The Fox and the Goat Russian fairy tale. Tale of the Fox and the Goat. Russian folktale. Proverbs, sayings and fairy tale expressions

Galina Guseva
Retelling of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

Summary of a lesson on speech development in children senior group « Retelling of the fairy tale The Fox and the Goat»

Program content:

1. Introduce children to new things literary work « Fox and goat»

2. Learn to use when retelling figurative artistic media, expressively convey character dialogues.

3. Teach children retell text with visual support in the form of a series of plot pictures depicting the sequence of events.

4. To strengthen in children the ability to select as many definitions as possible for a subject or object, to expand and activate the children’s vocabulary.

5. Improve word formation skills. Strengthen the ability to form relative adjectives.

6. Form in children an idea of ​​kindness and honesty. Cultivate a negative attitude towards cunning and deceit.

Vocabulary work:

Activate words from the text in children’s speech fairy tales: "well", "gavely", "grieving", "if you want", "forcibly", "lie".

Preliminary work:

Analysis of the proverb

Games- « Overpraised» , "Say it differently"

Organizing time:

“The eyes look and see everything,

Ears listen and hear everything,

Legs and arms do not interfere, but help.

A raised hand is a signal that

What do you know and are you ready? say….

And the head thinks...

Today we will meet a new a fairy tale and learn how to retell it. Maybe someone will like this the tale is already familiar, but we will try to find something new and interesting in it.

Name fairy tales you will guess if you find it from the pictures offered to you "targets"

Dog, cow, fox, cat-fox, wolf, bear, goat, hare-goat. (Fox t. all words denote domestic animals, and fox wild animal. Goat - because that all words denote wild animals, and goat - pet).

Repeat the words you highlighted - fox, goat.

The fairy tale is called« Fox and goat»

Preparation for text comprehension.

Name fairy tales in which you met fox-"Fox with a rolling pin", "Teremok", « Fox and bear» , "Little fox sister and Gray wolf» and etc.

There are others fairy tales with whom you are about to meet. Guys, let's draw a complete one, verbal portrait foxes. After all fox is always different. What happens fox? Cunning, insidious, evil, kind, loving, smart, red-haired, etc. Guys, how can you talk about the fox if she has a long tail? Means - what a fox? Long-tailed.

Sharp eye - sharp-eyed

sharp nose - pointed nose

fluffy tail - fluffy tail

fast legs - fleet-footed

Now you and I are listening fairy tale« Fox and goat» and think about what the fox in this fairy tale?

Reading fairy tales.

What is the name of fairy tale?

Which one is shown fox?

Is it possible say that she is cunning? Why?

How fox I addressed the goat first, but then what?

What did she call him?

Which one in fairy tale goat?

Why do you think he is like this?

(Children's answers)

Well done, they chose a lot of words, painted a complete, verbal portrait of the characters fairy tales.

Guys, let's remember where it started fairy tale?

"I ran fox, gaped at the crow - and fell into the well" .

What is a well?

A narrow, deep hole reinforced with logs or boards from which water is drawn.

Guys, explain how you understand these expressions from fairy tales?

"I'm staring at the crows"- looked at the crows

« the fox is grieving» - was sad

"if you want"-if you want

"get out of the well"- go out

"they found it by force"- with difficulties

Well done! You explained all the words correctly.

Guys, what if you found yourself in fairy tale what would you hear (How fox talked to a goat)

(affectionate, gentle, soft)

Remember the words fox, pronounce them so that everyone understands that the fox speaks affectionately.

“I’m resting, my dear, it’s hot up there, that’s why I climbed up here.”

But as fox started talking to the goat later? . (angry, loud, rude, angrily) Remember the words of the fox, show with your voice that the fox was angry.

“Hey beard, you fool! And I couldn’t jump; I got sprayed all over.

Now girls, repeat the words of the fox when fox spoke to the goat - affectionately.

And the boys repeat the words of the fox when the fox spoke angrily.

Well done! We were able to show the character of the fox.

How did it end? fairy tale?

“I almost disappeared starving goat in a well, they pulled him out by force and by the horns.”

Phys. just a minute

Listen fairy tale again, then you wake her up tell.

We listen carefully and remember.

Repeated reading.

Guys who are ready tell a story« Fox and goat»

We will have Sasha storyteller, He will tell us a fairy tale using pictures. Sasha, be careful tell me in order and pass it on fox character voice (telling a tale based on pictures) .

And now, guys, you will be artists. Masha will play the role of a fox, and Alyosha will play the role of a goat. Masha try hand over fox voice at the beginning and end fairy tales.

Analysis story

Who from storytellers did you like it better? Why?

Was the order of events followed? fairy tale?

Analysis of morality.

There is a saying: « Fairy tale a lie - yes, there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows"

As you understand the word is a lie? (not true)

Means fairy tale is not true, invented events.

And the word hint is an indication of something good or bad.

Good fellows lesson-advice to young people about what is good, what to learn, and what is bad, they bring evil, what they should not do.

It is not always easy to distinguish good from bad and the fairy tale teaches this.

We want to be like heroes fairy tales? Why? (children's answers)

Because fox is not honest, deceptive, she deceived the goat and he almost disappeared.

A slow-witted goat, stupid, he believed the fox.

What did she teach us? fairy tale? Do not cheat. This means you don’t always have to believe.

We met with you fairy tale« Fox and goat» tell me if it fits this one fairy tale proverb“Speech is like honey, but deeds are like wormwood”? Why?

Speeches are sweet, but deeds are bitter.


Guys, I feel sorry for the goat because he is so gullible that he was deceived fox. Let's warn him so that next time he doesn't end up in such a situation. I have prepared envelopes and pieces of paper. Take them home and write a letter to our hero. Let's come up with a name for him (….)

Our letter will begin like this:

Hello, goat Yasha!

Didn't you know that...

Information for parents: The Fox and the Goat - short Russian folk tale. It tells about the cunning Fox who fell into the well and about the gullible Goat. The fairy tale is instructive and will be interesting to children from 2 to 4 years old. The text of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Goat” is written simply and interestingly; it can be read to children at night. Happy reading to you and your little ones.

Read the fairy tale The Fox and the Goat

A fox ran, gaped at the crow - and fell into a well. There was not much water in the well: it was impossible to drown, and it was impossible to jump out either. The fox sits and grieves.

A goat is coming - a smart head. He walks, shakes his beard, shakes his faces; I had nothing better to do and looked into the well, saw a fox there and asked:

- What are you doing there, little fox?

“I’m resting, my dear,” the fox answers, “it’s hot up there, that’s why I climbed up here.” It's so cool and nice here! Cold water - as much as you want!

But the goat has been thirsty for a long time.

- Is the water good? - asks the goat.

“Excellent,” the fox answers. - Clean, cold! Jump here if you want; There will be a place for both of us here.

The goat foolishly jumped and almost ran over the fox. And she to him.

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Goat"

The Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Goat” is another example of a story about a red-haired cheat. For those who are used to the sly fox in the finale fairy tale plot most often she herself suffers from her excessive deceit, this story will seem unusual. Contrary to the custom in the fairy tale “good conquers evil,” the fox here is not punished for his meanness and lies: she manages to get out of a difficult situation by deception and defeat another character in the fairy tale. Before trying to understand the reason for such injustice, it is necessary to briefly describe the plot of the fairy tale. So, the main character is a fox, she fell into the well, staring at the crows. Luckily for her, the well was half dry, almost without water, so the fox did not drown, but still could not get out of it. Fortunately, a goat passed by the well - another character in the fairy tale; curiosity forced him to look into the well. The fox, without thinking twice, began to praise how good and pleasant it was there. The poor goat, already thirsty, believed the cunning fox and jumped into the well. The rogue climbed onto his back, climbed from his back onto the horns and climbed out. The goat in the well almost died of hunger, but was saved by kind people.

The development of events in the fairy tale, although it seems unfair at first glance, copes well with its ideological task. The fox in the fairy tale gains the upper hand, but not so that evil can triumph. The purpose of the fairy tale is completely different - to show that stupidity and excessive curiosity can lead the hero into trouble. The goat jumped into the well without thinking at all about the consequences, this is the subject of ridicule and censure in this story. Another semantic emphasis of this instructive story is the statement that physical strength is not always the key to success, intelligence and caution are necessary for the prosperous existence of the hero.

It is curious that the narrator seems to be deliberately making fun of the goat, calling him a smart head. This kind of mockery of a character is a common technique in Russian folklore.

It is worth noting that the speech structure of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Goat” deserves special attention. The text contains the author’s description of one of the main characters; to characterize him, word forms with an increasing meaning (“beard”, “mug”) are used, which makes the image of a goat, on the one hand, more formidable and dangerous. But at the same time, such a characteristic contradicts the rest of the goat’s behavior and his own speech. As for the fox, the selection speech means The ones she uses differ distinctly depending on the situation. When she tries to lure the goat into a trap, her speech is affectionate and replete with diminutive nouns (“darling”, “water”). But as soon as she manages to achieve her goal, the choice of words changes dramatically, and rude vocabulary appears in her speech (for example, “fool”). Thus, the speech of the heroes of the fairy tale creates for the reader an additional field for understanding the essence of each image and the fairy tale as a whole.

Read the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Goat” on our website online for free and without registration.

A fox ran, gaped at the crow - and fell into a well. There was not much water in the well: it was impossible to drown, and it was impossible to jump out either. The fox sits and grieves.

A goat is walking - a smart head; walks, shakes his beard, shakes his faces; I had nothing better to do and looked into the well, saw a fox there and asked:

What are you doing there, little fox?

“I’m resting, my dear,” the fox answers, “it’s hot up there, that’s how I climbed up here.” It's so cool and nice here! Cold water - as much as you want!

But the goat has been thirsty for a long time.

Is the water good? - asks the goat.

“Excellent,” the fox answers. - Clean, cold! Jump here if you want; There will be a place for both of us here.

The goat foolishly jumped and almost ran over the fox. And she told him:

Eh, the bearded fool, he didn’t even know how to jump - he splashed all over.

The fox jumped onto the goat's back, from the back onto the horns, and out of the well.

A goat almost disappeared from hunger in a well; They found him by force and dragged him out by the horns.


A fox was running along the road, stared at the crows and, due to his carelessness, fell into a well. She was lucky that the well was almost dry, there was little water at the bottom, and the fox did not drown. But she couldn't get out of there.

She sits in the well, sad, and doesn’t know what to do. At that time, a goat was walking along the road, shaking its horns and shaking its beard. He accidentally looked into the well and noticed a fox there, he became curious and asked her:

What are you, fox, doing in the well?
“I’m resting,” she answers, “I felt hot, so I specially came down here from above.” It's so cool here, there's plenty of water.

Unfortunately, the goat really wanted to drink, so he asked the fox:

Is the water in the well good?
“Oh, she’s good,” says the fox, “Cold and clean.” If you want, try it yourself, there’s enough room for the two of us.

The goat did not think about the consequences and jumped straight to the fox, so clumsily that he splashed all over him.

Why, you bearded fool, don’t know how to jump - you doused me all over with water.

While the goat was wondering what was what, the fox jumped on his back, and from there onto the horns, and from the horn outwards. The goat was the only one left in the well. He sat there, without food, until they found him and pulled him out by the horns.

The child did not fall asleep?

The Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Goat” has ended; if the child does not fall asleep, we recommend reading a few more fairy tales.

  • Fox and goat
  • Performer: N. Minaeva, N. Voevodina, I. Kalinin
  • Type: mp3, text
  • Size: 650 KB
  • Duration: 00:01:40
  • Download the story for free
  • Listen to the story online

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Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Fox and goat

A fox ran, gaped at the crow, and ended up in a well. There was not much water in the well: you couldn’t drown, and you couldn’t jump out either. The fox sits and grieves. There comes a goat, a smart head; walks, shakes his beard, shakes his faces; With nothing to do, he looked into the well, saw a fox there and asked:

What are you doing there, little fox?

“I’m resting, my dear,” the fox answers. - It’s hot up there, so I climbed up here. It's so cool and nice here! Cold water - as much as you want.

But the goat has been thirsty for a long time.

Is the water good? - asks the goat.

Excellent! - the fox answers. - Clean, cold! Jump here if you want; There will be a place for both of us here.

The goat jumped foolishly, almost ran over the fox, and she said to him:

Eh, bearded fool! And he didn’t know how to jump - he splashed all over. "

The fox jumped onto the goat's back, from the back onto the horns, and out of the well.

A goat almost disappeared from hunger in a well; They found him by force and dragged him out by the horns.