Solzhenitsyn Ege in literature. EGE on literature: Check yourself. Work on composition composition- reasoning

Test on literature "Solzhenitsyn A.I. "Matrenin Dvor"

1. Indicate the term that in literature is called figurative definitions: "Doodle, disadvantaged forests", "melancholic wit", etc.

2. What is the name of the composite component describing the village: "The settlement of peat landslides randomly scattered the village - monotonous thinly plaster barracks of thirties and, with a thread on the facade, with glazed verandas, houses of the fifties ..."?

3. Which artistic trail (a fine-expressive language of the language under construction on the transfer of the properties of one subject to others in similarity) uses the author of the text, creating images of the "railway canvas"?

4. What are the names ("widden", "sweat", etc.), which Solzhenitsyn uses in the text of the story to create the so-called "local calorite"?

5. How in literary critic artistic receptionwho was repeatedly used by Solzhenitsyn in this fragment of the story to oppose the image of the Motherland, which arose in his dreams, that Russia, whom the writer saw in reality?

Test on literature "Solzhenitsyn A.I. One day Ivan Denisovich "

1. Specify the correct option of the initial name of the work.

1) "Ivan Denisovich"

2) "One day of one zack"

3) "Sh-854. One day of one zacka "

4) "Gulag Archipelago"

1) "New World"

2) "Roman-Gazeta"

3) "Combine"

4) "Young Guard"

3. What problem is not raised in the work?

1) the problem of human dignity 2) the problem of ecology

3) the problem of relations between man and the state 4) the problem of relations to work

4. How old is the chief hero?

1) 45 2) 38 3) 39 4) 40

5. For what was convicted of shukhov?

1) for theft 2) for murder 3) for treason of homeland 4) for desertion

6. Which composite element includes the lines below:

"At five o'clock in the morning, as always, he broke up - a hammer about the rails of a staff barrack. An intermittent clinking was weakly passed through the glass, mercilessly in two fingers, and soon sat down: it was cold and the warden was reluctant to wave a long time. "

1) Zinch

2) Culmination

3) Jointing

4) development action

7. Who was Shukhov in the camp?

1) Mason 2) Operator 3) Supozhnik 4) Carpenter

8. What did the wife of Shukhov dreamed about, when in the letters told about life in collective farm?

1) that husband after return will work in collective farm

2) that they will go to the city 3) that it will be carpets to paint 4) She did not write to him

9. Who is this in the proposal? "There is no half the teeth and on the head of the shoulders, I never gave anyone and did not take anyone and did not learn from the camp."

1) about Tyurin

2) about kildy

3) about Shukhov

4) about "high silent old man"

10. Why did Ivan Shukhov have always woke up for an hour and a half before the universal coach?

1) wanted to carefully prepare before work. 2) he did not sleep.

3) It was part of his duty. 4) At this time he felt a free person.

11. Find out the hero on the description: "... Lost the years for sixteen, pink, like piglets."

2) Kilgas Johann

3) Gopchik

4) Aloshka-Baptist

12. Find out the hero on the description: "Face ... in Ryabines of large, from smallpox. It is worthwhile against the wind - will not freeze, the skin on the face is like a bark of oak. "

1) Shukhov

2) Brigadier TURIN

3) Fetukov

4) Caesar Markovich

13. Who is the question? "He was not jackal even after eight years of common work - and the farther, the more approved"; "For meanness, he would not go to betrayal and under the fear of death."

1) Stenka Kleshshin

2) Ermolaev

3) Ivan Denisovich

4) Gopchik

14. What quality is not inherent in Shukhov?

1) common sense

2) everyday wisdom

3) High Morality

4) Laziness

15. What composite element of the work forms the following passage?

"Fucking shukhov is quite satisfied. On the day he was given a lot of luck today: he was not planted to the Cake, the brigade was not kicked up, he blinked his porridge at lunch, the brigadier closed his percentage, the wall of shukhov had fun, she didn't drink with a hacksaw on the shlend, he didn't buy a hack and tobacco in the evening . And did not get sick, swing. Passed a day, no darling, almost happy. There were three thousand six hundred and fifty three of these days from calling to call. because of leap years - Three days of extra bounted ... "

1) Zesryn 2) Culmination 3) Interchange 4) ending

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, 1918.

From the Father Solzhenitsyn comes from the old peasant family. Isaac Semenovich studied in Kharkov, then in Moscow, gave a volunteer to the war; At the front, in the summer of 1917 he married Taisia \u200b\u200bShcherbak; He was awarded for courage. After returning home was injured on the hunt and died from the wound on June 15, 1918. It is led in the "August of the Fourteenth" in the image of Lazhenitsyn's Sani.

The family of Mother Solzhenitsyn was rich, grandfather gave his daughter Taisiya beautiful upbringing and education. Brother Taisii, Roman, Sorid with money, bought Rolls-Royce: a photograph of this car reproduced the "literary newspaper" in 1972, at the height of the campaign against Solzhenitsyn.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn was born on December 11, 1918, six months after the death of his father. His childhood is not much different from the children's years of his peers: little walks with his mother to church, entering Komsomol, is experiencing the difficulties and joy of the life of the usual Soviet schoolchild. Young Solzhenitsyn -stostrost class, a fan of football, the fan of the theater, inheriting from the father of the craving for knowledge, comes in 1936 to the Physics and Mathematics Rostov University. Since 1939, he also studies at the same time on by the correspondence department Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy, Literature. In 1941, Solzhenitsyn ends the university in Rostov and comes to Moscow for exams in myths, and on October 18, 1941 goes to the front, first a simple soldier, after the end of the officer school in Kostroma - in the rank of lieutenant.

In 1943 he gets an order Patriotic War The second degree, in the next - the Order of the Red Star, being already captain. In 1945, his correspondence with a friend "Koko" falls under the supervision military counterintelligence, discontinued "political indignation" of the addressees, denoted by Lenin with a diminutive "Vovka", and Stalin is a nickname "Pakhan". On July 27, 1945, Solzhenitsyn was convicted for eight years of correctional labor camps under Article 58 of the Criminal Code, paragraphs 10 and 11.

The experienced these years is reflected by the writer in such works as "Deer and Shalashovka", "Roast", "In the Circle of the First", "Gulag Archipelago".

In 1952, Solzhenitsyn takes part in Ekibastuz "Smoot," after which the camp surgeon in the camp hospital operates him about a malignant tumor in groin. The fabric, excised at biopsy, is sent to the analysis to the "free" laboratory, the results are lost, and the patient is recovering and in two weeks is discharged from the hospital.

After the death of Stalin Solzhenitsyn, it comes out of the camp to the "Eternal Refilm" in Aula Kok-Terek. He removes the corner in the global hatch, meets the spouses with teeth, doctors, the same referred as he himself. Under the name of the cadmines, they are bred in the "cancer building", the true story of them is told in the "Archipelago". In the fall, the disease renews, the authorities allow him to go to Tashkent for treatment. Later Solzhenitsyn confessed to friends that he was driving to dying in Tashkent and wrote a lot, believing, "While he writes - he has a deferment."

In 1956, Solzhenitsyn was rehabilitated by the Supreme Court of the USSR, in the following years he lives in Ryazan and works a lot:

1959 - "One Day Ivan Denisovich".
1960 - "Light, which in itself."
1961 - "Krochotka" - poem in prose.
1962 - "Case at Kochetovka Station."
1963 - Matrynin Yard.

Solzhenitsyn's encouraged by the attention of a large readership, Solzhenitsyn is experiencing an unprecedented creative lifting -Cature "unusually much immediate": "Gulag Archipelago", "Crack Corps", "Circle First", not leaving the work of the physics teacher.

In 1967, the "Crack Corps" receives a positive review of Cavery. At the opening of the fourth congress of the Union of Writers of the USSR Solzhenitsyn appeals to delegates with open letterwhich denounces the censorship: "I suggest the congress to accept the requirement and achieve the abolition of any - explicit or hidden-stand over artwork, release publishers from the aunt to get permission for each printed list. "Many people did not like it and since then, since May 1967, the open and merciless struggle of Solzhenitsyn writer begins against Soviet power (The episodes of this struggle are described in the work "Bade a challenge with oak").

In 1974, the campaign against Solzhenitsyn in the press reaches the highest heat. The "literary newspaper" prints the article "On the treacherous activity of A.I. Solzhenitsyn". The writer does not slow down activity: writes the "letter of leaders", in which he calls to put an end to the ideological monopoly of Marxism, in an interview with the STI-Bi-ES press agency criticizes those compatriots who emigrate voluntarily, announces the creation of the "Russian Public Fund for Assistance to Prisoners and their families" (income from the sale of the "Archipelago" will fully enter this fund.).

On February 13, Solzhenitsyn is arrested and concluded in the Lefortovo prison. From this time, he is deprived of Soviet citizenship and condemned to exile. Special aircraft deliver it to West Germany. Solzhenitsyn settles in Zurich, where his lawyer lives and where he finds traces of Lenin in emigration.

In October 1976 Solzhenitsyn settled in the USA, in the state of Vermont, near the town of Cavendish. He buys about twenty hectares of land, in this area, besides a residential building, it equips the library for the storage of manuscripts and printed materials dedicated to Russia. Over the next three years, Solzhenitsyn, trying not to attract attention to himself, visits various universities of America, possessing Russian archival foundations, and hard drives over the "red wheel", reworking the first "node" "August of the fourteenth" and writes two new novels "October Sixteenth "And" March seventeenth ".

By the end of the 80s, public opinion in Russia appreciated the life and creativity of Solzhenitsyn. In July 1988, the artist Ilya Glazunov exhibits the picture of the "Mystery of the 20th Century", where Solzhenitsyn was depicted among other characters. Writer Viktor Astafiev in a television program mentions Alexander Solzhenitsyn and says that someday his grandson will visit the grave of the great writer and will ask him for forgiveness for his homeland.

On December 11, in Moscow, an evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Solzhenitsyn, at which A. Smirnov, Yu. Karyakin, Yu G. Afanasyev was performed with welcoming words. A group of writers invites the Secretariat of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR to restore Solzhenitsyn in the ranks of the Union.

In a letter to Gleb Yakunin Solzhenitsyn writes: "This is true: all the years of expulsion, all the thoughts and all the work I am only in my homeland. And I don't lose hope when you live. But it will not be possible before printed in the USSR of my main books: I I can not return as much as I would have said anything yet - and then to start replenishing the hidiment of 50 years of my work - how? newspaper articles? "

The main books of A.I. Solzhenitsyn saw the light, the writer returned to his homeland. In 1990, the "literary newspaper" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda" publish a brochure "How do we equip Russia?" In which Solzhenitsyn expresses the options for holding socio-economic and political reforms. In the same year, the Writer awarded the State Award of the RSFSR for the "Archipelago Gulag", from which he refused, saying: "This book is suffering millions, I can't collect soil on it."

Currently, A.I. Solzhenitsyn lives and works in his homeland. In their passionate monologues on television and in newspaper articles, emotional and thoughtful, the writer allocates several points. First, what came after the collapse of communism is not democracy. The power belongs not to the people, "spilled throughout the country", but a politic boiler that "boils in the capital." This boil causes a fierce rejection of the writer.

Secondly, the old power collapsed only in the upper link, and the average preserved - "in the same cabinets the same faces." Created a "dirty hybrid" of the surviving nomenclature and sharks of the financial underground, false ass. If "this power without a conscience, which an honest person will begged, will strengthen, not 70, and 170 years will need to get rid of it."

Third, the confrontation of the "Democrats" and "Patriots" is disastrous, destructive for Russia. Solzhenitsyn is kept at a distance from both "parties" not only because this is a new one, essentially, the Bolshevik campaigning again puts more than all the self-interest interests, a circular order and dubious charters. New labels may be comfortable for political purposes, but deeply fake.

Primary for Solzhenitsyn remains the moral state of society: "If the conscience does not wake up, no economy will save us." In this expression, not only the charge of morality is obvious, but also reasonable public Policy, which, dealing with the people's consciousness, can not close on the naked pill or naked monetarism.

The thought of Solzhenitsyn is clear: in Russia, even in the political market, inevitable in democracy, not to live without unshakable moral authorities, without great people-unified people. About them all books A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

Option number 5126382.

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Specify the suggestions numbers in which the main information contained in the text is correct. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) camels can do without food for a long time, and scientists have advanced various guesses about the causes of this amazing ability, only one of which turned out to be proven.

2) The resistance of the camels to the thirst is due to the fact that they are able to lose up to a quarter of the mass of their body, and the moisture in their blood is held in much greater than that of other animals.

3) Regarding the resistance of the camels to the thirst, scientists were nominated by two assumptions: the water holds the stomach of the animal and make a camel thirst allowing the fat in the hump.

4) drinks a camel a lot and quickly: in 10 minutes it absorbs 10 vestors at once, and his ability to do without water for a long time due to the ability to absorb moisture in much larger quantities, unlike other animals.

5) Camels are able to lose up to a quarter of the mass of their body at the expense of water, but the moisture in their blood is held in much larger quantities than other animals, and this is precisely due to the resistance of camels to the thirst.



Which of the words below or the combination of words should be at the point of passing in the third sentence of the text? Write this word.

On the contrary,

In spite of this,

As a result

It turned out

(1) Camels can do without food for a long time, and, which is especially important, they may not drink a few days, and scientists have long built guesses about the reasons for their amazing ability to carry thirst. (2) The assumption was also unproved, which holds the water of the animal's stomach - and drinks a lot and quickly: in 10 minutes it absorbs 10 vector of water at once, and the assumption that thirst allows a camel accumulated in the hill fat, because, "burning", It gives water and thus protects the body from dehydration. (3)<...>that the phenomenal consistency of the camel to the thirst depends on its ability due to water to lose to a quarter of the mass of its body, while in the blood of moisture is held in much greater quantity than other animals.


Read the fragment of the vocabulary article in which the values \u200b\u200bof the word word are given. Determine the value in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of text. Write down the figure corresponding to this value in the listed vocabulary fragment.

BODY, -a, mn. Body, bodies, bodies, cf.

1. Separate subject In space, as well as a piece of space filled with matter, how-n. substance or limited by a closed surface. Solid, liquid and gaseous bodies. Geometric t.

2. The human or animal organism in its external, physical forms. Body parts. Log in t.(Fall; simple). Save from the body (Lose weight; simple). In body (full, fat; simple). Naked t. (Without clothing). Dead t.(dead body).

3. Part of this organism, excluding the head and limb, torso. Body massage.

4. Main part, case of something. (specialist.). T. Tona (trunk). T. Mina. T. Piston. T. Dam (its main part). Vegetative t. Mushroom (mycelium). Ore t (Rude accumulation). T. Wood (trunk).

(1) Camels can do without food for a long time, and, which is especially important, they may not drink a few days, and scientists have long built guesses about the reasons for their amazing ability to carry thirst. (2) The assumption was also unproved, which holds the water of the animal's stomach - and drinks a lot and quickly: in 10 minutes it absorbs 10 vector of water at once, and the assumption that thirst allows a camel accumulated in the hill fat, because, "burning", It gives water and thus protects the body from dehydration. (3)<...>that the phenomenal consistency of the camel to the thirst depends on its ability due to water to lose to a quarter of the mass of its body, while in the blood of moisture is held in much greater quantity than other animals.


In what word an error is made in the staging: the letter denoting the shock vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted? Write this word.

can be donate



In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrect. Correct the lexical error, pose to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

The team - the winner demonstrated Organic connection Dance and music.

Irritability is a tendency to respond to everyday stimuli, expressing discontent and hostility to others in words.

Potential investors continue to learn the right time for cash investments, assessing the most promising areas of investment.

The course of cultural studies, which is studied at the Department of Humanitarian and social SciencesIt was introduced to fill the gaps in the knowledge of the requirements of military and civilian etiquette.


In one of the above words, an error is made to form a word form. Correct the error and write down the word correctly.

pair of sapog

Put books

Put on the table

Five hundred order

Put on gloves


Set the correspondence between the grammatical errors and the proposals in which they are allowed: to each position of the first list, select the corresponding position from the second list.


A) improper use of the core form of nouns with the pretext

B) violation of communication between the subject and faithful

C) violation in building a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) error in building a sentence with homogeneous members

E) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adapted circulation

1) In the block poem "Demone" is used traditional romantic image, only already in specific symbolistic processing.

2) Looking for a heart that beats according to your heart: such a heart will never change.

3) Upon returning from emigration, the poet with a double strength took up work.

4) The caravel pack rose into the sky took several circles over the lake and launched again ashore.

5) Mom and daughter were sitting at a large table and sculpted from plasticine animal figures.

6) In the "twelve" A. Blok, a special place occupies a motive of combating the "old world".

7) Including merry music, cleaning the house becomes a pleasant occupation.

8) A new group consisting of talented musicians and performers quickly won the love of the public.

9) Often the theme of the early poems of Pushkina not so much there were situations of life, how much dictated genre.



Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missed letter.



nach ..

et .. Bakka.


Determine the range in which one and the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missed letter.

ra..Chiflo, Ra..Thorn;

from .. Ince, poses .. yesterday;

from .. hit, by ...

pr .. disclose, nep .. estate;, cop..y.


Write down the word in which the letter E.

quickly ...

key .. "(moment)

prices ..

dried ..y



Write the word in which the letter I. is written on site


watch ..


sickie .. "

subset ..


Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word. Open brackets and write this word.

Dissatisfaction with himself (not) thumbs up - this is part of his living soul.

The room is cold, damp and (not) cozy.

For some time he sat (not) stirred.

On the steppe, (not) has time to cool down the night, already pulls the warm wind.


Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words.

(C) the current of the few days continued the strong eruption of the volcano, clubs of fire over which they spinned (for) the semblance of the vortex, increasing in size.

(Not) looking at love for urban landscapes, we all (still) did not remain indifferent to the beauties of nature on Valdai.

(And) So, all of my brilliant hopes collapsed, and (c) the place of funny Moscow life expected me to bored in the side of the deaf and remote.

It is difficult to even imagine that (if) happened to me if a ship was late.


Specify all the numbers in which the NN is written?

In the preparation of young chess players, it is not important that it was conducted (1) about the poorer (2) about playing chess, but a conscious training, the basis (3) on overcoming, requiring efforts.


Arrange the punctuation marks. Specify the number of offers in which you need to put one comma.

1) Let him serve in the army and pulls the strap Yes, I'll sniff powder, there will be a soldier.

2) Now the trees have not flashed the space and allowed to see the sky and the distance.

3) And the elders and we ourselves were scared and came to confusion.

4) And at that very moment, the royal adjutant approached the scaffold and stopped the shooting.

5) Forest fires hollowed and in the air smelled Garoy.


The heavy nauge of the snow bent the flexible birch and poplar (1) by forming (2) the bizarre arches (3) were like (4) on unprecedented winter mushrooms.


Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

Figures in response to write in ascending order

In Russia, in Russia, the most (1) seemingly (2) an unremarkable and modest person may be at the verification of a person very outstanding and significant. Especially deeply understood this (3) according to K. Powesta (4) Leskov Writer.


Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

Letter (1) under the influence of (2) of which (3) I was going to go on a visit to Marus (4) was long and disorderly.


Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

It is not boring in the forest (1) and (2) if you fret (3) take a look at the most ordinary birches (4) who will meet on your way.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify response numbers.

1) The story hero did not immediately recognize the place memorable him.

2) There was a completely different building on the site of the old church.

3) Agnia opened a hero one of the beautiful places in Moscow.

4) The view from the hill was still distant and impressive.

5) The hero shocked how unrecognizable several square meters of land changed, becoming a real cultural monument.

- (27) And wait.

- (29) So look!

(According to A. Solzhenitsyn *)

*Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn

Text source: not defined


Which of the listed statements are faithful? Specify response numbers.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) In Proposals 4-5, a description is presented.

2) In Proposition 28, sequential actions of the character are listed.

3) The proposals 19-20 presents the story.

4) In Proposition 48, a story is presented.

5) In Proposition 32-34, reasoning is presented.

(1) Yakakov climbed the path through the wasteland, not noticing - where, without noticing the lifting. (2) And the legs are tired, dismounting from irregularities. (3) And then from a high place where he wandered, he looked around with reasonable eyes, trying to understand where he was. (4) 3 hours under his feet in brick wreckages, in crushed, in a bits of glass, and some kind of smashed seedier or booth in the neighborhood, and the remaining fence is a fence around a large area under bad construction. (5) And in the hill of this, subjected to a strange desolation near the center of the capital, were white steps, about seven, then they stopped and began, it seems again. (6) Some kind of deaf memory was broken in the Yakonov at the sight of these white steps, and where they led the steps, poorly different in the dark: the building of a strange form, at the same time as if destroyed and surviving. (7) The staircase rose to the wide iron doors, closed tightly and knee-headed with a swelled rubble. (8) Yes! (9) Yes! (10) Splitting the memory of the Yakonova. (11) He looked around. (12) Lampsy lanterns, far below the river, strangely familiar radiating leaving under the bridge and on to the Kremlin. (13) But the bell tower? (14) She is not. (15) Or these piles of stone - from the bell tower? (16) Yakonov has become hot in the eyes. (17) He clogged, sat down quietly. (18) On stone debris, torn down. (19) Twenty two years ago in this very place he stood with a girl who called Agnia. (20) That the most autumn in the evening they went alleys from the Taganskaya Square, and Agniya told his quiet voice, which hardly heard in urban rumble:

- (21) Want, I will show you one of the most beautiful places in Moscow?

(22) and led it to the fence of a small brick church painted in white and red paint and a converted altar in the curve, the Unnamed alley. (23) Inside the fence was closely, it was only around the church a narrow track for the godflow. (24) And immediately grew up, in the corner of the fence, old big oak, he was above the church, his branches, already yellow, dome and dome, and the lane, why the church seemed very tiny.

- (25) This church, - said Agnia.

- (26) But not the most beautiful place in Moscow.

- (27) And wait.

(28) She spent it to the papers of the main entrance, left the shadow into the flow of sunset and sat down to a low parapet, where the fence was broken and the gateway began.

- (29) So look!

(30) Anton painted. (31) They fell out of the city crowned and went to a cool height with a spacious open distance. (32) River burned in the sun. (33) Left lay Zamoskvorechye, blinding the yellow glitter, almost under his feet in Moscow, the river was poured, the carved contours of the Kremlin rose to the right, and the Five Cavroel-Golden Dresses of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. (34) And in all this gold radiance of Agnia, in the twin yellow should, who also seemed golden, sat, squinting in the sun.

- (35) Yes! (ZB) This is Moscow! - captured Anton pronounced.

- (37) But she goes away, Anton, "Agnia was missing .- Moscow - goes! ..

- (38) Where is she going there? (39) Fantasy.

- (40) This church will be demolished, Anton, - told his Agniya.

- (41) How do you know? - angry Anton .- (42) This is an artistic monument, it will be left to drink it.

(43) He looked at a tiny bell tape, in the slots of which the branches of oak looked into the bells.

- (44) demolish! - Confidently propheted Agnia, sitting still still, in the yellow light and in Yehli Shawl.

(45) Yakakov woke up. (46) Yes, ... destroyed the tent bell and blown the stairs, descending to the river. (47) I didn't even believe that that sunny evening and this December dawn took place on the same square meters Moscow land. (48) But everything was also a distant review from the hill, and the same was the tweeza of the river repeated lanterns ...

(According to A. Solzhenitsyn *)

*Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) - an outstanding Russian writer, publicist, historian, poet and public figure.

Text source: not defined

(32) River burned in the sun. (33) Left lay Zamoskvorechye, blinding the yellow glitter, almost under his feet in Moscow, the river was poured, the carved contours of the Kremlin rose to the right, and the Five Cavroel-Golden Dresses of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. (34) And in all this gold radiance of Agnia, in the twin yellow should, who also seemed golden, sat, squinting in the sun.


From Proposals 40-42, write out phraseologism.

(1) Yakakov climbed the path through the wasteland, not noticing - where, without noticing the lifting. (2) And the legs are tired, dismounting from irregularities. (3) And then from a high place where he wandered, he looked around with reasonable eyes, trying to understand where he was. (4) 3 hours under his feet in brick wreckages, in crushed, in a bits of glass, and some kind of smashed seedier or booth in the neighborhood, and the remaining fence is a fence around a large area under bad construction. (5) And in the hill of this, subjected to a strange desolation near the center of the capital, were white steps, about seven, then they stopped and began, it seems again. (6) Some kind of deaf memory was broken in the Yakonov at the sight of these white steps, and where they led the steps, poorly different in the dark: the building of a strange form, at the same time as if destroyed and surviving. (7) The staircase rose to the wide iron doors, closed tightly and knee-headed with a swelled rubble. (8) Yes! (9) Yes! (10) Splitting the memory of the Yakonova. (11) He looked around. (12) Lampsy lanterns, far below the river, strangely familiar radiating leaving under the bridge and on to the Kremlin. (13) But the bell tower? (14) She is not. (15) Or these piles of stone - from the bell tower? (16) Yakonov has become hot in the eyes. (17) He clogged, sat down quietly. (18) On stone debris, torn down. (19) Twenty two years ago in this very place he stood with a girl who called Agnia. (20) That the most autumn in the evening they went alleys from the Taganskaya Square, and Agniya told his quiet voice, which hardly heard in urban rumble:

- (21) Want, I will show you one of the most beautiful places in Moscow?

(22) and led it to the fence of a small brick church painted in white and red paint and a converted altar in the curve, the Unnamed alley. (23) Inside the fence was closely, it was only around the church a narrow track for the godflow. (24) And immediately grew up, in the corner of the fence, old big oak, he was above the church, his branches, already yellow, dome and dome, and the lane, why the church seemed very tiny.

- (25) This church, - said Agnia.

- (26) But not the most beautiful place in Moscow.

- (27) And wait.

(28) She spent it to the papers of the main entrance, left the shadow into the flow of sunset and sat down to a low parapet, where the fence was broken and the gateway began.

- (29) So look!

(30) Anton painted. (31) They fell out of the city crowned and went to a cool height with a spacious open distance. (32) River burned in the sun. (33) Left lay Zamoskvorechye, blinding the yellow glitter, almost under his feet in Moscow, the river was poured, the carved contours of the Kremlin rose to the right, and the Five Cavroel-Golden Dresses of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. (34) And in all this gold radiance of Agnia, in the twin yellow should, who also seemed golden, sat, squinting in the sun.

- (35) Yes! (ZB) This is Moscow! - captured Anton pronounced.

- (37) But she goes away, Anton, "Agnia was missing .- Moscow - goes! ..

- (38) Where is she going there? (39) Fantasy.

- (40) This church will be demolished, Anton, - told his Agniya.

- (41) How do you know? - angry Anton .- (42) This is an artistic monument, it will be left to drink it.

(43) He looked at a tiny bell tape, in the slots of which the branches of oak looked into the bells.

- (44) demolish! - Confidently propheted Agnia, sitting still still, in the yellow light and in Yehli Shawl.

(45) Yakakov woke up. (46) Yes, ... destroyed the tent bell and blown the stairs, descending to the river. (47) I could not even believe that that sunny evening and this December dawn occurred on the same square meters of Moscow land. (48) But everything was also a distant review from the hill, and the same was the tweeza of the river repeated lanterns ...

(According to A. Solzhenitsyn *)

*Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) - an outstanding Russian writer, publicist, historian, poet and public figure.

Text source: not defined

(40) How do you know? - angry Anton .- (41) This is an artistic monument, how to drink it will leave.

(42) He looked at the tiny bell tape, in the slots of which the branches of oak looked at the bells.


Among the proposals 5-11, find such (s), which is connected (s) with the previous one with the help of the forms of the word and index pronoun. Write the number (s) of this (s) offers (s).

(1) Yakakov climbed the path through the wasteland, not noticing - where, without noticing the lifting. (2) And the legs are tired, dismounting from irregularities. (3) And then from a high place where he wandered, he looked around with reasonable eyes, trying to understand where he was. (4) 3 hours under his feet in brick wreckages, in crushed, in a bits of glass, and some kind of smashed seedier or booth in the neighborhood, and the remaining fence is a fence around a large area under bad construction. (5) And in the hill of this, subjected to a strange desolation near the center of the capital, were white steps, about seven, then they stopped and began, it seems again. (6) Some kind of deaf memory was broken in the Yakonov at the sight of these white steps, and where they led the steps, poorly different in the dark: the building of a strange form, at the same time as if destroyed and surviving. (7) The staircase rose to the wide iron doors, closed tightly and knee-headed with a swelled rubble. (8) Yes! (9) Yes! (10) Splitting the memory of the Yakonova. (11) He looked around. (12) Lampsy lanterns, far below the river, strangely familiar radiating leaving under the bridge and on to the Kremlin. (13) But the bell tower? (14) She is not. (15) Or these piles of stone - from the bell tower? (16) Yakonov has become hot in the eyes. (17) He clogged, sat down quietly. (18) On stone debris, torn down. (19) Twenty two years ago in this very place he stood with a girl who called Agnia. (20) That the most autumn in the evening they went alleys from the Taganskaya Square, and Agniya told his quiet voice, which hardly heard in urban rumble:

- (21) Want, I will show you one of the most beautiful places in Moscow?

(22) and led it to the fence of a small brick church painted in white and red paint and a converted altar in the curve, the Unnamed alley. (23) Inside the fence was closely, it was only around the church a narrow track for the godflow. (24) And immediately grew up, in the corner of the fence, old big oak, he was above the church, his branches, already yellow, dome and dome, and the lane, why the church seemed very tiny.

- (25) This church, - said Agnia.

- (26) But not the most beautiful place in Moscow.

- (27) And wait.

(28) She spent it to the papers of the main entrance, left the shadow into the flow of sunset and sat down to a low parapet, where the fence was broken and the gateway began.

- (29) So look!

(30) Anton painted. (31) They fell out of the city crowned and went to a cool height with a spacious open distance. (32) River burned in the sun. (33) Left lay Zamoskvorechye, blinding the yellow glitter, almost under his feet in Moscow, the river was poured, the carved contours of the Kremlin rose to the right, and the Five Cavroel-Golden Dresses of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. (34) And in all this gold radiance of Agnia, in the twin yellow should, who also seemed golden, sat, squinting in the sun.

- (35) Yes! (ZB) This is Moscow! - captured Anton pronounced.

- (37) But she goes away, Anton, "Agnia was missing .- Moscow - goes! ..

- (38) Where is she going there? (39) Fantasy.

- (40) This church will be demolished, Anton, - told his Agniya.

- (41) How do you know? - angry Anton .- (42) This is an artistic monument, it will be left to drink it.

(43) He looked at a tiny bell tape, in the slots of which the branches of oak looked into the bells.

- (44) demolish! - Confidently propheted Agnia, sitting still still, in the yellow light and in Yehli Shawl.

(45) Yakakov woke up. (46) Yes, ... destroyed the tent bell and blown the stairs, descending to the river. (47) I could not even believe that that sunny evening and this December dawn occurred on the same square meters of Moscow land. (48) But everything was also a distant review from the hill, and the same was the tweeza of the river repeated lanterns ...

(According to A. Solzhenitsyn *)

*Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) - an outstanding Russian writer, publicist, historian, poet and public figure.

Text source: not defined

(5) And in the hill of this, subjected to a strange desolation near the center of the capital, were white steps, a number of about seven, then stopped and began, it seems, again.4) Metaphors

5) hyperbole

6) Epitts

7) Parcelation

8) rhetorical question

9) Exclamation Proposals

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:


(1) Yakakov climbed the path through the wasteland, not noticing - where, without noticing the lifting. (2) And the legs are tired, dismounting from irregularities. (3) And then from a high place where he wandered, he looked around with reasonable eyes, trying to understand where he was. (4) 3 hours under his feet in brick wreckages, in crushed, in a bits of glass, and some kind of smashed seedier or booth in the neighborhood, and the remaining fence is a fence around a large area under bad construction. (5) And in the hill of this, subjected to a strange desolation near the center of the capital, were white steps, about seven, then they stopped and began, it seems again. (6) Some kind of deaf memory was broken in the Yakonov at the sight of these white steps, and where they led the steps, poorly different in the dark: the building of a strange form, at the same time as if destroyed and surviving. (7) The staircase rose to the wide iron doors, closed tightly and knee-headed with a swelled rubble. (8) Yes! (9) Yes! (10) Splitting the memory of the Yakonova. (11) He looked around. (12) Lampsy lanterns, far below the river, strangely familiar radiating leaving under the bridge and on to the Kremlin. (13) But the bell tower? (14) She is not. (15) Or these piles of stone - from the bell tower? (16) Yakonov has become hot in the eyes. (17) He clogged, sat down quietly. (18) On stone debris, torn down. (19) Twenty two years ago in this very place he stood with a girl who called Agnia. (20) That the most autumn in the evening they went alleys from the Taganskaya Square, and Agniya told his quiet voice, which hardly heard in urban rumble:

- (21) Want, I will show you one of the most beautiful places in Moscow?

(22) and led it to the fence of a small brick church painted in white and red paint and a converted altar in the curve, the Unnamed alley. (23) Inside the fence was closely, it was only around the church a narrow track for the godflow. (24) And immediately grew up, in the corner of the fence, old big oak, he was above the church, his branches, already yellow, dome and dome, and the lane, why the church seemed very tiny.

- (25) This church, - said Agnia.

- (26) But not the most beautiful place in Moscow.

- (27) And wait.

(28) She spent it to the papers of the main entrance, left the shadow into the flow of sunset and sat down to a low parapet, where the fence was broken and the gateway began.

- (29) So look!

(30) Anton painted. (31) They fell out of the city crowned and went to a cool height with a spacious open distance. (32) River burned in the sun. (33) Left lay Zamoskvorechye, blinding the yellow glitter, almost under his feet in Moscow, the river was poured, the carved contours of the Kremlin rose to the right, and the Five Cavroel-Golden Dresses of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. (34) And in all this gold radiance of Agnia, in the twin yellow should, who also seemed golden, sat, squinting in the sun.

- (35) Yes! (ZB) This is Moscow! - captured Anton pronounced.

- (37) But she goes away, Anton, "Agnia was missing .- Moscow - goes! ..

- (38) Where is she going there? (39) Fantasy.

- (40) This church will be demolished, Anton, - told his Agniya.

- (41) How do you know? - angry Anton .- (42) This is an artistic monument, it will be left to drink it.

(43) He looked at a tiny bell tape, in the slots of which the branches of oak looked into the bells.

- (44) demolish! - Confidently propheted Agnia, sitting still still, in the yellow light and in Yehli Shawl.

(45) Yakakov woke up. (46) Yes, ... destroyed the tent bell and blown the stairs, descending to the river. (47) I could not even believe that that sunny evening and this December dawn occurred on the same square meters of Moscow land. (48) But everything was also a distant review from the hill, and the same was the tweeza of the river repeated lanterns ...

(According to A. Solzhenitsyn *)

Operations volume - at least 150 words.

Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retold or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Yakakov climbed the path through the wasteland, not noticing - where, without noticing the lifting. (2) And the legs are tired, dismounting from irregularities. (3) And then from a high place where he wandered, he looked around with reasonable eyes, trying to understand where he was. (4) 3 hours under his feet in brick wreckages, in crushed, in a bits of glass, and some kind of smashed seedier or booth in the neighborhood, and the remaining fence is a fence around a large area under bad construction. (5) And in the hill of this, subjected to a strange desolation near the center of the capital, were white steps, about seven, then they stopped and began, it seems again. (6) Some kind of deaf memory was broken in the Yakonov at the sight of these white steps, and where they led the steps, poorly different in the dark: the building of a strange form, at the same time as if destroyed and surviving. (7) The staircase rose to the wide iron doors, closed tightly and knee-headed with a swelled rubble. (8) Yes! (9) Yes! (10) Splitting the memory of the Yakonova. (11) He looked around. (12) Lampsy lanterns, far below the river, strangely familiar radiating leaving under the bridge and on to the Kremlin. (13) But the bell tower? (14) She is not. (15) Or these piles of stone - from the bell tower? (16) Yakonov has become hot in the eyes. (17) He clogged, sat down quietly. (18) On stone debris, torn down. (19) Twenty two years ago in this very place he stood with a girl who called Agnia. (20) That the most autumn in the evening they went alleys from the Taganskaya Square, and Agniya told his quiet voice, which hardly heard in urban rumble:

- (21) Want, I will show you one of the most beautiful places in Moscow?

(22) and led it to the fence of a small brick church painted in white and red paint and a converted altar in the curve, the Unnamed alley. (23) Inside the fence was closely, it was only around the church a narrow track for the godflow. (24) And immediately grew up, in the corner of the fence, old big oak, he was above the church, his branches, already yellow, dome and dome, and the lane, why the church seemed very tiny.

- (25) This church, - said Agnia.

- (26) But not the most beautiful place in Moscow.

- (27) And wait.

(28) She spent it to the papers of the main entrance, left the shadow into the flow of sunset and sat down to a low parapet, where the fence was broken and the gateway began.

- (29) So look!

(30) Anton painted. (31) They fell out of the city crowned and went to a cool height with a spacious open distance. (32) River burned in the sun. (33) Left lay Zamoskvorechye, blinding the yellow glitter, almost under his feet in Moscow, the river was poured, the carved contours of the Kremlin rose to the right, and the Five Cavroel-Golden Dresses of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. (34) And in all this gold radiance of Agnia, in the twin yellow should, who also seemed golden, sat, squinting in the sun.

- (35) Yes! (ZB) This is Moscow! - captured Anton pronounced.

- (37) But she goes away, Anton, "Agnia was missing .- Moscow - goes! ..

- (38) Where is she going there? (39) Fantasy.

- (40) This church will be demolished, Anton, - told his Agniya.

- (41) How do you know? - angry Anton .- (42) This is an artistic monument, it will be left to drink it.

(43) He looked at a tiny bell tape, in the slots of which the branches of oak looked into the bells.

- (44) demolish! - Confidently propheted Agnia, sitting still still, in the yellow light and in Yehli Shawl.

(45) Yakakov woke up. (46) Yes, ... destroyed the tent bell and blown the stairs, descending to the river. (47) I could not even believe that that sunny evening and this December dawn occurred on the same square meters of Moscow land. (48) But everything was also a distant review from the hill, and the same was the tweeza of the river repeated lanterns ...

(According to A. Solzhenitsyn *)

Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (born in 1918-2008)

The famous German writer Heinrich Bell wrote that the civil and literary activities of Solzhenitsyn produced "The coup in consciousness, the revolution of the worldwide, which found a response in all ends of the world". Solzhenitsyn is the most significant writer and man of our time. His fate, which he never considered as a private phenomenon, and his work firmly soldered the idea "Life is not on lies". The characteristic feature of Solzhenitsyn is the sharpness and criticalness of the thought that gives rise to distrust of the accepted political and social attitudes and dogma. In adolescence, sincerely accepting Soviet reality and the romanticizing revolution (it is characteristic that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe youth novel about the First World War is obtained by the name "love the revolution"), he at the end of the war, captain, front-line commander with combat awards, sees the world Already differently (no doubtful in the basics of Bolshevism, he believes that Stalin moved away from Leninsky covenants) and shares his "political indignations" in letters to a friend who fought on another front. He was arrested "for anti-Soviet campaign" and sentenced to 8 years of camps. The value of these years carried out in the conclusion (near Moscow, in the Moscow specialty, in Rybinsk, and then in Kazakhstan, in Ekibastuz) hugely: they identified all his future writing life. "It's terrible to think that I would be for the writer, if I did not plan me"- Solzhenitsyn writes in the book "Bade by calfs with oak" (Wed with the meaning of Katorga for Dostoevsky). Then "Eternal Refilm" in Central Asia, and after rehabilitation in 1956 he works as a teacher in a rural school, and then in Ryazan. But his main thing is a writhe. He realizes him as a spiritual mission - to bear the word of truth (not limited to the framework of the exposure of the cult of personality) about the life of the Russian people in the XX century. In 1962, in the era of Khrushchev "thaw", Tvardovsky prints in the "New World" "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" (the initial name "Sh-854 (one day of one zeka)"). The story brought the author with worldwide fame. But the novels "in the circle of the first" and "Cancer Corps" could not be published - they spread to samizdate. By the end of the 1960s, the atmosphere around Solzhenitsyn is becoming increasingly hostile: it is excluded from the Writers 'Union, in 1974 they deprive citizenship and forcibly sent out of the country and only as a result of the restructuring in 1989, they are restored in the Writers' Union, its works are beginning to be widely printed with public Apologies return citizenship, and in 1894, after twenty years of life abroad, Solzhenitsyn returns to Russia. These twenty years (in Zurich, then in Vermont) were over the years of colossal labor - work on the epic "Red Wheel".

The writer interests of Solzhenitsyn are extraordinary wide - in fact it is the whole tragic story of the life of the Russian people from the First World War to the present day; The genome range is very large - from the story to a huge epic. A special role in his work is played by a camp topic, the central product of which "Archipelago Gulag" - on the author's definition, "Artistic study", connecting literature with documentary evidence, an artistic start with journalistic. This is not only a history of repression in our state since 1918, this is a huge monument to everyone who has passed the camp.

In the title "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" a certain feature is laid characteristic of artistic thinking Solzhenitsyn: this is a thickening of time and space (one day, camp). The day becomes a unit of measuring the camp life of the hero. The whole story compositely introduced into the frame of the day: the beginning coincides with the beginning of the day ( "At five o'clock in the morning, as always, struck the rise ..."), End - with evening selection. In the first phrase, the words "as always" indicate the constant constancy of the camp life, in the final is given an unpredental number of days for a person, of which the term of Ivan Denisovich is formed: "There were three thousand six hundred and fifty-three three days from calling to call. Due to leap years - three days of superfluous ... "

And this is a respectful allocation into a special, and besides, the last paragraph is only three days - such a smallness compared to three thousand - determines the attitude to the day as a concentration of a lifetime.

What is the image of the world in the "one day ..."? In what space and time there are his heroes? Solzhenitsyn willingly enjoys taking antithesis, and the space and time of this world show their own characteristics, rather give themselves to realize themselves in a contrasting comparison with other or other worlds. Thus, the main properties of the camp space are its density, closeness and disorder (standing on the tower sees everything) - opposed to openness and infinity of natural space - steppe. The most characteristic and necessary feature of the camp space is a barrier, the details of its device are given in detail: a solid fence, pointed pillars with lanterns, double gates, wire, close and distant tower. When mastering a new object, Ivan Denisovich notes, "Before what to do there, you need to dig pits, put the poles and barbed wire from ourselves to pull - so as not to escape". The structure of this phrase accurately reproduces the order and meaning of the image of space: first the world is described as closed, then - as non-free, and it is precisely for the second part (dash - a sign of intonation selection). We seem before us, it would seem clear opposition of the camp world with a set of signs inherent in him (closed, foreseeable, non-free) and the world of external with its signs of openness, infinity and - therefore - freedoms, and call the zone camp, and big world "Will". But in fact there is no such symmetry. "Whistitis over naked steppew wind - in summer Sukhovny, frosty winter. The outfit in the steppes of that, nothing grew up, and between the wires four - and suppressed ". The steppe (in Russian culture an imaging symbol, reinforced as traditional and the same as a significant way of wind) turns out to be equated to non-free, consolidated area of \u200b\u200bthe zone: And here there is no life there - "nothing grew up." Moreover: the outside world is endowed with the properties of the camp: "From the stories of free chauffeurs and excavators sees shukhov that the direct road to people were tanned<...>" And, on the contrary, the camp world suddenly acquires other people and paradoxical properties: "Than in the religious camp is good - freedom here from the Puz" (italies A. Solzhenitsyn. - T. V.). The speech here is about freedom of speech - the right that ceases to be a socio-political abstraction and becomes a natural need for a person to speak as he wants and what he wants, freely and withoutgetting: "And in the room yell:

You will regret you thanksa! He does not believe his brother, not that you, burdocks! "

Words unthinkable on "will".

The opposition of the big world and the world of the camp is imaginary.

What is the character system in the story? Antiteza, the main artistic principle in the "one day ...", determines the system of opposition in the world of people. First of all, it is the most predictable and natural confrontation of the zacks and those who are uninhabited to dispose of their lives - from the head of the camp to the warders, guards and convoirs (hierarchy is not too important - for the zacks of any of them "citizen boss"). The confrontation of these worlds, socio-political in nature, has been strengthened by the fact that it is given at the level of natural-biological. Do not accidental constant comparison of guards with wolves and dogs: Lieutenant Volkova ( "God shelma metitis", - say Ivan Denisovich) "Otherwise, like a wolf, does not look"; Outfunctions "They walked, rushed like beasts," "only look out for, so that you are not rushed to you", "Here are the dogs, take again!"

Zeki is the defenseless herd. They are recalculated on their heads: «<...> At least at the back, at least see the front: five heads, five spin, ten legs "; "- Stop! - Noise Wahter. - Like the herd rams. Understand five! "; They say about Gopchik - "Calf is affectionate", "he has a thin voice, like a goat"; Kurnogengen Buinovsky "Strawrs, like Merin kind".

This opposition of wolves and sheep is easily superimposed in our consciousness on the usual fancy-allegorical opposition of strength and defenselessness ("Wolf and a lamb") or, like the island, calculating tricks and simpleness, but here is more important than another, more ancient and more common semantic reservoirs - The symbolism of the sacrifice associated with the way. The symbol of the victim connecting the opposite meanings of death and life, death and salvation turns out to be unusually important for the camp theme, the overall plot of which is life in the kingdom of non-valeties and the opportunity (Solzhenitsyn) or the impossibility (shalam) for a person in this non-lips to escape. It is especially essential that this opposition is not mechanical, it is related to the freedom of human choice: to take it for yourself "The law of wolves"depends on a person, and one who accepts it acquires the properties of the wolf tribe of dogs or Shakalov (DER, "Testman from the zacks, the bastard is good, his brother Zack is worse than dogs chasing", prisoner, head of the dining room, together with the overseer, is determined by the word with the Writer: "No warders are managed, Polkany").

Taxes turn into wolves and dogs not only when subordinate­ the camp law of survival is strong: "Who can be, that one is", not only when, betraying his own, and when they refuse their personality, becoming a crowd, - this is the most difficult case for humans, and no one Not guaranteed here from the transformation. In an enraged crowd, ready to kill the guilty - who fell asleep Moldavian, who had spent the check, - Tycho-waiting in the cold recalculation: "Now he (shukhov) Zyab with everyone, and Lyutel with everyone, and it would seem to have half an hour to hold them to this Moldova, yes I would give his convoy to the crowd - they drove b, like the wolves of the calf! " (for Moldovan - Victims - remains the same name "calf"). What a crowd meets Moldavian - Wolf Cold: "Ah-ah! - screamed zacks! Y-U-y! ".

Another relationship system is between prisoners. On the one hand, it is a hierarchy, and camp terminology - "Stools", "Sixters", "Domestic" - Clearly defines the place of each discharge. "Outside the brigade all in some black bumps and in the rooms are the same, and there are unevenly at night - steps goes. Burenova will not sit with the mission to sit, and the shukhov will not take all work, there is a lower ".

Another case is the highlighting of sounders, which are opposed to all the landscapes as not entirely people, as some individual organs-functions, without which the authorities cannot do. Therefore, the murders of the pussy, which are mentioned several times, do not cause moral protest.

And finally, the third and perhaps the most tragic-important for Solzhenitsyn case of an internal opposition is the opposition of the people and the intelligentsia. This problem, cardinal for the whole nineteenth century, from Griboedov to Chekhov, is not removed in the age of twentieth, but few put it with such a sharpness as Solzhenitsyn. His angle of view is the wines of that part of the intelligentsia, which the people are not visible. Speaking about the terrible thread of the arrests of peasants in 1929-1930, which almost did not notice the liberal Soviet intelligentsia of the sixties, focused on Stalin Terror 1934-1937. - On the destruction of his own, he as a sentence pronounces: "Meanwhile, it was not from Stalin (and with us with you) a crime of hard". In the "one day ..." Shukhov sees intellectuals ("Muscovites") as someone else's people: "And they will burst quickly, quickly, who will say more words. And when they are so bursting, so rare Russian words come across, listening to them - anyway as Latvians or Romanians ". The opposition sharpness is especially felt because the traditional national alienation in Solzhenitsyn practically removed: the community of fate leads to human proximity, and Latvian Kildags, and Estonians, and Western Ukrainian, and Western Ukrainian, are clearly understood by Ivan Denisovich. The human fraternity is created not contrary to, but rather due to the national record, which gives the completeness and brightness of great life.

"Educated conversation" - an argument about Eisenstein between Caesar and an old people of Katorchin X-123 (he hears the shukhov, brought Caesar Khasha) - models a double opposition: first, inside the intelligentsary: \u200b\u200baesthet-formalist Caesar, whose formula "Art is not that, but how", It is opposed to a supporter of ethical understanding of art X-123, for whom "To the damn mother of your" how ", if it does not witness good feelings!", And "Ivan Grozny" is "the nasal political idea - an excuse of sole tyranny", and, Secondly, the opposition of the intelligentsia - the people, and in it Caesar and X-123 are equivalent to Ivan Denisovich. On the small space of the episode - the entire page of the book text - the author shows three times - Caesar does not notice Ivan Denisovich: "Caesar is smoking the tube, the table is broken. To Shukhov, he does not see his back.<...> Caesar was blunting, hand stretched out for porridge, on Shukhov and did not look like porridge herself came through the air<...>. <...> Caesar did not really remember himself that he was here, behind his back ". But the "good feelings" of the old curtain is directed only on their own - for the memory of "three generations of the Russian intelligentsia", and Ivan Denisovich him is invisible.

This is an unforgivable blindness. Ivan Denisovich in the story of Solzhenitsyn not just the main character - He has the highest authority of the narrator, although in modestness does not pretend to this role at all. Solzhenitsyn uses the technique of incomprehensive-direct speech, which allows us to see the world-depicted world through the eyes of Shukhov and understand this world through his consciousness. And therefore the central problem of the story coinciding with the problem of the whole new (with early XIX. century) Russian literature - finding freedom - comes to us through the problem, which is aware of Ivan Denisovich as the main for his life in the camp, - survival.

The simplest survival formula: "His" time + food. This is a world where "two hundred grams of life rule", where the drawing after work occupies a higher place in the hierarchy of values ("This scope for him is more expensive than the will, more than the life of the whole past and the whole future life")where dinner says: "Here he is a moment short, for whom ZEK lives!" Soldering hero hides near the heart. Time is measured by food: "The most raw time is a loop - June: Ends every vegetable, and replace the crop. The easiest time is July: nettle to the cape. Attitude towards eating as a supersensable idea, the ability to fully focus on it determine the possibility of survival. "The porridge eats the mouth insensitive, she is not he- it says about the old intelligent religion. Shukhov feels each spoon, each swallowed piece. The story is full of information about what Magara is, than is valuable for oats, how to hide the soldering, as a crust to eat porridge, etc.

Life is the highest value, human debt - the traditional system of prohibitions and restrictions ceases to operate: the porridge porridges are not a crime, and the merit, the Zekovskaya vitality, the gopchik his parcels at night alone eats - and here it is normal "Right will be a lap".

A striking thing is: the moral boundaries are even changed, but they continue to exist, and moreover, they serve as a guarantee of human salvation. The criterion is simple: it is impossible to change - neither to others (like knockachi, saving themselves "on someone else's blood") nor yourself. The occurrence of moral habits, whether the inability of Shukhov "Shake" or give bribes or "pointing" and the appeal "on the Fatherland", from which the Western Ukrainians cannot undress, is not an external, easily washed by the conditions of existence, but the internal, natural resistance of a person. This stability determines the measure of human dignity as internal freedom in the situation of the maximum external absence of it. And almost the only means to help implement this freedom and is therefore allowing a person to survive, work, work.<...> So it works (italics is mine - T.V.) Shukhov in a stupid, and can not wean him: all sorts of thing and the work regrets, so that in vain did not hyproof. " Work determines people: Buynovsky, Fetukov, Baptist Aleshka is assessed by what they are in general Work. Work saves from the disease: "Now that Shukhov was given work, it seems and stopped breaking". Work turns the "state" time in "its": "What, naughty, the worker is so short?" The work destroys the hierarchy: «<...> Now the work of His brigadier comes with. And most importantly, it destroys fear: «<...> Shukhov, even there, there is now the convoy of the dogs, ran on the platform back, looked ".

In the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" freedom is measured not by the height of the human feat, but the simplicity of daily routine, but with the greater persuasiveness, it is comprehended as the main vital necessity.

So in the story about one day of the life of the Soviet Labor, two big themes of Russian classical literature are completely natural - the search for freedom and holiness of folk learning.

Check the answer to what the term modern literary critic calls a number of works of the years, telling about the problems of the Russian village, about rural residents? "Rustic Prose"

Check the answer as the composition of the composition component, describing the village: "The village rarely scattered between peat shorts - monotonous thinly plaster barracks of the thirties and, with a carvings on the facade, with glazed verandas, houses of the fifties ..."? Scenery

Check the answer as in literature they call the artistic technique, repeatedly used by Solzhenitsyn in this fragment of the story to oppose the image of the Motherland, which arose in his dreams, that Russia, whom the writer saw in reality? Antithesis

Where are you from? -Tellulle me. And I learned that not everything around peatpooling, which is behind the cannut of the railway - a borger, and for the hillside - the village, and this village - Talnovo, it is here, and when there was a lady, "Gypsy" and the circle of the forest was standing. And then the whole edge goes villages: chalks, Ories, Spiritney, Shevenni, Sixmir - Everything is delighted, from the railway, to lakes. The wind calm pulled on me from these names. They promised me by Conduction Russia.

C 2. What, in your opinion, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" and what works of Russian literature have similar subjects?

C 5.3. What do you think the essence of the relationship between a person and power? (According to the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor").
From 5.3. What is the righteousness of Matrena and why it is not evaluated and not noticed during the life of the heroine? (According to the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor".)

C 5.3. What seems " small man"Russian Writers of the twentieth century (according to the works of A. Solzhenitsyn" Matrenin Dvor "," One Day of Ivan Denisovich "and others)?