Magnetic storm calendar for October. At the end of October, the inhabitants of the planet will be covered by a powerful magnetic storm. The State Duma proposed allowing time off during magnetic storms

After the stormy September solar cataclysms, I would like to believe that the next month will be calmer, and the weather forecast will be encouraging with minor surges in the geomagnetic situation. However, the sun is in no hurry to subside, and almost the entire month of October will keep us on our toes.

Magnetic storms today and tomorrow, what is the danger

As the weather center warned, a magnetic storm can lead to malfunctions of electronic devices, in particular communications, and also increases the risk of man-made accidents. In addition, such phenomena can cause discomfort to people with increased weather sensitivity.

Magnetic storms on Earth began on September 6, when the first emissions of solar plasma reached the Earth, following a series of powerful flares on the Sun.

A series of solar flares began on September 4. Five small flares occurred first, followed by two more powerful flares on September 6. During the night and day of September 7, four more were recorded, on September 8 - two, on September 10 another followed powerful flash. It happened at a time when scientists were already expecting their end due to the departure of sunspots generating flares beyond the edge of the solar disk visible from Earth.

Magnetic storms in October 2017: schedule by days and hours, monthly forecast

During October 2017, a serious manifestation is expected solar activity.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 22, 27, 28, 29 numbers.

Magnetic storms are expected 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 25, 26 numbers.

years - the cause of occurrence

Geomagnetic disturbances on Earth periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares Plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

Magnetic storms in October 2017 years - poor health

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, increased adrenaline in the blood, stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the cause of a person’s poor health may be the state of his health at this moment. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.

In addition, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excess solar activity, and the remaining 90% invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them.

Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in October 2017.

Magnetic storms in October 2017: schedule by days and hours, forecast for the month. What to do to make it easier to survive magnetic storms in October 2017 of the year:

  • limit work that requires increased attention and concentration, or postpone it for another time;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • relax more and walk in the fresh air;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • follow the recommendations of your doctor and always have the necessary medications with you;
  • Eat right to lower your blood cholesterol levels. A plant-based diet, consumption of natural juices, decoctions, chicory, a dairy diet and lean meat are recommended. Avoid drinking alcohol during this period.

Magnetic storms today and tomorrow in Moscow: what to do?

During a magnetic storm, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system should regularly take medications and monitor their blood pressure, Moscow's chief therapist Vladimir Tyurin told RIA Novosti.

Earlier, as reported by the Solar X-ray Astronomy Laboratory Physical Institute Academy of Sciences (FIAN), a strong magnetic storm has ended on Earth; now the Earth’s magnetosphere is in a state of weak magnetic storm. According to the schedule on the Laboratory’s website, a strong storm (three points on a scale of five) lasted from approximately 6.00 Moscow time to 12.00 Moscow time on September 28.

As Tyurin said, patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system are most susceptible to magnetic storms - ischemic disease heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension.

“Blood pressure may change in one direction or another, pain in the heart may occur more often, so these patients should take their medications regularly, for heart pain - nitroglycerin and monitor the pressure more often. That’s all,” the specialist said.

Throughout most of October 2019, the Earth's magnetosphere will remain quiet. A fairly strong magnetic storm is likely October 24 and 25, 2019. . Minor disturbances are expected on October 2, 4, 5, 10, 12 to 15 and 27. On other days, the Earth's magnetosphere will be calm. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the detailed forecast of magnetic storms for October 2019 in order to be prepared for any changes in sunny weather.

Magnetic storm forecast for October 2019 schedule

Schedule of magnetic storms in October 2019 by days and hours

Modern scientists cannot say exactly when a solar flare will occur, which will cause a strong magnetic storm and how this will affect human well-being. The magnetic storm forecast for October 2019 is based on long-term astronomical observations and is speculative.

  • 1, from 7 to 9, 11, from 16 to 20, 22. 23, from 28 to 31 October 2019- the magnetosphere is calm (magnetic disturbance will not exceed 2 points). No negative consequences are expected.
  • October 2, 4, 5, 10, 12 to 15 and 27, 2019- weak magnetic storm 2-3 points. Take more care of yourself if you have been diagnosed with arterial hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular system, reduce physical activity.
  • October 3, 6, 21 and 26, 2019 - magnetic storm 3-4 points. Possible weakness headache, drowsiness, chills, decreased performance, concentration and mood.
  • October 24 and 25, 2019 - strong magnetic storm of 4-5 points (G1). Weather-sensitive people should exercise extreme caution. Possible migraines, feeling tired, irritability, mood swings, chills, decreased concentration. It is better to stay at home or under the supervision of a doctor these days.

Impact of magnetic storms in October 2019

Solar flares, which cause magnetic storms, are largely unpredictable phenomena. Thus, weather-dependent people must be prepared for a magnetic storm that can break out at any moment.

During magnetic storms and solar flares, people sensitive to them often experience:

  • headache,
  • insomnia,
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • decreased performance,
  • prostration,
  • increased adrenaline in the blood,
  • stress and depression.

Strong solar flares can also affect the functioning of equipment:

  • navigation equipment,
  • aviation technology
  • energy systems,
  • means of communication.

Health disorders due to strong magnetic storms

To one degree or another, magnetic storms in October 2019 can affect the well-being and mood of almost all people. However, people with weather dependence react most strongly to solar flares.

Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the reason for a person’s poor health may be his current state of health. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.

Also, according to doctors, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excessive solar activity, and the remaining 90%, having read the forecast of magnetic storms for the near future, invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them. Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check for yourself. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in the first month of summer.

Symptoms of weather dependence during weak magnetic storms

  • Weakness,
  • headache,
  • drowsiness,
  • chills,
  • decreased performance, concentration and mood.

How to fight

  • eight hours of regular sleep
  • swimming in the pool,
  • refusal of heavy food,
  • giving up alcohol.

Symptoms of weather dependence during a strong magnetic storm

  • Increased pressure,
  • sleep disturbance
  • rapid pulse,
  • temperature increase,
  • insomnia,
  • dizziness,
  • migraine,
  • joint pain,
  • convulsions,
  • absent-mindedness,
  • sudden mood swings,
  • almost zero efficiency.

How to fight:

  • If your health suddenly worsens, consult a doctor immediately.
  • give up physical activity during a magnetic storm,
  • give up fatty and heavy foods,
  • consume more vitamins and vitamin-containing foods.
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes.

How to survive magnetic storms in October 2019

Doctors recommend that people dependent on solar activity give up alcohol, smoking, and training in the gym. People who follow a diet should make it as gentle as possible, and remove fatty, salty, spicy and smoked foods from their diet.

Following simple rules will also help reduce the likelihood of adverse effects of magnetic storms on your body.

  • postpone or limit work that requires increased attention and concentration;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • devote more time to rest and walks in the fresh air;
  • monitor blood pressure;
  • take sedatives and drink relaxing teas;
  • follow the instructions of your doctor and take the necessary medications;
  • balance your diet and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Experts say that the main guarantee of good health during magnetic storms is regular, good sleep. And this opinion deserves to be listened to: melatonin, the so-called “sleep hormone,” helps protect against magnetic storms. It is produced by the pineal gland during sleep and regulates the human “biological clock”. During magnetic storms, melatonin production is worse, and natural rhythms are disrupted. To help them stay normal, before going to bed you need to relax (for example, take a bath), and make the place for sleeping as dark as possible - melatonin is produced worse if a person sleeps in a room with light sources.

Unfortunately, there are still no ways to completely protect your health from solar flares, but many institutes are actively conducting research in this area. Magnetic storms do not always cause harm to health; in most cases we do not notice their occurrence. Each of us decides for ourselves whether to be active healthy image life, do not abuse alcohol and fatty foods, play sports, or lie on the couch and think about your illnesses. Remember, your health is in your hands.


Forecast of magnetic storms in October 2017 from will be useful to all weather-dependent people.

After the stormy September solar cataclysms, I would like to believe that the next month will be calmer, and the weather forecast will be encouraging with minor surges in the geomagnetic situation. However, the sun is in no hurry to subside, and almost the entire month of October will keep us on our toes.

Throughout the month, and especially in the middle and end of October, serious solar activity and several magnetic storms are expected. Therefore, you should be on guard so that they do not take you by surprise and spoil your well-being and mood in the middle of autumn.

of the year

During October 2017, significant solar activity is expected.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 22, 27, 28, 29 numbers.

Magnetic storms are expected 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 25, 26 numbers.


years - the cause of occurrence

Geomagnetic disturbances on Earth periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares, plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

years - feeling unwell

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, increased adrenaline in the blood, stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the reason for a person’s poor health may be his current state of health. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.


In addition, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excess solar activity, and the remaining 90% invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them.

Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in October 2017.

What to do to make it easier to survive of the year:

  • limit work that requires increased attention and concentration, or postpone it for another time;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • relax more and walk in the fresh air;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • follow the recommendations of your doctor and always have the necessary medications with you;
  • Eat right to lower your blood cholesterol levels. A plant-based diet, consumption of natural juices, decoctions, chicory, a dairy diet and lean meat are recommended. Avoid drinking alcohol during this period.


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Magnetic storms magnetic storms 2017 magnetic storms in 2017 magnetic storms in October magnetic storms in October 2017 schedule of magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 schedule magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 in detail magnetic storm calendar for October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storm schedule magnetic storms in 2017 schedule days of magnetic storms days of magnetic storms in October days of magnetic storms in October 2017

The first month of autumn brought a lot of problems to all of us. In October, the Sun will be relatively calm, so you should not expect serious magnetic storms. Despite the relative calm, a couple of surprises await us.

Of course, in modern world Earth's magnetic activity due to the solar wind is rarely a surprise. Weather-sensitive people can know in advance the most dangerous days in any upcoming month.

Possible magnetic storms

Perhaps the solar wind will excite the magnetosphere as early as October 1st. This will be the aftermath of a strong outbreak that occurred at the end of September. The probability that excitement will develop into a storm is approximately 2%, which is extremely low.

It is also worth noting the possible excitation of the Earth’s magnetosphere during the period from October 23 to October 26. These days a storm of the first level or a long period of excitement is possible. Analysis of sunspots cannot yet give an exact answer, but the probability of a storm will be about 10%.

Magnetic storm from October 11 to 14

sunny wind, caused by a solar flare on October 9, will reach Earth around October 11. Negative Impact will immediately be quite strong. Almost all weather-sensitive people will feel this effect by the second day of magnetic excitation. Proper rest will help you cheer up - walks in the fresh air, meditation, relaxation.

Since the storm will be protracted, it will be harder and harder to hold on every day. Even healthy people can feel this pressure from the outside. Fatigue will be increased. It may seem to you that absolutely everything is against you, but no burden of problems will break you if you set yourself up correctly.

Increase your energy using any available methods: water procedures, walks, communication with pleasant people, and practicing your hobbies will help with this. Your health always depends to a large extent on yourself, so don’t try to look for reasons - look for solutions to problems.

The first month of autumn brought a lot of problems to all of us. In October, the Sun will be relatively calm, so you should not expect serious magnetic storms. Despite the relative calm, a couple of surprises await us.

Of course, in the modern world, Earth's magnetic activity due to the solar wind is rarely a surprise. Weather-sensitive people can know in advance the most dangerous days in any upcoming month.

Possible magnetic storms

Perhaps the solar wind will excite the magnetosphere as early as October 1st. This will be the aftermath of a strong outbreak that occurred at the end of September. The probability that excitement will develop into a storm is approximately 2%, which is extremely low.

It is also worth noting the possible excitation of the Earth’s magnetosphere during the period from October 23 to October 26. These days a storm of the first level or a long period of excitement is possible. Analysis of sunspots cannot yet give an exact answer, but the probability of a storm will be about 10%.

Magnetic storm from October 11 to 14

The solar wind caused by the solar flare on October 9 will reach Earth around October 11. The negative impact will immediately be quite strong. Almost all weather-sensitive people will feel this effect by the second day of magnetic excitation. Proper rest will help you cheer up - walks in the fresh air, meditation, relaxation.

Since the storm will be protracted, it will be harder and harder to hold on every day. Even healthy people can feel this pressure from the outside. Fatigue will be increased. It may seem to you that absolutely everything is against you, but no burden of problems will break you if you set yourself up correctly.

Increase your energy using any available methods: water procedures, walks, communication with pleasant people, and practicing your hobbies will help with this. Your health always depends to a large extent on yourself, so don’t try to look for reasons - look for solutions to problems. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.09.2017 03:03

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