The best modern military warships. Top largest ships in the world. What was it for?

Since ancient times, a powerful and well-organized military navy was of decisive importance for any country that fought for world domination and cared about its own security. Therefore, over the past 100 years in different countries Thousands of powerful battleships and aircraft carriers were built around the world. This review is about the largest warships in the world.

1. "Akagi"

Akagi is an aircraft carrier that was built for the Imperial Japanese Navy. She was in service from 1927 to 1942 and took part in the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Then the Akagi was heavily damaged during the Battle of Midway in June 1942 and was then deliberately scuttled. The length of the ship was 261.2 m.

2. "Yamato"

The Yamato-class battleships were built for the Imperial Japanese Navy and served during World War II. With a displacement of 73,000 tons, they were the heaviest battleships in history. The length of such a ship was 263 m. Although it was originally planned to build 5 Yamato-class ships, only 3 were completed.

3. "Essex"

The backbone of the US Navy's combat power during World War II was the Essex-class aircraft carrier. There were once 24 of these ships, but today only 4 survive and are used as museum ships.

4. "Nimitz"

Nimitz-class supercarriers are 10 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers built for the US Navy. These ships, 333 m long and weighing more than 100,000 long tons when fully loaded, were the largest warships in history. The ships have participated in many battles and operations around the world, including Operation Eagle Claw in Iran, the Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan.

5. "Shinano"

Shinano is a 266.1 m long, 65,800 ton ship that was the largest aircraft carrier built for the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. However, with deadlines pressing, the warship was sent into battle without correcting several serious design and construction flaws. She eventually sank just 10 days after she was commissioned on November 29, 1944.

6. "Iowa"

In 1939-1940, the US Navy commissioned 6 Iowa-class battleships, but ultimately only 4 were completed. They served in several major American wars, including World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. The length of these battleships was 270 m, and the displacement was 45,000 “long” tons.

7. Lexington

Two Lexington-class aircraft carriers were built for the US Navy during the 1920s. The warships proved extremely successful and served in many battles. One of them, the Lexington, was sunk in the Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942, and the other, the Saratoga, was destroyed during testing atomic bomb in 1946.

8. "Kyiv"

Also known as Project 1143 Krechet, the Kyiv-class aircraft carriers were the first aircraft-carrying anti-submarine cruisers built in the Soviet Union. Of the 4 Kiev class vessels that were completed, 1 was decommissioned, 2 were mothballed, and the last one (Admiral Gorshkov) was sold to the Indian Navy, where it is still in service today.

9. "Queen Elizabeth"

Queen Elizabeth - 2 aircraft carriers currently under construction for the British Royal navy. The first, Queen Elizabeth, will be ready for use in 2017, and the second, Prince of Wales, is scheduled for completion in 2020. The length of the ship is 284 meters, and the displacement is about 70,600 tons.

10. “Admiral Kuznetsov”

The Kuznetsov class ships are the last 2 aircraft carriers built in the Soviet Navy. Today, one of them, Admiral Kuznetsov (built in 1990), is in service with the Russian Navy, and the second, Liaoning, was sold to China and completed only in 2012. The length of the ship is a staggering 302 m.

11. "Midway"

The Midway-class aircraft carriers were among the longest-serving aircraft carriers in history. The first of them entered service in 1945 and was decommissioned only in 1992, shortly after participating in Operation Desert Storm.

12. "John F. Kennedy"

Nicknamed "Big John", the USS John F. Kennedy is the only ship in her class. It was a 320 m long aircraft carrier that was even capable of effectively fighting submarines.

13. "Forrestal"

In the 1950s, 4 Forrestal-class aircraft carriers (Forrestal, Saratoga, Ranger and Independence) were designed and built for the US Navy. It was the first supercarrier to combine high tonnage, aircraft lifts and a corner deck. The ships were 325 m long and had a displacement of 60,000 tons.

14. "Gerald R. Ford"

The Gerald R. Ford is a supercarrier that is being built to replace some of the existing Nimitz-class carriers. Although the new ships have a hull similar to the Nimitz aircraft carriers, they have introduced new technologies, such as an electromagnetic aircraft launch system, as well as other design features intended to improve efficiency and reduce operating costs. Also, the Gerald R. Ford warships will be slightly larger than the Nimitz (their length will be 337 m).

15. "USS Enterprise"

The world's first ship to carry nuclear-armed aircraft, the Enterprise (342 m long) was the longest and perhaps also the most famous warship in history. She remained in service for 51 consecutive years, longer than any other American warship, and was used in numerous battles and wars, including the Cuban Crisis, the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and more.

Humans have long strived to create something great, raising the bar time after time and engaging in continuous displays of superiority and power. Each new creation, structure or mechanism had to be stronger, faster, taller, wider, larger and more durable than the previous ones. The military industry is no exception. Since ancient times, the strength of the navy largely determined the winner of the battle and clearly demonstrated the balance of power. Civilizations have constantly fought for fertile lands and influence in strategically advantageous sea basins. As a result, over the past centuries, thousands of magnificent and amazing ships have been built, designed to testify to the military power of their country. In this selection you will find 25 of the largest military ships ever launched.

25. America-class universal landing ships

America is a huge attack ship and one of the largest ships in the US Navy. So far, there is only one ship of this configuration, and this is the USS America, built in 2014. The length of the vessel is 257 meters, and its displacement is about 45,000 tons!

24. Shokaku-class warship


Both Shokaku-class aircraft carriers were built for the Imperial Japanese Navy in the late 1930s. Construction of the ships was completed shortly before the outbreak of World War II in 1941, and these ships were considered at one time to be virtually "indisputably the best aircraft carriers in the world." The Shokaku class vessel reached 257.5 meters in length. Both giants were sunk by the enemy in 1944.

23. Audacious-class ships

Photo: anonymous, 09 HMS Eagle Mediterranean Jan1970

The Audacious class aircraft carriers were designed by military engineers for the British government in the 1930s and 1940s. Show in action while fighting Nazi Germany they never succeeded, since the construction of these ships was completed after the end of World War II. Audacious warships participated in exercises and strategic operations from 1951 to 1979. The length of such a vessel was 257.6 meters.

22. Taiho class aircraft carrier


Taiho was first launched in 1941 as an aircraft carrier for the Empire of Japan, built to fight in World War II. The total length of the ship was 260.6 meters, and its design assumed invulnerability even in the face of massive bombardment, torpedoing and other attacks on the hull. The aircraft carrier Taiho was supposed to be able to continue fighting in any conditions, but in 1944 it was all sunk. The ship sank after a direct hit by a torpedo fired by the American submarine USS Albacore during a fierce battle in the Philippine Sea.

21. Warship Akagi


The Japanese navy has had its fair share of great ships, and Akagi is another of the Asian empire's famous aircraft carriers, serving from 1927 to 1942. The ship proved its worth first in the Second Sino-Japanese War of the 1930s, and then during World War II in the legendary attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. The aircraft carrier's last battle was the Battle of Midway in June 1942. Akagi was seriously damaged in the battle, and its captain decided to scuttle the ship himself, which was a common practice among Japanese Navy captains in those years. The length of the ship was 261.2 meters.

20. Charles de Gaulle class warship


Let's move straight to the numbers - the length of the French flagship Charles de Gaulle is 261.5 meters, and its displacement is 42,500 tons. Today, this warship is considered the largest warship in the entire Western Europe, still launched to participate in exercises and strategic operations. The flagship Charles de Gaulle was first commissioned in 1994, and today the nuclear-powered vessel remains the leading aircraft carrier of the French navy.

19. Ship INS Vikrant

Photo: Indian Navy

This is the first aircraft carrier built in India. This warship is 262 meters long and weighs about 40,000 tons. Vikrant is still in the process of being fitted out and is scheduled for completion in 2023. The name of the aircraft carrier is translated from Indian as “courageous” or “daring.”

18. English warship HMS Hood


And this is one of the oldest warships on our list of the world's largest naval ships. HMS Hood was the last battle cruiser built for the Royal Navy. Launched in August 1918, HMS Hood measured 262.3 meters in length and boasted a displacement of 46,680 tons. The impressive cruiser was sunk by the Germans during World War II in the Battle of the Denmark Strait in 1941.

17. Combat vessel of the Graf Zeppelin class


The four Graf Zeppelin-class ships were to become Kriegsmarine vessels (the German navy of the Third Reich era), and their construction was planned in the 1930s. However, due to political differences between the German Navy and the Luftwaffe (Luftwaffe, air Force composed of the Reichswehr, Wehrmacht and Bundeswehr), due to disagreements among the highest ranks of the Kriegsmarine itself and because Adolf Hitler lost interest in the project, none of these impressive aircraft carriers were ever launched. According to the engineers, the length of such a ship should have been 262.5 meters.

16. Yamato-class warships


The Yamato class ships were warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy built and launched during World War II. The maximum displacement of these giants was 72,000 tons, for which they are still considered one of the heaviest warships in the history of the navy around the world. The total length of the Yamato-class vessel was 263 meters, and although 5 such warships were originally planned for construction, only 3 were eventually completed.

15. Clemenceau type vessel


The Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers were a pair of warships in service with the French Navy from 1961 to 2000. In 2000, one of these aircraft carriers, Clemenceau, was disarmed and dismantled, and the second, Foch, was transferred to the Brazilian Navy. The aircraft carrier Foch remains in the port of Sao Paolo to this day. Its total length is 265 meters.

14. Aircraft carriers Essex


Here is the forefront of the US Navy during World War II, the Essex-class aircraft carrier. In the 20th century, this type of warship was the most common type of large warship. There were 24 of them in total, and 4 of these aircraft carriers are open to the public today as floating museums of American Navy history. So if you happen to travel to the states and want to get on board a real battle cruiser, the ships Yorktown, Intrepid, Hornet and Lexington will be happy to lift the veil of military secrets of the mid-20th century for you.

13. Battle aircraft carrier Shinano


Shinano was a huge aircraft carrier that served in the Imperial Navy of Japan during World War II. The ship was 266.1 meters long and weighed 65,800 tons. However, the Japanese rushed to launch it, since at that time Shinano still needed design improvements. It is probably for this reason that the giant aircraft carrier lasted only 10 days in the war and was sunk at the end of 1944.

12. Iowa class warship


Fast battleships Iowa class were built by order of the US Navy in 1939 and 1940 in the amount of 6 combat units. As a result, only 4 ships out of 6 were launched, but all of them took part in a number of important confrontations for America, including World War II, Korean and Vietnam War. The length of these artillery armored ships was 270 meters, and the displacement was 45,000 tons.

11. Lexington-class aircraft carrier


A total of 2 such aircraft carriers were built, and both ships were designed for the US Navy in the 1920s. This class of ships performed very well and was seen in many battles. One of these warships was the aircraft carrier Lexington, which was sunk by its enemies during the 1942 Battle of the Coral Sea. The second ship, Saratoga, was blown up during atomic bomb testing in 1946.

10. Kiev class combat vessel


Also known as Project 1143 or the aircraft-carrying cruiser Krechet, the Kyiv-class ship was the first Soviet aircraft carrier to transport fixed-wing aircraft. To date, of the 4 ships built, one has been dismantled, 2 are out of commission, and the last one, Admiral Gorshkov, was sold to the Indian Navy, where it is still in service.

9. Queen Elizabeth class warship

Photo: UK Ministry of Defense, flickr

This is one of two Queen Elizabeth class ships, and both of these aircraft carriers are still in the process of being equipped for the Royal Navy. The first ship is HMS Queen Elizabeth, and all work on its construction will be completed in 2017, the second is HMS Prince of Wales, which is scheduled to be launched in 2020. The hull length of the HMS aircraft carriers is 284 meters each, and the maximum displacement is 70,600 tons.

8. Ship of the Admiral Kuznetsov type


The Admiral Kuznetsov class aircraft carriers were the last warships of their kind built for the Soviet Navy. A total of 2 vessels of this class are known, and these are the Admiral Kuznetsov (launched in 1990, still in service in the Russian Navy), as well as the Liaoning (sold to China, construction was completed in 2012). The hull length of aircraft carriers of this class is 302 meters.

7. Midway-class aircraft carrier


The Midway-class aircraft-carrying cruiser project turned out to be one of the most reliable and survivable design solutions in the history of the Navy. The first flagship of the class, launched in 1945, was the USS Midway, and she served the US Army until 1992. The ship's last assignment was participation in Operation Desert in 1991. Another ship in this class is USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, and it was decommissioned from service in 1977. The third aircraft carrier, USS Coral Sea, was transferred to reserve in 1990.

6. American warship USS John F. Kennedy


Nicknamed Big John, the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy is the only one of its kind and the last conventionally powered ship in the US Navy. The ship reaches 320 meters in length, and at one time it was even capable of driving fighting against submarines.

5. Forrestal class warship


This is one of 4 Forrestal class aircraft carriers, designed and built specifically for the US Army in the 1950s. The Forrestal, Saratoga, Ranger and Independence were the first supercarriers to combine significant displacement, elevators and an angular deck. Their length is 325 meters and their maximum weight is 60,000 tons.

4. Gunship Kitty Hawk


The Kitty Hawk class was the next generation of supercarriers for the US Navy after the Forrestal class. There were 3 ships built in this line (Kitty Hawk, Constellation, America), all of them were ready for launch in the 1960s, and today they have already been decommissioned from service. The length of the hull is 327 meters.

3. Nimitz-class aircraft carrier


The Nimitz ships are 10 nuclear-powered supercarriers owned by the American Navy. With an overall length of 333 meters and a maximum displacement of over 100,000 tons, these vessels are considered the world's largest warships underway. They have served in many battles around the world, including Operation Eagle Claw in Iran, the Gulf War, and recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

2. USS Gerald R. Ford


This type of ship is planned to replace some of the still operational Nimitz-class supercarriers. The hull of the new ships will be very similar to the Nimitz cruisers, but in terms of technical equipment, the Gerald R. Ford class will be much more modern. In particular, such innovations as an electromagnetic catapult for launching aircraft and many other technological solutions designed to increase the efficiency of the ship and reduce the cost of its operation are already planned. The Gerald R. Ford aircraft carriers will be slightly longer than the Nimitz class vessels - their length will be 337 meters.

1. Combat ship USS Enterprise


Here is the leader of our list and the first super-aircraft carrier with a nuclear power plant. USS Enterprise is the longest (342 meters) and most famous warship in the world. It has served the US Army for 51 years and is therefore also considered one of the longest-serving US aircraft carriers. USS Enterprise participated in many battles, including the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam and Korean War. In addition, this cruiser took part in the filming feature films. For example, some scenes from Star Trek and Top Gun (Star Trek) were filmed on the deck of the USS Enterprise, which is rightfully considered the largest American aircraft carrier and one of the 10 most dangerous warships on the planet.

One of the most important indicators military power the state, as well as its influence and wealth, becomes the navy. Each country with a navy strives to occupy a leading position in this area and surpass its opponents in this regard. Two of the well-known leaders - the USA and Russia - are armed with the largest ships in the world, which are presented in this rating.

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10. Izumo

A country: Japan
Displacement: 19500 tons (standard)

Our list opens with a squadron destroyer-class " Izumo", which was created to detect and destroy submarines and other objects.

The main Japanese helicopter carrier began operating in 2015. The length of the destroyer is 248 meters, the permissible number of people on board is about 1000. The ship is capable of carrying twenty helicopters. Izumo is one of the most large ships built by the Japanese.

In the near future (2017), another Kaga helicopter carrier is expected to be put into operation.

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9. Nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great"

A country: Russia
Displacement: 23750 tons (standard)

The most powerful naval power - Russia has created four nuclear-powered cruisers of the project 1144 - Orlan. The main cruiser, consisting of this moment in service with the Russian Federation, became a cruiser " Peter the Great“, whose length is 251 meters. Three other cruisers are currently under reconstruction (Admiral Lazarev, Admiral Nakhimov and Admiral Ushakov).

The main combat mission of the "Peter" is the destruction of enemy aircraft carriers. The number of military personnel on the flagship is 1035 people. The flagship is armed with six hundred combat missiles and a large number of other military supplies. And the heart of the cruiser is 2 nuclear reactors of the KN-3 type, producing 300 MW each. The cruiser has two 70,000 hp turbines. each, 4 power plants, 4 steam turbine generators and 4 gas turbine generators.

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8. Landing ships of the "USP" type

A country: USA
Displacement: 28233 tons (standard)

These landing ships were created to land American troops directly on enemy territory. A total of eight ships of this type were built, and they have been operating from 1989 to the present.

The length of the UOSP is 257 meters. This vessel is capable of carrying on board about two thousand naval military personnel and about 40 vessels with military air capabilities.

IN different time these giants terrified the enemy. But the world will remember them not only as a formidable weapon of war. The names of the largest warships of their time are forever inscribed in golden letters in world history.

7. Project 1144 nuclear cruiser “Orlan”

country Russia
length: 250 m
width: 28.5 m
displacement: 25,860 t (full)
crew: 1035 people

“Peter the Great” – this is the proud name that today’s only heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser of Project 1144 “Orlan” bears (a total of four such ships were built). Project 1144 is iconic in every sense. Now "Peter the Great" is the largest warship in the world, not counting aircraft carriers. But the cruiser is famous not only for its size. In open combat, it is superior to any non-aircraft carrier. P-700 Granit cruise missiles with a range of up to 625 km pose a threat even to aircraft carriers (although, to be honest, the ship itself is a convenient target due to its size). Soon, "Peter the Great" may receive new hypersonic missiles "Zircon", thus becoming even more dangerous.

"Peter the Great"

6. Universal landing ships of the "America" ​​type

Country: USA
length: 257.3 m
width: 32.3 m
displacement: 45,700 tons (full)
crew: 1059 crew + troops

Universal landing ships, as you might guess, were created to conduct landing operations. But the Americans have greatly expanded this definition. The new America-class UDC is, in fact, a mini-aircraft carrier that is capable of carrying a solid aviation group of 22 fifth-generation F-35B fighters. These planes will take off from the deck using a short takeoff run, and they will land vertically. But there are other configurations: the UDC can carry many V-22 tiltrotors, which can deliver troops by air much faster than conventional helicopters. The lead ship of the USS America series (LHA 6) was introduced into the US fleet in 2014, and in total the Americans want to receive twelve such ships. In the future, they will replace the Wasp-type UDC.

UDC type "America"

5. Universal landing ships of the Wasp type

Country: USA
length: 257.30 m
width: 42.67 m
displacement: 40,532 tons (full)
crew: 1147 crew + troops

Until the advent of “America”, ships of the “Wasp” type had no competitors in their size among UDCs. They were created specifically to ensure transportation by sea and landing on an unequipped coast of an expeditionary battalion Marine Corps, the number of which can reach almost 1900 people. The paratroopers can be supported by AV-8B Harrier II vertical take-off and landing combat aircraft (their number can reach 20). The Marines also have AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopters at their disposal. At the rear of the Wasp there is a large room where equipment used for landing operations can be located. In total, the American fleet received eight such ships.

UDC type "Wasp"

4. Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers

country: Brazil
length: 265.0 m
width: 51.2 m
displacement: 32,780 t (full)
crew: 1338 people

In fact, aircraft carriers of the Clemenceau type were created not in Brazil, but in France, and back in the 50s. After the appearance of the much more modern Charles de Gaulle, they were removed from service, and one of the ships was transferred to the Brazilian Navy, where it continues to serve to this day. In Brazil, the ship was named "São Paulo". Even today, it remains a fairly formidable combat unit, which can carry up to 40 aircraft, including fifteen French carrier-based Super Étendard attack aircraft.

3. Aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle

country: France
length: 261.5 m
width: 64.36 m
displacement: 42,000 tons (full)
crew: 1200 people

This is the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the French Navy: the authorities wanted to lay down another one, but this idea was abandoned, given the huge cost of the warship. In any case, we have before us the largest European aircraft carrier. The basis of the power of this ship is the Rafale M generation 4++ fighters. In total, it can carry up to 40 aircraft. In terms of its combat potential, the Charles de Gaulle is inferior to American aircraft carriers (they are larger in size and can carry larger number winged cars). However, the Charles de Gaulle also repeatedly proved its combat capability, in particular during the operation in Syria. British aircraft carriers of the Queen Elizabeth class will soon displace the Charles de Gaulle: when they are commissioned, they will become the largest warships in Europe.

Aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle

2. Project 1143 aircraft carrier cruisers

(characteristics correspond to the Admiral Kuznetsov TAVKR)
country Russia
length: 306.45 m
width: 71.96 m
displacement: 59,100 t (full)
crew: 1980 people

Let us clarify: the definition of “project 1143” hides several subtypes of aircraft-carrying ships. Four of them (Kiev, Minsk, Novorossiysk, Baku) could use Yak-38 attack aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing. Subsequently, on the basis of Project 1143, the Project 1143.5 ship Admiral Kuznetsov was built, as well as two more aircraft-carrying cruisers (Varyag and Ulyanovsk), which received an expanded take-off deck and the ability to use aircraft with conventional takeoff and landing, such as the Su- 33. The fate of all these ships turned out differently. "Admiral Kuznetsov" became the only Russian aircraft carrier. But “Varyag” turned into the Chinese “Liaoning”. The ship "Baku" underwent modernization and joined the ranks of the Indian Navy under the name "Vikramaditya". “Ulyanovsk” was never completed, although conceptually it was the most advanced of the entire series: it had a steam catapult and, in theory, could use AWACS aircraft.

TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov"

1. Nimitz-class aircraft carriers

Country: USA
length: 332.8 m
width: 78.4 m
displacement: 106,300 tons
crew: 5680 people

Finally, the well-deserved first place in our rating went to the American giant Nimitz - the largest and most powerful warship of all that are currently in operation. Almost 90 aircraft can be accommodated on board! For comparison, Admiral Kuznetsov can carry no more than 50 aircraft. The Nimitz air group includes F/A-18 fighters, EA-6B electronic warfare aircraft, E-2C airborne early warning aircraft and other aircraft. The Americans commissioned ten such ships: they were actively used, in particular, during the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the Nimitz will not last forever, and soon this type of ship will be replaced by other aircraft carriers of the Gerald R. Ford type. They will be just as huge, and in addition, they will be able to carry fifth-generation F-35C fighters. In general, the Ford will become more economical than its “big brother” while maintaining high combat capabilities.

Nimitz-class aircraft carriers

Military power has always been a source of pride for the state that possessed it. Water is one of the areas where powers are trying to have their own influence. For this reason, a huge variety of ships is created. Each of them has its own purpose, and therefore its size. But now it’s worth turning your attention to the list of the largest warships in the world.

1. USS Enterprise

  • Length: 342m.

The palm in the ranking of the largest warships belongs to the USS Enterprise, an aircraft carrier consisting of naval forces U.S.A. This ship entered service with a world power in the 60th year of the last century and serves it faithfully to this day. Its achievements include not only record size, but also participation in virtually every large-scale water operation in which the United States has participated. The Enterprise operates on eight reactors, a one-time refueling of which allows the ship to operate for 13 full years. The length of the aircraft carrier is 342 m, and the cost is 452,000,000 US dollars. It was this last “achievement” that caused the United States to abandon the construction of the ship.

2. USS Gerald R. Ford

  • Length: 337m.

The next largest is another of the largest aircraft carriers in the US Navy - USS Gerald R. Ford. The ship received its name in honor of the 38th President of the United States of America. This aircraft carrier and subsequent ones like it that will enter service with the American fleet are designed to replace outdated brothers - the aircraft carriers Enterprise and Nimitz. Gerald R. Ford, with similar sizes and quantitative equipment of military aviation equipment, has more modern automated equipment, which allows the use of a smaller crew. And this, in turn, reduces the cost of its maintenance.

3. USS Nimitz

  • Length: 333m.

Another legendary American warship is the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. This ship became the progenitor of a whole type of ship - the Nimitz type. The weight of the vessel is about one hundred thousand tons, and the price tag is 4,500,000 US dollars. In addition to performing combat missions, the Nimitz also performs humanitarian work - fourteen years ago, after the tsunami in Indonesia, the aircraft carrier was engaged in delivering humanitarian aid to multiple victims. In total, the United States has a dozen ships of this type in its fleet (however, the others are significantly inferior to the Nimitz in size and combat power), which allows this power to maintain a leading position in the water world.

4. USS Forrestal

  • Length: 325m.

And in fourth position in the list of the largest warships is again the American aircraft carrier. This time we are talking about the USS Forrestal. The ship received its name in honor of the first Mr. America. The project to create an aircraft carrier was founded in the 51st year of the 20th century, and the USS Forrestal itself became the first warship built after World War II. During the development of the project, the designers took into account all the available experience in combat operations on the water, and therefore they managed to create a unique vessel. "Forrestal" was launched four years after the start of the project's development. This ship is in service with the United States today, and over the past years several more ships of a similar type have been created, but with more modest dimensions.

5. USS Kitty Hawk

  • Length: 323.6m.

The US aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk is one of four such ships that were created back in the 60s of the last century. The strongest metal alloys were used to create this ship. In addition, the Kitty Hawk, together with the Nimitz, remained the only operational combat ships of this class - the rest were decommissioned after the end of the events cold war. Unlike most ships of their class, these two aircraft carriers received an increased base length and a different elevator arrangement. USS Kitty Hawk is one of the most powerful ships in the world equipped with combat aircraft.

6. USS John F. Kennedy

  • Length: 321.6m.

The US Navy has another aircraft carrier that deserves a place of honor in this rating - USS John F. Kennedy. This warship was launched in the 69th year of the last century. After 24 years, it was sent for modernization, after which it returned to service, equipped with four catapults, two thousand telephones, and four elevators for aircraft combat vehicles. In addition, USS John F. Kennedy was equipped with more than 5.5 thousand seats, two additional anchors and 2.7 thousand cabins. But to this day, the John F. Kennedy has not completed its service - the ship was taken out of service.

7. Admiral Kuznetsov

  • Length: 305m.

In seventh position is the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which brought some variety to this parade of American ships. A distinctive feature of the Russian combat vehicle is its combination of powerful defensive-offensive systems. The ship is equipped with a variety of anti-ship missiles with enormous ranges. Today the cruiser is the heaviest ship in the world, and its launch took place in the 90th year. At the moment, this is the only aircraft carrier in the Russian fleet. Up to thirty aircraft can be transported on board.

8. USS Midway

  • Length: 295 m.

Next we should mention the USS Midway, which is an aircraft carrier in the British fleet. The length of the vessel is 295 m, and the first work on its design began in the 41st century. Six years later, the world saw three such ships commissioned by the British Kingdom. To date, only one aircraft carrier has been decommissioned. Throughout its life history, the USS Midway was used in all maritime conflicts in which Great Britain participated.

9. USS Lexington

  • Length: 266m.

The historical significance and importance of the aircraft carrier USS Lexington is difficult to overestimate. This ship was built almost a century ago (in 1920). For that time it was the first huge and full-fledged aircraft carrier. Seven years later, the cruiser was sent for modernization. USS Lexington marked the beginning of a small series of similar warships that would later play an important role in the naval battles of World War II. In total, three such ships took part in the battles, one of which was sunk. After the war, USS Lexington and the second ship were again sent for reconstruction, and then battles in the Coral Sea awaited her.

10.USS Iowa

  • Length: 240m.

And the top ten largest warships in the world is completed by the battleship USS Iowa. This is the only “non-aircraft carrier” in the rating. The length of the ship is 270 meters. The battleship is part of the United States Navy. Initially, the ship was planned to be created as a high-speed battleship, but later it was re-equipped and turned into a powerful warship capable of conducting effective combat against entire enemy battle groups. Today, USS Iowa is armed with 32 Tomahawk combat missiles and is capable of carrying up to 2,800 people on board.