Secrets of rich people's success quotes. The best quotes from rich people. “When a small business grows into something big, like eBay did, it starts a chain reaction. Thanks to this, other small companies arise that create intellectual

Accurate quotes can contain the entire meaning of a big thought in one sentence. They inspire, motivate and teach us, depositing themselves in the subconscious and guiding us through life.

A selection of brilliant quotes about money, which we are preparing for you in two parts, contains invaluable knowledge from the best businessmen, philosophers and outstanding personalities from Ancient world to the present day.

The best quotes about money of all time

Too many people spend their hard-earned money on things they don't need to impress people they don't like.
Will Rogers

A wise man keeps money in his head, but not in his heart.
Jonathan Swift

Wealth does not bring great fortune, but modest needs.

Sometimes money costs us too much.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our every day is a bank account, and the money in it is our time. There are no rich or poor here, everyone has 24 hours.
Christopher Rice

How you face defeat determines your success.
David Feherty

Moderation is already wealth.

Excuses make a person poor.

The best investment is in knowledge.

I'll tell you how to get rich on Wall Street: Be careful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are cautious.

Annual income£20 for a spend of £19.96 is a blessing. An annual income of 20 pounds with an expense of 20 pounds 6 pence is poverty.
Charles Dickens

Most people miss their opportunities. Because she is sometimes dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas Edison

We are truly drawn to do what is destined for us. And when we start doing this, money is immediately found, the right doors open, we feel useful, and work seems like a game.
Julia Cameron

I never try to make money on the exchange itself. I buy stocks with the expectation that they might close the market the next day and then not reopen for the next ten years.
Warren Buffett

Money will not buy happiness for those who do not know what they want. Money will not show the goal to those who choose their path with their eyes closed. Money cannot buy intelligence for a fool, honor for a scoundrel, respect for a ignoramus. If you try to use money to surround yourself with those who are taller and smarter than you in order to gain prestige, you will end up falling prey to those below you.
Ayn Rand

Money has never made a person happier, and never will. The more a person has, the more he wants. But instead of filling the vacuum, he creates it for himself.
Benjamin Franklin

Many people don't think about money until they run out. Others behave the same way with time.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Education will help you survive. Self-education will lead you to success.
Jim Rohn

Money is just a means. They will lead you to any goal, but will not replace you at the helm.
Ayn Rand

Wealth is not an accumulation of material values. This is the ability to spend less than you earn, the ability to save and invest. You won't get rich until you learn this.
Dave Ramsey

Poor is not the one who has little, but the one who never has enough.

The employer does not pay the salary - he only manages the money. The client pays the salary.
Henry Ford

He who loses money loses a lot; he who loses a friend loses much more; he who loses faith loses everything.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Happiness is not about having money; it lies in the joy of work and accomplishment.
Franklin Roosevelt

Empty pockets will never stop us from becoming who we want to be. Only empty heads and empty hearts can prevent this.
Norman Peale

It's good to have money and to have things that money can buy. But at the same time, it’s also good to check yourself from time to time and make sure that you haven’t lost those things that money can’t buy.
George Horace Lorimer

Don't make money your goal. You can only achieve success in what you love. Go for the things you love in this life, and do them so well that those around you cannot take their eyes off you.
Maya Angelou

Buy when everyone else is selling and hold until someone wants to buy it. This is not just a slogan. This is the essence of successful investing.
J. Paul Getty

If money is your hope for independence, you will never become independent. The only real guarantee that a person can receive in this world is the stock of his knowledge, experience and capabilities.
Henry Ford

Even if all economists were tied together, they would still never come to an agreement.
Bernard Shaw

How many millionaires do you know who built their fortune on interest from a deposit? That's what I'm talking about.
Robert G. Allen

I got rich the old-fashioned way: I was nice to a rich relative right before he died.
Malcolm Forbes

Innovation distinguishes the leader from the follower.
Steve Jobs

The real measure of your wealth is what you would be worth if you lost all your money.
Unknown author (Anonymous)

Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
Phineas Taylor Barnum

Learn to save while you earn some money. You can do this when you start earning more.
Jack Benny

Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.
Henry David Thoreau

An investor should always act as an investor and not as a speculator.
Benjamin Graham

I strongly believe in luck. And I noticed that the more I work, the more she smiles at me.

Either you will control your money, or the lack of it will control you.
Dave Ramsey

Investing should be like watching paint dry or grass grow. And if you want speakers, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.
Paul Samuelson

Every time you borrow, you steal a piece of your own future.
Nathan W. Morris

Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.
Zig Ziglar

Never spend money before you earn it.
Thomas Jefferson

The stock market is full of people who know price but have no idea about value.
Philip Fisher

Wealth belongs not to the one who owns it, but to the one who knows how to enjoy it.
Benjamin Franklin

If you don't value your time, others won't either. Stop wasting your time and abilities. Start appreciating them and charging money for them.
Kim Garst

What matters is not how much money you make, but how much money you have left over, how it works for you, and how many generations you can provide with it.
Robert Kiyosaki

I didn't fail. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work.
Thomas A. Edison

Hello, dear readers! Nowadays they write a lot about rich people and their success stories. In this article you will get acquainted with quotes from rich people. So, especially for readers of the blog for Successful People, quotes from rich people.

“Failure is also success if we learn something from it” © Malcolm Forbes

“He who does expects success. Those who “try” expect that something will interfere with them. Half the effort does not give half the result, but zero result.” © Bodo Schäfer


“Failure is an opportunity to start again, but more wisely” © Henry Ford

“90% of rich people started out with empty or almost empty pockets. On average, every self-made millionaire has gone bankrupt three times.” © Brian Tracy

"If you haven't planned how you will become rich,
then most likely you plan to be poor.
You just don't know it.
Most people plan to be poor
They just don’t think about posing the question this way.” © Robert Kiyosaki

“Money doesn’t bring happiness. I now have 50 million, and I’m just as happy as when I had 48 million.” © Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Leave at any time and create your own business - and it’s never too late to return to Harvard!” © Bill Gates


“Money does not guarantee happiness, but it does guarantee material freedom.” © Roman Abramovich

"Any" Good times” is always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you weaken your concentration for even a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back." © Donald Trump

“Whoever works all day has no time to earn money” © John Rockefeller

“Successful people tend to view problems as temporary, while unsuccessful people view even the smallest problems as never-ending troubles.” © Anthony Robbins

“The lesson I learned and followed throughout my life was to try, and try, and try again - but never give up.” © Richard Branson

“There is only one thing that a person can completely control - this is his own attitude towards life” © Napoleon Hill

“If you haven't planned how you will become rich, then most likely you are planning to be poor. You just don't know it. Most people plan to be poor, they just don’t think about it this way.” © Robert Kiyosaki

“The only obstacle on the way to our tomorrow’s achievements is our doubts today” © Franklin Roosevelt


“It is impossible to find yourself - you can only create yourself” © Johnny Depp

15 sayings richest people the world who know exactly how to achieve financial heights.

The way you think about money can affect your chances of getting rich.

So why not turn to those who have already achieved financial heights in search of inspiration?

We've collected 15 quotes from the world's richest people, from investor Warren Buffett to a tech tycoon. Jeff Bezos. These billionaire quotes can change the way you think about business, investing, and success.

“I never wanted to just start a company. Many people mistakenly think that I am not interested in income, profit and everything like that. But in fact, to me, being “more than just a company” also means creating something truly important that will change the world forever,” - Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook.

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“When a small business grows into something big, like eBay did, it starts a chain reaction. This creates other small companies that create intellectual capital, products and services,” Meg Whitman, CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

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“I'll tell you how to get rich. Close the doors. Be afraid when others are overwhelmed by greed. And be greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

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“There are very few people in the world who have managed to create a business like ours. I’m just not interested in losing this for short-term profit,” Evan Spiegel, head of Snap Inc., on refusing to sell his business to Facebook.

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“I owe my financial success to the fact that money has never come first in my life,” Oprah Winfrey, media mogul.

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“Here's what I think: the more money you give people, the more they'll spend. And if they don’t spend it, they’ll invest it in something. Investing is another way to create jobs. The money ends up in mutual funds or banks, which can use it to make loans, which benefits everyone,” Mark Bloomberg, CEO of Bloomberg LP.

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“If money were our main goal in life, we would have sold the company long ago and would now be sunbathing on the beach,” Larry Page, co-founder and head of Alphabet Inc.

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“I think frugality promotes innovation - as well as other constraining factors. There are only a few ways to get out of a difficult situation, and one of them is to invent your own way to do it,” Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.

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“We constantly hear the phrase that money can’t buy happiness. But deep down I still thought that money could make you at least a little happier. In fact, this is not so,” Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google and president of Alphabet Inc.

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“Nowadays everyone can earn good money. It is much more difficult to have a stable income, feel responsible to society and change the world for the better,” Jack Ma, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alibaba Group.

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“Money doesn’t make you different, it makes you more of who you already are,” Sarah Blakely, founder of Spanx.

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“I’m a little stingy, but so what? When I'm about to spend my money on something, I wonder if IKEA customers can afford it... I can fly first class all the time, but just because you have a lot of money is no reason to splurge. A good leader must set the right example for others. It is my duty to be that person for all IKEA employees,” - Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA.

Quotes and aphorisms of great people, collected in one article - pantry useful information, and if this article is devoted to one specific, narrow topic, it is priceless. We have prepared for you another selection of quotes about business and motivation. Millionaires, the richest people in the world and simply great minds are the authors of these sayings. Read and gain experience successful people peace! Your "Land surveyor-67"

“If you can dream it up, you can do it.” © Walt Disney

Willpower is when your brain tells you “everything” and you say “no, that’s not all.”

“A good decision is the result of experience. And experience is the result of bad decisions.” © Walter Wriston - Millionaire Quotes

“Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”
© Donald Trump

“Opinions do not become correct just because many people agree with them.” © Wilhelm Schwebel - Quotes from millionaires

And if he bends down, they will stab each other, and he will dance on their corpses xD That's all politics, like the smartest one!

“When there is hard work, I always entrust it to a lazy person. He will definitely find some easy way fulfill it."
© Walter Chrysler
- Millionaire Quotes

“Gas prices stopped bothering me the moment I got a Bentley.” © Robert Downey Jr.

“Push forward: nothing in the world can replace persistence. Talent will not replace it - there is nothing more common than talented losers. She's not
will replace genius - unrealized genius has already become the talk of the town. She won't be replaced a good education– the world is full of educated people
outcasts. Only perseverance and perseverance are omnipotent.” Ray Kroc

Millionaire Quotes
Quotes from millionaires
“To do what gives pleasure is to be free” © Voltaire

Those who ended up at the top did not fall there from the sky!
M. Washling
- Millionaire Quotes
Your relatives worry too much about you, they doubt all your endeavors, and they also think that you should study and work
like everyone else or the way they want. Unfortunately, the only way they can usually help is to simply NOT INTERFERE.

Every person has arms, legs, a head and 168 hours a week to do everything that he truly desires.

“Being offended and indignant is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies.” © Nelson Mandela
- Millionaire Quotes

Many people lose hope when they fail. But we must try further, until the end, until victory. Every defeat is a lesson, an instruction, a step towards success. After all, this is how life weeds out losers. In the end, the truly worthy ones remain.

Everyone who opens a new business or registers an enterprise should be given a medal for personal courage.
/Vladimir Putin
- Millionaire Quotes

Failure is an opportunity to start again, but more wisely.
/Henry Ford

“You can and should learn even from the example of your competitors. People tend to boast about their achievements and quite often say things that
which you may not think of on your own.” © Oleg Boyko

5 invaluable tips that will help you change your life for the better:
- Millionaire Quotes
1. Act immediately!
If you want to do something great one day, remember: that one day is today. © George Lucas

2. Believe in your success despite everything!
There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second - it’s like there are only miracles all around! © Albert Einstein

3. Give your dream at least an hour of your time, but every day. Daily work is the key to your success!

you will inevitably start to roll back. © Donald Trump

4. Do only what you love most. This will definitely lead you to success!
Every morning I looked at myself in the mirror and asked, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I do?”
am I doing today? And if the answer was “no” for many days in a row, I knew I needed to change something. © Steve Jobs
- Millionaire Quotes
5. Never give up!
Our big flaw is that we give up too quickly. The surest path to success is to always try one more time. ©
Thomas Edison

“Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible.” © Albert Einstein

A man must find the right purpose in life, and a woman must find a man with the right purpose.

You need to achieve success in life in such a way that others tell you about it instead of you.
- Millionaire Quotes
They are everywhere - these strange people who do not know that yesterday is yesterday, and who wake up every morning with last year's thoughts in their heads.
/Henry Ford/

Most people would rather stay with old problems than commit to finding new solutions.
/John Maxwell/

If you combine your thoughts with the thoughts of other people, your mind will generate thoughts that you have never had before.
/John Maxwell/

Failure is also success if we learn something from it" - Malcolm Forbes, American publisher (1919 - 1990)

“I am interested in the future because I intend to spend the rest of my life in it.” © Charles Ketterling

Millionaire Quotes
It's not shown on TV real life. IN real life I can’t sit in a cafe all day and chat with friends.

“If you don’t admit your mistake, it means you’re making a second one” ©
Chinese aphorism

Life breaks the strongest, putting them on
knees to prove they can
rise up, she doesn’t touch weaklings... they
and so on my knees all my life.

Millionaire Quotes
Money doesn't bring happiness. I now have 50 million, and I’m just as happy as when I had 48 million.
Joke from Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you decide to change, make a fortune, start a business, etc. You must understand that most of the people around you
They will stop understanding you, and maybe that’s all!

Fill your brain with knowledge from a variety of fields, not just your own. Because in some area foreign to you, far from
subject of your studies, you may discover an unexpected way to solve a problem that you have not been able to cope with for a long time.
/Jeff O'Leary

Millionaire Quotes
The accumulation of wealth is the worst of all idols. Nothing brings you down like worshiping money... If I continue to give it my all
business issues, focusing exclusively on making money, I will very soon degrade without any hope of revival.
/Andrew Carnegie

Money - they used to call it: barter, talent... it is a unified means of commodity relations... essentially a tool... worship
the tool is nonsense... after all, no one worships plungers or a hammer...

To become a billionaire, you first need luck, a significant dose of knowledge, a huge capacity for work, I emphasize HUGE, but most importantly, most importantly, you must have the mentality of a billionaire. The billionaire mentality is a state of mind in which you focus all your knowledge, all your skills, all your skills on achieving your goal. This is what will change you.
/Paul Getty
- Millionaire Quotes

Those who wait passively eventually receive what they expected, but only what was left after those who acted energetically.
/Abraham Lincoln

“Money is a common property. Everyone is allowed to take as much as he wants, provided he can.” © V. Shvebel

One should avoid pleasures that will lead to pain, and crave pain that will bring even greater joy.
(M. De Montaigne)

Investing in yourself is the most profitable investment.
- Millionaire Quotes

“Smart and hardworking people never achieve the same success that smart and lazy people achieve.”

This is true, many of the leaders of successful companies assign the laziest manager to solve a difficult problem and he solves it
the simplest and most inexpensive method!!! This is from the practice of world companies!!!

There is only one way to achieve success - an unwavering commitment to your goal.
- Millionaire Quotes
Envious people believe that women are attracted to rich men by their money. But that's not true. It's not money that attracts women. Not cars and
jewelry. Not restaurants and expensive clothes. Not power, wealth and elegance. And what made a person powerful, rich
and elegant. POWER, which some are endowed with and others are completely deprived of...

If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick.
- Millionaire Quotes

“The only way to achieve rapid success is to double the number of failures” © Thomas Watson

One famous psychologist began his seminar on psychology by holding up a 500-ruble bill. There were about 200 people in the hall. Psychologist
asked who wants to receive a bill. Everyone raised their hands as if on command. Before either of you gets this bill, I'll do something with it,
- continued the psychologist. He crumpled it up and asked if anyone still wanted it. And again everyone raised their hands. Then,” he replied, “I
I do the following, and, throwing the bill on the floor, lightly roll it with my shoe on the dirty floor. Then he picked it up, the bill was crumpled and dirty. "Well
which of you needs it in this form?" And everyone raised their hands again. Dear friends," said the psychologist, "you have just received a valuable visual
lesson. Despite everything I did with this bill, you all wanted to get it because it had not lost its value. She's still
500 ruble banknote. It often happens in our lives that we find ourselves thrown out of the saddle, trampled, lying on the floor
or in complete crap. These are the realities of our lives... In such situations we feel worthless. But no matter what
happened or will happen, you will never lose your value. Whether you are dirty or clean, wrinkled or ironed, you will always be priceless
those who love you. Our value is determined not by what we do or who we know, but by who we are. You are special and don't forget about

Millionaire Quotes
Any “good times” are always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key
tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you relax your concentration for even a minute, then
you will inevitably start to roll back.
/Donald Trump

Money does not guarantee happiness, but it does guarantee material freedom. (Roman Abramovich)

Will is what makes you win when your mind tells you that you are defeated.

Millionaire Quotes
I have traveled a lot and have had the opportunity to see mere mortal people who are much inferior to me and much superior to me. But I have never met a person whose desires were limited by his genuine needs, and whose needs were limited by the possibility of satisfying them. / Voltaire

Only a complete ignoramus in cars will try to drive a car without gasoline, and only someone who is a complete ignoramus in human logic will try to reason without a solid, reliable basis. / G. Chesterton

Millionaire Quotes
What you don't do in the morning, you can't make up for in the evening. Proverb

The only obstacle on the way to our tomorrow's achievements is our doubts today. (Franklin Roosevelt)

There are no unattainable goals, there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.

Whenever you come across a successful business, know that someone once had to make a bold decision. (Peter Drucker)

Max Factor. History of success.
- Millionaire Quotes
Max Factor's real name was Maximilian Faktorovich - he was an American businessman of Polish origin, but a subject of the Russian Empire.
He is deservedly called the father of decorative cosmetics; he, in turn, was a makeup artist, stylist and make-up artist. It is his makeup that Hollywood stars will certainly prefer. But the life story of the owner of the Max Factor brand really resembles an exciting film.
Max Factor, a Polish Jew by nationality, was born in the city of Lodz, which now belongs to Poland. Their family was huge and consisted of 10 children.
From the age of 7, he immersed himself in the world of theater, and this sealed his fate. True, he started out selling sweets in the theater lobby. But already at the age of 14, Max Factor became an apprentice to cosmetologists and wig makers. At the age of 15, he moved to Russia, where he worked with a make-up artist for the Russian Imperial Opera.
By the age of 22, he opened his own shop in Ryazan, where he sold his own cosmetics.
However, at the beginning of the 20th century he decided to emigrate to America. It so happened that he ended up in Los Angeles and opened a store there again. In addition to cosmetic accessories, he also made wigs that differed little from real hair. In addition, emerging Hollywood stars liked it when he personally applied makeup before filming. And he had plenty of experience.
In those days, Los Angeles was the heart of the film industry, so all Max Factor's new products appeared under the influence of the development of cinema. He introduced false eyelashes, foundation, waterproof cosmetics, mascara in compact packaging, compact powder - and all this because this was the need of some film works, and even of individual film stars. So, he created a special line of cosmetics for actress Jean Harlow, and before that, with his help, she became the world's first platinum blonde.
In 1916, his cosmetics appeared on the public market. But Max's passion was stage makeup and he continued to make developments in this direction. He was the creator of the images of Greta Garbo, Twiggy and even Charlie Chaplin.
In 1938, for the first time in the credits of the film Vogues of 1938, the inscription “Makeup by Max Factor” flashed.
The founding father of a new direction in decorative cosmetics died in 1938 at the age of 61. His business was continued by his son Frank, who changed his name to Max Factor Jr. By the way, it is to him that we owe the word make-up.

The one who does it expects success. Those who “try” expect that something will interfere with them. Half the effort does not give half the result, but zero result.
/Bodo Schäfer/

Quite a lot literary works owes its success to the poverty of the author's thoughts, for it is akin to the poverty of the public's thoughts.

90% of rich people started out with empty or almost empty pockets. On average, every self-made millionaire has gone bankrupt three times.
© Brian Tracy

Try to get what you want, or you will be forced to want what you got. (Bernard Show)
- Millionaire Quotes
Give a person a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation. (I. Goethe)

Even if you are on the right path, you will be run over if you just sit on the road. (Will Rogers)

Silence does not always prove the presence of intelligence, but it does prove the absence of stupidity. (P. Buast)

Fate leads those who want to go, and drags those who do not want to go.
- Millionaire Quotes
Life is a series of efforts. We see the goal, but we don't always see the road. /Viktor Shklovsky/

The road opens up under the steps of the walker...

Nothing happens in vain - everything is preparation for the next scene.

"It doesn't matter how many you are. It's important to believe and it's important to have a clear plan. Victory is perseverance." (Fidel Castro)

It is impossible to find yourself - you can only create yourself.
Johnny Depp

Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately should become a shoemaker
/Albert Einstein

A powerful flame flares up from a tiny spark

A great answer is given to those who ask a great question.
/Edward Cummings

"A friend is someone you know well enough to borrow money from, but not well enough to lend to him." – Ambrose Bierce

Millionaire Quotes
“When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience gains money, and the man with money gains experience.” – Harvey McKay

With coming! Let these be your pockets!
“Money is always available, it just changes pockets.” – Gertrude Stein

Try all the possibilities. It's always important to know that you did your best.
Charles Dickens

Millionaire Quotes
Our main flaw is that we are more inclined to discuss things than to do them.
/Jawaharlal Nehru/

Money can't buy happiness. But some independence - yes.
/Roman Abramovich

If you are unable to remember, then write down what I am about to say. The most nonsense and unpromising project, but already launched and working on the Internet, will bring much more results and profits than the most perfect project, which, due to its constant pre-launch improvement, will never be launched.
/John Reese

Millionaire Quotes
Of course, there are people for whom money comes first. These are usually people who will never become rich. Only those who are talented, lucky, and do not constantly think about money achieve wealth.
/Steve Jobs

There is only one thing that a person can completely control - this is his own attitude towards life.
/Napoleon Hill
- Millionaire Quotes
The lesson I learned and followed throughout my life was to try and try and try again - but never give up.
/Richard Branson

/John Rockefeller

Successful people tend to view problems as temporary, while unsuccessful people view even the smallest problems as never-ending troubles.
/Anthony Robbins
- Millionaire Quotes
A million dollars is not cool. Billion. That's cool!
/ Sean Parker

He who works all day has no time to earn money.
/John Rockefeller

Quotes from millionaires|2012, let's go)
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a single day in your life

I will do today what most will not do, so tomorrow I will have what most will not have.
I think it's a crime to be unhappy, unhealthy or struggling to survive
/Randy Gage
- Millionaire Quotes
This man loves himself a hundred times more than he respects anyone. He became rich because Americans fall for this example.
He works in network marketing.

“If you are not on the Internet, you are not in business” / Bill Gates /

You are neither right nor wrong if the crowd disagrees with you. You are right because your data and thoughts are correct
/Warren Buffett

Possibly a bad translation. It was something like You are right, when you are correct.
- Millionaire Quotes
Old people always advise young people to save money. This bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I have never saved in my life and
dollar until he reached the age of forty.
/Henry Ford

Don't be stingy - go learn!

Great advice is to invest in yourself. Take psychology courses. For a massage. To eat well.
- Millionaire Quotes
Leave at any time and create your own business - and it’s never too late to return to Harvard!
/Bill Gates

99% of people live their lives uselessly and in vain... don't be one of them
/A. Gerchi

If you haven't planned how you will become rich,
then most likely you plan to be poor.
You just don't know it.
Most people plan to be poor
They just don’t think about posing the question this way.
/Robert Kiyosaki/
- Millionaire Quotes
The only way to become smarter is to play against a smarter opponent.
/basics of chess/

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.
/F. Engels/

The habit of clearly imagining what you are striving for will help you achieve your goal.
/Orison Marden/

“In general, people work harder and more innovatively when they are not forced, but it is a different story when they are strictly told what to do.”
/Soichiro Honda/

Laugh often and willingly, win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, achieve a fair assessment from objective critics and withstand the betrayal of imaginary friends, appreciate the beautiful and find the best in people, devote yourself entirely to a worthy cause, leave the world at least a little better after yourself, raising a healthy heir, having grown a well-kept garden or creating something good in public life, to know that at least one living creature on earth has become easier to breathe precisely because you lived on it - this is what it means to succeed.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Millionaire Quotes

Who and when told you that bamboo is more beautiful than oak, or that oak is more valuable than bamboo? Do you think that an oak tree would like to have an empty trunk like bamboo? Is the bamboo jealous of the oak tree because the oak tree is larger and its leaves change color in the fall? The idea of ​​trees comparing themselves to each other seems ridiculous, but we humans find this habit too difficult to break. Let's see, there will always be someone who is more beautiful, more talented, stronger, smarter, or clearly happier than you. And, conversely, there will always be those who are worse than you in all these respects. The way to find out who you are is not to compare yourself to others, but to see if you are realizing your best potential.
© Osho


Deep in your heart are your true values. Take the time to search for them. What do you think is the most valuable thing in life? What principles should you follow to live a fulfilling life? These are the values ​​and principles you should follow. Find them and keep them in mind at all times.
- Millionaire Quotes
Willingness to change is very important. This is your life, and no one can change it but you. If you yourself do not want to change, nothing in this world will force you to do it.

You must take responsibility for your life. Whether your life goes up or down is up to you. Once you accept responsibility, change will become available to you.

To change your life, you need time to think and reflect. If you're always busy and don't have time to even think about changing your life, you won't have time to take action.

Change is not easy because there is inertia that you need to overcome. Your reason is your source of energy. Having a reason will give you strength.
- Millionaire Quotes
Limiting beliefs are the biggest obstacle to life change. You must identify them before you can fight them. To do this, track your thoughts containing the phrases: “I can’t...” “I’m not able to...” “I will always be...” “There is no way out...”
These are your limiting beliefs. Say goodbye to them.

What habits are dragging you down? What habits would you like to break? Instead of trying to get rid of these habits, focus on creating new positive habits to replace them.

Find an example of a person who has achieved what you want. Learn from him, study his life. If such a person is next to you, then you are incredibly lucky.

Having the right expectation from the start is very important. Otherwise, you will easily become discouraged when things are not going as you expected. Having the right expectations will give you resilience in difficult times.

The most difficult thing is the beginning. Once it is left behind, it will be much easier for you. The main thing is to maintain the momentum. This is the same mechanism as a car.
- Millionaire Quotes

I love it when they tell me I can't do it... because I've seen them make the mistake of thinking I won't even try my entire life!
© Ted Turner

5 thieves of time
1. Phone
2. Internet
3. Communicate out of politeness
4. Thoughts are not relevant
5. TV, press
- Millionaire Quotes
Everything that you can clearly imagine in your imagination, that you can believe in with all your soul and that you strive for with enthusiasm, will definitely appear in your life!
Paul Meyer
- Millionaire Quotes

45 lessons that life taught me

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, take another step forward.
3. Life is too short to waste it on hatred.
4. Work won't take care of you when you're sick. Your friends and parents will do this. Take care of this relationship.
5. Pay off your credit card debts every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree or disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It is acceptable to be angry with God. He will understand.
9. Save for retirement from your first salary.
10. When it comes to chocolate, there is no point in resisting.
11. Make peace with your past so that it does not spoil your present.
12. You can allow yourself to cry in front of your children.
13. Don't compare your life to someone else's. You have no idea what they are really going through.
14. If the relationship is supposed to be secret, you shouldn't be involved in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry: God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of everything that cannot be called useful, beautiful or funny.
18. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have happy childhood. However, your second childhood depends entirely on you..
20. When the time comes to pursue what you truly love in this life, don't say no.
21. Burn candles, use nice sheets, wear nice underwear. Nothing saved for a special occasion. This a special case- Today.
22. Prepare abundantly, and then come what may.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait until you're old to wear bright red clothes.
24. The most important organ in sex is the brain.
25. No one but you is responsible for your happiness.
26. With any so-called disaster, ask the question: Will this matter in five years?
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everything and everyone.
29. What others think of you should not worry you.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.
31. It doesn’t matter whether the situation is good or bad, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself seriously. Nobody does this.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because he is God, not because of what you have done or not.
35. There is no need to study life. You appear in it and do as much as you can.
36. Growing old is a better alternative than dying young.
37. Your children have only one future.
38. All that matters in the end is that you experienced love.
39. Go out for a walk every day. Miracles happen everywhere.
40. If we put all our problems in a pile and compared them with other people’s, we would quickly take ours away.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.
42. However, the best is yet to come:
43. No matter how you feel, get up, get dressed and go out in public.
44. Give in.
45. Even though life isn’t tied up with a bow, it’s still a gift.
© Regina Brett

Millionaire Quotes

Imagination is the most important thing, it is a reflection of what we attract into our lives.
Albert Einstein

Ecology of life. People: 15 statements from the richest people in the world who know exactly how to achieve financial heights.

The way you think about money can affect your chances of getting rich.

So why not turn to those who have already achieved financial heights in search of inspiration?

We've collected 15 quotes from the world's richest people, from investor Warren Buffett to tech tycoon Jeff Bezos.

These billionaire quotes can change the way you think about business, investing, and success.

“I never wanted to just start a company. Many people mistakenly think that I am not interested in income, profit and everything like that. But in fact, for me, being “more than just a company” also means creating something truly important that will change the world forever,” - Mark Zuckerberg, head of Facebook.

“When a small business grows into something big, like eBay did, it starts a chain reaction. Thanks to this, other small companies emerge that create intellectual capital, goods and services,” - Meg Whitman, CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

“I'll tell you how to get rich. Close the doors. Be afraid when others are overwhelmed by greed. And be greedy when others are afraid" - Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

“There are very few people in the world who have managed to create a business like ours. I’m just not interested in losing this for the sake of making a short-term profit,” Evan Spiegel, head of Snap Inc., on refusing to sell his business to Facebook.

“I owe my financial success to the fact that never in my life did money come first for me,” - Oprah Winfrey, media mogul.

“Here's what I think: the more money you give people, the more they'll spend. And if they don’t spend it, they’ll invest it in something. Investing is another way to create jobs. The money ends up in mutual funds or banks, which can use it to make loans, which benefits everyone." - Mark Bloomberg, Chairman of Bloomberg LP.

“If money were the main thing for us life goal, we would have sold the company a long time ago and would now be sunbathing on the beach,” - Larry Page, co-founder and chairman of Alphabet Inc.

“I think frugality promotes innovation - as well as other constraining factors. There are only a few ways to get out of a difficult situation, and one of them is to invent your own way of doing it." - Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.

“We constantly hear the phrase that money can’t buy happiness. But deep down I still thought that money could make you at least a little happier. In fact, this is not the case." - Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google and president of Alphabet Inc.

“Nowadays everyone can earn good money. It is much more difficult to have a stable income, to feel responsible to society and to change the world for the better,” Jack Ma, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alibaba Group.

“Money doesn’t make you different, it makes you even more who you already are.” - Sarah Blakely, founder of Spanx.

“I’m a little stingy, but so what? When I'm about to spend my money on something, I wonder if IKEA customers can afford it... I can fly first class all the time, but just because you have a lot of money is no reason to splurge. A good leader must set the right example for others. It is my duty to be that person for all IKEA employees." - Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA.

"Financial markets in general are unpredictable... The very idea that you can actually predict future events is contrary to my view of the market," - George Soros, investor and chairman of the board of directors of Soros Fund Management.

“I believe you need to understand the economics of a business before you create a strategy, and then you need to understand the strategy before you create a structure. If you do it in the wrong order, you will most likely fail." - Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Inc.

“I never dreamed of getting rich. I never even thought about it. I wanted only one thing - to achieve something in my life,” - Sheldon Adelson, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of Las Vegas Sands Corporation. published