Interview with Dmitry Mylnikov. Interview with Dmitry Mylnikov What happened and who is to blame for it

short biography

Was born: July 5, 1969 in the city of Chelyabinsk. This is in the Southern Urals.
Studied: from 1976 to 1986 in high school No. 120 of the city of Chelyabinsk in "b" class.

First time I entered Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute in 1986, immediately after school, to the Faculty of "Engines, Instruments, Automata" (rocket scientists) with a specialty in "strength of materials". But, after studying one course, he went into the army for 2 years, after which he did not recover.
I entered the institute for the second time after serving in the army in 1991. But, after studying for two years, I also quit (for various reasons) and went to work in 1993.
Eventually higher education never received it.
Served in the army: from autumn 1987 to autumn 1989 in the support battalion educational process at the highest military command school USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Perm. He spent two years in the Perm forests, servicing a military training range (shooting range, tactical range, life support and control systems).

Father, Mylnikov Yuri Nikolaevich, was born on January 14, 1939 in Chelyabinsk. For many years he worked at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. Now retired.

Mother, Mylnikova Galina Ivanovna, was born on April 14, 1944 in Chelyabinsk. She also worked for many years at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, then in various commercial companies.
Died May 1, 2008 from cancer

Brother, Evgeniy Yurievich Mylnikov, born November 2, 1971. Married, no children. For some time we worked together at TTT LLC, and also studied together social activities in 2001-2002. But then our paths diverged. IN this moment has its own enterprise for processing tiles, stones, etc.

I met my future beloved wife, Olga Zhelunitsyna, in 1990 at the Cosmos tourist club (next to me in the photo). We simply dated for quite a long time, went hiking together, lived together for some time, and finally, on October 4, 1997, we got married.

On October 7, 1999, our daughter Nastya was born, our only child so far. We can talk about her for a long time, since quite a large part of my wife and I’s life revolves around our daughter, so we’ll bear with it for now.

I think for brief information this is enough, since there are many more relatives to write about, including in-laws, grandparents, etc. If you get around to it, it will be a separate page.
Have worked: After returning from the army in October 1989, he worked for six months in the robotics laboratory at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant (ChTZ).

From March 1990 to August 1990 he worked at the Cosmos tourist club (more precisely, in some mysterious organization called BHRG, which served it) as a specialist in all kinds of electronic equipment.

From September 1990 to August 1991 he worked as a robot maintenance specialist in the ChTZ press-welding production.

From the autumn of 1993 to the spring of 1995, he worked as a computer specialist in the land committee of the city of Chelyabinsk.

From the summer of 1995 to the spring of 1998, he was a leading programmer at the Nedra Research and Production Company (director Malyar Anatoly Dmitrievich), where the first version of the GIS MapCad was developed, which exists and is still being developed in different versions.

From the spring of 1998 until December 1998, he worked as the director of his own enterprise, LLC Technologies of the Third Millennium, which was created together with one of his acquaintances, Vadim Vinokur. It was assumed that we would develop programs and be able to make very good money from it. But, as it turned out later, the timing was not the best. Having concluded the first few contracts, we fell right into the crisis of August 1998. In fact, they were left without money, quarreled with each other, actually broke one of the contracts, and so on. As a result, Vadim and I parted ways, and TTT LLC somehow survived until 2001, even managed to earn something at some point, but in the end it was liquidated. It was never possible to create a normal team, and one was tired of it all, since there were other, less troublesome ways to make a living.

From December 1998 to August 2001 he worked as head of the urban planning cadastre department in the Department of Architecture of the city of Chelyabinsk. At this time, the chief architect of the city and head of the architecture department of Chelyabinsk was Igor Vladimirovich Yurchak, whom we met when I worked in the land committee. For a long time he tried to persuade me to come work for him, and in the end he persuaded me (again, the crisis of ’98 helped).

From September 2001 to May 2002 there was a very crazy period of my life, when I began to actively engage in social activities, wandered around all over Russia, lived and worked in Moscow for some time. In general, this is a long story that needs to be written about separately (maybe I’ll write about it sometime later). By May 2002, this whole saga was over, I finally realized that this was not mine, returned home without a penny of money, and in many ways started everything from the beginning.

From May to mid-June 2002, he worked as a computer specialist at the travel company Koras.

In mid-summer 2002, I began working again with the Chelyabinsk architecture department, especially since many programs were working there, in the development of which I took part. But this time I worked as a private individual under separate contracts for specific work, which suited everyone quite well.

From March to November 2004, I got a job for the first time at the PC "GPI Chelyabinskgrazhdanproekt", where I was invited by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kozhevnikov, who shortly before that worked first as 1st deputy, and then as head of the Chelyabinsk architecture department, where we met ( later he became deputy director of the institute). It was assumed that the institute would create a modern information system, a common local network, etc., and I was hired as a system administrator for the local network, which, however, did not exist yet. A survey of the institute was carried out, a preliminary project and a general step-by-step scheme for deploying the IS were developed, preliminary cost estimates were drawn up, etc. But, alas, everything stalled there and then things didn’t go further than talk.

From November 2004 to August 2005, life again brought me together with Vadim Vinokur, who offered to work on his new project to create and sell various commercial products via the Internet. software. At the beginning everything went very well. As specialists, we understand each other perfectly. But later we had to make sure once again that we couldn’t do business together. Apparently, too different views on life. As a result, we broke up once again.

From September to November 2005, I worked for three months in the leasing company Transleasing LLC, created by one of my good friends, Andrey Yuryevich Beloglazov. True, I very quickly realized that this area of ​​activity was not mine. Again, friendly relations with the gene. director is not very conducive to fruitful work, especially when you are very different levels service hierarchy. You are forgiven for things that would not be forgiven for ordinary employees, and this very quickly corrupts you and does not contribute to healthy relationships with the rest of the team.

In December 2005, I was persuaded for the second time to get a job at the GPI Chelyabinskgrazhdanproekt PC. This time, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kozhevnikov offered to simply go to his department as the chief specialist, since they were beginning large-scale work on developing a territorial planning scheme Chelyabinsk region, and they really needed a competent person to provide technical support for this entire process. In general, he once again persuaded me.

At the beginning of 2007, big changes began in the field of computer use at the Chelyabinskgrazhdanproekt Institute. The government began to more actively combat pirated software, and software providers began to more actively monitor the use of their programs, especially by large organizations. As a result, the issue of switching to the use of licensed software throughout the institute as a whole arose very urgently. And as a result, we once again returned to the question of the need to create a unified computer network, deploy a modern information system, etc. Ultimately, management came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create a specialized department, which would unite all the specialists who had worked with various departments up to that point, as well as additionally recruit the necessary specialists. In addition, the question of who to appoint as head of this department was very acute. Attempts to find the head of the department on the outside were unsuccessful. And after much persuasion, I was appointed head of the department. I have been working in this position, head of the design automation department of the Production Cooperative "Chelyabinskgrazhdanproekt Head Design Institute", for two years at the time of writing this article.

Dmitry Mylnikov

Hydra. Part 1 a. mylnikovdm August 4th, 0:56

A short preface.
Despite the fact that I have several series of articles left unfinished, I decided to start a new series, since I consider the information that you will read below to be very important. this work is the result of a series of letters I received from one of my readers. At the moment, this material is quite crude, in many cases it is more of a kind of hypothesis than definitively reliable information, since we do not yet have enough data, facts and experimental evidence to dot all the points. i .

At the same time, the publication of some fragments in the form of comments and messages in different places gave a very positive result in the form of interesting and important additions. This is largely why I decided to start publishing these materials without waiting for the end of this research, in order to use the capabilities of the collective intelligence of a community of people who are searching and capable of thinking outside the box.

As always, constructive comments, thoughts, remarks, memories, intuitive insights, in general, anything that can be somehow related to this topic and help in identifying the truth are welcome.

At the same time, as before, all unconstructive chatter, especially with personalization, as well as statements on the topic “you are all crazy here,” will be deleted without any warnings or explanations.
Part 1.

What is Hydra? On the other hand, based on personal experience

But complete takeover of control with loss of memory is rare. It is much more common to convey to people other people's thoughts and desires, which they usually perceive as their own. Moreover, all people are divided into several categories. Some people are unable to distinguish other people's thoughts and desires from their own. These are perfectly controlled people. These are the people who are now usually placed in key positions in the management system. Before this, they must pass the so-called “controllability test,” when they are given certain commands, and they must carry them out without realizing that they are being secretly controlled. The second category of people who suddenly realize that they “hear voices” tell their relatives or friends about it, which ultimately leads them to a psychiatric hospital, where they are “cured” in one way or another, or are isolated from society so as not to be disturbed by their the stories of others. Another option for the development of events in this case is when a person begins to be told that he is the chosen one, the messiah, the next prophet, the next incarnation of some great personality, and if the person is led and believes in his chosenness or exclusivity, then he begins to behave accordingly, finally losing touch with reality. Moreover, in such a case, indeed, there are situations when a person’s perception of reality is so disturbed that he can do without qualified outside help, but this is a separate topic.

And finally, there is a third, very small category of people who, having realized that something is happening that is not normal from an ordinary point of view, are trying to figure out what is really happening, without losing touch with reality and maintaining the ability to soberly think and evaluate what is happening.

Humanity has long known about this creature.

Let's start with the Bible. All other edifying implications aside, the description of original sin can be summed up in one single word: contamination. Moreover, we read the word firstborn as an adjective to sin, whereas most likely it is simply a sin of the First Kind. When the birds are iron, then there will be the Last Race.

That is, Eve ate something that came from something that is forbidden to touch under pain of expulsion from paradise. This something was infected, Eve became infected and infected Adam. This is precisely the reason for the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise.

This creature is called the Beast, the Evil One, Haav (the name of the snake in Hebrew that gave Eve the forbidden fruit, apparently infected with the larvae of this same Haav).

And here is another image, there are a hundred years between the engravings.

The pictures show exactly what “hydra” does to a person. She swaddles him completely. In the first engraving it is clearly visible that the man is sleeping, and he is lying in the grave, and the Serpent seems to be clinging to him and drinking his breath. In the second engraving, the snake has attached itself to the area of ​​the heart. That is, both drawings symbolically depict the absorption of vital force from the human body by the “hydra”.

“Hydra”, enveloping the body, blocks higher forms of mental activity and immunity (95%), stimulates an obsessive image through the control of hormonal and nervous function. Thus, a person turns into a living dead (lies in the grave). The living dead, seduced by the fading illusion of existence.

It infects all forms of organic animal life on Earth. I do not rule out that some forms are already the product of his selection. Even modern man is partly the fruit of his selection. According to the findings of modern genetics, 90 percent of our DNA does not carry useful information. That is, in the process of “selection” for the purpose of degradation, this part was replaced with slag, information garbage.

Symbol military medical academy named after S.M. Kirov

If we collect the basic information that we managed to collect on Hydra, we get:
1. The Hydra's body occupies the entire intercellular space, swaddling the body from the outside, occupying energy channels, the excretory system of the skin (pores) and all places where there is no obvious blood flow, where there is no strong immunity.
2. Hydra's various internal organs are located throughout the body.
3. The bulk of the hydra’s body and its center are located in the intestinal cavity. There are also larvae or heads there. Official science believes that 90 percent of immunity is spent in the digestion process.

The main conclusion: in the human body, “Hydra” is represented by the human lymphatic system, and lymphocytes are the cells of “Hydra”. At the same time, the lymphatic vessels are the “circulatory” system of the Hydra body. It does not intersect with the circulatory system of our body and there is no immunity in it other than the immunity of Hydra itself.

Official medicine, or rather “medicine”, claims that the lymphatic system is part of the human immune system, which is necessary for removing toxins from our body. Let's figure it out, is this really so?

Maybe it has separate outputs from the body, which allows it to relieve the body’s circulatory and cleansing systems in critical situations? This could at least somehow explain the creation of an additional output system. Let's see what they write:

« Lymphatic system is a system that V medical institute don't study.
The lymphatic system, with its thin capillaries, permeates the entire structure of the body. Its main functions are to conduct lymph from tissues into the venous bed

; absorption from the intercellular space of colloidal solutions of protein substances that are not absorbed into the blood capillaries; absorption of water and crystalloids dissolved in it; the formation of lymphocytes involved in immunological reactions, and the neutralization of foreign particles, microbes, and bacteria entering the body.” Here I would like to separately draw your attention to the fact that such an important system of the body in

medical universities

they don't study! I hope that after reading this material you will understand why. But let’s return to the above description and try to understand what’s really wrong there. Firstly, it is argued that the task of lymphatic vessels is to absorb colloidal solutions of protein substances, which are supposedly not absorbed into the capillaries of blood vessels. Moreover, the diameter of both is actually the same, and there is water in both. The reason why these colloidal solutions should not be absorbed into the capillaries of the circulatory system, but are absorbed into the capillaries of the lymphatic system, is not explained. They don’t get absorbed and that’s it. But the most important thing is that the substances collected by the lymphatic system are not removed outward, but back into the blood, since the lymphatic vessels ultimately enter the venous bed! This means that further removal of all these toxins and breakdown products is still carried out by our kidneys and liver! Secondly, the lymphatic system has one important drawback. Unlike the circulatory system, which has its own heart-shaped pump that creates

But if the lymphatic system is part of the immune system, which must remove toxins and harmful substances from the body, then this design has a very serious drawback, because when the body gets sick, its mobility is minimal, since it begins to spend most of its energy on fighting the disease . It turns out that it is at this moment that the lymphatic system actually does not really function! How so? What about the conclusion? harmful substances from the body, the same colloidal solutions? How does the body remove them from the body during illness, when its mobility is minimal? And why don’t we die from intoxication?

A very interesting one was recently published on the Sedition portal.
When you read this article for the first time, it seems that you are learning something new and important about how our body works and works. But this is only until you begin to analyze its content. We read:

“We treat the lymphatic system in the most indecent way - and it should only be treated like you! The lymphatic system goes all the way “from bottom to top”, and never in reverse order! Those. from the fingertips to the thoracic lymphatic duct. How do we usually get a massage? – correctly: “top to bottom”, AGAINST the flow of lymph – and this means that lymphatic flows are disrupted! Have you ever seen valves in the lymphatic ducts? - this is a very important device: when the lymph rises, the valve lets it through, but immediately slams shut (does not allow the lymph to flow REVERSE!). And if you massage us well, as usual, in the opposite direction, then all the VALVES will simply DESTROY!”

Here is another fact that suggests that the lymphatic system in our body is not doing what is attributed to it. Do all tissue cells produce toxins? The answer seems logical: yes.

Okay, let's leave these awkward questions and move on to the fruit itself. It turns out that the lymphatic system, for some reason, does not develop along with the circulatory system. It is formed only at 6 - 8 weeks in the form of an epithelial structure - the thymus, and the dispersal of lymphocytes into the lymph nodes occurs by 12 - 15 weeks, with the development of the lymphatic network and the creation of nodes. That toxins are not removed from the fetus for 4 months? Or is there other blood circulating through the fetal circulatory system? Are colloidal solutions of proteins not formed in fetal cells? If you believe the theory about removing toxins, then within a month the fetal cells should die from these toxins along with the fetus, but here it takes several months.

Allegedly, the lymphatic system removes the remains of undigested proteins. But it seems to me that she feeds on them, and releases the toxins she herself produces from the digestion and breakdown of proteins back into the venous blood, thereby not removing anything, but increasing the load on the body’s blood purification system.

Hydra. Part 1 b. mylnikovdm August 4th, 0:58

Now let's look at this.

This experiment was carried out by the author of the source materials. This is a nutrient medium: semolina with cells of a starving “Hydra” planted on it, taken from one’s own body (3-day complete fast, only water). About 15-20 minutes passed from the moment of disembarkation until placement under the microscope. Now tell me, can there be such structures in semolina as in the photo, in the form of a vascular system? In semolina there can be at most granules, which are visible, but there can be no vascular system there, under any circumstances. This is the same lymphatic system - the “circulatory” system of the “Hydra” body, which it instantly formed in a suitable nutrient medium.

The author of the experiments, like me, does not have answers to many questions. All his equipment is a Soviet-era Yunost microscope. Actually, he was forced to stop the research and experiments themselves due to the pressure and extreme severity of the experiments themselves, both physically - a load on all systems of the body with unclear consequences, and for the mind - it is extremely difficult to maintain the adequacy of perception and judgment while working alone.

That is, it is very similar to the fact that lymphocytes are hydra stem cells, which are quite mobile and have the ability to feed in the process. In addition, it is believed that the migration cycle of lymphocytes in the human body is 6 hours. This exactly corresponds to the nutrition cycle, since by 4-6 hours we begin to feel hungry. Apparently they are the ones who attack food first and that the process of supposedly immune activity that we register in the intestines when digesting food is primarily the process of hydra digestion and is in no way connected or very weakly connected with real human immunity.

When we once communicated with representatives of a previous civilization, they said that previously Souls were reborn in a new body without losing the memory of previous lives, which made a person virtually immortal. Changing the body for the soul was something like changing an old worn out suit for a new one for us now.

Prince of this World.

Let's take encephalitis. The irritant enters the person’s bloodstream and the first stage of the disease begins, which has signs of a common acute respiratory infection or flu. The body easily copes with this within a few days. Then, for a period of up to a month, there seems to be nothing, but the disease progresses and affects synapses and other nerve endings. The second stage of the disease begins, which in 50 percent or more leads to paralysis or serious mental disorders. What is typical is that at this stage doctors cannot do anything, they just shrug their shoulders. That is, at first the stimulus is overcome by the body, but then, somewhere in the body, it continues to develop and still affects the synapses. How is this possible? Where is it that it multiplies, where the immune system, which seems to have already strangled it when it was in the blood, cannot reach it? Doctors shrug, we don’t know... The “hydra” hypothesis perfectly explains the phenomenon. The body of the “hydra” does not intersect with the circulatory system, otherwise the immune system would have already strangled it, and in the body of the “hydra” itself, except for its own and weak one, there is no immunity. And it is her weak immunity that cannot cope with the irritant of encephalitis, which ultimately begins to destroy her own body, in the case of encephalitis these are the connection points to the synapses in the brain. When the destruction of the Hydra's body occurs in these places, the human immune system has access directly to the irritant of encephalitis, the immune system begins to struggle with the consequences of the destruction of the Hydra's body and with the massive death of the associated human nerve cells... But when the immune system copes with the consequences, the actual tissues of the human body are already irretrievably destroyed - and the person turns into a hopeless disabled person.

The analogy can be traced with some other infectious diseases. I tell us: the irritant enters the body and the incubation period begins. Where is this happening during this period? In blood? In tissues? Nothing like that, wherever there is blood flow and there is immunity, the infection is suffocated there two times over. But it multiplies calmly and freely precisely in the topologically isolated body of the Hydra, until it reaches a critical mass, which leads to the beginning of the mass death of the “Hydra” tissues. As a result, all these toxins and breakdown products end up in the blood and a toxic and bacteriological shock occurs, which neither the immune system nor the drainage abilities of the human body are sometimes able to cope with.

It is also worth remembering medieval pictures of the plague. Black ulcers of the lymph nodes... And again, from infection to the acute phase there is an incubation phase. Where is it actually incubated? Why doesn’t all the subsequent horror happen immediately at the moment of infection? But because the immune system copes well with the virus in the blood. Because everything in the Hydra’s body is incubated and the body is unable to cope with this amount of viruses and their toxins, the toxins of the Hydra’s decaying body, its cells killed by the virus.

The entire historical process and our entire life is an invisible front of the struggle between Ra and us, as its collective incarnation, and Hydra, the collective embodiment of the forces behind it, perhaps civilizations, anti-Ra, I don’t know what to call them and I don’t want to call them.

Therefore, everything that happens on the planet is the action of either one force or another. Thus, the massive nuclear orbital bombardment of the Earth, which took place according to some alternativeists, most likely was a sanitary cleansing of the Earth after the departure of all those not infected. However, some people survived and the experiment began, of which we are now a part.”

To be continued...

Hydra. Part 2a mylnikovdm October 15th, 0:49

Working on the second part of the Hydra article took longer than I expected. It immediately became clear that there was a lack of information and understanding of the “chemistry of the processes.” To figure out what was what, I had to re-read many different articles. Both those to which readers provided links, and those found independently. I sat down to write a sequel several times, but the work didn’t progress. It was not clear what to write about, how to write, what conclusions follow from all the information on this topic that fell upon me after the publication of the first part. The total number of comments on the article exceeded three hundred, plus several dozen emails. And quite a few of them contained some interesting or important information, including links to various materials that needed to be read and thought about.
Firstly, I would like to once again express my gratitude to all the readers who responded to the first part of the article and sent some interesting facts, information, or simply shared their own feelings and thoughts on this topic.
Secondly, I want to apologize to those to whom I did not respond to their letters or appeals, or did not respond immediately.
Unfortunately, I simply do not have the physical ability to respond to every message or letter. It would take too long. In addition, some letters contained questions, such as “how to get rid of Hydra?”, the answers to which, alas, are not yet known to me. They have yet to be found through joint efforts.
We also reached an agreement with Konstantin Khvatov, who is the author of the source materials that served as the basis for the first part of the article, that I can report his authorship. I think that many who read the first part saw many of his comments on the first part both on the Sedition portal and on LiveJournal.

Lymphatic system

With this, I finish the brief introductory part and move on to the main part, in which I am going to outline my vision of this topic at the current moment. i.

After reading a lot of different articles on the lymphatic system, I eventually came to the conclusion that it is not actually a “hydra”, that is, some completely foreign formation, although up to a certain point I had such an impression. It is part of our body, including because most of the tissues that form the lymphatic system consist of cells that are generated by the body itself and have the same DNA as all other cells. But it is likely that it was modified to perform some other or additional functions relative to its original purpose. Therefore, let us dwell on this topic in more detail in order to dot all the points.

It was not immediately possible to find the answer to this question, which is given by official science. Many articles about the lymphatic system don’t really say anything about this. But some claim that some proteins, including those formed after the death and destruction of cells, supposedly cannot pass through the walls of blood capillaries and larger vessels, so a separate excretory system is necessary to remove them from the body. In particular, :
“The main function of the lymphatic system is to remove from the interstitial space those proteins and other substances which are not reabsorbed in the blood capillaries.» (How reliable this statement about blood capillaries is is a separate question; the same lymphocytes, which are quite large in size, calmly penetrate the walls of blood vessels).

In other words, when cells inside tissues begin to die and collapse, it is the lymphatic system that removes the products of their decomposition, primarily proteins. It is also reported that the lymphatic system also works in the destruction of various foreign microorganisms and viruses that enter the intercellular space, where they are captured and destroyed by lymphocytes, that is, they are again destroyed and converted first into a set of proteins, and then into even simpler organic connections.

It is interesting that in most cases, further decomposition of proteins excreted from the body into simpler compounds occurs in the lymphatic system itself, in particular in the lymph nodes, where several lymphatic ducts from surrounding tissues converge. From the lymph node there is one excretory channel through which decay products are discharged into larger lymphatic vessels and ducts. What is also interesting is that the lymph does not flow back into the venous bloodstream in as many places as one might expect. After all, it seems that the lymph nodes have already destroyed proteins into simpler compounds that can already be easily transported by the blood. But in fact, the lymphatic channels from the lymph nodes ultimately converge to two large lymphatic ducts - the central thoracic trunk and the right thoracic duct, from which lymph flows into the right and left subclavian veins. In the diagram below, the direction of lymph flow is shown by red arrows, and the places where waste lymph is discharged into the veins are indicated by blue arrows (just below the neck).

So, the first version of official science’s answer to the question why it was necessary to create an additional excretion system in the body is that it removes those substances that cannot, for one reason or another, be excreted through the capillaries of the circulatory system. But if we return to our analogy with the pool and pipes, then another answer arises. We may need additional pipes in order to quickly drain excess water in some emergency situation. Moreover, this option also fits well into the function of the lymphatic system declared by official science, since we can consider a disease of the body as an emergency situation when we need to remove additional amounts of toxins and cell breakdown products from the body. And here we come to another interesting point. The fact is that a person’s lymphatic system always works, that is, even in cases when he is healthy and it seems that there is no need to use a “reserve pipe” to drain excess. Moreover, a disruption in the functioning of the lymphatic system immediately manifests itself in the form of swelling and tissue inflammation. At the same time, during many serious illnesses, when it seems that the emergency system for removing toxins should be triggered, it suddenly turns out that its power is not enough for this. Swelling of lymphatic vessels and other problems begin. And in one of the articles there is this interesting fragment:
“The high efficiency of removing “poisoned lymph” from the body through a catheterized thoracic duct (for various types of intoxication, burns, damage to the liver and pancreas, thrombosis, peritonitis, myocardial infarction, extreme and terminal conditions) has been proven both experimentally and in the clinic. »
And a little lower: “Stimulation of lymphatic tissue drainage is assessed as one of the principles of pathogenetic therapy for a wide variety of (especially severe) diseases.”

On the one hand, everything seems logical. Since lymph collects the decay products of dead cells, in case of serious damage to the body, creating conditions for a faster removal of toxins from the body will contribute to its faster recovery and will relieve additional stress on the kidneys, liver and pancreas. On the other hand, it turns out that the capabilities of the lymphatic system itself are not enough to be the body’s emergency system. Especially considering the fact that all toxins and other breakdown products organic compounds return back into the blood, creating a load on the blood purification organs, although for the emergency system it would be more logical and rational to immediately remove these substances from the body to the outside.

By the way, here I would like to note that the statements of some of the commentators that the lymphatic system has conclusions through the skin into the armpits and groin area have not been confirmed. In these areas, only the presence of a large number of sweat glands is observed. At the same time, toxins and even lymphocytes captured by the sweat gland from the intercellular space can be released through the sweat glands from the surrounding tissues, but this has nothing to do with the work of the lymphatic system itself, since the sweat glands are not directly connected to the lymphatic capillaries and vessels.

The same applies to the statement that the lymphatic system has exits in the area of ​​mucous membranes, for example in the area of ​​the genitourinary excretory tract, in the respiratory tract, etc. This information has also not been confirmed. An increased content of lymphocytes is indeed observed on the mucous membranes, especially in various diseases, but they get there not through the ducts of the lymphatic system, but through the circulatory system. There are no channels leaving the lymphatic system on the mucous membranes. If something gets into the lymphatic capillaries, then it can no longer reach the mucous membranes.

The assertion that the lymphatic system serves to supply tissues with nutrients was also not confirmed. This is wrong. All lymphatic vessels have valves inside them that prevent the movement of lymph in the opposite direction. Moreover, the entire system of lymphatic channels in the body is unidirectional. The lymphatic system does not have a second set of channels, like the arterial one in the circulatory system. So, in principle, no nutrients can enter the body’s tissues through the lymphatic system. There is information that in some cases lymphocytes participate in the repair of damage, forming tissue that heals the wound. But these lymphocytes do not enter through the lymphatic system, but through the circulatory system, since blood contains a lot various types lymphocytes in fairly large numbers.

It turned out that the intestine has a fairly dense network of lymphatic vessels and a large number of lymph nodes adjacent to it. Lymphocytes take Active participation during the digestion of food. It has been established that when eating fatty foods, a large number of lymphocytes are observed, which are swollen from absorbing droplets of fat, which ultimately also leads to swelling of the lymph nodes in the intestinal area.

The official explanation is that the intestine is an area where the likelihood of invasion by various foreign microorganisms, including pathogens, is very high, so in this area the body needs an increased concentration of lymphocytes, as well as lymphatic channels and nodes. But it has not yet been possible to find out how the ingestion of fat droplets by lymphocytes can contribute to the fight against hostile microorganisms and viruses. The only thing we can say with confidence is that, based on general structure and the topology of the lymphatic system, these droplets of fat are definitely not intended to be delivered to other human tissues. Therefore, they are used and disposed of in one way or another within the lymphatic system.

I would like to draw the readers’ attention to another strange point, which I myself did not pay attention to before starting to study this topic. Official science claims that the lymphatic system is designed specifically to fight diseases, viruses and hostile microorganisms. Therefore, if the lymphatic system is key system body for this fight, then it is in the lymphatic system that traces of pathogens of various diseases should first be detected. Now let's remember our personal life experience. We all had to go to hospitals many times in one way or another and undergo a lot of different tests. At the same time, in many different ways, we take blood for analysis, make smears from various mucous membranes, special cases

So, we can draw the first conclusions from the information presented above. The lymphatic system is not a completely foreign formation; however, it actually performs the function that is attributed to it, that is, it removes decomposition products of organic compounds from the body. But at the same time, it also follows from the available facts that the lymphatic system performs some other functions about which official science says nothing. In particular, a process occurs that is very similar to the absorption and digestion of nutrients, including proteins and fats. At the same time, the substances captured by the lymphatic system are definitely not intended to nourish the body’s tissues. Therefore, someone else eats them.

Hydra. Part 2b
mylnikovdm October 15th, 1:04 Hydra. Part 2a
Hydra Part 1a Part 1b

Firstly, when describing many types of blood cells, the phrase “functional role is not well understood” is used.

Secondly, it turns out that there are many types of cells that are similar in appearance, but different internal structure. Including those that have a different shape and structure of the cell nucleus, as well as the presence or absence of various internal structural elements.

Thirdly, in the process of her research, Tamara Yakovlevna came to the conclusion that some of the microorganisms, for example the same Trichomonas, can take different forms, including mimicking, becoming similar to lymphocytes! At the same time, to this conclusion it came largely because some of these false “lymphocytes” behaved like Trichomonas, destroying and devouring blood cells, primarily red blood cells, which is also observed in Trichomonas found in the blood.

Hypothesis for what "hydra" is needed

In my opinion, it is quite obvious that the lymphatic system is not a self-sufficient organism that could exist outside the host’s body. It has neither an internal skeleton, nor an external strong protective shell, nor many different organs, without which no independent organism can exist. If we consider the lymphatic system as a certain independent entity, then this structure has at least some meaning only when it is built into the human body and uses the organs of the body for its needs. Therefore, there is no point in “teleporting” it anywhere or moving it in any other way without the rest of the body. Also confusing is the very low efficiency of the system we see on Earth today. Out of almost 7 billion living people, the state in which, according to Konstantin, the maturation and “teleportation” of a mature individual of “hydra” occurs, reaches at most several hundred people. This is too little, especially considering that Constantine considers the “hydra” to be an intelligent entity. If she were truly intelligent, and she really needed mature new individuals, then the entire system would be built in such a way as to provide as many mature individuals as possible. When I asked this question to Konstantin, he answered the following: “Regarding efficiency. I don’t see anything surprising in such efficiency. If you take the percentage of all grains of one type of tree that fall in the forest, then exactly the same percentage will reach full maturity.” Alas, the argument is not very convincing, since either the “hydra” does not exceed the plant’s intellectual abilities, then we can reluctantly accept such a low efficiency, or the “hydra” itself or its creator and owner has a mind, and a very advanced one, if he managed to capture and enslave a planet with a fairly highly developed civilization that did not live on it. But then such a low efficiency clearly indicates that the meaning of this idea is completely different.

I thought about this topic for quite a long time, and ultimately came to the following conclusions. If we continue the analogy with technical systems, then in the same racing cars, when boosting the engine in order to increase its peak power, among other things, they strengthen the exhaust system, which will remove additional combustion products when operating at increased power. The exhaust channels are made larger to reduce resistance to escaping gases, and additional exhaust pipes are also added. At the same time, such a modified engine actually increases power. But at the same time, he also has a very serious drawback! When we transfer the engine to work with increased power, for which its design was not originally designed, this very sharply reduces its service life. Usually by several times. In other words, such a modification shortens lifespan!

We see exactly the same thing in the case of the human body. Our body was equipped with an additional excretory system, since something was changed in the general principle of its functioning. However, the available facts indicate that this system operates constantly and does not turn on only during illness or damage to the body. That is why, when a serious illness occurs or the body receives a serious injury, its capabilities are not enough to remove all the resulting toxins from the body, since it is already loaded.

So the “hydra”, by its purpose, is a suppression system, which, firstly, blocks part of the mental abilities, suppressing some functions nervous system and brain, including having a chemical effect on it. Secondly, it shortens lifespan due to disruption of internal metabolic processes, which I will discuss in more detail below. And, finally, thirdly, it sharply reduces the overall energy potential of a person, since the body is forced to constantly spend energy on restoring the cells destroyed by the “hydra”.

Here it is necessary to mention one more fact, which has been confirmed experimentally. The fact is that the total number of cell divisions is not infinite. There is a so-called limit or Hayflick limit, which is associated with the peculiarity of copying a DNA molecule during cell division. It is believed that the copying process occurs in such a way that the outermost portions of the ends of the DNA, which is usually shaped like the letter X, can be copied. That is, it is somewhat similar to printing on some printers, where they inevitably leave margins of white paper at the edges where the feed rollers grab the sheet as they pull it through the printing mechanism.

I also learned that today some researchers already have doubts about what causes the shortening of telomeres (the ends of the DNA molecule), but at the same time everyone agrees that it is the achievement of the ends of the telomeres of a certain minimum value that leads to the cessation of cell division and its subsequent apoptosis. Apoptosis is a natural process of cell death and resorption in the body, which is distinguished from necrosis - cell death due to an external negative process.

A separate question to which I could not find a definite answer is the lifespan of cells of various human tissues. A variety of terms are given, from 120 days to 15 years. Moreover, the first period of 120 days I heard in a program on Vesti FM radio, dedicated to the topic of health, where some female doctor spoke (unfortunately, I did not hear who exactly). But this period is clearly not true, since with a limit of 52 divisions, the total lifespan of the organism will be only 6,240 days or a little more than 17 years, and from the moment of conception of the fetus. And if you consider that on initial period During the development of the body, cell division occurs much more often, approximately once a day, then if Hayflick’s theory is correct, the embryo will have to die on the 52nd day after conception. And since this does not happen, we can once again repeat the same phrase “the mechanism of cell functioning has not been sufficiently studied.” Obviously, there must be some other mechanism that generates new cells with complete DNA. Most likely, the spinal cord and thymus (thymus gland) are somehow involved in this process, but this is a topic for another article. In addition, it has already been proven that the Hayflick limit does not manifest itself in a number of cells, including cancer cells, which can divide almost an unlimited number of times.

However, since the presence of the Hayflick limit for most somatic cells has been established and confirmed experimentally, we will assume that after the cell matures and differentiates, when it takes its permanent position in the body, it actually turns on a certain mechanism that limits the number of divisions . This in turn means that if the process that generates new cells does so more slowly than the mature cells in the body age and die, then the lifespan of such an organism will be limited.

What do we know from mythology? different nations, including from the same Bible. Once upon a time, a person was immortal or lived for a very long time, according to the Bible about 1000 years. The chart below shows the ages of the key characters in the Old Testament.

Why shorten a person's life? This does not allow us to gain the intellectual potential that we should have. Back in school we were told that most people use no more than 10% of their brain capacity. But we cannot use its capabilities 100% if today we actually live less than 10% of the period that we should live based on the potential of our body. That is, we don’t use all the opportunities not because we don’t want to, but because we simply don’t have time to use them. We do not have time to form in our brain a neural network of such complexity and quality that would allow us to fully understand the processes occurring around us in order to fully and effectively manage them. We only look adults outwardly, but intellectually, compared to what we should be, we remain underdeveloped children. This is very convenient for the invaders of our planet, since children with undeveloped intelligence are much easier to deceive and keep under control.

So, at the moment, for myself personally, I have come to the following conclusions.

Intense cell destruction causes the remaining cells to divide more frequently to make up for the losses. At the same time, the existing process of generating new cells, which have the full length of telomeres in DNA molecules, does not have time to form the required number of new cells to renew all tissues of the body. That is why the tissues of our body begin to age and become decrepit gradually, and not all at once. In a young organism, all tissue cells are still young. They begin to be destroyed by the "hydra", forcing the remaining cells to divide. Over time, an increasing number of cells become old, since the mechanism for synthesizing new young cells does not have time to produce the required number of cells to replace all the dying ones. That is, old, decrepit tissue differs from young tissue precisely in that the percentage of cells in it that have already reached the limit of division and begun to degrade is higher than new cells.

Accordingly, if the body is subjected to some additional destructive influence, for example while working in a hazardous industry, this will lead to even more rapid cell death. Therefore, the body tissues of such a person will age and become decrepit much faster than those of someone who is not exposed to such additional harmful effects. This also includes many other destructive factors, ranging from poor ecology to alcoholism. Each of you can easily find proof of this fact around you.

To be continued...

Dmitry born in 1969. I read Maigret’s books in May 2000, after which he went from veneration and active propaganda to “an enemy of the people and the entire Anastasiev movement.” He took some part in the preparation and holding of the “Choose Your Future” conference in February 2002 in Moscow. I have been to conferences in Gelendzhik and some other Russian cities several times. Nowadays I hardly conduct any “turbulent” activity in this direction. Since 2001, he took part in organizing the “Gornaya Dolina” settlement in the village of Aleksandrovka in the mining zone of the Chelyabinsk region. But in March 2006 he left the settlement (the reasons are described above). Since the summer of 2006, I have been helping the guys from Radomir with solving various issues, and now I have decided to take one of the plots there myself. If everything goes well, I plan to build a house on the site this season (2007), but we’ll see from there. Dmitry's website - Space of Life

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interview with Dmitry Mylnikov

An interview with an active participant in the Anastasiev movement, who has gone from veneration and active propaganda to “an enemy of the people and the entire Anastasiev movement.” Dmitry took part in the preparation and holding of the “Choose Your Future” conference in February 2002 in Moscow. I have been to conferences in Gelendzhik and some other Russian cities several times. Nowadays there is almost no “violent” activity in this direction. Since 2001, he took part in organizing the “Mountain Valley” post-mortem in the village of Aleksandrovka in the mining zone of the Chelyabinsk region, but in March 2006 he left the settlement... Since the summer of 2006, he has been helping the children from Radomir with solving various issues regarding the development of the settlement.

What main conclusions have you drawn regarding the movement of people from the city to the Village, to nature? I don't mean just the Anastasiev movement.

There is no mass movement today. Moreover, real movement, and not “hovering in the clouds” on the wave of the popularity of Maigret’s books. Some activity is observed among the rich and people close to them, for whom it is now becoming fashionable to build cottages not in the city, but some distance from it “in an ecologically clean place.” The banks of rivers, reservoirs, and lakes are especially popular.

But among the poor and middle strata of the population there is nothing like this, including because the cost of such pleasure is too high.

In my opinion, there are two main reasons for the “stupor”.
1. Economic. People simply cannot imagine what it means to live in the Republic of Poland and what they can do there to provide for their family. They are trying to partially solve this problem by locating the settlement as close to the city as possible, so that they can go there to work and not really change their usual activities and ways of making money. In a sense, I have now also followed the same path.
2. People are accustomed to the everyday amenities that the city offers and which they do not want to give up (central heating, warm toilet, hot and cold water, electricity, etc.). And we are used to going to the store to buy everything ready-made. If you move to an estate, then without building a normal economy there is no talk of any shops or “benefits of civilization.” At the same time, one can, of course, talk a lot and beautifully about how Anastasia and her relatives generally live without these “benefits of civilization.” But this is only in words, since in life few even of these reasoners want to go live in a dugout with amenities on the street. The only exceptions are the most ideological ones, or those who really didn’t have anything anyway and therefore don’t lose anything.

In other words, in fact, the way of life in the Tribal Settlement for the majority of people who were supposed to form the main force of the movement has not yet been formed. There are some amorphous outlines, but without specifics, real facts and examples from life, they will remain a kind of abstraction, a beautiful utopia.

It is possible that somewhere in the European part of Russia or in the same Krasnodar region Some people are doing better, but I don’t have such information.

I was pleased with your laconic and sensible collection of notes “How to create a family settlement.” However, the feeling of joy was replaced by surprise that few people refer to these notes...

Thank you for your kind words. As for the fact that few people refer to these notes, it is not surprising. Most of those people who are vigorously active on the Internet are not very interested in the creation of settlements. They are interested in chatting, emphasizing their importance, involvement in the great cause of “saving the planet” together with Anastasia. But the actual creation of the RP is somewhere, sometime there, in the distant future.

As of today (May, 2007), the brochure is somewhat outdated, since during this time they managed to make a lot of changes to the legislation, which significantly complicated the entire procedure. In fact, the brochure now needs to be rewritten. For example, now it is almost impossible to create a village without developing a general plan and performing a whole series of bureaucratic procedures. According to the most minimal estimates, all this amounts to 300-500 thousand rubles. (300 thousand rubles is the usual cost of developing a master plan for a village, plus all sorts of approvals, examinations and bribes). Not to mention the fact that the current legislation does not clearly state the procedure for creating a new settlement anywhere. Because of this, when creating new villages, we now have to pervert and annex them to existing ones settlements(not in the sense ancestral settlements, and in the sense of ordinary cottage villages - I work at the Chelyabinskgrazhdanproekt Institute). But this is a separate topic.

In December 2005, the first Circle of representatives of existing settlements was held - you weren’t invited? What is your opinion about the idea of ​​such a circle and its implementation?

To be honest, I have little information about this event, so it is unlikely that I will be able to form any adequate opinion about it now. But in general, if we are going to create something, then the option of some kind of unification of settlements is very good. Another thing is that so far there are only one or two such settlements, on the one hand. On the other hand, most of them are still in the development stage, which requires a lot of time, effort and money. So I personally am not sure that right now there could be any serious result from such a merger. When they get settled, more or less lined up and life support processes start, etc., then it’s a different story. For now, the only function that such an association can perform is the rapid exchange of information. That's all. Neither political nor social functions it cannot yet fulfill it simply due to the lack of free resources that could be directed to these purposes.

Let's start with the second part.
It’s not like our paths diverged. It’s just that the first settlement that I later left was originally created as part of another project related to the development of tourism in the area. But gradually those people who were going to develop this tourism project, for various reasons, abandoned it and left the village (mainly due to economic problems). The place there is very difficult. Mountainous region with a difficult climate, where agriculture you can't really turn around. The second point is purely personal. My wife treats all these ideas about creating a RP with some degree of skepticism, and I know for sure that in a rural house with amenities on the street, without hot water and she won’t go to the Internet. All this, in general, can be provided in the settlement, but this requires money, which is quite difficult for me to earn in Aleksandrovka.

As for the other settlements, everything is different there too. In the same “Radomir”, it’s probably the worst, since there are a lot of random people who just wanted to snatch a plot to build a house near the city, actually in resort area(on the shore of the reservoir). Some of them have not even read the books and openly declare that they are not going to read them. In general, they read part of the book, but only took in what was convenient for them. In the rest the situation is better. Random people not many, since the settlements are quite far from the city. And in the same Aleksandrovka (“Mountain Valley”) there are none at all, since only truly ideological people can go and live there.

A. Vasiliev-Rysovsky talked with Dmitry Mylnikov, May 2007.

We all read and watch researchers. If someone publishes something and we like it, we begin to follow the creativity and research of this person. So we can say that we all watch and read the same authors, but at the same time new ones constantly appear people and new information!
and often among the comments, despite the trolling and Oscar-blaming, amazing thoughts and tips are found. It should be noted that the quality of the comments is still improving.
and so we observed interesting thoughts on YouTube of two people Dmitry and Oleg.
I would especially like to note in this dialogue the recognition of one’s mistakes. Examples of personal experience about one’s mistakes were also given. There was a proclamation about the possibility of fallibility and one’s reasoning today.
Which undoubtedly speaks firstly about morality, and secondly about professionalism and wisdom.
The video shows and talks about Tomsk. Wooden carvings, symbolism are somewhat mixed up by the difference in styles. Thoughts are very interesting. For example, why not made of stone? Like St. Petersburg, a city in Europe, the central part of almost all cities?
Using the example of Tomsk, we can probably safely add other cities of Siberia - Tyumen, Tambov, Irkutsk, it is clearly visible that the technologies have been lost, and our great-grandfathers could no longer move multi-ton blocks of stone. Loss of electricity? most likely..
however, they knew the meaning of the symbolism of “ancient” or, more correctly, imperial architecture!
and they more than skillfully reproduced it on wood! This fact is impressive... also valuable because in our era it is a hassle, it does not require any evidence because we have eyes.
Whether people fled from Muscovy, as was stated by Dmitry, or some other capital, is still difficult to judge, without some clear fact. It is possible that these are simply surviving people.
Oleg’s very creativity gave rise to the idea that these places are unique, and lay claim to the homeland of our civilization, after the death of Mount Meru!
in the very center of the Assi continent, further from the north. It was preserved and then it was from here that the “Great Migration” of people began! Which had a megalithic culture.
and there is convincing evidence for this! For example, the Turkic language:
(this video is worth watching from 3 min 14 sec. because the author put his thoughts into it and makes an idiot out of the resident)

our language proves the same thing. It’s just a somewhat difficult in-depth reading of the language for a person who is not interested in this topic: (that’s why there is no in-depth reading on the pages of this magazine)

so people have always been in these places! And they came from here rather than here. And the evidence of wooden symbolism only confirms this! We see the preservation of knowledge in these places, as before...
Here another question arises: where is this knowledge? wooden architecture is not that old in the historical process.
and here we see the events of 1917 completely differently.
It was they who destroyed the remnants of the heritage of “ancient” culture with a hot iron!
we dare to suggest that Kolchak fought in these places not at all for the tsar and the fatherland. The very symbolism and distorted history, taking ancient culture 2000 years ago to the Roman Empire
says that they fought under the word republic! (As a version, the monument to Suvorov in St. Petersburg is painfully haunting - the spitting image of Spartacus! He also fought in the mountains..)
what exactly Soviet authority destroyed ancient knowledge, the concept of its own kind, reformatted consciousness absolutely precisely.
and all this is supported Great second world war... :

and since we have been subjected to genocide to a greater extent:

we have lost all information, both early and late, about the great migration...
and therefore evidence remains only along the Turkic line, and megaliths all over the world. especially from St. Petersburg towards the north, to the Arctic Ocean. you stop to go to the toilet, go into the forest and come across a granite block, with the remains of processing by machine, industrial means. The scale is more than that!
Geographically, here it is too close to the death of the mountain, however. Therefore, it is unlikely that the resettlement came from here. But here, closer to the mountain, it is a completely logical return from the center of the mainland, namely Mountain Shoria. And from here, from the northern capital, the beginning of the empire, the beginning of the “renaissance” era St. Petersburg is overflowing with this. And the number of fascines is simply off the charts... and there is nothing surprising then, such a sad end to this era. Either Spartacus or a crazy dictator, the Senate, was found...

but this is just a personal vision. And it’s dark outside. So it’s not a bad idea to remember:
Victor Katyuschik: (excerpts in their context, may he not provoke his anger..)
What is objectivity?
This is the ability to accept given information.
And this moment largely depends on the natural data of a person
Can mammals treat information without bias?
As it turns out, this is quite difficult! And not all mammals are capable of this
The behavior of a mammal, and we are all mammals (here we do not agree with the official word - milk feeding?) is not always determined by the mind! And not all mammals are capable of thinking regardless of emotion.
How does the animal relate to the new and continuous?
It’s emotional! firstly, everything new can be dangerous for animals
And a natural reaction is to flee or defend one’s territory from this new thing...
That is, one of the typical reactions to a new stimulus is fear or aggression (dedicated to some commentators) and this is normal for an animal:
The dog barks, the bear attacks or flees, the ram freezes in indecision. upon returning from the pastures, the animal refuses to enter the yard of its owner, who has undergone modifications..
What is confirmed by the saying that one stares like a ram at a new gate?
In addition to fear and aggression, there is also curiosity. What if this thing is edible? Or something else useful? And this is closer to mental activity.
And in order to study any subject in a reasonable manner, first of all it is necessary to have a calm attitude towards the subject. The subject should not evoke critical emotions in you. You should not be afraid of it or fall into awe of God.. (how difficult - there is a soul!)
Emotions are not capable of thinking at all!
The requirement of objectivity is the independence of the mental product from the emotions and preferences of the individual (oh, it’s clear why there is a concept of a young and an old soul. We are diluted by the universe so that the cold hearts of biorobots do not become! And the purpose of women can be seen differently from here! They are more susceptible to emotions ) and it doesn’t matter in which direction the bias goes - positive or negative! in both cases, if there is a bias in relation to the subject being studied, and you have not overcome your emotions, you are not a sane mammal!
There are two completely different ways of thinking.
One type is information coming from mom and dad. Gaining information from trusted sources. For mammals, this type of thinking allows them to survive by repeating after their elders.
And this works in nature.
Run away from the elephant!
He said he believed it works!
Accepted as a pioneer - I became a pioneer!
They accepted him as a cannibal - he became a cannibal!
(Then the logic is praised, but it’s not so poetic anymore because in a nutshell:)
Logical thinking is important!
It’s enough to fall asleep and wake up a few times, and the array of information is lost and blurred! Then it is perceived as comfortable and true by default!
(That is, logic is needed in the morning and you shouldn’t turn it off!)

Let's return to Dmitry and Oleg, whom we fully consider to be our friends and like-minded people, and at the same time, higher-level researchers.
although we will express our disagreement in some ways.
an amazing thought about the sun! expressed by Dmitry.
that supposedly the sun came from outside and is not entirely kind to us.
the fact that the sun came from outside, and its role was played by Jupiter, practically does not require proof. This is evidenced by all the anomalies of the solar system. In all the space we see, we are the only ones. When the sun hits Jupiter, we become like everyone else! Now the symbolism of the same St. Petersburg is also clear , for example, on the Singer house. And in general, the symbols of Jupiter are found quite often, which is what the docent nugget suggested in his video, the wheel of samsara, but in his interpretation...
Following Dmitry's advice, everything fell into place!
but is the sun so hostile to us?
We sometimes say to our little children or loved ones - you are my bright sunshine!
the argument in favor of any kind of hostility is only a serious and painful tan on our bodies. But we would like the atmosphere as it was before, and there would be more sprouts... did this fact take place then? It’s difficult to judge...
Well, such an argument, as they said, was suggested. It was voiced several times by Dmitry.
where does the info come from? who is this mysterious tipster? such a turn is frankly alarming...
let's look at the word sun.
with this joint.tse this is this.ln-here we have an assistant Lukashevich, who a hundred years ago suggested how to look at and understand a word - syllabically! So let’s put the crutches in the form of the sign b
flax. this is the womb!
So the sun is a shared womb!
Planetary construction could only be carried out by a civilization that wrote not laws, but measured the measure! Ours solar system on the scale of the space we see, it looks more like a city
and most likely our ancestors are space builders! and the proof of this is the moon in comparability with the disk of the sun at the time of the eclipse, and the planets terrestrial group, and etc...
all this was created for life! and not for any mercantile interests...
take away the sun and there will be no life.
Well, the crowning glory of an insider, of course, is a statement that they talked to him and he came to his senses. And now it’s good... but he doesn’t know what to do...
Is this one any good?:
further in the conversation of these two husbands there were questions and decent answers.
the most powerful challenge about Tartaria, of course. After all, there are our friends, Tartarists, so to speak. And they are equally powerful researchers, and many of them are not lame in morality.
the fact is that there are a lot of materials on the Tartarian theme. And most likely the entire empire and its provinces were adjusted to this name... it’s like flat-earthers are always better at detecting fakes. By indirect evidence it is even clear that the patriarchs of all Tartar studies understand that and maps and names of Western historians, and books (paper is not stored for a serious historical period), Roman architecture, etc., etc., is simply tailored to the Aryan theme! nothing changes in the control algorithm - divide and conquer! They say we are the first ancestors of the Aryans! and Tartartia we have!
this card can already be played today! It’s enough for managers to want it. The soil has already sprouted quite a lot since the appearance of Khinevich....
It’s gratifying that Dmitry and Oleg see this! Probably this moment will not give them much fame, and only because of this their work will be hushed up. Even by the best researchers among us. (That is, we shouldn’t expect any special advertising for their work)
however, this meeting exists in the network of the information field. And whoever needs it will take it away, and in a year or two. Because if at least one person is touched by it, then everything will not be in vain!

On July 19, our group returned, which went to Gelendzhik to see the dolmens. During this trip, events occurred that are now beginning to quite strongly influence the general course of events. And the most important of these events is the beginning of the process, which the spirits of the dolmens called "transformation".

What is transformation? How and what does it affect? How can you take part in this? We will try to answer all these questions in this section. It is built on the basis of messages that were sent over the Internet and published on the forum .

Messages are not published in full and not all, but only the most interesting ones. But anyone can always find all the information on the forum of our website on their own.

Unfortunately, I myself was not in Gelendzhik at that time, that’s why. I am conveying some of the information from the words of those people who were there (I hope that without strong distortions). Most of the comments were written by me, Dmitry Mylnikov.

The first message from Dmitry Mylnikov, which was published after the guys returned from Gelendzhik:

Dmitry Mylnikov

Last year, when we were there in September, we noticed that one of the three dolmens in the clearing near Vozrozhdenie practically did not “work.” During this expedition, it was possible to find out what happened and correct the situation.

It turned out that a satanic ritual was performed in this place, as a result of which a powerful energy blow was dealt to the spirit of the dolmen.

Because, before leaving for the dolmens. with similar energies. the people who went there did not encounter it, they had absolutely no idea what to do about it. All that the others could do was to put protection around the damaged dolmen.

As it turned out later, the spirit of the dolmen could not solve this problem on its own, since it did not have a physical body, and dark energies are processed only through the physical body.

As a result, our women from the group managed to persuade the spirits of the dolmens to use their bodies to provide assistance. As a result, in two days the problem was solved and the dolmen was almost completely restored.

After this, a significant shift occurred in the relationship between the group and the dolmen spirits. If at first they reacted very negatively to the mention of Anastasia, they believed that she had told about them prematurely, then, subsequently, they managed to interest them in the current problem.

The dolmens called their main task: “Preserving the very idea of ​​life in its original form” .

They themselves determined the age of the dolmens to be 10,000 years. This, by the way, coincides with the chronology given in the sixth book. Apparently, dolmens were created at the end of the Vedic - the beginning of the figurative period, when it became clear that the occult period would have to come.

Also, the spirits of the dolmens take responsibility for what happened.

They say that they were people-gods who were too carried away by their experiments, not fully realizing the possible consequences.

They consider their main mistake to be excessive polarization (separation) of light and dark forces.

It is also interesting that dolmens store not only knowledge and information, but also true feelings, which can give a feeling to those who communicate with them.

Moreover, maintaining true human feelings is also one of the important elements of the “idea of ​​life”.

After talking with the dolmens and helping one of them, we managed to interest most of the dolmen spirits in the idea of ​​Anastasia and her plan.

It turned out that before this, most of the dolmens did not participate in this process at all. Now, almost all of them have joined the work.

As they figuratively put it, now the Earth is entangled in a dark network, from which dark threads go to each person, through which it feeds him with distorted energies and information, and there is only a very thin ray of light, without which a person cannot live at all.

If this ray is blocked for some reason, then the person dies.

But it is impossible to disconnect these threads the way some of us tried to do. At the same time, the person also dies, since it is necessary not to disconnect, but transform, replacing distorted energies and information with normal human ones.

This applies to all levels, from food and air to art and means mass media. Including the set of feelings that a person constantly experiences.

Unfortunately, I cannot explain the details now.

In general, a thorough analysis of existing problems is currently underway and possible solutions are being explored.

Anyone can take part in the work. To do this, you just need to express your strong mental desire to take part in the work. The most intense process begins around 21:00 Moscow time...