Brief plot based on the story by Ivan Bogomolov and the main characters? Watch in abbreviation Bogomolov Ivan

Vladimir Osipovich Bogomolov


Young senior lieutenant Galtsev, acting battalion commander, was woken up in the middle of the night. A boy of about twelve years old was detained near the shore, all wet and shivering from the cold. To Galtsev’s strict questions, the boy only answers that his last name is Bondarev, and demands to immediately report his arrival to headquarters. But Galtsev, not immediately believing it, reports about the boy only when he correctly names the names of the staff officers. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov really confirms: “This is our guy,” he needs to “create all the conditions” and “be more delicate.” As ordered, Galtsev gives the boy paper and ink. He pours it onto the table and intently counts the grains and pine needles. The received data is urgently sent to headquarters. Galtsev feels guilty for shouting at the boy, now he is ready to look after him.

Kholin arrives, a tall, handsome man and a joker of about twenty-seven. Ivan (that’s the boy’s name) tells a friend about how he couldn’t approach the boat that was waiting for him because of the Germans, and how he had difficulty crossing the cold Dnieper on a log. On the uniform brought to Ivan Kholin, the order Patriotic War and the medal "For Courage". After a joint meal, Kholin and the boy leave.

After some time, Galtsev meets with Ivan again. First, the quiet and modest foreman Katasonych appears in the battalion. From observation points he “watches the Germans”, spending the whole day at the stereo tube. Then Kholin, together with Galtsev, inspects the area and trenches. The Germans on the other side of the Dnieper are constantly keeping our bank at gunpoint. Galtsev must “provide every assistance” to Kholin, but he does not want to “run” after him. Galtsev goes about his business, checking the work of the new paramedic, trying not to pay attention to the fact that in front of him is a beautiful young woman.

Ivan, who arrived, is unexpectedly friendly and talkative. Tonight he has to cross to the German rear, but he doesn’t even think about sleeping, but reads magazines and eats candy. The boy is delighted with the Finnish girl Galtsev, but he cannot give Ivan a knife - after all, it is a memory of his deceased best friend. Finally, Galtsev learns more about the fate of Ivan Buslov (this real name boy). He is originally from Gomel. His father and sister died during the war. Ivan had to go through a lot: he was in the partisans, and in Trostyanets - in the death camp. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov persuaded Ivan to go to the Suvorov Military School, but he only wants to fight and take revenge. Kholin “didn’t even think that a child could hate so much...”. And when they decided not to send Ivan on the mission, he left on his own. What this boy can do, adult scouts rarely succeed. It was decided that if Ivan’s mother was not found after the war, he would be adopted by Katasonych or the lieutenant colonel.

Kholin says that Katasonych was unexpectedly called to the division. Ivan is childishly offended: why didn’t he come in to say goodbye? In fact, Katasonych had just been killed. Now Galtsev will be third. Of course, this is a violation, but Galtsev, who had previously asked to be taken into intelligence, decides to do so. Having carefully prepared, Kholin, Ivan and Galtsev go for the operation. Having crossed the river, they hide the boat. Now the boy faces a difficult and very risky task: to walk fifty kilometers behind German lines unnoticed. Just in case, he is dressed like a “homeless brat.” Insuring Ivan, Kholin and Galtsev spend about an hour in ambush and then return.

Galtsev orders for Ivan exactly the same Finnish woman as the one he liked. After some time, having met with Gryaznov, Galtsev, already confirmed as a battalion commander, asks to hand over the knife to the boy. But it turns out that when they finally decided to send Ivan to school, he left without permission. Gryaznov is reluctant to talk about the boy: why less people knows about the “out-of-towners”, the longer they live.

But Galtsev cannot forget about the little scout. After being seriously wounded, he ends up in Berlin to seize German archives. In the documents found by the secret field police, Galtsev suddenly discovers a photo with a familiar high-cheekboned face and wide-set eyes. The report says that in December 1943, after fierce resistance, “Ivan” was detained, observing the movement of German trains in the restricted zone. After interrogations, during which the boy “behaved defiantly,” he was shot.

Senior Lieutenant Galtsev temporarily acted as battalion commander. One day he was woken up in the middle of the night and informed that a 12-year-old boy had been detained. The boy introduced himself as Ivan and demanded that they report to headquarters. Galtsev did not immediately believe the boy. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov asks to create all the necessary conditions for “his” man, because he is an intelligence officer.

When Kholin arrived, Ivan said that because of the Germans he could not get to the boat that was waiting for him, so he had to cross the cold Dnieper on a log. Kholin brought Ivan a uniform with an Order of the Patriotic War and a medal “For Courage.”

Time passed, and Galtsev met with Ivan again. The battalion studies the German position on the other side of the Dnieper. Kholin and Ivan arrived. The latter will need to cross to the rear of the Germans at night. The boy liked the Finnish girl Galtseva, but the senior lieutenant cannot give Ivan a knife, since it is in memory of a friend who died. Ivan talks about how his father and sister died in the war, and he, Ivan Buslov, had the opportunity to be a partisan and visit the Trostyanets death camp. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov persuaded him to go to the Suvorov Military School, but Ivan was obsessed with revenge on the Germans.

When they decided not to send Ivan on this dangerous mission, he went himself. The task is beyond the power of even experienced intelligence officers. They decided that if Ivan’s mother was not found after the war, then the boy would be adopted by Katasonych or the lieutenant colonel.

Katasonych is killed, so Kholin, Ivan and Galtsev go to the operation. First they swim across the river, then they hide the boat. Ivan, dressed like a “homeless brat,” has to walk 50 kilometers behind German lines. Kholin and Galtsev provide insurance. Galtsev ordered for Ivan the same knife as the one the boy liked, and after a while, when he was already a battalion commander, he asked Gryaznov to give the knife to the boy. He cannot, because when they decided to send Ivan to Suvorovka, he left without permission.

When Galtsev, after being wounded, went to Berlin to seize German archives, he finds a report in the documents with a photograph of Ivan. In the report, Galtsev read that in December 1943, while fiercely resisting, the Germans came across “Ivan,” who was observing in the restricted area. During interrogation, the boy behaved defiantly, then he was shot.

short story based on the story by Bogomolov Ivan and the main characters?

  1. a lot of
  2. Young senior lieutenant Galtsev, acting battalion commander, was woken up in the middle of the night. A boy of about twelve years old was detained near the shore, all wet and shivering from the cold. To Galtsev’s strict questions, the boy only answers that his last name is Bondarev, and demands to immediately report his arrival to headquarters. But Galtsev, not immediately believing it, reports about the boy only when he correctly names the names of the staff officers. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov actually confirms: This is our guy, he needs to create all the conditions and treat him more delicately. As ordered, Galtsev gave the boy paper and ink. He pours it onto the table and concentrates on counting grains and pine needles. The received data is urgently sent to headquarters. Galtsev feels guilty for shouting at the boy, now he is ready to look after him.
    Kholin arrives, a tall, handsome man and a joker of about twenty-seven. Ivan (that’s the boy’s name) tells a friend about how he couldn’t approach the boat that was waiting for him because of the Germans, and how he had difficulty crossing the cold Dnieper on a log. On the uniform brought to Ivan Kholin, there is an Order of the Patriotic War and a medal for courage. After a joint meal, Kholin and the boy leave.
    After some time, Galtsev meets with Ivan again. First, the quiet and modest foreman Katasonych appears in the battalion. From observation points he watches the Germans, spending the whole day at the stereo tube. Then Kholin, together with Galtsev, inspects the area and trenches. The Germans on the other side of the Dnieper are constantly keeping our bank at gunpoint. Galtsev must provide all possible assistance to Kholin, but he does not want to run after him. Galtsev goes about his business, checking the work of the new paramedic, trying not to pay attention to the fact that in front of him is a beautiful young woman.
    Ivan, who arrived, is unexpectedly friendly and talkative. Tonight he has to cross to the German rear, but he doesn’t even think about sleeping, but reads magazines and eats candy. The boy admires Finn Galtsev, but he cannot give Ivan a knife because it is a memory of his deceased best friend. Finally, Galtsev will learn more about the fate of Ivan Buslov (this is the boy’s real name). He is originally from Gomel. His father and sister died during the war. Ivan had to go through a lot: he was in the partisans and in the Trostyanets death camp. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov persuaded Ivan to go to the Suvorov Military School, but he only wants to fight and take revenge. Kholin didn’t even think that a child could hate so much. And when they decided not to send Ivan on the mission, he left on his own. What this boy can do, adult scouts rarely succeed. It was decided that if Ivan’s mother was not found after the war, he would be adopted by Katasonych or the lieutenant colonel. Kholin says that Katasonych was unexpectedly called to the division. Ivan is childishly offended: why didn’t he come in to say goodbye? In fact, Katasonych had just been killed. Now Galtsev will be third. Of course, this is a violation, but Galtsev, who had previously asked to be taken into intelligence, decides to do so. Having carefully prepared, Kholin, Ivan and Galtsev go for the operation. Having crossed the river, they hide the boat. Now the boy faces a difficult and very risky task: to walk fifty kilometers behind German lines unnoticed. Just in case, he's dressed like a homeless brat. Insuring Ivan, Kholin and Galtsev spend about an hour in ambush and then return. Galtsev orders for Ivan exactly the same Finnish woman as the one he liked. After some time, meeting with Gryaznov, Galtsev, already confirmed as a battalion commander, asks to hand over the knife to the boy. But it turns out that when they finally decided to send Ivan to school, he left without permission. Gryaznov is reluctant to talk about the boy: the fewer people know about the foreigners, the longer they live. But Galtsev cannot forget about the little one

  3. Young senior lieutenant Galtsev, acting battalion commander, was woken up in the middle of the night. A boy of about twelve, very wet and shivering from the cold, was detained near the shore. To Galtsev’s strict questions, the boy only answers that his last name is Bondarev, and demands to immediately report his arrival to headquarters. But Galtsev, not immediately believing it, reports about the boy only when he correctly names the names of the staff officers. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov actually confirms: This is our guy, he needs to create all the conditions and treat him more delicately.
    Kholin arrives, a tall, handsome man and a joker of about twenty-seven. Ivan (that’s the boy’s name) tells a friend about how he couldn’t approach the boat that was waiting for him because of the Germans, and how he struggled to cross the cold Dnieper on a log. On the uniform brought to Ivan Kholin, there is the Order of the Patriotic War and the Medal for Courage. After a joint meal, Kholin and the boy leave.
    After some time, Galtsev meets with Ivan again. First, the quiet and modest foreman Katasonych appears in the battalion. From observation points he watches the Germans, spending the whole day at the stereo tube. Then Kholin, together with Galtsev, inspects the area and trenches. The Germans on the other side of the Dnieper are constantly keeping our bank at gunpoint. Galtsev must provide all possible assistance to Kholin, but he does not want to run after him.
    Ivan, who arrived, is unexpectedly friendly and talkative. Tonight he has to cross to the German rear, but he doesn’t even think about sleeping, but reads magazines and eats candy. The boy is delighted with the Finnish girl Galtsev, but he cannot give Ivan a knife because it is a memory of his deceased best friend.

    Ivan Buslov, boy about 12 years old;
    senior lieutenant Galtsev;
    Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov;
    Sergeant Major Katasonych

  4. Summary read the story HERE

    The main characters of the work:
    Ivan Buslov, boy about 12 years old;
    senior lieutenant Galtsev;
    Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov;
    Sergeant Major Katasonych.

  5. a lot of
  6. The main characters of the work:
    Ivan Buslov, boy about 12 years old;
    senior lieutenant Galtsev;
    Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov;
    Sergeant Major Katasonych.
  7. Young senior lieutenant Galtsev, acting battalion commander, was woken up in the middle of the night. A boy of about twelve, very wet and shivering from the cold, was detained near the shore. To Galtsev’s strict questions, the boy only answers that his last name is Bondarev, and demands to immediately report his arrival to headquarters. But Galtsev, not immediately believing it, reports about the boy only when he correctly names the names of the staff officers. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov actually confirms: This is our guy, he needs to create all the conditions and treat him more delicately.
    Kholin arrives, a tall, handsome man and a joker of about twenty-seven. Ivan (that’s the boy’s name) tells a friend about how he couldn’t approach the boat that was waiting for him because of the Germans, and how he struggled to cross the cold Dnieper on a log. On the uniform brought to Ivan Kholin, there is the Order of the Patriotic War and the Medal for Courage. After a joint meal, Kholin and the boy leave.
    After some time, Galtsev meets with Ivan again. First, the quiet and modest foreman Katasonych appears in the battalion. From observation points he watches the Germans, spending the whole day at the stereo tube. Then Kholin, together with Galtsev, inspects the area and trenches. The Germans on the other side of the Dnieper are constantly keeping our bank at gunpoint. Galtsev must provide all possible assistance to Kholin, but he does not want to run after him.
    Ivan, who arrived, is unexpectedly friendly and talkative. Tonight he has to cross to the German rear, but he doesn’t even think about sleeping, but reads magazines and eats candy. The boy is delighted with the Finnish girl Galtsev, but he cannot give Ivan a knife because it is a memory of his deceased best friend.

    The main characters of the work:
    Ivan Buslov, boy about 12 years old;
    senior lieutenant Galtsev;
    Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov;
    Sergeant Major Katasonych

Young senior lieutenant Galtsev, acting battalion commander, was woken up in the middle of the night. A boy of about twelve, very wet and shivering from the cold, was detained near the shore. To Galtsev’s strict questions, the boy only answers that his last name is Bondarev, and demands to immediately report his arrival to headquarters. But Galtsev, not immediately believing it, reports about the boy only when he correctly names the names of the staff officers. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov indeed confirms: “This is our guy,” he needs to “create all the conditions” and “be more delicate.” As ordered, Galtsev gives the boy paper and ink. He pours it out onto the table and intently counts the grains of a pine needle. The received data is urgently sent to headquarters. Galtsev feels guilty for shouting at the boy, now he is ready to look after him.

Kholin arrives, a tall, handsome man and a joker of about twenty-seven. Ivan (that’s the boy’s name) tells a friend about how he couldn’t approach the boat that was waiting for him because of the Germans and how he struggled to cross the cold Dnieper on a log. On the uniform brought to Ivan Kholin, there is the Order of the Patriotic War and the medal “For Courage”. After a joint meal, Kholin and the boy leave.

After some time, Galtsev meets with Ivan again. First, the quiet and modest foreman Katasonych appears in the battalion. From observation points he “watches the Germans”, spending the whole day at the stereo tube. Then Kholin, together with Galtsev, inspects the area and trenches. The Germans on the other side of the Dnieper are constantly keeping our bank at gunpoint. Galtsev must “provide every assistance” to Kholin, but he does not want to “run” after him. Galtsev goes about his business, checking the work of the new paramedic, trying not to pay attention to the fact that in front of him is a beautiful young woman.

Ivan, who arrived, is unexpectedly friendly and talkative. Tonight he has to cross to the German rear, but he doesn’t even think about sleeping, but reads magazines and eats candy. The boy is delighted with the Finnish girl Galtsev, but he cannot give Ivan a knife - after all, this is the memory of his deceased best friend. Finally, Galtsev learns more about the fate of Ivan Buslov (this is the boy’s real name). He is originally from Gomel. His father and sister died during the war. Ivan had to go through a lot: he was in the partisans, and in Trostyanets - in the death camp. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov persuaded Ivan to go to the Suvorov Military School, but he only wants to fight and take revenge. Kholin “didn’t even think that a child could hate so much...”. And when they decided not to send Ivan on the mission, he left on his own. What this boy can do, adult scouts rarely succeed. It was decided that if Ivan’s mother was not found after the war, he would be adopted by Katasonych or the lieutenant colonel.

Kholin says that Katasonych was unexpectedly called to the division. Ivan is childishly offended: why didn’t he come in to say goodbye? In fact, Katasonych had just been killed. Now the third will be Galtsev. Of course, this is a violation, but Galtsev, who had previously asked to take him on reconnaissance, makes up his mind. Having carefully prepared, Kholin, Ivan and Galtsev set off for the operation. Having crossed the river, they hide the boat. Now the boy faces a difficult and very risky task: to pass fifty kilometers behind German lines unnoticed. Just in case, he is dressed like a “homeless brat.” Insuring Ivan, Kholin and Galtsev spend about an hour in ambush and then return.

Galtsev orders for Ivan exactly the same Finnish woman as the one he liked. After some time, having met with Gryaznov, Galtsev, already confirmed as battalion commander, asks to hand over the knife to the boy. But it turns out that when Ivan window-

Finally decided to send him to school, he left without permission. Gryaznov reluctantly tells the little boy: the fewer people know about the “out-of-towners,” the longer they live.

But Galtsev cannot forget about the little scout. After being seriously wounded, he ends up in Berlin to seize German archives. In the documents found by the secret field police, Galtsev suddenly discovers a photo with a familiar high-cheeked face and wide-set eyes. The report says that in December 1943, after fierce resistance, “Ivan” was detained, observing the movement of German trains in the restricted area. After interrogations, during which the boy “behaved defiantly,” he was shot.

In the middle of the night, they wake up Galtsev, a senior lieutenant who has recently been working as a battalion commander. Somewhere not far from the coast, a boy about twelve years old was caught, he was wet and shivering from being cold. The boy only says that his last name is Bondarev, and that it is necessary to report him to the commanders.

The lieutenant was embarrassed by the boy’s statement, but soon the boy called everyone the commander-in-chief by name, surname and position, and Galtsev called back to headquarters. There he was told that he needed to look after the boy and create everything for him. the necessary conditions. The boy was provided with everything he needed, but he asked for ink and paper. He poured out some grains and pine needles and began to count something. He calculated it and asked to send his data to headquarters. The lieutenant carefully looked after the boy.

Soon Comrade Kholin arrives - he is a handsome young man, quite smiling and an excellent joker, he looks no more than twenty-seven years old. Ivan the boy began to tell what happened on the way, how he met the Germans, how he moved to the other side on a log, the Dnieper is now very cold, how he was chilled to the bone, and how he was found and warmed up. Kholin gave the boy a uniform of his size and everyone who was in the room was very surprised by what they saw; on his uniform there was the Order of the Patriotic War and a medal that was given for courage. A little time passed and they left.

After some time, Galtsev and Ivan notice each other again. Katasonych arrives at the battalion, he is quiet and modest, and does not cause any unnecessary trouble. Sutkin watches the stereo tube. Then they, together with Galtsev, go around all the dug trenches and look around the surroundings, since the Germans are very close. A new young paramedic arrives. Galtsev diligently watches how she copes with her responsibilities.

Upon arrival, Ivan completely changes, he becomes a sweet, friendly boy. The boy has hard work ahead of him today, but he is not discouraged, reading and eating candy. Ivan liked Galtsev’s knife, but he does not give it away, since it is a memory of a friend. Ivan tells his story, in which he says that his last name is Buslov, that his relatives died, that he was in a death camp and also managed to be a partisan. They tried to send Ivan to study, but he didn’t want to, he wants to be in the war, and even some adults can’t cope with what he can do.

An order came from the division to summon Katasonych. But he can no longer come, since he was killed a few minutes ago. Since there are not enough people for reconnaissance, Galtsev is called in third. They get ready, go out, swim across the river, hide the boat, now all the work is on Ivan, since they need to walk 50 km not far from the Germans. Having sent the boy away, Kholin and Galtsev return.

The lieutenant is so amazed by the boy that he does not forget that Ivan liked the knife and orders an exact copy. Soon, when Galtsev is completely left in office, he asks to transfer the Finn to Ivan through Gryaznov. Galtsev learns that the elders decided everything for the boy and wanted to force him to study, but he ran away.

Galtsev thinks for a very long time about this brave boy, who likes to serve his homeland and go on reconnaissance missions. Galtsev is very seriously wounded and he is sent for treatment, and after that he ends up in the capital of Germany, he needs to take the archive of the Germans. Soon he finds a photo from the archive. And there was a familiar face on it, he remembered this face quickly, pronounced cheekbones and wide-set eyes, it was undoubtedly Ivan. In the notes, he learned that the boy came too close, he was caught and interrogated for a long time. He didn’t say anything and was shot.

Year: 1958 Genre: story

Main characters: boy Ivan Bondarev, lieutenant Galtsev and soldier Kholin

The main character, Ivan Buslov, is a brave boy who lost those closest to him in the war, and therefore decided to take revenge on his enemies. On my short life path the boy saw a lot of terrible things. The feats he accomplished are beyond the capabilities of many adults. He eventually dies tragically in 1943. The Germans torture him, but he heroically holds out until the last. Commander Galtsev learned about Ivan’s death only in 1945. He treated the boy like his own.

The story teaches that not only an adult, but also a child can be courageous. This good trait character, thanks to which peace and tranquility reigns on earth.

Read summary Ivan Bogomolov

The events of the story unfold during the Second World War (1941-1945). Senior Lieutenant Galtsev was unexpectedly awakened at night. The fact is that a 12-year-old boy was found on the shore, shaking from hunger and cold. This boy's name is Ivan Buslov. Galtsev tries to extract information from the boy, but, unfortunately, he only learns his last name. Ivan insists that his arrival be reported to headquarters. But the lieutenant reports about the boy only when he is absolutely convinced of the authenticity of his words. The hero correctly named all the names of the headquarters officers. Lieutenant Colonel Gryaznov actually confirms that the boy is on their side, that he needs to be well taken care of. Galtsev feels embarrassed for being rude to the boy, and from now on he is ready to protect him.

A handsome and cheerful young man of 27 years old comes to the headquarters. His name is Kholin. Ivan tells him about incredible adventures, about how he miraculously survived. The fact is that the boy was not able to approach the boat waiting for him because of the Nazis, and was forced to sail across the frosty Dnieper on a log. Kholin brought his friend military clothes with medals for his services. After having lunch together, Ivan and Kholin leave.

Soon Kholin meets his friend again. The new battalion sergeant major is calm, balanced Katasonych. Every now and then, he stands near the observation pipe all day long and watches his opponents. Ivan and his friend are inspecting the territory. The enemy is very close and carefully monitors the events taking place on the river bank. Galzen must help Kholin, but he does not want to humiliate himself in front of him. The senior lieutenant carries out his official duties and supervises the work of the nurse, pretending not to notice the pretty girl in front of him.

Ivan is more talkative and friendly than ever. At midnight he must go behind enemy lines, but the boy is not at all afraid, he sits calmly and reads brochures and eats sweets. The boy liked Galtsev’s dagger, but he cannot give it away, since it is a memory from a deceased friend. The lieutenant learns about the boy's life. Ivan lost his father and sister during the war. And therefore he takes revenge on the Germans for his relatives. This boy has seen a lot. Kholin was surprised that a child could feel such hatred. At headquarters Ivan was begged to enroll in military school, but he resisted it. This boy is a real hero; many adults are not capable of such courageous actions. After the war, the officers planned to find the boy’s mother, and if she was not found, Katasonych would take Ivana into her family to be raised.

Kholin reports that Katasonych was ordered to report to headquarters. The boy holds a grudge against the new foreman because he didn’t even say goodbye. At that moment the foreman was killed by the enemies. Galtsev will take his place. After numerous trainings, three brave men: Kholin, a boy and a lieutenant went to military operation. Having crossed the Dnieper, they hide. Ivan has to complete a difficult mission - to go a long way behind enemy lines. The friends insure the boy, wait in ambush for a long time, and then return back.

Galtsev orders for the boy the same dagger as his own and asks him to give it to Ivan. Without much desire, the lieutenant colonel tells Galtsev about the boy. It was clear from the military man’s facial expressions that he was hiding something from Galtsev. The fact is that when they wanted to send Ivan to a military school, he ran away. He claims that the less they know about him, the longer he will live.

Thoughts about the courageous Ivan haunt the already appointed commander, Galtsev. Having received a dangerous wound, he is taken to a hospital in Berlin. Flipping through Secret Service documents, he sees a photo of a boy he knows with thin cheekbones and wide eyes. In conclusion, it was written that in 1943, a certain Ivan, who was monitoring the movement of trains, was detained by enemies. After numerous resistances and interrogations, during which he behaved boorishly, he was killed by his enemies.

Picture or drawing Bogomolov - Ivan

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