Obsessive negative thinking and how to deal with it. How to overcome negative thinking What is the harm of negative thinking

Today we will consider the question of how we can be attentive to ourselves, how we can take care of our high state of mind.
First of all, when we talk about “ourselves,” we need to clearly understand that we are aware of ourselves as SOUL, conscious energy, different from the physical body, expressing its qualities and properties through the body when performing actions. The main property of the SOUL is the ability to think. never stops. Even when we sleep, we continue to think. The speed of thinking may decrease during sleep, but it never becomes zero. , which is created in the mind and radiated in the form of vibrations. This is how relationships are created. It is thoughts that are the foundation of our . We cannot reason like this: “I say everything right, I do everything right, but who looks at my thoughts?” We don't talk to each other all day, but we think about each other much more than we communicate at the level of words and actions. Besides, much higher than the energy of the sound of words. Why have relationships between people reached a state of collapse? Because the foundation on which they are built is ignored, that is, THOUGHTS about each other. If we want to restore relationships, we need to restore the foundation, that is, learn to THINK correctly, to be VERY .
Each person has his own set of thinking patterns that a person uses in different standard situations. This set of thought patterns forms a “mindset.” The way of thinking is formed on the basis of a belief system. When a situation arises, we automatically, without even consciously, select a pattern of thinking and action from this set that corresponds to this standard situation. In order to change your way of thinking, that is, this set of standard thinking patterns, you need to use willpower.
The very first step on the path of self-transformation is to realize, do I need this?
To answer this question, consider a physical analogy. For example, I need to lift something heavy. I try to do this and understand that my physical strength is not enough for this. You can draw the following conclusion: “Nothing, I’ve lived my whole life and will continue to live the same way. I just won’t lift heavy things. I DON’T NEED that.” Or you can conclude: “I NEED to learn this, so I will pay attention to my diet, exercise, train, become strong and able to do it.”
And the same applies to the way of thinking. We CAN change our belief system and way of thinking if we believe that “I NEED IT.”
To understand whether you need it or not, check:

1. Am I creating too many thoughts? Many people are simply unable to slow down the speed of their thoughts.
2. Do I have a tendency to create negative thoughts, that is, thoughts of anger, irritation, fear, worry, anxiety?
3. When I want to change my thoughts, am I able to do it?

By answering these questions for myself, I can understand whether my mind is under my control. There will be people who will say: “Why do I need this - to keep my mind under my control, to be able to control my thoughts at will. Let him think what he wants. What difference does it make? This is normal...”. This - low level consciousness. It's like driving in a car high speed and say: “The car drives by itself. Let it go wherever it wants...” There are brakes and a steering wheel, but I don’t know how to use them and I’m not going to learn.
It's not about STOP THINKING. It's about LEARNING TO CONTROL the speed and direction of movement of the thinking process. As a rule, the speed of thinking is directly related to the quality of the thoughts created. Usually speed above the norm, and positive ones are normal.
If we want to change our way of thinking, we need to look at our thinking patterns in standard situations one by one and work on them gradually. It is the form of these thinking patterns that determines the quality of our lives, the quality of our relationships. If we don't work to consciously create these patterns, they overwhelm our consciousness. Then it is they, and not , determine our reaction when standard situations arise.

So, the very first and most important thing is to realize that our way of thinking determines our CHARACTER, our PERSONALITY, and our personality determines our DESTINY.

One of the most common thinking patterns nowadays is the thinking pattern, which can be defined as "thoughts of criticism about oneself and about others". It starts from childhood: parents criticize children, brothers and sisters in the family criticize each other, teachers criticize students... Based on this, an image is created in the mind. A person lives with this image. He criticizes himself. This critical energy that I create in my mind about myself determines my way of thinking. Gradually, this way of thinking begins to spread to other people.
For example, a child is slow by nature. Instead of explaining to him the correct method to do the work, his parents tell him: “You are very slow. Look at how others work... I can’t even imagine what awaits you in the future...”. This information comes to the child at the stage when he creates an image of himself. We don’t know ourselves, so we create our image based on information received from the people around us whom we trust - parents and teachers. The child thinks: “Of course, they are telling the truth...” When the image is created, based on that image. Each thought created makes this image more and more distinct.
To change this image, I need to sit in silence and just look at what critical thoughts I have about myself. For example, I have the following thoughts about myself: “Nobody loves me... I do everything badly... even if I try very hard, I can’t do anything... no one appreciates me... no one needs me ... what I do is of no use to anyone... everyone ignores me... everyone rejects me...” First of all, it is necessary to BE AWARE that yes, such thoughts appear in my mind from time to time. So this is part of the image that I have created in my mind about myself. To be aware means to identify and write them down. I can only do this if I start thinking about it, looking at them. Once I've written them down, changing them is very easy. The most important thing is to SEE THEM, to admit to yourself that yes, such thoughts exist. Many may say that this is not easy. However, the main thing is to start. If we work on this, we will achieve a positive result. There is not a single thought, not a single sanskara that we cannot change. Provided that I KNOW them and WANT TO CHANGE them. To do this, I must know one person - myself.

Whenever a critical thought comes to you about yourself, write it down. Remind yourself: “Every thought I create deepens this aspect of my personality.” Nowadays, parents are taught not to criticize their children, which deprives them of their strength, but, on the contrary, to fill their children with strength. Instead of saying: “You are too slow, you will never be able to do it,” you should say: “Of course, you will definitely do it, do it, try, you will definitely succeed!” This fills the child with strength, allowing him to form a sublime image of himself in his mind.
In the same way, our mind is like our child. Be a good parent to this child. Fill it with love and strength. If I learn to treat this child well and with love, I will treat all people well.
When I wrote down this negative self-critical thought and realized that it was causing me great harm, I gradually began to work on changing it. It is not true that success will come instantly. It is necessary, without weakening your attention to this, to do this DAILY. As soon as such a thought comes, you need to do three things: stop, check, change.
Changing our critical way of thinking is very, very important.
It is also important to understand another significant aspect: if you say: “I should not have said or done that,” you are actually criticizing yourself, that is, making yourself even weaker. Because it is a negative thought. We can say essentially the same thing, but in a different way: “Next time I will do such and such.” For positive transformation, I need strength. But every time I create a negative thought, I reduce my power even more. By creating positive thoughts, we fill ourselves with strength.
It cannot be that a person is critical of himself and not critical of others. If he hates himself, then he will certainly hate someone else. If he has a sanskara of hatred, this sanskara will manifest itself towards himself and others. He will emit these vibrations. His "perfumes" will be of this quality. Of course, everyone will avoid such a person, which will further strengthen his thoughts of criticism towards himself: “Nobody loves me...”

So, we need to gradually work on ourselves: a thought of criticism about ourselves arose, we wrote it down, and changed it to a positive one.

The second type of negative thinking- thoughts of anxiety: “It will be or it won’t be... what will be... how it will be... what if it doesn’t work out...”
We will consider these questions in our subsequent conversations.

So, the second type of negative thinking is anxiety thoughts: “Will it be or won’t it be... what will it be... how it will be... suddenly it won’t work out...” This type of negative thinking is so common that it is considered natural, the norm human life. Many consider this a NECESSARY component of life, a MEANS of solving problems.

In fact - , which people use to create a feeling of fear. This feeling of fear has the ability to deplete a person’s mental strength.
We usually don't like it when we see our loved ones in anxiety. We tell them: "Don't worry... everything will be fine..." Now we need to start telling this to ourselves. The fantasy we create in our mind may never happen.
Let's say we are worried about what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, today, in advance, we create in our minds an image of possible scenarios for the development of events. Let's say some important event in my life is expected tomorrow, which will require significant mental strength from me. But when I worry and create a feeling of fear within myself, I significantly reduce my mental strength, making myself unable to face the challenges of tomorrow.
When this internal conversation begins: “What will happen... how will it happen... will it or won’t it... what if it happens like this...”, I need to stop and tell myself: “Perhaps nothing terrible will happen. Dot"

We need to WORK on our thoughts. We must not allow our thoughts to get out of our way. feelings of anxiety and fear.

If we regularly pay attention to this, practice it, gradually we will destroy our old thinking pattern.
Under no circumstances should “anxiety” be confused with “concern.” Many mothers consider these to be synonymous. They believe that care without anxiety is impossible, that anxiety is an indispensable manifestation of care, that if there is no anxiety, then there is no care. In fact, this is completely wrong.

Third pattern of thinking, which depletes our mental strength - this is "controlling" when we try to change something that is not in our power, under our control. For example: "The weather should be like this... he should act like this... they should be doing this and they shouldn't be doing that..." We may not even say it out loud, but this conversation is constantly going on inside us. Every time we try to control those things that are not under our control. At the same time, we deplete our mental strength.
Unlike “criticism,” which simply reflects our view of a person or situation, “controlling” reflects our desire to CHANGE a situation, circumstance, or person that is outside our sphere of influence.
Many people talk and write about the negative impact of criticism, anxiety, and controlling on a person’s state of mind and relationships, but everyone talks about the external side, about the phase when these processes already move into the stage of words and actions.
A wonderful feature of Brahma Kumaris is that they teach here to look not at the external side of processes, but simply to be attentive to the processes that are happening INSIDE US: to check and change YOUR way of thinking. Establish a great relationship with yourself, and relationships with other people will improve automatically. If the mind is stable, the spirit is calm, pure, absolutely strong and positive, there will be no reason for unhealthy relationships. There is a beautiful expression in Hindi: “If you are at peace with yourself, your whole environment is perfect.” If there is peace inside, then there simply cannot be noise outside. This is impossible.
When we have a desire to control someone else or something else, we need to remind ourselves that the only thing and person that is under our control is ME. We need to learn and develop this habit of thinking only about what is under my control.
Perhaps someone will say: “I can’t always control my thoughts, words, and actions.” This is a very, very dangerous misconception. They try to control what is not under their control, and at the same time they say that they cannot control the only thing that is really under their control.
What could this lead to? Let's look at a couple of practical examples. It’s a day off, good weather, the family is going on a picnic in their car with great happiness. A little provocation, they grab their weapons and shoot... The reason? At that critical second, “I was out of control.”
Five or six years ago I read in the newspaper about such a case: a mother taught her child correct pronunciation words The child did very well. They were sitting in the kitchen. The mother continued to prepare dinner at the same time. They were stuck on one word. He couldn't pronounce the word "forty" correctly. No matter how much the mother tried to get the child to pronounce this word correctly, he could not. At that time his mother was cutting vegetables and... stabbed him with a knife...
The only reason is that at that second she “got out of control.” Why did the loss of self-control reach the level of action? Because there was no proper check at the level of thoughts.
When we offer people to teach them to control themselves, their thoughts, words, actions, they say: “We don’t have time. We’re too busy.” When we see a problem, feel discomfort, we need to stop and WORK on it. This is our RESPONSIBILITY. If we see dust in our house, it is our responsibility to wipe it away.
No one will do this for us. Now we need to start doing this for ourselves.

So far we've looked at three very common negative thinking patterns: criticizing, worrying, and controlling. Even if people start working on themselves and gradually correct these three thought patterns from negative to positive, this will greatly help them improve their relationships with people.
What can we practically suggest in this regard?
When you wake up early in the morning, sit quietly for a while, talk to yourself, promise yourself that today you will pay attention to positive character your thoughts, words, actions.
But this is not enough. Throughout the day you need to periodically remind yourself of this.
We are capable of doing several things at the same time, aren’t we? For example, doing housework and listening to music... Now we need to learn to listen to this “music” - what conversation is going on inside us. We must be "in the know" about this. As soon as we see this conversation starting to go in a negative direction, we need to do three things right away - stop, check, change. It is the character, the quality of this internal conversation

If you tend to think negatively, you may feel like it's an innate quality that drives you throughout your life. It is this faulty behavior that drags many people down as they allow negative thoughts to ruin their mood.

In reality, negative thinking is a habit that can be challenged and changed through knowledge, strategies and behavior. Once we understand the root of our negativity and change the way we perceive the situation, we can develop a more positive outlook that will provide enormous benefits in our personal and professional lives.

6 Ways You Can Change Negative Thinking

So here are six simple and powerful ways to help you stop negative thinking and develop more positive behavioral habits.

Develop a proper sleep cycle for yourself

Negative thinking is a symptom of depression, and it is often made worse by lack of sleep or irregular sleep cycles. The connection between negativity, depression and sleep disturbances has been studied in many studies. For example, in 2005, American researchers found that patients with depression or anxiety tended to sleep less than six hours each night.

To negate your negativity, make sure you get plenty of rest. You should definitely develop a healthy and consistent sleep cycle for yourself. This will help you achieve eight hours of sleep every day, thereby creating a routine that helps you get up for work every morning.

Write down your negative thoughts

The problem with negative thoughts is that they are usually unformed and ambiguous in our minds. This means that they are difficult to identify or eliminate using verbal thinking. They can also hide the true source of our fear, so it is very important to process them and understand their meaning.

The best way to do this is to write down negative thoughts in a journal, translating them into words and giving them physical meaning. Start writing them down quickly and casually, focusing on expressing yourself rather than getting the sentence right. Once you have them down on paper, begin to identify their specific meaning or general themes.

This process can also help you develop the habit of expressing yourself in an open manner, which will make it easier to manage relationships and solve interpersonal problems.

Stop going to extremes

Life is far from black and white, and many people with a rational mindset take this into account in their daily thinking process. But the same cannot be said about those people who are prone to negativity. They tend to go to extremes and imagine the worst situation when faced with a problem.

Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to grasp the subtle nuances of life and take into account positive sides, which can be seen in any situation.

With this in mind, you don't have to change your extremely negative thinking style to a completely positive one. Instead, consider the various positive and negative possibilities that exist in any life situation and create a list to guide your thought processes. This will allow your brain to instantly look for alternatives in the event of extreme negativity, without forcing you to suddenly change your way of thinking.

Act on facts, not assumptions

Negative thinking makes you unable to cope with any kind of uncertainty. Therefore, when you find yourself in a stressful or unfamiliar situation that has a potentially negative outcome, you begin to second-guess events and try to solve the problem without considering any relevant facts. This can be described as mind reading, which is likely to contribute to further negativity.

This problem can be easily solved by changing behavior. The first step is to gather the facts and details surrounding the situation and use them to make an informed decision. You should start with the scenario and list all the logical explanations in order of importance. Use pen and paper or verbal reflection. For example, if your friend doesn't respond instantly to a message, there could be many reasons for this. His battery might be low, he might have a meeting at work, or his phone might be on silent and the message simply wasn't read.

By listing these realistic explanations, you can avoid the temptation to identify negative outcomes and react impulsively. Over time, experience will also teach you that logical and reasonable explanations are always more likely than the worst-case scenarios that appear in your head.

Pay attention to the positive and embrace it

One of the main problems with negative thinking is that it is with you all the time, even when the situation has a positive outcome. This may minimize the positive outcome and the impact it has on you, or it may prevent you from seeing the positive in your life.

Let's assume that you received a salary increase, but it is slightly lower than some of your colleagues. Instead of focusing solely on that one negative thing, it's much better to think about what exactly you got. It is also important to recognize the fact that some employees received an increase even less than yours, or have nothing. This way of thinking brings perspective to any situation and allows facts to counter negative thoughts.

The key here is perception, that you see negative events as temporary and specific rather than permanent and all-encompassing. Learn to balance your negative thoughts with contrasting positive ones. This will allow you to get into the habit of seeing things in perspective much more often.

Think through all the circumstances again and look for the positive

There are situations in which both positive and negative effects can be clearly identified. But there are others that can be instantly perceived as negative. This is the worst nightmare for those who tend to think negatively, as they are faced with a situation that feeds their pessimistic mindset and does not offer an immediate way out.

Let's say you're at the airport and your flight is delayed. This is a negative scenario, causing you to panic and consider the opportunities you might miss because of it.

You can solve this situation if you start actively looking for the positive. It is important to revisit the current situation and reframe the perceived problem as a potential opportunity. So, instead of focusing on what you might miss, why not list other things you can accomplish while waiting for your flight? You can, for example, finish important work or enjoy a sudden break. This will distract you from negative thoughts as you look for the positive and optimize your time.


Negative thinking has a negative impact on every aspect of our lives. With the help of these little secrets you can finally move the needle and begin to see the world in a color other than gray and black.

Hello, dear readers!

In the previous article: “”, I described psychological mechanism self-fulfilling prophecy.

This article will provide some tips and techniques to help you put this mechanism to work for you.

But, as I already said in the previous article, there are pitfalls along this path that we often stumble over, and what we actually realize in our lives is not at all what we actually intended.

Everything seems simple: for the Pygmalion effect to help us, we just need to change negative attitudes, thoughts and beliefs to positive ones, and life will change for the better.

But this is the whole difficulty - negative attitudes very tenacious and do not want to voluntarily leave our consciousness. But even if they leave, this does not mean that their influence on us ceases.

What is the reason? Let's try to understand this issue.

Without going into psychological subtleties, this situation looks something like this.

Negative thoughts and attitudes are not just some fleeting psychological phenomena; they are often associated with certain traits of our character and personality traits that are not so easy to change.

In addition, negative thinking is the result of our upbringing and all previous (sometimes traumatic) experiences. In this case, negative thoughts seem to “eat into” our personality and become its constituent parts.

Further. Any attempt to get rid of negative garbage from our head most often leads to the fact that negativity persistently creeps back into consciousness and begins to influence our mood and actions with even greater force.

But even if we managed to get rid of negativity, obsessive attitudes and thoughts hide in the unconscious and begin to influence us latently and unnoticed.

So, it happens that the day starts out just great, and we are always in a great mood. As they say, nothing predicts a thunderstorm. But something happens that we did not expect at all.

For example, an excellent student, who knows all subjects perfectly, fails the session, passing the exams with bad marks. Everyone, including himself, is very surprised: “What happened? After all, I prepared very hard!”

But no one realizes that in the dark corners of the unconscious of our excellent student, the most opposite thought has long settled down, that in fact all his successes are fake, that no one needs them, and that he himself is a complete loser. And no matter what he does in life, having achieved certain results, it is as if he stumbles upon a wall, and everything he has done before with great difficulty is suddenly destroyed, and that is why he does not complete anything.

U the persistence of negative attitudes and thoughts, as well as their ability to imperceptibly influence us from the unconscious - these are the very pitfalls that prevent the positive realization of the self-fulfilling prophecy.

What to do in this case? What should I do?

In fact, to find and work through these negative thoughts and attitudes, you need serious work with a psychologist.

But there are psychological techniques and exercises that you can use independently and that can help you develop positive thinking and defeat irrational beliefs. Below are some of these techniques and exercises. It is better to perform them sequentially, exactly in the order in which they are described here. So, …

and its transformation

  1. Working through self-doubt...

Typically, the basis of negative thinking and negative beliefs is self-doubt. Therefore, first you need to cope with this particular personality characteristic. An extensive program to combat it is presented in the article “”.

  1. Increased Self-Awareness

A common cause of anxiety about the future, negative thoughts and self-doubt is poor knowledge of yourself, your goals, your strengths and weaknesses. You can deal with this by using the technique that I described in the article “”.

  1. Visualization of negative thoughts...

Never expel negative thoughts by willpower, but work with them, thereby you can avoid their disappearance into the unconscious and their subsequent invisible influence on your consciousness.

The point is that we need to accept all the negativity that is contained in us, because it is an integral and, perhaps, even a necessary part of our personality. It must be taken for granted and used as material for personal growth.

To effectively work through negative thoughts and attitudes, you need to use the visualization method, i.e. figurative representation of significant psychological material.

First you need to make a list of your main negative beliefs, thoughts, feelings and attitudes. This will help you become more aware of them and make them easier to visualize.

For example, a young person who failed an exam a few paragraphs above might put the following thoughts on this list: “I’m a failure,” “I won’t succeed,” “I’m terrified of these exams,” “I’m tongue-tied and I don’t know what to say,” “I forget everything I learned so well,” etc.

In order to more effectively deal with the negative garbage contained in you and make an appropriate list, you can use a fairly effective technique, which is described in the article “”.

The visualization technique itself consists in the fact that you need to find a quiet place, sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and for 3-5 minutes specifically call into consciousness negative thoughts and images circulating in your thinking.

You need to use your willpower to force the beam of your consciousness to focus on them, carefully study every detail, examine them in detail, keeping your attention on them for as long as possible.

For example, I would recommend that our would-be excellent student focus on the image of a failed student who has given up his hands, trembling, unable to utter a word, confused and frightened.

Such conscious concentration on the negative, a kind of meditative concentration on it, will soon weaken it and make negative attitudes and thoughts more manageable.

At the end of the concentration, you need to say out loud (if this is not possible, then silently) 3 times an affirming phrase: “For now this is so, but I will overcome it!” Then move on to the next exercise.

  1. Visualization of positive thoughts...

After you have visualized negative thoughts, visualize positive ones. Just take a 3-minute break first, walk around the room, relax and be distracted by something else. Then again take a comfortable position and, with your eyes closed, begin to visualize.

But first, supplement the list of negative thoughts and attitudes you have with positive ones. For example, our student's list looks like this:

When the list is ready, begin to visualize positive thoughts and images, concentrate on them, imagine that they are becoming a part of your personality faster and faster.

Just as in the previous exercise, all positive attitudes and thoughts can be reduced to one central image-conception.

For example, our hypothetical student might concentrate on the following image: “a confident young man presenting the learned material clearly and clearly to the examiner. His face is calm, his breathing is even, his movements are flexible, there is no nervousness or anxiety in them.” There may be several such images.

You should also concentrate on them for 3-5 minutes. You need to imagine them in as much detail as possible, try to get used to them, clearly and consciously visualize the fact that they are already beginning to be embodied in your life and behavior. At the end of the concentration, you need to say out loud (if this is not possible, then silently) 3 times the affirming phrase: “It will be so, it already is!”

  1. Combining images...

This exercise is a continuation of the previous 2.

The starting position too. You need to mentally imagine that you are standing in front of two mirrors. The fact that on the left reflects your image of a loser, overwhelmed by negative thoughts and attitudes, and that on the right you see yourself as a successful, self-confident and positively thinking person. Slowly move your inner gaze from one reflection to another - now you are both at the same time.

But then the mirrors begin to move towards each other and seem to merge into one huge mirror. Images of a loser and successful person Now they are in the same mirror space and look at each other with interest.

And then the image of the loser begins to change, he looks more and more like his opposite, and now you see two completely identical images of a successful and self-confident person.

The twins look at you and step towards you from the Looking Glass, and during this step they merge into a single positive image, and now you yourself take a step forward and merge with your new image of Self.

After finishing the exercise, it is better to remain in the starting position for a minute or two, relax, and only then proceed to everyday activities.

I repeat that to obtain the desired effect, these three exercises must be performed consistently, at least 2-3 times a day, for 3-5 minutes each, and for at least 2 weeks. However, you can feel the desired results after a couple of days.

That's all. I hope the exercises presented here will help you win negative thinking 20 bad habits and the qualities of a loser

I would be very grateful if you leave your

A person’s thinking largely affects his Everyday life. Positive thinking is joy in every day. A negative attitude towards life contributes to attracting failures and the formation of a depressive state. How to deal with negativity and turn it into positivity.

Negative thinking: what is it?

Negative thinking is a way of thinking based on the denial of the good, isolating the bad in every event. Negativism is a trait of weak people who tend to dream of a bright future and consider failures already in the past period of life. Such people are prone to depression and rarely achieve their goals.


To combat pathological worldview, it is important to understand the reasons:

  1. The main reason for negativism can be called fear of disappointment. Most people with a negative subconscious predict the worst only in order not to be disappointed in the future, thereby creating the preconditions for the worst development of events.
  2. Depression contributes to highlighting the “dark” moments of life.
  3. Overwork and feelings of helplessness suppress positive thinking.
  4. Low self-esteem due to past failures or rejection among others develops from childhood.
  5. Isolation gives rise to self-flagellation and “digging” into oneself, which also kills positivity.

Important! By identifying the cause of the subconscious, you can fight the problem. However, in addition to the individual approach, there are basic principles for the formation of a positive subconscious.

How to get rid

People with negative thinking always expect the worst, even when everything is fine, they are afraid that happiness will be followed by retribution and they cannot fully enjoy their luck. The fear that this will not last long gives rise to depression even against the background of the absence of “bad” events and phenomena.

Simple rules for combating disbelief in goodness:

  • Refuse maximalist perception. Seeing the world in black and white does not allow you to enjoy the halftones and see the many shades of a neutral direction. In every failure there is also success. When predicting any situation, you should think through several possible development options.
  • Ignore stressful situations . If you remain calm in negative situations, most negative emotions disappear. You can find a way out of almost any situation if you think calmly.
  • Don't harbor "bad" thoughts. The more you think about a negative situation, the stronger the emotions of anger and sadness. Try to distract yourself. If you can’t completely forget a bad situation, try to reduce its significance.
  • To avoid accumulating negative energy you should find some relief. You can throw snow, run, swim or box. In general, at your own discretion.
  • Don't harm others. Even in anger you should not insult a person. Sometimes it's better to remain silent. The more we offend others, the more negativity returns.
  • You shouldn’t deny negativity, you need to accept it and try to change it. Evil exists and it is the truth, if you deny it in pursuit of positive thinking, you can renounce real world in favor of illusions. A fictional world cannot exist indefinitely; sooner or later the “rose-colored glasses” will fall apart. Problem solving is an important trait in dealing with disbelief.
  • Lack of faith in yourself and your strengths always lies in past failures. To change the subconscious you need to find the root cause of belief in evil. You can write out all the negative situations from the past, when remembering which you feel powerless and predetermined, and analyze them. Try to transform these events into neutral ones, which will allow you to tune your subconscious to believe in goodness. Life cannot consist only of black and white colors. Each event has many shades if you paint it with paints. Converting black to gray is the beginning of the formation of positive thinking.
  • Besides the change inner world important create the preconditions for good. Proper nutrition, adequate sleep, planning your life and doing yoga or dancing (swimming, cycling) will help in finding harmony with the world.

The lack of positive thinking is expressed in a lack of faith in oneself, luck, and one’s own strengths. People with such unbelief are prone to suffering; they do not allow the thought that everything will be fine, that everything planned will be accomplished, even if those around them convince them otherwise.

Why is that bad? Lack of faith in good things makes a person withdrawn and unhappy. He believes that everything is hopeless and his fate is predetermined from above. Born to suffer is the credo of a person with a lack of faith in goodness. However, if you understand the problem, it is completely solvable.

If you can’t change your life, it’s important to change your attitude towards it and then everything will work out on its own. Changing your thinking is possible, but it requires awareness of the need and control over your own thoughts.

Psychology for everyone

Have you ever encountered people constantly lamenting something that was not done in the past or was done wrong? How often? Do you have a desire to continue communicating with them? If it is forced, then of course it happens, for example, with work colleagues. And if this random people, with whom you met on vacation, it is unlikely that anything will connect you with them later and such communication will stop. Why does a healthy person with a normal psyche have such a pronounced desire to stop such communication? What is the reason?

Of course, in our time, we give few people pleasure with our whining and our problems. As they say, if you have a problem, solve it. If you can’t do it yourself, then no one will help, which means don’t react so sharply, otherwise it can lead to illness. When you constantly or periodically “replay” a problem or an unresolved situation in your head, a certain amount of negative energy accumulates in your body, which then “shoots” various diseases. Why solve a problem later if it could have been prevented? And prevent it simply mentally? Just not thinking about her? Or by solving it, putting maximum effort into it.

The easiest way to get rid of discomfort within yourself without solving the problem or its consequences is to “talk it out” to yourself, to a loved one, others, anyone with ears, however, walls are also sometimes suitable for this purpose. I spoke out - it was easier, and the mountain was off my shoulders. But this is from the position of the individual himself. Moreover, the situation has not been resolved. And the people around you? They have ears too! What impression might they have of this behavior? And then - they will project this onto the entire personality of the individual, creating a certain portrait. And making certain decisions - whether to communicate with such a person in the future and endure all the “delights” of communicating with him or make a decision once and for all - not to communicate. Often we ourselves sometimes do not notice how dissatisfied we are with ourselves and with life, and as a result it turns out that we grumble and poison both our lives and those around us. Ultimately, the time that we could have spent on solving the problem is irretrievably lost in empty talk about the situation and lamenting about it.

Where is the key to solving the problem of “verbal dissatisfaction” for an individual? How to prevent it? Answer: as soon as we notice dissatisfied faces around us, as soon as we see that the conversation is not supported, that some people are trying to stop communicating in one way or another, then this is a signal to think: am I acting correctly, am I conducting the conversation in the right way? , are my interlocutors interested in what I’m talking about? And is it worth saying this at all? Of course, your interlocutors may have their own reasons for having dissatisfied faces; they may simply not listen to you. But you shouldn’t be selfish in a dialogue, turning it into a monologue, talking only about yourself and, what’s worse: about your problems - sooner or later your interlocutors will either begin to get bored and not attach importance to your words, and then they will begin to disappear under those or other excuses not to continue communication. Everyone would much rather hear pleasant words around them than listen to whining. And the point here is not at all famous expression“a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart,” simply by communicating with people who have developed positive thinking, your mood improves and you feel better. Everyone has problems, but everyone solves them differently: one by talking about them, and the other by real action. And if you couldn’t decide, why talk about it? To calm yourself down?

That is, the “talk out the problem” method helps to temporarily calm down, but does not solve it. And therefore, if the problem is not solved in this way, then this method is not correct. We will look for ways to solve it. This method is different for everyone. There is no one recipe for everyone. But at the root of this decision the following should be laid down: outline ways to resolve the situation, set deadlines, maximum and minimum, within which you must meet. If you see that the situation has been resolved, everything is great, that’s clear. If the problem is half resolved, that’s also not bad, it means you’re great, you tried (!), and what you achieved, you achieved it: the result is positive or negative - there is always a result. If the situation is not resolved: the first thing is to think about how you could have done it differently, to find other options to resolve the situation. But if the situation is already in the past, and you are left with what you have, then why think: “How could I have done ...” or “I should have done this for the future ...”.

Life situations sometimes repeat themselves, but most often they don’t. Therefore, what is the point of wasting time, vital energy, and energy on thinking or talking about “what could have been”?! As soon as you feel that you are getting stuck on this, stop, switch to more constructive thoughts about the future, and then actions. (Of course, the person himself, when he “brings negativity into the world,” does not always realize this. To become aware, you need high degree self-control, seeing oneself from the outside). Engage in physical labor if the situation allows this moment, or do gymnastics with a positive attitude (for example, during your lunch break. To prevent sidelong glances, explain to your colleagues that this increases productivity), be sure to do it on the weekend.

Set your thoughts to the best, positive, think about the good. Remember that negative thoughts destroy your body. Your self-preservation instinct must kick in. We must also remember that a person’s internal state depends primarily on himself, then on his own “self-attitude.” From a person’s work on himself: self-hypnosis, meditation, focusing on the positive. And we must remember that no external factors influence this.

As for people with negative thinking around you, then of course this communication is not the best. But, as mentioned above, there are situations when such communication cannot be avoided. To have a positive attitude towards life, this either must be developed from childhood, or developed during adulthood. But around us, of course, there have always been, are and will be people who are not very positive. To think positively, you need to put a lot of effort into it, both emotional and physical. You need to work on yourself, on your thinking. Are there many of us like that? Human beings are lazy by nature. There are workaholics, of course, but watch people: what is the percentage of the bulk of the population - positive or negative thinkers? Therefore, the presence of negatively minded people must be accepted as a fact, as a given. And treat this calmly as much as possible, not paying attention, turning a deaf ear.

Negative information should pass by you, as it does not bring you any benefit. If this is not possible: your psyche cannot stand it, your mouth is full of worries and there are seven people on the benches, and everyone is sitting, asking for food, then of course you should limit communication with negative people. thinking people, subtly letting them know that you are only interested in communication regarding work. Perhaps it is worth saying abstractly several times, without addressing any specific addressee, that such thoughts will not lead to good. Or comment on the situation out loud, replacing the characters in your communication, again hinting at current events, perhaps even suggesting ways to resolve it. If the interlocutor does not respond to your comments and suggestions, and you understand that it is impossible to convince him and there is no need, because... takes a huge amount of effort on your part, then gently let him know that you don’t need his comments either, change the topic, “lead” the conversation in a positive direction.

Let’s summarize the main conclusions about working with negative thinking in yourself and others. You know that you regularly work on yourself, do not allow your thinking to concentrate on negative emotions. Try to think positively. You try to quickly forget some really negative moments in your life, or it’s better not to even pay attention to them, clearly realizing that this is negative, it’s not worth thinking about or talking about, because... it may harm your body. You lead an active lifestyle. Regularly engage in positive self-attitude and self-hypnosis. To remove the influence of some negative factors in your life, firstly, accept the situation, reduce the significance of these negative events for yourself, and secondly, do gymnastics during lunch breaks and always on weekends. Spend at least two hours a day outdoors. Limit the flow of negative information for yourself. You don't accept it into yourself.

As for the negative thinking people around you. It is worth remembering that such a number of people has always been, is and will be. The majority of people do nothing to improve their emotional and psychological state, because... this is hard to do. It is much easier to methodically discuss problems that require action to resolve. Your action in relation to such people should be to try to change the topics in communication with such people, trying to take the conversation in a positive direction. Try not to react to their negative remarks, ignore it and not attach importance to it of great importance. There may be cases of discussing their problems as if from the outside, without naming the addressees, changing the characters in the story, but telling the situation from a distance and, as if it allegedly happened to someone you know, with a possible way to resolve it, as you think is correct. In any case, it is worth remembering that negative energy coming from outside is dangerous for your health, because... Negative emotions lead to illness, so it should be avoided in every possible way and not allowed into oneself.

© I. Zalesskaya, 2011
© Published with the kind permission of the author