Google Adwords express login. Transition from Google AdWords Express to AdWords. Creating an advertising campaign

You will learn what Google Adwords Express is and how it works, for what purposes it is needed and how to configure it correctly to launch advertising campaigns. I’ll also tell you whether it’s worth counting on this service at all and how it differs from regular Google Adwords.

The service itself is designed for small businesses that need to quickly publish a small offer. The express version is also suitable for beginners who are afraid to try the full version of Adwords.

That's why key feature The express version is that the service automatically manages ads for you and evaluates their effectiveness. You don't need to rack your brains over the correct setup of advertising campaigns. The service offers only basic settings. He will do the rest of the work himself.

Adwords Express vs Adwords
  • Simple interface
  • Quick launch and setup
  • The system does most of the work for you.
  • Not all ad formats are available
  • Limited functionality
  • The system sometimes takes competitive keys with a higher cost
  • You can't control the cost per click

Google Adwords:

  • More complex control panel
  • Requires time to set up and launch
  • All ad formats available
  • Many useful features available
  • Advanced account organization
  • Strict reporting
  • You can set your own bets

As you can see, the multifunctional AdWords wins here, and not its express version. Although the latter is aimed at beginners or small businesses, I still recommend using full version Google Adwords.

Yes, it might be difficult for some!

But it’s better to spend time studying so that you can then use more opportunities to create. This gives you a chance to make flexible settings and bring your campaigns to a decent level.

With Adwords Express you won't have this opportunity!

Firstly, such work cannot be completely entrusted to a machine. For example, algorithms may select competitive keys at too high a price. Secondly, such reduced functionality will not allow you to develop normally. There are not even normal targeting settings.

Therefore, I would recommend everyone to use only full-fledged Adwords. However, if you are a beginner, you do not have a specialist in contextual advertising, and you need to launch it in the near future, then you can work with the express option for a while.

Adwords Express - Login

Login to Adwords Express is carried out at this address - This is the Russian version of the service. There, click “Login” or “Create an account”.

However, before logging into your account, I first recommend calculating your budget in advance. There is a special calculator for this on the “Cost” page.

There you can track and understand what budget you will need to get a certain number of clients.

Contextual advertising cost calculator in Adwords Express

As I said, payment occurs exclusively for clicks or calls. So, in the “Address” field we indicate the city. And in the category we indicate the direction of our activity. For example, an auto parts store.

Please note that you will be given hints as you fill out. You can select the desired item from them. When everything is filled out, click on the “Submit” button.

As a result, we see that for 18,000 rubles per month we can get from 2500 to 4000 clicks. For a budget of 8,000 rubles per month, we can get from 1,000 to 1,700 clicks on an ad. And for 3,500 rubles we will get from 450 to 780 clicks.

In general, such a calculator makes it clear how many clicks and views our amount should be calculated.

So, having sorted out the budget, you can move on to the settings. For those who already have an account, simply click “Login”. If you don’t have one yet, then click on “Create an account.”

You need to log in from gmail so that you can then link both Google My Business and Adwords Express to it.

Setting up Google Adwords Express

Now you will learn how to set up Google Adwords Express to quickly create contextual advertising on the Internet.

The campaign can be set up in just a few simple steps:

  1. Adding a website or Google My Business page
  2. Creating a campaign
  3. Setting a goal
  4. Setting up geographic targeting
  5. Selecting a service category
  6. Creating an ad
  7. Setting a budget
  8. Adding payment information

Registration in Google My Business

Add a website or Google My Business page. This is necessary for your ads to appear in marks on Google maps. This way, people will not only find you, but also know how to get to you.

Go to the Google My Business service and click “Get Started”.

Search for a company in Google My Business

Creating an advertising campaign

So, we see here when we log in, we have already created one advertising campaign. This is the campaign that I use on the Google My Business service.

Adwords Express Campaigns

Accordingly, if we want the ad to have a location tag, then we go to this campaign. I have these auto parts Samara.

If we don’t want it to be displayed in the ad, then we can simply create a new campaign. Then the mark on the maps will not be shown in the ad.

So, let's go into the campaign.

Edwards Express Setup Steps

Here we are briefly told how the process of setting up Edwards Express will go. Immediately click on the “Create ad” button.

Choosing a goal

Goals in Google Adwords Express

That is, if we select “Call to the office”, the service will accordingly build a work algorithm in order to attract the maximum number of calls.

If we select “Visiting a store,” then the service will structure its work in such a way as to attract exactly those people who can come to you.

“Site Action” is useful if you want to increase the number of conversions on a project.

I note that for this you definitely need to install the Google Analytics statistics service. Based on the information from this service, the system will be able to attract exactly those customers who are most likely to convert on the site.

. It can be set by distance from the location “Near my company” or “In certain cities, regions or countries.”
Geotargeting in Adwords Express

That is, if you want to attract people from nearby areas and districts, then you can choose targeting by distance. It can be from 10 to 60 km.

If you want to attract people from the whole city or several cities, then you can select the “In certain cities, regions or countries” option.

Selecting regions

Here we write down the required cities in the line. Then they will appear directly on the map.

If a client from another city writes a request indicating the city in which he wants to see the goods, then he will also be shown our ad.

So, since in our example the company sells auto parts in Samara, I leave only this city and click “Continue”.

Selecting a product or service

So, we determined that we have an auto parts store. Therefore, we mark this point. Below we are asked to select subcategories.

Based on these subsections, the service will form the pool of requests that will be used in the future. Mark the required sections and click “Continue”.

Creating an ad

Now we are transferred to creating the ad itself. There are three lines with character restrictions in titles and descriptions.

Write heading 1

In the first heading you need to indicate what we will sell. For me it will be “Auto parts in Samara”.

In the second heading we indicate a tempting offer. I recommend indicating what will catch the attention of clients.

In the first heading he sees what he was looking for. And in the second he sees a tempting offer. It additionally makes it clear to the user why it will be beneficial for him to work with you. For example, I’ll write “20% discount” here.

Header Filling 2

In the description we already provide more information about our service or product.

Filling out the ad description in Google Adwords Express

We need to somehow motivate a person to come to us. Therefore, in the end we end with a motivated step. For example, call, order, come, and so on.

Below we are asked to enter the company website. Here we indicate a link to a website made through the Google My Business service or to your personal project.

Specify the address of the desired page

Now we are asked to provide a phone number. This is especially important if you want to receive as many calls as possible.

Specify phone number

Once you specify it, the “Enable Verified Calls” option will appear below. This function allows you to estimate how many clients came to us, at what time they contacted us and how long they were in conversation with us. I enabled this feature and clicked Continue.

Setting a Budget

Now the most crucial moment is choosing a budget. Here we set the maximum monthly budget.

Setting a Budget in Google Adwords Express

For example, we choose 17,500. Then we see that this predicts us from 8485 to 14147 views per month. And also from 2107 to 3513 clicks per month.

So, select a budget and click “Continue”.

Checking settings

Checking settings

Confirmation of payment details

The next step is to confirm your payment information in Adwords Express. Here you can register as an individual or a legal entity. Various documentation will be available for legal entities ( accounting reports, invoices and so on).

Confirming payment information in Adwords Express

If you do not need any reporting, you can register the account type as an individual.

For example, let's register as an individual. We write the name only in Russian. Below is the address. District and locality indicate if necessary.

Further below we are warned that payments will be made in advance. That is, contextual advertising starts working only after the balance is replenished. As soon as the money in the account runs out, the campaign is suspended.

Specify the payment amount

Below we are immediately taken to payment methods for advertising.

Payment Methods

There are several payment methods:

  1. Transfer of funds - payment using receipts, which we take to the accounting department or to the bank
  2. Assist - payment using a bank card
  3. Yandex money

Immediately indicate the amount including VAT so that you receive exactly the amount that you programmed in the budget. For example, instead of 17,500, I indicate 19,500 so that there is coverage and move on to the next step.

Next, a receipt appears in a pop-up window. In it we can see who is the representative of the service and who is the buyer. We keep this receipt for ourselves, print it out and then take it to the bank for payment.

Receipt for payment

Payment via funds transfer via receipt is carried out within 3 - 5 business days. If payment is made through a bank card, Qiwi or Yandex wallet, then it will be instant, but with a margin of up to 24 hours.

So, after printing the receipt we are asked to go to Personal Area. We agree and move on.

Edwards Express control panel

The Edwards Express control panel is quite simple and straightforward. On the right there is a block with an advertisement. It can be changed if necessary.

Edwards Express Control Panel

To the left there is a time selection function. That is, at what time to broadcast online advertising. This is necessary to narrow the circle of people. That is, to weed out the extra onlookers who come in just to look.

You can also pause your ad ( slider active/inactive). This is useful if you need to pause during displays.

Below are the statistics. Here it is simple and as understandable as possible for many users.

Statistics of views, clicks and expenses of an advertising campaign

There is:

  • Views - how many times the ad was shown
  • Clicks - the number of transitions to the site
  • Expenses - how much was spent over a certain period of time
  • Search queries - they are not shown immediately, but after 10 - 15 minutes. If the service sees that certain keywords are getting a lot of views, but few clicks, then it can remove it. You can also remove such requests yourself.
  • Confirmed calls - shows what calls were made and how long they lasted
  • Google Analytics - here we track the goals of actions on the site. Be sure to connect this meter.

Statistics on requests, calls and user actions

At the very bottom there are three blocks that we previously configured. This:

  1. Addresses
  2. Product or service

Ad settings blocks

In principle, only the most important core is displayed here, which is necessary to attract new clients.

Very often, after completing the creation of an account in Google AdWords, users are surprised by the not entirely familiar interface and an additional word in the corner of the screen - Express!

Google AdWords Expres Interface

The thing is that this is what a Google AdWords Express account looks like. The difference between Google AdWords Express and traditional AdWords is the primitive/limited nature of the first and the traditional nature of the second:

Comparison of AdWords Express and AdWords

If you switch from AdWords Express to classic Google AdWords, you won't be able to undo the move. And as a rule, this is not necessary. I have not met a single person who has worked professionally in AdWords Express and extolled its merits compared to the usual interface.

Important: if you created an automatic ad in Express, filled out all the payment information, and then went to regular Google AdWords without stopping that campaign, then Express will quietly spend your money until you see it and return to your Google AdWords Express account and stop her.

Novice internet marketers, out of inexperience, create accounts in Google AdWords Express, blindly following Google's instructions, and then puzzle over how to switch to regular Google AdWords.

There are three ways to switch from AdWords Express (or immediately create an account in Google AdWords).

Create an account immediately inGoogleAdWords

Yes, it can be done. However, you need to be careful and follow the instructions. Google technical support recommends creating an account in “incognito mode” with the cache cleared and so that when you go to the desired page opens. That's what we'll do. Go to “incognito mode” and enter the query in the Google search bar "Internet advertising with pay-per-click". Click on the first link:

On the page click "Begin":

Start button

A few months ago I returned to providing IT services in my small town. In order to loudly express myself for the first time, I decided to try contextual advertising on the Internet. Since in our country Yandex and all its services are blocked, then the choice fell on the corporation Google and its service AdWords Express.

The system is very simple and beginners, even those not related to the IT field, can easily figure out how to work with it. I think that the idea of ​​Google management to create a simple service for contextual advertising was correct, but the implementation of this idea turned out poorly. This article will discuss the problems and shortcomings of the AdWords Express system that I encountered while using it. Also mentioned is the My Business service, which is closely related to the one in question.

So, the sequence of my actions was as follows: first I registered in the free service My business and then in service AdWords Express. I received a nice bonus at the start - a promotional code for a promotion, according to which I was entitled to 900 UAH to the account provided it is spent within 1.5 months 300 UAH Ok Google, thanks for your help at the start! After registration, I waited another two weeks until I received a “paper” letter with a code confirming the address for the My Business service. I did not deposit money into my AdWords Express account and did not launch contextual advertising until I completed registration in the My Business service.
Then came the problems...

Problem #1 - Editing an ad

While waiting for a “paper” letter with a code to confirm my home address, I decided to prepare an advertisement in advance. When filling out the forms in the ad creation wizard, you provided a link to your personal website, which is located on a third-party hosting service. My website is completely useless, and the My Business service offers a simple website builder on their domain and hosting. Although their builder is very primitive (compared to other website builders), the resulting site is optimized for mobile devices, stylish and free. So I changed the link to the site in the ad and got: " Ad Disapproval Notice - One site per ad group". Having contacted the support service by phone, I found out that the system is “glitched” and I need to delete the ad and create it again.

Problem No. 2 - Receipt of money into the account

I chose the prepaid payment method for advertisements. The promotion offered upon registration suggested spending 300 UAH- it was decided to start with this amount. I received the details, paid by bank transfer through the Internet banking system and began to wait for the money to arrive in my account. I received a letter stating that a payment for the specified amount was received and credited to my account. I checked in the Payment section - there is money in the account, but in the Ad Management section I get: “Alert - the ad is not shown because there are no funds in the account.” But there is money! Having contacted technical support, I found out that the money had been credited to the account, but had not yet reached the advertisement itself and I needed to wait a day.

Problem #3 - Technical support by phone and chat - “once a week”

Faced with the first problem, my hand reached for the help button (?) . Having rummaged through the Help on my own and not finding an answer to the question, I requested a call back from the support service operator. This is how I solved Problem No. 1 - see above. Faced with Problem No. 2, I again decided to talk to the support service, but discovered that for me the button to request a call back had already become inactive. There were two options to choose from: a chat request or a letter. I used the chat. When solving the next problem, I discovered that for me the button to request a chat with an operator had become inactive. Thus, Google believes that the client should not bother them too often. A week later, the call back request button became active again.

Problem No. 4 - discrepancy in ad statistics

"I am a mathematician and love to count everything."Studying the statistics of views and clicks on my only ad, I discovered a discrepancy in the data on the page Control panels announcement. Yes, in the block Clicks displays a time graph of clicks on the ad and their total number. Below is a block Search queries which details the number of views and clicks for each search phrase. I summed up the number of clicks for each search phrase and the resulting value turned out to be less than in the Clicks block. The support operator justified himself by saying that some of the search phrases were allegedly not visible to me due to user privacy settings, or because of obscene content.

Problem No. 5 - lack of specific information on prices

Days passed, money was gradually withdrawn from the account - sometimes more, sometimes less. Watching and analyzing statistical data every day, I discovered that a small amount is charged for impressions, and a few hryvnias are charged for each click. I wanted to get accurate data: how much it costs to display an ad and how much it costs to click on an ad. Surprisingly, I didn't find any prices! It would seem that a simple service is offered - displaying an ad, which sometimes “turns” into a user click - the number is calculated. So why not publish a simple price list, for example: showing an ad - 25 kopecks, click on ad - 5 UAH All! But no, it’s a secret...

Problem No. 6 - discrepancies in account status data in different parts of the system

As I wrote above, I chose the prepayment method of payment for advertising services. I considered this safer than linking a bank card for automatic debiting. AdWords Express offers rich account tracking capabilities. The amount of remaining funds can be observed in three places:
  • Ad control panel -> Expenses block: displays a time graph of expenses by day and the total amount;
  • Payment section -> Payment Management tab: the balance is displayed, but knowing the amount of the deposit made, you can calculate the amount of expenses;
  • Payment section -> Promotional codes tab: a filling indicator of expenses and the current amount for participation in the promotion are displayed (spend 300 UAH and get 900 UAH)
And now the “funny thing”: in my case, after a week of using the service, all three amounts turned out to be different. Two values ​​differed by approximately several hryvnias, and the third differed (from the first two) by several tens of hryvnias. Ok Google, what about the accuracy?

“How they test at Google”

I have always believed that corporations like Google have the most severe selection of employees. I thought that the best minds, supermen, gods of programming worked there - who created perfect products. But the reality turned out to be completely different. The division that developed AdWords Express released a buggy product. The management of this service has not worked out the workflow. As a user, I have already seen several serious problems within a week. Moreover, this service did not appear yesterday; there is no label on it BETA, thousands of people use it and most likely also experience the problems described here. The AdWords Express service is not just some free nonsense, it is a “cash cow” that brings a certain share of revenue to the campaign. How can you be so disgraced, “How do they test at Google?” So, you have decided to conduct a local advertising campaign using contextual advertising on the Internet. Because there is no alternative and low budget, you chose the Adwords Express service. Here are my recommendations:
  1. First, register in the My Business service, wait for a “paper” letter with a code to confirm your physical address. Only then should you start working with the AdWords Express service.
  2. I recommend choosing the prepayment payment method. This way you will be able to see your expenses and will be “insured” against unexpected debits from your card (if it is linked for automatic payments).
  3. In your ad, select the minimum budget. Don’t be fooled by the hint: “competitors usually choose this much...”. In my case, it still exceeded the established limit, but in an average situation the costs could have been even higher.
  4. It is better not to edit the ad in order to avoid system glitches. If you need to change something, it is better to rewrite all important data (selected key phrases, headings) and create a new ad
  5. Do not enter your search phrases into the search, and certainly do not click on your ad. As they explained to me in technical support, even if you are logged into your Google account and enter one of your key phrases in the search, the system will show you your own ad and charge you money. And for every click you will get even more money.


"The hedgehogs cried and injected themselves, but continued to eat the cactus"

Google AdWords Express is here for you.

What is AdWords Express?

Google released AdWords Express to the public in 2011 with the goal of simplifying their original, complex platform into an easier way to advertise with Google.

Essentially, the idea was to automate and simplify everything.

With regular Google AdWords, you have countless factors to manage.

From bidding to keyword research, ad creation and more. It’s literally a full-time job to run a single account to its maximum potential.

Even the overall AdWords dashboard can be overwhelming to a new user:

And that’s where Google AdWords Express excels.

By simplifying the user experience, AdWords Express is much easier to navigate for someone who either (1) has limited time and resources or (2) little to no experience with pay per click advertising.

Beyond being simplified, Google AdWords Express is meant for businesses to take advantage of sales.

Meaning you have to be a local business with a brick-and-mortar shop or running an online store to advertise on AdWords Express.

you can get started in just 15 minutes and have live ads up and running.

Where do your ads show?

Using AdWords Express, you can showcase ads for your business on the search network, mobile device targeting, Google Maps, and even Google website partners.

So, what are the benefits? Why should you use it over AdWords?

Why Should You Use AdWords Express over AdWords?

AdWords Express often gets a bad rep. Many see it as pointless and a waste of time.

But that couldn't be further from the truth.

Express packs a diverse set of tools that you can find on regular AdWords accounts. But the upside is simply spending less time on the platform to ensure that it’s running smoothly.

The biggest benefit of AdWords Express is optimization and automation.

Google fully automates the experience, creating multiple ads for you that they consistently optimize and tweak based on best practices.

Once ads are developed, Google picks the best placements depending on your business type.

For example, if you are running ads for your local business, they will automatically target audiences searching in your area or show your ads directly on Google Maps listings.

The entire selling point of Express is #SimplifiedAcquisition.

Compared to AdWords, you don’t have to manage dozens of tools, reports, and bidding modifications to find success.

If ease of use is a concern to you, meaning you are relatively new to the PPC space, Express is a wonderful starting point.

It allows you to have some control over your account without overwhelming you with too many features.

Setting up your first campaign and ad takes only 15 minutes to do, whereas it could take you hours, if not days, to do it on a regular AdWords account.

Targeting is another amazing feature with Express.

Instead of fudging with custom audiences, IF functions, remarketing, and diverse targeting metrics, you can let Express do the work for you.

Based on your business’s location or category, Express targets users in your area who have the highest propensity to purchase.

You don’t even have to lift a finger to get accurate audience targeting – a task that normally takes months of refining to master.

If you still want control over which keywords you target, AdWords Express gives you the option to manage which search phrases you target or exclude from your campaigns:

Giving you control over the basics and automating the rest, Express is compelling, to say the least.

If you are looking for simplicity on your end with results for your bottom line, you should consider Express over the full AdWords experience.

But what about the potential downsides?

The Downsides of AdWords Express

AdWords Express is very compelling:

Spend less time to achieve great results and a return on investment.

Sounds promising right?

But not so fast.

Just because you spend less time, that doesn’t make it better.

Making informed decisions for your business requires data.

And unfortunately, Google AdWords Express doesn’t have as much data.

It’s meant to be simple and easy to use for any business owner looking to get a bit more recognition on local search.

But these upsides can become downsides fast.

First off, the platform is very easy to outgrow. Within just a few weeks, it likely won’t be enough for you to get maximum benefits from PPC.

AdWords Express is a great testing platform to see how well you can get by with PPC, but it’s nowhere near optimal.

In fact, in a recent study by BrightLocal , the majority of PPC marketers surveyed stated that AdWords was much more effective than Express:


Because simplicity can be effective for busy business owners, but it doesn’t provide them with tools that are integral to success on AdWords.

For instance, negative keywords.

Negative keywords help you filter out the junk keywords that you are getting clicks for. For example, if you were getting clicks for “used car dealership” but you really only lease new vehicles.

These clicks would likely result in almost no conversions and tons of wasted money.

Negative keywords allow you to filter those out.

While you can somewhat do this on Express by checking and unchecking keywords, it’s not specific enough, as even simple match types can massively impact negative keywords.

For example, if you just want to eliminate the wordfreefrom your keywords and not anything else, you’d need to enter it with quotes (“free”) to ensure that any search with that word is eliminated.

With a maximum 40-mile radius for user-targeting, your options for expanding your business are limited, too.

Another issue is ad placements. While Express comes standard with most of the same placements as regular AdWords, you can’t decide where you showcase your ads.

Google does.

Meaning you have little control over customizing ads to each placement, likely resulting in lower conversion rates.

Overall, AdWords Express downsides lie just beneath the surface of its upsides.

Simplicity, automation, and time-saving features are great for just that. But they also limit your potential for optimization and success.

Who Can Reap the Biggest Rewards from AdWords Express?

Google AdWords Express is meant for local businesses with a brick-and-mortar presence.

You have to register your business with Google My Business and get listed on Google Maps to advertise on Express.

So already, the pool of candidates is much more narrow for Express than for typical AdWords accounts.

But, why would you choose Express over the full AdWords even if you are a local business?

It's simple:

The group that can reap the biggest rewards from AdWords Express tends to hit these key factors:

  • Small business with local presence
  • Small budget
  • Fewer employees
  • No money for outside hires / agencies

The truth is:

Express is tailored for the small business with a lower number of employees. If you find yourself running your own business with just a few lower-level employees, Express is for you.

It’s meant for the business owner who wears multiple hats, running everything from sales to finance to marketing.

If you don’t have five or more hours a week to dedicate to AdWords management, Express will generate tons of traffic (both online and offline) for your business.

If you are interested in building up your PPC strategy to become a huge part of your customer acquisition strategy, then you’ll likely have to branch out from Express in the long run.

Express is a great place to start if you are new to the PPC world and can’t afford the time and money that typical AdWords account management can require.

3 Essential Tips for Success on AdWords Express

If you decide to start your venture on AdWords Express, here are three essential tips to guide your journey.

Tip #1: Start with a small budget.

Perhaps the most important aspect of Google AdWords Express is that it’s budget-based.


Because Google pretty much controls everything else.

If you don’t set a budget and stick to it, you can expect that budget to go fast.

And since you have less access to reporting information, tracking back your return on investment isn’t as easy.

Unless you are using outside conversion tracking software, which is unlikely if you are using Express, it’s critical to start small.

Express is built to test the waters of PPC, not to dump thousands into each month.

Start by and work your way up to a comfortable budget based on your reported success in the dashboard.
Once you’ve done that, you can either consider increasing that budget or making the jump to the full AdWords experience.

Tip #2: Schedule your ads with business hours.

Just recently, AdWords Express added new features to give users more control. Perhaps the best (and most impactful) one was ad scheduling.

For example, are your current business hours limited to 9-5? Do you only have people on phone lines from 1-5?

Depending on your business, ad scheduling can make a big impact on how well users convert.

If you are running ads that drive phone calls after hours, those calls cost you money that you aren’t capitalizing on.

Using the new ad scheduling feature, be sure to set your ads to business hours or customize them on a day-to-day basis depending on your needs:

Tip #3: Use outside call tracking software.

It’s essentially taking an offline activity (phone calls) and turning it into online metrics.

And unfortunately for users, AdWords doesn’t provide detailed call tracking.

With Express, you can only see area codes, dates, times, and call durations:

While this can give you a generalized idea of ​​conversions, it’s not foolproof.

Call length doesn't necessarily ensure sales.

And just knowing the area code doesn’t help you track a conversion.

For instance, if you are a local business, the majority of your calls will be local.

Meaning all of those area codes in the verified calls report won’t tell you anything. You will have no clue which actual, full phone number converted and from what source or keyword.

This makes it nearly impossible to understand which calls were generated by ads and which weren’t.

Instead of banking on these vague reports, use an external call tracking software like CallRail . By connecting it directly to AdWords, you can start tracking full phone calls in just a few minutes with features like free call recording.

When someone calls your business, CallRail will log their information into your dashboard. This includes information like phone numbers, full names, locations, keywords, and sources:

This gives you a clear picture of who converted and where the lead was generated from.

Using an external call tracking software is essential to have better phone call tracking on AdWords Express.


Google AdWords Express is one of the easiest ways to launch your PPC strategy.

If you’re a small business owner who wears countless hats, it’s sometimes impossible to dedicate an extra five hours or more per week to AdWords.

And that’s why AdWords Express is successful.

By simplifying your options and automating the process, you barely have to touch the platform to drive customers and sales.

Express automatically targets ads to locals in your business area to drive website visits, online sales, and offline store visits.

It’s a great, cheap way to bring in more sales.

If you are a local business that can’t afford an outside agency to run your AdWords account, AdWords Express is for you.

What do you think? Are you using AdWords Express already? Is it working for you? Or do you plan to give it a try? Let us know in the comments!

Every business, of course, needs advertising, but for some cases the scope of its application is very limited, and large advertising budgets and detailed campaigns are simply not needed. For some examples of small local businesses, a little advertising is enough, just so that the name appears when it is required, no more, no less. In this case, contextual advertising in all its diversity may not be useful. But there is an option from the “cheap and cheerful” series, namely Google AdWords Express.

It’s very difficult to delve into all the cumbersome nuances, and not everyone can do it, but AdWords Express does not require any special knowledge at all. It’s not even necessary to have a website for him: just a page on Google Places or Google+.

Of course, such simplicity is reflected in the advertising itself. It is suitable only for small businesses that cannot spend a lot on advertising, will not hire an appropriate specialist, but sometimes do not mind showing up for targeted requests.

What is the difference between classic AdWords and AdWords Express?

The functionality in AdWords Express is greatly reduced. See for yourself:

  • You can't select in Express keywords. The system does this for you by analyzing your site, as well as the topic that you specified in your account settings. This, by the way, is very inconvenient for sites that can be classified into two or more categories, which does not happen very rarely.
  • If not keywords, then it is logical that there are no and negative words. This can lead to garbage transitions, because the system will always interpret the topic more broadly than it actually is.
  • Settings targeting, compared to AdWords, practically none. Only the most basic ones.
  • You are unable to control rates advertisements
  • Budget, accordingly, is also difficult to predict. It is formed based on search volume, and these algorithms are understandable, perhaps, only to Google itself.

Setting up AdWords Express

Fortunately, setup in Express is indecently simple and is completed in a few steps.

Go to the page Click "Create an account". The first thing we have to choose is the action we expect from the client. The choice depends on what you are more focused on: online or offline.

Next, choose geotargeting. It is detailed only to the city, but you can also set a radius around your address. Along with choosing the display radius, Google will tell you what size audience you can count on.

Before creating an ad, we select its topic, that is, a product or service. AdWords will then offer several keyword options.

Finally, we create the ad itself. Above are two lines of text, as well as a field for entering your phone number.

After the ad is ready, all that remains is to set your budget; the system is simple. Two sliders: for daily and monthly budget. No additional settings, breakdown by hours, keys, etc.


Perhaps the main reason for choosing regular AdWords or its express version is the availability of time. Even if you do not have the financial ability to hire a specialist to manage contextual advertising, you can partially study these tasks yourself by spending some time. When the advertising is ready, it will also need to be given regular attention. Not everyone has enough time even for this, so advertising with Google AdWords Exress may be the most suitable option. Especially if advertising as such is not something fundamental and supporting your business for you. For the rest, of course, it is better to choose standard AdWords, although it is more complicated, but there you can control both your expenses and the work of the advertising itself.

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