Phrases to convince a person. How to convince people using psychological techniques of manipulating mental consciousness. Ten ways of neurolinguistic programming - language tricks

We propose to consider the 6 most persuasive phrases.

1) “Have you ever made an exception?” The first phrase from our list, which is suitable for a situation when you need to go or get somewhere. But the path is closed and you are not allowed in. Tell this person, “Have you ever made an exception?”

For example, you want to get into an establishment, say a nightclub or pub, where a large number of people have gathered without you. Security at the entrance is clearly against you being able to get inside. Try saying, “Have you ever made an exception?” or “Perhaps today you will make at least one exception?” This phrase will work when communicating with security. These are the same people who simply do their job conscientiously and follow work instructions. Most likely, it will not be difficult for them to make a small exception for the person who asks them about it.

2) In a situation where someone categorically disagrees with you and does not want to accept your position, you should not put pressure on the person and convince him. By doing this you will achieve the opposite effect, and the person will stagnate even more. You need to make concessions to him and say: “Look, I would feel the same way if I were you.”. Make it clear that you agree with his opinion. Tell him about all the opportunities he will lose if he doesn't agree with you.

3) The following phrase can be used during a job interview. She is very powerful. You need to be a good specialist in your field in order to use it. Feel confident and ask your employer: “If you don’t hire me, how will you know a year later that you made the right choice?”. You are wondering what you can do to ensure that your candidate is preferred and hired for this position. After this phrase, the employer will understand that you are interested in becoming a good employee. For some time, he will introduce you to the workplace as a subordinate. This will serve as the main motive for a positive outcome of the interview.

4) A phrase or phrases where the name of the interlocutor is mentioned. Almost every service employee, be it a security guard or an administrator, has a name badge. When you address a person by name, the interlocutor gets the feeling that you have known each other for a long time and communication is developing in the direction in which you initially would like.

5) Ladder of consent. There is a tactic that consists of several leading questions that ultimately lead the person to circumstances where they cannot refuse you. Use this tactic if you urgently need to get on a date with someone. For example, you are interested in dancing.

Ask a person of the opposite sex whom you like, “Do you know a dance like salsa?” They will answer you: “Yes, I know.” “Would you like to attend a salsa class taught by a famous choreographer today?” The person agrees and only after these questions can you ask the main one, which is aimed at getting the coveted phone number and inviting you on a date.

6) The phrase “Because!”. It always works because it sounds very convincing. If you say this, then the interlocutor gets the feeling that you know something that can convince him to make concessions to you and accept your opinion. For example, you are in a room with only a sofa. It is already occupied, there are an exhaustive number of people sitting on it. But you say to one of your friends, “Could you move over because I want to sit on this couch?” Be sure that the person you contacted (this is not necessarily your friend) will move and you can take your place.

In his daily activities, a manager is faced with the need to convince people in three cases: when he needs to a) encourage subordinates to act to achieve their goals; b) carry out your ideas in negotiations with individuals and groups of individuals; c) prove your point of view to your immediate superior or win the favor of participants in discussions of projects, plans, prospects, etc. To persuade is to attract people to your side.

Persuasion is carried out through words, example and deeds. In all cases the word prevails. The ability to convince people with words is the call of the times.

Learn the ability to persuade. To do this, learn three basic rules:

  • be friendly, polite;
  • smile at people;
  • strive to maintain a good mood both for yourself and those around you.

Basic types of persuasion

The entire procedure of persuasion fits into four types of influence: information, explanation, evidence and refutation.

Informing. In order to motivate a person to activity, a whole range of incentive influences is required. Among them is information, i.e. the message for which a person should act occupies an important place. This is due to the fact that a person, before acting, wants to make sure what needs to be done and whether he will be able to do it. No one will begin to act if they believe that action is either not worth it or is impossible. The Polish psychologist Tomaszewski expressed this dependence with the formula; D = f(VP), according to which the decision leading to action is a function (f) of the value of the goal (V) and the probability of its implementation (P).

There is a pseudo-product relationship between the estimate of value and the estimate of the probability of its realization, which means that if one element approaches zero, then the entire product approaches zero, despite the value of the other element. If something is very important to a person, but he does not believe in the possibility of achieving it, he remains inactive. A person who is dealing with some easily achievable but not worth the effort goal will not begin to act either.

Tomashevsky’s formula reflects a very simple, but important idea for a manager: in order to motivate a person to the desired activity, one must first inform him about the goal and the likelihood of achieving it.

Information in the process of persuasion is realized various methods. Among them, the story occupies a special place.

Story is a lively and imaginative presentation of the essence of the matter. Usually it is built in two ways: inductive (when they go from individual facts to communications) and deductive (when they go from general provisions to individual facts). It is believed that if the listener is choleric by temperament, then he prefers the deductive path, and if he is phlegmatic, then the inductive one. This correlation is not absolute, but it is quite accurate: a choleric person is characterized by a fast pace of mental activity, hence he gives preference to generalizations; the phlegmatic, having a slow pace, tends to perceive individual facts first, and then generalizations.

With an inductive presentation, at the beginning of the story, you can pose a question, the answer to which will be the entire subsequent story. Practice shows that when the presentation is preceded by a question, the main message is actively perceived. In deductive presentation, the question is posed after the message. main idea. If the question is put before the message of the main idea, then the subsequent argumentation turns out to be unnecessary. When it is not possible to determine the temperament of the listener, then he is classified as an average type and they try to see him as thinking man. The role of the narrator here is close to that of a popular writer.

Explanation. In the activities of a manager, this type of persuasive influence occupies no less important place than informing.

The most typical types of clarification are highlighted:

  • instructive;
  • narrating;
  • reasoning.

Instructional explanation is appropriate and necessary when the listener is required to remember something, for example, when learning a procedure. In essence, this is a schematic breakdown “on the shelves” of the activities of subordinates, encouraged to assimilate instructions. With such an explanation, the employee’s thinking is not loaded, but his memory is activated. It should be noted that this technique is not very popular with creative people or people with artistic inclinations. For those who are accustomed to strict, one might say, algorithmic rules and instructions, instruction does not generate resistance.

Techniques of reasoning clarification are very attractive to creative people. This is due to the fact that such people usually have their own points of view on all issues, in addition, many of them are accustomed to controversy. Narrative, let alone instructive, explanation is not suitable for such people. They're always thirsty active participation in communication. Therefore, before telling them “Therefore”, “From Here”, “Then”, it is necessary to evoke from the listeners the questions “Why?”, “Where from?”, “Why?” etc.

The reasoning explanation is structured in such a way that the presenter poses pros and cons to the interlocutor, forcing him to think for himself. With a reasoning explanation, you can pose a question, answer it yourself, or you can encourage the listener to answer. Precisely to induce, i.e. through the entire course of reasoning, arouse in the interlocutor a desire to give an answer. As soon as the presenter begins to force an answer, the reasoning explanation loses its meaning. During a reasoning explanation, the listener, together with the presenter, looks for ways to resolve the situation (of course, with the guiding attention of the presenter). At the same time, the listener (interlocutor) feels his importance. When answers are pulled out of him, he, deprived of such a feeling, goes into psychological protection.

Proof. Traditionally, the proof is attributed to logical operations, built on the basis of the laws of logic: the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of the exclusive third and the law of sufficient reason. The essence of proof is that a thesis is put forward (a thought or position, the truth of which must be proven) and arguments or arguments are sought to confirm the thesis. The procedure itself is usually called a demonstration. In essence, this is a theory of evidence. IN real practice it manifests itself explicitly or implicitly. Some people consider this theory to be a big abstraction. At the same time, in reality, they very often resort to proof, using facts for this, involving people in practical matters and showing them an example of personal behavior.

To convince people or prove to them the truth of a proposition, it is often necessary data . Without facts there is no proof. People are used to relying on facts. Facts create in them the appropriate mood to perceive reality and form an attitude. However, this is not how individual, disparate facts work, but their system.

Refutation. Logically, refutation has the same nature as proof. By proving an idea to someone, we thereby refute another, i.e. the one that our interlocutor mistakenly bears. However, proof and refutation are not the same thing. Psychologically there is a big difference here. The fact is that refutation deals with criticism of established views and stereotypes of people’s behavior, with the destruction and formation of their attitudes. When we refute something, we are met with a feeling self-esteem opponent, with his “I”. In this regard, to effectively refute human actions, logic alone is not enough.

From the standpoint of psychology, it is considered useless to enter into an argument with someone who is mistaken but defends his point of view. “You cannot win an argument,” says a well-known psychological credo. And this has a deep meaning. After all, if we argue with a person, then, therefore, we encroach on his self-esteem. And a person stubbornly defends this feeling, that is, his “I”. So what if we, let’s say, leave no stone unturned in our opponent’s argumentation and prove the complete inconsistency of his position? We will win? Of course not. Our opponent, pressed against the wall, may give up the fight. But he never sincerely admits that he was wrong, i.e. is not immediately recognized. For this he needs time. It usually takes more than one day to replace one installation with another. Whoever “wins” outright usually loses. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to use refutation techniques.

IN in this case One very important circumstance should be noted. A refutation, the result of which is a visible, imaginary refusal of activity, is one thing, but a real, sincere refusal is completely different. The first type of refutation usually takes place at debates, at conferences, at international meetings, the second - in life. It is this type of refutation that the leader deals with.

Refutation as exposure of slander or lies is a technique of politics, and a refutation designed to change one’s worldview and attitudes is a technique of business communication. This is exactly the kind of rebuttal that a manager deals with. Here we should turn to specific socio-psychological rules.

Rule one. When refuting your opponent’s arguments, you should appeal to his sense of self-worth.

As you know, self-esteem (CSD) is equal to the quotient of the value of success (U) of this person on his claims (P): CHSD = U/P. The higher the success and the lower the claims, the higher the self-esteem. Success here is understood not as a material, but as a socio-psychological value, appearing in the form value judgments from others. For people with high aspirations, this value tends to a minimum. People with a high level of self-esteem have pride in their “I”, and those with a low level have self-esteem. As a result, the former tend to firmly defend their opinion, giving reasons for it, while the latter tend to persist.

In all cases, success is achieved if they give a person a sense of his own “I”: they call him by name and patronymic, emphasize real merits, give him the opportunity to take initiative, encourage him to act independently, try not to impose someone else’s way of thinking, but stimulate him to reflection.

Rule two. When choosing techniques and means of influence, one must take into account the nature current needs opponent.

According to a common point of view, it is believed that human needs are divided into five levels:

  • physiological needs associated with the need to maintain life - food, water, sleep, etc.;
  • security needs, which manifest themselves in the desire to protect oneself from all threats and dangers, in the desire for stability and confidence in the future;
  • the need to belong to any group of people, as well as in close relationships with people: friendship, communication, love;
  • needs for respect and recognition from other people (prestige, reputation), which is associated with advancement social ladder, with a career;
  • needs for self-realization, self-expression, manifestation of one’s capabilities.

Rule three. As you motivate people to take action, show them genuine concern.

Sincere attention to a person melts the chill of mistrust and eliminates psychological barriers in communication. Insincere attention is quickly recognized by the interlocutor, and he immediately turns away from the speaker. This is due to the fact that in such cases a person’s mechanism of empathy (feeling) is heightened, which allows him to understand the true intentions of the one who communicates with him. This leads to a number of tips: a) be sympathetic to people’s personal problems; nothing repels another more than insincerity in communication; b) watch your facial expressions (avoid masks of anger and sadness), control your posture and gestures; c) listen carefully to your interlocutor.

The effectiveness of persuasion

The four types of influence we have considered (information, explanation, proof, refutation) form the basis, the framework of the persuasion system. IN practical activities they all fill up the whole system techniques that are chosen depending on the circumstances and personality of the interlocutor (audience). Carefully planned influence efforts with skillful selection of persuasive techniques should, in most cases, produce the desired results. However, it should be noted that not all people are susceptible to persuasive influences. According to research by psychologists, the following are not susceptible to persuasion:

  1. People with limited imagination, not endowed with a wealth of imagination and incapable of vivid emotional perception of images.
  2. “Internally oriented” individuals, i.e. those for whom their own experiences mean much more than the experiences of a group or even a mass of people.
  3. Socially uncommunicative people who show signs of alienation, weak emotional attachment to others, with a strong preference for isolated activities, and who have a weak connection with formal or informal groups.
  4. Individuals with pronounced aggressiveness or with signs of a need for power over others.
  5. Individuals who show open hostility towards people around them in everyday life.

Persuasive words

Imagine that you are eating a lemon, sour and sour... Can you imagine? Feel how much your saliva has increased. But you don’t have any lemon, all these are just words... Almost all words carry not only a semantic, but also an emotional load. For some, the words evoke vivid images: real relaxation is the blue sea, blue sky, bright sun and tanned people. For others, words are more associated with feelings, sensations: real relaxation is the pleasant warmth that the skin feels from the sun's rays, and the feeling of a relaxed body. For others, words are associated with certain logical constructs. The spoken word actualizes associations and experiences associated with it in some way.

Individual words have a convincing effect on the client if they evoke positive associations

The persuasive power of words is best illustrated by examples using “wrong” words. One of the Russian confectionery factories produces marmalade, which includes carrots.

The director of the company store shared his observations with us: “When my salespeople say: “Our marmalade is very tasty and healthy, it contains carrots,” customers sadly shake their heads and move away from the counter, adding: “Whatever they can’t think of.” Therefore, I advise them to use another phrase: “Our marmalade is very tasty and healthy, it consists of natural products with a high content of carotene.” Such statements are well received by those consumers who care about their health.” Would you like carrot marmalade?

Another example describes how one careless word can prevent the purchase of a product. A representative of a retail store is going to buy a batch of bathroom shelves from a wholesale company. The manager of a wholesale company speaks convincingly about the “advantages” of this product. The client thoughtfully replies: “Let me take it from you.” The manager happily adds: “Very good, and they won’t interfere with us.” “Why do they get in the way, why don’t they take them from you? Perhaps I’ll wait too.”

Which of the following persuasive words do you use in your work with a client? (Based on Rebecca Morgan's list of persuasive words.)

Activity. Aroma. Cheerfulness. The call of the times. Taste. Delight. Amazing. Expressive. Harmonious. Deep. Brilliant. House. Spiritual. One of a kind. Wonderful. Health. Quality. Beauty. "Steep". Tasty. Personality. Love. Fashionable. Youth. Reliable. Real. Natural. Indispensable. Inexpensive. Scientific. Courteous. Huge. Original. Communicative. Progress. First class. Popular. A source of pride. Prestige. Attractive-Sensible. Recommends. Joy. Entertainment. Luxurious. Radiant. Brave. Modern. Style. Sports. Independence. Confidence. Enthusiasm. Successful. Clean. Value. Chic. Exclusive. Save time. Economical. Spectacular. Elegant.

Remember one of the heroes of “The Golden Calf” - an unlucky journalist who used a list to write articles bright words and original phrases? Perhaps his problem was that the number of these “blanks” was not so great?

The use of persuasive words must be combined with the following factors: the individual attitude of the seller in this moment, individual characteristics the buyer, the characteristics of the product and the semantic load that the word carries in society. If you are in a bad mood today, then words are not very suitable for advertising a product light, cheerful, cheerful. If the buyer would like to feel more respectable as a result of purchasing a product, then words are contraindicated for him fashionable, inexpensive, airy. If your product is designed to provide taste sensations, then the words will be suitable for it dainty, delicious, delicious. And the same words will have an “anti-persuasive” effect during the presentation of a new tractor model.

You should not use hackneyed, common words. Now on every corner you can hear about the “highest quality” product at the “best prices”. The use of familiar cliche words creates wariness and mistrust in the buyer.

When we use persuasive words when working with a client, we “evoke” images and sensations that “lead” him to concluding a deal. Likewise, by using "dispersive" words, we help the customer feel that he does not need our product. Often the buyer is negatively affected by those careless words that “break out” from us “by themselves.” In addition to thoughtless words, we often use familiar words in our work, without which, as it seems to us, the work of a sales manager is impossible. These are our “native” words trade, sale, purchase, conclusion of a transaction, agreement, price. Negative Impact These words are perfectly described in the famous book by Tom Hopkins “The Art of Selling” (Hopkins T.- M., 1996). According to research by experts, the word trade still carries a negative connotation for Russian consumers. The experience of Soviet reality associated with this word suggests that only speculators, dishonest people who want to profit from others trade.” Even among wholesale clients, “trade” words evoke unpleasant associations. Trade - “I see a big, big warehouse. There are a lot of all kinds of goods there and a lot of people who deal with them. They look like ants - they swarm..." Sale - “I immediately have a picture: on the street, an assertive young man is pestering a passerby...”. Purchase - “For some reason I remembered the motto: buy it, and you won’t regret it.” Concluding a deal - “I get the feeling that I have to keep my eyes open, otherwise I will be deceived.” Agreement - “This is something paper and tedious.” Price - “Whoever talks to whom will be the price...”. In most cases, the images that arise act in the opposite direction of making a deal. They force the potential client to be wary and prepare for self-defense.

Let's see what phrases will evoke positive images in our clients. Instead of " trade" And " sell", we should “provide services”, “help in choosing the necessary thing”, “look for acceptable options and ways of mutually beneficial cooperation”.

The phrases “This purchase will be beneficial for you”, “By purchasing our product, you will receive...”, “Will you buy?” very accurately determine the positions taken by the participants in a business conversation. The seller and buyer always have opposing interests. Better phrases to use: “Purchasing this model suits your interests”, “When you become the owner of this item, you will receive...”. When figuring out whether a client will buy something that he has been looking at for half an hour, it is better to ask: “Where did you stop?” or “Which choice did you make - red or green?” If the buyer has made a final decision, then you can say: “Let me place your order,” “Please go to the cashier.”

Successfully concluding a contract is the dream of any manager working in the sales field. “If we sign an agreement...”, “Our agreement will reflect all the conditions...”, “Will we draw up an agreement?” The abundance of phrases about the contract gives the client the feeling of a “trap” into which he is gradually being lured. The customer will feel freer if we use the following phrases: “When we formalize our agreement...”, “If we come to an agreement...”, “Our partnership can be formalized as follows...”, “In order for us to provide you with the necessary service, we must process your order correctly...”.

The words price and value clearly indicate who will have to pay. Communication between sales agents, managers and sales consultants is simply “teeming” with phrases: “This model is worth...”, “The price matches the quality...”, “We’ll agree on the price.” Such expressions should be replaced by “The value of this model is $456...”, “Purchasing this model will cost you $651...”.

Of course, when working in sales and dealing with clients who have their own businesses, it is sometimes impossible to avoid “trade” words. Especially in cases where our clients expect a clear and specific answer from us. At the same time, by minimizing the use of words associated with the image of a merchant and using expressions that actualize the images of an assistant and consultant, we destroy the barrier between the rigid positions of the seller and the buyer and “pull” the client to our side.

The statement will have a more convincing impact on the client if the seller takes the position of an assistant or consultant

* Ask your colleagues or clients (if you are on friendly terms with them) what associations are evoked by the words you use most.

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Grigory works as a salesman in the electrical goods department. I came to his department elderly woman. And she began to carefully look at the display case with electric kettles.

He carefully watched the buyer's actions. She walked around the entire display case and examined several teapots. At that moment, when she paused near one sample, he slowly approached her. And he asked: “Does she like this model?”

The woman looked up at him. Holding the kettle in her hands, she answered: “I don’t like the kettle, its body is made of too thin plastic.” Grigory looked at her sympathetically and said: “As I understand it, you want to buy a kettle whose body will last a long time?”

"Yes!" - she answered affirmatively.

Grigory lightly took the customer by the elbow and, directing the movement, led her to other models. He said: “Pay attention to these teapots with a metal body. I have the exact same kettle at home for four years now. Works great".

He noticed a certain wariness in her gaze and her elbow, lying in his hand, tensed. Grigory realized that this model was too expensive for the client.

He calmly removed his hand, stepped a little forward and said loudly so that his voice could be clearly heard: “I can offer you this model.”

The buyer, hearing the seller’s voice, approached the new sample. And Grigory, without wasting time, said: “It’s true that its body is plastic, but the price is lower, and most importantly, the manufacturer gives a warranty of not 1 year, but 3 years. Within three years, the product must be replaced free of charge.”

After waiting a few more minutes, he asked: “Which kettle will you buy - with a metal body or the one you looked at last.”

Result: the woman bought a kettle with a three-year warranty in a plastic case and was very pleased!

To change the buyer's opinion in his favor, the seller used NLP techniques.

What is NLP? Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a model of communicative interaction between people based on modeling their experiences.

The “neuro” particle is associated with the processing of information that enters the brain from the senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch).

The term “Linguistic” defines the connection with language systems (verbal and non-verbal), their use for understanding ideas about the world and communication.

“Programming” is information processing. Psychological software as a result of a reboot (uninstallation, installation, update) changes thinking and actions.

NLP is a young science. Appeared in the second half of the twentieth century thanks to psychologists Richard Bandler and John Glinder. Observing ways of thinking, perceiving, motivating actions, they determined common features in the processes of thinking and perception. We developed a model based on the relationship between information perception and behavior. They proved that the degree of information perception can change human behavior.

The standard model formed the basis for the creation of effective, positive forms of thought control, change and adjustment. Newly formed thought-forms create new beliefs and force you to take the necessary actions to move towards your goals.

The essence of the persuasion technique

When choosing an action, a person is helped by his views and beliefs. For example: an important belief is to improve one’s own qualifications. Therefore, a person reads special articles and monographs, goes to the library, and attends seminars. The belief about the need to communicate with children forces parents to devote more time to them.

Changing beliefs also changes the behavioral foundations of an individual. Sweet and harmless in childhood, a person changing his beliefs towards radicalism can kill another person. Sacredly believing that his actions are beneficial.

Thus, in order to change a person's behavior, it is necessary to change his beliefs.

Changing beliefs is a delicate process. You can't just convince someone to give up one action in favor of doing another. You can force it from a position of strength. From a mental standpoint, no.

When beliefs change, the brain corrects its reaction to the familiar situation, and behavior changes. The following factors contribute to changing beliefs:

  • interactions between people;
  • communication process;
  • time (age periods);
  • acquired life experience;
  • worldview.

For example, in childhood everyone believes that Santa Claus exists. In my youth, that this love of my life. Today these beliefs seem ridiculous. This process is inevitable. In the course of life, beliefs are subject to revision. People have beliefs in all areas of life, some of which they would like to change. Changing beliefs with the help of NLP is one of the ways to independently know yourself and change for the better.

Areas of application of NLP

The NLP technique is used in various areas of professional activity:

  • educational;
  • advertising;
  • psychotherapeutic;
  • psychological;
  • in the field of sales;
  • in the activities of intelligence services.

Know NLP techniques should: psychiatrists, psychologists, managers, teachers, PR department specialists, marketers and special services employees.

NLP techniques are widely used in psychotherapy to solve the following problems:

  • various phobias;
  • suffered psychological trauma;
  • conflict situations;
  • psychosomatic syndrome.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Ten ways of neurolinguistic programming - language tricks

Beliefs are rules human life. They determine a person’s behavior, his life position, prohibitions and permissions. Along with useful, necessary rules, there are meaningless ones that hinder the development and advancement of the individual. The speech method – language tricks – will help you get rid of or change them. Changing beliefs with the help of NLP occurs quite quickly and productively. The scope of application of language tricks is wide:

  • negotiation;
  • therapy;
  • “elimination” of an unnecessary client;
  • “breaking” a limiting belief;
  • consolidation of an expanding belief.

Let's look at 10 ways to change beliefs.

  1. Intention. Method of switching attention. The focus of attention is not the belief, but the task or intention.
  1. Override. Incorporating a word containing another connotation into a belief.
  1. Consequences. Attention focuses on the consequences of beliefs.
  1. Analogy. An analogy is sought that gives a different meaning.
  1. Changing the Frame size. We change the meaning of beliefs or bring them to the point of absurdity.
  1. Different result. The focus is on other results or criteria.
  1. Model of the world. Reassessment of beliefs through correlation with another model of the world.
  1. Reality strategy. The basis for the revaluation of beliefs are the events that led to their appearance or internal representations.
  1. The opposite example. Generalizations are questioned about beliefs.
  1. Application to yourself. A person communicates rules (beliefs) addressed to other people; they must be applied to the author.

The introduction of new beliefs will be effective if there are complete confidence that they will benefit a person.

Is NLP necessary in everyday life?

For some, NLP is a tool with which you can: stop arguing with your girlfriend, move up your career ladder, improve your relationship with loved ones. In this case we are talking about the development of abilities.

Changing life principles forms the foundation of the NLP technique. Working with a person’s beliefs and values ​​within the framework of technology involves the formation of a highly integrated personality. The person becomes effective. His forms of embodiment, forms of behavior, principles and beliefs are of a creative nature, expanding and developing experience.

NLP promotes a better understanding of other people and a comfortable delivery of information to opponents. Teaches you to hear, see and feel your interlocutor, to speak with him in his language. Helps to protect ourselves from aggressors and manipulators who force us to do what we don’t want.

By changing beliefs, NLP helps accelerate human development and builds the ability to sort perceptions, which allows you to learn the accuracy of decision making.

Thus, using NLP techniques, it is possible to:

  • normalize relationships in the team;
  • develop self-confidence;
  • increase self-esteem;
  • activate motivation;
  • concentrate the body's resources;
  • learn to understand people's behavior;
  • change the thoughts and behavior of others.

Should I study neurolinguistic programming or not? The answer to this question lies within the person himself, it is tied to his values ​​and beliefs.

If a person is not satisfied with his current image. If he is ready for change, then NLP is one of the proven working tools.

Everyone at least once in their life communicated with a very stubborn and difficult interlocutor.

Everyone knows that the easiest way to resolve a dispute is to avoid it. However, sometimes the situation requires that you defend your point of view and convince the most stubborn interlocutor that you are right. The following 10 tips will help you do this.

1. Be careful and polite

First of all, do not play with the thin threads of a person’s pride: do not offend him, humiliate him or get personal, otherwise you will not prove anything to him and he will go into a defensive position of denying everything in the world (antagonism). And it is almost impossible to convince a person in such a state.

2. Strong arguments first

Speak the strongest and most compelling arguments for your position first. There is no need to start with the little things, release heavy artillery right away, and only then reinforce it with small infantry.

3. Earn trust

Try to increase your status and image: give reasons that you know this in practice, that you have been doing this for many years and have received concrete results or earned a lot of money from it.

4. Be smart

A powerful weapon is to say the following: “Yes, yes, this is exactly where you are right, this is a good idea, but this is where you are completely wrong...” When a person feels that his thoughts have been noticed, he can listen to yours.

5. Rude flattery

Praise the person! Compliments, and especially unexpected compliments, will surprise and delight everyone, and this is exactly what you need - to relax your opponent, reduce his control over the situation.

6. Sequence of consent

Rule of consistency: first tell the person what he agrees with (even if these are absolutely obvious things), and then your point of view. The likelihood of agreement in this case increases many times.

7. Steer the conversation away from dangerous topics

Avoid “ sharp corners” and topics that can increase conflict, as well as those that are a weak point for you.

If something like this comes up, urgently turn the conversation away from it, say: “We’re not talking about that now, but about...”, “this has nothing to do with the matter, it only has to do with the matter...”.

8. Notice every little detail

Watch a person's nonverbal behavior, it can reveal a lot. Nonverbal behavior is posture, gestures and facial expressions. If you notice that after some argument a person’s eye twitches, immediately continue to expand on this argument further and in great detail - this is your strongest argument and the person understands this and gets nervous.

9. People love benefits and benefits.

Convince the person that what you are telling him is very useful and even beneficial for him, and his position, on the contrary, will not bring him anything other than “just his position.”

10. Show unexpected consideration and respect

Listen carefully to your interlocutor, even if he annoys you: anyone will notice that you are attentive to him, and this will especially be noticed by someone who knows that despite the fact that you disagree with him, you are attentive to him. This way, you can stand out from other people with whom he has ever argued.

Good luck to you, because now we know for sure that using these tips, you will win any dispute!