People who can predict the future. How to predict the future. Is it possible to foresee the future? Scientists' opinion

Predicting the future is possible

Can a person predict the future?
The famous cave, where blood sacrifices were made in ancient times, became the place where a unique experiment was carried out. Experiments have shown that a person is actually able to predict the future...

“...Perhaps I could not write this letter to you, because I would be dead,” said the letter from St. Petersburg resident V. Klimenchuk. – Remember the accident of the Aurora fast train? I had to go on a business trip to Moscow with it. However, when I had to leave the house, my wife stood at the door: “I’m not pushing, I have a bad feeling!” We even had a row, but my wife (thank God!) insisted on her own. And now I want to understand: what was it? Coincidence? Or do some people actually have the ability to predict the future? But then the fatalists are right, who claim that the future has long been predetermined and written in the Book of Fates...”

There are many examples of this kind, when people foresaw danger in advance.
Mathematician W. Cox (USA) once conducted an interesting investigation: he asked the government for data on the trains that crashed and the number of people on them. Cox compared the information received with other figures - the number of passengers traveling on the same flights a few days before the tragedies. He found out that each time there were fewer passengers on the “emergency trains” than usual, as if people were unknowingly avoiding traveling on a dangerous train...

Researchers from Russia conducted an experiment that practically proves a person’s ability to predict the future.
In the mountain spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau (Khakassia) there is a complex system underground labyrinths and grottoes, which were called the “Cave of the Black Devil”. This cave has had a bad reputation for several centuries. Legends tell of a ghost wandering in a dungeon, whose gaze can kill a daredevil who dares to disturb his peace...

1985 - a group of speleologists who visited this mysterious place confirmed: “In fact, an inexplicable fear appears in the cave, in the underground galleries there are piles of some bones, and in one of the grottoes we met a ghost with glowing eyes...”

Further research carried out in the Black Devil Cave by staff Novosibirsk Institute clinical and experimental medicine have shown that there is a powerful energy in this place. The devices recorded radiation pulses that have a strong psychophysical effect on humans.

In a large-scale experiment to test the possibility of the existence of distant (telepathic) mental connection, conducted by Novosibirsk researchers, the “Cave of the Black Devil” was included in the list of places from which mental signals had to be transmitted. Researchers hoped that earthly energy flows would influence the power of telepathic signals. That’s exactly what happened...

According to the participants of the expedition to Khakassia, the experiment looked like this:
“...The operator, whose task was to broadcast mental images, was in the “Sleeping Grotto” - at a depth of 15 meters. This room was not chosen by chance. In its center there is a processed stalagmite, on which in ancient times Khakass shamans performed bloody rituals and sacrificed animals and people to their gods. A bottomless well opened up next door, where the remains of the victims were dumped. More precisely, not even a well, but a huge failure. The “sleeping grotto”, in its essence, is just a canopy that hangs over the abyss. Here the energetic “breath” of the earth is felt especially powerfully. (Perhaps this is why Khakass sorcerers once chose this place to conduct bloody rituals?).

At the time indicated by the schedule, the leader of the expedition, Yu. Marchenko, opened envelopes containing photographs of various symbols. In addition to ordinary Zener cards, which are traditionally used in parapsychological experiments, this time they also used the so-called “emotional-evolutionary images” that are stored in the memory of any person: the sun, flame, horse, cross...

The operator, looking at the image, tried to convey it to the researcher, who is at the “reception”.
Several thousand volunteers, scientists and psychics from two dozen countries took part in this unique experience. Telepathic signals were transmitted from various continents, even special “hypomagnetic chambers” were used, in which, as previous experiments had shown, telepathic ability worsens. And so the organizers of this global experiment, Academician V. Kaznacheev and Professor A. Trofimov, summed up: “The effect of distant transmission of mental images has been confirmed!”

However, the most striking thing was, perhaps, that in 30% of cases the “operator” received and accurately sketched mental picture 7 hours (!) before the psychic began to transmit it. And this unexpected result, according to experts, clearly proved that people are able to mentally overcome time and see the future...

The results of the experiment by scientists from Novosibirsk could well be called unique if this kind of experiment had not been carried out before.

The following research was carried out at Duke University (America): a special device randomly threw out Zener cards one after another. The operator had to first guess which card would come up. The guessing percentage was quite high (every third card). Meanwhile, according to calculations, the probability of guessing was tiny: ten to the minus twelfth power.

Similar experiments, and even with a higher “guessing” rate, were successfully carried out in a dozen other laboratories. Although, even without such research, there are many examples in history when people knew exactly what would happen to them tomorrow.

For example, the Ukrainian philosopher and poet Grigory Skovoroda (1722-1794) named the exact date of his death; it is known for certain that the famous Russian historian V. Tatishchev predicted his day and even the hour of death.

There are too many facts of accurate predictions that have been documented to speak of chance. Therefore, scientists who categorically deny the very possibility of “seeing” the future are still forced to try to explain the phenomenon.

One such explanation is -, that is, the ability of the human intellect to calculate the probable future.
But the fact is that not only humans have the gift of foresight, but also all living beings!

Sailors have a belief: rats are the first to escape from a ship that will soon sink. And practice confirms this. Here's just one example.

This incident occurred during the war, when caravans of ships transported food from England to Murmansk under Lend-Lease. Two barges followed in the wake of the ship in tow. Suddenly, hordes of rats crawled from the hold of the lead ship and began to climb along the rope to the other ship. They even threw themselves into the icy water and swam... While speeding, an air bomb hit the barge from which the rats were running...

Since rats do not have human intelligence, we can hardly talk about intuition here.

And this is an example: researchers from Moscow recorded electrical “pain impulses” generated by a plant when the leaves were set on fire with a match. But as it turned out, the device recorded exactly the same impulse at the time of the repeat experiment, although no clear schedule was drawn up.

Plants don't even have the mind of a rat. So the notorious intuition has nothing to do with it in this case. This means, contrary to the current prevailing scientific theories, living beings and even plants can still “look” into the future.

However, it is possible to foresee the future only when it has already been formed and cannot be changed! From this you can make clear conclusion: fate() exists.

Every day nature shows us a curious phenomenon when the future influences the past, when in some way “tomorrow” transmits information about itself “to yesterday.” Experiments by researchers from Novosibirsk provide convincing confirmation of this.

Experts believe that the “prediction mechanism” is hidden in people’s subconscious. It is much older than reason, and that is why many people today have forgotten how to “see the future.”

But for this you need very little - to trust your feelings, and not your intellect, contrary to scientific opinion, which attribute the gift of foresight to it. Ask yourself: what awaits me? – and try to listen to the first internal response.

It is only after that consciousness intervenes: “This cannot be because...”. But, usually, the subconscious feeling is more unmistakable. It’s not for nothing that ancient wisdom It is said: “The first impression is the most correct...”. And the proverb also says: “Black trouble can be seen a mile away”...

But if so, is it necessary to look into the future? After all, fatalists assure that, whether you know or not about upcoming troubles, you still won’t be able to avoid them... Is this so? I would like to believe that a person still has the opportunity to defeat fate. And perhaps the mistakes of experienced predictors are proof of this that even the formed future can change...

Is it possible to learn to predict the future? Yes, definitely! Learn an amazing technique for traveling to the future!

Traveling to the future attracts many. People always look forward, go beyond the limit, know how events will develop. And this desire is characteristic of people throughout human history.

Latest Scientific research together with ancient esoteric¹ knowledge, they say that there is only the moment “here and now”, that the future and the past are also now!

And there is an opportunity to foresee the future consciously!

With the help of what is described in this article, you will be able to predict upcoming events and know what will happen next.

You can receive information both about your personal life and about the entire planet. And this opens up completely different opportunities for your growth and well-being!

The main requirement: a special state of consciousness!

In order to foresee the future, you need to go beyond time! This can be done by entering a special state of consciousness.

Unconsciously, people are in it every day: this manifests itself most clearly while falling asleep and immediately after waking up, when the mind is in a trance (meditation²). A person’s task is to learn to evoke this state in himself, called the state of the gap, consciously.

On our website you can find various techniques on how to learn to enter other states of consciousness; one of the methods is indicated in the notes to this article.

The state of the gap can also be called a deep trance; it is developed through regular training.

Techniques for predicting the future!

1. The practitioner sits down, takes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

The room where the training will take place should be quiet and calm. No one should distract from the lesson.

2. A person begins to relax the muscles of the body, paying attention to each muscle group from head to toe.

3. Gradually the mind will relax along with the body, the practitioner will fall into a light meditative state. His task is to go even deeper.

4. He begins to concentrate³ on his breathing: without interfering with the process, he simply observes how inhalation and exhalation occur, feeling every movement.

5. Gradually the practitioner will fall asleep. He needs to remain aware, not fall asleep (to do this he needs to concentrate on breathing), this will gradually bring him into a state of in-between.

6. A person mentally turns to the left and enters a thick fog that hides the future.

6. Upon entering the cloud of fog, the practitioner will see that it consists of many events and timelines. Here you need to mentally state your question. It is pronounced clearly and firmly: “I want to know that...”

7. After some time, the fog of time will begin to transform and part, until at a certain moment the practitioner will be able to see the upcoming event and information about it.

8. When a person finds out everything that is necessary, he thanks time for its help and asks to return him to his usual state of wakefulness.

9. A cloud of fog will begin to thicken around the practitioner. Here you need to turn right and go forward, returning to the present.

10. A person creates the intention to return to himself, takes a few deep breaths; After counting to five, begin to feel your body again.

Secrets of the Gap State!

The state of in-between is a very deep level.

Here you can travel through time and enter a state of deep meditation. Prayers said in this state will definitely be heard by the Creator. True masters are at this level and can foresee the future!

In order to master the described technique, you need to be patient and practice regularly every day for several months. Success depends on many factors, such as the ability to concentrate and enter into meditation, relax and manage emotions.

The most important thing: to catch the state of the gap! This will be a qualitative breakthrough in your self-development, giving amazingly fast results!

This practice will connect you with Cosmic Consciousness. This will give additional protection to you and your loved ones. It is recommended to turn to the Cosmic Consciousness every morning, thank it and ask it to guide your life along the most prosperous path.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Esotericism is a body of knowledge, information inaccessible to the uninitiated, ignorant of mystical teachings to people, special ways perception of reality, having secret content and expression in “psycho-spiritual practices” (Wikipedia).

² Meditation is a type of mental exercise used as part of spiritual, religious or health practices, or a special mental state that arises as a result of these exercises (or for other reasons) (

Is it really possible to see the future? Is precognition a superpower or nothing more than sudden brain activity?

Find out now!

1. Is it possible to predict the future? Scientists' opinion!
2. What is known about the ability to see the future in a dream?
3. From the memoirs of a man who foresaw a plane crash...
4. Another real experience of foresight!
5. Is it possible to see the future in a dream at will?

Is it possible to foresee the future? Scientists' opinion!

Scientists and psychologists believe that the subconscious and intuition are responsible for predicting events, but accurate scientific evidence no to this. So far this mental ability of the brain cannot be researched.

Physicists, having considered many options, are inclined to believe that time is not linear, as we used to believe, and that in fact, all events have already occurred at one point in time.

But if all the events have already happened, then why don’t we know what will happen to us tomorrow, in a week or in a few years?

The answer is in our head!

The fact is that our subconscious mind keeps and protects us, like the most precious treasure; it uses all the methods available to it to preserve our psyche. Our brain is designed in such a way that in a normal state we are able to perceive only a specific time period, and the events of our life are arranged in a consistent logical chain.

This is why under normal circumstances we cannot see the future.

But if we accept the hypothesis that all events have already happened, that they are already known to our subconscious, then everything falls into place!

We already know everything, and under certain circumstances this information simply pops up in our memory!

The same hypothesis is consistent with the assumption of a global information field in which all possible knowledge is stored!

By connecting to the information field and learning to read information, you can find out not only the future, but also the past, make brilliant discoveries, and find answers to all your questions!

You will find methods for connecting to the information field

What is known about the ability to see the future in a dream?

As mentioned above, the mental abilities of the brain have not yet been fully studied, but the fact that people are able to see the future in dreams is beyond doubt. Almost every person at least once in his life has had a dream in which he foresaw the events that would take place later.

Yes, sometimes the subconscious can speak to us in allegories¹. In this case, in order to understand the meaning of a prophetic dream, you have to. But it also happens that the future is shown more than specifically.

Spotted! The more important the events of the future, the more clearly they are shown in dreams!

So, for example, people often see in their dreams the death of loved ones or some extremely important events.

From the memoirs of a man who foresaw a plane crash...

“Several years ago I had a dream that I was on board an airplane, and I somehow realized that all the passengers and pilots there were Russians. Looking out the window, I saw that there was a desert below us.

The passengers behaved as usual: someone was sleeping, someone was reading a book... Suddenly the plane shook from a strong blow, and when I turned my head, I saw a fireball moving along the aisle of the plane. A heat wave covered me, and... I woke up.

To recover a little, I got up and drank a glass of water, but when my head touched the pillow again, I found myself in the same dream again. I was no longer in the cabin of the plane, I saw the plane from the outside, as if I had been thrown out of it by a wave.

Then I found myself in a white marble hall, the arches of which were supported by bright pillars of white light. The plane's passengers sat in chairs at large white tables. Everything was very beautiful, but I could not understand where this blinding white light was coming from.

A man came up to me and said, “You can go home. You helped them get here. Thank you".

After these words I woke up, but I still didn’t understand where I had been in my dream.”

Events in a week...

“The next week I was watching the news and heard that a plane had exploded over Syria. The plane belonged to a Russian airline, it was hit ball lightning, and everyone on board died. I was numb. This happened exactly a week after my dream.”

Another real experience of foresight!

“For twenty years I have been haunted by the same dream. I dreamed about him from time to time, but only a few days ago I got the answer!”

“In my dream I am traveling on a bus in the UK. I don't know where exactly I'm going, but I feel like this place will somehow change my life.

The city is located on the ocean. A huge ancient castle rises above the shore. To the left of the castle is the old part of the city, with narrow streets and buildings whitened by the sun and time.

The city was very familiar to me, I could navigate it perfectly, as if I had lived there all my life. I knew the layout of the streets, I knew the shortest route to the castle. I even knew where the secret passages were in the castle, and how to get from one part of it to another, bypassing the main rooms. I have had this dream for 20 years.

Recently my son met a girl on the Internet. After five months of dating, they decided to meet, and she invited him to visit her. When he showed me a photograph of the city, I saw that on the ocean shore stood the beautiful old castle from my dream. This city is located in North Wales in the UK. This was the place!”

Is it possible to see the future in a dream at will?

This is a very interesting question!

And you can conduct your own experiment!

Our subconscious hears us constantly, and it is it that has access to all information resources in the Universe. Prophetic dreams- this is just one of the possibilities of our communication!

Try to turn inside yourself every day for 30 days before going to bed with the request: “Subconscious, show me in a dream what awaits me in the near future!” Such a command must be given in a state of interval (between sleep and wakefulness).

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Allegory - allegorical image abstract concept or phenomena through a specific image; personification of human properties or qualities. (

Do you want to become Vanga, do you want to master the gift of Wolf Messing, do you have the intention of learning to predict the future like Nostradamus? How to predict the future? You always want to know what awaits you ahead. After all, the ability to predict the future will help you avoid stepping on a rake, putting in a straw, and in general, it can save someone’s life. Predicting the future is a gift. But how to learn this? Let's find out now.

How to predict the future?

I'll be honest - no way. Only a select few can predict the future. Those people who know how to predict the future were born with this gift or acquired it during their lives due to some incident. For example, Vanga began to see the future after she was carried away by a whirlwind. She managed to survive, but became blind. This does not mean that now you need to get caught in a tornado to learn how to predict the future. She was lucky to be alive. People usually die after being caught in a vortex.

Although I said that predicting the future cannot be learned, but..... I meant that you will not be such great predictors as those individuals that I listed at the beginning of the article. You cannot accurately predict the future of the entire world with 100% certainty. Guys, as I said, this is God's gift. One is either born with it, or it is acquired during life due to not very pleasant events. Let's look at the most popular techniques that help predict the future.

Many teachers suggest that those who want to learn how to predict the future immerse themselves in deep meditation, because only in a calm state of mind can this be done. You definitely need to turn off your internal dialogue. While you are talking to yourself, you do not hear the voice of intuition. You will have to meditate often. Don’t even hope that after the first session you will become the greatest prophet of all times. Read the article: . You can also read the article: . This virtue will be useful to you in the technique of predicting the future. Let's move on.

To effectively predict the future, you need to ask questions. For example: “What will happen if I do this?”. After the question, you begin to track your inner sensations. In other words, you must understand what you feel, what you sense. This is a very important step. will tell you the right option. After all, what happens in our lives? Something happens, and then we exclaim: “I knew/knew this would happen!”. After all, before this, you felt in your gut that it would happen exactly this way and not otherwise.

Last year I predicted the future for myself. I liked one girl, but she was married. My husband was in the army when we started communicating with her. My husband came home from the army and after a couple of months they decided to separate. I foresaw this. For some reason it seemed to me that this was exactly how it would be. And then I thought that she should switch to me, since I started courting her. But I had a feeling that after the divorce she would not reciprocate my feelings. I felt this in my gut, and then I began to track her behavior, which confirmed this. It seemed to me that she was dating another guy. Six months later, my fears were confirmed. Of course, after that we stopped communicating with her.

I told this story because I remember very well how at that moment I felt that everything would go exactly according to this scenario. I even set conditions for myself: “If she starts dating another guy, we stop talking.”. And so it happened. For more than six months we have not seen or heard from her. And you had situations where you knew for sure that everything would go exactly according to such and such a scenario. The most important thing is to pay attention to your inner feelings. For example, do you think whether you should marry such and such a person? By asking a question, your body will give an impulse. You will feel the correct answer.

One of the most famous ways to predict the future is Tarot and Lenormand cards. In special stores you can buy similar cards and start guessing. But this requires practice. Don't expect accurate predictions, you won't get them anyway. The most accurate predictions You intuitively know, and always do.

You can turn to fortune tellers. This advice is for those who have never learned to predict the future on their own. I am skeptical about fortune tellers. And in general, I somehow checked one fortune teller. My dad lost his passport. We turned to his fortune teller, who lives in Perm. She said that my dad wouldn’t find my passport, but he found it a week later. From now on, I am extremely skeptical of fortune tellers. There are genuine fortune tellers among them, but they are few. Decide for yourself.

Do you want to learn how to predict the future? You need to find a mentor who will teach you this technology. This is the most valuable advice you will find on the Internet. You won't learn anything by reading articles on this topic. Everything is too blurry. Websites and blogs just need to write an article to get traffic (you got here from the Yandex or Google search engine) and that’s all. We read the article, but it makes no sense. Always like this. Therefore, stop looking for articles or videos on this topic. You need a teacher.

Or you can find a fortune teller who really knows how to predict the future. Why do you need to learn this yourself? It’s easier to pay a small amount of money and get answers from real psychics than to spend years on practices for which you will pay many times more money.

So how can you learn to predict the future? No way. This was my very first answer and it is the most honest. You can search the entire Internet in search of information, but you will not find anything useful. This is what I predict for you, although I am not a psychic. Experience, friends, is experience. You can rely on him. Well, if you object, well, I’m waiting for you to come back here and write a refutation of my prediction in the comments. Ciao.

how to predict the future


People can foresee the future - this is the conclusion reached by Mark Changizi, a scientist from the New York Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer. The researcher claims that our brain gives us the ability to see things one tenth of a second before they appear. And the mechanism behind this can explain the phenomenon to us optical illusions.

Cognitive scientist Mark Changizi (cognitology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge in which theories of how the human brain works) studied the phenomenon of the so-called “neuron response delay.” We all experience this delay when waking up from sleep. When we open our eyes and light first hits our retina, a split second passes before the brain translates the signal into a visual perception of the world.

Scientists cannot yet explain how our visual system compensates for these delays. It is generally accepted that the motor system of our brain somehow corrects our movements to increase reaction speed.

But Mark Changizi came up with his own theory, writes the popular science magazine LiveScience. According to his research, our vision has evolved to such a level that it has become capable of creating images of what will appear one tenth of a second in the future. This anticipation allows us to be alert when a ball comes our way, giving us time to react and catch it. With this ability we can also, for example, maneuver confidently in a crowd.

Liberation from illusions

The same property of the brain can explain the phenomenon of optical illusions, Chingizi believes. “Illusions appear when our brain tries to comprehend the future. But its predictions do not necessarily coincide with reality,” says the scientist. Here's an example of how "precognition theory" explains common visual geometric illusions.

Let's take the so-called "Goering illusion". We see vertical lines that bend slightly near the central spot, the so-called “receding point.” Looking at the drawing, it seems to us as if we are moving forward, and the figure is getting closer. This is where our ability to “foresee” the future comes into play. Our brain "tells" us that the lines are curved, when in fact they are straight and the figure is static.

Elusive beauty

“In the process of evolution, our brain has learned how the image (more precisely, our vision) of this or that changes geometric figure in the process of approaching her, explains Chingizi. - Lines converging at a vanishing point trick our perception into thinking that we are moving forward - as if we are in real world, where the door frame (two vertical lines) seem to deviate as we walk through the door. This is how our brain tries to tell us what picture will appear before us in the next moment.”

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

When you move forward, it's not just the shape of objects that changes, the scientist says. There are other visual objects that are not constant: angular extent (i.e. a measure of how much of your visual field is occupied by an object), speed, contrast between the object and the background. We also see all this differently as we move in space. For example, if two objects are at the same distance from you, and you move closer to one of these objects, as you move, it will speed up, appear larger, lose contrast (objects blur at speed), and end up closer to you in comparison with other objects.

Grand Unified Theory

Changizi discovered that the phenomenon of "precognition" can explain different types illusions. The scientist classified 50 types of illusions into 28 categories. Each of them explains how impermanent visual objects will be perceived by the eye. Most other scientific attempts to explain the phenomenon of illusions have applied to only one or a few types of illusions. Finding a theory that fits so many illusions is "a theorist's dream," says Chingizi. And it seems that in his case this dream has come true.