Questions about winter and the new year. Intellectual quiz “What do we know about winter.” Preparatory group. Children's riddles about winter and sports

"Zimushka - winter"

Quiz for 2nd – 3rd grade students

Presenter: Hello guys. Our meeting today will be dedicated to a very beautiful time of year - winter.

Think and tell me what people call winter? (mother - winter, winter, fierce winter, winter is a mischief...) Indeed, winter can be different. And today, answering the quiz questions, together we will draw a general portrait of winter. We have to travel through the stations.

Station 1. Poetic.

First, listen to N. Knushevitskaya’s poem “Winter.”


In soft white boots

Winter has come to the window,

She knocked: “Here I am!”

Did you miss me?

I was in a hurry to get here

Covered the whole earth with down,

Put the animals to bed:

And the bear and the frogs.

I sewed white coats

A whole army of bunnies.

Red fox fur coat -

Here she is in all her glory.

Glazed the pond and river,

The stoves flooded everywhere.

That's how much there was to do,

It's your turn now.

Early tomorrow morning

Get your skis and sleds

And shiny skates

To run the race,

And you need carrots too

Find one for the snow woman.

Prepare your cheeks -

Tomorrow I will paint them for you.

Save the squealing and laughter -

I'll be waiting for everyone on the hill!

(N. Knushevitskaya)

    What deeds does the poet list in the poem?

Covered the ground with fluffy snow. Why does nature need this? So that the ground does not freeze, plants and animals do not die from frost.

2. What animals went into hibernation? (bears, frogs)

3. Which animals in the poem changed their coats? (bunnies and fox)

4. Why do animals need to change their coats? (the winter coat is fluffier and warmer. The white fur coat of a hare is less noticeable on white snow)

5. What winter activities for children are mentioned in the poem?

(skiing, skating, sledding).

Station 2. Mysterious.

    Name it, guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass;

We are meeting New Year! (December)

    The field became black and white:

It rains, it snows,

And it got colder -

The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.

The winter rye is freezing in the field.

What month is it - tell me.

    Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house,

Now blizzards, now blizzards,

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has lengthened noticeably.

So what month is this?


    It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall,

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun has turned to summer,

What month is this? (January)

    I will paint the branches with white paint,

I will throw silver on your roof.

Warm winds will come in spring

And they will drive me out of the yard. (winter)

    Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white.

And the queen sits in the sleigh -

White-haired, white-faced. (winter months, winter)

    A big sieve, a blue sieve,

Sows - white fluff blows

To the forests, houses, meadows. (sky and snow)

    First you fly down the mountain towards them,

And then you pull them up the hill. (sled)

    Fishes live warmly in winter -

The roof is thick glass. (ice)

    It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. (ice)

    He's busy all the time

He can't go in vain

He goes and paints it white

Everything he sees along the way. (snow)

    I lived in the middle of the yard

Where the kids play

But from the sun's rays

I turned into a stream. (snowman)

    Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (winter)

    I live under the very roof,

It's even scary to look down

I could live higher

If only there were roofs there. (icicles)

    Walking in the field, but not a horse.

It flies freely, but is not a bird. (snowstorm)

    And not snow, and not ice,

    And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees. (frost)

    He entered - no one saw

He said - no one heard.

He blew through the windows and disappeared,

And a forest grew on the windows. (freezing)

    Village in white velvet -

And fences and trees,

And when the wind attacks,

This velvet will fall off. (frost)

    Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist,

He patterns on the window. (freezing)

    It blooms from under the snow,

Welcomes spring before everyone else. (snowdrop)

    Let me be a small bird,

I, friends, have a habit -

When the cold starts,

Straight from the north - here. (bullfinch)

    My new friends are both brilliant and light.

And they frolic with me on the ice and are not afraid of the frost. (skates)

    Two snub-nosed girlfriends

will not leave each other behind.

Both are running through the snow,

both songs are sung. (skis)

    Miracle - the janitor is in front of us,

With raking hands

In one minute I raked

A huge snowdrift. (snow blower)

    It's not a tie, it's not a collar,

And I’m used to hugging necks.

But not always, but only then,

When it's cold. (scarf)

    They gave the brothers a warm home,

So that five of us could live together.

Big brother didn't agree

And he settled separately. (mittens)

    Not shoes, not boots,

But they are also worn by legs.

You and I won't freeze.

We run in them in winter. (felt boots)

    I'm shaggy, I'm shaggy.

I am above every house in winter.

But nowhere, nowhere am I without fire. (smoke)

    Grandma is gray-haired and white,

In winter everyone is dear,

And when summer comes,

Everyone forgets about grandma. (bake)

Station 3. “Winter Literature”

Guys, now I will read excerpts from various literary works. Your task is to identify this work.

1. “What day is it today? The old year is over, the new year is the beginning. I also heard from my grandfather that his grandfather said that on this day anything in the world can happen, you just know how to lie in wait and spy. Is it any wonder that squirrels and hares play with burners! This doesn’t happen on New Year’s Eve. And my grandfather said that on New Year’s Eve he had the opportunity to meet with....” Who did you happen to meet?

(the soldier told his stepdaughter about meeting 12 months at once. S. Marshak. “Twelve months”).

2. “She ran back and forth and did not find her owner, and meanwhile it was getting dark. Lanterns came on on both sides of the street, and lights appeared in the windows of the houses. Large, fluffy snow was falling and turning the pavement, horse backs, and cab drivers' hats white. And the darker the air became, the whiter the objects became.”

Who found himself alone on the street on a winter evening? (Kashtanka. A.P. Chekhov.)

3. “Winter has come cold - very cold. The duckling had to swim without rest. It was so freezing that even the ice crackled. The duckling worked tirelessly with its paws, but in the end it was completely exhausted, froze and was completely frozen. (" Ugly duck" H.K. Andersen)

4. “The old man brought a lump of snow to the hut, put it in a pot, covered it with a rag and put it on the window. The sun rose, warmed the pot, and the snow began to melt. And suddenly someone squeaked there...” (“Girl Snow Maiden.” Russian folk tale)

5. “She looks out the icy window and chuckles: “Look, the black-footed man, what a shack he made!” It’s my business: it’s both pure and bright – neither give nor take the crystal palace.”

Who is saying this and about whom?(The Fox about the Hare in Russian folk tale"Hare's Hut")

6. “On the first day she worked hard and obeyed her mistress, the next day she began to be lazy, on the third she didn’t get up on time. And she made the bed like that, didn’t fluff it up as it should, so that the fluff would fly like snow flakes».

Who is this girl and mistress?(Sloth and Blizzard. Brothers Grimm. “Grandma Blizzard”)

7. “She was shivering from the cold, her dress was all torn, and she was so small and tender. It began to snow, and each snowflake was like a whole shovel of snow to her. She wrapped herself in a dry leaf, but it did not warm her, and she trembled herself, like autumn leaf».

Who is that girl?(Thumbelina. H.K. Andersen)

Station 4. “Word-forming”

Make a new word from the given words by rearranging the letters. Other letters cannot be added.

Stew, garlic - Snow Maiden

Frame, garden - masquerade

Lava, crane - carnival

Oda, boron - beard

Karl, leaf - crystal

C, foam, year - snowfall.

Station 5. “Winter assortment.”

You will have to answer various questions on the topic “Winter”

1. table or book with a list of all days of the year. (calendar)

2. a small, tightly rolled lump of snow. (snowball)

3. fluff, snow crystal (snowflake)

4. low air temperature (cold)

5. tanned skin of a fur-bearing animal (fur)

6. frozen sweet food made from cream, juice, berries and other additives (ice cream)

7. a cabinet for storing something in the cold (refrigerator)

8. fairy-tale snow girl (Snow Maiden)

9. a ball where people come in masks and characteristic costumes (masquerade)

10. strong wind with snow, blizzard. (blizzard)

11. Which trees remain green in winter? (fur tree, pine tree)

12. Are there many birds in the forest in winter? (no, they move closer to the houses where people live. Here you can find food)

13.What happens to snow during a thaw? (snow becomes wet, sticky)

14. How can you determine how many times there were thaws during the winter?

(if you make a vertical section of a snowdrift, you can count the stripes that appeared after the thaw. The top of the snowdrift after the thaw is covered with an ice crust. New snow forms the next layer, etc.)

15. Name the snowiest month (February)

Station 6. “Choose an answer”

1. What do birds suffer from in winter?

A). From the cold B). From the wind

B). From hunger G). From the snow

2.Which of these birds is migratory7

A). Woodpecker IN). Robin

B). Sparrow G). Pigeon

3. Runs in summer, stands in winter. What is this?

A). Smoke B). Sea

B). River G). Ship

4. What color is a brown hare in winter?

A). White IN). Black

B). Gray G). Red

5. At what temperature does water freeze?

A). -5 degrees B). - 10 degrees

B). – 1 degree G). 0 degrees

6. What date is the shortest day of the year?

Station 7. "Composite"

Your task: to make as many noun words in the nominative case from the word “Snowfall”. Letters cannot be repeated.

SNOWFALL: snow, foam, year, year, pass, san. Gena, bastard, dog, rut, leg, hell, sleep, bliss, gene, ace, hay...

Station 8. The ABC of folk wisdom.

Now we have to remember folk signs. Your task, guys, is to continue the proposal.

    Winter is frosty - ..... summer is hot

    Snowy winter -…. rainy summer

    In winter there is a blizzard -…. bad weather in summer

    Pillar of smoke -…. to the frost

    If there was frost at night. Then during the day -…. snow won't fall

    January – frosts, February –…. snowstorms.

    Frost on the trees means frost, fog means ...... a thaw.

    A lot of fir cones - ... for the grain harvest.

    A lot of snow - …. a lot of bread.

    Long icicles at the end of February - ... for a long spring.


    Zapartovich, B.B. With love for nature: didactic material in natural history for primary school[text] / B.B. Zapartovich, E.N. Krivoruchko, L.I. Solovyova. – M.: “Pedagogy”, 1976. – P.53 -96.

    Uzorova, O.V. All elementary school subjects in quizzes / O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefyodova. – M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2002. – 128 p.

    Tsvetkova, N. Winter quiz [text] / N. Tsvetkova // books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. – 2003. - No. 12. – P.62 – 64.

Compiled by: Belousova, O.I., teacher

Winter is the coldest time of the year. However, endless snowy expanses, winter sports and, of course, holidays make this time of year one of the most beautiful and long-awaited. It’s not for nothing that they say that winter is not summer, she’s wearing a fur coat. Both children and adults love sledding, making snowmen and playing snowballs, so winter is a great opportunity to improve their health and get some fresh air. And, of course, what would winter be without the New Year and Christmas holidays? Did you know that before, a snow woman was sculpted not for fun, but to appease the winter. Or that half the world's population has never seen snow in their lives? If you love winter, then a winter quiz will help you not only test your knowledge about this time of year, but also learn something new and interesting. The questions are compiled according to the principle: from simple to complex, there are no time limits. The winter quiz is what you need to test your erudition, because the facts about winter are unique, and riddles about winter cannot be confused with any others. Both children and adults can comprehend the secrets of winter. And to make the learning process useful, exciting and interesting, we have prepared our quiz for you. Plunge into amazing world questions!

  1. In winter – gray, in summer – white. Who is this? Hare
  2. Is it true that trees also grow in winter? No, their growth stops in winter
  3. What, according to the proverb, is not valued in winter? Ice
  4. How many rays does an ordinary snowflake have? Six
  5. Which pole is colder - North or South? Southern
  6. What are the names of birds that fly away to other lands for the winter? migratory birds
  7. The beaver accumulates fat for the winter in this part of the body. In which? In the tail
  8. What winter month is said to be the grandfather of spring? January
  9. According to folk superstitions, what kind of winter does a large rowan harvest foretell? Cold
  10. The ancient Slavs called this holiday “Farewell to Winter.” What other name does this holiday have? Maslenitsa
  11. What is the name of a cactus that blooms only in winter? Decembrist
  12. Is it true that there are no two identical snowflakes in the world? Yes, indeed, many years of research have confirmed this
  13. What animal crawls out of its hole every year on February 2? American city and predicts the weather? Groundhog Phil
  14. 95% of snowflakes consist of this. Of what? Out of thin air
  15. Which king introduced the custom of celebrating the New Year and putting up Christmas trees in houses? Peter I

Internet source:

Name: Intellectual quiz"What do we know about winter"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, quizzes, Preparatory group

Position: teacher first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten"Herringbone"
Location: Kudymkar, Komi-Permyatsky autonomous region Perm region

Quiz “What do we know about winter” in the preparatory group.

Target: To develop children’s ability to cooperate and cooperate in team play.


Strengthen children's knowledge about winter, natural phenomena, folk signs.

Develop thinking, attention, memory.

Activate lexicon, to form a culture of speech.

Cultivate interest in the world around us and respect for nature.

Preliminary work: observing nature, guessing riddles about winter natural phenomena, learning proverbs and folk signs, listening to musical works “Blizzard”, “December”, “January”, “On Troika”.

Progress of the lesson:

The quiz participants, children from the preparatory group, are divided into teams in advance and choose a captain. By lot, the team chooses a theme from 3 proposed ones - “Signs of winter”, “Animals and birds”, “Fairytale winter”. The jury evaluates the teams' answers and awards 1 point for each correct answer. The team that came up with the most adjectives for the word “winter” (snowy, angry, blizzard, etc.) starts first.

Theme “Signs of Winter”

1.Which month ends the year and begins winter? (December)

2. Name the winter months in calendar order (December, January, February)

3. What old flies appear in nature in winter? (snow)

4. How many rays does a snowflake have? (6)

5. Which ruler came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year in Russia in winter? (Peter 1)

6. Which month was popularly called “studen”, “section” and “prosinets”? (January)

7. Complete the saying “In December the day died, and in January ...” (resurrected)

8. Finish the saying “A lot of snow - a lot of ...” (bread)

9. What month do they say: sows, blows, stirs, twists, tears and sweeps? (February)

10. What holidays are celebrated in winter? (New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Theme "Animals and Birds"

  1. How is a bear similar to a hedgehog in winter? (both hibernate)
  2. What does a brown bear store for the winter? (subcutaneous fat)
  3. Which forest animal sheds its antlers every winter? (elk)
  4. Which bird hatches chicks in February? (crossbill)
  5. What does a hare eat in winter? (twigs and tree bark)
  6. Which forest dweller can loop? (hare)
  7. Which of the forest dwellers mouses? (Fox)
  8. What reserves does a squirrel make for the winter? (nuts, mushrooms, berries)
  9. What animals change color for the winter? (hare)
  10. What bird swallows pebbles to grind rough food? (grouse)

Theme “Winter in Fairy Tales”

  1. Name the author of the poem " White birch"(S. Yesenin)
  2. Which work by H. H. Andersen describes the mistress of snow and ice who kidnapped a boy? (The Snow Queen)
  3. In which fairy tale does the action take place in winter: Teremok, At the command of the pike, Geese-swans? (At the command of the pike)
  4. In what fairy tale did the wolf catch fish in an ice hole with his tail? (Fox and wolf)
  5. What animals made their winter quarters? (Bull, ram, pig, goose, rooster)
  6. Who had an ice hut? (fox)
  7. Which girl turned into a cloud during Russian folk fun? (Snow Maiden)
  8. What is the birthplace of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug)
  9. Who does K. Choliev compare winter trees with in the poem “The Trees Are Sleeping” (trees sleep just like people)
  10. Name the author of the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”? (Vladimir Odoevsky)

Result: The number of points for each team is calculated and the winner is determined. Pre-prepared certificates and sweet prizes are awarded.

Winter quiz with answers about the snowman for primary schoolchildren

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna teacher primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 47 Samara City District
Description This material can be used by primary school teachers and class teachers for extracurricular activities dedicated to the winter season.
Target Testing children's knowledge on the topic "winter fun"
- systematize and generalize students’ knowledge on the topic “Winter fun”
-expand the understanding of Russian traditions, rituals and other peoples associated with winter time of the year;
- develop individual Creative skills in students, imagination;
-instill interest in the traditions and values ​​of your people.


Let's make a snowman
Sculpts since the morning
Snowman baby.
Rolls snow globes
And laughing, he connects.

Below is the largest lump,
Slightly smaller lump on it.
Even smaller is the head,
We barely made it.

Eyes are cones, nose is a carrot.
They put the hat on deftly.
A bright scarf, a broom in his hands.
And the kids are happy.
1.Who made the snow figure of a snowman for the first time?
(Italian sculptor Michelangelo Buanarroti)

2.Which people invented the word “snowman”?
(Invented by the Germans)

3.What were the first snowmen and why?
(They were ferocious monsters of enormous size, since winters used to be fierce and frosty)

4.What was the belief about snowmen?
(That snowmen pose a real danger to people)
5. In what century did the snow figures become good?
(In the 19th century they became an attribute of Christmas and New Year)

6.Who were snowmen considered according to Christian legend?
(They were considered an angel. After all, snow is a gift from heaven. They sculpted a snowman from freshly fallen snow and quietly whispered their wish. When the snow melted, the wish should come true)

7.What does the snowman’s carrot symbolize?
(In the old days they asked for mercy from the spirit that sends the harvest, fertility)

8. What was the symbol of what was the inverted bucket on the snowman’s head?
(Symbol of prosperity)

9.Where in Europe was a snowman made?
(Near the house, they generously decorated it with garlands)
Big Foot

A. Shlygin

Why look for it in the mountains?
You will find it in the courtyards.
From year to year, from century to century
Bigfoot lives here.

He's on the yard heel
Stands holding a broom in his hand.
He amuses the guys all day long
I pulled the bucket on one side...

10. Why did they decorate a snowman with garlic beads in Romania?
(So ​​that the snowman gives people health, protects them from dark forces)

11.Name the author of the fairy tale "The Snowman"
(H.H. Andersen)

12.How were snowmen treated in Rus'?
(As to the spirit of winter, with respect)

13.Where were the Snow Woman and the Snow Maiden invented?
(In Rus')

Snow woman

A. Brodsky

We made a great snow woman.
For glory, for glory, for fun.
She looks at us with black eyes,
It's like laughing with two coals.
Although our woman is standing with a broom,
But don't let her seem evil to you.
We put a bucket on her instead of a hat...
The game is more fun with a snow woman.

14.Which Russian city Do they hold a snowman parade every year?
(In Moscow)

15.Name International Snowman Day
(January 18)
16.Why exactly January 18?
(In many countries there is already snow in January, and the number 18 looks like a snowman holding a broom)

17.When is Snowman Day celebrated in Russia?
(28th of February)

Snowman from a children's fairy tale
The kids are flushed -
I rolled three balls!
They were stacked on top of each other,
And they piled up the bucket.

The nose is a carrot, the coal is eyes,
Snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands are branches, mouth is candy...
Let it stand now until summer

"Winter" QUIZ

All children are drawn and divided into 3 teams + spectators. The teams sit at the tables.

  1. Application "Snowman".

While the teams are completing the task, we play with the spectators.

Here comes some grandfather,

Dressed in a warm fur coat.

On his shoulder is a bag,

There's a snowball in his beard.

(Father Frost)

Santa Claus stands by the Christmas tree,

Hiding a laugh in his beard.

Don't keep us tormented for too long

Untie it quickly... (bag)

She is dressed in silver with pearls -

Magical granddaughter, magical grandfather.

(Snow Maiden)

I come with gifts

I shine with bright lights,

Elegant, funny,

For the New Year, I am in charge.

(Christmas tree)

I shoot like a cannon

My name is... (cracker)

In January,

For an important holiday,

It is raining

Colored, paper.


I opened the doors wide open,

I look into the garden and can’t believe my eyes.

Hey! Look - miracles!

The skies have fallen!

There was a cloud above us

It turned out to be underfoot.


Who draws on the ground

Winter pictures?

They fall from the sky, spinning,


Eh, soft pillow,

Don't take it under your ear!


The man is not simple:

Appears in winter

And in the spring it disappears,

Because it melts quickly.


The jury records those who guessed the riddles. The teams finish their work. The jury gives 3 points to the most accurate application.

  1. Who can list more New Year's characters?

New Year, New Year's Eve, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, snowman, snowflake, snow woman, New Year's cracker, Christmas tree, symbol of the year, animals. The jury scores 1 point for each character.

  1. Draw a snowflake with your eyes closed.
  2. Crossword "Winter".
  1. In the new wall, in the round window, during the day the glass is broken,

And it was inserted overnight. (ice hole)

  1. The old man at the gate stole away the warmth,

He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell him to stand. (freezing)

  1. When it's cold and cold in winter,

Both the pond and the puddle are covered with it. (ice)

  1. The beginning of the year, the middle of winter. (January)
  2. The beginning of winter, the end of the year. (December)
  3. From the sky - a star,

In the palm of your hand - with water. (snowflake)

  1. With a broom in hand,

With a bucket on his head

I’m standing in the yard in winter (snowman).

For each word guessed, the jury gives one point.

While the teams are solving a crossword puzzle, we play with the audience and recite poems.

  1. Anagram words.

1 team. LTEEM, VARYAN, KAHPULOSH, TAKKO, KILZHNY. (blizzard, January, firecracker, skating rink, skier)

2nd team. GYUVA, DIAKEBR, RVERFEKE, KYINKO, FUTGSIRI. (blizzard, December, fireworks, skates, figure skater)

Team 3 POGNESDA, VRLAEF, LTUAS, BORNODUS, KASIN. (snowfall, February, fireworks, snowboarding, sledding)