16th Air Force veterans biography. In the post-war period

OCR and editing: Andriyanov P.M. ( [email protected])

Prussakov G.K., Vasiliev A.A., Ivanov I.I., Luchkin F.S., Komarov G.O. Military historical essay about combat path 16th Air Army (1942-1945). - M.: Military Publishing House, 1973.

Memorial sign to the veteran of the 16th Air Force

The front path of units and formations of the 16th Air Army during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War Soviet Union against fascist Germany and its satellites are covered with unfading military glory.

Formed by order People's Commissar defense of the USSR in August 1942 on the banks of the great Russian Volga River, the 16th Air Army took part in the grandiose Battle of Stalingrad, first as part of the troops of the Stalingrad, and from September 1942 - of the Don fronts.

In the first days of its existence, the army had only 4 aviation divisions and 2 separate air regiments, which had 152 combat-ready aircraft.

Despite the complexity of the situation in the air, the pilots of the air army in the fight against the fascist invaders showed examples of courage, heroism and a deep consciousness of military duty. Aviation units of the 16th Air Force provided significant air support to the front troops during the period of unprecedented defense of the hero city, and then in the counter-offensive and defeat of the encircled 330,000-strong Nazi army in the Stalingrad region.

In the summer of 1943, in the brutal Battle of Kursk, units of the 16th Air Army, actively supporting and covering the troops of the Central Front from the air, helped thwart the plans of the enemy, who was eager to take revenge for the defeat at Stalingrad. The 16th Air Army and the air armies of neighboring fronts interacting with it won the fight for air supremacy.

After the defeat of the Nazi troops on the Kursk Bulge, the 16th Air Army supported from the air the troops of the Central Front (later the Belorussian and 1st Belorussian Fronts) in the summer-autumn and winter campaigns of 1943-1944. on the Konotop-Kiev, Chernigov-Mozyr and Gomel-Bobruisk directions.

In the summer of 1944, the air army, which had grown more than 10 times in two years, in close cooperation with ground forces led active fighting to defeat the Nazis in offensive operations on the territory of Belarus and the eastern regions of Poland, firmly maintaining air supremacy.

In January - February 1945, the air army took part in the offensive of the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, providing enormous support to them in encircling and destroying enemy troops in battles on the way from the Vistula to the Oder in the Warsaw-Kustrin direction. Then the air army assisted the front forces, which were crushing the enemy's East Pomeranian group.

And finally, having received reinforcement from the reserve of the High Command (RGK), the 16th Air Army with about 30 air divisions (over 3000 combat aircraft) as part of the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, in cooperation with the air armies of neighboring fronts, participated in the final battle - Berlin operation which ended with the final defeat of Nazi Germany.

Thus, the aviators of the 16th Air Army participated in battles and engagements with the enemy on the main strategic directions of the Soviet-German front, completing more than 288 thousand combat sorties along their combat path.

The aviators of the 16th Air Force, accumulating and creatively using front-line experience, daily improved the forms and methods of combat use of various types of aviation and perfected interaction with ground forces.

They made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of operational art and tactics of the Soviet Air Force.

Commanders, political workers and party organizations of air army units were active promoters of the policies of the Communist Party. They organized and inspired the aviators in the sacred struggle against fascism, instilled in the personnel courage and courage, courage and readiness for self-sacrifice, boundless devotion to the Soviet Motherland and hatred of its enemies, and constantly took care of strengthening discipline and organization.

The personnel of the air army had a strong morale, were distinguished by combat enthusiasm and an uncontrollable offensive impulse. Pilots and navigators, air gunners and radio operators, engineers and technicians, mechanics and other specialists, aviation logistics soldiers honorably fulfilled their duty to the Motherland.

With their heroic exploits, the fighters of the air army - fighters and attack aircraft, bombers and reconnaissance aircraft - wrote unfading pages in the combat chronicle of the Soviet Armed Forces. More than 30 aircrews repeated the immortal feats of the Russian pilot P. N. Nesterov and the communist pilot N. F. Gastello, ramming the enemy in the air and on the ground.

Communists and Komsomol members have always been at the forefront of the army's air fighters. Their number was constantly growing. During the period from August 1942 to May 1945, 20,275 of the best aviators joined the ranks of the Communist Party and 4,735 became Komsomol members.

The heroism and military skill of the personnel of the 16th Air Force were appreciated by the party and the government. For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown, 200 pilots and navigators were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, three were awarded the second and one - the third Gold Star of the Hero. Among the holders of the Golden Star are Russians and Belarusians, Ukrainians and Georgians, Armenians, Ossetians and warriors of other nationalities. More than 27,000 aviators were awarded orders and medals of the USSR for military distinction.

The capital of our Motherland, Moscow, saluted with artillery salvoes 53 times the valiant troops of the Central, Belarusian and 1st Belorussian Fronts, while in the congratulatory orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, distinguished formations and units of the 16th Air Army were mentioned 47 times.

Many air formations and units of the air army in fierce battles against the fascist invaders rightfully earned the title of guards (every third air regiment became guards). 3 air formations and units were awarded the Order of Lenin, 93 - the Order of the Red Banner, 61 - the Order of Suvorov, 22 - the Order of Kutuzov, 11 - the Order of Alexander Nevsky, 4 - the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and 14 - the Order of the Red Star. Subsequently, the 16th Air Army became the Red Banner Army.

Almost all formations and units were given honorary names - Volga and Stalingrad, Bakhmach and Nezhin, Chernigov and Gomel, Mozyr and Rechitsa, Bobruisk and Brest, Prague and Warsaw, Lodz and Brandenburg, Pomeranian, Berlin and others (64 honorary names in total).

From the front-line aviation commanders of the 16th Air Army many prominent military leaders of the Air Force emerged.

In battles with the Nazi invaders, many glorious air falcons laid down their heads. The surviving comrades sacredly honor the blessed memory of the heroes who died a brave death for the happiness of future generations.

The war has died down... Thousands of aviators, due to their age, have gone into the reserves and retired, working in national economy, accept Active participation in social work and military-patriotic education of youth.

Former army soldiers, many years after the end of the war, do not lose their friendship at the front. Memorable for many gray-haired soldiers were the meetings in Moscow and Monino in August 1967 and 1972, timed to coincide with the 25th and 30th anniversary of the formation of the army.

The glorious combat traditions of the aviators of the 16th Air Force are carefully preserved and enhanced by the soldiers of the Soviet Air Force. The heirs to the military glory of their grandfathers and fathers are mastering modern technology, increasing combat readiness and, in close cooperation with the aviators of the fraternal socialist countries, vigilantly guarding the air borders of the countries of the socialist camp and the peaceful work of our people building communism. They are always ready to repel any aggressor.

This book, based on archival documents, memoirs of military leaders and direct participants in the events, as well as personal memories of the authors, briefly describes the combat operations of aviation and the exploits of soldiers of the 16th Air Army in battles with the enemy on the difficult path from the Volga to the Elbe in 1942-1945 .

16th AIR ARMY formed on August 10, 1942 based on the order of the USSR NKO dated August 8, 1942, as part of the 220th and 283rd fighter, 228th and 291st attack air divisions and 2 separate air regiments.
The combat journey began in September 1942 in the Stalingrad direction. Operating from September 7 as part of the Stalingrad Front, it supported its troops in the defense of the city.
In November 1942 - January 1943, she took part in the counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943), the air blockade of the encircled enemy group and its defeat.
In February 1943 the army was relocated to the Kursk region, where from February 15 it became part of the Central Front of the 2nd formation (from October 20 - Belorussian), in July - August it supported and provided air cover for the front troops in Kursk battle (July 5 -August 23), during the liberation of Left Bank Ukraine and the crossing of the Dnieper.
During the strategic offensive in the fall of 1943. and in the winter of 1943 - 1944. supported Soviet troops in the Konotop-Kiev, Chernigov-Mozyr and Gomel-Bobruisk directions, made a great contribution to the liberation of Left Bank Ukraine and the eastern regions of Belarus.
From 1944 until the end of the war, the army was successively part of the 1st Belorussian Front (from February 24), the Belorussian Front of the 2nd formation (from April 6), the 1st Belorussian Front of the 2nd formation ( from April 16).
In June - July 1944, she participated in the Belarusian strategic operation (June 23 - August 29), encircling and defeating a large enemy group in the Bobruisk region.
The army played an equally significant role in the encirclement, the defeat of the enemy’s Ming group and the subsequent pursuit of its retreating troops.
In the second half of 1944, army units and formations took part in the liberation of the eastern regions of Poland; in January - February 1945, during the Warsaw-Poznan operation (January 14 - February 3), they supported the combat operations of the front forces to capture Warsaw, in the fight for bridgeheads on the Oder.
In February - April 1945, the army took part in the East Pomeranian (February 10 - April 4) strategic operation, and in April - May - the Berlin (April 16 - May 8).
During the Great Patriotic War, the army flew about 280 thousand sorties and participated in 3 air operations.
For high military skill, bravery and heroism, over 27,500 aviators were awarded orders and medals, more than 200 of them became Heroes of the Soviet Union, pilots A. E. Borovykh, V. M. Golubev and E. Ya. Savitsky awarded this title twice, and I. N. Kozhe-oak - three times.
Army commanders: Major General of Aviation Stepanov P.S. (August - October 1942); Major General of Aviation, from January 1943 - Lieutenant General of Aviation, from May 1944 - Colonel General of Aviation Rudenko S.I. (October 1942 - until the end of the war).
Chiefs of Army Staff: Colonel, from August 1943 - Major General of Aviation N. G. Belov (August - October 1942); Major General of Aviation M. M. Kosykh (October 1942 - April 1943); Major General, from August 1944 - Lieutenant General of Aviation Braiko P.I. (April 1943 - until the end of the war).

16th Air Army

    The formation of the 16th Air Army began with the Order of the NKO on August 8, 1942. Aviation Major General P. S. Stepanov (member of the Military Council of the Red Army Air Force) was appointed temporary commander, Regimental Commissar A. S. Vinogradov was appointed military commissar, Deputy Commander - Major General of Aviation S. I. Rudenko.
    However, due to the deterioration of the situation at Stalingrad, the formation of a new air army slowed down. In addition, despite the division of the Stalingrad Front into two (Stalingrad and South-Eastern) on August 5, both fronts continued to be subordinate to the commander of the troops of the South-Eastern Front, and aviation - to the commander of the 8th Air Army. All their attention at this time was aimed at repelling the assault on Stalingrad.
    Only on September 1, generals P.S. Stepanov and S.I. Rudenko were summoned to Kamyshin, where representatives of the Headquarters Supreme High Command Generals G.K. Zhukov and A.A. Novikov announced to them the final decision to accelerate the formation of the 16th Air Army. Since the army simultaneously had to conduct combat operations, General P. S. Stepanov was ordered to deal with issues of formation, and General S. I. Rudenko was ordered to lead the combat operations of air formations and units of the newly created army.
    Returning to the army command post at the Stalingrad state farm, General S.I. Rudenko gave the order to begin hostilities of the 16th Air Army as part of the troops of the Stalingrad Front, commanded by Lieutenant General V.N. Gordov.
    The 16th Air Army was formed from formations and units of the 8th Air Army and reserve VGK rates. Initially, it included the 220th and 283rd fighter, 228th and 291st attack air divisions and 2 separate air regiments.
    The 283rd Fighter Aviation Division included the 431st, 520th, 563rd and later the 812th Fighter Aviation Regiments on Yak-1 aircraft (commander Colonel V.A. Kataev, military commissar senior battalion commissar N.L. Khodyrev, chief of staff Lieutenant Colonel A . A. Savinov). The 291st mixed air division (garden) under the command of Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel A. N. Vitruk (military commissar, senior battalion commissar P. I. Petrov, chief of staff, Lieutenant Colonel F. M. Sedov) consisted of the 243rd and 245th assault air regiments on Il-2 aircraft and the 30th Bomber Aviation Regiment on Pe-2; Later this regiment was replaced by the 313th Shap. Another 954th Shap arrived, and the division began to be called the assault division.
    The control of the 16th Air Army was formed by August 15, mainly from the leadership of the 1st Fighter Aviation Army of the Supreme High Command Headquarters and was initially located in Stalingrad. The headquarters, main departments and services were headed by colonels N. G. Belov (chief of staff), A. S. Kirillov (chief of logistics), senior battalion commissar V. I. Vikhrov (chief of the political department), engineer 1st rank V. I. Rebrov ( chief engineer), Lieutenant Colonel A.P. Naumov (chief of the operations department), majors A.S. Cherny (chief of the intelligence department), E.I. Matov (chief of the communications department) and F.S. Mukhin (chief navigator). However, by the beginning of hostilities, the headquarters and services of the army were still understaffed and insufficiently consolidated.
    By the beginning of September, the air army also had the 598th and 970th light bomber air regiments (lbap) flying Po-2 aircraft. Subsequently they became nocturnal. In total, by September 4, the 16th Air Army had 152 serviceable aircraft, including 42 fighters, 79 attack aircraft and 31 light bombers.
    The army was based on field airfields north of Stalingrad in difficult conditions, since the front line was saturated to the limit with troops and various logistics agencies.
    On September 28, 1942, General S.I. Rudenko was appointed commander of the 16th Air Army.
    As part of the Stalingrad, Don, Central, Belorussian and from February 17, 1944, the 1st Belorussian fronts, she participated in the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, liberation of Left Bank Ukraine, Belarus and Poland, in the Berlin offensive operation. During the war years, the army flew about 280 thousand sorties. For military distinction, 30 of its formations and units were converted into guards units, 208 were awarded orders, 64 were given honorary titles; over 27.5 thousand army soldiers were awarded orders and medals, more than 200 pilots and navigators were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and A. E. Borovykh, V. M. Golubev and E. Ya. Savitsky were awarded this title twice, I. N. Kozhedub - three times.
Stepanov P. S. (08/08/1942 - 09/28/1942), lieutenant general of aviation
Rudenko S.I. (09.28.1942 - until the end of the war), Major General of Aviation, from the end of January (check?) 1943 Lieutenant General of Aviation, from May 1944 Colonel General of Aviation
  Deputy commander for political affairs (until 9.10.1942 military commissar):
Vinogradov A. S. (09/17/1942 - until the end of the war), regimental commissar, from 12/05/1942 colonel, from 05/01/1943 major general of aviation
  Chiefs of Staff:
Belov N. G. (08/05/1942 - 10/30/1942), colonel, from 08/07/1943 major general of aviation
Kosykh M. M. (October 30, 1942 - April 15, 1943), Major General of Aviation
Braiko P.I. (04/15/1943 - until the end of the war), Major General of Aviation, from August 1944 Lieutenant General of Aviation
Mikhailik Ya. D., “Falcon Family”, Moscow, 1971
Rudenko S.I., “Wings of Victory”, Moscow, 1976
"16th Air Force", Moscow, 1973
Prussakov G.K. and others. “Military-historical essay on the combat path of the 16th Air Army (1942-1945)”, Moscow, Voenizdat, 1973.

  Composition as of 07/05/1943:
3rd tank (Major General of Aviation Kirivatsky A.Z.)
6 sak (Major General of Aviation Antoshkin I.D.)
6th Jacob (Major General of Aviation Erlykin E. E.)
2nd Guards Shad (Colonel G. I. Komarov)
299 shad (Colonel I.V. Krupsky)
1st Guards Iad (Lieutenant Colonel I. V. Krupenin)
283rd IAD (Colonel Denisov S.P.)
286th IAD (Colonel Ivanov I.I.)
271 nbad (Lieutenant Colonel Rasskazov K.I.)

  Composition as of 12/25/1944:
6 shak - 240 Il-2 aircraft,
9 Mak - 240 Il-2 aircraft,
2nd Guards shad - 120 Il-2 aircraft,
11th Guards shad - 120 Il-2 aircraft,
3 Iak - 240 aircraft Yak-1, Yak-3, Yak-9,
13 Iak - 240 aircraft Yak-1, Yak-3, Yak-9,
6 Iak - 240 Yak-3, Airacobra aircraft,
1st Guards IAD - 120 Airacobra aircraft,
286 IAD - 120 aircraft La-5, La-7,
282 IAD - 120 Yak-1, Yak-9 aircraft,
176 Guards dept. IAP - 40 La-7 aircraft,
3 tank - 192 Pe-2 aircraft,
183 bad - 96 Pe-2 aircraft,
221 bad - 96 Boston aircraft,
9th Guards nbad - 120 Po-2 aircraft,
242 nbad - 120 Po-2 aircraft
Total aircraft - 2384
Of these: attack aircraft - 720, fighters - 1120, bombers - 324, night bombers - 240.

Ceremonial events at the 237th Exhibition Center aviation technology named after three times Hero of the Soviet Union, Air Marshal Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub

On February 23, 2018, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the All-Russian Orthodox Church “Wings of Kubinka” named after. Heroes of the 16th Red Banner Air Army, Major General N.A. Kushnarev, Chairman of the All-Russian Public Relations Committee political party“DEFENDERS OF THE FATHERLAND” Kashirin A.P. took part in celebrations and youth army events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Red Army and the 75th anniversary of the formation of the 16th Red Banner Air Army, which took place in Odintsovo municipal area, p. New Town, at the Exhibition and Display Center named after Air Marshal, three times Hero of the Soviet Union I.N. Kozhedub. Kubinka military airfield.

Reference. Creation. The formation of the 16th Air Army began with the orderPeople's Commissar of Defense of the USSR from August 81942 and assigned to the Air Force representativeRed Army Major General of Aviation P.S. Stepanov and Deputy Commander of the 8th VA, Major General of Aviation SI.Rudenko . The control of the 16th Air Army was formed by August 15 and was initially located in the city.Stalingrad . The process of forming the 16th VA continued until September 41942 G.

By this time, two aviation divisions - the 220th and 228th - were transferred to the air army from the 8th Air Army. The 220th IAD included the 43rd, 211th, 237th, 512th, 581st and 657th IAP, armed with fightersYak-1 , later another 291st IAP enteredLaGG-3 . The 228th ShAD included the 688th, 694th, 783rd and later the 285th ShAP, on aircraftIL-2 . At the same time, two more air divisions arrived from the Headquarters reserve to the 16th VA: the 283rd IAD, consisting of the 431st, 520th, 563rd and later the 812th IAP on Yak-1 aircraft and the 291st SAD. The latter consisted of the 243rd and 245th ShAP on Il-2 aircraft and the 30th BAP on bombersPe-2 ; later this regiment was replaced by the 313th ShAP. After joining the division of the 954th ShAP, it began to be called the assault division. By the beginning of September, the VA also had the 598th and 970th Light Bomber Aviation Regiments (LBAP) on aircraftPo-2 . Subsequently they became nocturnal. In total, by September 4, the 16th VA had 152 serviceable aircraft: 42fighter , 79 stormtroopers and 31light bomber .

On September 28, 1942, Major General of Aviation (later Air Marshal) was appointed Commander of the Army.Rudenko Sergey Ignatievich .

Participation in the Great Patriotic War. From creation to last day war, the 16th Air Army constantly operated as part of one front, which at different periods had the following names:Stalingrad , Donskoy , Central , Belorussian And1 Belarusian .

She took an active part in such major front-line operations asStalingradskaya , Oryol-Kursk , Sevskaya , Gomel-Rechitsa , Mozyr-Kalinkovichskaya, Rogachevskaya,Bobruiskaya , Norvskaya,Prague , Warsaw-Poznan , Pomeranian,Berlin .

Every third aviation regiment 16th VA becameguards . Over 27.5 thousand people from the 16th Air Army were awarded military orders and medals. For courage and bravery, 204 pilots and navigators were awarded the titleHero of the Soviet Union , three of themSavitsky Evgeniy Yakovlevich , Borovykh Andrey Egorovich AndGolubev Viktor Maksimovich - twice, andIvan Nikitovich Kozhedub - three times. The contribution of the aviators of the 16th VA to the Victory is enormous.

Participating in battles with the enemy in the main strategic directions, they destroyed 5,700 aircraft, of which 859 were on the ground, 3,536 tanks, and over 173 thousand enemy soldiers and officers.

Post-war period. After the end of World War II, the 16th Air Force was stationed in East Germany(GSOVG, GSVG, ZGV) .

IN1968 control of the 16th Air Army was awardedOrder of the Red Banner .

The next stage of testing fell on the 16th Air Army during the period of troop withdrawal from German territory. World history aviation has no analogues in terms of timing and scale of relocation of such a powerful aviation group. In 1993 in as soon as possible, organized and without losses, the 16th Air Red Banner Army returned to Russian land. Since November 1, 1993, the association's administration has been stationed in the Kubinka garrison. Personnel of the 16th Air Force, protecting the interests Russian state, took an active part in hostilities in a number of “hot spots”. 385 army servicemen were awarded state awards for their courage and heroism.

The filigree skill of aerobatic team pilots "Russian Knights " And "Swifts "from the 237th Aviation Equipment Display Center named after. I. N. Kozhedub was admired all over the world.

Reform. In 1998, when a unified branch of the Armed Forces was created from the Air Force and Air Defense, the management of the 16th VA was disbanded. In accordance with the plan for reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the 16th Mixed Aviation Corps was formed, which included formations and units that were previously part of the 16th Air Army.

In February 2002, the 16th Mixed Aviation Corps, after reorganization, again became the 16th Red Banner Air Army. February 1, 2002 Commander-in-Chief Air Force RussiaColonel General of Aviation B.C. Mikhailov presented the glorious battle flag of the 16th Air Army to the commander of the Air Force, Lieutenant General V. A. Retunsky.

Army commanders during the war:

    from August 8, 1942 to September 28, 1942 - P. S. Stepanov, Lieutenant General of Aviation () (temporary duties);

    from September 28, 1942 - until the end of the war -S. I. Rudenko , Colonel General aviation.

Army composition for 1991

    6th Guards Fighter Aviation Donetsk Szeged Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division (Merseburg ) HF PP 57643, call sign -Tea grower . Displayed onUkraine . Grossenhain ) HF PP 57655, call sign -Mint .

    Formations and units of the Army subordination.

The events began with a ceremonial formation of veterans, military personnel of the center, members of the Youth Army and a rally, which was opened by the deputy commander of the Center to the anthem of the Russian Federation. The rector of the temple, Major General N.A. Kushnarev, and the chief of staff of the local branch of the Youth Army members, I.V. Topalo, spoke at the meeting. and other guests. Kashirin A.P. warmly congratulated the veterans on the anniversary of the illustrious association, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and conveyed congratulations from fellow soldier Major General Mikhailenko Yu.V. from the city of Sevastopol and awarded the honored pilots with the commemorative medal “Marshal Kozhedub I.N.” At the end of the rally, a parade was held in which veterans took part military service, Youth Army members, young scouts, students of the sergeant school and garrison military personnel. After taking the oath of the Youth Army members, the event participants inspected the collection of weapons and equipment, uniforms from the private museum of the representative of the search team “Link of Generations” Georgy Valentinovich Shurkhovetsky, training places with weapons from the Great Patriotic War of the Youth Army members.


Shurkhovetsky Georgy Valentinovich. Profession: furniture designer. He was interested in history and weapons. As part of a search party, he worked for several years to raise and rebury fallen soldiers of the Red Army in Karelia and the Moscow region. After numerous expeditions, he became interested in collecting small arms from the Great Patriotic War. Latest collections - helmets, uniforms, equipment. He collected a unique collection of bayonet knives and daggers. equipped a private museum. Conducts on-site tours and takes collections to exhibitions. The restored jeep, in which front commanders traveled during the war, takes part in the Victory Parade in the Akulovsky garrison.

Kashirin A.P. while visiting an exhibition dedicated to weapons engineering troops and RKhBZ troops, told the Youth Army members about the history chemical forces, the participation of troops in hostilities, the use of flamethrowers and the flamethrower heroes of the 26th Red Banner separate company of high-explosive flamethrowers, who accomplished their feat in the village of Akulovo.

Veterans and guests were congratulated by the children of a local school singing the song “Officers”, who performed a festive concert program. Veterans of the 16th Red Banner Air Army delivered parting words to the conscript servicemen of the center. All guests, adults and children, military personnel of the center enjoyed working with the Youth Army members - instructors on interactive platforms.

On the airfield of the military airfield, veterans and guests inspected the line of modern Russian Air Force aircraft.

After lunch, from the field kitchen, which was organized by the Youth Army members, the veterans went by bus to the territory of the private flying club, where they took a tour of the private “Bunker” museum. The exhibits were transferred to the museum by the Boomerang search team from Naro-Fominsk. The head of the flying club gave a tour of the small aviation exhibition pavilion and the pilot training simulator complex. At the end of the excursion, a PM pistol shooting competition was held, where the veterans showed high accuracy of fire and good results. First place in shooting with a Makarov pistol was taken by Kashirin A.P. with a score of 25 points from three shots.

The rich and interesting program of the holiday ended in the evening. The veterans left the airfield in a good mood, which was facilitated by the beautiful frosty sunny weather and communication with young people.


By order of the NKO on 08.08.42, the formation of the 16th Air Army began (military commissar - regimental commissar A.S. Vinogradov, deputy commander - Major General of Aviation S.I. Rudenko. The army command post was located at the Stalingrad state farm.

The control of the 16th Air Army was formed by August 15, 1942, mainly from the leadership of the 1st Fighter Aviation Army of the Supreme High Command Headquarters and was initially located in Stalingrad. The headquarters, main departments and services were headed by colonels N.G. Belov (chief of staff), A.S. Kirillov (chief of logistics), senior battalion commissar V.I. Vikhrov (chief of the political department), engineer 1st rank V.I. Rebrov ( chief engineer), Lieutenant Colonel A.P. Naumov (chief of the operations department), majors A.S. Cherny (chief of the intelligence department), E.I. Matov (chief of the communications department) and F.S. Mukhin (chief navigator). However, by the beginning of hostilities, the headquarters and services of the army were still understaffed and insufficiently consolidated.

The formation of the VA was delayed. 09/01/42, representatives of the Supreme High Command Headquarters, Generals G.K. Zhukov and A.A. Novikov, announced the final decision to accelerate the formation of the 16th VA. Since the army had to simultaneously conduct combat operations, P.S. Stepanov was ordered to deal with issues of formation, and General S.I. Rudenko was ordered to lead the combat operations of air formations and units of the newly created army.

09/02/42 The 16th VA was included in the Stalingrad Front.

On 09/04/42, General S.I. Rudenko gave the order to begin hostilities of the 16th VA as part of the troops of the Stalingrad Front. Although even before this day, VA units fought. In total, by 09/04/42, the VA had 152 serviceable aircraft, including 42 fighters, 79 attack aircraft and 31 light bombers. The air army's combat operations began with the forces of the 228th Shad and 220th Iad, the most combat-ready at that time. The remaining air formations and units were brought into battle later (291st Shad - 09/05/42, 283rd IAD - 09/08/42 and night regiments - 09/10-12/42).

From September 28, 1942, the Stalingrad Front began to be called the Don Front, and the South-Eastern Front became the Stalingrad Front.

At the end of October 1942, Aviation Major General Mikhail Makarovich Kosykh was appointed chief of staff of the army.

During October - November 1942, the combat strength of the army increased and strengthened somewhat. The army strengthened primarily due to an increase in the number of aircraft in fighter and attack air regiments, which switched to new states and began to have three instead of two squadrons. Each regiment was provided with 32 aircraft instead of 20, and each flight had two pairs instead of three aircraft. This reorganization made the air regiments more full-blooded and sharply increased their combat capabilities.

By 11/19/42, the army had 342 aircraft (249 of them operational), including 103 attack aircraft, 125 fighters, 93 night bombers, 7 reconnaissance aircraft and 14 communications aircraft.

At the beginning of December 1942, Colonel I.K. Samokhin arrived as deputy commander of the VA.

As of January 10, 1943, the air army had 215 fighters, 103 attack aircraft, 105 day and 87 night bombers and 15 reconnaissance aircraft, as well as 75 communications and transport aircraft. In total, the VA had 600 aircraft and 488 combat-ready crews.

During the Battle of Stalingrad, the 16th VA carried out 26,656 combat sorties, including 10,588 for bombing and assault operations, 4,116 for covering troops and rear facilities, 3,087 for attacks on airfields and blocking them, and 3,087 for covering friendly forces. airfields and aircraft escort - 4262, aerial reconnaissance - 2402, aircraft interception and "free hunting" - 1508. In five months, the pilots conducted 820 air battles and destroyed 571 enemy aircraft in the air and 454 enemy aircraft at airfields. Their losses during this period were three times less. Over 800 tanks and armored vehicles, up to 500 artillery pieces, more than 6 thousand vehicles and many other military equipment, as well as enemy personnel, were destroyed and disabled.


In February 1943, by decision of the Supreme Command Headquarters, the Central Front was formed, headed by Army General K.K. Rokossovsky, and the 16th VA became part of the Central Front.

In April 1943, Colonel Pyotr Ignatievich Braiko was appointed chief of staff of the 16th Air Army. Aviation Major General M.M. Kosykh was appointed Deputy Commander of the Air Force.

After redeployment to the Central Front and replenishment of the VA during March-April 1943, it operated along railway junctions in the Oryol direction, along roads leading to the front, reserves, as well as against enemy troops on the battlefield, covering the battle formations of its troops and communications from raids enemy aircraft, conducted aerial reconnaissance.

07/05/43 there were 1052 serviceable combat aircraft, including 260 day and 74 night bombers, 241 attack aircraft, 455 fighters, 22 reconnaissance and spotter aircraft. Each air division had 75 - 95 serviceable aircraft (the 299th shad had up to 150 aircraft). There were 1028 combat-ready crews in the army. On this day, fierce battles began in the Kursk-Oryol direction.

During the period of defensive battles from July 5 to July 12, 1943, air formations of the 16th Air Force carried out about 7,600 sorties, provided great assistance to the troops in disrupting the enemy offensive and, in cooperation with neighboring air armies, gained air supremacy. During this time, army pilots conducted 380 air battles, in which they shot down 517 enemy aircraft. About 20 thousand high-explosive and fragmentation bombs, more than 23 thousand anti-tank bombs, and about 4 thousand rockets were dropped.

In accordance with the decision of the front commander, the commander of the 16th VA assigned the following tasks to the air formations for the period of the counteroffensive:

Destroy with bomb attacks manpower and enemy military equipment on the battlefield and in the depths of defense. This task was assigned to the bombers of the 241st and 301st bad (3rd tank), covered by fighters of the 6th IAC, and to the bombers of the 221st bad (6th SAC), provided by the 282nd IAD (6th sak), as well as on attack aircraft of the 2nd Guards. Shad and 299th Shad, covered by fighters of the 283rd and 286th IAD. At night this task was to be carried out by the 271st nbad;

Cover the battle formations of the advancing troops with fighters of the 6th IAC (the corps also included the 1st Guards IAD);

In the period from August 1 to August 14, 1944, in the area of ​​the Magnushevsky bridgehead, the pilots often engaged in air battles with large groups of enemy aircraft and, despite their numerical superiority, won victories, showing determination and courage.

In the battles over the Vistula, shortcomings in the control of fighters over the battlefield were revealed: the build-up of forces in battle was delayed, and in some cases, separate groups of enemy aircraft penetrated into the areas where our troops were located. At the direction of the commander of the 16th VA, fighter ambushes were organized 3 - 5 km from the front line, and several control points were created directly near the front line, where commanders of air formations with radio and radar stations were located. These activities produced the desired results.

The air situation has changed significantly in our favor since August 14, 1944, when the relocation of aviation ended and its fuel supply was improved. Air units intensified their operations, the enemy began to suffer heavy losses, needed help front troops increased.

During August, the 16th VA carried out 10,667 combat sorties. In 249 air battles, 250 enemy aircraft were shot down.

From 09/03 to 09/06/44, the 16th VA provided support to the 65th and 48th armies in crossing the Narew River and capturing bridgeheads on its western bank.

In the second ten days of September 1944, troops of the 47th Army carried out an operation to destroy the Warsaw German frontier and liberate the Warsaw suburb of Prague. To support the troops of the 47th Army, aviation carried out about 2,500 combat sorties, including 1,100 by night and 98 by day bombers, 600 by attack aircraft and over 700 by fighters.

In September 1944, carrying out various missions, the 16th VA flew 13,034 combat sorties. In 135 air battles, Soviet pilots shot down 117 and destroyed 15 enemy aircraft on the ground. Bombing strikes inflicted heavy losses on the enemy in manpower and military equipment.

To repel enemy attacks on the Erot bridgehead on the western bank of the Narew River in the area south of Pultusk, from to 14.10.44, in conditions of limited flying weather, the 16th VA carried out 1,100 sorties. Of the 300 enemy tanks destroyed and knocked out, 85 were aviation. In addition, 70 guns and a lot of other equipment were destroyed.

In October 1944, the 16th VA, with about 800 combat-ready crews, flew 14,648 combat sorties. In 189 air battles, 98 aircraft were shot down and 13 aircraft were destroyed at airfields. The enemy also suffered great damage to military equipment and manpower.

Vistula-Oder operation

By mid-November 1944, the army had 2,421 serviceable combat aircraft, including 330 day and 174 night bombers, 710 attack aircraft, 1,116 fighters, 91 reconnaissance and spotter aircraft. There were 2,140 combat-ready crews.

Simultaneously with preparations for the offensive, the air army continued combat activities with part of its forces: it continuously conducted reconnaissance and combated enemy aviation, with the actions of “hunters” it impeded the movement of enemy troops along the roads, and also carried out other tasks of the front command. In December alone, single aircraft and pairs carried out 1,100 strikes on the enemy, including 170 at night. In total, during the period from 01.11.44 to 13.01.45, the VA carried out 3,796 combat sorties, about half of which were for aerial reconnaissance of the enemy. In 13 air battles in December, 7 enemy aircraft were shot down. The army had no losses.

In the operation from the Vistula to the Oder from January 14 to February 3, 1945, the 16th VA, maintaining air supremacy, provided direct support to the front forces and protected them from the influence of German aviation. During the development of a breakthrough and pursuit of enemy troops, attack aircraft and fighters of the air army, closely interacting with the mobile formations of the front, destroyed retreating enemy columns and did not allow the enemy to gain a foothold on intermediate lines.

Although the combat stress of the 16th VA was sometimes relatively small due to difficult weather conditions and deployment, in general the results of its actions had a significant impact on the rapid advance of the front forces. Aviation began to defeat the retreating enemy troops. She quickly found the columns and was the first to attack them, inflicting losses on the enemy and creating traffic jams, and the advanced detachments of tank formations arrived in time and completed the defeat of the enemy columns.

A special place in the combat operations of our aviation, along with attacks on columns, was occupied by the bombing of bridges and railway stations in order to stop enemy movement on important communications. Thus, from January 16 to January 20, 1945 - during the period of the greatest development of air pursuit of the retreating enemy - the 16th Air Army destroyed more than 10 large bridges and crossings and over 30 railway stations. To attack them, bombers and attack aircraft carried out 660 sorties and dropped 417 tons of bombs. The main striking force of the army was bomber formations. As a result, the enemy was forced to leave a huge amount of rolling stock with valuable property, the organized withdrawal of the enemy troops was disrupted, which facilitated their final defeat.

With the entry of Soviet troops into the Oder and the capture of bridgeheads on its western bank in the Küstrin area, the Vistula-Oder operation ended. It ended with the defeat of the Nazi Army Group A and the complete liberation of Poland. Soviet army reached the approaches to Berlin, which was 60-70 km away.

In total, during the period of operation from the Vistula to the Oder from 14.01. by 02/03/45, the 16th VA made 11,193 sorties, of which 3,775 were to bomb and attack enemy troops, 1,810 were to cover front troops, 1,944 were to conduct aerial reconnaissance, 2,178 were to escort attack aircraft and bombers (some of them with accompanying attack), 1058 - for "free hunting", attacking airfields and intercepting enemy aircraft, and 428 - for other tasks.

The aircraft destroyed and damaged a large amount of enemy military equipment and transport, putting thousands of soldiers and officers out of action. In 111 air battles, 85 fascist aircraft were shot down, 18 were destroyed at airfields.

The combat count of air regiments during the operation increased by many tens and hundreds of disabled tanks, vehicles, guns and downed aircraft.

The air army's combat losses during the operation occurred mainly from enemy anti-aircraft fire.

Kyustrinsky bridgehead

After the completion of the Vistula-Oder operation, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front in February 1945 continued combat operations to expand the bridgeheads in the Küstrin area, to capture the fortresses of Poznan and Schneidemühl, repelled enemy counterattacks on the right wing of the front and prepared for the East Pomeranian operation.

The 16th VA assisted the front forces in carrying out these tasks and waged a fierce struggle with enemy aircraft for air supremacy.

The most difficult air situation developed in the first ten days of February, when enemy aircraft carried out 2-3 thousand sorties on some days, attacking Soviet troops on bridgeheads and crossings in the Küstrin area. In just ten days of February, 13,950 overflights of German aircraft were recorded along the front line.

The 16th VA, not having suitable airfields near the Oder, was able to carry out only 1,530 sorties. During this period, the initiative in the air over the battlefield was sometimes intercepted by German aircraft.

During the second ten days of February, 3,140 aircraft sorties were recorded by the enemy. During this period, the 16th VA was able to sharply increase its activity and flew 7272 sorties. In 285 air battles conducted in February, our fighters shot down 229 enemy aircraft on the approaches to the Oder.

Despite unfavorable weather conditions, as well as the failure of field airfields and a sharp increase in enemy aviation activity, the fighters of the air army conducted offensive operations all the time and in most cases remained masters in the air, even with the enemy’s numerical superiority.

In the second and third decades of February, as the relocation Soviet fighters At the forward airfields, the air situation changed. During the air battles, the air supremacy temporarily lost by our aviation was restored.

In the period from 04 to 26.02.45, the 16th VA, in addition to supporting the front troops on the Oder and the fight for air supremacy, assisted the troops in destroying the garrison in the Poznan fortress and in the areas of Schneidemühl and Stargard.

On February 23, 1945, troops of the 1st Belorussian Front captured the city and fortress of Poznan. Assisting the formations of the 8th Guards Army in capturing the Poznan fortress, the air formations of the 16th VA carried out 1834 sorties, of which 372 were carried out by Pe-2 bombers, 217 by Il-2 attack aircraft and 1245 by Po-2 night bombers (including 633 in the afternoon). At the same time, 558 tons of aerial bombs were dropped.

In total, from February 4 to February 26, 1945, the air army carried out 9,624 combat sorties, of which 4,360 were to bomb and attack the enemy.

Simultaneously with the fierce struggle to retain and expand bridgeheads on the western bank of the Oder, the 5th Shock and 8th Guards Armies fought to capture the city and fortress of Küstrin.

The start of the troops' offensive on Küstrin was preceded by a lengthy air raid on its targets. Having received the task of destroying the stronghold and fortress of Kyustrin, General S.I. Rudenko allocated for this purpose the 3rd tank, 221st bad, 242nd nbad and 9th shak and gave instructions on methods of action.

Aviation assisted the troops in capturing Küstrin, primarily through the systematic destruction of all structures used by the Germans for defense, and during the decisive assault on the city, they destroyed the enemy’s infantry in the trenches and artillery mortars. Continuous air strikes day and night caused enormous damage to the enemy in manpower and equipment, exhausted and demoralized his troops and accelerated the defeat of the garrison.

On March 12, 1945, Küstrin was released. But the battles for the capture of the Kyustrin fortress continued. In total, the air army carried out 3,150 sorties against the stronghold and fortress of Küstrin, of which 389 were carried out by day bombers, 2,196 by night bombers, and 575 by attack aircraft. At the same time, 876 tons of aerial bombs were dropped. Air strikes destroyed a significant number of enemy artillery batteries, ammunition depots and manpower. The fortress was almost completely destroyed and burned, the resistance of the garrison was broken. The troops of the 8th Guards Army captured it on March 29, 1945.

In March 1945, in the Kyustrin direction, pilots conducted 303 air battles and destroyed 213 enemy aircraft, maintaining air supremacy.

Eastern Pomerania

The liquidation of the enemy's East Pomeranian group by the Headquarters was entrusted to the troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front and the right wing of the 1st Belorussian Front. The offensive was planned to begin with the forces of the 1st Belorussian Front on 03/01/45. The main blow was planned to be delivered by the troops of the 3rd Shock and 61st Armies, the 1st and 2nd Guards Tank Armies from the Arnswald area to Kolberg and Kammin.

Before the offensive, the 16th VA received the task of suppressing enemy aircraft at nearby airfields and destroying strongholds in the direction of the main attack. Then, by escorting and covering front troops, especially tank armies, to help defeat the East Pomeranian group.

On the nights of 02/27/45 and 03/01/45, night bombers destroyed the strongholds of Klein Silber and Rafenstein, Falkenwalde and Guntersberg, making 247 sorties against them. On the day of 27 and 28.02.45, attack aircraft, accompanied by fighters in small groups, carried out bombing strikes on six strong points, completing 524 sorties in difficult weather conditions. 02/28/45 34th Bap and 96th Guards. bap groups of 7 - 9 Pe-2 aircraft (47 aircraft in total), under the cover of fighters, bombed the strongholds of Klein Silber and Rafenstein, dropping 38.5 tons of aerial bombs. In total, the air army carried out 851 sorties at six strong points, including 561 by bombers and attack aircraft, which dropped more than 200 tons of bombs. All strong points were destroyed, and the front troops, going on the offensive, did not encounter significant resistance from the enemy. Along the way, the aviators blew up 6 warehouses with ammunition and fuel, destroyed and damaged 128 guns, 85 vehicles and much other equipment.

On the eve of the offensive, General S.I. Rudenko decided with 60 attack aircraft and 90 fighters to launch a simultaneous attack on the airfields of Finowfurt, Altdamm and Stettin, where, according to aerial reconnaissance, up to 200 aircraft were based. As a result of the attack on February 28, 1945, the enemy, having lost 43 aircraft at the airfields and fearing repeated attacks, abandoned these airfields and took the surviving aircraft to the rear (More details).

03/01/45 During the day, the VA assisted the troops in breaking through the enemy’s defenses. Groups of bombers of the 3rd tank under the cover of the 1st Guards. IAD, as well as attack aircraft of the 6th Shak and 9th Shak and 11th Guards. Shad, under the cover of the 6th IAK and the 13th IAK, destroyed tanks, artillery, vehicles and manpower of the enemy in the areas of Klein Zilber, Jacobsdorf, Tornov, Temnik, Butov. After suppressing the enemy in the main strongholds, air strikes were transferred to the depths of his defense. Fighters of the 3rd IAK, 6th IAK and 13th IAK covered the battle formations of the troops, conducted aerial reconnaissance and “free hunting”. The 16th Orap and the 72nd Orap launched reconnaissance activities in the Stettin and Berlin directions.

In total, on the first day of the offensive, the army carried out 945 sorties, of which 486 were to bomb and attack the enemy. At the same time, a significant amount of enemy military equipment and manpower was disabled. Enemy aircraft tried to bomb our crossings across the Oder and troops in the Arnswald area. A total of 149 sorties were recorded.

On 03/02/45, in difficult weather conditions (overcast with a height of 100 - 300 m, snowfalls), the air army was able to carry out only 257 sorties, mainly to cover troops, attack the enemy and aerial reconnaissance. In five air battles, three enemy aircraft were shot down.

On 03/03/45, 1,546 sorties were carried out per day, of which 614 were to bomb and attack enemy troops.

3. Battle of Stalingrad. Chronicle, facts, people: in 2 books. - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2002. - Book. 1.