The use of differentiated learning technology in the educational sphere in mathematics lessons in elementary school. Multi-level and differentiated training as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the educational process in the primary school of Differentiators

Collection of assignments on the topic “Use of differentiated technology in primary school»

Elizarova Maria Alekseevna, Teacher primary classes, Municipal government educational institution Galkinskaya average comprehensive school, Kamyshlovsky district, village. Galkinskoe
Description of material: I bring to your attention a collection that reveals the principle of differentiated technology. Goal: training each child at the level of his capabilities, abilities and characteristics.

Collection of assignments on the topic
"Use of differentiated technology in primary school"

Explanatory note
Entering the adult world, children find themselves in different conditions, occupy different jobs, and can choose their area of ​​activity, types of entertainment, circle of friends and family as they wish. We often say: “How terrible it would be if everyone were the same.” Different children have different characters, different interests, health characteristics and peculiarities of perception of the world.
One of the main directions modern learning is individualization, where the basis is a differentiated approach to learning. What is differentiation, differentiated learning and what is the purpose of this pedagogy? technology pursues?
Differentiation translated from the Latin “difference” means division, stratification of a whole into parts. Differentiated learning is a form of organizing the educational process in which a teacher, working with a group of students, takes into account their characteristics. Differentiation of learning (differentiated approach to learning) is the creation various conditions training for various classes and groups in order to take into account their characteristics. And the goal of differentiation is to train everyone at the level of their capabilities, abilities, and characteristics.
In any education system, there is a differentiated approach to one degree or another. There are several copyright pedagogical technologies differentiation of learning: intra-subject - author Guzik N.P., level-based based on mandatory results - author Firsov V.V., cultural education based on the interests of children - author Zakatova I.V. But all these technologies pursue one goal, this is the further development of the child’s individuality, his potential, the development of cognitive interests and personal qualities.
How can a teacher make learning optimal for each child in the class, taking into account his or her characteristics? Each teacher can find his own options for work. It is important to note that the composition of the groups changes to various lessons or extracurricular activities, since differentiation can be carried out according to different criteria. The advantage of organizing classes this way is the development of independence skills and ample opportunities to provide assistance to those children who need additional attention.
Differentiation of learning and pedagogical support for this process. technology is a system in educational theory and practice.
Scientists, doctors, innovative teachers urge us to more often apply and use everything new in our work.
And for us, teachers, it is important that we want to learn new things, introduce them into the learning process and not be afraid to put modern teaching into practice. technology in our information age. To achieve the set tasks and goals, it is not edifying, forced training, but as Basil the Great said, “Forced training cannot be firm, but what enters with joy and cheerfulness firmly sinks into the souls of those who listen...”.
This collection is intended for both primary school teachers and student trainees studying in pedagogical institutions.

Summary of a mathematics lesson using differentiated technology “Problem Solving”
Class: 2
Subject:"Problem Solving".
Target: Strengthening the ability to solve word problems.
1. Strengthen the ability to solve equations; repeat knowledge about the perimeter, the formula for finding it;
2. Improve computing skills; develop logical thinking and ability to reason; logical actions of analysis, synthesis, generalization; develop the cognitive sphere: long-term memory, voluntary attention.
3. Develop self-control and independence.
During the classes
1. Org. moment
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...
- What time of year is the riddle talking about?
- Together with the fall, we will go through her domain. And we will fly on the leaves and the wind will carry them. (Birch leaf - high level, maple - medium level, oak - low level)
2. Oral counting
1. “Collect mushrooms.”
Average level 40:5 9 3 8 4 35:7 27:9
N. level 6 3 5 5 24:4 15: 3 6 4
(High-level children check the correctness of answers)
Attention task
Here's a fun table
There are only leaves on the table.
Take a closer look:
They obey a very strict law.
Take a closer look, it's quite simple
Unravel the thread completely
And the piece of paper - where is the question mark -
After thinking about it, draw it.

What would be the answer if these were not chains, but numerical expressions?
(Low level children first repeat the order of actions rule)
Physical education minute.
Grisha walked, walked, walked,
I found a white mushroom.
Once - a fungus,
Two is a fungus,
Three - fungus,
I put them in the box.
3. Consolidation of the material covered.
- Let's look into the autumn garden and solve the problem.
1. Problem solving. (orally).
(40 kg of apples were collected from one apple tree, and only 10 kg from the other. How many more kilograms of apples were collected from the first apple tree than from the second? How many times less...?)
- How many tasks do you see? (2)
- How are these tasks different? (With questions)
- How to find out “how much more”? (By subtraction action)
- How much less? (By division action)
- And now, together with autumn, we’ll go to the garden.
2. Problem solving. No. 2,
(Grandmother planted 8 kg of potatoes in the spring, and harvested 40 kg in the fall. How many times more potatoes did she harvest than she planted? Change the question so that the problem is solved by subtraction, and solve it.)
V.level- solve independently, with an additional task: change the question so that the problem is solved by subtraction, and solve it.
Average level. - solve the problem independently.
N. level– solve the problem with the teacher.

4. Repetition of the material covered.
- Let's fly to autumn forest and see how forest dwellers prepare for winter.
Who deftly jumps through the trees
And flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in the forest,
Dries mushrooms for the winter. (Squirrel)
“Visiting a squirrel” - solving equations.
N. level- Solve the equation: x +5= 15
Average level. – Find the equation that is written incorrectly. Correct it and solve it.
73 – x = 40
50 – x = 64
x + 25 =50
V.level- Find an equation that can be solved by addition and solve it.
72 – x = 40
x + 35 =60
x -24 = 46
25: x = 5
9 + x = 59
“Visiting a bee.”
Flies over the lawn.
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey.

The distance between two anthills is 12 meters. An ant crawled out of one anthill and headed towards another. Having covered half the entire path, he found a straw, took it and returned to his anthill. At what distance from the anthill did he find the straw? How many meters did the ant crawl?
“Visiting the bear.”
The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut.
- Mishka decided to build a den. The length of the den is 5 cm and the width is 3 cm. But the problem is: he cannot find the perimeter.
N. level- find the perimeter in a simple way.
Average level– find the perimeter in different ways.
V.level- find the perimeter. Draw a square with the same perimeter.
“Visiting the hedgehog.”
Fur coat - needles,
It will curl up - prickly,
You can't take it with your hand.
Who is this?..
The owner invites you to solve examples. (Independent work: who can solve the most examples in 5 minutes)
15 + 76
93 – 38
47 +29
71 – 5
5. Lesson summary.
- What do you remember most about our trip?
- What were the difficulties?
- What did you succeed the most?

Tasks based on the characteristics of B. Bloom's taxonomy of goals
Class: 4.
Lesson type: learning new things
Subject: The beginning of human history.
The purpose of the lesson: Formation of students' ideas about the primitive stage in the development of mankind.
Lesson objectives:
1. Form an idea of ​​the origins of human society;
2. Develop the ability to make generalizing conclusions;
develop the ability to identify general and essential features;
3. Foster mutual respect (the ability to work in pairs);
cultivate positive motivation for the subject.


What do you know about the primitive period?
Tell us in your own words about the life of primitive people.
Find one incorrect statement about the primitive period and mark it with a “-”. Give me an explanation.
Read about the appearance of primitive man in the textbook.
Find the similarities and differences between primitive man and modern man.
Evaluate your work during the lesson.

Item: Mathematics
Class: 4 b
Lesson type: consolidation of what has been learned
Lesson topic:"Solving motion problems"
The purpose of the lesson: Consolidating students' knowledge of the relationship between quantities (speed, time and distance) by solving motion problems.
Lesson objectives:
1) Know the formulas for finding quantities when solving motion problems;
practice computing skills;
2) Develop the ability to solve movement problems;
develop the ability to work with diagrams;
develop mental operations: analysis, comparison, generalization;
develop intellectual and communicative general educational skills;
3) Foster independence and self-control.


What formulas for finding quantities when solving motion problems can you name?
I will read the definitions to you, and you will raise a blue card if you agree, and a red card if the statement is not true:
To find the distance, you need to multiply the speed by the time!
To find speed, you need to subtract time from distance.
To find the speed, you need to divide the distance by the time.
To find time, you need to multiply the distance by the speed.
To find the time, you need to divide the distance by the speed.

Solve the problem:
A bus at a speed of 70 km/h and a car at a speed of 90 km/h leave the city simultaneously in one direction. What will be the distance between them after 3 hours?
Tell what each expression in the problem means.
A bus leaving the city at the same time at a speed of 70 km/h and a passenger car, the speed of which was greater than the speed of the bus. After 3 hours, the car was 60 km ahead of the bus. How fast was she going?
a) 70*3; b) 70*3 +60; c) (70*3+60):3; d) 60:3; e)70+60:3.
Write a short note about the problem and make a plan for solving it.
Executing the test. Evaluate your work. If 5 correct answers – score “5”, if 4 correct answers – score “4”, if 3 – score “3”, if less than 3 correct answers – score “2”.

Tests by levels of education V. P. Bespalko.
Class: 2
Subject:"Living and nonliving."
Recognition test
Determine what applies to living organisms. Give one answer:
A) table
B) bicycle
B) mushroom
D) cloud
Test substitution
Target: testing knowledge on the topic living and nonliving.
Fill in the missing words in the following definitions
Stones, rivers, mountains, lakes have existed in nature for a very long time. People invented and made nails, cars, airplanes and many other things themselves. All these are... objects. A flower, a dog, a mushroom and a dragonfly are ... organisms, and they are very interesting.

Target: formation of the ability to classify living and nonliving things, and correctly construct a statement.
Give an example of a living organism and a nonliving object. Explain your answer.
Creativity test
Target: identifying and establishing patterns between living organisms and inanimate objects.
Do you think living organisms can turn into non-living ones? If so, how does this happen (example) and how to avoid it? If not, why not?

Class: 3
Subject:"Gender endings of adjectives."
Recognition test
Target: testing knowledge on the topic noun.
Read the words:
dear, distant, close,
stranger, familiar, low.
Bad, good, sweet, nice,
cheerful, affectionate, funny.
What part of speech are these words:
A) Noun
B) Verb
B) Adverb
D) Adjective
Test substitution
Target: testing knowledge on the topic adjective.
Fill in the missing words:
An adjective is... a part of speech that denotes... an object and answers the question “... ?”, “... ?”, “... ?”, “... ?”, “... ?”.
Productivity test
Target: developing the ability to determine the gender of an adjective.
Write by inserting the missing endings of adjectives. Specify gender.
Hot.. baked.. milk (. r.), tasty.. fresh.. bread (. r.), sweet.. juicy.. apple (. r.), fragrant.. ripe.. strawberries (. r. ).
Creativity test
Target: identifying and establishing the pattern of generic endings of adjectives through the construction of phrases.
Come up with an adjective for these nouns and write down the resulting phrases. Highlight the ending of the adjective and indicate the gender of the adjective.
Dress, fog, sky, face, textbook, summer, water, suit, forest.

Tasks on indicators of the degree of training according to V. P. Simonov.
Class: 4
Subject:"Life of Freshwater"
Target: recognition of plants and animals that live in bodies of water.
Write the names of plants and animals under the pictures.
Target: testing students' environmental literacy knowledge.
Tell us the rules of conduct near a pond?
Target: developing the ability to justify your answer.
Tell me how adults and schoolchildren should protect water bodies? Why do this?
Target: develop the ability to apply knowledge in practice in the simplest examples.
What is a natural community? Write the characteristics and examples of natural communities.
Target: develop the ability to creatively apply acquired knowledge in practice.
Depict how you imagine a natural community - a body of water.

Class: 2
Subject:"Addition and Subtraction."
Target: Test your knowledge of single-digit numbers and double-digit numbers within 20.
Name in this number series single digit numbers? Double digit numbers?
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.
Target: testing knowledge of the rules for addition and subtraction.
What rule do we use when solving these mathematical expressions?
12 – 3 – 5; 12 – (3+5)
Target: developing the ability to give reasons for your answer.
Name the rule you learned and give an example of this rule.
Target: developing the ability to solve mathematical expressions in a rational way.
Solve the mathematical expression in a convenient way.
7 + 3 – 4 ; 7 + 3 + 4
(9 +6) – 5 ; (9 – 5) +6

Goal: the ability to creatively apply acquired knowledge in practice.
Come up with a problem for this diagram.

Differentiated learning- form of organization of the educational process.

Differentiation- creating a variety of learning conditions (one of the ways of an individual approach)

Technology of level differentiation in primary school

“Every child is naturally endowed with abilities

to almost all types human activity:

to mastering natural and humanitarian knowledge,

To fine arts, music, etc.

It is only important to develop these abilities during the learning process.”

Goncharova L.V., Ph.D. pedagogical sciences

Our modern school teaches children with different levels of development, and since mass school Unable to offer each student an individual curriculum, our teachers are looking for teaching models that can ensure personal development, taking into account individual psychological and intellectual capabilities.
Today, the school is in a tireless search for new, more effective approaches, means and forms of teaching and educating students.
(slide 2) In a modern primary school, the child’s personality and his activities come first. Therefore, priority technologies include:

Student-centered learning

Health-saving technologies

Information and communication technologies

Level differentiation technology

Gaming technologies

Collective education system

Technology project activities

Currently, modern educational technologies, allowing you to do educational process more efficient. For several years, the problem of knowledge strength has been solved through the technology of level differentiation.

History of technology development

For the first time, world pedagogy thought about the differentiation of teaching in

20s of the last century. At this time, active developments in the field of individualization and differentiation of education began in domestic and foreign pedagogy. In the late 50s early 60s. the question arose about the development the whole system parameters by which differentiation of teaching and within it an individual approach to students can be carried out.

(slide 3) Nowadays, TUD training has been developedFirsov Viktor Vasilievich - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Education for All Center, Moscow.

Conceptual provisions according to V.V. Firsov:

. Motivation, not a statement.

. To warn, not to punish ignorance.

. Recognition of the student's right to choose the level of study.

. The teacher’s previous psychological attitude: “the student is obliged to learn everything that the teacher gives him”; a new psychological attitude for the student, “take as much as you can, but not less than is required.”

. The student must experience academic success.

(slide 4) Level differentiation - a technology for achieving educational success in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

New educational standards establish requirements for the personal qualities of graduates of educational institutions.

The purpose of training is not so much to “teach” as to “educate” a new member of society who is able to find his place in a rapidly developing society. Coming in first place personal qualities student from the earliest period of education.

Federal State Educational Standards Regulations : « Elementary education must guarantee diversity of individual educational trajectories And educational development»

Convention on the Rights of the Child:

“The child has the right to preserve his individuality”

Just as there are no two identical flowers in a meadow, so there are no two schoolchildren who have the same set of abilities, skills, etc. In elementary school, individual differences are especially noticeable.

The average pace of work chosen by the teacher during the lesson turns out to be normal only for a certain part of the students, for others it is too fast, for others it is too slow. The same educational task for some children is a complex, almost insoluble problem, while for others it is an easy question. Some children understand the same text after the first reading, others require repetition, and still others need clarification. In other words, the success of assimilation educational material, the pace of mastering it, the strength and meaningfulness of knowledge, the level of development of the child depend not only on the activities of the teacher, but also on the cognitive capabilities and abilities of the students, determined by many factors, including the characteristics of perception, memory, mental activity and physical development.

(Slide 5) As mainprinciples The following pedagogical technologies were selected:

universal talent - there are no untalented people, but only those who are busy with other things

mutual superiority - if someone does something worse than others, then something must turn out better; it is something to look for;

the inevitability of change - no judgment about a person can be considered final.

(Slide 6) Technology aspects (from Latin aspectus - appearance, appearance, glance, point of view) - onefrom the sides of the object under consideration, point of view, how it is seenfrom a certain position.

1. Taking into account the individual (typological and personal) characteristics of students.

2. Grouping students based on individual typological characteristics.

3.Organization educational activities in groups at different levels to master common program material.

When switching to multi-level education, one has to face, first of all, the problem of selecting students into groups. In schools, this problem is solved in different ways and not always in the best way.

First of all, when dividing students into levels, it is necessary to take into account the desire of the students themselves to study at a particular level. In order for such a desire to not be at odds with the student’s capabilities, it is necessary to give students a chance to express themselves, to evaluate their strengths and capabilities.

Therefore, as experience shows, it is better to divide students into levels not immediately based on the results of a test or interview, but after observing, at least for a year, their development and manifestations. cognitive abilities and interests.

Based on the diagnostic results, the class can be divided into

3 main groups : (slide7)

1 group - students with good level knowledge ( high degree training), conscious motivation, high rate of knowledge acquisition, high development potential;

2nd group - students who have mastered the material in basic level, with motivation that does not have a clear definition or is far from mastering the educational material, an average rate of knowledge acquisition, good development potential;

3 group - students who poorly assimilate the material, with a lack of motivation to learn, with average or low development potential.

Presents many opportunities for internal differentiation group work. The task is givenhomogeneous (HomogeneousgroupThisa group in which all members sharehave a lot in common)group (from 2 to 4 people), and not to an individual student . In a small group, the student is in more favorable conditions than when working frontally with the whole class. In a conversation within a small group, he can express his opinion, participate more actively in solving educational problems in accordance with his interests and abilities

When making differentiation, you need to be guided by the followingrequirements : (slide 8)
. creating an atmosphere conducive to students;
. active communication with students to ensure that the learning process is motivated; so that the child learns according to his capabilities and abilities; so that he has an idea of ​​what is expected of him;
. Students of various levels are invited to master a program appropriate to their capabilities (each “take” as much as he can).

Forms of work within the technology (slide 9)
For multi-level training use:

Control and independent work different levels difficulties

Tasks for individual work, taking into account

difficulty level chosen by the student

Tasks-schemes, information cards (“helpers”) for independent learning of new things or consolidation of the material covered, including, along with the task for the student, elements of dosed assistance
. Alternative tasks for voluntary completion
. Tasks that help in mastering rational

ways of doing things

Homework - special kind independent work, because this work is performed without the direct supervision of the teacher. Differentiation of homework helps to eliminate homework overload for students. This means a reduction in the volume of tasks, and an increase in the number of days for its preparation, and individual work with students to increase the pace of their mental activity.

Determining the content, volume and nature of tasks depends on the student’s productivity in the lesson. It is advisable to include in all students’ homework assignments that correct deficiencies and gaps in students’ knowledge, skills and abilities that have arisen for one reason or another. Taking into account the causes of errors (an unlearned rule, failure to distinguish between any concepts, poor command of the method of action) allows not only to correct the mistake, but also to prevent the occurrence of similar errors. Before differentiation homework, the following goals are set:

Fill a gap in the knowledge of a student (in this case, the task is individual); prepare students to learn new educational material;

Provide assistance to a group of students in completing homework (the card includes reference material: rule, drawing, diagram, additional questions);

Expand and deepen knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic being studied.


(slide 10) Using level differentiation technology

makes it possible to take into account the cognitive interests of all students, to develop each to the best of his strengths and abilities, without limiting the teacher

in the choice of methods, means and forms of training.

Use of technology level differentiation learning in their practice in primary school.

Today the school is aimed at achieving new things, modern quality education, to solve vital problems and problems. What should a student master when leaving the walls of elementary school?

Of course - the ability to learn. First of all, the student must have developed universal learning activities (ULA). The federal state educational standards of the new generation tell us this. In order to implement them, I had a need to study and use them in my pedagogical activity modern educational technologies. But first, let’s find out what technology is.

Technology is a set and sequence of methods and processes for converting source materials that make it possible to obtain products with specified parameters.

In my practice I use the following technologies:

1.Game technology

2.Group activity technology

3.Computer information and communication technology

4. Problem-dialogue technology

5.Technology level differentiation training

Let's take a closer look at each technology.

Technology of level differentiation of training

The technology of differentiated learning is a set of organizational solutions, tools and methods of differentiated learning, covering a certain part of the educational process.

Goals of differentiated learning: organize the educational process based on accounting individual characteristics personalities, i.e. at the level of his capabilities and abilities.

The main task: to see the student’s individuality and preserve it, to help the child believe in himself, to ensure his maximum development.

I will focus on intraclass differentiation.

Since the class is made up of children of different levels of development, the need for a differentiated approach inevitably arises when teaching at different levels.

I believe that an important aspect in personal development is the implementation of an individual and differentiated approach to students in pedagogical process, since it is he who presupposes the early identification of children’s inclinations and abilities, the creation of conditions for personal development. Intraclass differentiation in elementary school has existed for a long time and is the main way to individualize learning, therefore teaching children who are different not only in their level of preparation, but even in their learning capabilities is perhaps the most difficult task standing in front of a primary school teacher. And it is impossible to solve it without an individual approach to learning.

Level differentiation allows you to work both with individual students and with groups, preserving the children's team in which personal development occurs. Her characteristic features are: openness of requirements, giving students the opportunity to choose how to learn the material and move from one level to another. The teacher’s work system using this technology includes various stages:

    Identification of backlogs in knowledge and equipment;

    Eliminating their gaps;

    Eliminating the causes of academic failure;

    Formation of interest and motivation to study;

    Differentiation (by degree of difficulty) of educational tasks and assessments of student performance

The main goal of my use of level differentiation technology is to train everyone at the level of their capabilities and abilities, which gives each student the opportunity to obtain the maximum knowledge according to their abilities and realize their personal potential. This technology allows you to make the learning process more effective.

When organizing multi-level education, I take into account the intellectual abilities of children and at the end of the 4th grade they reach the level of the age norm, this indicates the positive impact of multi-level education on the development of the child.

Carrying out a differentiated approach, I am guided by the following requirements:

    creating an atmosphere conducive to students;

    actively communicate with students to ensure that the learning process is motivated; so that the child learns according to his capabilities and abilities; so that he has an idea of ​​what is expected of him;

    Students of various levels are invited to master a program appropriate to their capabilities (each “take” as much as he can).

For multi-level training I use:

    Information cards, including, along with the task for the student, elements of dosed assistance

    Alternative tasks for voluntary completion

    Tasks whose contents were found by the student

    Tasks that help in mastering rational methods of activity

Multi-level differentiation of training is widely used in different stages educational process: learning new material; differentiated Homework; taking into account knowledge in the lesson; ongoing testing of mastery of the material covered; independent and control work; organization of work on errors; consolidation lessons.

Russian language. As an example, I will give the work of checking homework on the topic: “Verb”.

this work compiled based on the basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of fourth grade students.

1st level "A"

A proposal outline is given. Make up three sentences for this diagram (creative work).

2nd level "B"

1. Three sentences are given. Choose the sentence that matches the proposed scheme.

2. Parse the verb as a part of speech (there is no algorithm).

3rd level "C"

A proposal has been given.

1. Parse the sentence by members of the sentence, by parts of speech.

2. Parse the verb according to the scheme (according to the algorithm)

Mathematics. Based on them general requirements in a mathematics course, I offer work, during the current assessment of mastery of the material covered, on the topics: “Solving motion problems. Solving examples on the order of actions. Solving problems to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle” (IV grade)

Task No. 1

3rd level "C"

Solve the problem: “Two trains go towards each other from stations, the distance between which is 485 km. The first one left 2 hours earlier and moves at a speed of 53 km/h. 3 hours after the second train left, they met. What is the speed of the second train?”

2nd level "B"

Create an inverse problem

1st level "A"

Change the condition of the problem so that it can be solved with fewer actions.

Task No. 2.

3rd level "C"

Find the meaning of the expression:


2nd level "B"

Change one of the numbers so that the value of the expression is written as a four-digit number.

3rd level "C"

Change the order of actions so that the meaning of the expression changes.

Task No. 3

1st level "A"

Solve the problem: “The area of ​​the rectangle is 36 cm2. The width of the rectangle is 4 cm. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?”

2nd level "B"

Solve the problem: “The area of ​​the rectangle is 32 cm2. What are the length and width of a rectangle if the width is 2 times shorter than its length?”

3rd level "C"

Solve the problem: “The perimeter of a rectangle is 26 cm, the area is 42 cm2. Determine its length and width”

The world. We offer a multi-level task when studying new material and taking into account knowledge in the lesson,

Differentiated learning in primary school.

Teaching children who are different not only in their level of preparation, but even in their educational capabilities is a difficult task facing us, teachers. It is impossible to solve without a differentiated approach to their training. With any collective or frontal training, the acquisition of knowledge and skills occurs individually in accordance with:

- with the level of performance and pace of students;

- with peculiarities of perception, memory, thinking.

Target differentiated approach– adapt learning conditions to the specific needs different groups of students.

To ensure a differentiated approach to students when conducting tests The text of each work is presented in several versions according to difficulty level. The children in the class have already noticed that option 1 is easier than options 2 and 3.

The use of a differentiated approach makes it possible to reveal and develop students’ abilities, satisfy the educational needs of each student fully, adapt the entire educational process to the characteristics of schoolchildren, and stimulate the processes of self-knowledge and personal self-determination.

Various differentiation techniques can be used in a mathematics lesson, at the stage of consolidating the studied material. They involve differentiation of the content of educational tasks according to the level of creativity, difficulty, and volume. Using different ways of organizing children’s activities and common tasks, you can differentiate by:

1. degree of independence of students;

2. the nature of student assistance;

3. form educational activities.

by level of creativity . This method assumes differences in the nature of cognitive activity of schoolchildren, which can bereproductive orproductive (creative).

Reproductive tasks include, for example, solving arithmetic problems of familiar types, finding the meaning of expressions based on learned computational techniques, etc. Students are required to reproduce knowledge and apply it in a familiar situation, work according to a model, and perform training exercises.

Productive tasks include exercises that differ from standard ones. Students have to apply knowledge in a changed or new, unfamiliar situation, carry out more complex mental actions, and create a new product. In the process of working on productive tasks, schoolchildren gain experience in creative activities.

In mathematics lessons they use different kinds productive tasks. For example:

· search for patterns;

· classification of mathematical objects;

· transformation of a mathematical object into a new one;

· tasks with missing or extra data;

· completing a task in different ways, searching for the most rational way to solve it;

· independent preparation of problems, mathematical expressions, equations, etc.;

· non-standard and research assignments.

Differentiated work organized in different ways. Most often, students with low level learning ability, I offer reproductive tasks, and for students with high and average levels of learning ability - creative tasks. You can offer productive tasks to all students. But at the same time, children with a low level of learning are given tasks with elements of creativity, in which they need to apply tasks in a changed situation, and the rest are given creative tasks to apply knowledge in a new situation.

For example.

The problem is given: “There were 5 yellow apples and 2 green apples in a vase. Ate 3 apples. How many apples are left?

Assignment for group 1:

Solve the problem. See if it can be solved in another way.

Assignment for group 2:

Solve the problem in two ways.

Assignment for group 3:

Change the problem so that it can be solved in three ways. Solve the resulting problem in three ways.

Differentiation of educational tasksaccording to difficulty level. This method involves the following types of complicated tasks for the most prepared students:

· complication of mathematical material (unambiguous, double figures);

· increasing the number of actions in an expression or in solving a problem;

· performing a comparison operation in addition to the main task;

· using reverse assignment instead of direct assignment;

· use of conventional symbols instead of numbers or individual numbers.

For example. Find the meaning of the expressions.

1st group. 2nd group. 3rd group.

28:2+3 28:2+56:8 28:2+(50+6):8

45-7 3 5 9-7 3 (35-30) 9-7 3

Complicating tasks in in this case consists not only in increasing the number of actions, but also in changing the situation of applying the rules on the order of performing arithmetic operations.

1st and 2nd group. Compare the numbers: 3rd group.

54 and 7 63 and 64 KS and N K3 and K4

9 and 26 52 and 32 9 and RS 5N and 3

This task requires students to be able to generalize the method of bitwise comparison of numbers.

Differentiation of tasks according to the volume of educational material. This method of differentiation assumes that students in groups 2 and 3 perform, in addition to the main one, an additional task that is similar to the main one and of the same type.

The need to differentiate tasks by volume is due to the different pace of students’ work. Slow children, as well as children with a low level of learning, usually do not have time to complete independent work by the time it is checked in front of the class; they need additional time for this. The rest of the children spend this time completing an additional task, which is not mandatory for all students.

As additional ones, you can offer creative or more difficult tasks, as well as tasks that are not related in content to the main one. Additional tasks may include ingenuity tasks, non-standard tasks, and game-based exercises.

For example: main task: “Find the meanings of expressions.”

15-7 14-9 16-9

13-8 12-6 11-8

Additional task: “Find the sum of the answers in each column.”

Differentiation of workby degree of independence students. With this method of differentiation, no differences in educational assignments for different groups of students. All children perform the same exercises, but some do it under the guidance of a teacher, while others do it independently.

Usually the work is organized as follows. At the orientation stage, students become familiar with the task, find out its meaning and formatting rules. After this, some children (most often group 3) begin independent execution tasks. The rest, with the help of the teacher, analyze the solution method or the proposed example, and perform part of the exercise frontally. As a rule, this is enough for the 2nd group of children to start working independently. Pupils of the 1st group complete all tasks under the guidance of the teacher. The verification stage is carried out frontally. Students themselves determine at what stage they should begin to complete the task independently. If necessary, they can return to work at any time under the guidance of a teacher.

Differentiation of workby the nature of assistance to students. This method, unlike differentiation by degree of independence, does not provide for the organization of frontal work under the guidance of a teacher. All students immediately begin independent work. But those students who have difficulty completing the task are provided with measured help.

The most common types of assistance are:

· assistance in the form of auxiliary tasks, preparatory exercises;

· assistance in the form of “tips” (helper cards, consultation cards).

I will dwell in more detail on the features of working with helper cards.

For students3rd group asked to complete the taskon one's own, and students of the 1st and 2nd groups findhelp various levels . Helper cards can be the same for everyone, or they can be selected individually. A student can receive several cards with an increasing level of help when completing one task, or can work with one card. It is important to consider that from lesson to lesson the degree of assistance to the student decreases. As a result, he must learn to complete tasks independently, without any help.

Various types of help can be used on cards:

· sample of the task: showing a sample of reasoning and design;

· reference materials: rules, formulas; tables of length units, etc.;

· algorithms, memos, plans, instructions;

· visual supports, illustrations, models;

· additional specification of the task;

· auxiliary questions, direct or indirect instructions for completing the task;

· plan for solving the problem;

· the beginning of a solution or a partially completed solution.

For example.Task. “Uncle Fyodor went with dad to Prostokvashino for 5 days. Uncle Fyodor brought 15 sandwiches as a gift to Matroskin, and dad brought 13 sandwiches. How many sandwiches did Matroskin eat if after 2 days he had 9 sandwiches left?”

I will show you how to independently work on this task with extra data using dosed, gradually increasing help.

Differentiation of workaccording to the form of educational activities . When organizing work with mathematical material, children who need speech actions are asked to pronounce the operations performed, for example, whisper to themselves how to calculate; Explain to your desk neighbor how to reason when working on a word problem. When working on computational techniques, some children need only illustrations in the textbook or on the board, while others need to perform operations with counting sticks.

Differentiation methods can be combined with each other, and tasks can be offered to students to choose from.

Hometasks differentiation can also be made in lessons. Single homework does not promote advancement junior schoolchildren. The availability of homework strengthens the child’s self-confidence, puts him in a situation of success, maintains cognitive interest and contributes to the mastery of certain skills.

In the context of differentiated learning, homework is an organic continuation great job and performs the addressing function.First group of tasks traditional tasks, in particular, working with text, illustrations, preparing a retelling of the text, answering questions after the text. These assignments must be completed by all students.Second part tasks – mandatory for a group of “strong” students. They are given specific Additional tasks, the implementation of which is mandatory. For example, prepare small message on given topic, find answers to additional questions, think through additional evidence.Third group of tasks – tasks for those who want to complete them, for students who have a special interest in studying the subject.

All these techniques allow you to take a differentiated approach to students, transform students from objects into subjects, and, in general, to activate cognitive activity students.

Abdullina Regina Rashitovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU UL Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Locality: city ​​of Dimitrovgrad
Name of material: article
Subject:"Use of level differentiation technology in elementary school lessons."
Publication date: 27.12.2017
Chapter: elementary education

“Use of level differentiation technology

in elementary school lessons."

The real meaning of pedagogy is that even a person who finds it difficult

what was feasible for others, did not feel inferior, experienced high

human joy, joy of knowledge, joy intellectual work, joy


Sukhomlinsky V.A.

Entering the adult world, children find themselves in different conditions and occupy different jobs.

places, can choose their area of ​​activity, types of entertainment, circle of friends and family

optional. We often say: “How terrible it would be if everyone were the same.” U

different children - different characters, different interests, health characteristics and characteristics

perception of the world.

One of the main directions of modern education is individualization, where

the basis is a differentiated approach to teaching. What is differentiation

differentiated learning and what is the purpose of this pedagogy. technology pursues?

Differentiation translated from Latin “difference” means division, stratification







takes into account

peculiarities. Differentiation of learning (differentiated approach to learning) is

creating a variety of learning conditions for different classes and groups in order to take them into account

features. And the goal of differentiation is to train everyone at the level of their capabilities,

abilities, characteristics.

There are concepts of internal and external differentiation.


differentiation. Creation

Students with certain individual characteristics are enrolled.


differentiation. Organization







individual characteristics.

Stages of organizing internal differentiation:

1. The criteria according to which groups are created are determined


2. Carrying out diagnostics based on selected criteria.

3. Students are distributed into groups taking into account the diagnostic results.

4. Differentiation methods are determined, tasks are developed for

selected groups of students.

5. A differentiated approach is implemented at various stages of the lesson.

6. Diagnostic monitoring of students’ work results is carried out,

according to which the composition of groups may change.

In any education system there is, to one degree or another, differentiated













cognitive interests and personal qualities.

How can a teacher make learning optimal for each child in the class, taking into account his

peculiarities? Each teacher can find his own options for work. It's important to note that

is changing





carried out



organizing classes is the development of independence skills and ample opportunities

to assist those children who need additional attention.

Differentiation of learning and pedagogical support for this process. technologies are

system in educational theory and practice.

Scientists, doctors, innovative teachers urge us to more often apply and use in

everything is new at work.

And for us, teachers, it is important that we want to learn new things and introduce them into the process










edifying, forced training, and as Basil the Great said, “Forced training

cannot be firm, but what enters with joy and cheerfulness sinks firmly into the souls


Primary school is an important stage of age development and personality formation

children, it must and absolutely must guarantee a high level of education.

Our school educates children with different levels of development, and since a mass school is not

able to offer each student an individual curriculum, our

teachers are looking for teaching models that can provide personal development, taking into account

individual psychological and intellectual capabilities.

Today the school is in a tireless search for new, more effective approaches, means and

forms of training and education of students. The interest in this is quite understandable.











material without taking into account the characteristics of the individual psychological development of each

student, which does not bring significant results in learning. Standard school up to


came from



identical and clean, like boards, then it was not the laws of nature that forced her to do this, but

ideology. As a result, school is disliked (and often hated) not only by “lazy people,” but also

Quite hardworking children.

I believe that the success of the learning process depends on many factors, including:

the last role is played by training according to the child’s abilities and capabilities,

those. differentiated learning.

Currently, one of the leading trends in the development of our elementary school is its

differentiated learning.

Experience recent years shows that the most effective form of individualization


process that ensures maximum favorable conditions for a child













Goals of differentiated instruction: organize the educational process based on accounting

individual personality characteristics, i.e. at the level of his capabilities and abilities.

Main task: see the student’s individuality and preserve it, help the child

believe in yourself and ensure its maximum development.

I'll stop at intraclass differentiation.

Since the class is made up of children of different levels of development, it inevitably arises

the need for a differentiated approach to multi-level training.










process, since it is precisely this process that involves the early identification of inclinations and abilities














training, but even in terms of training capabilities, perhaps the most difficult task facing





approach to learning.

Level differentiation allows you to work both with individual students and with

groups, preserves the children's team in which personal development occurs. Her







the opportunity to choose how to learn the material and move from one level to

another. The teacher’s work system using this technology includes various stages:

Identification of backlogs in knowledge and equipment;

Eliminating their gaps;

Eliminating the causes of academic failure;

Formation of interest and motivation to study;

Differentiation (by degree of difficulty) of educational tasks and performance assessments

Internal differentiation involves a conditional division of the class:

by level of mental development (level of achievement);

by personal psychological types (type of thinking, accentuation of character,

temperament, etc.).

The main purpose of my use of level differentiation technology is training


abilities, abilities

opportunity for the student




realize your personal potential. This technology makes it possible to make educational

the process is more efficient.

Children have always started and will start studying school curriculum with different

initial premises. IN quantitatively it looks like this: most

students (about 65%) enter school with approximately the same mental level

development, it is he who is accepted as the norm; 15% - more or less this

the level is exceeded, and 20% of children, on the contrary, do not reach it.

As practice shows, normal (having normal indicators for all levels

development) children are found only in books. Almost every child has some





lag in educational activities.

It should be noted that the level of students’ readiness for learning at school

(educational process) are not the same and decrease every year. For some it corresponds

conditions for the success of their further education, for others it barely reaches the acceptable

Data obtained from all tests allows you to build an individual profile

the child’s readiness for school, on the basis of which his level of development is determined.

By organizing multi-level training, I take into account the intellectual abilities of children and


the positive impact of multi-level education on child development.

Carrying out


guided by



creating an atmosphere conducive to students;




according to


abilities; so that he has an idea of ​​what is expected of him;





possibilities of the program (everyone “takes” as much as he can).

For multi-level training I use:

Information cards,




dosed assistance

Alternative tasks for voluntary completion

Tasks that help in mastering rational methods of activity




applies on



educational process: learning new material; differentiated homework;










Differentiation of the content of educational tasks:

by level of creativity,

according to difficulty level,

by volume,

according to the degree of independence,



u c h a s h i m s i

Methods of differentiation can be combined with each other, and tasks are offered at

choice. Differentiated learning technology involves voluntary choice

each student at the task level.

3 Organization of level work in the lesson

Goal: create psychological comfort and train everyone at the level

opportunities and abilities.

Level differentiation provides:

Availability of a basic, compulsory level of general educational training.




requirements for students.

The Basic Level must be completed by all students.

The results system must be open (the child must know what is required of him).










provided by a level of training that raises the level of the minimum standard.






aimed at developing mental and creative activity students, their interests

to study the subject.




2. I correctly divide the children into 3 groups of variable composition. The student who worked yesterday

in a level 1 group (task “C”), tomorrow can work in a level 2 group (task “B”),

if he has mastered the basics.

Three types of differentiated tasks



b azo v y

s t a n d a r t.


basic level



u h a s h i m i s i



which are necessary to solve



additional information that



show the application of concepts

Level 3 – provides






work and mental activities, gives




m a t e r i a l

l o g i c h e

about the foundation,



t o r h e s k o g o


Based on the diagnostic results, I divide the class into levels:

Level 1 – reproductive, works at the level of knowledge, understanding (task “C”) under

teacher’s guidance (instruction, frontal work, analysis followed by recording,

instruction cards). Students with low academic ability (require precision












academic performance,


large gaps in knowledge, ignoring tasks. Students fall into the category




have time


individual approach to them, they completely lose interest in learning, fall behind

class, although in fact they can study successfully.




explanations, the task is completed independently with mandatory verification. Students with

average abilities (performs the task of the first group, but with the help of a teacher according to


learning ability,



educational motivation, interest. Students with a predominance of excitation processes over



on one's own

















lack of intelligence.

Generalization tasks are difficult for children because their level of analytical thinking is low.




on one's own. Students

high academic






unfamiliar situation

on one's own,





academic performance



to work well. Students with balanced processes of excitation and inhibition.

They have stable attention, and when observing, they isolate the signs of an object; V

As a result of observation, they form an initial concept. During training

successfully master generalization processes and have a large vocabulary.

It is important that with a differentiated learning process it is possible for students to move from

one group to another, i.e. The composition of the group is not fixed forever. The transition is due






increased educational focus, expressed in interest in acquiring knowledge.

The composition of the groups allows you to adapt the content curricula to opportunities


students, helps








turn, creates favorable conditions for the development of students’ personality, the formation

positive motivation for learning, adequacy of self-esteem.

I provide a differentiated approach to students at all stages of the lesson.

1. Poll:

When conducting a written survey, I use cards of varying degrees of complexity, tests of three

(I use


I use

non-traditional forms:

crosswords, puzzles, chainwords of varying degrees of difficulty. If in writing

I suggest

the same


I differentiate the amount of information indicating how to perform it: for group 3

– only the goal, for group 2 – some points to pay attention to,

for group 1 - detailed instructions for completing the task.

Oral knowledge test: I call the students of groups “C” and “B” first, the strong children

correct and supplement answers. To do this, I often give tasks to students in group “A”

find additional information on a particular issue (elements of research

activities). Or I give children of group 3 material for some interesting messages

information to supplement children's answers.




assignments, and at the end of the year final control testing at three levels.

2. Explanation of new material:

When explaining new material, I pose problematic questions and try to answer them

strong children answered, I suggest that children of groups “C” and “B” answer well-known questions

from previously studied, and I ask the weak to repeat after the strong. Children of group "B"

I often let you prepare additional material in the form of messages. Children of the same group

“A” sometimes I ask you to prepare some questions of new material yourself and

tell your classmates about it yourself, while they prepare visual aids

(drawings, tables, diagrams, etc.). Very often, children of group “B” help the teacher

prepare visual material for the next lesson to explain new material.

And the children of group “C” need to find an interpretation of new words.


new material is created problematic situation, in the solution of which

Each student participates at a level accessible to him. For this I will organize

work in homogeneous groups. Each group receives a task “working” on a topic in

in general. These tasks do not duplicate each other. Each group

having completed your task,

must communicate something new and interesting to the whole class. This approach gives everyone

the child has the opportunity to feel significant and contribute to the common cause. This

especially important for “weak” students.

So, if the task for group 1 includes mostly reproductive activities

of a search nature, and the third group’s work includes problematic tasks that require

the greatest complexity of the work of thought. Thanks to this construction of tasks, it is possible




to avoid

discomfort in the “average” and “weak”, associated with the feeling of one’s own

“inferiority”, “weakness” compared to other children.

The child’s educational work is aimed not only at students’ assimilation of scientific facts,

concepts, signs and rules, but also on mastering the most rational techniques, habits and

methods academic work. This includes listening and observing skills,

answer questions and formulate them yourself, skills of independent work with






skills are an important indicator of the level of development of a student’s abilities.

3. Consolidating new material:





differentiated work. The consolidation process is carried out, on the one hand,

through consolidation (understanding, memorization) of the elements of the theory, on the other hand, through

performing practical tasks.

When consolidating new material, I differentiate questions for consolidation. For children

Group “A” I immediately suggest doing practical task. For children of groups "B"

I suggest working with a technological map or textbook. I repeat with weak children

main points, going into detail on each. Often when establishing a new

I carry out independent work on the material. The number of tasks, as well as the time for them

execution for different groups I give various. I tell strong children the purpose of the task, and

medium and weak - I describe the tasks in more detail. Over time, tasks in all

In groups I complicate them, which contributes to the development of mental activity.

When working with the textbook, I give the children of group “B” the task of drawing up an answer plan for

read, at this time with the students of group “C” we are looking in the textbook for answers to

questions posed to the test, children of group “A” make generalizations and conclusions. If

the material is difficult, then I form pairs, which includes one of the students from groups “A” or “B”,

and I work in shift pairs. At first, the material is spoken by a strong

student to his partner, the second listens to him and corrects him, then recites the material

a weak student, a strong one controls and corrects him.

When consolidating the material, in order to develop skills in solving practical problems for

students, I select tasks with a gradually increasing degree of difficulty.

I am implementing


carrying out


I use

mutual assistance,


cope with



I practice collective projects with different groups.

“A sense of community,” attention to others, the ability to work not side by side, but together,

brought up











information fund. The children's area of ​​potential opportunities increases,

allowing them to successfully solve, under the guidance of a teacher, at a higher level

proposed tasks.

I think…

I want to add…

I disagree…

I give the student the right to express his opinion, his attitude, to “live” his

4. Homework:





additional tasks of a creative nature (for example: come up with a fairy tale “About how

a spikelet came to the table in the form of bread" or "On how threads are spun and fabrics are woven"), as well as

conduct small research, observations, create a crossword, rebus, etc. These

children often give additional messages and reports. Average and weak

I also offer to speak, but for preparation I provide literature or indicate a source.

I regulate the volume of material for presentation. To bridge knowledge gaps

I give children of groups “C” and “B” small additional exercises and ask them to

parents appreciated.

Differentiation of tasks allows you to monitor the assimilation of knowledge by each student, which

contributes to the provision of timely assistance to schoolchildren.







students to study, but most importantly, to improve the quality of education of schoolchildren.





multi-level tasks for them. Each task has specific goals and


Tasks in groups are completed independently.

Russian language

As an example, I will give the work of checking homework