Organization of work with pupils with disabilities. HIA - what is it? Children with disabilities: training, support Pupils with disabilities

05.07.2019, 20:37

The preschool institution has created conditions for organizing the education of pupils with disabilities ( disabilities health) and disabled people

MBDOU No. 48 in Amursk provides equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities (Article 2, paragraph 27 of the Law on Education of the Russian Federation).

Availability of equipped classrooms, facilities for conducting practical classes,

libraries, sports facilities, teaching and educational facilities, including those adapted for use by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

The preschool institution has the necessary conditions to increase the motor activity of children, as well as for their relaxation and rest. The gym features a variety of physical education equipment, as well as hand-made aids. Non-standard equipment increases interest in physical education, develops vital qualities, and increases the effectiveness of classes. In all age groups there are manuals for the prevention of flat feet, for outdoor games and general developmental exercises.


In the office of the teacher-psychologist, zones have been created for the correction of the emotional and volitional development of pupils: -sand country (pescography); -magic paints (art therapy); -carpet fairy tales (art therapy); -country of handicrafts (non-traditional creative techniques); - a country of good mood (relaxation).

The offices of speech therapists are equipped with modern teaching aids and sets of games for speech development, both factory-made and made by parents and teachers . Teachers-speech therapists use the intellectual development technology “Fairytale Mazes Games” in correctional work.

With special desire, pupils of the preschool institution visit the swimming pool, which we have equipped with modern sports equipment. By studying the “Health Swimming” program, children not only learn to swim, but also develop the need for a healthy lifestyle and correct deficiencies in physical development.

To protect the health of pupils, the preschool institution has medical, vaccination, and physiotherapy rooms. The preschool institution complies with requirements for the set and area of ​​educational premises , their finishing and equipment. Providing sanitary hygienic conditions in a preschool institution meets the requirements of SanPiN.
All group premises have favorable conditions for the development of both general and special abilities of our pupils, support of individuality, children's initiative and independence in various activities. Furniture and play equipment were selected taking into account content richness, variability, pedagogical expediency, and transformability.

The preschool institution has 12 age groups, staffed according to the age principle from 1.5 to 7 years. In the 2018-2019 academic year, the groups had the following focus:
-2 groups for children with severe speech impairments;
-2 recreational groups for infants and young children;
-1 group of combined orientation;
-7 groups of general developmental orientation.
These groups were attended by 33 pupils with disabilities, of which 3 were disabled children.

The organization of work with pupils with disabilities is built taking into account the choice of adequate and effective forms of pedagogical and medical influence that meet the interests of the child and his family.
The content of correctional work is aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children and assisting children in mastering the educational program of a preschool institution. Preschool teachers use such technologies in correctional work as: TRIZ - the theory of solving inventive problems, project activities, gaming, personality-oriented, gaming developmental technologies.
The main direction of organizing correctional work is to create the most comfortable conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, taking into account the child’s individual, psychophysical and intellectual capabilities, and the development of abilities to adapt in society. Correctional work in the preschool institution was carried out with the following categories of pupils with disabilities:
- with severe speech impairments;
- disabled children.
Educational activities with children with disabilities is conducted according to an adapted educational program based on the conclusion of the territorial TMPK.

List of implemented adapted educational programs for students with disabilities:

  • Adapted Basic educational program for children with severe speech impairment for a period of 2 years (for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years) - (1 AOOP)
  • Adapted educational program for a child with mental retardation for a period of 2 years (for 2018 - 2019 and 2019 - 2020 academic years) - (5 AOP)
  • Adapted educational program for a child with intellectual disabilities for a period of 1 year (for the 2018 - 2019 academic year) - (2 AOP)
  • Adapted educational program for a child with severe visual impairments for a period of 2 years (for 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years) - (1 AOP)

Corrective work in the preschool institution was carried out by specialists through frontal and individual sessions with pupils in accordance with individual plans and based on work programs.
In order to realize the right of every child to quality and accessible education in the preschool institution organized variable forms before school education , both for children with normal development and with disabilities and special educational needs.
In order to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives) of children who do not attend a preschool institution, it was organized Advisory point .
The activities of the Advisory Point are aimed at:
- assistance in the socialization of young and old children preschool age, not attending kindergarten;
-providing comprehensive assistance to parents and children aged 5-7 years who do not attend preschool in ensuring equal starting opportunities when entering school;
-carrying out comprehensive prevention of various deviations in physical, mental and social development children of preschool age who do not attend preschool.
Work from the Advisory Center is structured in accordance with the educational program and taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of children.

Ensuring access to the buildings of educational organizations for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities
The design features of the preschool building do not provide for the presence of lifts and other devices that provide access for disabled people and persons with disabilities. Typhlotechnics, tactile tiles, floor markers, devices for securing wheelchairs, indoor handrails, toilet/shower fixtures, beds and mattresses for specialized purposes are not available in the educational organization. The entrance to the building is equipped with a bell. The entrance door is equipped with special landmarks for people with visual impairments. The building is equipped with a fire alarm system and video surveillance.

Nutritional conditions for students, including disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

The MBDOU organizes balanced meals in accordance with an approximate 10-day menu approved by the head.
Meals for pupils are carried out in accordance with the current Sanitary and Epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 15, 2013.
There is no creation of a separate menu for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities.

Conditions for protecting the health of students, including disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

Preschool educational institutions create conditions for protecting the health of pupils, including disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities. The preschool educational institution has a medical office and a treatment room. On staff of the institution medical worker No. Medical service carried out under the Amur Treaty municipal district, within the framework of which: systematic monitoring of the health status of pupils is organized, consultations are held for teachers and parents, and preventive measures are carried out to prevent diseases among pupils (medical examinations).

There is a psychological, medical and pedagogical council of preschool educational institutions. The purpose of PMPK is to provide diagnostic and correctional psychological, medical and pedagogical support for pupils with disabilities, based on the real capabilities of the educational institution and in accordance with the special educational needs, age and individual characteristics, and the state of somatic and neuro-mental health of pupils. PMPK works closely with TPMPC.

The kindergarten uses health-saving technologies aimed at the full physical development of children, their health improvement, disease prevention, and correction of health problems, including those with disabilities and people with disabilities.

IN educational institution In order to protect the health of students, the following activities are carried out:

  • carrying out preventive examinations;
  • measures to ensure adaptation in an educational institution;
  • implementation of systematic control over physical development pupils and their level of morbidity;
  • ensuring control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the educational institution;
  • monitoring the physical and hygienic education of children, carrying out hardening activities;
  • monitoring the implementation sanitary standards and rules.
The condition and maintenance of the territory, building, premises meets the requirements of the current sanitary and epidemiological rules (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization preschool operating hours educational organizations"). Each group has a separate walking area.

Access to information systems and information and telecommunication networks, including those adapted for use by people with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities

The number of computers in MBDOU connected to the Internet is 10 points, including 2 for educational purposes;
The local network is provided with access to the Internet; connection speed is 5 Kbit/sec. The provision of these services is carried out by the provider SatDv LLC;
The website of MBDOU No. 48 of Amursk has been developed and is operational - http://site/
The official website of the institution has a version of the site for the visually impaired.

Electronic educational resources to which students have access, including those adapted for use by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

Electronic educational resources to which students are provided access, including those adapted for use by people with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities - student access to electronic educational resources is not provided.

Availability of special technical training tools for collective and individual use for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

Our kindergarten has technical teaching aids for collective and individual use for pupils, including disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities:
- multimedia installation (projector, screen, laptop) - in the music room;
- music centers (music halls, gyms);
- tape recorders (in each age group)
Disabled children and persons with disabilities can participate in the educational process at general principles, including the equipment available at the preschool educational institution.

On the availability of a dormitory, boarding school, including those adapted for use by the disabled and persons with limited health capabilities, the number of residential premises in the dormitory, boarding school for non-resident students, payment for accommodation in the dormitory

The presence of a hostel or boarding school, including those adapted for use by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities, is not provided.

Thus, the work we presented fully contributes to the creation of a modern (innovative) infrastructure in a preschool institution that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard preschool education taking into account the needs of children with disabilities.


From September 1, 2016, federal state educational standards for children with disabilities and federal state educational standards for children with disabilities come into force. mental retardation(intellectual impairment) (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for OVZ and UO).

children with disabilities).

The standard was developed on the basis of the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, regional, national and ethnocultural needs of the peoples of the Russian Federation..

Federal State Educational Standard OVZ and the Order are a set of mandatory requirements for the implementation of adapted basic general education programs primary general education(hereinafter referred to as AOOP NOO) in organizations engaged in educational activities.

The standard regulates relations in the field of education of the following groups students with disabilities: deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech impairments, with musculoskeletal disorders, with mental retardation, with autism spectrum disorders, with complex defects (hereinafter children with disabilities).

The standard was developed on the basis of the Constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, regional, national and ethnocultural needs of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO OVZ is associated with the need to create special conditions to ensure equal access to education for all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their problems, including providing special assistance children with disabilities who are able study in a public school setting.

In order to ensure the realization of the right to education of students with disabilities, federal state educational standards for the education of these persons are established or special requirements are included in the federal state educational standards (Part 6, Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation")

Children with visual impairments

Children with hearing impairments

Children with severe speech impairments (SSD)

Children with musculoskeletal disorders (MOD)

Children with mental retardation (MDD)

Children with intellectual disabilities (ID)

Children with autism spectrum disorders (AS)

The status of “child with disabilities” is established by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

The established status can be changed if the child has positive dynamics as a result of the provided psychological and pedagogical assistance.

The status of “child with disabilities” in the education system gives children of this category certain benefits:

  1. Right for free correctional and developmental classes with a speech therapist, psychologist, special teacher in an educational organization.
  2. Right to a special approach on the part of teaching teachers, who must take into account the psychophysical characteristics of the child, including an individually oriented assessment system.
  3. Upon completion of 9th and 11th grades right to choice of the traditional form of passing the state final certification (state final exam) or in the form of the main state exam(test tasks).
  4. Right for free 2 meals a day at school.
  5. Children of the special needs group cannot be subject to disciplinary measures throughout the entire period of study.

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Adapted program for children with musculoskeletal disorders

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2014 N 1598 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for primary general education of students with disabilities”

Information for parents!

New approaches to education.

What does the abbreviation OVZ mean? The transcript reads: limited health capabilities. This category includes persons who have developmental disabilities, both physical and psychological. The phrase “children with disabilities” means that these children need special conditions for living and learning.

With behavioral and communication disorders;

Hearing impaired;

With visual impairments;

With speech dysfunctions;

With changes in the musculoskeletal system;

With mental retardation;

With mental retardation;

Complex violations.

Children with disabilities, their types, provide correctional training schemes with the help of which the child can be relieved of the defect or significantly reduce its impact. For example, when working with children with visual impairments, special developmental tools are used. computer games, which help improve the perception of this analyzer.

Principles of learning.

Working with a child with disabilities is incredibly painstaking and requires a lot of patience.

Each variant of the disorder requires its own development program, the main principles of which are:

Psychological safety. Help in adapting to environmental conditions. Unity of joint activities. Motivating the child for the educational process.

The initial stage of education in a preschool educational institution includes cooperation with the teacher, increased interest in fulfilling different tasks. high school should strive to form a civil and moral position, as well as to become creativity. We must not forget about the influence of family education on the development of children with disabilities, which plays a major role in the development of personality. It is no secret that the process of becoming an individual includes the unity of systems of sociocultural and biological factors. Atypical development has a primary defect that was caused by biological circumstances. It, in turn, forms secondary changes that arise in the pathological environment. For example, the primary defect will be hearing impairment, and the secondary defect will be the onset of muteness. Studying the connection between primary and subsequent changes, teacher L. S. Vygotsky put forward a position that states that the further the primary defect is separated from secondary symptoms, the more successful the correction of the latter will be. Thus, the development of a child with disabilities is influenced by four factors: the type of disorder, the quality, degree and timing of the occurrence of the main disorder, as well as environmental conditions.

Training the guys.

With proper and timely development of the child, many deviations in further development can be significantly mitigated. The education of children with disabilities must be of high quality. Currently, there is an increase in the number of children with severe disabilities, but at the same time, thanks to the use of the latest equipment, modern correctional programs Many pupils reach the required level of development for their age group. Currently, the tendency to eliminate inequalities in general education and correctional schools, the role of inclusive education is increasing. In this regard, there is great heterogeneity in the composition of students in terms of their mental, physical, and mental development, which significantly complicates the adaptation of children both with health problems and without functional disorders. Teachers are often simply lost in the methods of providing assistance and support to students with disabilities. There are also shortcomings in the use of various information technologies during lessons or extracurricular activities.

Such gaps are due to the following reasons:

Lack of the necessary technological infrastructure, software and hardware in the educational institution. Lack of necessary conditions focused on joint educational activities.

Thus, creating a “barrier-free” learning environment is still a challenge.

Education for all.

Distance learning is confidently gaining a place of honor in learning along with traditional forms. This way of organizing educational process significantly simplifies obtaining a decent education for children with disabilities. Decoding distance learning looks like this: this is a form of training whose advantages are:

High adaptation to the living and health conditions of students. Quick update of methodological support. Possibility of quickly obtaining additional information. Development of self-organization and independence. Opportunity to get help in in-depth study subject.

This form can solve the issue of home schooling for frequently ill children, thereby smoothing the boundaries between them and children without health problems.

The role of parents.

What should parents do if they have a child with disabilities? The decoding of the abbreviation is simple - limited health capabilities. Receiving such a verdict leaves parents in a state of helplessness and confusion. Many try to refute the diagnosis, but in the end they come to awareness and acceptance of the defect. Parents adapt and take different positions - from “I will do everything so that my child becomes a full-fledged person” to “I cannot have an unhealthy child.” These provisions must be taken into account by psychologists when planning a correctional program for children with health problems. Parents should know correct forms helping your child, despite the types of disabilities, methods of adaptation, and developmental features.

A new approach to education.

Joint education of children with disabilities and without health problems is supported and described by a number of documents. Among them are: the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation, the Concept of Modernization Russian education, National educational initiative “Our New School”. Working with disabilities involves performing the following tasks in inclusive education: everyday, normative, labor, as well as socially adapting students with their subsequent merging with society.

With long, patient work on correctional programs developed by psychologists, sooner or later there will definitely be a result.

Children with disabilities are children who have various mental or physical abnormalities that cause impairments general development that do not allow children to lead a full life. Synonyms this concept The following definitions of such children can be used: “children with problems”, “children with special needs”, “atypical children”, “children with learning difficulties”, “abnormal children”, “exceptional children”. The presence of one or another defect (disadvantage) does not predetermine incorrect, from the point of view of society, development.

Hearing loss in one ear or visual impairment in one eye does not necessarily lead to developmental disabilities, since in these cases the ability to perceive sound and visual signals with intact analyzers remains.

Thus, children with disabilities can be considered children with impaired psychophysical development who need special (corrective) training and upbringing.
According to the classification proposed by V.A. Lapshin and B.P. Puzanov, the main categories of abnormal children include:

    Children with hearing impairment (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);

    Children with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);

    Children with speech disorders (speech pathologists);

    Children with musculoskeletal disorders;

    Children with mental retardation;

    Children with mental retardation;

    Children with behavioral and communication disorders;

    Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects (deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Depending on the nature of the disorder, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child, for example, in children of the third and sixth groups), others can only be smoothed out, and some can only be compensated. The complexity and nature of the violation of the normal development of the child determine the characteristics of the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as various forms pedagogical work with him. One child with developmental disabilities can master only basic general education knowledge(read syllables and write simple sentences) , the other is relatively unlimited in its capabilities(for example, a child with mental retardation or hearing impairment) . The structure of the defect also affects the practical activities of children. Some atypical children have the opportunity to become highly qualified specialists in the future, while others will spend their entire lives doing low-skilled work.(for example, bookbinding and cardboard production, metal stamping).

There are so many developmental features and they are so different that “special children” sometimes do not fit into the “cliche” of one diagnosis or another. AND the main problem Their learning lies precisely in the fact that all the children are completely different and dissimilar, and each with their own oddities and health problems. And yet, experts have identified the main developmental problems or diagnoses, which are designated by the following abbreviations:

Cerebral palsy – cerebral palsy;

DPR – mental retardation;

ZRR – delay speech development;

MMD – minimal brain dysfunction;

ODA – musculoskeletal system;

ONR – general underdevelopment speeches;

EDA – early childhood autism;

ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;

HIA – limited health capabilities.

As you can see, of all of the above, only cerebral palsy, MMD and problems with the musculoskeletal system are specific medical diagnoses. Otherwise, the names of children's characteristics, oddities and problems are very, very arbitrary. What does “general speech underdevelopment” mean? And how does it differ from “speech development delay”? And this “delay” is relative to what - relative to what age and level of intelligence? As for “early childhood autism,” this diagnosis is given to children so different in behavioral manifestations that it seems that our domestic experts themselves do not agree on autism, since they have not yet studied this disease well enough. And today almost every second restless child is diagnosed with “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”! Therefore, before you agree that your child will be assigned this or that diagnosis, show it not to one, but to at least a dozen specialists and get from them clear arguments and clear medical indications, according to which the child will be given a diagnosis. A diagnosis such as blindness or deafness is obvious. But when they rush to assign a “diagnosis” to a playful child who causes educators and teachers more trouble than other children, just to get rid of him by transferring him to a kindergarten or school for “children with special needs,” then you can fight for your child . After all, a label stuck on since childhood can seriously ruin a child’s life.

Special (correctional) schools of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII types. What kind of children do they teach?

In special (correctional) general educationType I schools children with hearing impairments, hard of hearing and deaf children are educated. INType II schools Deaf and mute children study.Schools of III-IV type Designed for blind and visually impaired children.Type V schools accept students with speech disorders, in particular children who stutter.Type VI schools created for children with problems in physical and mental development. Sometimes such schools operate with neurological and psychiatric hospitals. Their main contingent is children with various forms of cerebral palsy (CP), spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries.VII type schools for children with ADHD and mental retardation.VII type schools They deal with the correction of dyslexia in children. Alexia is the absence of speech and a complete inability to master speech, and dyslexia is a partial specific disorder of reading acquisition caused by a violation of higher mental functions. And finally, in special (correctional) general educationVIII type schools teach mentally retarded children, the main goal of these educational institutions is to teach children to read, count and write and navigate in social conditions. At schools of the VIII type there are carpentry, metalworking, sewing or bookbinding workshops, where students within the school walls receive a profession that allows them to earn a living. Way to higher education closed to them; upon graduation, they only receive a certificate stating that they have completed the ten-year program.

Special methods for teaching children with disabilities

In general, at school, teachers work with children using special teaching methods that cover all stages: explaining new material, completing assignments, and assessing the student’s work. The teacher uses the following methodological techniques:

    Step-by-step explanation of tasks.

    Consistent completion of tasks.

    Repeating instructions to students to complete the task.

    Providing audio-visual technical means training.

    Being close to students while explaining a task.

    Change of activities

    Preparing students for a change in activity.

    Alternation of classes and physical education breaks.

    Allowing additional time to complete a task.

    Providing additional time to submit homework.

    Working on a computer simulator.

    Use worksheets with exercises that require minimal completion.

    Using exercises with missing words/sentences.

    Supplementing printed materials with video materials.

    Providing students with printed copies of assignments written on the board.

    Individual assessment of responses of students with disabilities

    Use of an individual rating scale according to success and effort expended.

    Daily assessment to achieve a quarter mark.

    Permission to redo a task he failed.

    Evaluation of reworked works.

    Using a student achievement assessment system.

Perhaps this information will be useful to teachers working in the correctional education system. It contains information about the principles of teaching, methods and techniques for working with such children. I was preparing for course preparation and certification; I took material from various Internet sites.


Problems special education today they are one of the most relevant in the work of all divisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as the system of special correctional institutions. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the number of children with disabilities and children with disabilities is steadily growing. Currently in Russia there are more than 2 million children with disabilities (8% of all children), of which about 700 thousand are disabled children. In addition to the increase in the number of almost all categories of children with disabilities, there is also a tendency for a qualitative change in the structure of the defect, the complex nature of the disorders in each individual child. The education of children with disabilities and disabled children involves the creation of a special correctional and developmental environment for them, providing adequate conditions and equal opportunities with ordinary children to receive education within special educational standards, treatment and recovery, education and training, correction of developmental disorders, social adaptation.
Receiving education for children with disabilities and disabled children is one of the main and integral conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in the life of society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities.
In this regard, ensuring the realization of the right of children with disabilities to education is considered one of the most important tasks public policy not only in the field of education, but also in the field of demographic and social economic development Russian Federation.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law “On Education” state that children with developmental problems have equal rights to education as everyone else. The most important task of modernization is to ensure the accessibility of quality education, its individualization and differentiation, systematically increasing the level of professional competence of teachers of correctional and developmental education, as well as creating conditions for achieving new modern quality general education.
Children with disabilities are children whose health condition prevents them from mastering educational programs outside of special conditions of education and upbringing. The group of schoolchildren with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous. This is determined primarily by the fact that it includes children with various developmental disorders: impaired hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intelligence, with severe disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, with delayed and complex developmental disorders. Thus, the most important priority in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specific psyche and health of each child.
Special educational needs differ in children of different categories, since they are determined by the specifics of mental development disorders and determine the special logic of constructing the educational process, which are reflected in the structure and content of education. Along with this, we can highlight special needs that are characteristic of all children with disabilities:
- begin special education for the child immediately after identifying a primary developmental disorder;
- introduce special sections into the content of the child’s education that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers;
- use special methods, techniques and teaching aids (including specialized computer technologies) that ensure the implementation of “workarounds” for learning;
- individualize learning to a greater extent than is required for a normally developing child;
- ensure a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;
- expand the educational space beyond the boundaries of the educational institution as much as possible.
General principles and rules of correctional work:
1. Individual approach to each student.
2. Preventing the onset of fatigue, using a variety of means (alternating mental and practical activities, presenting material in small doses, using interesting and colorful didactic material and visual aids).
3. The use of methods that activate the cognitive activity of students, develop their oral and written speech and form the necessary learning skills.
4. Demonstration of pedagogical tact. Constant encouragement for the slightest success, timely and tactical assistance to each child, developing in him faith in his own strengths and capabilities.
Effective methods of corrective influence on the emotional and cognitive sphere of children with developmental disabilities are:
- game situations;
- didactic games which are associated with the search for specific and generic characteristics of objects;
- game trainings that promote the development of the ability to communicate with others;
- psycho-gymnastics and relaxation to relieve muscle spasms and tension, especially in the face and hands.
The majority of students with disabilities have an insufficient level of cognitive activity, immaturity of motivation to educational activities, reduced level of performance and independence. Therefore, searching and using active forms, methods and techniques of teaching is one of the necessary means of increasing the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental process in the work of a teacher.
The goals of school education, which are set before the school by the state, society and family, in addition to acquiring a certain set of knowledge and skills, are the disclosure and development of the child’s potential, the creation favorable conditions to realize his natural abilities. A natural play environment, in which there is no coercion and there is an opportunity for each child to find his place, show initiative and independence, and freely realize his abilities and educational needs, is optimal for achieving these goals. Inclusion active methods training in educational process allows you to create such an environment both in class and in extracurricular activities, including for children with disabilities.
Rapidly developing changes in society and the economy today require a person to be able to quickly adapt to new conditions, find optimal solutions to complex issues, showing flexibility and creativity, not get lost in situations of uncertainty, and be able to establish effective communications with different people.
The school’s task is to prepare a graduate with the necessary set of modern knowledge, skills and qualities that allow him to feel confident in independent life.
Traditional reproductive education and the passive subordinate role of the student cannot solve such problems. To solve them, new educational technologies, effective forms of organizing the educational process, active teaching methods.
Cognitive activity is the quality of a student’s activity, which is manifested in his attitude to the content and process of learning, in the desire to effectively master knowledge and methods of activity in the optimal time.
One of the basic principles of teaching in general and special pedagogy is the principle of consciousness and activity of students. According to this principle, “learning is effective only when students show cognitive activity and are subjects of learning.” As Yu. K. Babansky pointed out, students’ activity should be aimed not just at memorizing material, but at the process of independently acquiring knowledge, researching facts, identifying errors, and formulating conclusions. Of course, all this should be done at a level accessible to students and with the help of a teacher.
The level of students’ own cognitive activity is insufficient, and to increase it, the teacher needs to use means that promote the activation of learning activities. One of the characteristics of students with developmental problems is an insufficient level of activity of all mental processes. Thus, the use of means to enhance learning activities during training is a necessary condition for the success of the learning process for SOVZ schoolchildren.
Activity is one of the most important characteristics of all mental processes, which largely determines the success of their progress. Increasing the level of activity of perception, memory, and thinking contributes to greater efficiency of cognitive activity in general.
When selecting the content of classes for students with disabilities, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the principle of accessibility, and on the other hand, to avoid excessive simplification of the material. Content becomes an effective means of enhancing learning activities if it corresponds to the mental and intellectual capabilities of children and their needs. Since the group of children with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous, the teacher’s task is to select content in each specific situation and methods and forms of educational organization that are adequate to this content and the students’ capabilities.
The next very important means of enhancing learning are teaching methods and techniques. It is through the use of certain methods that the content of training is realized.
The term “method” comes from the Greek word “metodos”, which means a path, a way of moving towards the truth, towards the expected result. In pedagogy there are many definitions of the concept “teaching method”. These include the following: “teaching methods are methods of interrelated activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving a set of problems of the educational process” (Yu. K. Babansky); “methods are understood as a set of ways and means of achieving goals and solving educational problems” (I. P. Podlasy).
There are several classifications of methods that differ depending on the criterion that is used as the basis. The most interesting in in this case, two classifications are presented.
One of them, proposed by M. N. Skatkin and I. Ya. Lerner. According to this classification, methods are distinguished depending on the nature of cognitive activity and the level of activity of students.
It highlights the following methods:
explanatory-illustrative (information-receptive);
partially search (heuristic);
problematic presentation;
Another, classification of methods for organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities; methods of its stimulation and motivation; methods of control and self-control proposed by Yu. K. Babansky. This classification is represented by three groups of methods:
methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities: verbal (story, lecture, seminar, conversation); visual (illustration, demonstration, etc.); practical (exercises, laboratory experiments, work activities, etc.); reproductive and problem-search (from particular to general, from general to particular), methods independent work and work under the guidance of a teacher;
methods of stimulating and motivating educational and cognitive activity: methods of stimulating and motivating interest in learning (the entire arsenal of methods for organizing and implementing educational activities is used for the purpose of psychological adjustment, encouragement to learn), methods of stimulating and motivating duty and responsibility in learning;
methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity: methods of oral control and self-control, methods of written control and self-control, methods of laboratory and practical control and self-control.
The most appropriate methods in practical work teachers with students with disabilities, we consider explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially search, communicative, information and communication; methods of control, self-control and mutual control.
The group of search and research methods provides the greatest opportunities for the formation of cognitive activity in students, but for the implementation of methods problem-based learning It is necessary to have a sufficiently high level of development in students of the ability to use the information provided to them, the ability to independently look for ways to solve a given problem. Not all junior schoolchildren with disabilities have such skills, which means they need additional help from a teacher and speech therapist. It is possible to increase the degree of independence of students with disabilities, and especially children with mental retardation, and to introduce into teaching tasks based on elements of creative or search activity only very gradually, when some a basic level of their own cognitive activity.
Active learning methods, game methods are very flexible methods, many of them can be used with different age groups and under different conditions.
If a habitual and desirable form of activity for a child is a game, then it is necessary to use this form of organization of activity for learning, combining the game and the educational process, or more precisely, using game uniform organizing the activities of students to achieve educational goals. Thus, the motivational potential of the game will be aimed at more effective development of the educational program by schoolchildren, which is important not only for schoolchildren with speech impairments, but also especially important for schoolchildren with disabilities.
The role of motivation in successful learning children with disabilities are difficult to overestimate. Conducted studies of student motivation have revealed interesting patterns. It turned out that the importance of motivation for successful study is higher than the importance of the student’s intelligence. High positive motivation can play the role of a compensating factor in the case of insufficiently high student abilities, but this principle does not work in the opposite direction - no abilities can compensate for the lack educational motive or its low severity and ensure significant academic success. The capabilities of various teaching methods in terms of enhancing educational and educational-industrial activities are different; they depend on the nature and content of the corresponding method, methods of their use, and the skill of the teacher. Each method is made active by the one who applies it.
The concept of “teaching technique” is closely related to the concept of method. Teaching methods are specific operations of interaction between teacher and student in the process of implementing teaching methods. Teaching methods are characterized by subject content, organized by them cognitive activity and are determined by the purpose of use. The actual learning activity consists of individual techniques.
In addition to methods, forms of organizing training can serve as a means of activating learning activities. Speaking about various forms of teaching, we mean “special designs of the learning process”, the nature of the teacher’s interaction with the class and the nature of delivery educational material in a certain period of time, which is determined by the content of training, methods and activities of students.
The form of organizing joint activities between teacher and students is the lesson. During the lesson, the teacher can use various teaching methods and techniques, selecting those that are most appropriate to the content of learning and the cognitive abilities of students, thereby promoting the activation of their cognitive activity.
To enhance the activities of students with disabilities, the following active teaching methods and techniques can be used:
1. Using signal cards when completing tasks (on one side it shows a plus, on the other - a minus; circles of different colors according to sounds, cards with letters). Children complete the task or evaluate its correctness. Cards can be used when studying any topic to test students' knowledge and identify gaps in the material covered. Their convenience and effectiveness lie in the fact that the work of each child is immediately visible.
2. Using inserts on the board (letters, words) when completing a task, solving a crossword puzzle, etc. Children really enjoy the competitive moment during this type of task, because in order to attach their card to the board, they need to answer correctly to a question, or to complete the proposed task better than others.
3. Memory knots (compiling, recording and hanging on the board the main points of studying the topic, conclusions that need to be remembered).
This technique can be used at the end of studying a topic - to consolidate and summarize; during the study of the material - to provide assistance in completing assignments.
4. Perceiving the material at a certain stage of the lesson with eyes closed is used to develop auditory perception, attention and memory; switching the emotional state of children during the lesson; to get the children ready for the lesson after active work(after a physical education lesson), after completing a task of increased difficulty, etc.
5.Use of the presentation and fragments of the presentation during the lesson.
Introduction of modern computer technology V school practice allows you to make the teacher’s work more productive and efficient. The use of ICT organically complements traditional forms of work, expanding the possibilities for organizing teacher interaction with other participants in the educational process.
Using the presentation program seems very convenient. You can place the necessary picture material, digital photographs, texts on the slides; You can add music and voice accompaniment to your presentation. With this organization of material, three types of children’s memory are included: visual, auditory, motor. This allows the formation of stable visual-kinesthetic and visual-auditory conditioned reflex connections of the central nervous system. In the process of correctional work based on them, children develop correct speech skills, and subsequently self-control over their speech. Multimedia presentations bring a visual effect to the lesson, increase motivational activity, and contribute to more close relationship speech therapist and child. Thanks to the sequential appearance of images on the screen, children are able to complete the exercises more carefully and fully. The use of animation and surprise moments makes the correction process interesting and expressive. Children receive approval not only from the speech therapist, but also from the computer in the form of prize pictures accompanied by sound design.
6. Using picture material to change the type of activity during the lesson, development visual perception, attention and memory, activation vocabulary, development of coherent speech.
7. Active methods of reflection.
The word reflection comes from the Latin “reflexior” - turning back. Dictionary The Russian language interprets reflection as thinking about one’s internal state, introspection.
In modern pedagogical science, reflection is usually understood as self-analysis of activities and their results.
In the pedagogical literature there is the following classification of types of reflection:
1) reflection of mood and emotional state;
2) reflection on the content of educational material (it can be used to find out how students understood the content of the material covered);
3) reflection of activity (the student must not only understand the content of the material, but also comprehend the methods and techniques of his work, and be able to choose the most rational ones).
These types of reflection can be carried out both individually and collectively.
When choosing a particular type of reflection, one should take into account the purpose of the lesson, the content and difficulties of the educational material, the type of lesson, methods and methods of teaching, age and psychological characteristics students.
In classes when working with children with disabilities, reflection of mood and emotional state is most often used.
The technique with various color images is widely used.
Students have two cards of different colors. They show a card according to their mood at the beginning and end of the lesson. In this case, you can see how the emotional condition student during the lesson. The teacher must be sure to clarify changes in the child’s mood during the lesson. This is valuable information for reflection and adjustment of your activities.
“Tree of Feelings” - students are invited to hang red apples on the tree if they feel good, comfortable, or green ones if they feel discomfort.
“Sea of ​​Joy” and “Sea of ​​Sadness” - launch your boat into the sea according to your mood.
Reflection at the end of the lesson. The most successful at the moment is considered to be the designation of types of tasks or stages of the lesson with pictures (symbols, various cards, etc.), which help children at the end of the lesson to update the material covered and choose the stage of the lesson that they like, remember, and most successful for the child, attaching their own to it. picture.
All of the above methods and techniques for organizing training, to one degree or another, stimulate the cognitive activity of students with disabilities.
Thus, the use of active teaching methods and techniques increases the cognitive activity of students, develops their creative abilities, actively involves students in the educational process, stimulates students’ independent activity, which equally also applies to children with disabilities.
The variety of existing teaching methods allows the teacher to alternate different kinds work, which is also an effective means of enhancing learning. Switching from one type of activity to another protects against overwork, and at the same time does not allow one to be distracted from the material being studied, and also ensures its perception from different angles.
Activation tools must be used in a system that, by combining properly selected content, methods and forms of educational organization, will allow stimulating various components of educational and correctional development activities for students with disabilities.
Application of modern technologies and techniques.

Currently actual problem is to prepare schoolchildren for life and activity in new socio-economic conditions, in connection with which there is a need to change the goals and objectives of correctional education for children with disabilities.
An important place in the educational process that I carry out is occupied by the correctional and developmental model of education (Khudenko E.D.), which provides schoolchildren with comprehensive knowledge that performs a developmental function.
In the author's methodology of correctional training, the emphasis is placed on the following aspects of the educational process:
- development of a compensation mechanism for students with disabilities through the educational process, which is built in a special way;
- formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities defined by the Program, in the context of developing a student’s active life position, before professional career guidance, development of future prospects;
- the student’s mastery of a set of models of academic/extracurricular behavior that ensures successful socialization corresponding to a certain age category.
As a result of correctional and developmental education, overcoming, correction and compensation of physical and mental development disorders of children with intellectual disabilities occurs.
For the overall development of a child’s personality, correctional and developmental lessons play a very important role. These are lessons during which educational information is processed from the position of maximum activity of all analyzers (vision, hearing, touch) of each individual student. Corrective and developmental lessons contribute to the work of all higher mental functions (thinking, memory, speech, perception, attention), aimed at solving the set goals and objectives of the lesson. Corrective and developmental lessons are based on the principles of technology:
The principle of developing the dynamism of perception involves constructing training (lessons) in such a way that it is carried out at a sufficiently high level of difficulty. We are not talking about complicating the program, but about developing tasks in which the student encounters some obstacles, overcoming which will contribute to the development of the student, the disclosure of his capabilities and abilities, the development of a mechanism for compensating various mental functions in the process of processing this information. For example, in a lesson on the topic “declension of nouns” I give the task “divide these words into groups, add the word to the desired group.”
Based on the constant active inclusion of inter-analyzer connections, an effectively responsive information processing system reaching the child develops. For example, in a reading lesson I give the task “Find a passage in the text that is depicted in the illustrations.” which promotes dynamic perception and allows you to constantly practice information processing. The dynamism of perception is one of the main properties of this process. There is also “meaningfulness” and “constancy”. These three characteristics constitute the essence of the perception process.
The principle of productive information processing is as follows: I organize training in such a way that students develop the skill of transferring methods of processing information and thereby develop a mechanism for independent search, choice and decision-making. The point is to develop in the child, during training, the ability to respond independently and adequately. For example, when studying the topic “Composition of a word,” I give the task “Assemble a word” (Take a prefix from the first word, a root from the second, a suffix from the third, and an ending from the fourth).
The principle of development and correction of higher mental functions involves organizing training in such a way that during each lesson various mental processes. To do this, I include special corrective exercises in the lesson content: for the development of visual attention, verbal memory, motor memory, auditory perception, analytical-synthetic activity, thinking, etc. For example,
For concentration, I give the task “Don’t miss a mistake”;
to verbal-logical generalization - “What time of year is described in the poem, how was it determined?” (animal, tree, etc.).
on auditory perception- “Correct the wrong statement.”
The principle of motivation for learning is that tasks, exercises, etc. should be interesting to the student. The entire organization of training is focused on the voluntary inclusion of the student in activities. To do this, I give creative and challenging tasks, but corresponding to the child’s capabilities.
Sustained interest in educational activities among mentally retarded schoolchildren is formed through travel lessons, game lessons, quiz lessons, research lessons, meeting lessons, story lessons, defense lessons creative tasks, through the attraction of fairy-tale characters, gaming activities, extracurricular activities and the use of various techniques. For example: let's help fairy tale hero count the number of objects, sounds, syllables, etc. I suggest children read words half-letter by half. Half of the word (upper or lower) is closed. During lessons, the topic of the lesson can be given in the form of a riddle, rebus, charade, or crossword puzzle. Encrypted topic. “Today we are scouts, we need to complete a task. - Unscramble the word, to do this, arrange the letters in accordance with the numbers in order.”
Using the example of a Russian language lesson

New approaches to education.

What does the abbreviation OVZ mean? The transcript reads: limited health capabilities. This category includes persons who have developmental disabilities, both physical and psychological. The phrase “children with disabilities” means that these children need special conditions for living and learning.

With behavioral and communication disorders;

Hearing impaired;

With visual impairments;

With speech dysfunctions;

With changes in the musculoskeletal system;

With mental retardation;

With mental retardation;

Complex violations.

Children with disabilities, their types, provide correctional training schemes with the help of which the child can be relieved of the defect or significantly reduce its impact. For example, when working with children with visual impairments, special educational computer games are used that help improve the perception of this analyzer. Principles of learning.

Working with a child with disabilities is incredibly painstaking and requires a lot of patience.

Each variant of the disorder requires its own development program, the main principles of which are:

1. Psychological safety.

2. Help in adapting to environmental conditions.

3. Unity of joint activities.

4. Motivating the child for the learning process.

The initial stage of education in a preschool educational institution includes cooperation with the teacher and increased interest in performing various tasks. Secondary school should strive to form a civic and moral position, as well as to develop creative abilities. We must not forget about the influence of family education on the development of children with disabilities, which plays a major role in the development of personality. It is no secret that the process of becoming an individual includes the unity of systems of sociocultural and biological factors. Atypical development has a primary defect that was caused by biological circumstances. It, in turn, forms secondary changes that arise in the pathological environment. For example, the primary defect will be hearing impairment, and the secondary defect will be the onset of muteness. Studying the connection between primary and subsequent changes, teacher L. S. Vygotsky put forward a position that states that the further the primary defect is separated from secondary symptoms, the more successful the correction of the latter will be. Thus, the development of a child with disabilities is influenced by four factors: the type of disorder, the quality, degree and timing of the occurrence of the main disorder, as well as environmental conditions.

Training the guys.

With proper and timely development of the child, many deviations in further development can be significantly mitigated. The education of children with disabilities must be of high quality. Currently, there is an increase in the number of children with severe disabilities, but at the same time, thanks to the use of the latest equipment and modern correction programs, many students achieve the required level of development in their age category. Currently, the trend towards eliminating inequality in general education and correctional schools is gaining momentum, and the role of inclusive education is increasing. In this regard, there is great heterogeneity in the composition of students in terms of their mental, physical, and mental development, which significantly complicates the adaptation of children both with health problems and without functional disorders. Teachers are often simply lost in the methods of providing assistance and support to students with disabilities. There are also shortcomings in the use of various information technologies during lessons or extracurricular activities.

Such gaps are due to the following reasons:

1. Lack of the necessary technological infrastructure, software and hardware in the educational institution.

2. Lack of necessary conditions focused on joint learning activities.

Thus, creating a “barrier-free” learning environment is still a challenge.

Education for all.

Distance learning is confidently gaining a place of honor in learning along with traditional forms. This method of organizing the educational process greatly simplifies obtaining a decent education for children with disabilities. The explanation of distance learning looks like this: it is a form of learning whose advantages are:

1. High adaptation to the living and health conditions of students.

2. Quick update of methodological support.

3. Possibility of quickly obtaining additional information.

4. Development of self-organization and independence.

5. The opportunity to get help in in-depth study of the subject.

This form can solve the issue of home schooling for frequently ill children, thereby smoothing the boundaries between them and children without health problems.


Based on the Standard, four types of training programs can be used. Determining the right option for students is based on the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. For successful implementation The selected program takes into account the special conditions necessary for a child with disabilities. A transition from one option to another is provided as the child develops. Such an action is possible subject to the following conditions: a statement from the parents, the desire of the child, visible positive dynamics in learning, the results of the PMPK, as well as the creation necessary conditions educational organization.

Development programs taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

There are several curriculums based on the Standard:

The first option was created for children who were able to achieve the required level of development by the time they entered school and who can cooperate with their peers. In this case, students with disabilities are taught along with healthy students. The interpretation of this option is as follows: children study in the same environment, they are subject to basically the same requirements, and upon graduation, everyone receives a document on education. Children with disabilities who study under the first option have the right to pass different types certification in other forms. Special conditions are created in relation to a specific category of student’s health. The basic educational program includes mandatory correctional work that corrects deficiencies in the child’s development.

Second type of program. Students with disabilities who are enrolled in this option at school have the right to longer terms. The main program is complemented by several curricula that take into account the needs of students with disabilities. This option can be implemented both in the form of joint learning with peers, and in separate groups or classes. Play an important role in learning information Technology and special equipment that expands the student’s capabilities. The second option involves carrying out mandatory work aimed at deepening and expanding the social experience of students with disabilities.

Third type. Students with disabilities studying under this option receive an education that is not comparable to that received by schoolchildren without health impairments. Required condition for implementation curriculum is the creation of an adapted individual environment. Students with disabilities, together with an expert commission, choose certification forms and study periods. In this case, it is possible to carry out educational activities both together with peers and in separate groups and special organizations.

The fourth type of development program. In this case, a student with multiple disabilities receives training in adapted program, taking into account individual plan. A prerequisite is the formation of an environment in which the implementation of life competence in society to a large extent occurs. The fourth option involves homeschooling, where the emphasis is on expanding social contacts within accessible limits and life experience. To master the program, it is possible to use a network form of interaction using different educational resources. Students who successfully complete training in this option are issued a certificate of the established form. Those that can be considered promising educational establishments, which implement both basic programs and those adapted to the needs of a child with disabilities. Such organizations include inclusive classes, which allows children with disabilities to develop freely in society. Also, in these schools there is continuous work not only with children, but also with their parents and teachers. Sport as a reliable assistant. Working programm Disabilities are not a reason to reduce a child’s physical activity. Efficiency physical culture in the development of children is an indisputable fact. Thanks to sports activities, working capacity increases, intellectual development, health improves. Exercises are selected individually or students are divided into groups depending on the categories of diseases. Classes begin with a warm-up, where children perform a series of simple movements to the accompaniment of music. The preparatory part takes no more than 10 minutes. Next, you move on to the main section. In this part, exercises are performed to strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscles of the arms and legs, to develop coordination, and others. The use of team games contributes to the successful functioning of communication skills, the “spirit of competition”, and the discovery of one’s abilities. In the final part, the teacher moves on to calm games and exercises, and sums up the work done. Learning programs in any subjects must comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. Children with disabilities can be corrected with appropriate physical activity, because it’s no secret that when you develop your body, you also develop your mind.

The role of parents.

What should parents do if they have a child with disabilities? The decoding of the abbreviation is simple - limited health capabilities. Receiving such a verdict leaves parents in a state of helplessness and confusion. Many try to refute the diagnosis, but in the end they come to awareness and acceptance of the defect. Parents adapt and take different positions - from “I will do everything so that my child becomes a full-fledged person” to “I cannot have an unhealthy child.” These provisions must be taken into account by psychologists when planning a correctional program for children with health problems. Parents should know the correct forms of assistance to their child, despite the types of disabilities, methods of adaptation, and developmental characteristics.

A new approach to education.

Joint education of children with disabilities and without health problems is supported and described by a number of documents. Among them are: the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation, the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education, the National Educational Initiative “Our New School”. Working with disabilities involves performing the following tasks in inclusive education: everyday, normative, labor, as well as socially adapting students with their subsequent merging with society.

To successfully develop skills, special schools organize elective classes, where all conditions are created for children to develop additional abilities. This form of educational activity for children with health problems must be agreed upon with psychologists and take into account individual characteristics students. With long, patient work on correctional programs developed by psychologists, sooner or later there will definitely be a result.