Where is Idaho located? Open left menu Idaho. Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve

In the northwestern United States is the mountainous state of Idaho with the main city of Boise. Its northwestern part borders on Canada, the western on the states of Oregon and Washington, the states of Wyoming and Montana to the east, and Utah and Nevada to the south. Idaho is located in the Columbia River Valley. Most of it is occupied by mountain ranges and steep cliffs. Almost the entire territory of the state is covered with evergreen mighty forests. The climate is continental with mild westerly winds.

Idaho is called the "Silver State." It ranks first in the United States in silver mining. The state's lands are rich in other minerals: gold, phosphates, zinc and lead.

The majority of Idaho's population is German and English. Native Americans make up only about 9% of the total population.

State History

The first settlements in Idaho appeared more than 14 thousand years ago. At the beginning of the 18th century, its territory was already occupied by the Indians. Other tribes also settled here: Shoshone, Kootenay, Pandora and Paiute.

In 1806, a real struggle broke out between the Americans and Canadians for the Snake River Valley. In the mid-19th century, the state's territory came under the influence of the Hudson's Bay Company. And only in 1846, along with the lands of the state of Oregon, the territory of modern Idaho also became the property of the United States. A few years later, the first gold deposit was discovered here. As a result, the territory of the future Idaho became part of the state of Washington. But in 1863, the US Congress signed an act granting him freedom and independence. Thanks to the discovery of silver deposits, the state's economy began to progress rapidly (1880). In the same year, the Republican party played a major role in the state, whose main demand was to obtain the title of a separate state. This is how the state of Idaho was created in 1889.

The next 4 years were the most difficult in the history of the state. Due to the sharp decline in silver prices, Idaho's economy was severely disrupted. It only managed to recover and flourish at the beginning of the 20th century. During this period, Idaho became a major agricultural center in the United States.

During World War II, several military training grounds and bases were built in the state.

State attractions

The main attraction of Idaho is Hells Canyon. It reaches a depth of 2436 meters. There are magnificent natural landscapes around the canyon. Tourists have the opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city, take a walk through the picturesque surroundings, breathe fresh air and enjoy exciting fishing.

Another amazing nature reserve, Craters of the Moon, deserves no less attention. It got its name because interesting features landscapes that look like the Moon.

The wonderful Shoshoni waterfalls are of great interest. They reach a height of about 65 meters. The spectacle is amazing: from a great height, flowing along steep cliffs, water falls in sparkling cascades.

Idaho State Park - Dworshak surprises with the diversity of natural landscapes. Its territory is covered with dense impenetrable forests, green alpine meadows, small mountain ranges and blue lakes. Tourists have the opportunity to hike in the mountains or forest, ride a canoe or kayak, swim or go fishing. For lovers active rest We invite you to try your hand at water skiing. The park area is equipped with modern walking trails and beautiful observation decks. There is also a wonderful restaurant here, striking with its luxurious interior and variety of dishes.

A trip through the Minnetonka Cave will give tourists an unforgettable experience. Here, under a huge thickness of earth, there are several large spacious halls. A multi-colored mosaic consisting of stalactites, travertines and stalagmites opens before the eyes of visitors. The cave is a real work of art created by nature itself.

The calling card of Boise (the capital of Idaho) is its Egyptian Theater. It is a unique architectural masterpiece. The theater building was rebuilt several times. Currently, this is a modern structure that transports its visitors to the times of Ancient Egypt.

Recreation and entertainment

For those wishing to plunge into the atmosphere of extreme sports, Idaho provides the magnificent ski resort “Sun Valley”. Modern ski lifts, universal skiing areas, a wonderful ice skating rink, numerous cafes, shops, restaurants and hotels. Every year thousands of tourists come here to enjoy fresh air, extreme sports and a lot of entertainment.

Silverwood Theme Park is the best place for a family holiday. Children will get extraordinary pleasure from going to zoos: Pocatello Zoo or Zoo Boise. A huge number of shopping centers offer their goods to notorious shopaholics. Golf lovers can enjoy their time at Twin Lakes Village Golf Course or Island Park Village Resort. In the summer, Idaho's winter resorts transform into health resorts and balneological centers.

Idaho is the smallest state in the USA. Mysterious phenomenon A “fiery rainbow” can be observed on its territory. Idaho is commonly called the “potato state” - it occupies a leading place in the country in the sale and harvest of potatoes.

Interesting laws apply throughout the state. For example, you cannot fish while riding a camel or a giraffe. It is prohibited to give women less than 50 feet of candy.

Capital of Idaho: Boise
Official name: State of Idaho (ID)
Largest city: Boise
Other big cities: Nampa, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Meridian, Coeur d'Alene, Twin Falls, Caldwell, Lewiston
State nicknames: Gem state, Famous Potatoes
State motto: Let it be so forever (Latin: Esto perpetuum)
State formation date: 1890 (43rd in order)

The name of the state of Idaho comes from the language Indian tribe Shoshone. According to different versions, “Idaho” in their language meant a mountain gem, a pearl of the mountains, or the sun coming from the mountains. The state of Idaho is surrounded by the states of Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and borders Canada to the north.

Population of Idaho

Idaho's population is growing rapidly, both through natural increase and immigration. Idaho ranks third in the United States in terms of population growth, behind only Nevada and Arizona.

Ethnic composition of Idaho

  • white - about 96%,
  • black - less than 1%,
  • Asians - about 1.5%,
  • Indians - about 2%

Ethnic composition of Idaho

  • Germans - about 19%,
  • English - about 18%,
  • Irish - more than 10%,
  • Americans - about 9%,
  • Norwegians - more than 3.5%,
  • Swedes - more than 3.5%.

State History

In the territory of the modern state of Idaho, people have lived for over fourteen thousand years. By the 18th century Indians of 6 tribes lived here: Kootenay, Pandorei, Cordalen, Nez Perce in the north; Northern Shoshone and Northern Paiute are in the south. In 1959, excavations at Wilson Butte Cave near Twin Falls unearthed arrowheads that are among the oldest artifacts found in North America.
The first permanent settlement of Europeans was founded here in 1810. The Europeans were brought here by the hunt for “soft gold”—furs. Over the next decades, the northwestern territories were actively developed by large fur companies. At the same time, the first Christian missionaries appeared here. During this time, the region of the northwestern United States, of which Idaho later became a part, was known as "Oregon Country." Its ownership was disputed by the United States and Great Britain. It was not until 1846 that the United States gained undisputed jurisdiction over this region under the Oregon Treaty between the United States and Britain.
In 1860, gold was discovered in Idaho, sparking an influx of prospectors and a gold rush. In the 1960s, Idaho accounted for one-fifth of all gold production in the United States. In 1880, silver deposits were discovered in Idaho.
IN late XIX- At the beginning of the 20th century, Idaho was one of the most progressive states in the USA. The laws granting women's suffrage (1896) and the prohibition of alcoholic beverages (1916) were passed here before the US federal government passed the same laws.
At the end of the 19th century, the state, along with the mainstay of Idaho's economy, the mining industry, began to actively develop Agriculture. In the thirties of the 20th century, the first ski resorts appeared, including the famous Sun Valley resort.

Due to the decline in mining in the mid-20th century, some Idaho towns fell into disrepair, were abandoned by residents, and became “ghost towns.”
The state's current problems are largely related to environmental protection.

State attractions

Hells Canyon is formed by the Snake River and is located on the border of Idaho and Oregon. The depth of the canyon is 2436 meters, it is the deepest canyon in the United States (more than half a kilometer deeper than the famous Grand Canyon in Arizona).

Shoshone Falls is located on the Snake River near Twin Falls in Idaho. This beautiful waterfall is called the “Niagara of the West”. The height of Shoshoni Falls is about 65 meters - 11 meters higher than Niagara Falls. The width of the waterfall is 274 meters.

Central Idaho is home to the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Wildlife Refuge. Three lava fields formed by a volcanic eruption occupy almost three thousand square kilometers. The unique landscape was called “Craters of the Moon” due to its resemblance to the surface of the Earth’s satellite.

The famous Sun Valley resort, the first winter resort in the USA, is very popular among tourists and ski lovers.

Lake Pend Oreille and Lake Coeur d'Alene

Idaho State Capitol in the state capital, Boise.

The 4-person Sweet Willie Hotel is located in Idaho's Poplar Park.

Sun Valley, Bald Mountain, Idaho.

Curious facts

■ The official state seal is the first and only state seal in U.S. history designed by a woman, Emma Edwards Green.
■ The oldest archaeological finds in the United States, dating back more than 14 thousand years, were found in the state.
■ The small Idaho town of Lava Hot Springs is home to world famous hot springs.
■ Hells Canyon is deeper than the Grand Canyon. It is considered the deepest canyon in America.
■ Sun Valley is the first ski resort created in the USA (in 1936)
■ The world's first chairlift for skiers was installed in Sun Valley in the fall of 1936
■ Soda Springs boasts the largest geyser in the world.
■ There are more than two thousand lakes in the state, but they cover only 880 square miles.
■ Agriculture occupies a leading place in the economy. The most important product is potatoes. Idaho grows 30 percent of the U.S. potatoes and 25 percent of the barley used in the nation's beer.

Funny State Laws in Idaho

■ It is prohibited to fish while sitting on a camel.
■ It is illegal to give a woman a box of chocolates that weighs less than 50 pounds.
■ The City of Boise prohibits fishing while riding a giraffe.
■ In Coeur d'Alene, if a police officer is about to approach a car that he thinks is having sex, he must honk his horn or flash his lights and wait 3 minutes before approaching.
■ In Pocatello, you have to smile when you're in a crowded place.

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Idaho(English) Idaho) - state located in the western USA, in the Pacific Northwest in the Mountain States group, 43rd in a row. Area - 216.4 thousand square meters. km. Population: 1.2 million people (2000), about 50% in cities. The capital is Boycie. There are no large cities.

State nickname:

Gem State(Gem State)

Geography and climate

In the north, Idaho is bordered by the Canadian province of British Columbia, in the east by the states of Wyoming and Montana, in the west by Oregon and Washington, and in the south by Utah and Nevada.

Most of Idaho is occupied by the southern edge of the Columbia Plateau and the Rocky Mountains, up to 3857 m high. In the southwest there is a plateau, the valley of the river. Snake State is located almost entirely in the Columbia River Basin. Evergreen forests occupy about two-thirds of its territory. Idaho ranks third in the country in area of ​​national forest reserves. The climate is continental, moderated by western winds. The state is rich in mineral resources (about 64% of the state's land belongs to the federal government): silver (first place in production in the United States), zinc, gold, phosphates, lead. Phosphorites are also being developed.


The leading place in the economy is occupied by agriculture, which is developed mainly in the southern part of Idaho: 35% of the cultivated area (over 1 million hectares) is irrigated. About 30% of Idaho's land area is farmed, about a third of that area is cultivated, the rest and most of the public land is pasture. The most important product is potatoes (1st place in the USA in terms of crops), the cultivation of wheat, barley, sugar beets, and forage grasses is developed. Gardening is developed (mainly apple trees). About half the value of marketable agricultural products comes from livestock farming, mainly pasture beef cattle breeding.

The main development of industry began in the 40s. twentieth century and is associated with woodworking, food industry, electronics, non-ferrous metallurgy (Kellogg).

Tourism (Solnechnaya Dolina, etc.).


The lands of Idaho were inhabited more than 14 thousand years ago. By the 18th century Indians of 6 tribes lived here: Kootenay, Pandorei, Cordalen, Nez Perce in the north; the Northern Shoshone and Northern Paiute are in the south.

After the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1805–06, trappers explored these lands in search of beaver colonies, and the river valley. The Snake became a site of rivalry between Canadian and American traders. By 1840, the region was controlled by the Hudson's Bay Company, which for several years maintained posts serving settlers heading west along the Oregon and California trails.

The United States received the Oregon lands, which included the lands of the modern state, in 1846. The first permanent American settlements were founded in 1860 by miners and Mormons, which coincided with the discovery of gold deposits and the entry of Idaho into the Washington Territory; independent Territory Idaho, which included modern-day Montana and almost all of Wyoming, was proclaimed by an act of Congress in 1863. When the formation of these territories as independent units ended in 1864 and 1868, the territory of Idaho was divided into two parts by mountains. The discovery of silver deposits in 1880 and 1884 stabilized its economy.

By 1888, the majority of Idaho residents supported the Republican Party, which promoted the territory's statehood in 1890. The state constitution had been adopted the year before.

The fall in silver prices (1888–92) and the subsequent panic seriously undermined the state's economy and led to the growing influence of the Populist Party and the intensification of the miners' trade union movement.

With the advent of the 20th century. associated with the second period of rapid development of the state and its emergence as a national agricultural center, which was interrupted by the Great Depression; the state received large amounts of federal aid during the New Deal period. During the Second World War, economic development was greatly facilitated by the creation of large military bases and a test site (National Reactor Testing Station).

The state's current problems are largely related to environmental protection.

It’s like in the Diamond Hand: “And with the bonus I received from the state, on the advice of my friends, I bought a car.” So, on the advice of one of the readers, I am opening a series about the US states. I remind you:

I would like a series of articles about states/cities. In which many interesting points were described, for example:

  1. weather
  2. attractions
  3. standard of living
  4. availability of housing rent/purchase
  5. salary level
  6. taxes
  7. laws
  8. crime
  9. prosperity areas
  10. level of medicine
  11. Level of study
  12. demand for specialists

Okay, I've been overclocking for a couple of days, and today I'll try. Idaho comes first alphabetically. What did I know about him until today? - Nothing. I even had little idea where Idaho was.

What would I do if, while in the CIS, I decided to go to America? First, of course, I would go to Wikipedia. Here's the most basic thing from there. Right away with my comments simple italics.

Idaho(emphasis options: Idaho and Idaho - a US state in the Pacific Northwest in a group of mountain states.

Both accents are incorrect. The emphasis is on the last “o”, which drags on a little. Also look at the map of the USA where the state of Idaho is located. In the middle of nowhere!

Idaho borders six US states and the Canadian province of British Columbia to the north. As of July 2014, the state had a population of 1,634,464. In terms of population, it ranks 39th among other states.

Let me remind you that there are 50 states in America. Like stars on a flag, if anyone didn’t know. In terms of population, it is compared with Russian Novosibirsk. This is all over the state!

Idaho has an area of ​​216,632 km², making it the 14th largest state in the United States. Most Big city state and its capital is Boise. It houses the state's major government offices, including the Idaho Legislature.

Important sectors of the state's economy are agriculture, largely represented by potato growing, mining and the scientific and technical sector. In the first half of the 19th century, furs were actively mined in this area. In the mid-19th century, large deposits of precious metals, including gold, were discovered in Idaho, which prompted an active influx of pioneers and the acquisition of territory status. Idaho became a state on July 3, 1890, the 43rd state. Mining in the state is still developed. Thanks to the abundance natural resources Idaho's nickname is the “Gem State”. The state is currently one of the most Republican in the country. Thus, the state governor since 2006 is Republican Butch Otter.

What do we learn from this long paragraph? If you love planting potatoes, go to Idaho. I am writing to those who are passionate about politics that Obama is a Democrat, just like Hillary Clinton.


The topographical features of the state are reflected in the heterogeneity of its climate. Despite the distance of almost 500 km from Pacific Ocean, Idaho's climate is significantly influenced by western sea air currents, which are the main source of atmospheric moisture. During the summer, air masses also bring moisture from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. During winter, average cloudiness, precipitation, and temperature are higher than at the same latitudes in the continental United States. Due to the fact that the northern part of the state is more exposed to the influence of sea winds than the southern part surrounded by mountain ranges, the climatic conditions in these regions differ. In general, Idaho's climate is temperate, with an arid climate prevailing in the south of the state.

Continental climate, as taught in school. Winters are warmer than in Illinois, for example. There are mountains and plains. You can choose what you like. For example, potatoes do not grow in the mountains.

The coldest month is January: average temperature lies below zero. In winter, temperatures often drop below −30 °C in the mountainous regions of the north and east of the state. The mountains receive heavy precipitation: an average of 51 cm of rain and 89 cm of snow.

Not very good in the mountains, as I already said.

The hottest month is July. The highest temperatures are recorded in the lowland areas of the state: in the Snake River Valley and the lower reaches of the Clearwater River. In the southwest of the state, temperatures can reach 37°C or higher in July. The lowest temperature in Idaho was recorded on January 18, 1943 at the Island Park dam and was −51 °C. The highest was 48 °C on July 28, 1934.

Large temperature changes are characteristic of a continental climate.

Hurricanes and tornadoes are extremely rare. The growing season varies: about 200 days in the northwest of the state, from 150 days in the Snake, Boise and Payette river basins, about 125 days in the Pocatello and Idaho Falls area, to minimal in the high mountain areas where the land is used primarily for pastures.

Regarding hurricanes and tornadoes, this is very relevant for the USA. Wow, I thought they were everywhere here. So, if you are afraid of the forces of nature, Idaho is the place.

Later I also surfed the Russian forums in Idaho. Some people compare the nature of Idaho with the Carpathians, they say that it is similar. It may very well be. Here are a couple of pictures.

But this is very typical for those places, there are many waterfalls.

And this is a typical photo. Remember him every time you think about Idaho!

I'll have to look in stores to see where the potatoes come from. I wasn’t too lazy and ran to the kitchen, but there were just potatoes in bulk, without a bag.


Idaho is home to 30 state parks, several forest preserves, 1 wildlife refuge, 3 fish hatcheries, 2 National Historic Landmarks, and 7 National Wildlife Refuges. In addition, the state is partially located national park Yellowstone, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Well, everything is clear. The attractions are mainly the beauty of nature. Here, as a matter of trouble, it can be noted that forest fires are typical for the state of Idaho.

Here's another interesting point about the state:

The state has a strict system of penalties for throwing garbage in the wrong place. For littering private or public territory, an arrest may be imposed for up to six months and/or a fine of up to $1,000, coupled with forced correctional labor for a period of no less than eight and no more than forty hours. For throwing garbage on highways, a fine of $300 or arrest for up to ten days can be imposed.

Don't think that no one sees you throwing an empty pack of cigarettes out of the car window on the highway. The first person to see it will call the police. "This is America, baby!"


During the 1950s and early 1960s, significant amounts of radioactive fallout fell in the southwest of the state. They were caused by tests of more than 90 nuclear bombs at the Nevada Test Site. According to a study conducted National Institute malignancies, of the five US counties that had the highest concentrations of radioiodine, four are in Idaho: Gem, Lemhi, Blaine and Custer. Thus, the average absorbed dose per resident of Custer County was 0.157 gray. However, according to a study conducted by the National Cancer Institute in 1999, there was no increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer in these counties in the most at-risk population born between 1948 and 1958.

It was a long time ago, I think that now it’s no longer scary with radiation.


The U.S. Census Bureau estimates Idaho's population to be 1,584,985 as of July 1, 2011. The average population density in the state is 7.3 people/km², more than 4 times less than the national average. According to this indicator, the state is in 44th place. In terms of population, Idaho ranks 39th among other states.

Native spaces, as they say. This is for those who don't like the hustle and bustle.

As of 2010, the racial makeup of Idaho's population was as follows:

  • white - 89.1%;
  • African Americans - 0.6%;
  • Indians - 1.4%;
  • Asians - 1.2%;
  • Oceanians - 0.1%;
  • two or more races - 2.5%.

That is, a completely WHITE state. It's not often you see numbers like this. Here's just our state of Illinois for comparison:

Racial composition of the state of Illinois:

  • White - 71.5%
  • Black (African-American) - 14.5%
  • Asians - 4.6%
  • Native Americans (Indians or Alaskan Eskimos) - 0.3%
  • Native Hawaiian or Oceanian - less than 0.1%
  • Other races - 6.7%
  • Two or more races - 2.3%
  • Hispanic or Latino (any race) - about 15.8%

Well, let's continue about Idaho again.

About half the population lives in cities. The largest metropolitan area in the state is Boise. It covers Aida, Boise, Canyon, Gem and Owyhee counties. The metropolitan area is approximately 30,401 km² or 14.2% of the state's area. As of 2010, 616,561 people lived in the agglomeration. In addition to the Boise metropolitan area, Idaho also has the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Falls, Pocatello and Lewiston metropolitan areas.

There, on the forums, I found out that Russians mostly live in this very Boise. Nobody really counted, but no more than 2 thousand Russians. This means everyone who speaks Russian, as you already know: Armenians, Ukrainians, Jews, etc.

In 2010, the average annual per capita income was $22,518.

Not enough, let's say. This is not California or even our Illinois!


According to 2009 data, 19.1% of state residents did not have health insurance. In 2008, the state's rate of 201 doctors per 100,000 residents ranked 49th in the country. As of 2009, there were only 48 licensed hospitals in the state. The total hospital capacity is 3883 patients. The most common causes of death in 2010 were malignant tumors and cardiovascular diseases. The infant mortality rate in 2010 was 4.8 (per 1000 births). Life expectancy is 79.5 years.

There are not enough doctors, but life expectancy is not bad. I think it's because of nature. By the way, there are also few doctors due to the fact that Idaho is a typical American outback.

On the forums, I also read how one trucker (truck driver) writes that there is little work for truckers in Idaho, because it is a dead end.


The first school in Idaho Territory was founded in 1837 by missionary Spalding. By 1865, there were already 12 schools on the territory of the future state: 4 private and 8 municipal. They educated about a third of the 1,239 children aged 5 to 21. In 1887, a law was passed requiring all children between the ages of 8 and 14 to attend school for a minimum of 12 weeks a year, 8 of which continuously. Thanks to this law, by 1889, 12,457 children were studying in 296 schools. First high school was founded in 1881 in Boise. In 1891, the state Department of Education was created. As of 2008, there were 751 schools in the state, with approximately 275 thousand students. In terms of specific expenditure per student, the state ranks one of the last in the country. Thus, according to some data, in 2007-2008, Idaho was in third place for this indicator, ahead of only Utah and Tennessee; according to other data, in 2008, the state was in penultimate place. On the other hand, the state has a high school suspension rate: 2%, 3rd highest in the country. Despite the low costs educational programs, the state's average IQ as of 2006 was 101.4, higher than the national average of 98.

In this section, I generally quoted everything. Read, draw conclusions. Low student costs, high expulsion rate, but still high IQ! This is more than strange! Maybe this is how it should be: “There is a healthy spirit in a black body!” 🙂


The state's average crime rate is higher than the national average. So, if in 2010 in the United States an average of 3,346 crimes were committed per 100,000 residents, then in Idaho - 5,180. In last years There is a downward trend in the number of crimes. The most frequently committed crimes are theft (every 11 minutes), the most rarely committed are crimes related to gambling (every 182 days). There are over 2,700 police officers in the state.

I remember that there is also a lot of crime in Alaska. This is probably typical for the outback with open spaces. The police don't really cover remote areas.

The following crimes are eligible for the death penalty in Idaho:

  • first degree murder (premeditated) with aggravating circumstances;
  • first degree kidnapping;
  • perjury leading to death.

Over the past 18 years, the state has executed two people, both times by lethal injection. The last execution took place on November 18, 2011.

But we found out that the state has the death penalty. This is not the case everywhere in the US.

I omit sports, symbols and sister cities, you can read it yourself: Wikipedia Idaho.

I also remind you that prices for housing and cars can be found at realtor.com and cars.com

AND general conclusion : classic American outback. White population, few Russians. Earnings are low, but crime is high and there is even the death penalty.

Pros: picturesque nature and high life expectancy. However, we will still see how this is done in other states. We have more than enough nature in Illinois.

Guys, I spent a lot of time on this article. Please write how you like it. Is it worth continuing (I think it is!), and what should be added or changed.

In any case, I won’t be able to spend that much time every day. Maybe occasionally, at least once a week. Just enough work for a year! 🙂