serves as a decoration for the room, an excellent decoration for.


You can also find worthwhile manuals on sale that will clearly demonstrate the “relationships” between the planets of the solar system.


Tell us what layouts you came up with. We are waiting for stories and photos in the comments.