Enrolling a child in school based on registration. What is registration for school? Area orientation

The question of which school to send a child to will sooner or later arise before every parent. Your baby from yesterday has grown up and is about to go to school? Of course, all parents dream and do everything possible to ensure that their child attends the best school. However, few parents can clearly answer such a simple question as what a good school is in their understanding. This will be discussed in this article. Some parents believe that a good school is an old Soviet school, similar to the one in which they themselves once studied.

For other parents, the model of a good school will be a prestigious one dear school, where children of parents belonging to the so-called “high society” study. Such a school should be at the top of any ratings; the school building must certainly have extremely expensive renovations, the most modern teaching aids, equipment of classrooms.

For still other parents, a good school is associated with security, a swimming pool, several foreign languages, classes with a small number of children, an individual approach to each student, but, at the same time, with iron discipline. All teachers teaching in such a school must be the best and highly qualified.

Based on simple logical considerations, some ideas about a good school almost completely exclude others. And what is ideal for one child will be completely unacceptable for another. So, for example, if your baby is quite shy and quiet, a school with a cozy home atmosphere will be just perfect for him. And if, on the contrary, he needs strict discipline, such a school will relax the child, which will lead to a decrease in academic performance or even a loss of interest in the educational process.

So, how can parents make a choice and really find good school for their future first grader? After all, choosing a school for a child is perhaps the most important choice. Of course, for this you will have to put in a lot of effort. However, you should not neglect this process - after all, your child will study at the school you choose for eleven long years. And it is the school that largely determines the child’s future and what kind of person he will become.

Indeed, despite all the efforts of the family, the school environment largely determines the formation of the child’s character, his worldview and life values. School friends will also have a significant influence on your child and will play an important role in his life for a very long time. If you live in a socially disadvantaged area, try to find out at least a little about the families of your future classmates. Children are very suggestible and easily succumb to the influence of others, so you need to try your best to protect them from negative influences.

However, under no circumstances explain your decision to your child - due to his age, he will not yet be able to correctly interpret the motives for your decision. And, as a result, he may develop a false sense of his exclusivity and mythical superiority over other peers. And such a line of behavior of a child will sooner or later lead to complications in relations with classmates, as a result of which he may lose the desire to attend classes.

Factors influencing school choice

There is a certain algorithm of actions that parents who choose a school for their child must follow. Remember that only consistency and slowness will help you make the truly right choice, which you will not have to regret later. Remember that transferring to another school is always a severe emotional stress for a child.

The first thing you need to do is collect information about all schools within the radius from your home that you consider acceptable. Remember that very soon your baby will grow up and will begin to get to school and back on his own. Once you know about the availability of all the schools, start collecting more detailed information about each of them individually. The source of information can be your acquaintances, friends, neighbors, reviews from the Internet.

However, be sure to remember that all the information you collect is only good for making a first impression, since any information is subjective, even official information. For example, many schools publicly declare their cooperation with some universities. When choosing a school, you should not rely on this factor - after all, by the time your first-grader graduates from school, everything may change more than once. And the information you receive from other parents is often based on their personal preferences or, conversely, dislikes. That is why very carefully evaluate all the information received, eliminating what you do not need.

Many parents, when choosing a school for their child, use data from various specialized printed publications, which regularly publish ratings of various schools on their pages. As a rule, such publications publish ratings of schools located in large cities. At first glance, everything is extremely simple and clear. However, there are certain pitfalls here:

  1. Firstly, not all schools submit their data to such publications for a variety of reasons: some educational institutions save their money, while others do not lack students without this measure.
  2. Secondly, these ratings are often compiled according to the most formal criteria - living conditions, technical equipment of classes.
  3. The entire teaching staff is often also assessed only on general points, such as experience, academic degree.

You should also not pay special attention to such indicators as victories of students of any school at various Olympiads, or the special merits of any individual teachers. After all, this does not at all guarantee that all the students of a given school are exceptionally gifted and talented children, and the teachers are geniuses.

When choosing a school, you need to focus primarily on the capabilities and needs of your child. The specialization of the school must necessarily correspond to the inclinations and abilities of the child. So, for example, a child who has been deft with numbers since the age of three will feel much more comfortable in a school with a mathematical focus. And a child who is interested in sports will be in his environment at a school with a sports bias.

Many parents, in pursuit of fashion, try to send their children to schools with a language focus and the study of several languages. However, these schools are not ideal for all children. Nowadays, a huge number of children have a whole range of speech therapy problems. Impaired pronunciation of a certain group of sounds, small lexicon and other speech difficulties. If your child is one of them, a linguistic school can significantly worsen the situation.

Also a very important factor is how many children will be taught in one class. So, for example, if your child is one of the so-called “home” children who did not attend kindergarten and do not know how to communicate with the children's group, a small class with a small number of children will be much more acceptable for him. If there are no problems with social adaptation, he will probably enjoy being in a large and noisy company of classmates.

Remember that if your priority when choosing a school is an individual approach to your child, you should give preference to small classes. After all, the most ideal teacher will not be able to devote enough time individually to each student if there are more than 10 children in the class. However, such small classes often frighten parents, who once studied surrounded by 20-3 classmates, with their unusualness and unfamiliarity.

The next thing that parents need to pay close attention to is the academic load that is given to children in the chosen school. Do you remember the well-known song “For some reason they began to put more and more burden on us... Nowadays in school the first grade is like an institute”? So, this is not an exaggeration at all, and in fact, the workload at school often exceeds the maximum permissible limit established by WHO standards by five or even six times. For example, children 7 years old should not spend time doing homework more than one hour a day. And first-graders studying in elite, prestigious schools often spend at least 4–5 hours in a row every day studying.

That is why education in such schools, which place a colossal burden on the child’s body, is strictly contraindicated for children who have poor health, get sick often and for a long time. Even an absolutely healthy child’s body often finds it difficult to cope with such stress, not to mention weakened children. If your baby has any chronic illnesses, consider choosing a school for him with the least burden.

You should not be upset and think that after graduating from school it will be difficult for your child to enter a prestigious university. Firstly, graduates of completely ordinary schools often become happy freshmen. And, in addition, your baby may well become so strong that he will be able to study at a prestigious school with an enhanced school curriculum.

If your family belongs to an average family with average material income, paying for school tuition will be a fairly important issue for you. Thus, if public schools are considered free, education in private school often costs a very large sum. At the same time, also do not forget that paid training does not always guarantee its high quality. Often the ordinary state average comprehensive school provides a much higher quality of learning.

However, even in public school Parents will still have to part with various amounts of money quite regularly. Money is collected for school needs, food or security costs. Per month, this amount can vary from 300 rubles to a certain amount. As a rule, this amount is determined at parent-teacher meetings. parent committee consisting of several parents who are willing to devote a significant amount of time to social school life.

As mentioned a little earlier, parents should pay special attention to the location of the school. Most the best option, of course, there will be a school that is as close to home as possible. After all, the longer a child spends traveling to school and back, the less time he will have for proper rest. In addition, carefully consider and track the route to school - the presence of major highways, ground transport, the location of surface and underground passages. Remember that the safety of the child should be at the forefront of your choice and, even more so, prevail over your personal ambitions.

First acquaintance with school

Once, based on the information you have received, you have identified several schools that you think best meet your needs, you need to visit each of them. A personal visit to a school often allows you to obtain much more complete information about a given educational institution than all other sources of information combined. Be sure to talk with the principal, the head teacher, and the prospective teacher of your school. There you can talk with parents of students who have been studying at this school for several years and know everything about it thoroughly.

It’s worth talking separately about your child’s future teacher. As a rule, parents with certain experience advise choosing with particular care not the school itself, but specifically the teacher. After all, it is the teacher who will introduce the child to a new world for him - the world of school life, who will spend a huge amount of time with him. And it is the first teacher who largely determines whether the child will study with pleasure, or whether he will try in every possible way to avoid classes.

Be sure to pay attention to the teacher's temperament. An observant person will definitely note the teacher’s manner of communication, intonation, and gestures. Keep in mind that the more similar your child's and teacher's temperaments are, the more productive your child's learning will be. If your baby has an active temperament, he will successfully perceive information in the form in which it is presented by the teacher. But if the baby is slow enough, then his perception of the teacher’s stormy speech with active gestures can be significantly difficult.

It is also advisable to pay attention to the school itself - the state of the classrooms, the presence of a gym, computer classes, after-school groups, swimming pools and other things. Remember that many schools prefer not to spend money on equipping their own gyms, but rent premises in sports complexes. Such classes are in no way inferior in productivity to classes held in your own gym.

No less carefully it is necessary to inspect the school territory itself. Pay attention to the condition of children's playgrounds, if any, the presence of benches and fences. Inspect the area very carefully, paying attention to whether there are any used syringes lying around. Their presence, unfortunately, almost always indicates that drug addiction is flourishing in a given school.

For first-graders, an important aspect should be the issue of the school canteen. Unfortunately, many schools do not have their own canteens, and the organization of meals in the school is limited only by the presence of a buffet. You understand that a bun or chocolate eaten dry cannot replace a full lunch. Constantly disrupting the normal diet will sooner or later inevitably lead to the development of various gastrointestinal diseases in the child. The most ideal option It would be possible to try the food that is prepared in the school canteen to see for yourself how well your child will eat.

Be sure to find out how much school days per week at the school you want to send your child to. Experienced child psychologists and pediatricians unanimously say that five-day training is the most optimal for a child. With a “five-day” period, your child will have enough time for a good rest from the educational process.

If the issue of organizing your child’s time after school is important to you, you need to pay attention to the following few points. First, be sure to find out if the school has an after-school group. If there is such a group, find out how the daily routine is organized in it - whether there is hot food, whether the children sleep during the day. Be sure to find out until what time the extended day group is open.

It would also be useful to ask whether there are any additional classes and mugs. If a child has the opportunity to attend a chosen club on school grounds, this will help him save some time that would otherwise be spent on traveling to the section. And this, in turn, again means that your baby will have more time to relax.

A very important point characterizing the prestige of the school is security. However, one cannot calm down just by seeing a man in a security guard’s uniform. Unfortunately, often, despite the presence of guards, alarms and security cameras, security at the school is only nominal. No one keeps track of who picks up the kids after school and whether they pick them up at all. And in other schools, a simple grandmother watchman watches over the safety of the children more closely than a hen watches over her chickens. Be sure to watch how the children go home after finishing classes - this can tell you a lot and clarify questions that interest you.

And the last thing you need to pay attention to is what exactly curriculum classes are taking place at your school. Many parents believe that classes in all schools follow the same curriculum, but in fact this is completely not the case. Today there are several government programs training officially approved by the Ministry of Education. More details about each of them can be obtained from the school director.

Documents for enrollment in school

After you finally choose the school that is best suited for your child, your next action should be to submit documents to the school. Be sure to check with the director or head teacher of the school exactly what documents are required for admission to school. After all, if you miss anything, your child will not be enrolled in the chosen school until all Required documents for admission to school.

Each school has its own documents for enrollment in school, but there are a number of documents that must be attached to the application for enrollment of a child in secondary school. educational institution. Below is a sample list:

  • A statement from one of the parents or other legal representatives of the child’s interests, for example, guardians.
  • A photocopy of the child's birth certificate.
  • Medical report on the child’s health condition. The medical commission will be written about a little later.
  • A photocopy of the passport of the parent or guardian applying for admission of the child to school.
  • A photocopy of the child’s medical policy.
  • If the child has a residence permit from another city, the documents for enrollment in the school also include a photocopy of the registration of temporary stay in the city in which the selected school is located.
  • For foreign citizens and stateless persons, it is also necessary to make a photocopy of a document confirming the legal presence of a citizen in the territory Russian Federation.

Remember that when submitting documents for registration to the school, in addition to photocopies, you will need to take the originals with you. In the same case, if for some reason you cannot submit any of the above documents, the issue of enrolling a child will be decided on an individual basis.

When should I apply to school?

Another very common question that worries a huge number of parents is when to apply to school. In this situation, it is almost impossible to answer this question unambiguously. A lot depends on the popularity and prestige of the school. The more people who want to visit this educational institution, the earlier, as a rule, the acceptance of documents begins.

Until now, in order to submit an application on the first day of accepting applications, parents are forced to line up near the school early in the morning, or even at night. Of course, such phenomena do not occur very often, but parents need to take care of finding out when the acceptance of documents for the school of your choice begins.

This is mainly the time from March until August. In any case, the sooner you submit documents to the school you are interested in, the more time you will have to directly prepare for school, and not for various paperwork.

Medical commission

As already mentioned, the medical examination before school is simply a necessary condition for admission of a child to a general education children's institution. For each child medical workers a special card of the established form is created, which fully reflects the state of the child’s health, all medical and preventive measures for the baby, such as vaccinations, medical classes physical culture, child's holiday in a sanatorium and other events.

All data and medical history of a child who enters the first grade of school are filled out in the passport part of the medical record in accordance with form No. 112, the established form. In addition to the passport part, this medical record contains pages that contain data on the examination of the child by various specialists. These pages must be completed before the child enters school.

A medical examination before school includes examination of the child by the following specialists:

  • Doctor - otolaryngologist. This specialist will determine whether or not the child has problems with hearing or nasopharynx.
  • An ophthalmologist will determine the condition of the organs of the visual system.
  • A neurologist will assess the state of the child’s nervous system and help determine the optimal level of stress permissible for his nervous system.
  • The doctor-surgeon examines the child for the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The pediatrician will give a final opinion on the child’s health status, and will also refer the child for the necessary laboratory tests.

Before entering school, any child must undergo a certain series of laboratory tests, such as:

  • General blood analysis. Based on the results of this analysis, the doctor can assess the general condition of the child, the presence or absence of various complications, such as iron deficiency anemia or any inflammatory process in the body.
  • General urine analysis. Its results will allow you to evaluate the functioning of the child’s genitourinary system and the condition of his kidneys.
  • Examination of stool for the presence of worm eggs.
  • Smears on worm eggs. The smear is done three days in a row. Why doctors insist on conducting both smears and stool tests remains a mystery, but they are still necessary.
  • A smear from the child’s throat for pathogenic flora.
  • Vaccinations. Be sure to ask your attending physician - pediatrician in advance, about six months before the planned medical examination, whether all vaccinations are appropriate for his age. If any vaccinations are missing, they should be done in advance to avoid various misunderstandings during the medical examination.

Remember that completing the commission may take more than one or two days. That’s why you shouldn’t put off completing it until later. last moment, and then frantically run around various offices, trying to meet the deadline. This will tire both you and the child, and in addition, you risk significantly fraying your nerves.

Sometimes parents prefer not to undergo a medical examination themselves, but to buy a ready-made medical report. Unfortunately, in Lately there are a huge number of dishonest companies offering such a service. Of course, the offer is to buy a medical report at an affordable price and get rid of the need to run to the doctor’s offices. However, remember that such a medical report often turns out to be fake, and as a result, you will not be able to avoid visiting doctors.

One of the new stages in the life of every child is the beginning of school time.

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For many guys, the first of September is a holiday: white bows, beautiful school uniform, fashionable backpack and kippah educational material. For parents, this is a particularly important moment. At the same time, the hassle of enrolling a child in school begins long before the first day of autumn.

First, parents need to decide on the choice of educational institution. It is from this stage that everything begins.

Right to education

The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the provision that education in schools (basic general education) is mandatory for citizens of our country. This means that every parent must provide education for their child. At the same time, parents should under no circumstances prevent their children from studying. This rule also has legislative enshrinement in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

IN in a general sense words, education in schools of the Russian Federation is supposed to be free. However, there are also so-called private schools, where education takes place on a paid basis. This is rather an exception to the rule. Choosing such educational institutions is the right of parents, not an obligation.

In addition, official representatives of children are given the right to choose schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums according to the level of preparedness and development of the child.

This means that a parent can choose an educational institution with a training program that would fully prepare and develop personal qualities child at the proper level. But in some cases, such schools may refuse parents to admit their children if all the vacant places are filled and the school is not located at the child’s place of registration.

Territorial factor

If you pay attention, there are several schools in each district (neighborhood) of the city. It may also turn out that they will be located in close proximity to each other. A natural question may arise about which school is tied to the child’s place of residence and whether one exists at all.

Indeed, the Russian Law “On Education” stipulates in its norms that there is a link between residential facilities and educational institutions. This was done, first of all, with the aim of providing educational services to the maximum number of students living in close proximity to schools, since the convenience of visiting an educational institution on a territorial basis is very important for the quality education of children.

So, after receiving the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get a job at a school near home, it is worth voicing the other part of the question: how to find out which school we belong to by registration.

How to find out which school your registration belongs to

Modern realities allow the use of several methods for obtaining information about educational services. Many of them are maximally accessible to every citizen.

These methods include:

  • studying Internet resources about education: websites of schools, departments of education, etc.;
  • visiting authorized government bodies, for example, education departments in a city, district, etc.;
  • personal visit to school.

You can use one of these options, or you can use several methods so that the answer is as reliable, complete and detailed as possible. Also, this is supposed to be done if there are doubts about the reliability of the information received, its correctness and legality.

Exploring the vastness of the global network

Currently, every school, as well as other educational institution, is required to have its own Internet resource. The amount of information, of course, may be different for each of them. Some educational institutions cover every important stage in the lives of their students and teachers, talk in detail about various events, achievements, etc. Some schools limit themselves to general information.

However, each such site must necessarily disclose information about:

  • which houses are assigned to the educational institution;
  • rules for admitting students;
  • the number of available places for the next academic year;
  • what areas of education are provided at school, etc.

In a special section on the website you can get information about the territorial affiliation of the school, which streets and houses are assigned to it. This option is the most efficient of all, as there is no need to leave your home, make an appointment in advance, stand in queues, etc.

Divisions and departments of education

Every Russian city has authorized bodies on educational issues. Visits by citizens on personal matters are possible, most often, at certain hours and days of the week. It is better to find out this information in advance so as not to waste time.

Usually appointments are made by telephone in advance. However, in some cases it is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Competent employees in the field of education must definitely give you an answer to the question of which school is assigned to your place of residence. But going to the department or department of education just for this question is not the most convenient way. It is more suitable for those people who have other additional questions, if their solution is only possible during a personal visit.

Personal visit

Every parent has every right to go to a nearby or favorite school and find out everything that is important to him.

You can easily get information about:

  • whether the school is attached to the child’s place of residence;
  • how many training places are there;
  • what are the school admission rules;
  • how likely it is to get into a given school if it does not apply to registration and much more.

It is impossible to refuse to provide information or prohibit parents of potential future students from visiting the school.

It is recommended to use this method to obtain information, since in this way you can not only get to know the school administration, but also see the conditions in which the children’s learning process takes place, the condition of the building, etc.

Denial of admission

Such cases are not frequent, but are possible. The most common and frequent reason for refusal to admit a student is the lack of educational places, that is, if all classes are fully staffed. These responses from school administrations must be documented.

Each parent can demand proof that there really are no free places at the school, especially if the refusal was addressed to those to whom the school is assigned by registration.

There are age restrictions for admission to the school. By general rule, the child must turn 1st by September 1st of the current school year 6 and a half years. But this rule is not rigid. Sometimes, the level of training of children is so high that this age limit is removed down to 2-3 months.

It is not recommended to send children before the established age, since more early age Children have certain differences not only in intellectual development, but also in the emotional and mental. Every child should be comfortable learning in a group setting.

All parents should remember that health status is not a categorical reason for refusing to admit a child to school if, according to a medical report, he is able to fully perceive information and communicate with adults and peers. This also applies to a number of mental illnesses.

If the child is not registered at the place of residence

Currently, lack of registration is not a reason for refusal of admission to an educational institution. It should be remembered that our state is obliged to take all possible measures to ensure that everyone Russian child received education at school.

If parents are denied admission to a child because he does not live at the address assigned to the school, then this is grounds for filing a complaint with the Ministry of Education and other authorities.

They can refuse only if the classes are fully equipped. However, parents must be provided with information about which schools still have available places. Of course, there are various life situations, but parents need to make sure in advance that the child goes to the school that has a convenient territorial location or meets all the parents’ requirements, so that there is no panic when enrolling the child in an educational institution.

You can apply to two schools at the same time. But there is a rule that students with registration are enrolled before everyone else, before July 31st. But from August 1 until September 5, the subsequent enrollment of classes with those students who do not have a registration attached to the school takes place.

Benefits when enrolling in schools

In every subject of the Russian Federation there are benefits for admitting children to educational institutions. It is better to check the list of such with the relevant department of education.

As a general rule, beneficiaries include children:

  • military personnel;
  • judges;
  • prosecutors;
  • police officers;
  • parents of those injured and killed in the line of military duty;
  • parents who were injured, injured or killed in the performance of official duties.

Some regions of our country may be considered beneficiaries:

  • children of single mothers;
  • children who are under guardianship;
  • children whose parents are deprived or have limited parental rights;
  • large families;
  • low-income families, etc.

If schools have preschool courses, then those children who are their graduates can be primarily enrolled in this educational institution.

Permanent and temporary registration

As you know, citizens have the right to obtain temporary registration in their place of residence. But this is also an obligation if the citizen stays in another locality other than the place of permanent registration for more than 3 months in a row ( 90 days). It is recommended to apply for a temporary registration for a minor child if he/she will go to school in this particular area. This will make the enrollment process easier for parents.

It is worth noting that a parent who already has temporary registration at the place of residence can freely register their minor child in the living space without the consent of the property owner.

This state of affairs guarantees the full implementation of the rights of the child, including to receive secondary education in schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and other similar educational institutions.

According to the legislation of our country, every person in Russia must have registration at their place of residence or place of temporary stay. Registration is also required to enroll a child in school.

Temporary registration of a child for school is issued at the Federal Migration Service of the city where the citizen arrived. To do this, you need to contact a specialist from this body and provide a package of documents.

Rules for admitting children to school

Admission of citizens to educational institutions is carried out on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law, standard provisions and orders, which are approved by the Government of Russia.

Children who are 6-7 years old are accepted into first grade. If on September 1 the child is under 6.5 years old, then training is carried out subject to special hygienic requirements for teaching children in a general education institution.

In order for a child to be accepted into school, it is necessary to register him in the area where the educational institution is located. If there is no permanent registration in the area, then a temporary registration of the child for school should be done.

  • To enroll your child in school, you must prepare the following documentation:
  • a photocopy of the birth certificate and its insert, which indicates Russian citizenship;
  • document (certificate) about the registration of the child;
  • document (certificate) on registration of parents or guardians (adoptive parents). If there is no such certificate, then you need to obtain a document from the MFS, a document from the Department of Internal Affairs on registration of residence, or a certificate in form No. 9;
  • a child’s medical card in a specially approved form 0-26/U-2000;
  • certificate of all preventive vaccinations performed;

an application drawn up according to a sample that can be viewed at the educational institution.

Before starting to do it for school, parents themselves need to find where. To do this, you need to find a landlord with an apartment so that he can register one of the parents.

The period of temporary registration is determined by the owner of the residential premises. If the apartment is municipal, then this period must be discussed and agreed upon with all residents living in this premises. Documents are processed within three to five days. After this period, parents are given a certificate of temporary registration of the child.

How to apply for temporary registration for a school if parents are registered in different apartments

The peculiarities of temporary registration of minor children include the moment when the father and mother of the baby are registered at different addresses- one has permanent registration, and the other has temporary registration. After all, the baby must be registered at the place of residence of the mother or father, but they do not live together.

It would be good if parents solve this issue on their own. The parent who registers the child at his place of residence draws up an application, and the other gives written consent and puts a resolution on this document.

If the parents are in a quarrel and cannot amicably resolve this issue, then one of the parents must file a lawsuit in court and then the judge’s decision must be strictly observed.

Temporary registration of a child separately from his parents

Children under 14 years of age must be registered with the help of the Federal Migration Service at the place of residence of the father and mother. If the child is already 14 years old or older, then he can be registered separately from his father or mother.

The main condition for such registration is the written consent of parents or other legal representatives (guardians, adoptive parents).

But, if the child is not yet 14 years old and needs to be temporarily registered separately from his parents, for example, with other relatives, then you should contact the Federal Migration Service. Perhaps specialists will accommodate such a situation, but written consent of the parents and the consent of the owner of the premises is required.

In addition, you need to provide the following documents to obtain temporary registration separately from your parents:

  • registration application. On behalf of the child, this document must be completed by the parents;
  • birth certificate or passport if the child is over 14 years old;
  • a document indicating the Russian citizenship of the child (the mother’s passport with a note that she has such a child or a stamp on back side birth certificates);
  • if the child permanently resided in another country, then he needs to obtain a foreign passport and submit a photocopy of it to the Federal Migration Service.

After providing all the necessary documents, the registration procedure and the issuance of a certificate are carried out.

Video: How to register your child for school

Expiration of registration period

When the temporary registration is cancelled, the possibility of living in the residential premises where the registration was made ceases. Deletion from temporary registration occurs in two cases:

  • at the request of the parents of the child for whom temporary registration was issued;
  • upon expiration of the period of stay established by the owner of the apartment.

If the registration period expires, then the child is deregistered automatically. In this case, parents do not need to submit any documents. If necessary, then you should do the entire registration procedure again:

  • invite the apartment owner to the FMS Office;
  • collect all the necessary documents for registration.

After the registration period expires, some problems may arise. Utility services do not make all recalculations at once, since the specialists of these departments cannot know that one of the residents has been deregistered.

The owner of the residential premises may demand payment, despite the fact that the child and his parents have not lived in the apartment for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to resolve all issues in advance - give the utility service a copy of the application, endorsed by the FMS, which indicates the date of deregistration.

Violations and responsibility of parents for failure to register a child

Parents are solely responsible for registering their child. It must be registered at their place of residence or at another address, but with their written consent. Responsibility will arise if temporary registration is not made after 3 months:

  • Parents may be fined up to 3,000 rubles. In the regions this amount may be lower, but in the capital of the Russian Federation it may be much higher.
  • The fine will be imposed on the owner of the apartment, who allowed the child to live without registration. The amount of penalties in this case is about 5,000 rubles.

There are many examples of fraud. For example, fictitious landlords allow parents with children into their apartments without registration, under the pretext that they do not want to bother with paperwork and go to the Federal Migration Service. They take money from them for rent, and then evict them onto the street. After this, no one will prove that these people should live here. Therefore, it is necessary to formalize everything in accordance with the Law.

Video: Is it possible to enroll a child in a school not based on registration?

In conclusion, it should be noted that temporary registration of a child for school must be done without fail. Without this process, there may be problems with placement in a general education institution. It is necessary to collect all the documents and come to the Federal Migration Service to issue a registration certificate, the issuance of which takes no more than 3 days.

Such documentation of the temporary registration process is available to all citizens, so such actions are in demand, especially if the child needs to go to kindergarten or school.

More and more new schools are opening in Russia every year. Some of them are located in places remote from future students. Quite often, parents choose educational institutions not based on their place of residence, but on the basis of various characteristics - ratings, teachers, school programs, and the conditions of their children’s stay in the institution. It's quite normal. But often parents are faced with refusals to admit their child to a school other than their registration. Such situations are becoming more frequent. They cause a lot of trouble for both the parents of the future student and the directors. Today we will figure out how to get to a school without registration. Is it even possible to bring the idea to life? And if there is such a right, then what is the best way to implement it? Every parent should know what they are allowed to do regarding the education of minors.

About secondary education

Is it possible to get into a school without registration? To answer this question, you will have to pay attention to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Let's start with the fact that secondary education in Russia is compulsory. Every citizen of the Russian Federation must graduate from school. And according to the Law “On Education” they have no right to refuse admission to an educational institution.

It follows that parents can contact any school with a corresponding request to admit their child to first grade (and not only). But in Russia, when submitting a request not according to registration, refusals often follow. How legal is this?

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Everything is not as simple as it seems. The Constitution of the Russian Federation also has some instructions regarding obtaining secondary education.

This set of laws prescribes free and accessible education in the country. Accordingly, parents have the right to apply for admission of their child to educational institutions. But how to get to a school without registration?

Legality of refusals

First, let's find out whether they can be denied enrollment in educational institutions according to the law. Based on all of the above, it follows that the director is obliged to admit everyone to the school. And he cannot refuse. After all, this is a violation of constitutional rights.

Of course, there are not enough places for everyone. And that’s why refusals are sometimes logical. If there are no places, then according to the law they will not be able to admit the child to school.

Despite this, under certain circumstances, children have the right not to be enrolled in educational institutions if the parents applied to an institution other than their place of registration. When is this possible? And on what grounds?

Changes in laws

There have been certain amendments to the Education Law since 2012. They are the reason for refusals to enroll in educational institutions. And everything will happen according to the law.

The thing is that the current legislation assigns priority right of enrollment to children applying to school with registration. This means that places for schoolchildren are first allocated based on their place of residence. And if after that they have not ended, then the director is obliged to accept people not according to their registration.

About the order

How to get to school without registration? If you are persistent, solving the task at hand will not cause any problems.

As we have already found out, citizens can contact any educational institution with a request to enroll their child in a particular class. This service can be denied, but only under certain circumstances.

First, places are distributed among children living at addresses associated with the educational institution. First come, first serve basis, based on the principle of “who came first”. After this, the remaining places are distributed among children not according to registration. The principle is the same: whoever made the request first will get a place at the school. Every parent should remember this. An application for enrollment of a child in an educational institution should be submitted as early as possible.

Private schools

Can children be legally denied admission to private educational institutions? If the school is not municipal, then registration does not play any role during the consideration of requests for student enrollment. And you cannot refuse this service.

According to the law, this is only possible when there are no places left in the school for a particular child. But consideration of applications taking into account registration under such circumstances is a violation of current legislation. After all, parents will pay for their children’s education themselves.

For foreigners

Is it possible to get to school without registration? Yes. But, as a rule, this principle applies only to families where children and parents have Russian citizenship. Foreigners are not given such freedom.

As a rule, visiting families must contact the education department and receive a referral to a particular school. The document is issued without taking into account the registration and personal preferences of the applicants. Usually, a referral for admission to a school is issued where there are free places. Therefore, foreign citizens can rarely take advantage of enrollment in the institution where they want to go. Of course, they will try to find a school for the child closer to the place of registration, but if this is not possible, you will have to agree to any proposed option.

Recipe for success

How to get to a school without registration? We have already mentioned the need to act quickly. The sooner parents submit an application to enroll their child in an institution, the higher the chances of success.

Today, schools begin reviewing relevant requests from April 1 until June 30. Sometimes applications are accepted from March 1st. From July 1, requests from parents whose children will go to school other than their registration will be considered. At this point, it is necessary to generate a certain package of documents and submit an application in the prescribed form to the director as soon as possible.


How to get into first grade without registration? Usually, parents not only have to hurry up to submit an application, but also immediately present all the necessary papers.

Among them are:

  • birth certificate;
  • child's medical record;
  • parent's passport;
  • application for admission to school.

In addition, if the child has any diplomas, certificates, diplomas - all this must be brought with them. Schools are secretly fighting among themselves, trying to accept only the best. And therefore, the presence of certificates and awards will contribute to the successful enrollment of the child in school. This fact needs to be paid special attention.

Several schools

How to get to a school without registration? The next tip is to apply to several schools at once. This technique will help protect against failure. Having selected several schools, the parent must submit requests in the prescribed form to the principals. The law allows this scenario.

After the review of applications for enrollment in schools is completed, parents will have to confirm within a week that their child has been admitted to a particular institution. Immediately after this, the originals of the listed papers are given to the director. Otherwise, a child enrolled without registration may not be accepted into school.

Temporary registration

How to enroll a child in a school other than his/her registration? There are a number of recommendations that will help bring your idea to life.

The first thing parents are offered is to obtain temporary registration for themselves and their child at the address associated with the chosen school. Then, in fact, children will be admitted to the educational institution first. There will be no problems in this situation. The main thing is to find a person who agrees to register the parent and child temporarily at a suitable address.

On an ongoing basis

When thinking about how to enroll a child in school without registration, you have to be persistent and act quickly. IN modern Russia There is a real struggle for places in educational institutions. And even at the place of registration, not everyone can get to school.

Therefore, some prefer to change their permanent registration to an address suitable for the chosen institution. It’s a little troublesome, but it’s easier than guessing whether the child will be accepted to school or not. It is not difficult to guess that under such circumstances children will be admitted to institutions in the first rows. But you still shouldn’t hesitate to submit your applications.

No places

Did your child not get into school according to his registration? What to do next?

This scenario is becoming more and more common. It does not mean that you can forget about enrolling in school. Parents have the right to submit a corresponding request to the nearest educational institution.

After checking the places at the school, you will be admitted to the chosen institution, if it still has room to enroll children. Otherwise, you will have to choose a school again. And so on until an institution is discovered that has free places to educate children without regard to registration.

Illegal methods

How to enroll a child in a school other than his/her registration? Some parents, in pursuit of the prestige of educational institutions, are ready to break the law. We are talking about giving bribes.

It is enough to contact the director of the school of interest with a corresponding request. Some willingly take money to enroll children with them. Unfortunately, this practice is becoming more and more common. And therefore, it is often useless to think about how to get to school without registration.


I guess that's all. The following techniques will help increase your child’s chances of successfully enrolling in school. It is advisable to use temporary or permanent registration for a minor and one of the parents. Then, as we have already said, the child will be enrolled in the educational institution in the first row.

But bribes are not the best solution. When wondering how to get to a school without registration, you should not break the law. After all, there are effective solutions that are recognized as official.