Kuzbass State Technical Institute. Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev. Scientific directions of the university

Kuzbass State Technical University

On August 30, on the initiative of the Kemerovo regional party committee, the executive committee of the regional Council of Workers' Deputies, the USSR Council of Ministers decided to establish the Kemerovo Mining Institute. The first announcement of admission to the institute was published in September in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The 300 students of the first cohort who arrived from Moscow began their studies on November 1 at the faculties of mining and mine construction-electromechanical. Kemerovo Mining Institute began its first academic year, having 14 departments with a teaching staff of 27 people, of which only 6 had academic degrees and titles. In July of the year, in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (dated July 14, N548) and the order of the Minister of the VSSO (dated July 29, 1965, N233), the Kemerovo Mining Institute was transformed into the Kuzbass Poly technical institute. The formation of the Kemerovo Mining-Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute is associated with the names of its first leaders - professors T.F. Gorbachev, P.I. Kokorin, V.G. Kozhevin, M.S. Safokhin. In November, KuzPI was renamed Kuzbass State Technical University, one of the first universities in the Russian Federation to switch to multi-level system education.

Today the university employs: 87 academicians and corresponding members; 5 Honored Workers of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, 7 Honored Workers of Science of the Russian Federation; 13 honored workers high school RF; 1 Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation; 7 honored workers of industries; 97 professors; Doctors of Science; 363 associate professors, candidates of sciences; teaching staff - 752 people. 9 faculties and 50 departments provide training in 37 specialties with specializations for the mining, chemical, construction, motor transport and other industries, as well as in two areas of training for bachelors and masters. The university has 11,931 students, including 7,856 full-time students, 3,889 by correspondence training; 234 graduate students and 160 applicants. Due to the increased need for specialists with higher education in the city, the university opened educational and consulting centers in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Belov, Mezhdurechensk, Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk and Tashtagol. In the city, educational and consulting centers have been transformed into branches of KuzGTU. Today, 4,764 full-time students and 6,879 part-time students are studying in KuzSTU branches.

Kuzbass State Technical University is the largest science Center, which has international connections with universities and companies in the USA, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Great Britain, China, Mongolia and neighboring countries.

The Kuznetsk Geological Museum operates at the university. It was created at the Department of Geology in the year. The museum has created an exhibition of more than 8,000 samples of various rocks, minerals, ores, facing and ornamental stones, including a complete coal collection from all mines and open pits of the Kuznetsk basin, as well as a paleontological collection.


  • - Selsky Andrey Borisovich
  • - Sukhorukova Natalya Gennadievna
  • Zhuravlev Vladimir Antonovich, honorary miner


  • Years and destinies. KGI-KuzPI-KuzGTU / Kuzbass State Technical University; Chief Editor Valery Ivanovich Nesterov. - Kemerovo: [b. And.]. - 2005. (GU KuzSTU) - 354 p.
  • Pages of the history of Kuzbass State Technical University. - 2nd edition. - Kemerovo: Without publishing house, 2002. - 248 p.
  • Khobatkova, M. Kuzbass Technical / Marina Khobatkova // Komsomolskaya Pravda. – 2007. - January 4.
  • Information Policy Department of KuzGTU, Kemerovo Mining University // Kemerovo. - 2015. - No. 86. - November 6. - P. 3
  • Brazhnikova, E. Museum living by people // For engineering personnel. - 2019, No. 4 (1498) (May). - P. 12: photo.
print version

Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev (KuzGTU) is one of the largest universities Western Siberia. KuzGTU trains professional engineering and management personnel for almost all industries of Kuzbass and Russia. At KuzSTU, fundamental, applied and development work is carried out in the following areas: geomechanics; coal chemistry; nanotechnology; geology; exploration and technology for environmentally safe development of deposits and mining; geodesy; land management; ecology; deep coal processing technology; labor protection and industrial safety (primarily in mining and chemistry); engineering; modeling of technological and physical processes; economics and management in basic industries of Kuzbass.

The mission of the university is to strengthen and develop the human potential of the leading coal region of Russia based on the consolidation of the resources and capabilities of the university with the key enterprises of the region in educational, scientific, innovative and international activities.

The strategic goal is to achieve leadership positions of the university based on strengthening the intellectual elite and scientific and pedagogical schools of the university, attracting talent to solve educational, scientific, production and socio-economic problems of Kuzbass.

History of Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev. On August 30, 1950, the Kemerovo Mining Institute (KGI) was founded on the basis of the Kemerovo Mining and Construction College. On July 29, 1965, KGI was transformed into Kuzbass Polytechnical Institute(KuzPI). On November 22, 1993, KuzPI was renamed into Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzGTU). On May 25, 2011, Kuzbass State Technical University was renamed into Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev.

There are 8 institutes at KuzSTU:

    Mining Institute;
    Energy Institute;
    Institute of economics and management;
    Institute of Chemical and Oil and Gas Technologies;
    Construction Institute;
    Institute information technologies, mechanical engineering and motor transport;
    Institute of Industrial and Environmental Safety;
    Institute of Additional Professional Education,

in which students study in the following areas Bachelor's (4 years), Master's (2 years)

    State and municipal administration
    Land management and cadastres
    Thermal power engineering and heating engineering
    Electrical power and electrical engineering
    Mechanical engineering
    Design and technological support for machine-building industries
    Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes
    Technology of transport processes
    Automation of technological processes and production
    Quality control
    Information systems and technologies
    Applied Informatics
    Chemical Technology
    Energy and resource saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology
    Technosphere safety

and specialty (5-6 years)

    Economic security
    Applied Geology
    Physical processes mining or oil and gas production
    Construction of unique buildings and structures

Upon completion of basic education, the opportunity is provided to continue education in graduate school and doctoral studies. Postgraduate studies are carried out in 19, and doctoral studies - in 5 scientific specialties.

12 research and educational laboratories (NIL, NIUL) have been created at KuzSTU:

    Research Laboratory No. 2 "Improving the technology of underground development of coal deposits in Kuzbass"
    RESEARCH "Security" environment"
    Research Laboratory "Processes and apparatus for water purification, processing and disposal of industrial waste"
    Kemerovo Laboratory of Economic Research of the Institute of Economics and Organization industrial production SB RAS
    NIUL "Hydromechanization, geomechanics and control of the state of rock masses during open development mineral deposits"
    Research Laboratory "Mining Machines"
    NIUL "Historical and cultural heritage of Kuzbass"
    NIUL " Artificial intelligence"
    Research Laboratory "Applied Mechanics of Fatigue Fracture"
    Laboratory of Industrial Strain Gauge Systems
    NIUL "Nanoengineering of the surface layer of machine parts"
    Innovative research laboratory for the creation of new means, methods and technologies for securing mine workings, monitoring their condition, new methods and means for degassing coal seams, and the integrated use of coal and methane gas at the nanotechnology level.

KuzSTU operates 8 small innovative enterprises (SIE):

    LLC MIP "Sibir SKD"
    LLC MIP "Scientific and Technical Center "Ecosystem"
    LLC "MIP "Impes"
    CJSC MIP "NIPI KuzbassProject"
    LLC MIP "Kuzbass Aerospace Science and Technology Center"
    LLC MIP Siberian Engineering Center "Mine Expert"
    LLC "MIP Tekhmash"
    LLC MIP "NPC" innovative technologies in the coal industry"

Over 40 Russian enterprises have concluded strategic partnership agreements with KuzSTU: Kemerovo Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, OJSC Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol, Tomsk politechnical University, Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc.

KuzSTU works closely with international universities and enterprises: Shandong University of Science and Technology (Qingdao, China), Technical University named after Georg Agricola (Bochum, Germany), Karaganda State Technical University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan), Institute of Archeology (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Belarusian National Technical University (Minsk, Belarus), Sevastopol National Technical University (Sevastopol, Ukraine), APTECHLIMITED (Mumbai, India), Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K. I. Satpayev (Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan), Center for Scientific and Technical Information Central Asia Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China (Urumqi, People's Republic of China).

Currently, over 19 thousand students study at the university and its branches, including about 10 thousand full-time students. Over the 63 years of its existence, the university has trained over 80 thousand specialists who work in all regions of Russia and the CIS countries. It is noteworthy that most of the management and engineering staff of enterprises in the main industries of Kuzbass are graduates of KuzSTU.

University branches are located in the following cities:


KuzGTU employs 800 teachers, including 346 candidates of science and 98 doctors of science. KuzSTU is located in 16 educational buildings of the head university and branches, has a scientific and technical library, an educational and practical complex, 3 dormitories for students, a geodetic base, a ski base, a catering facility, a sanatorium, a clinic, and a printing house.

At KuzSTU, traditionally strong positions in the organization of extracurricular activities of students are occupied by the student union, student council, and student media. Yours free time students spend in various societies, clubs and sections, the most popular of which are:

    Debate club "Leader"
    Intellectual club "Labyrinth"
    Student scientific society"Area 3.14"
    Sports sections ">Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev

Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev (KuzGTU)- higher education institution in Kemerovo. Formed in 1950 as Kemerovo Mining Institute (KGI). In 1965, KGI was transformed into Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute (KuzPI), and since 1993 in Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzGTU). In 2011, the university was named after T.F. Gorbachev, the first rector of KGI/KuzPI/KuzGTU.

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    There are two faculties (Full-time and Part-time), Departments (automobiles and road transportation, management and service, economics and finance).

    Located in two buildings (the main one is Ordzhonikidze St., 8a and the second one is Ordzhonikidze St., 7). There is also a teaching and laboratory building.

    Currently there are 1,566 students studying at the branch.

    Other branches

    • Belovsky (1180 students);
    • Mezhdurechensky (883 students);
    • Prokopyevsky (1243 students).

    Previously there were other branches:

    • Anzhero-Sudzhensky (existed until 2014);
    • Tashtagol (existed until 2014).

    Scientific work

    Scientific directions of the university

    • Improving the technology of developing coal seams by underground and open methods;
    • Forecast and prevention of gas-dynamic phenomena;
    • Cybernetics;
    • Fighting endogenous fires;
    • Geodynamics of Kuzbass;
    • Enrichment and deep processing of coal and ores;
    • Physical processes in rock masses;
    • Environmental protection;
    • Blasting during mining;
    • Technology and equipment for trenchless laying of utilities;
    • Research of hydraulic systems of mining machines;
    • Integrated mechanization of mining operations;
    • Nuclear energy;
    • Development of new Vehicle, including magnetic levitation;
    • Computer assessment of the quality of manufacturing, repair and operation of electric motors;
    • Non-freezing heater installations;
    • Development of biological weapons;
    • Autonomous gas-generating power sources;
    • Tools for drilling wells;
    • Automated electric drive;
    • Quality of electrical energy and energy saving;
    • Methods for predicting rock bursts and earthquakes;
    • Geophysics and geoelectronics;
    • Astronomy and cosmonautics;
    • Forecast of stability and methods of electrochemical strengthening of dams of hydraulic structures;
    • Technologies for creating cementation curtains around mine workings for trouble-free operation of mines in conditions of water-logged and disturbed rocks;
    • Injection hardening of rocks;
    • Equipment and technology of mining operations;
    • Industrial Safety;
    • Thermal insulation building materials;
    • Water purification;
    • Robot construction;
    • Technological inheritance at the stage of the life cycle of machine parts;
    • Automation of design and development of advanced technological processes;
    • Improving the performance indicators of cutting tools;
    • Organization of road transport and traffic;
    • Thermophysics;
    • Theoretical and experimental chemistry of coordination compounds;
    • Deep processing of coal and coal products;
    • Plastics processing technologies;
    • Oxidation processes of organic compounds;
    • Disposal of chemical waste;
    • Control of geothermoplasmic processes in the village.

    License series A No. 255886, reg. No. 8562 dated April 16, 2007
    Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 000716, reg. No. 0694 dated 07/04/2007

    Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzGTU) founded in 1950 as the Kemerovo Mining Institute (KGI). In 1965, KGI was transformed into the Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute (KuzPI), and since 1993 into the Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU).

    9 faculties and 50 departments provide training in 37 specialties with specializations for the mining, chemical, construction, motor transport and other industries, as well as in two areas of training for bachelors and masters.

    Kuzbass State Technical University is the largest scientific center with international connections with universities and companies in the USA, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Great Britain, China, Mongolia and neighboring countries.

    Faculties and specialties:

    • Faculty of Mining
      • 120303 - City cadastre
      • 130400 - Mining
      • 130402 - Mine surveying
      • 130403 - Open pit mining
      • 130404 - Underground mining of mineral deposits
      • 130405 - Mineral beneficiation
      • 280102 - Safety of technological processes and production
    • Mining and Electromechanical Faculty
      • 140104 - Industrial heat power engineering
      • 140211 - Electricity supply
      • 140604 - Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes
      • 150402 - Mining machines and equipment
      • 150402.01 - Mining machines and electrical equipment for underground mines
      • 150402.02 - Mining machines and electrical equipment for open-pit mines
      • 150402.10 - Design and construction of mining machines and equipment
    • Faculty of Surface and Underground Construction
      • 130401 - Physical processes of mining or oil and gas production
      • 130406 - Mine and underground construction
      • 230401 - Applied mathematics
      • 270102 - Industrial and civil construction
      • 270102.01 - Technology, organization and economics of construction production
      • 270102.02 - Research and design of buildings and structures
      • 270112 - Water supply and sanitation
      • 270115 - Expertise and real estate management
      • 270205 - Car roads and airfields
    • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
      • 150202 - Equipment and technology for welding production
      • 150900 - Technology, equipment and automation of machine-building production
      • 151001 - Mechanical engineering technology
      • 151002 - Metalworking machines and complexes
      • 151002.16 - Equipment for car repairs
      • 151002.18 - Technological service and operation of equipment
      • 190601 - Cars and automotive industry
      • 190701 - Organization of transportation and management of transport (road)
      • 190702 - Organization and traffic safety
      • 220301 - Automation of technological processes and production (in mechanical engineering)
      • 220501 - Quality management
      • 230201 - Information systems and technologies
    • Faculty of Chemical Technology
      • 240301 - Chemical technology of inorganic substances
      • 240401 - Chemical technology of organic substances
      • 240403 - Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials
      • 240502 - Technology for processing plastic masses and elastomers
      • 240801 - Machines and devices for chemical production
    • Faculty of Engineering and Economics
      • 080105 - Finance and credit
      • 080109 - Accounting, analysis and audit
      • 080502.01 - Economics and management at an enterprise (in mechanical engineering)
      • 080502.04 - Economics and enterprise management (in the chemical industry)
      • 080502.08 - Economics and management in an enterprise (in construction)
      • 080502.14 - Economics and management at enterprises (in the mining industry)
      • 080801 - Applied computer science in economics
    • Faculty of Humanitarian Education
      • 031202 - Translation and translation studies
      • 080101 - Economic theory
      • 080504 - State and municipal administration
      • 100103 - Social and cultural service and tourism
      • 100103.01 - Social and cultural service and tourism (tourism)
      • 100103.02 - Social and cultural service and tourism (hotel service)
    • Faculty of Correspondence Studies
    • Faculty of Additional Professional Education