A.P. Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya": description, characters, analysis of the play. Uncle Vanya Performance Uncle Vanya summary

Chekhov first presented his work to the general public in 1889, where he reflected the entire life of Ivan Petrovich Voinitsky. The play was named after the main character.

Throughout the entire narrative, it is clear that Ivan Petrovich does not blame himself for his failures, but those around him and circumstances. He realizes that his life was in vain only before death.

Uncle Vanya lives in the house of Professor Serebryakov’s ex-wife. He is there because he does not have enough money to live in an apartment in the city. Despite the fact that he is occupying someone else's estate, he is dissatisfied with the professor, who has been working hard there for a long time.

Astrov constantly complains to Uncle Vanya about his difficult work as a doctor, about the terrible care of his patients.

Voinitsky does not live in the house for free. He and Serebryakov’s daughter, Sonya, run the household. The girl liked him very much.

Working for Sonechka's father, the hero notes to himself that Serebryakov is a mediocre and useless person who is still trying to prove himself.

He and Sonya notice that despite the fact that they perform their duties conscientiously, the professor does not show any respect for them.

Astrov regularly comes to the estate to treat Serebryakov. Sonechka falls in love with the doctor. The girl tells her stepmother about her experiences. But her feelings with the doctor are not mutual. The professor likes Elena Andreevna, whom he tries to court.

Sonya does not like her stepmother; with her appearance in the house, all the workers became lazy due to the fact that she constantly organizes holidays. Sonya's father decides to sell the estate. He tells his family about this. Serebryakov plans to live on the interest from the money received from the sale, putting it in the bank.

Having learned about this, Uncle Vanya wonders where he and his elderly mother will live. Serebryakov reassures him that this problem will be resolved in the near future. Sonya is surprised by her father's behavior. Despite their honest work together with Ivan Petrovich, Serebryakov forces them to live like tramps. Voinitsky, enraged by this act, attempts to kill the professor. Nothing works out for him.

Such a fate forces Uncle Vanya to commit suicide, but Sonya does not allow him to die. He is terribly worried that Serebryakov’s wife is in love with Astrov and does not reciprocate his feelings.

Soon, Serebryakov changes his mind about selling the estate. Uncle Vanya continues to work for him together with Sonechka. Astrov leaves. While doing his routine work, Uncle Vanya begins to complain to the girl about his hard life and unfair fate. Sonya agrees with this.

Initially, the play in four acts was called “Leshy”. Subsequently, she was given the more appropriate name “Uncle Vanya”. The drama was first staged in 1890. And if during all this time you have not yet watched the production, and you find it difficult to perceive the text of the play, then we offer you brief retelling works on actions, as well as where its meaning is explained.

Very briefly about what happens in the drama: Ivan and his niece work all their lives on the estate, trying to extract at least some profit and send it to the girl’s father, the famous professor. They themselves don’t really get anything. But then the saint of science arrives with his beautiful wife and declares that he is selling the estate that he inherited from his mother Sonya in order to buy a dacha in Finland. Ivan is outraged that no one appreciated his work and opinion, he is disappointed in the professor, and even tries to kill him. Meanwhile, Elena, Serebryakov’s wife, falls in love with both Ivan and Doctor Astakhov, whom Sonya, her stepdaughter, loves so much. As a result, she and her husband leave, and the lives of Voinitsky, his niece and Astakhov return to normal.

Doctor Mikhail Lvovich Astakhov comes to the estate of “Uncle Vanya”, Ivan Petrovich Voinitsky, to look into the health of Professor Serebryakov. Astakhov and nanny Marina talk about the current routine life of a doctor and how good life was before. Soon Voinitsky approaches the guest and tells him about the scientist’s stay in the house, his successes in the literary environment, when he himself does not think anything about it. And with women, everything turned out great for the scientist.

Voinitsky is not happy with his life due to ordinary laziness, but Astakhov simply got too worked up and stopped feeling anything inside himself. The landowner Telegin, abandoned by his wife, joins the conversation when the conversation turns to betrayal and infidelity of the spouses. Telegin complains about life, and Mikhail Lvovich is forced to leave due to Serebryakov’s improving health. Ivan Petrovich argues with the professor’s wife, his mother-in-law and his daughter, showing dissatisfaction with his fate. Ivan Petrovich is also in love with Serebryakov’s wife.

Act two

The professor complains about his age and his health, thinking that he is disgusting to absolutely everyone. Everyone in the house intends to look after him, however, only nanny Marina can do this.

Voinitsky, once again, tries to talk about his feelings for the professor’s wife, but the woman notices him in a drunken state and refuses to engage in dialogue with him.

Soon the professor’s daughter Sonya comes to the drunken Astakhov. The doctor talks about his feelings and experiences, and Sonya recently fell in love with Mikhail Lvovich. The doctor leaves, and then, at the buffet, the scientist’s wife Elena notices Sonya. The girls drink and talk about men, and also discuss the doctor who arrived earlier, who, in their opinion, is ideal. Elena wants to take up music, but her husband forbids it.

Act three

Sonya complains to Elena that she is ugly. The stepmother calms the girl down, explaining to her that she is beautiful. Her stepdaughter wants to confess her love to the doctor, but is afraid of being rejected. Elena helps Sonya in this by modestly interrogating Astakhov. Mikhail Lvovich suspects the woman that she herself has sympathy for him. He does not have feelings for Sonya, and the man intends to invite Elena on a date. Since Uncle Vanya saw Mikhail’s invitation, Elena asks Ivan that the entire professor’s family urgently leave the estate. The scientist calls everyone to a family council.

Serebryakov reports that an auditor is coming to see them, and they urgently need to somehow manage their housing. The professor offers to sell the estate and buy a dacha in Finland, but not everyone accepts this proposal positively. Uncle Vanya quarrels with his boss, the professor, because he absolutely disagrees with him and reproaches him for the fact that it was he who ruined Ivan’s life, Telegin is worried, and his mother-in-law, Maria Vasilievna, takes the side of her son-in-law. Sonya persuades her father to talk to Ivan, but Uncle Vanya, holding a revolver in his hands, intends to kill Serebryakov. The family is in panic...

Act four

Serebryakov and his wife are getting ready to leave. A dialogue arises between Astakhov and Voinitsky. Uncle Vanya reproaches himself for missing and not shooting the professor. Mikhail Lvovich wants to get what Ivan Petrovich once took from him - a jar of morphine.

Sonya persuades Voinitsky to give him the morphine. Ivan gives the jar to the doctor.

Astakhov tries to persuade Elena to stay, but the woman finally decided to leave the estate. Uncle Vanya made peace with Serebryakov, after which everyone says goodbye to the professor and his wife. Soon Astakhov himself leaves while Sonya works with her uncle. Sonya, hugging her uncle, thinks about what will happen after death.

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In 1889, Chekhov completed a comedy in 4 acts called “The Leshy.” It was published in 1890. Subsequently, after the creation of “The Seagull,” the writer remade it into the play “Uncle Vanya.”

In its original version, the drama “Leshy” was staged on December 27, 1889 in Moscow, at the M. M. Abramova Theater. The final completion of the play occurred in 1896. It was already called “Uncle Vanya” and had the subtitle “Scenes from village life in four acts.” In 1899, when Chekhov was in Yalta, news came there about the triumph of his play "Uncle Vanya".

In this play, the writer widely covers Russian reality and describes the spiritual life of the Russian intelligentsia. He succeeds in this thanks to a very precise selection of the main characters. Ivan Petrovich, Doctor Astrov, Sonya are people whose concerns and interests go far beyond the narrow egoistic framework of their personal life. Life in the provinces is gloomy, full of hopelessness and disappointment, which is further aggravated by the description of the poverty of life of ordinary people.

The play constantly features leitmotifs of terrible fatigue and loneliness. At the same time, they are opposed by the motives of faith in the high ideals of romanticism, attempts to single-handedly fight the general disorder. Ivan Petrovich and Sonya sincerely believe that by providing material to Professor Serebryakov, they thereby serve science. Dr. Astrov draws up a map reflecting the history of the relationship between man and nature, the past, present and future of Russian nature, and this work is the meaning of his life. Provincial heroes now want to see the results of what they have done and realize the purpose and meaning of their lives. And each hero has his own point of view on this matter.

Play Analysis


The storyline is voiced in the very subtitle of the play, “scenes from village life.” Landowner Ivan Petrovich Voinitsky and his niece Sonya provide financially for their son-in-law and, accordingly, their father almost all their lives, sincerely believing that in this way they support science in the person of the scientific luminary Professor Serebryakov. However, with his arrival at the estate with his young wife Elena Andreevna, an epiphany occurs. All these years, Ivan Petrovich worked for the material prosperity of a scientific nonentity who was not capable of creating anything at all in science. Falling in love with Elena Andreevna aggravates the situation. He realizes that his life was in vain, he achieved nothing, his life was wasted in vain, that he was deceived, because he sacrificed his personal life and family. Helping another, he forgot about himself.

As the plot develops, everything gets confusing. Ivan Petrovich is unsuccessfully in love with Elena Andreevna, Elena Andreevna is in love with Astrov and not without reciprocity, Sonya is unrequitedly in love with Astrov. And Professor Serebryakov, who settled in the Voinitskys’ house, was already boring everyone with his grumbling and gout. Having decided to improve his financial affairs, at a family council he proposes to sell the estate and buy a dacha in Finland. This exhausts Ivan Petrovich’s patience and he shoots the professor twice, luckily missing. Having made peace with his relative, the professor and his wife leave, and Sonya and Ivan Petrovich return to their previous occupation, running the estate.

Characteristics of images

The central character of the play is Ivan Petrovich Voinitsky, Uncle Vanya. A man who idolized his son-in-law all his life, revered him as a scientific luminary and, as a result, was severely disappointed in him. This is an intelligent, educated, deeply decent person, capable of sacrifice for the sake of others. His tragedy is that he devoted his entire life to a dummy. He didn’t achieve anything on his own, didn’t start a family. The realization of this gnaws at him. His condition is aggravated by his unrequited love for Elena Andreevna. It can't be called strong personality, because even having realized everything, he does not try to change anything, but dutifully returns to his accounts. In some ways he resembles the landscape painter from “The House with a Mezzanine.” One could even assume that this is him, only older. The same inactivity and infantilism with full understanding and awareness of what is happening. He does not even try to escape from the everyday swamp into which he has been sucked.

Doctor Mikhail Lvovich Astrov is one of the heroes who attracts attention with the magnitude of his personality. Elena Andreevna characterizes him most accurately: “... this is a real talent! Brave, with a free head, great scope... He plants a tree and already imagines what will happen in thousands of years from this, he already sees the happiness of humanity. Very rare Such people need to be respected and loved..." Astrov is talented as a doctor, practitioner and thinker. These qualities are manifested in his ability to manage the economy, forestry, in which he brought proper order. He loves nature and cares about it. He belongs to the type of people with whom Russia should be populated. But even he is not satisfied with the surrounding reality and becomes helpless when faced with the surrounding reality of Russia. Environment stronger.

Sonya, like her uncle, served the well-being of her father. There are practically no flaws in her, he is smart, romantic, sacrificial. The reader can only guess that her unrequited love for Astrov will be forgotten over time and she will find her happiness. Because the biggest advantage on her side is her youth.

Elena Andreevna, Serebryakov’s wife. The woman is very beautiful in appearance and smart. But, as Astrov says, wherever it passes, destruction occurs. It is in connection with her characteristics that he says that “everything in a person should be beautiful, his soul, his face, and his thoughts.” Unfortunately, Elena Andreevna does not meet all these parameters.

And finally, retired professor Alexander Vladimirovich Serebryakov. The personality is extremely unpleasant in all respects. Starting from his eternal grumbling and gout, which he simply annoyed everyone in the house, to his utter selfishness. Not at all concerned about where his own daughter and Ivan Petrovich, who provided him with a comfortable existence all his life, will live, he easily offers to sell the estate in order to buy himself a dacha in Finland. It is no longer worth mentioning that as a scientist he is nothing of himself, which, in general, was the reason for Ivan Petrovich’s disappointment.

In most of his works, Chekhov avoids voicing his attitude towards characters and situations, giving the reader the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. But in “Uncle Vanya” the writer’s position on personality and beauty is clearly expressed, which he voiced in the words of Astrov: “Everything in a human form should be beautiful: the soul, the face, and thoughts.” And the value of this principle is eternal.

A.P. Chekhov was known for his stories and plays, which amazed readers with how subtly the writer noticed the peculiarities of human nature. For Anton Pavlovich it was important to show the experiences of the heroes and how they influence their actions, because first of all he was interested in the individual, and then all social and political issues. In Chekhov's play "Uncle Vanya" summary which is presented below, talks about how a person can experience when his idea of ​​​​the personality of another person completely changes.


Characters from Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" are simple people, not outstanding in anything, but who, like everyone else, rejoice and worry. There are two characters in the play that deserve attention: Professor Serebryakov and his brother-in-law, Uncle Vanya. It is their conflict that occupies a central place in the play. Let's name the main characters of the work:

  • Serebryakov Alexander Vladimirovich - retired professor.
  • Elena Andreevna is the second wife of the professor, a young lady of 27 years old.
  • Sonya is Serebryakov’s daughter from his first marriage.
  • Voinitskaya Maria Vasilievna is the mother of the first wife of the professor and uncle Vanya.
  • Voinitsky Ivan Petrovich - known in the play as Uncle Vanya, manager of Serebryakov's estate.
  • Astrov Mikhail Lvovich - doctor.
  • Telegin Ilya Ilyich - a poor landowner, lived with the Voinitskys.
  • Marina is an old nanny.

Chatting while drinking tea

The play is described as "scenes from country life in four acts." The entire story takes place in one estate. The writer tells us about how life works away from the hustle and bustle big city. All actions take place on the estate of Professor Serebryakov.

Alexander Vladimirovich arrives there with his young wife, Elena Andreevna. The estate was managed by his brother-in-law, the brother of the professor’s first wife, Voinitsky. For his relatives, he is just Uncle Vanya. Serebryakov’s daughter, Sonya, helps him in this.

A summary of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" begins with a tea party at the Voinitsky estate. Nanny Marina talks with Astrov, a doctor and friend of Voinitsky. He came at the request of Elena Andreevna, because her husband began to complain about his health. While waiting for them to return from their walk, Mikhail Lvovich complains to Marina about the doctor’s fate. He talks about the unsanitary conditions in peasant huts, about how he has to go to the sick at any time of the day.

Voinitsky comes out to them. He also complains, but this time about the fact that with the arrival of the Serebryakov couple, his entire daily routine has changed. Uncle Vanya says that he is doing nothing now. He just grumbles, eats and sleeps. Voinitsky is disappointed in the professor: he used to admire him and his ideas, but now he realized that Serebryakov did nothing significant.

Uncle Vanya does not understand how his old brother-in-law can enjoy success with the opposite sex. Voinitsky is delighted with his wife. Uncle Vanya argues with his mother at a tea party because she adores the professor. Elena Andreevna reproaches Voinitsky for his incontinence. He confesses his love for her, but she rejects his advances. Ivan Petrovich urges her not to destroy her real feeling.

Important Confessions

Further actions of the play “Uncle Vanya” by Chekhov, a brief summary of which will help you understand the meaning and plot of the work, continue in the Serebryakovs’ dining room. The professor and his wife live on income from the estate of his first wife. After Alexander Vladimirovich retired and came to the Voinitskys, he only grumbles and complains about old age and health. His grumbling is already annoying everyone, even his wife.

Only nanny Marina feels sorry for the aging professor. Ivan Petrovich again confesses his feelings for Elena Andreevna, but she rejects him. Uncle Vanya, Telegin and Astrov get drunk and talk about life. Sonya tries to confess her love for Astrov, but he does not reciprocate her feelings.

Elena Andreevna and Sonya talk frankly. The professor's wife admits that her love for Serebryakov turned out to be just an illusion. The girl confesses to her that she is in love with the doctor, but knows that she is ugly, so he does not love her. Elena Andreevna decides to help her.

Growing conflict

It seems that nothing special happens to the heroes of the play “Uncle Vanya” by Chekhov. The summary of the third act, however, shows that a conflict is brewing between those present at the tea party. The professor's young wife understands that Voinitsky is right. The woman does not feel happy. Having married a professor, seduced by his scholarship and position, she did not find the family comfort she was expecting. Elena wants a real feeling, she is in love with Astrov.

She excitedly agrees to talk to him about Sonya. But the woman realizes that the doctor is in love with her. Astrov confirms her guesses. He tries to kiss the woman: at that moment Uncle Vanya sees them. Elena Andreevna, fearing moral condemnation, says that she will leave the estate with her husband.

The professor's personality is revealed: he turns out to be a selfish and selfish person. It seems to him that the income from this estate is insufficient, so he decides to sell it. Place part of the money in the bank and live off the interest. Uncle Vanya is terrified: where should he, the old mother and Sonya go? After all, they worked for him for so many years, trying to send him more money.

The professor says he will think about it later. Sonya cannot believe that her father is putting his close relatives out on the street. Shocked by such injustice, Uncle Vanya shoots at the professor twice, but misses both times.

Departure of the Serebryakovs

The last act of Chekhov's play shows how all the heroes' hopes for better life. Uncle Vanya is in a dejected state and decides to commit suicide. Therefore, he secretly takes morphine from Astrov’s medicine cabinet. The doctor discovers the loss and asks Voinitsky to return it. Uncle Vanya agreed only thanks to Sonya's persuasion.

Mikhail Lvovich is trying to persuade Elena Andreevna to stay with him. But she does not dare to take this action because of bookish ideals. Elena says goodbye to Uncle Vanya and the doctor with warm feelings. Voinitsky outwardly reconciles with the professor. He promises to send him the same amount of money as before.

Everyone except Telegin leaves the estate. Upset Sonya calls on her uncle to take care of business. Ivan Petrovich complains to his niece that it’s hard for him. Then the girl pronounces her monologue about how their purpose is to work. And then they will be rewarded for their efforts.

Uncle Vanya's personality

In Chekhov's play, one of the central characters is Ivan Petrovich. At the very beginning, the reader is shown that previously this man had impressionability, sublimity, and faith in ideals. But gradually, becoming more and more involved in everyday affairs, he becomes callous and realizes that all ideals are empty.

The play shows the rise internal conflict hero, which ends with his suicide attempt. Voinitsky is a man who is disillusioned with life, but has not yet completely lost faith in the best. There is still justice and love for others in his heart, unlike his brother-in-law.

Tragedies of other heroes

In the play "Uncle Vanya" by A.P. Chekhov shows that not only main character strived to improve his life. Elena Andreevna, mistaking infatuation for love, married a selfish and empty man. But she was afraid that all her “book” foundations would be destroyed, so she did not dare to leave the professor.

Astrov - talented person, but due to difficult conditions it is increasingly difficult for him to maintain his talent and ability to feel. Sonya hoped that Elena would help her in her relationship with Astrov, but she herself fell in love with him. All these heroes hoped that their lives would improve, but these hopes did not come true. Therefore, everyone can live as before.

It was brief analysis the work “Uncle Vanya” by Chekhov, which shows how a person’s fear of change can prevent him from building happiness. They had the opportunity to set new goals for themselves and change their lives. But their far-fetched ideals prevented this from happening. It also talks about how important it is to have a goal and work to achieve it - then your thoughts will be purer and your life will be more correct.

"Uncle Ivan"- the play by A.P. Chekhov was completed in 1896

"Uncle Vanya" main characters

  • Serebryakov Alexander Vladimirovich - retired professor
  • Sofya Alexandrovna (Sonya) - his daughter from his first marriage, Uncle Vanya's niece
  • Elena Andreevna - his wife, 27 years old
  • Voinitskaya Maria Vasilievna - widow Privy Councilor, mother of Uncle Vanya and the professor's first wife
  • Voinitsky Ivan Petrovich - Uncle Vanya, her son, professor's brother-in-law
  • Astrov Mikhail Lvovich - doctor
  • Telegin Ilya Ilyich - impoverished landowner
  • Marina - old nanny
  • Worker

"Uncle Vanya" summary

The action takes place in the estate of Professor Serebryakov's first wife, where he is temporarily forced to live, unable to afford a decent city apartment. For many years, Ivan Petrovich Voinitsky, Uncle Vanya, has been looking after the estate and managing the entire household. The daughter of his deceased sister and professor Serebryakov, Sonya, helps him.

The professor himself married a young beautiful lady, Elena Andreevna, who claims that she married him for love. Elena Andreevna has a strained relationship with her stepdaughter Sonya. An old nanny, Marina, helps the family with housework. Also on this estate lives the impoverished landowner Ilya Ilyich Telegin.

Professor Serebryakov has constant attacks of gout. Doctor Mikhail Lvovich Astrov comes to the Serebryakov estate.

Uncle Vanya envies the professor in everything and does not recognize his scholarship, although in the past he idolized him. Voinitsky confesses his love to Elena Andreevna. Elena Andreevna likes the doctor, but she also suspects that Sonya is hiding something from her in this regard. For this reason, Elena Andreevna decides to have a frank conversation with Astrov. He admits to her that he has only friendly relations with Sonya, even though she loves him as a man. Astrov jokingly invites Elena Andreevna to secretly have an affair.

At this time, Professor Serebryakov gathers a family council, at which he invites family members to sell the estate. Voinitsky's father bought it for Uncle Vanya's sister - there was barely enough money, and for this Uncle Vanya refused the inheritance. He worked tirelessly to avoid debts, and admiringly re-read the professor’s works. Voinitsky's sister bequeathed the estate to her daughter, Sonya. Uncle Vanya understands that his life has almost been in vain - a rebellion of the former weak-willed man is brewing.

A scandal breaks out in the family. In despair, Voinitsky recalls to Serebryakov all his hardships and hardships for the sake of professorial glory and tries to shoot the professor.

Suddenly, the doctor discovers that his jar of morphine is missing, and, suspecting Voinitsky of this, he takes the morphine by force. The Serebryakovs immediately decide to leave the estate. Voinitsky makes peace with the professor and convinces him that he will receive the same content as before. Serebryakov and Elena Andreevna leave, but Sonya and Voinitsky remain on the estate. Later Astrov also leaves. Sonya and Voinitsky are working in the office, writing down accounts.