Martian artifacts. Martian artifacts: There is no doubt that Mars was inhabited by intelligent beings. Monolith on Mars

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Ancient artifacts found on the surface of Mars at NASA

Mars explorers again delight us with findings that prove the existence of life on this mysterious planet.

So in one of the photographs that NASA recently published, a dinosaur head was found with its mouth open. The head looks like part of an old sculpture. Several other anomalies were also found, a round metal object half buried in the ground. Some hollow structures and unclear artifacts.

Amazing UFOs disguised under clouds

In a video on a website about weather phenomena, a UFO was seen that disguised itself well as clouds.

UFO on the surface of our Sun

Hundreds of UFOs can be seen around our Sun at any given time, but their orbit is so low that they often skim the surface of the Sun. It is widely believed that these UFOs are searching for rare and valuable particles of energy that humanity has yet to discover. UFOs don't just move to new places to collect energy, they jump at the speed of light.

© © NASA Photo

People love mysterious space stories. And mysterious objects on Mars are traditionally at the top of cosmic curiosity. There, rock formations become faces, shadows become UFO landing sites, and pieces from a Mars rover become Donald Trump's head.

6. “The fish of my dreams.”

There is a fish rock on Mars, but there are no fish there. Curiosity caught this “catch” on its camera lens, and ufologists and proponents of the theory of the existence of Martians were delighted. But this is just a game of stone shapes and lighting. NASA says this about possible fossilized bones and animals on Mars: “Mars probably never had enough oxygen in the atmosphere to support complex organisms.”

7. Vortex.

A strange vortex appears in this Martian landscape captured by another NASA rover, Opportunity, in 2016. This is actually a real dust devil, just like on Earth. Martian dust devils alone can be up to 50 times wider and up to 10 times higher than those on Earth.

8. Donut.

It didn't exist, and then it appeared. A donut-shaped object appeared rather unexpectedly in a series of before-and-after images in Opportunity images. Some people thought it was an alien formation, but NASA announced that the sudden appearance of the donut was due to Opportunity dislodging a rock by driving over it. In general, there is no fast food on Mars.

9. Waffle.

The donut is not the only “food” formation on the red planet. An image from Mars orbit in late 2014 showed a strange, wafer-shaped island. The 1.2-mile "waffle" is located in an area of ​​lava flows. This is not evidence of giant wafers on Mars, but it does look a lot like a lava formation.

10. Bling.

If something shines somewhere, it already attracts attention. If something sparkles on Mars, these are mysterious signals. In 2012, Curiosity spotted a bright, shiny object in the faded Martian soil. To understand the scale: the entire image covers an area of ​​only 4 centimeters across. NASA scientists have confirmed that this shine is just some kind of quartz or something like that.

11. Spoon.

See the spoon in the center of the image? A long arm stretched out over the landscape, casting a shadow below? Is this proof that some giant chef is using this tool to make the donuts and waffles mentioned above? Unfortunately no. Mars does not have the same strong gravity as Earth, so such fragile rock formations can exist for a long time without collapsing under their own weight.

12. Metal structure.

Mars searchers have edited an image taken by Curiosity in early 2013 to highlight what appears to be a piece of metal. The likely explanation is much less impressive than a metal racer or an iron monster. The object is likely part of a meteorite or the result of a trick of light.

13. Bright light on the horizon of Mars.

The same Curiosity sent this curious photo in 2014, showing light on the horizon of Mars. The image excited UFO fans, who speculated that it could be evidence of alien activity.

NASA, as is usual with scientists, disappointed them by explaining that all the pictures with the mysterious “lighthouse” were taken with one camera. Other lenses did not reflect this point. Perhaps a cosmic particle hit the camera matrix, causing part of the sensor to “blind” and a white spot to appear on the pictures.

14. Mini meteorite.

In October 2016, Curiosity discovered a small iron meteorite, which was initially considered a strange stone. The stone looks small, about the size of a palm, but a close-up showed its intricate surface. The researchers called it a “stone egg” and were wrong.

A camera for micro-imaging (ChemCam: Remote Micro-Imager), which is equipped with the rover, was pointed at the egg. And they determined the approximate composition. According to scientists from the University of Arizona (Arizona State University), the egg consists of an alloy of nickel and iron.

15. Strange deep hole.

NASA has not given a definitive answer about this strange circular pit captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2017. But, most likely, this is a crater formed due to a meteorite impact. The hole is located near the planet's south pole. At the end of summer, due to the short daylight hours, the pit stands out sharply from the surrounding landscape due to the play of light and shadow.

16. Female statue?

The Spirit rover took this image in 2007, showing a view of rock formations on the surface of Mars. One of them stood out. It looked like Bigfoot. And female.

17. Another woman on Mars.

As you already understand, there is no shortage of women on Mars. That is, there are two of them, at least. This image from Curiosity excited alien theorists in early 2015. The small object inside the red circle looks like a figurine of a lady in a dress. All you need to see it is a developed imagination.

18. A monster crab crawls on Mars.

Again the Curiosity image from July 2015. It was not noticed for a long time until a tiny fragment of the image was enlarged in one group on Facebook. And what looked like a strange crab-like monster appeared, lurking in the shadows. He is also very similar to Cthulhu. In any case, this is what those who saw Cthulhu say. And these guys won’t lie again.

Of course, the crab on Mars is just a play of light and shadow on the rock. But it's so boring...

19. The face of an ancient god.

On the left is a cropped view of an image from the Opportunity rover. On the right is a neo-Assyrian statue of a goddess from British Museum. Notice the similarities? And some UFO fans too. As with all the mysteries of Mars that look like objects from Earth, it is a combination of human imagination and the play of light, and not a greeting from an extraterrestrial civilization with a penchant for stone carving.

20. Kissing face.

As we already know, there are many women on Mars. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this man seems to stretch out his lips in a kind of kiss. This stone was found in a photo from Curiosity by fans of the habitable Mars theory at the end of 2016.

21. How to find a “face” on Mars.

In a short time and a minimum of effort, anyone can find rock formations that look like human or alien faces on Mars. Here are two "faces" with their features indicated. This image is from Curiosity, which captured this landscape in late 2016.

All it takes is imagination to harness the power of pareidolia, a phenomenon that causes people to see faces and shapes in inanimate objects.

The other day, in one of the images of the Curiosity rover, which NASA published on its official website, ufologists discovered a silhouette resembling the figure of a woman.

Let's take a closer look at this and other similar cases.

Ghost Woman

The silhouette looks so believable that for some it may be the embodiment of the desire to find extraterrestrial life. The picture is complemented by the fact that the “ghost” seems to be standing on a stone, demanding attention.


The legendary discovery of the Mars rover Spirit. A photograph from 2008, which shows the silhouette of a creature seemingly wandering through the red desert. Due to the fact that his pose was reminiscent of the famous frame where Bigfoot was allegedly captured, the mysterious stranger was nicknamed the “Martian Yeti.”

Alien Temple

A photo from the 2008 Opportunity rover, in which the layered rock reminded ufologists of the creation of human (or alien) hands. The hoaxers suggested that the footage captured the entrance to a destroyed temple with a large monument welcoming visitors. Nearby, a “Martian ship” was found buried in the sand.


Photo taken in 2011 space station Reconnassance Orbiter, for which there is a fairly simple scientific explanation. Firstly, if these were trees, then, judging by the image, they would grow parallel to the surface of the planet. Secondly, such marks on the sand are the result of the evaporation of frozen carbon dioxide.


A legendary photo that excited people's minds in the late seventies and early eighties. Then many decided that a certain civilization had built a temple in the shape of a human face on Mars.

Giant smiley

In 1976 spaceship Viking Orbiter 1 discovered a giant "smiley face" on Mars. In 1999, with clearer footage, scientists were able to take a closer look at it. We are talking about a crater with a radius of 230 kilometers. The find was later used in the famous comic book "Watchmen".


In September 2014, the Curiosity rover sent back a picture of a flawless-looking ball lying on the surface of the planet. However, NASA quickly cooled the ardor of ufologists: the size of the “artifact” is about one centimeter in diameter, and it was most likely the result of a geological process called nodule. During it around some small solid something like a snowball forms.

Little helmet, bone and Martian rat

No, they're just rocks.

Flash Light

A Curiosity image taken in April 2014 gave ufologists reason to assume that aliens accidentally revealed themselves with a flash in the dark. However, NASA scientist Doug Ellison dispelled the myth, suggesting that it could be an impact from a cosmic ray - a stream of charged particles.

Drawing on the ground

The only true man-made artifact on Mars are the footprints left by the Curiosity rover.

Just a couple of days ago, in one of the photographs, a mysterious find, a “Martian crab,” was again discovered. These photos, posted on the official NASA website, spread across all media and other sources of information and caused a lot of controversy. We present you a video about this photo.

Even ancient people, as far as possible, began to study unique world Mars through the night sky. People have always known that something special was hiding about the neighboring planet.

Despite the fact that the planet is much smaller than Earth, Mars is the most terrestrial planet V solar system with many similar geological features, including polar ice caps and ancient (now dry) river beds.

But is there/or was there life on Mars? Despite the controversy surrounding Mars meteorites, which some scientists believe contain fossils of ancient Martian life forms (like bacteria), there is no conclusive evidence that life ever existed on Mars.

But you must admit, this does not exclude the possibility that once in the past there was life on Mars. And although there is no significant evidence for this assumption, there are amazing photographs that provoke strong curiosity.

Floating artifacts of Mars.

The presented image shows two relatively skinny objects casting a shadow on the surface of the planet. Objects look as if the structure is suspended or floating above the ground.

NASA experts attributed the objects in the photograph to the realm of pareidolia - some exquisite tricks of light and shadow (as are all such artifacts). The agency says it's just a "strange rock" shaped by winds and time.

Although it is unlikely that the objects are a spoon and something else (as they say), they still require closer attention. But NASA (at least officially) is not interested. NASA's official position on these structures is that they are natural formations.

Monolith on Mars.

Without a doubt, here we are seeing fascinating objects that have been photographed on the surface of Mars and its moon Phobos. The tall geometric structure looks like a man-made creation - with a purpose unknown to us.

The “tower” appears in the photo as a tall structure with a white tip, casting a long shadow. If the Monolith on Mars is indeed a tower of some kind, it will rise an incredible 6.3 km in height - that's 12 times taller than the largest skyscraper on Earth.

The object is a free-standing geometric block of enormous height. The first thing that immediately comes to mind is the monolith created by aliens from the 2001 film: A Space Odyssey. But is this object artificial?

Scientists believe: "In reality, it is more likely that the boulder was created by breaking away from the foundation, forming a rectangular shape." If this is true, then where is the “root” itself, from which the giant monolith broke off, and was positioned in such an interesting way?

Where is the stone that broke to create this shape? And why did such a tall Tower not collapse under the influence of wind and time?

The object appears to stand perfectly on its own on the flat ground. Of course, we can't say that this is an artificial structure, but we can add it to the growing list of strange Martian anomalies.

Monolith on Phobos.

We must boldly go where man has not gone before - fly, visit asteroids, visit the Moon of Mars. . A very unusual structure on this small potato-shaped object that passes around Mars once every seven hours, says Buzz Aldrin.

Could such “natural structures” be optical illusions of natural geological formations? Well... of course they can. But to directly reject the opinion that structures cannot be artificial in origin is just as unscientific as the statement that they were created by intelligent beings.

At the same time, the suggestion that the towers are artificial is such a big claim that these images should be carefully examined with healthy skepticism, but with an open mind.

Image data from seemingly man-made structures can be dissolved into natural formations to produce more detailed, high-resolution photographs (as happened with Face on Mars).

Pyramids of Giza and Martian pyramids.

The Sidonia region on Mars seems to be filled with mysterious anomalous structures. Southwest of the infamous "face on Mars" is a group of structures called "pyramids". With their relatively smooth, triangular sides, they bear a striking resemblance to the pyramids at Giza.

But should we be surprised at the Martian pyramids if the red world contains the remains of a big city!

Star City on Mars.

The curious formation seen here was called the Star City. This is a rather complex structure, and we cannot but agree with the researchers who saw artificial walls in the photograph. The city is part large area strange patterns, geometric objects and other anomalous curiosities of Mars.

However, according to skeptics, the “city buildings” covering the local landscape most likely have a natural origin: “Large domes and tubes, volcanic in origin, some of the domes have partially collapsed, creating interesting structures. In many cases, the undestroyed features are likely partially empty, and could provide shelter from the extreme Martian environment."

Indeed, assuming that education looks artificial, this does not mean that this is how things really are. We are just beginning to understand Mars' climate, geology, and processes occurring there. The question of whether Mars has running water is still hotly debated. But you must admit, there are some features of this strange planet that are truly mystifying.

Domed crater on Mars.

See one of the most unusual craters on Mars. The photo clearly shows the appearance of a crater with something unusual looking inside. In the center of the crater is a dome-shaped structure, almost perfectly spherical. It has a ball-like texture...reminiscent of Buckminster Fuller's geodesic design.

What's more intriguing is that the dome is very close to what appears to be a system of tunnels or pipelines that run above and below the surface of Mars. Small tunnels seem to connect to larger tunnels, as if forming some kind of huge drainage system. What if there is some kind of structure hiding in the center of the crater?

Martian finger.

A curious photo taken by a rover on Mars shows an object that looks remarkably like a human finger, complete with nail. Obviously, we only see one side of the object, so we can't tell whether the artifact looks like a finger from all angles.

Some have suggested that it is a fossilized finger from a Martian, or a broken finger from a Martian statue, which may be closer to the truth. Or is it again just a strange piece of stone that, from the researchers’ point of view, looks like a finger?

"Rodent" on the surface of Mars.

Mars is indeed full of surprises and artifacts; in the photo we see what has been called a Mars rodent. The object looks an awful lot like a guinea pig, such as one might find in any Earthly pet store.

Is it possible that this is actually some form of Martian rodent? If so, what does he eat there? – There is no vegetation on the planet. However, the funny rodent looks very cheerful from the outside. Maybe there is some form of underground life that the animal discovers in its burrows?

Or maybe it's an optical illusion again, a stone whose shape tricks us into seeing a furry little beast with a nose, an eye and perhaps a front leg.

Bone on Mars.

The image was taken in August 2014 and shows an object that looks very similar to some kind of bone. Some observers compared the artifact to a femur.
However, according to scientists, there should be no bones on Mars, since life has never been discovered there. And, of course, no evidence of large life forms has been confirmed.

Could this artifact serve as evidence of life on Mars, or is it just another strange rock that resembles bone? The coloring, proportions and shape, and even with articular nodes at the ends, immediately make you think of the bones of the limbs.

Unfortunately, without serious investigation, no conclusion can be drawn about the true nature of the artifact, and we do not know if NASA plans to take a closer look at the suspicious object. Most likely no:

“If life existed on Mars, then scientists would expect these to be simple shapes life called microbes,” NASA said in a press release. “Mars probably never had enough oxygen in its atmosphere to support more complex organisms. So large fossils cannot exist."

Many researchers are sure that this is the bone of an alien Martian animal. Others suggest that the bone resemblance is simply pareidolia—the human brain's tendency to find familiar shapes in random formations.

Martian totem.

It's probably not a Martian totem pole at all. But what is this strange thing? Is this similar to science education? Is there a natural formation comparable to it on Earth?

It looks like an object with rounded objects on it that look like they were specially screwed onto a pole. And all this stands in a very smooth part of the area, in a depression, as if the riddle was specially planted there.

Alien weapon.

Here's another puzzle on the surface of Mars. An incredibly mysterious artifact that observers compared to some kind of weapon, like tanks or anti-aircraft guns. Indeed, we see an amazing resemblance: there is a frame body and a cannon barrel pointing upward.

Maybe this is just another mischief in the games of light and shadow, but looking at such artifacts and anomalies taken together, you come to the conclusion: not everything is so simple in past history Mars.

It should be taken into account that only a small part of the planet’s territories has been considered. So what is this unusual rock formation? Or something different? Either way, Mars is an extremely strange and terribly interesting place.

Over the past few years, NASA rovers on the surface of Mars have made some very interesting discoveries. Martian artifacts: was Mars really inhabited by intelligent beings?

Statues and pyramids on Mars. That's a mystery.

According to ufologists and “UFO hunters”, and not only them, but also researchers from mainstream science who regularly study NASA images coming from Mars, there are many structures of artificial origin there.

The picture of amazing and incredible discoveries is complemented by the presence of methane on Mars. As we know on Earth, 90% of all methane in the atmosphere is produced by living organisms. But who could leave a “trace” of living organisms on Mars?

The Curiosity rover has discovered traces of methane on the Red Planet, and a number of brave scientists believe this may indicate the presence of life there right at this very moment. The Curiosity rover detected spikes in methane levels using the SAM science instrument. Samples showed that the methane content increased significantly - this indicates that there is additional source methane of unknown origin.

So, can we rule out the existence of life on Mars? Of course not, everything is possible and acceptable. In the very coming months, we may receive even more incomprehensible discoveries from the planet under study. One thing we can say for sure today is that something causes a sharp increase in methane levels by a factor of ten, and then the concentration of the gas drops down again.
Many planetary scientists agree that Mars gave birth to life in the distant past, and it is likely that the findings indicate that life can be found in the depths of Mars.

Water on Mars.

The study confirmed that Mars was covered with a huge ocean, there is no doubt or debate, where there is water there is life. All living things are based on this wonderful source of life. It is likely that most of the planet's northern hemisphere was covered in water, according to findings by an international team of scientists from the European Southern Observatory (ESO)).

“Our study provides a firm estimate of how much water was once on Mars, determining how much later evaporated into space,” says Geronimo Villanueva, a specialist at the Center. space flights NASA Goddard.

According to a study conducted by scientists from Utrecht University in the Netherlands, water was on Mars less than a million years ago. In addition, researchers do not exclude the possibility of water returning to Mars in the near future. This extremely optimistic assumption is due to the favorable tilt of Mars just 500 thousand years ago, and a similar tilt will occur again in 140,000 years.

Presence of xenon-129 on Mars.

Water and methane are certainly good for life on Mars, but scientists have discovered a very large amount of xenon-129 on the planet. The researchers emphasize that the only process we know of that releases Xenon-129 into the atmosphere in significant quantities is a nuclear explosion.

Xenon from the lifeless Red Planet is almost identical to what is distributed here on Earth at nuclear testing sites. This is one of the leading signs that has led researchers such as Dr. Brandenburg to believe that Mars had an advanced civilization in the distant past. Allegedly, the civilization there suffered a terrible and cruel end to its days.

In a television interview, Dr. Brandenburg stated: “Two great disasters have occurred on Mars,” he told Supreme Master TV, pointing to Utopia and Cydonia on the map of the lost planet. One disaster happened here and then an asteroid impact happened here. It's puzzling why so many terrible things happened in one area of ​​Mars, is it just an accident? ()

Now, having said all of the above, it would not be strange to doubt that in the distant past advanced civilization existed on Mars? Here lived a Martian civilization that left traces of its existence: buildings, statues, temples, which have been resting for a dozen tens of thousands of years in the harsh Martian environment, because in some photographs from Mars, we look at the actual remains of man-made structures on a dead planet.

Pyramid on Mars.

Could it be an ironclad fact that a civilization inhabited the Red Planet in these images containing intriguing artifacts? NASA's rover has brought us many interesting views of the surface of Mars since it successfully arrived on the planet in 2012, for example, ufologists and researchers are sure that we are seeing a real pyramid, .

According to many, this is the tip of much more than we see. In reality, a huge plateau with pyramids is buried under a thick layer of Martian sand. Although many “fathers” of science assure us that this is just another rock on Mars with an intricate shape, others say without a shadow of a doubt: the ideal geometry of the object clearly indicates that this is an artificially created structure, and in no way pareidolia or tricks of the light and shadows.

Ufologists, looking at numerous images from Mars with various “inexplicable” objects, have no doubt - we are looking at those structures that were certainly created by a thinking being. Scott Waring (UFO hunter) writes from the pages of his resource daily: This is excellent evidence that life really existed and can still exist on Mars, and we get evidence of this from the official NASA photo archive.

Statue on Mars

According to ufologists and “armchair UFO hunters” in general, who regularly check the latest NASA images of Martian landscapes, it’s amazing. This object in an extremely strange way reminds us of the very statues that are widespread on Earth in recreation parks and squares.

What would this mean, undeniable evidence of the life of ancient civilizations on Mars, or pareidolia? And anyway, should we be worried when looking at a statue from the surface of Mars and thinking about what happened to an extinct civilization?

Martian Crab.

The Martian crab is another artifact born of the mysterious life of Mars. What unknown creature was captured by Curiosity? Some of us have no doubt; Yes, conditions on the surface of Mars are extremely rough to support life, but surely life could have taken refuge beneath the Martian surface? Photographs of the NASA rover repeatedly raise noisy debate among researchers, ufologists and media mass media with one question; does Mars have life beneath the surface?

This photograph shows how "something" has become attached to a Martian rock, at least that's what it looks like, isn't it? A rather strange object that clearly stands out from the surrounding landscape. Yes, of course, there are rocks on Mars that may look a little strange, but to build such incredible images...however.

A helmet on Mars?

The Martian helmet is another one of those crazy and “ridiculous” artifacts that should not exist on a planet that has not seen intelligence. Meanwhile, it definitely resembles a helmet, exactly the same as the soldiers wore on their heads. It really does look like a World War I helmet, or at least too much like one.

Maybe this is again a beautiful piece of rock, skillfully crafted by nature, in the shape of a rock, but the resemblance to an army helmet is simply incredible, don’t you think?

As can be seen from the images above, there are some objects that cannot be explained as pareidolia. These images are simply incredible and cannot be explained as games of our brain and imagination - the desire to see something that does not exist.

The image below makes the artifact look no less intriguing. How can I comment on this object? At first glance, if an artifact were discovered on Earth, we would have no doubt in determining its identity - this is clearly a part of a technological device. But what could this be on Mars?