Quotes about cooking by famous people. Aphorisms about food, diets. Aphorisms and quotes about food: Cool and interesting, funny and wise sayings and phrases about food, about food, about cooking, about dishes

You need to eat to live, not live to eat.


On an empty stomach, a Russian person does not want to do or think anything, but on a full stomach, he cannot.

Faina Ranevskaya

Don't make a cult out of food!

Ilf and Petrov

A man is what he eats.

Ludwig Feuerbach

There is nothing harder than becoming lighter.

It's not beer that kills people, it's water that kills people!

K-f "It can't be"

I owe everything you see to spaghetti.

Sophia Loren

The glutton digs his own grave with his teeth.

English proverb

The first rule of nutrition: if it tastes good, it's bad for you.

Isaac Asimov

Our food substances must be a remedy, and our remedies must be a food substance.


Animals, which are few in number, are included in the Red Book, and those that are numerous are included in the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food.

Faina Ranevskaya

After two weeks of dieting, I realized that I had lost... fourteen days of life.

Appetite comes while eating, and bills come after.

Gennady Malkin

Honey, if you want to lose weight, eat naked and in front of a mirror.

Faina Ranevskaya

Women go on a diet only in three cases: if their husband left them, if they like a man, if it’s Monday.

Ekaterina Filimonova

A well-fed person and a dieter speak different languages.

The most magnificent feasts are held for the well-fed.

Linda Yasinska

Do you want to lose 7 kg per week? It's simple. Lose weight one kilo a day.

Mikhail Zadornov

Zhanna Golonogova

To lose weight well, you need to gain weight poorly.

Valery Afonchenko

The table is the only place where we don’t get bored from the very first minute.

Anselm Brillat-Savarin

I'm not going to starve myself just to live a little longer.

Irene Peter

Only occasionally do I stop dieting...

Nothing divides people like taste, and nothing unites people like appetite.

Boris Krutier

The obstacles to happiness are you and excess weight.

The rich man's lunch is an outrage against the beggar's hunger.

Pierre Buast

Most The best way getting rid of extra pounds means leaving them on your plate.

The figure becomes more and more unconventional every year...

Our whole life is a bustle of diets!

Today's women hide their weight, not their age.

Ratmir Tumanovsky

As for the mistress, the worst thing in this matter is the need to eat two dinners a day. Oscar Levant

Women eat while talking, men talk while eating.

Malcolm de Chazal

Everything in the world becomes boring, except food.

Arkady Davidovich

Brain cells are born and die, but fat cells live forever!

If you diet for a long time, you can fall ill.

Valentin Domil

Eating in abundance harms the body just as abundance of water harms crops.

Abul Faraj

A nutritionist sits with me and he tells her: “You can’t eat meat or dough.” She says: “Oh, doctor, can I have some dumplings?”

Mikhail Zadornov

Diet is another means of improving appetite.

Evan Esar

According to many men, the phrase “Is dinner ready?” means the same thing as “I love you.”

Joey Adams

Balanced nutrition as imagined by children: a hamburger in the right hand and a hamburger in the left.

In the theater of life, the main thing is the buffet.

Gennady Malkin

Diet: a period of fasting that precedes weight gain.

Jadwiga Rutkowska

You can’t stay on a diet for long - your butt goes numb.

Yuri Tatarkin

The apotheosis of diet: body weight is equal to its temperature.

There are more people without excess weight in the cemetery.

Beverly Sills

Eating too much is harmful, but eating too little is boring.

A. Karabchievsky

Yanina Ipohorskaya

The less jam, the more it is praised.

"Poincare's Rule"

If you want to lose weight, it is important to know that just losing weight is not enough, you need to lose weight from the right parts of the body.

Aron Vigushin

Nothing dulls hunger like thirst.

Semyon Altov

The fewer substances, the easier the exchange.

How did you lose weight? Do you do gymnastics? Or don't you eat bread? Please advise, I also need to lose weight.
- They lose weight when food becomes not the most important joy in life.

Inna Goff

Toaster: a device that allows you to prepare two types of toast according to your taste - burnt and undercooked.

Sam Levenson

My wife and I are classmates, because we are both on a diet.

A.V. Ivanov

The look of one woman at another is reminiscent of baggage control at customs.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

The dying process begins at birth, but accelerates during dinner parties.

Carol Mattho

The easiest way to lose weight is to eat when you are not hungry and fast when you feel hungry.

Yuri Tatarkin

Hunger is the best cook. An old proverb

She went on a diet and began to eat only illusions.

Yana Dzhangirova

Some people live to eat, others eat to live, and others eat to lose weight.

A month ago I went on a diet and now I can’t get up.

If you don’t go on a diet, but stand, you will get rid of not only excess weight, but also hemorrhoids.

Yuri Tatarkin

Thanks to the refrigerator, we can now eat stale food.

Stefan Kiselevsky

To maintain a good figure, a woman needs only three things: an exercise machine, a massager and a boyfriend.

According to the classic Russian diet, you need to eat once a day. But from morning to evening!

Mikhail Zadornov

Hunger: an appetite so intense that it can kill others.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The most strict diet is to eat only what is healthy; inevitably you will always be half-starved.

Yuri Tatarkin

Extra pounds are deposited where they are most noticeable.

Maureen Murphy

After lunch he liked to eat.

Arkady Davidovich

The harder the butter, the softer the bread.

"Thyssen's rule"

If the scales don’t show what you want, you need to change something: either the scales or your desires.

Alexander Tsitkin

Of all the suicide weapons, the most popular are the knife and fork.

Thin - from the word "thin".

I swapped zucchini for zucchini.

A.V. Ivanov

Cooking is, unfortunately, a daily pleasure.

Some American housewife

Everything I like is either illegal, immoral, or fattening.

Alexander Woolcott

Sugar - gives an unpleasant taste to coffee if it is not added there.

All mushrooms are edible, but some are only eaten once in a lifetime.

Eh, diets! Neither this nor this is possible!


The best part of dinner is dessert, but by the time it's served, you usually can't eat anything else.

It's not the horse's karma.

Inna Veksler

A friend is known through food.

Konstantin Kushner

And “cheese-” and “gam-”, everything is a fatburger!

A.V. Ivanov

A man's complete happiness is only possible next to a plump woman.

The same dish is never the same.

Alain Lobro

You won't believe it, but today's bread can be stored for six months - in your stomach.

Robert Orben

If you want to lose weight, eat everything, but don't swallow anything.

Harry Seacombe

Hiding age is easy, weight is much more difficult.

Prescription prescribed by a nutritionist: eat less, dose 50%.

Alexander Tsitkin

The soup should be visible but not heard.

In the struggle between the heart and the head, the stomach ultimately wins.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The cakes were so light and airy that a couple of kilograms flew in quickly and unnoticed.

Alexey Kalinin

“Eat less, make love more” - honestly, I never said that and didn’t even think so. After all, if you overdo it with lovemaking, you need to replenish lost strength with something... And how can you not eat?”

Placido Domingo

The longer you eat the lobster, the more remains on your plate.

Cooking is a matter of time. In general, the more time, the better the result.

John Erskine

If you want to look young and slim, stay close to the old and fat ones.

Jim Neon

A log is a plump shaft.

Appetite while eating comes to visit an uninvited Tatar.

Gennady Moskvin

When I eat alone, I feel like a punished seminarian.

Pope John XXIII

There are no good diets.

Nadine de Rothschild

The head is responsible for excess weight, and the head is not part of the digestive organs.

The architect covers his mistakes with ivy, the housewife with mayonnaise.

I eat everything and lose weight: lose weight...

Igor Denisov

When you think about what we eat, you will be surprised how omnivorous we are.

Ilya Gerchikov

A good appetizer - sauerkraut! And it’s not a shame to give, and it’s not a pity to eat it.

A certain Roman, having dined alone, said: “Today I ate, but did not dine.”


Since people learned to cook food, they eat twice as much as nature requires.

Benjamin Franklin

A new diet has been developed - it allows you to eat everything that distracts you from thoughts about losing weight.

Mikhail Mamchich

Fat people live shorter lives. But they eat more.

It’s bad if the wife knows how to cook, but doesn’t want to; It’s even worse if she doesn’t know how, but wants to.

Robert Frost

Some people would rather have chicken in a plate than pie in the sky.

Konstantin Kushner

Fast food is the food equivalent of pornography.

Why does a person need fat? Fats float in water, so a fat person does not drown.

If you lose weight by taking care of your butt, it will harm your face. But if everything is fine with your face, it’s detrimental to your ass. I choose a face.

Kathleen Turner

We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored and not suppressed.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

You need to watch your figure. Do you know what helps me with this? I taped a photo of Elizabeth Taylor to the refrigerator door.

Elizabeth Taylor

I don't like spinach and I consider myself lucky: if I loved it, I would have to eat it, but I hate it.

Quentin Crisp

Chew, don't chew, but swallow.

Sergey Salnikov

When a man cooks, he does not tolerate anyone next to him. But if a woman cooks, he keeps getting into the kitchen.

Lucille Ball

One wolf is fed by his legs, and the other by his wife.

The great Russian actress Faina Ranevskaya, a very plump lady, when her skirt burst in the most visible place, said:
- Even the skirt could not withstand the onslaught of beauty.
Then she added:
- There are no overweight women - there are only tight clothes!

If a woman wants something sweet, she can always convince herself that this cake is dietary.

Alexey Kalinin

Any diet primarily depletes the nervous system.

Meat eaters, don't eat all the rabbits, because when there are no guinea pigs... well, you know.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Swiss cheese differs from Camembert in having slightly better ventilation.

There is never just a little garlic.

A person in large sizes.

I'm a vegetarian not because I love animals - I just hate plants.

A. Whitney Brown

The more weight a person has, the more he eats and the less room there is for his heart...

Vladimir Borisov

Calories...those little dirty tricks that come at night...and sew your clothes.

Elena Henemann

A person is above satiety, but only when he is full.

If you cook yourself all porridge and porridge, at least change the pot.

Wieslaw Malicki

Fat girl's dream: eat cake and lose weight.

Personally, when I follow a diet,

I watch myself with admiration.

Igor Karpov

For many people, the shopping cart is now replaced by the trash bin.

Konstantin Kushner

In eating food, the ability to eat more than others is a disadvantage, the ability to get enough of less is a virtue.

Harun Agatsarsky

Food is an essential part of a balanced diet.

Fran Lebowitz

To think, you have to eat - there's no escape! Yes, but how many different thoughts can be produced by the same piece of bread!

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Some people eat lobster for the taste, but most just eat it for exercise.

Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

Friedrich Barbarossa

Making a good salad and being a skilled diplomat are equally delicate matters: in both cases, it is important to know exactly how much oil to use and how much vinegar.

Oscar Wilde

There are no fat women, but some women are not tall enough for their weight.

My wife started seeing a nutritionist and lost $300 in two months.

Robert Orben

Well, of course, I've gained weight! After birth I weighed only 3 kilograms!

People are divided into two parts: one, the smaller one, has lunch, but no appetite; the other, larger one, has an excellent appetite, but no lunch.

Nicola Chamfort

Zhanna Golonogova

A third of Americans want to lose weight, a third want to gain weight, and a third have not yet weighed themselves.

John Steinbeck

Don't feed words instead of bread.


Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are.

Anselm Brillat-Savarin

The fast meal ends with a slow funeral procession.

Not having dinner is a holy law,

Who values ​​light sleep the most?

I'm pretty sure that in the second before death, a dieter thinks, "Damn, why did I give up blueberry donuts 17 years ago?"

A man is what he eats.
Der Mensch ist, was er isst.

If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals.

The table is the only place where people don’t get bored from the very first minute.

Since we are condemned to eat, let us eat well.

After a good dinner, you can forgive anyone, even your relatives.

Some eat to live, others starve for the same purpose.

Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch.

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good dish without music to one without a good dish.

Evil people live in order to eat and drink, virtuous people eat and drink in order to live.

Animals feed, people eat; but only smart people they know how to eat.

The diet is a scientifically developed program for the fight between the brain and the stomach, which is obviously doomed to failure.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

Appetite comes with eating.

You have to love what you eat or love the person you cook for. Cooking is an act of love.

Where there are pancakes, there we are, where there is porridge with butter, there is our place.
Russian proverb

If a country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, then the country has reached the end of its rope.

The invention of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.
The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.

The rule of three “Cs”: only the one who can prepare a salad, sauce, soup is considered a real cook.

To become tasty, fish must swim three times: in water, in oil and in wine.
Fish, to taste good, must swim three times in water, in butter, and in wine.

The most delicious cakes in my life were the cakes in the Warsaw confectionery in 1913 and these rats. Rats gave us the opportunity to survive, the cakes gave us a guide to why...
Aunt KATYA, siege survivor. Quote from: The New Times, 2010 No. 15, page 60

I love food. The food is delicious.
I Like Food. Food Tastes Good.
English book title

On the continent [Europe] people eat well, in Britain there are good table manners.

In case of major troubles, I deny myself everything except food and drink.

To live well, you need to eat well.

A person should know no less about food than about mathematics or his native language.
GORDON RAMSAY, British chef, to Igor Serdyuk in an interview “In pursuit of extremes.” Quote from: Vedomosti, August 7, 2009

Cook quickly, eat slowly.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.
Cibi condimentum est fames.

He who eats and drinks hastily does not live long in the world.
Czech proverb

Obesity in developed countries is a sign of poverty. When there is plenty of food, the wealthier prefer to eat not as much as possible, but as best as possible.
JOHN KAY, Financial Times columnist. Quote from: Vedomosti, September 26, 2008, p. 4

There is usually not enough health to buy your favorite food.

The dishes should be beautiful, the rest is not important.
Alena, daughter of Alexander Galich, about the principle of a father who is unpretentious in food. Quote from: Story, 2008, No. 5, p. 105

They throw a stone at you, throw food back at you.
Bashkir proverb

“Eat simple food and you can do anything.”

“To stay in shape you need rest, good food and, most importantly, no exercise.”

If you want to know me, eat with me.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

God created food, and the devil created cooks.

You need to eat more solid foods. You will immediately become a different person.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

Cheese is the corpse of milk.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

For a normal Japanese, there is nothing worse than rice that has lost its whiteness.
HARUKI MURAKAMI. Quote from: The New Times, 2008, No. 8, p. 61

Many of my views and habits were formed due to the fact that in my young years I was overfed with black caviar.

It is easier to imagine Britain without the Queen than without tea.
British joke

No one can convince me that in a brilliant symphony more content than in a brilliant salad. If we erect a monument to Mozart, we are obliged to erect a monument to Mr. Olivier.

“Tea should taste bitter, just like beer, and sugar or milk kills its true flavor.”

“How can we hope for peace and prosperity on earth if our bodies are living graves in which slaughtered animals are buried?”

"Of course the best English food is simply French food."
GEORGE ORWELL, quoting this phrase from a French book and objecting to it passionately

“You need to cook slowly, with feeling, using the freshest organic ingredients, and eat with those you love, at one big table. By endlessly accelerating the rhythm of life, we deprive ourselves of life itself.”
CARLO PETRINI, founder of the Slow Food movement. Quote from: “Kommersant-Weekend”, 2007, No. 49, p. 28

"English cuisine is much better than its reputation."

“Gastronomic art teaches a person to manage his time rationally and prudently. It cultivates in us both wise patience and instant reaction.”
SERGEY PARKHOMENKO in the article “About pea soup, with which no one is in a hurry.” "Kommersant Weekend", 2007, No. 62, p. 49

“Classic vinaigrette: everything delicious in one plate.”

“Let them do what they want, but raising the price of coffee is too much.”
The heroine of SERGEY DOVLATOV

“I simply cannot eat caviar, but I have to force myself.”
The heroine of Audrey Tautou in the film “Fatal Beauty”

“It has long been known that in the kitchen quantity never turns into quality, rather the opposite.”
DARIA TSIVINA about the restaurant menu, where almost all the capitals of the world are represented. "Kommersant-Weekend", 2007, No. 36, p. 30

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Feel free to pave the same path to a woman’s heart.”
SVETLANA ZAKHAROVA, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater

“Be careful with a person who does not know how to eat or feed.”
Prince VLADIMIR ODOEVSKY, “Kitchen”, “Book Review”, 2007, No. 2, p. 19

"Too many cooks - goodbye stew."
English proverb

"Sauce hides a thousand sins."
An old cook's saying

“The second freshness - what nonsense! There is only one freshness – the first, and it is also the last.”
MIKHAIL BULGAKOV, "The Master and Margarita"

“For me, a restaurant is, first of all, about people. I want them to have fun."
ARKADY NOVIKOV, restaurateur. GQ, 2007, no. 4, p. 192

“You need to eat either fast food or black caviar. But both must be accompanied by fried potatoes.”
PARIS HILTON. Quote from: “7 Days”, 2007, No. 12, p. 35

“If you have unexpected guests and there is nothing at home, go down to the cellar and take a leg of lamb.”
ELENA MOLOKHOVETS. Quote from: “Kommersant Weekly”, 2007, No. 29, p. 39

“By ignoring walnuts, you are making one of the biggest mistakes in your life.”
Leaders of the Belgian Walnut Society. Quote from: “7 Days”, 2007, No. 12, p. 98

“Only fools are not gourmets.”
Norman wisdom

“The stuffing cannot be turned back.”

“An Italian has only two thoughts in his head; the second is spaghetti.”

“There is nothing heavier than an empty stomach.”
Malagasy saying

“Papanov and I worked abroad, we were paid little, so we ate canned food. One day he told me: “If you think that these canned goods are not reflected in our eyes, you are mistaken.”

“Don’t waste your time trying to make the best spaghetti sauce in the world—it won’t taste better than the one you buy in the supermarket around the corner.”
From a fashion magazine

“A moonlit night and boiled rice always come in handy.”
Japanese saying

“You need to eat only good food and little by little, the same with books and movies.”
Krzysztof Zanussi

“He who does not feed the body does not feed the spirit.”
Chefs' favorite saying

“The plate should have one part cruelty – pepper, vinegar, spices, three parts strength and six parts tenderness.”

“A good cook has a lot of character and feeling.”
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant “Au Crocodile”, Izvestia dated August 12, 2005

“When you try a seemingly simple haute cuisine dish, you feel the greatness of the chef being revealed.”
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant “Au Crocodile”, Izvestia dated August 12, 2005

“Are there rehabilitation clinics for Coca-Cola drinkers? I drink six cans a day!”

I'm a vegetarian not because I love animals - I just hate plants.

If they don't have bread, let them eat cakes.
Allegedly, Marie Antoinette addressed the hungry poor of revolutionary Paris. In fact, the phrase had been circulating in the French press since 1760, that is, thirty years before the revolution. In addition, in the original there are not cakes, but brioche - white buns, that is, the same bread.

The name of the Catalan Ferran Adria is familiar to every lover of fine cuisine. He is the chef of the once best restaurant in the world, El Bulli, on the Costa Brava. In Spain, his name is equated with history - Adria is loved no less than Gaudi, Dali or Picasso. We chose 10 best sayings chef about creativity, pleasure from food and products.

To make the dish tasty, you need to be able to play with the ingredients. And, of course, creativity and novelty are important in the cooking process.

I say this: I work in the avant-garde genre, preparing food for a new generation. I believe that anyone can be intelligent and capable. But not everyone can put their soul, emotions and personal experiences into their business. This is true with any profession. Even if you work in the field and pick grapes. It's like with architecture. You visually like the building, the style in which it was built, you look at it, you have emotions. But you can’t imagine how hard it was to build it and what it simply rests on, because you never studied to be an architect or a projector. It's the same with restaurants.

The main success of a restaurateur lies in the ability to make people happy

The pleasure of eating– it’s like the pleasure of making love. Only, when making love, you use all the same senses as in our gastronomy. You can, as in love, touch, smell, taste everything - well, you understand what I mean, who likes what

The main success of the restaurateur is the ability to make people happy. I serve my visitors myself and serve them prepared dishes with a detailed explanation of what kind of culinary miracle they are about to try. Personal contact with people who love and understand your cuisine is very important. My team and I give our visitors pleasure and cultivate their taste for good cuisine. And this, believe me, is worth more than any money.

I don't have a Ferrari collection, no luxury yacht. I'm happy in the kitchen, and that's the most important thing!

To create means not to copy or imitate

All products have the same gastronomic value, regardless of their price. New technologies are simply a resource for promoting cooking. Although the characteristics of foods may be altered (temperature, texture, shape, etc.), the goal of cooking is to preserve as much as possible the purity of their original taste and aroma.

Create– means not to copy or imitate. Cooking is a language that can be used to convey harmony, happiness, beauty, complexity, poetry, magic, humor, provocation, culture - in short, everything that makes up our lives.

We are no better or worse than others, we just love to surprise people. We live at the intersection of philosophy and creativity, that is, in constant search.

I never worked just for that to become number 1 in the world. When I opened the restaurant, my ultimate dream was to one day receive a Michelin star. Now both Michelin and number 1 in various ratings - everything is there, the ego is satisfied. But what is most pleasant is that the top lines in the lists continue to be occupied by the “younger brothers” of El Bulli - the establishments that we opened after.

I never liked studying. I don’t have a chef’s education at all, and in my youth I didn’t know how to cook and didn’t particularly like it. I washed dishes in a restaurant on the beach. I’m still amazed how I got into these wilds. My path to becoming a chef is very untypical. Maybe that’s why I manage to cook “atypical food.” We put creativity at the forefront. And creativity is how you look at things in life. Everyone can be creative, but if you are a creator, you need a thermometer in order to determine which creativity is the most important and important. It is very difficult to measure it. Our creativity is based on different organs of perception: vision, smell, tactile sensations. There is also taste and the so-called sixth sense, which you cannot do without.

In our canteen the cook is Pavel. He and I have a long-standing, strong connection, although he considers himself fundamentally unmarried, but he has been slightly married to me for about seven years now, because in the entire globe no one knows my taste preferences as well as Pasha. His cooking level is God of meat products. My friends let me into the dining room first, like a cat, because Pavlik always offers the most delicious thing, like in the joke with him - Mom, am I cold? No, Monya, you want to eat! I come up and ask:
- Pasha, what do I want today?
He sighs, frowns, and examines the assortment:
- Today you want lamb with nuts. I just made it, you'll love it.
And we take lamb. And immediately, after your friend’s first spoon, go ask for the recipe!
- Today, Lena, you want the basics, I know that you love him in my performance.
And he always puts in a big portion and tops it with gravy, just the way I like it. And these again - mmmmmm go get the recipe! And I'm coming! And Pasha was like: oh! You know what, well, there’s lamb, this and that, I’ll tell you later. And somehow he smiles mysteriously all the time, straight into the huge saucepan.
Today he invented a new dish - cod baked with a nut crust, and says: Lena, you have to try it!
Well, we took cod, and these are again according to the script - oh! Divine! Go get the recipe!
I asked: Pasha, give me the recipe for nut rind! And he, as luck would have it, says again - Well, there are nuts... There are crackers. I'll show you later. And he buried himself in the pan, and I looked - miracles! the face of my ex was reflected in the borscht and I was carried away: why are you lying - it’s endless, but what kind of person are you, and how the earth bears you. In general, she expressed that it was painful and took her soul away, not shying away from epithets. I exhaled, I’m standing all lightened up, the light version, it feels good. And Pasha raised his eyes, slowly licked the ladle, looked at me tenderly and quietly, barely audible, said: I’m going to hit you in the forehead with this ladle right now, so that you know how to talk to me.
Just in case, I stepped back two steps, clutched my fork tighter behind my back and answered: Pasha, I wasn’t talking to you just now, to be honest. Don't be offended, have you heard how they relieve stress in Japan? They install a stuffed boss in the psychological relief office, any fool can come, kick him or spit on his face, release his negativity, and then the boss comes out with a happy squint, meets him, and he bows to him - dratuti, Japan motherfucker - san!
And everything is fine with them! Understood?
- Got it, you want rice as a side dish?

And you say that it’s difficult with men. If everything can be explained to them from a scientific point of view, then they are completely human. For every God of all gods there is a ninja who can slash with a katana and extinguish Fuji! Kawabanga!

Food, food, cooking... Every day we eat, eat, consume food. But how little we know about food, about what we eat! Let's fill our gap in entertaining knowledge about food and about food, and read interesting and cool aphorisms, sayings of great and famous people about food, about food, let's laugh at funny and wise phrases and quotes about cooking and culinary dishes. So, let's go!

The most famous proverb about food: Appetite comes with eating.

Here's another Russian one folk saying about food: If only there was cabbage soup, there would always be bast shoes!

Here’s a cool and interesting aphorism about food and gourmets from the philosopher James Beard:

If a gourmet constantly counts calories in his dishes, then he is like Casanova, not taking his eyes off his watch.

Cool quote from the famous person Stas Yankovsky about food, breakfast, lunch and dinner:

If you have nothing to eat for breakfast, then at lunch be sure to pay a courtesy visit to a friend - he will share his daily bread, and during dinner visit your enemy - he will voluntarily give it to you.

And a popular saying on the topic:

Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy.

The stomach of an enlightened person has best qualities a kind heart - sensitivity and gratitude.

And also A.S. Pushkin also mentioned drinks in his works: “So let’s have a drink, nanny! Where is the mug?

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great joker, and not just a funny aphorist. He also became the author of the following wise aphorism about food and eating order:

Don't put off until dinner what you can easily eat at lunch.

Russian folk proverb- folk wisdom:

To get enough food, it is advisable to get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger...

It is healthier for the stomach to not eat enough than to overeat. /

Popular wisdom says: You need to eat often, but little by little.

A cool and interesting aphorism, phrase and quote about food, dinner, tomorrow and the relationship between a woman and a man from Yana Dzhangirova:

When a man invites a woman to dinner, he hopes in his heart that she will stay with him until breakfast...

And here's another from folk wisdom and from the Orthodox religion:

Gluttony is a sin. Drinking is also a sin.

The English echo folklore: The Glutton digs his own grave. With your own teeth...

But here is the folk wisdom about food from a certain very famous philosopher and sage (I don’t remember who): I eat to live, and I don’t live to eat.

The unique and funniest, the funniest after Mark Twain, author and writer of the USA, America, Oscar Wilde joked on the topic of food with the following interesting aphorism, phrase:

When I have big troubles in my life, I deny myself literally everything: except delicious food and good drinks.

Vladimir Semenov wrote this cool aphorism about food and gluttons:

A pig is known for its food.

Aphorisms and quotes about food: Cool and interesting, funny and wise sayings and phrases about food, about food, about cooking, about dishes...

Popular wisdom in the field of love relationships between a woman and a man states that:

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf!

The best cook is a strong hunger.

Hunger is not an aunt, but a dear mother!

Flies separately, cutlets separately.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.

And the sheep are safe, and the wolves are well-fed.

A wise aphorism about food and clothing from Benjamin Franklin, President of the United States:

A person eats for his own pleasure, but dresses for the amusement of others.

The great diplomat and the most famous person of his time in political circles, Joseph Lafayette, wrote that:

The most serious political decisions are usually made in cozy, quiet restaurants...

An interesting and true aphorism from Baurzhan Toishibekov:

Also, the philosopher and sage Socrates expressed the right thought:

The best seasoning for food is the feeling of hunger.

Cool aphorism, quote about food from Brillat-Savarin:

Since a person is eternally condemned to constantly eat, it means that he must eat well!

Interesting saying The philosopher Feuerbach wrote about food:

A man is what he eats.

The Consummate Philosopher ancient world, the wise man Seneca wrote the following about food:

Excess food interferes with the logic of the mind.

Wise aphorism about food from Benjamin Franklin:

If you want to live happily ever after, reduce your lunch time.

The health of the body is forged in the forge of the stomach.

The famous philosopher Schiller wrote a cool aphorism about food, which the equally famous philosopher Sigmund Freud would have signed with both hands:

Sex and hunger rule the world!

An interesting and cool statement about food from Ostap Bender himself:

There is no need to make a special cult out of food.

Popular wisdom says that:

There are no bad products in the world, but bad cooks are quite common...

Here is a selection of aphorisms and quotes about food that we have drawn up. Really cool and interesting, funny and wise sayings and phrases about food, about food, about cooking, about dishes from wise and famous people, as well as in the form of folk wisdom - proverbs and sayings are always interesting to read... before eating! Well, bon appetit to your next bedtime! As comedian Mikhail Zadornov would wish!