Formation of communicative universal educational actions in physical education lessons. Formation of UUD in physical education lessons Subject UUD in physical education

Formation of regulatory universal educational actions in physical education lessons

Grudycheva Yulia Vladimirovna,

physical education teacher

MBOU "NOSH No. 98"

Subjectteaching physical education in primary school is a person’s motor activity with a general developmental focus. In the process of mastering this activity, health is strengthened, physical qualities are improved, certain motor actions are mastered, thinking, creativity and independence are actively developed.

The Federal State Educational Standard has defined the main approach in modern education as systemic and activity-based. It is the involvement of students in various types of activities, and not just the acquisition of certain knowledge, that is defined as the main value of learning. According to the new Federal State Educational Standard, the main task of the education system is the formation of universal learning activities (UAL).

Universal learning activities - these are generalized actions that open up the possibility of broad orientation for students, both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself, including students’ awareness of its target orientation and value-semantic characteristics. In a broad sense, the words “universal learning activities” mean self-development and self-improvement through a conscious and active search and assimilation of information.

UUD functions:
- ensuring the student’s ability to independently carry out learning activities,

Set educational goals, search for and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities;

Creating conditions for the harmonious development of the individual and his self-realization based on readiness for lifelong education; ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities and the formation of competencies in any subject area.
Upon completion of the “Physical Education” course in primary school, certain results must be achieved, the following regulatory universal educational actions must be formed

Regulatory UUD (RUUD):

mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

developing the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

developing the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

defining a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

mastery of basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect essential connections and relationships between objects and processes.

Function of regulatory control systems - students’ organization of their educational activities. These include:

- goal setting as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is still unknown;

- planning - determination of the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

- forecasting – anticipation of the result and level of knowledge acquisition, its time characteristics;

- strong-willed self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to exert volition and to overcome obstacles

- control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

- correction – making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result;

- grade – highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation

Let's look at each of the RUUDs step by step using examples.

Goal setting

Basic techniques for organizing goal acceptance:

reliance on students’ personal life experience

What did we do in the last lesson? Can these exercises be used in competitions? Which ones? Who will formulate the purpose of the lesson?

use of equipment or game material

What gymnastic equipment do you see? Who guessed what we will do in class today? (the teacher listens to 2-3 options and corrects them). Who will formulate the purpose of the lesson?

creating a problematic situation in the process of goal setting

Guys, we have been tasked with holding the “Fun Starts” competition for the first grades, but you have never done this. Shall we try? Who will formulate the purpose of the lesson?

choosing a goal from the proposed formulations, justifying the choice of goal

You and I can conduct a test on the topic “Forward somersault” today or at the next lesson. Who else needs to work on their somersault technique? Those who are ready to take the test today have taken a step forward. Make a choice, justify it (then the teacher leads you to the desired goal, according to the class’s readiness to pass the somersault)


Selection of exercises in warm-up depending on the muscle groups involved in motor action and for less risk of injury

Drawing up an algorithm for performing a motor action

Drawing up a competition plan with distribution of roles


determination of the intended learning outcome

work with students’ ideas about the motor action being studied (students show how, in their opinion, it is necessary to perform a motor action)

Strong-willed self-regulation

Overcoming physical weakness by willpower when performing motor actions

Self-regulation of emotional states (motor activity contributes to the formation of healthy habits, self-control over stressful situations, and renunciation of aggressiveness)

Control and correction

Control and correction by the teacher at the stage of learning new things

At the stage of in-depth study, work is organized in groups to perform a series of exercises to form motor action techniques, when students exercise mutual control and make the necessary adjustments, and in order to make adjustments you need to know the algorithm of motor action and performance criteria

Students can discover the criteria for performing motor actions themselves when they perform the leading exercises recommended by the teacher (for example, for rolling forward and backward, students perform rolls in a group and learn the main rule: when performing somersaults, the back should be round, all that remains is to push off correctly with your feet, place strong arms and perform a coup)

For better correction, you can use a photo or

video recording of the technique of performing a motor action and immediately displaying the captured frames on the gadget. Children who sometimes do not believe the teacher or classmates who call out their mistakes will no longer argue, but will look carefully and try to correct their mistakes.


Assessment is directly related to the action of control (self-control, mutual control)

The function of meaningful assessment is to determine the degree to which students have mastered a given method of action or the progress of students relative to an already mastered method of action.

Self-esteem begins where the studentmyself participates in the production of assessment - in the development of its criteria, in the application of these criteria to various specific situations, cooperation with the teacher in the selection of assessment criteria is aimed at developing in schoolchildren the abilities and skills of self-assessment as the most important component of self-learning.

Students determine criteria for assessing the performance of a motor action together with the teacher, performing introductory exercises, drawing up an algorithm for performing a motor action and comparing with the standard

Conditions for the formation and development of regulatory actions

1. From the beginning of training, it is necessary to accustom the student to use in his work planning actions to solve a learning task, stimulation of actions (in order to…(goal)…need…(action)), control over the quality of the actions performed, evaluation of this quality and the result obtained , correction of errors made in the process of activity.

2. The child is given the task of evaluating the results of the activity. The subject of student assessment should be learning activities and their results, methods of educational interaction, and one’s own capabilities.

3. Changes in learning activities are regularly discussed with students based on a comparison of their previous and subsequent achievements, analysis of the causes of failures and identification of missing operations and conditions that would ensure the successful completion of the learning task.

4. Assessment becomes necessary in order to understand and understand what exactly should be improved and how.

5. Encouraging children for activity, cognitive initiative, any efforts aimed at solving a problem, any answer, even if it is not correct.

6. The use in the educational process of such forms of work as:

Organization of mutual control (during the warm-up, the group evaluates the leaders, and the leader evaluates the group members according to selected criteria)

Physical fitness testing in pairs and groups

Participants discuss their methods of action.

To diagnose and formulate regulatory universal educational actions, the following types of tasks are possible:

Searching for information in the suggested sources;

Mutual control;

- “looking for mistakes”

Practical teaching methods that contribute to the development of RLUD include the game method, competitive method, circuit training method, training at stations, subject to the use of clear criteria for assessing student work.

Criteria for assessing the formation of regulatory universal educational actions :

Paccepting the task (adequacy of accepting the task as a goal given in certain conditions, maintaining the task and attitude towards it);

- execution plan, regulating the operational execution of an action in relation to certain conditions;

- control and correction (orientation aimed at comparing the plan and the actual process, detecting errors and deviations, making appropriate corrections);

- grade ( statement of achievement of a set goal or measures of approaching it and the reasons for failure, attitude towards success and failure);

- measure of separation of action ( joint or divided);

- pace and rhythm of execution and individual characteristics.

K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “Each lesson should be a task for the mentor, which he must carry out, thinking about it in advance: in each lesson he must achieve something, take a step further and force the whole class to take this step.” Therefore, the main pedagogical task is to organize the conditions that initiate children's action - what to teach? Why teach? how to teach?

FORMATION OF UUD in physical education lessons

We were told a lot about Federal State Educational Standards
But what is it? What do you eat it with?
Nobody knew.

It was only known that the Federal State Educational Standards
We need them for our little kids.
September came, the programs were released to us
Now we had to be doubly scared.
There are federal state educational standards, the programs have been approved
But they don’t tell you how to teach.
After suffering, after thinking a little

We all joined the courses together
Hoping to learn at least a little
Teach lessons, be modern.
But what does modern mean?
And this means that now
We must work differently than before
The traditional look is now a dead end for everyone.
Now we need to think creatively
Put the equal sign between teacher and student
We need to teach in such a way that it is clear:
He is a provider of knowledge! And you are just a guide!
The student should not be embarrassed now
I want to present my thoughts,
And sometimes we don't need to be surprised
When we get into an argument with him.
He must be able to prove otherwise -
If he doesn't agree with you.
Be able to take into account other opinions,
After all, he must take society into account.
Ultimately, we must receive
People who are capable of anything at once:
Sing, dance, solve global problems,
Without addressing anyone.

An integral part of the core of the new standard are universal learning activities (ULAs), which provide the opportunity for each student to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, search for and use the necessary means and methods to achieve them, be able to control and evaluate learning activities and their results. They create conditions for the development of personality and its self-realization.

What lies at the basis of the formation of universal educational actions?

The formation of UUD is based on“ability to learn,” which presupposes the full mastery of all components of educational activity.

Universal learning activities are skills that must be incorporated in all lessons. They can be grouped into four main blocks. Which?

Personal universal actions. During their formationyou need to remember that:The main thing is not the subject we teach, but the personality we form.

    Regulatory universal actions - needed forto teach the student to control, perform his actions according to a given pattern and rule, adequately evaluate the work he has done, and correct mistakes.

    - ability to work with information.It is not the one who retells it that knows, but the one who uses knowledge in practice. We need to find a way to teach the child to apply his knowledge.

    Communicative universal actions - ability to communicate and interact with people. It is necessary to use work in pairs, in groups and collective work to master the material.

Personal UUD make learning meaningful by linking it to real life goals and situations. Personal actions are aimed at awareness, research and acceptance of life values, allow one to navigate moral norms and rules, and develop one’s life position in relation to the world.

Remember that the most important thing is not the subject we teach, but the personality we form. It is not the subject that shapes the personality, but the teacher through his activities related to the study of the subject.

Regulatory UUD are formed in the process of their repeated

repetitions: first under the direct guidance of the teacher, then in collective activities with other students, and then independently.

Particular attention should be paid to the reflexive development of students, ensuring a change of positions and a different perspective on their activities. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity not only to learn and be in the position of a “student”, but also the opportunity to teach another - to be in the position of a “teacher”.

Regulatory Actions provide students with the organization of their educational activities. These include:

- goal setting as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is still unknown;

- planning - determination of the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

- forecasting - anticipation of the result and level of knowledge acquisition, its time characteristics;

- control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

- correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result;

- grade - highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

- self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to exert volition (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles.

We have to teach the student to control, perform his actions according to a given pattern and rule, adequately evaluate the work he has done, and correct mistakes.

Fragmentseducational educational activities:

To be able to compare means to be able to:

Identify the characteristics by which objects are compared;

Identify signs of similarity;

Identify signs of difference;

Identify the main and secondary aspects of the object being studied;

Identify the essential features of the object;

To be able to analyze means to be able to:

Divide an object into parts;

Describe the parts of this object;

To be able to draw conclusions means to be able to:

Find the main thing in the object or phenomenon being studied;

Determine the main cause of the phenomenon;

Briefly formulate a statement connecting cause and effect;

To be able to draw a diagram means to be able to:

Divide an object into parts;

Arrange parts in a certain sequence;

Determine the connection between parts;

Create a graphic image;

Cognitive universal actionsinclude:

General educational universal actions,

- independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

- search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

- structuring knowledge;

- conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral and written form;

- choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

- reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity;

- semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from listened texts of various genres; identification of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

- formulation and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

A special group of general educational universal actions consists of sign-symbolic actions: - modeling - transformation of an object from a sensory form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic);

- transformation of the model in order to identify general laws that define a given subject area.

Logical universal actions :

- analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential and non-essential);

- synthesis - composing a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

- selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

- summing up the concept, deriving consequences;

- establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

- building a logical chain of reasoning;

- proof;

- putting forward hypotheses and their substantiation.

Statement and solution of the problem :

- problem formulation;

- independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Remember that it is not the one who retells it that knows, but the one who uses knowledge in practice. You need to find a way to teach your child to apply his knowledge.

To formcommunication skills necessary regularly

include each student in specially organized situations where he

must listen without interrupting the interlocutor, read, express his thoughts

clearly and clearly in writing or orally, ask questions for clarification, etc.

Towards communicative actions include:

- planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction;

- asking questions - proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information;

- conflict resolution - identification, identification of problems, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflicts, decision-making and its implementation;

- managing the partner’s behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;

- the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

Don't be afraid of "non-standard lessons", try different types of games, discussions and group work to master the material.

The implementation of second-generation educational standards presupposes a new role for the teacher, as well as the use of “other” technologies, forms, and methods that meet the requirements.

Thus, the role of the teacher is changing - now he is a tutor, an organizer of student development, who understands and knows how not only to give knowledge to the child, but also to use the lesson for the development of regulatory, communicative, cognitive and personal learning activities. The teacher is the child’s main assistant in mastering competencies; he walks alongside, creating conditions for development, and not just for mastering subject knowledge!

Slide 14

Physical education Personal UUD Regulatory UUD Cognitive UUD Communicative UUD 1. Develop willingness to cooperate. 2. The pursuit of physical perfection. 3. Striving for independent physical perfection. 4. Show discipline and manage your emotions. 5. Create needs for a healthy lifestyle. 6. Build endurance and willpower when performing physically difficult exercises. 7. The desire to overcome oneself. 8. Demonstrate the qualities of strength, speed, endurance and coordination when performing running exercises. 9. The desire for physical development. 10. Build endurance and willpower when performing physically difficult exercises. 1. Distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable forms of behavior. 2. Caring attitude towards other people. 3. Handle equipment with care and comply with safety requirements for the venue. 4. Perform motor actions technically correctly 5. Follow safety rules when performing running exercises. 6. Adjust the distance when running with classmates. 7. Provide selfless help to your peers, find common interests with them. 8. Be able to resolve conflicts through dialogue. 1. The ability to build according to height and follow simple commands. 2. Ways to develop physical qualities. 3. Organization of activities taking into account the requirements of its safety. 4. The ability to control speed and distance when running. 5. Ability to run at average speed and accelerate. 6. Plan sports activities during the day, organize rest and leisure during the day using physical education means. 7. Be able to choose a hardening method for yourself, taking into account your characteristics. 8. The need to track health status. 9. Master the motor actions that make up the content of outdoor games. 10. The ability to independently develop a game strategy. 11. Master the technique of applied physical exercises 1. Understanding the value of human life. 2. Interaction with parents, be able to formulate your goals. 3. Interact in pairs when performing technical actions in the game. 4. Master universal skills when interacting in groups. 5. Master universal skills, manage emotions during outdoor games. 6. Be able to interact in pairs when performing technical actions in games 7. Interact with peers on the principles of friendship and tolerance. 8. Interact in groups, obey the captain. 9. Show positive personality traits. 10. Interact in groups when performing technical actions with the ball. 11. Interact in groups when performing game actions

The implemented federal state educational standard for primary general education (FSES IEO) puts forward requirements for the competence of a teacher and assumes the formation of universal educational actions. The meaning of the formation of universal educational actions in students is to develop the ability of self-realization through self-education. There are four blocks as part of universal educational activities: personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative. Subjective indicators of the effectiveness of the formation of universal educational actions are verbalization regarding the relevant skills: I know/can, I want, I do. The article presents an attempt to develop a scheme for observing the formation of universal educational actions of fourth-grade students in physical education lessons.

Keywords: federal state educational standard, universal educational activities, observation scheme, teacher competence, physical education lesson.

Teaching physical education at school, according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, puts forward special requirements for the skill of the teacher. The implementable standard prioritizes the development and formation of students’ personalities, while emphasizing the importance of the activity component of the educational process. The main result of the educational process is the formation of universal educational actions of the student, which can allow him to solve a wide range of problems not only in the educational space, but also beyond it. In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” means the ability to learn, i.e. the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The meaning of the formation of universal learning activities for students is to develop the ability of self-realization through self-education, which includes: independent acquisition of new knowledge; independent organization of both the process and the result of learning; the ability to set and achieve goals; plan, be able to comprehend the information received, which ultimately leads to the formation of value-semantic and operational spheres. That is, the formation of a subject of learning entails changes in the educational activity itself, the mastery of all its components: motivational, setting an educational goal and educational task, such educational actions as orientation in the material, its transformation, control of implementation, assessment according to the standard. These skills contribute to the effective socialization of the student not only at the stage of primary education, but also in future life, including professional life, which contributes to the competitiveness of the individual in a market economy, self-realization and self-actualization, which leads to satisfaction and subjective well-being. Thanks to universal skills, a person masters the space of being, builds a subjective image of the world and himself in it. All this contributes to the preservation and strengthening of psychological health as the most important basis for self-regulation and self-realization.

There are four blocks in the composition of universal educational activities that are associated with the main objectives of education: personal, regulatory (including self-regulation actions), cognitive and communicative.

Breaking the learning skills into more specific skills, we can highlight their structure, the components of which are formed in physical education lessons:
1. Personal - self-determination and meaning formation.
2. Regulatory - correlation between the known and the unknown; planning; grade; capacity for volition.
3. Cognitive - goal formulation; highlighting the necessary information; structuring; choosing effective ways to solve a learning problem; reflection; analysis and synthesis; comparison; classification; actions of posing and solving a problem.
4. Communicative - the ability to build productive interaction between peers and teachers; asking questions; conflict resolution.
The universal competencies of students at the stage of primary general education in physical education are:
- the ability to organize one’s own activities, choose and use means to achieve its goals;
- the ability to actively participate in collective activities, interact with peers in achieving common goals;
- the ability to convey information in an accessible, emotionally vivid form in the process of communication and interaction with peers and adults.

Table 1

Meta-subject results of students mastering the content of the physical education program are the following skills:
- characterize phenomena (actions and deeds), give them an objective assessment based on acquired knowledge and existing experience;
- find errors when performing educational tasks, select ways to correct them;
- communicate and interact with peers on the principles of mutual respect and mutual assistance, friendship and tolerance;
- ensure the protection and preservation of nature during active recreation and physical education;
- organize independent activities taking into account the requirements of its safety, safety of inventory and equipment, organization of the place of study;
- plan your own activities, distribute the load and rest during its implementation;
- analyze and objectively evaluate the results of your own work, find opportunities and ways to improve them;
- see the beauty of movements, highlight and justify aesthetic features in human movements and movements;
- evaluate the beauty of physique and posture, compare them with reference samples;
- manage emotions when communicating with peers and adults, maintain composure, restraint, prudence;
- technically correctly perform motor actions from basic sports, use them in gaming and competitive activities.

Subjective indicators of the effectiveness of the formation of UUD will be verbalization regarding the relevant skills: I know/can, I want, I do.

In educational practice, many difficulties that a teacher encounters during physical education lessons are associated with insufficient development of universal educational actions in students: reluctance to listen to a task, understand the purpose of its implementation, inability to work in a team or group. Students do not pay attention to the key points in the motor action being studied and cannot compare with already studied movements, etc.

To form a UUD, it is necessary to learn how to detect them in the process of educational activities in physical education lessons, which should constitute the content of the methodological work of a physical education teacher. Physical education teachers are also faced with the acute issue of monitoring and diagnosing the formation of students’ learning skills.

An urgent and new task in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is to ensure the development of educational learning as a psychological component of the foundation of education.

Universal educational activities provide the “ability to learn”, the individual’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. Achieving this goal becomes possible thanks to the formation of a system of universal learning activities (UAL).

Under the universal educational activities (UUD) understand - generalized actions that ensure the ability to learn.

General academic skills- skills that are universal for all school subjects and main areas of human activity. Generalized actions are characterized by broad transfer, i.e. a generalized action formed on the specific material of a subject and can be used in the study of other subjects.

Objective of the project- formation of universal educational actions (UAL) in physical education lessons through games.

Project object- educational process in primary school physical education lessons.

Subject of the project- development of students’ personality, cognitive and physical abilities.

Achieving this goal is expected through solving the following tasks:

Determine the composition and characteristics of universal educational actions;

Ensure the formation of UUD in physical education lessons through games;

To create a program for the formation of universal educational actions in physical education lessons using games.

The UUD formation program includes:

  1. characteristics of universal educational activities in physical education;
  2. characterization of the results of the formation of universal educational actions at different stages of education in primary school;
  3. typical tasks of forming universal educational actions in physical education lessons using games.

Today, UUD is given great importance. This is a set of ways for a student to act, which ensures his ability to independently assimilate new knowledge, including the organization of the assimilation process itself.

The requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results for those who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education:

- personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and knowledge, the value and semantic attitudes of students, reflecting their individual personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities; formation of the foundations of civic identity.

- meta-subject, including universal learning activities mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), ensuring mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts.

- subject, including the experience acquired by students in the course of studying an academic subject in activities specific to a given subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie the modern scientific picture of the world.

The result of using UUD in physical education lessons is an increase in the development of general educational skills that give impetus to the development of students' independence in educational activities and, thereby, improve the quality of students' knowledge in the subject.

Characteristics of universal learning activitiesin physical education

Universal learning activities can be grouped into four main blocks:

1) personal;

2) regulatory;

3) educational;

4) communicative.

The universal competencies of students in physical education are:

Ability to organize one’s own activities, choose and use means to achieve its goals;

Ability to actively participate in collective activities, interact with peers in achieving common goals;

Ability to convey information in an accessible, emotionally vivid form in the process of communication and interaction with peers and adults.

Personal results students' mastery of the content of the physical education program:

Actively engage in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and goodwill, mutual assistance and empathy;

Show positive personality traits and manage your emotions in various (non-standard) situations and conditions;

Show discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving your goals;

Provide selfless assistance to your peers, find a common language and common interests with them.

Regulatory actions provide the ability to manage activities through setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting one’s actions, and assessing the success of mastering:

Goal setting as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is still unknown;

Planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

Forecasting - anticipation of the result and level of knowledge acquisition, its time characteristics;

Control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

Correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result, taking into account the assessment of this result by the student, teacher, and comrades;

Assessment is the identification and awareness by the student of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; performance evaluation;

Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to exert volition (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles.

Cognitive actions include: general educational, logical educational actions, as well as posing and solving problems.

General educational universal actions:

Independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Searching and selecting the necessary information, including solving work problems using ICT tools and information sources available to the school;

Structuring knowledge;

Conscious and voluntary construction of speech utterances in oral and written form;

Selecting the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

Reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity;

Meaningful reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from listened texts of various genres;

Determination of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

A special group of general educational universal actions consists of sign-symbolic actions:

Modeling is the transformation of an object from a sensory form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or symbolic-symbolic);

Transformation of the model in order to identify general laws that define a given subject area.

Logical universal actions:

Analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential, non-essential);

Synthesis - composing a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

Selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

Summarizing the concept, deriving consequences;

Establishing cause-and-effect relationships, representing chains of objects and phenomena;

Construction of a logical chain of reasoning, analysis of the truth of statements;


Proposing hypotheses and their substantiation.

Statement and solution of the problem:

Formulating the problem;

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative UUD ensure social competence and consideration of the position of other people, communication partners or activities; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in collective discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group

and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults.

Communicative actions include:

Planning educational collaboration with the teacher and

Peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction;

Raising questions - proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information;

Conflict resolution - identifying, identifying a problem, searching and evaluating alternative ways to resolve a conflict, making a decision and its implementation;

Managing a partner’s behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;

The ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language and modern means of communication.

Universal educational actions represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational action is determined by its relationship with other types of educational actions and the general logic of age development.

UUDs represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational action is determined by its relationship with other types of educational actions and the general logic of age-related development (Table 1).

Table 1

Characteristics of the results of the formation of universal educational actions at different stages of education in primary school


Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

1. Appreciate and accept the following basic values: “goodness”, “patience”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”.

2. Respect for your family, for your relatives, love for your parents.

3. Master the roles of the student; formation of interest (motivation) in learning.

4. Evaluate life situations and actions of characters in literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms.

1. Organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher.

2. Determine the purpose of completing tasks in class, in extracurricular activities, in life situations under the guidance of a teacher.

3. Determine a plan for completing tasks in lessons, extracurricular activities, and life situations under the guidance of a teacher.

4. Use the simplest instruments in your activities: ruler, triangle, etc.

1. Find your bearings in the textbook: determine the skills that will be developed based on studying this section.

2. Answer simple questions from the teacher, find the necessary information in the textbook.

3. Compare objects, objects: find commonalities and differences.

4. Group items and objects based on essential features.

5. Retell in detail what you read or listened to; determine the topic.

1. Participate in dialogue in class and in life situations.

2. Answer questions from the teacher and classmates.

3. Observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you.

4. Listen and understand the speech of others.

5. Participate in pairs.

1. Appreciate and accept the following basic values: “kindness”, “patience”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”, “peace”, “true friend”.

2. Respect for your people, for your homeland.

3. Mastering the personal meaning of learning, the desire to learn.
4. Assessment of life situations and actions of characters in literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms.

1. Organize your workplace yourself.

2. Follow the regime for organizing educational and extracurricular activities.

3. Determine the purpose of educational activities with the help of a teacher and independently.

5. Correlate the completed task with the example proposed by the teacher.

6. Use simple tools and more complex devices (compasses) in work.

7. Correct the task in the future.

8. Evaluate your task according to the following parameters: easy to complete, encountered difficulties in completing it.

1. Find your bearings in the textbook: determine the skills that will be developed based on studying this section; define the circle of your ignorance.

2. Answer simple and complex questions from the teacher, ask questions yourself, find the necessary information in the textbook.

3. Compare and group items and objects on several grounds; find patterns; independently continue them according to the established rule.

4. Retell in detail what you read or listened to; make a simple plan.

5. Determine in which sources you can find the necessary information to complete the task.

6. Find the necessary information both in the textbook and in the dictionaries in the textbook.

7. Observe and draw independent simple conclusions

1.Participate in dialogue; listen and understand others, express your point of view on events and actions.

2. Formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations.

1. Appreciate and accept the following basic values: “kindness”, “patience”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”, “peace”, “true friend”, “justice”, “desire to understand each other”, “ understand the other's position."

2. Respect for one’s own people, for other peoples, tolerance for the customs and traditions of other peoples.

3. Mastering the personal meaning of the teaching; desire to continue their studies.

4. Assessment of life situations and actions of characters in literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms, moral and ethical values.

1. Organize your workplace independently in accordance with the purpose of completing tasks.

2. Independently determine the importance or necessity of performing various tasks in the educational process and life situations.

3. Determine the purpose of educational activities with the help of yourself.

4. Determine a plan for completing tasks in lessons, extracurricular activities, and life situations under the guidance of a teacher.

5. Determine the correctness of the completed task based on comparison with previous tasks, or on the basis of various samples.

6. Adjust the execution of the task in accordance with the plan, conditions of execution, and the result of actions at a certain stage.

7. Use literature, tools, and equipment in your work.

8. Evaluate your assignment according to parameters presented in advance.

2. Independently assume what additional information will be needed to study unfamiliar material; select the necessary sources of information among the dictionaries, encyclopedias, and reference books proposed by the teacher.

3. Extract information presented in different forms (text, table, diagram, exhibit, model, illustration, etc.)

4. Present information in the form of text, tables, diagrams, including using ICT.

5. Analyze, compare, group various objects, phenomena, facts.

2. Formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech from your educational and life speech situations.

4. Performing various roles in the group, collaborate in jointly solving a problem (task).

5. Defend your point of view, observing the rules of speech etiquette.

6. Be critical of your opinions.

8. Participate in the work of the group, distribute roles, negotiate with each other.

1. Appreciate and accept the following basic values: “kindness”, “patience”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”, “peace”, “true friend”, “justice”, “desire to understand each other”, “ understand the position of the other”, “people”, “nationality”, etc.

2. Respect for one’s people, for other peoples, acceptance of the values ​​of other peoples.

3. Mastering the personal meaning of the teaching; choice of further educational route.

4. Assessment of life situations and actions of characters in literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms, moral and ethical values, and the values ​​of a Russian citizen.

1. Formulate the task independently: determine its goal, plan the algorithm for its implementation, adjust the work as it progresses, independently evaluate it.

2. Use various means when completing a task: reference books, ICT, tools and devices.

3. Determine your own assessment criteria and give self-assessment.

1. Find your bearings in the textbook: determine the skills that will be developed based on studying this section; determine the circle of your ignorance; plan your work to study unfamiliar material.

2. Independently assume what additional information will be needed to study unfamiliar material; select the necessary sources of information among the dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, and electronic disks proposed by the teacher.

3. Compare and select information obtained from various sources (dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks, the Internet).

4. Analyze, compare, group various objects, phenomena, facts.

5. Draw conclusions independently, process information, transform it, present information based on diagrams, models, messages.

6. Create a complex text plan.

7. Be able to convey content in a compressed, selective or expanded form.

1. Participate in dialogue; listen and understand others, express your point of view on events and actions.

2. Formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations.

4. Performing various roles in the group, collaborate in jointly solving a problem (task).

5. Defend your point of view, observing the rules of speech etiquette; argue your point of view with facts and additional information.

6. Be critical of your opinions. Be able to look at a situation from a different position and negotiate with people from different positions.

7. Understand the other person's point of view

8. Participate in the work of the group, distribute roles, negotiate with each other. Anticipate the consequences of collective decisions.

Typical tasks of forming universal educational actions

in physical education lessons using games

In my practice, in physical education lessons in primary school, I often use gaming technologies, both group and pair games, since these technologies allow the formation of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative learning skills in a natural and relaxed atmosphere.

The game form of classes is created in physical education lessons with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating students to educational activities. And finally, the specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on-site, computer and with TSO, as well as with various means of transportation.

The game can become a tool that comprehensively provides:

Successful adaptation of the child to a new developmental situation;

Preservation and improvement throughout primary education of the achievements of the preschool period of development;

Development of a junior schoolchild as a subject of his own behavioral activity, his effective socialization;

Preservation and strengthening of his moral, mental, physical health, etc. etc.

The choice of game is determined by the educational goals of the lesson. In addition, the game should be accessible to students and meet their needs and interests (see Table 2). The purpose of using the technology of game forms of education is to develop sustainable cognitive interest among students through a variety of game forms of learning.

It is recommended to organize work on the formation of UUD in physical education lessons taking into account the sections of the program material. Each section of the curriculum, as well as various program materials in physical education, has a different potential in the formation of UUD. .

table 2

Formed UUDs in a physical education lesson

Formed UUD

Subject actions

Personal universal actions

the foundations of general cultural and Russian civic identity as a sense of pride in achievements in world and domestic sports;

mastering the moral standards of helping those who need it, the willingness to take responsibility;

development of achievement motivation and readiness to overcome difficulties based on constructive coping strategies and the ability to mobilize one’s personal and physical stress resistance resources;

mastering the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Mastering the methods of motor activity.

Regulatory universal actions

the ability to plan, regulate, control and evaluate their actions.
Planning a common goal and ways to achieve it; distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; constructive conflict resolution; implementation of mutual control; assessing your own and your partner’s behavior and making the necessary adjustments

Performing sets of exercises, outdoor games, competitions, measuring physical development indicators, playing sports.

Communicative universal actions

interaction, partner orientation, collaboration and cooperation (in team sports)

Performing sets of exercises, outdoor games, sports games, competitions, measuring physical development indicators, playing sports.

Personal UUD:



To form personal LUDs, tasks are used in which children are asked to give their own assessment.

Table 3

Types of tasks and games

for the formation of UUD

Game example

Games:“Mirror”, “Without false modesty”, “Magic basket”, “I am in the rays of the sun”, “I am a gift for humanity”, “Fortune teller”, “Find yourself”, “Magic chair”, “Pumping up confidence”, “On bridge" "Professions", "Rag Doll" and many others.

Game “What kind of cat will I be”

Target: development of reflection and self-awareness, creative activity, empathy and sensitivity.

During the exercise, children get acquainted with the various components of their personality and character in the safest way, and personal self-analysis occurs. Instructions for students: “Imagine that you have become a cat. What kind of cat are you? Next, you need to analyze the exercise with the children: Are there any similarities between your character and the description of the animal? What did you like most about what the cat said about herself? Does your cat have any negative aspects? Whose stories were the most interesting for you? Did you like the exercise?

Game "Photo for memory"

Target: development of self-regulation skills, arbitrariness in alternating activity and static, communication skills (facial expressions, gestures). We will take some photos for memory. Your task is to use posture, gesture and facial expressions to depict the situation that I call, and freeze until the “Cut” command.

Exercise “Sound gymnastics”

Target: development of self-regulation skills. Calm, relaxed state, standing, with a straight back. First, we take a deep breath through our nose, and as we exhale, we pronounce the sound “ha” loudly and energetically - it helps to improve our mood.

Cognitive UUD:

1. Statement of purpose

2. Highlighting the necessary information

3. Structuring

4. Choosing effective ways to solve a learning problem

5. Reflection

6. Analysis and synthesis

7. Comparison

8. Classification

9. Actions for posing and solving a problem

Table 5

Types of tasks and games

for the formation of UUD

Game example

“Find the differences”, “what does it look like?”, “search for the odd one out”, “labyrinths”, ordering, “chains”, games aimed at developing memory, imagination, thinking, the ability to draw up diagrams, orientation in space.

TRKM techniques: thick and thin questions, Bloom's daisy, syncwine, prediction tree, true and false statements, basket of ideas, “do you believe?” reception Fishbone et al.

Games:“Guess the idea”, “Snowball”, “Flies - does not fly”, “Edible - not edible”, “Hot potato”, “Looking for treasure”, “Treasure search”, “Route sheet”, “Guess the word”, “ It happens - it doesn’t happen,” “Zipp-Zapp,” “Cartoon,” “Still Picture,” “Spies” and others.

Games and exercises to develop communication skills and team building: “Cobweb”, “Tourists and Rocks”, “Associations”, “Aliens”, “Inheritance”, “Unfamiliar Planet”, “Interview”, “Mittens”, “Conversation through glass”, “Pum-pum”, “Guess who we’re talking about”, and others.

Game "Tangle".

Target: development of communication skills, stress relief, team building.

You need to compliment someone sitting in the circle and give him the ball. Part of the thread remains in your hands. Look how bright and durable the web we have turned out to be. And now we will unravel it. Starting with the last participant in the game, we wind up a ball and at the same time say words of gratitude to the one who complimented you. You can analyze what is more pleasant (more difficult) to give compliments, to receive them, or to thank them.

As part of the planned objectives of the lesson, games help solve them, which are used in close connection with other means, through integrated use with general developmental and special exercises. When planning a specific lesson, the overall load of the lesson is taken into account and its place in the game is determined among other exercises and learning tasks.

Thus, in systematically selected games, practiced naturally and naturally, students learn to run faster, jump high and far, accurately hit the target, throw the ball further, move confidently on skis, and act deftly and effectively in team competitions.

The difficulty of games in terms of physical activity and the complexity of interaction between participants should be accessible and increase gradually.

The main condition for the successful introduction of outdoor and sports games into the lives of schoolchildren has always been and remains deep knowledge and fluency in extensive game repertoires, as well as pedagogical guidance methods.

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