Problems of greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere. Greenhouse effect - causes and consequences. The accumulation of which gases enhances the greenhouse effect

Greenhouse gases are gases that trap infrared rays that warm the Earth's surface and atmosphere. The most important greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, ozone, and freons. Greenhouse gases can be of natural (natural) or anthropogenic origin. Accordingly, one should distinguish between the natural greenhouse effect and the contribution to the greenhouse effect due to gases released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main anthropogenic greenhouse gas. About 80% of carbon dioxide comes from burning fossil fuels, the rest comes from deforestation, primarily tropical forests. Nitric oxide (N20) is formed by the combustion of fossil fuels, biomass, and the use of fertilizers.[...]

GREENHOUSE EFFECT (GREENHOUSE EFFECT) - warming of the Earth's climate as a result of an increase in the content in the ground layer of the atmosphere of dust, carbon dioxide, methane and fluorochlorocarbon compounds of technical origin (fuel combustion, industrial emissions, etc.), which prevent long-wave thermal radiation from the surface of the Earth. The mixture of dust and gases acts like a plastic film over a greenhouse: it transmits well sunlight, going to the soil surface, but retains the heat dissipated by the soil - as a result, a warm microclimate is created under the film.[...]

The greenhouse effect is as follows; Carbon dioxide promotes the penetration of short-wave radiation from the Sun to the Earth, and the long-wave thermal radiation of the Earth is delayed. As a result, prolonged heating of the atmosphere occurs.[...]

Greenhouse effect - heating of the surface layer of the atmosphere caused by the absorption of long-wave (thermal) radiation earth's surface. The main reason This process is the enrichment of the atmosphere with gases that absorb thermal radiation. The most important role here is played by the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) content in the atmosphere.[...]

The greenhouse effect is a decrease in the Earth's thermal radiation due to an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. Carbon dioxide freely transmits short-wave solar radiation, but blocks heat rays coming from the heated earth's surface. An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide leads to a disruption in the energy balance of the planet and its overheating.[...]

The greenhouse effect is understood as a possible increase in the global temperature of the planet as a result of changes in the heat balance caused by the gradual accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. [...]

The essence of the greenhouse effect is as follows. The sun's rays penetrate through the earth's atmosphere to the surface of the earth. However, the accumulation in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, water vapor, and fluorochlorine hydrocarbons (freons) leads to the fact that the Earth's thermal long-wave radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere. This leads to the accumulation of excess heat in the surface layer of air, i.e. the thermal balance of the planet is disrupted. This effect is similar to what we observe in greenhouses covered with glass or film. As a result, the air temperature at the earth's surface may increase.[...]

The main greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (Table 7.5). Its contribution to the greenhouse effect, according to various sources, ranges from 50 to 65%. Other greenhouse gases include methane (about 20%), nitrogen oxides (about 5%), ozone, CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and other gases (about 10-25% of the greenhouse effect). In total, about 30 greenhouse gases are known; their warming effect depends not only on the amount in the atmosphere, but also on the relative activity of action per molecule. If according to this indicator CO2 is taken as one, then for methane it will be equal to 25, for nitrogen oxides - 165, and for freon - 11000. [...]

GREENHOUSE EFFECT. See greenhouse effect (atmosphere).[...]

Main part The greenhouse effect is determined by water vapor present in the atmosphere and unevenly distributed in it, partially condensed in the clouds. About 10% of the greenhouse effect is provided by carbon dioxide evenly distributed in the atmosphere, the content of which is 16 times less than water vapor. The remaining gases in the atmosphere (among which the main one is methane, which has a concentration almost two orders of magnitude lower than the concentration of carbon dioxide) determine less than 1% of the greenhouse effect.[...]

The term “greenhouse effect” refers to a specific phenomenon. Solar radiation falling on the Earth is partially absorbed by the surface of land and ocean, and 30% of it is reflected into outer space. A “clean” atmosphere is transparent to infrared radiation, and an atmosphere containing vapors of triatomic (greenhouse) gases (water, carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, etc.) absorbs infrared rays, causing the air to heat up. Therefore, greenhouse gases perform the function of glass coating in conventional garden greenhouses.[...]

Ozone (Oz) is an important greenhouse gas found in both the stratosphere and troposphere. It affects both short-wave and long-wave radiation, and therefore the final direction and magnitude of its contribution to the radiation balance strongly depends on the vertical distribution of ozone content, especially at the tropopause level, where reliable observations are still lacking. Therefore, determining the contribution of ozone to the greenhouse effect is more difficult compared to well-mixed gases. Estimates indicate a positive resultant (approximately +0.4 watt/m).[...]

This slowdown in energy expansion came as a complete surprise to analysts who overlooked an extremely important fact: over the past 25 years, all developed countries of the world have stopped increasing their per capita consumption of all types of fuel combined. This undoubtedly affected the dynamics of global energy consumption, which has a clear tendency to stabilize at the level of 2.5 t.e. per year per person. In our opinion, this is due to the fading trend of the demographic explosion, which began in 1988 (the same year saw the maximum energy consumption per capita).[...]

Another gas that creates a greenhouse effect on the planet is methane. The increase in its concentration in the air was confirmed experimentally by analyzing gas bubbles in polar ice(Fig. 9.4, b). The main natural reason for the formation of methane is the activity of special bacteria that decompose carbohydrates under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen access). This occurs primarily in swamps and in the digestive tract of animals. Methane is produced in compost piles, landfills, rice paddies (anywhere water and dirt keep plant debris away from the air), and from fossil fuel extraction.[...]

The most significant natural greenhouse gases are water vapor, which is contained in large quantities in the atmosphere, as well as carbon dioxide, which enters the atmosphere both naturally and artificially and is the main component causing the greenhouse effect of anthropogenic origin. It is known that in the absence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the temperature of the Earth's surface would be approximately 3.3 degrees lower than at present, which would create extremely unfavourable conditions for the life of animals and plants.[...]

Nobody disputes today that the “greenhouse effect” is increasing. However, projections regarding the impact of warming on ecological system-.planets are not clear-cut.[...]

To understand the nature and mechanism of the greenhouse effect, it is also important to know that the contribution of the same component to the total flux of radiation strongly depends on its distribution in the atmosphere. Let us illustrate this using the example of the three main “greenhouse” gases - water vapor, ozone and CO2. From Fig. 3.1 it is clear that the absorption band of the carbon dioxide molecule centered at 15 μm is largely overlapped by the bands of water vapor. From here we could conclude that that the role of CO2 in the absorption of radiation is not so great. However, if we turn to Fig. 3.3, which shows the vertical profiles of H, 0 and 03 obtained during real observations in January 1972, we will see how large the concentration gradient is. water vapor. On the contrary, carbon dioxide is quite uniformly mixed in the air layer from about 1 to 70 km. Therefore, above 2-3 km, the main absorber of the rising thermal radiation of the underlying surface may be CO2, and this conclusion is supported by the calculation results presented in Table 3.2. [...]

Vronsky V.A. Ecological consequences of the greenhouse effect // Biology in school. - 1993. - No. 3. - P. 15-17.[...]

Unlike the global impact of greenhouse gases, the effect of atmospheric aerosols is local. The geographic distribution of sulfate aerosols in the air largely coincides with industrial areas of the world. It is there that the local cooling effect of aerosols can significantly reduce and even virtually eliminate the global greenhouse effect.[...]

Methane is the second most abundant greenhouse gas and is currently estimated at 20-25%. The contribution of carbon dioxide to the greenhouse effect is 43%, freon - 14%, nitrous oxide - 5%, other gases (carbon fluorochloride, tropospheric ozone, etc.) - 13%. [...]

It must be borne in mind that the accuracy of estimates of both the greenhouse effect as a whole and its components is still not absolute. It is unclear, for example, how one can accurately take into account the greenhouse role of water vapor, which, when clouds appear, becomes a powerful factor in increasing the Earth’s albedo. Stratospheric ozone is not so much a greenhouse gas as it is an anti-greenhouse gas, as it reflects approximately 3% of incoming solar radiation. Dust and other aerosols, especially sulfur compounds, reduce the heating of the earth's surface and lower atmosphere, although they play the opposite role for the heat balance of desert areas. [...]

It should be noted that the phenomenon now called the greenhouse effect of gaseous atmospheric impurities was first pointed out in 1824 by the French scientist J. Fourier, and in 1861 the English physicist J. Tyndall discovered that, like water vapor, CO2 molecules screen infrared radiation. This geophysical property of carbon dioxide is not, however, its only global lever of influence on the biosphere. Other comparable qualities of CO2, such as fertilizing and anti-transpiration effects, are discussed in the chapter “Living Matter”. Let's return to the main topic.[...]

Currently, about 10% of the land is covered with ice. The approximation of the greenhouse effect depends on the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.[...]

Some gases in the atmosphere, including water vapor, have a greenhouse effect, that is, the ability to transmit solar radiation to a greater extent to the Earth's surface compared to thermal radiation emitted by the Earth heated by the Sun. As a result, the temperature of the Earth's surface and the ground layer of air is higher than it would be in the absence of the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is one of the life support mechanisms on Earth.[...]

The combination of the first two factors is called “Relative greenhouse potential” and is expressed in units of CO2 potential. It is a convenient indicator current state greenhouse effect and is used in international diplomatic negotiations. The relative role of each greenhouse gas is very sensitive to changes in each factor and to their interdependence, and is therefore determined very approximately.[...]

The basis for the construction of supporters of the greenhouse effect is climate monitoring. The number of warming over 100 years of 0.5-0.6 degrees Celsius is often mentioned. But the climate reports cited above make it clear that “all types of data used to study climate change and variability suffer from problems of quality and inadequacy.” Another alarming fact is that since the beginning of satellite observations (late 70s of the last century), global changes in tropospheric temperature have hardly been observed. According to satellite and radiosonde data, during this period the global temperature in the lower and middle troposphere remained almost unchanged: its increase was only 0.05 degrees Celsius per decade, which is half the error of this estimate (± 0.1 degrees per 10 years). In the upper troposphere, since the beginning of the 60s of the last century, no statistically significant global temperature trends have been observed at all. [...]

Let us also note the following important circumstance: it is, in principle, hardly possible to reliably record the greenhouse effect of anthropogenic origin with a small number of observations, since the amount of heat required to heat the atmosphere, say, by 1 degree, is three orders of magnitude less than the amount of heat lost to space space due to radiation from the upper layers of the atmosphere.[...]

Just two or three decades ago, only environmental scientists knew about global warming due to the greenhouse effect. Today this has become a problem that concerns humanity.[...]

Carbon dioxide, or carbon dioxide (CO2), differs, in comparison with other greenhouse gases, by a relatively low potential of the greenhouse effect, but by a rather significant duration of existence in the atmosphere - 50-200 years and a relatively high concentration. The share of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect is currently about 64%, but this relative value is unstable because it depends on the changing role of other greenhouse gases. [...]

The content of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere is growing rapidly. These gases cause the “greenhouse effect” (Fig. 13.4).[...]

According to Russian, French and American researchers, the level of gases that create the greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere is currently the highest in the last 420 thousand years. The research was carried out at the Russian Antarctic base "Vostok", where, by drilling through the ice, researchers reached a record depth of 3620 m, which corresponds to a layer formed 420 thousand years ago. Air bubbles contained in the ice have become a kind of archive of the state of the atmosphere. During global warming the level of gases causing the greenhouse effect (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) increased, and during cold weather - decreased.[...]

And we are threatened not only by a lack of energy, but also by heat death from excess heat generated when receiving it (the so-called “greenhouse effect”).[...]

However, about 3 billion years ago, the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide began to decrease due to its binding in carbonate rocks. The greenhouse effect had decreased so much by 2.8 billion years that continental glaciation occurred. This was the first (?) glacioera in the history of the Earth. The average global temperature, according to V.A. Zubakov, did not exceed 4-10°C at that time. Subsequently, the luminosity of the Sun increased, and the greenhouse effect of radiation-active gases and gaseous substances the atmosphere began to decrease, but this process proceeded in fits and starts.[...]

Instrumentally proven accumulation in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide by 0.4% in gas, methane by 1% and nitrogen oxide L/0 by 0.2%. which causes the "greenhouse effect". It consists in the fact that these gases, entering the atmosphere, impede the transfer of heat from the surface of the Earth and act like a stack or film in a greenhouse. [...]

The goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is to stabilize concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at levels that would cause dangerous imbalances in the global climate system. This will require us to reduce emissions of gases such as carbon dioxide by-product use of fuel for energy production.[...]

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are substances synthesized by humans that contain chlorine, fluorine and bromine. They have a very strong relative greenhouse potential and a significant atmospheric lifespan. Their total role in the greenhouse effect was, in the mid-1990s, approximately 7%. The production of chlorofluorocarbons in the world is currently controlled by international agreements on the protection of the ozone layer, which include a provision for a gradual reduction in the production of these substances, replacing them with less ozone-depleting ones, followed by its complete cessation. As a result, the concentration of CFCs in the atmosphere began to decrease.[...]

It was noted above what negative consequences can result from an intensive increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect (climate warming, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, etc.). In addition, an increase in carbon dioxide concentration increases the decomposition of building materials - limestone, dolomite, concrete, stone. Some ancient monuments, having survived millennia, cannot survive the disease caused by pollution environment. The same nitric acid, formed by the interaction of nitrogen oxides and water, has a destructive effect on them. [...]

The role of the atmosphere in life is great: maintaining respiration processes (oxygen), transporting gaseous substances - the basis of life of plant organisms and regulating temperature on earth (“greenhouse effect”).[...]

In 1896, S. Arrhenius (1859-1927) published a seminal work in which he quantified the effect of changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration on the temperature of the earth's surface. In calculating the greenhouse effect, he took into account the effect of an important positive feedback between rising temperatures and increasing water vapor content in the air, which should also lead to climate warming.[...]

By the middle of the 21st century (2050), CO2 concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere can be expected to double compared to the time before industrialization (approximately 1850). Thus, there is undoubtedly a threat of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect when burning fossil fuels.[...]

The climate can be characterized by some average global temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere and the level of the World Ocean. Currently, an increase in these parameters is interpreted as global warming caused by the anthropogenic greenhouse effect (due to the emission of carbon dioxide due to the combustion of carbon-containing fuels). However, if the heat and water balances of the planet are unstable, then the assumptions about the constancy of global temperature and sea level turn out to be incorrect, and these quantities are always in a non-stationary state, changing in a complex way. [...]

The global level of environmental safety management involves forecasting and monitoring processes in the state of the biosphere as a whole and its constituent spheres. In the second half of the 20th century. these processes are expressed in global changes climate, the emergence of the “greenhouse effect”, destruction ozone screen, desertification of the planet and pollution of the World Ocean. The essence of global control and management is the preservation and restoration of the natural mechanism of reproduction of environmental conditions by the biosphere, which is directed by the totality of those that make up the biosphere living organisms.[ ...]

However, the enormous power developed by the Earth's biota harbors a hidden danger of rapid destruction of the environment. If the integrity of the biota is violated, the environment can be completely distorted over decades. It is known that the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is rapidly increasing, which enhances the greenhouse effect and can lead to an increase in surface temperature (global warming). This process has long been associated only with the combustion of fossil fuels. However, global land use analysis shows that in large areas of the continental biosphere the amount organic carbon does not increase, but decreases, and the rate of carbon emission from continental biota and organic soil reserves coincides in order of magnitude with the rate of fossil carbon emission from the combustion of coal, oil and gas. Consequently, modern biota violates Le Chatelier's principle. Since the beginning of this century, land biota has ceased to absorb excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Instead, it began releasing carbon into the atmosphere, increasing rather than decreasing industrial pollution. This means that the structure of the natural terrestrial biota has been disrupted on a global scale.[...]

Let's see why this ironclad theory is not suitable for garden houses. So, you have made a foundation of concrete blocks, planting it below the calculated freezing depth of the soil. In the Moscow region, for example, such a depth is 1.5 m, however, 1.4, even 1.3 m is enough: for many years now, winters in the Moscow region, and, perhaps, everywhere have been much warmer than in those days this design depth was established. Further, they say, it will be even warmer due to the greenhouse effect from the high content of CO2 in the atmosphere.[...]

To preserve the Earth's ozone layer, measures are being taken to reduce emissions of freons and replace them with environmentally friendly substances. Currently, solving the problem of preserving the ozone screen and destroying ozone holes is necessary to preserve earthly civilization. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, concluded that our atmosphere is increasingly affected by greenhouse gases that threaten climate change, as well as chemical substances, reducing ozone layer.[ ...]

If measures are not taken, the accumulation of CO2 will lead to the accumulation of heat in the lower layers of the troposphere (since CO2 does not transmit heat rays emitted by the Earth). Along with colossal (up to 3x14 MJ per year) energy releases from heat sources, this can lead to heating of the atmosphere, melting of ice, increased humidity, isolation from the Sun, cooling, etc. At the end of this chain, a flood followed by an ice age is not excluded. This mechanism, often called the “greenhouse effect” hypothesis, is confirmed by multiparameter computer calculations. Scientists believe that the process has already begun: 1987 is the warmest in terms of average global temperature, winter 1989 is the hottest, 80s. - the warmest decade. Global warming of just 2-3 degrees could have dramatic consequences.[...]

As a result of rapid technogenic activity, thoughtless attitude towards the environment, uncontrolled scientific and technological progress, increased pressure on nature, predatory use natural resources The Earth is clearly visible emerging global ecological problems, components of the general environmental crisis: pollution of the atmosphere, geodrosphere, lithosphere by harmful technogenic waste; climate change, primarily its warming due to the “greenhouse effect”, with the subsequent possibility of flooding of large populated areas; destruction of the ozone layer in the atmosphere and the emergence of the danger of exposure to short-wave ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is destructive for all life on Earth; depletion of material and natural resources; destruction of forests, formation of deserts; impoverishment biological species flora and fauna; growth of the planet's population and provision of food, housing, and clothing; spread of viral incidence among regions; violation of the genetic integrity of landscapes; aesthetic and ethical aspects environmental degradation natural environment; discrepancy between the restorative abilities of nature and technogenic impact, etc.[...]

Thermal equilibrium occurs when the temperatures of the bodies involved in heat exchange become the same, i.e. each of them begins to give away as much energy as it receives from other bodies. Therefore, in winter, for example, when the surface of the Earth emits more energy into space than it receives from the Sun, its temperature begins to decrease. In summer the opposite phenomenon occurs. This also explains the fact that on a cloudless night the temperature drops more than on a cloudy night. In the latter case, part of the Earth's radiation is reflected by clouds onto its surface. Less cloudiness is also responsible for the relatively sharp drop in temperature at night in mountainous areas compared to flat ones. The presence in the atmosphere of impurity gases of anthropogenic origin with molecular sizes larger than those of its main components (nitrogen, oxygen) (CC>2, CH4, SO2, etc.) reduces infrared radiation into space. This may contribute to the development of the “greenhouse” effect (section 1.6.1).[...]

The surface layer of the troposphere is most affected by anthropogenic impact, the main type of which is chemical and thermal air pollution. Air temperature is most strongly influenced by the urbanization of the territory. Temperature differences between an urbanized area and the surrounding undeveloped areas are associated with the size of the city, building density, and synoptic conditions. There is a tendency for temperature to rise in every small and big city. For large cities in the temperate zone, the temperature contrast between the city and the suburbs is 1-3° C. In cities, the albedo of the underlying surface (the ratio of reflected radiation to total radiation) decreases as a result of the appearance of buildings, structures, and artificial surfaces; here solar radiation is more intensively absorbed and accumulated by structures buildings absorb heat during the day with its release into the atmosphere in the evening and at night. The heat consumption for evaporation is reduced, as the open areas are reduced soil cover occupied by green spaces, and the rapid removal of precipitation by rainwater drainage systems does not allow the creation of moisture reserves in soils and surface water bodies. Urban development leads to the formation of zones of air stagnation, which leads to its overheating; the transparency of the air in the city also changes due to the increased content of impurities in it from industrial enterprises and transport. In the city, the total solar radiation decreases, as well as counter infrared radiation from the earth’s surface, which, together with the heat transfer of buildings, leads to the appearance of a local “greenhouse effect”, i.e. the city is “covered” with a blanket of greenhouse gases and aerosol particles. Under the influence of urban development, the amount of precipitation changes. The main factor for this is a radical reduction in the permeability of the underlying surface to sediments and the creation of networks to drain surface runoff from the city. The huge amount of hydrocarbon fuel burned is of great importance. On the territory of the city in warm times there is a decrease in absolute humidity values ​​and the opposite picture in cold times - within the city the humidity is higher than outside the city.

The problem of the greenhouse effect is especially relevant in our century, when we are destroying forests to build another industrial plant, and many of us cannot imagine life without a car. We, like ostriches, bury our heads in the sand, not noticing the harm from our activities. Meanwhile, the greenhouse effect is increasing and leading to global disasters.

The phenomenon of the greenhouse effect has existed since the appearance of the atmosphere, although it was not so noticeable. Nevertheless, its study began long before the active use of cars and.

Brief Definition

The greenhouse effect is an increase in the temperature of the planet's lower atmosphere due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases. Its mechanism is as follows: the sun's rays penetrate the atmosphere and heat the surface of the planet.

Thermal radiation that comes from the surface should return to space, but the lower atmosphere is too dense for them to penetrate. The reason for this is greenhouse gases. Heat rays linger in the atmosphere, increasing its temperature.

History of greenhouse effect research

People first started talking about the phenomenon in 1827. Then an article by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier appeared, “A Note on the Temperatures of the Globe and Other Planets,” where he detailed his ideas about the mechanism of the greenhouse effect and the reasons for its appearance on Earth. In his research, Fourier relied not only on his own experiments, but also on the judgments of M. De Saussure. The latter conducted experiments with a glass vessel blackened from the inside, closed and placed in sunlight. The temperature inside the vessel was much higher than outside. This is explained by the following factor: thermal radiation cannot pass through the darkened glass, which means it remains inside the container. At the same time, sunlight easily penetrates through the walls, since the outside of the vessel remains transparent.

Several formulas

The total energy of solar radiation absorbed per unit time by a planet with radius R and spherical albedo A is equal to:

E = πR2 ( E_0 over R2) (1 – A),

where E_0 is the solar constant, and r is the distance to the Sun.

In accordance with the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the equilibrium thermal radiation L of a planet with radius R, that is, the area of ​​the emitting surface is 4πR2:

L=4πR2 σTE^4,

where TE is the effective temperature of the planet.


The nature of the phenomenon is explained by the different transparency of the atmosphere for radiation from space and from the surface of the planet. For the sun's rays, the planet's atmosphere is transparent, like glass, and therefore they easily pass through it. And for thermal radiation, the lower layers of the atmosphere are “impenetrable”, too dense for passage. That is why part of the thermal radiation remains in the atmosphere, gradually descending to its lowest layers. At the same time, the amount of greenhouse gases thickening the atmosphere is growing.

Back in school we were taught that the main cause of the greenhouse effect is human activity. Evolution has led us to industry, we burn tons of coal, oil and gas, producing fuel. The consequence of this is the release of greenhouse gases and substances into the atmosphere. Among them are water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, and nitric oxide. It’s clear why they are named like that. The surface of the planet is heated by the sun's rays, but it necessarily “gives” some of the heat back. Thermal radiation that comes from the Earth's surface is called infrared.

Greenhouse gases in the lower part of the atmosphere prevent heat rays from returning to space and trap them. As a result, the average temperature of the planet increases, and this leads to dangerous consequences.

Is there really nothing that can regulate the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere? Of course it can. Oxygen does this job perfectly. But the problem is that the planet’s population is growing inexorably, which means that more and more oxygen is being consumed. Our only salvation is vegetation, especially forests. They absorb excess carbon dioxide and release much more oxygen than humans consume.

The greenhouse effect and the Earth's climate

When we talk about the consequences of the greenhouse effect, we understand its impact on the Earth's climate. First of all, this is global warming. Many people equate the concepts of “greenhouse effect” and “global warming”, but they are not equal, but interrelated: the first is the cause of the second.

Global warming is directly related to the oceans. Here is an example of two cause-and-effect relationships.

  1. The average temperature of the planet is rising, liquid begins to evaporate. This also applies to the World Ocean: some scientists are afraid that in a couple of hundred years it will begin to “dry up.”
  2. Moreover, due to high temperatures, glaciers and sea ​​ice will begin to actively melt in the near future. This will lead to an inevitable rise in sea levels.

We are already observing regular floods in coastal areas, but if the level of the World Ocean rises significantly, all nearby land areas will be flooded and crops will perish.

Impact on people's lives

Do not forget that the increase average temperature The earth will affect our lives. The consequences can be very serious. Many areas of our planet, already prone to drought, will become absolutely unviable, people will begin to migrate en masse to other regions. This will inevitably lead to socio-economic problems and the outbreak of the third and fourth world wars. Lack of food, destruction of crops - this is what awaits us in the next century.

But does it have to wait? Or is it still possible to change something? Can humanity reduce the harm from the greenhouse effect?

Actions that can save the Earth

Today, all the harmful factors that lead to the accumulation of greenhouse gases are known, and we know what needs to be done to stop it. Don't think that one person won't change anything. Of course, only all of humanity can achieve the effect, but who knows - maybe a hundred more people are reading a similar article at this moment?

Forest conservation

Stopping deforestation. Plants are our salvation! In addition, it is necessary not only to preserve existing forests, but also to actively plant new ones.

Every person should understand this problem.

Photosynthesis is so powerful that it can provide us with huge amounts of oxygen. It's enough for normal life people and eliminating harmful gases from the atmosphere.

Use of electric vehicles

Refusal to use fuel-powered vehicles. Every car emits a huge amount of greenhouse gases each year, so why not make a healthier choice for the environment? Scientists are already offering us electric cars - environmentally friendly cars that do not use fuel. The minus of a “fuel” car is another step towards eliminating greenhouse gases. All over the world they are trying to speed up this transition, but so far modern developments These machines are far from perfect. Even in Japan, where such cars are used the most, they are not ready to completely switch to their use.

Alternative to hydrocarbon fuels

Invention of alternative energy. Humanity doesn't stand still, so why are we stuck using coal, oil and gas? Burning these natural ingredients leads to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, so it’s time to switch to an environmentally friendly form of energy.

We cannot completely abandon everything that emits harmful gases. But we can help increase oxygen in the atmosphere. Not only a real man should plant a tree - every person must do this!

Greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases are gases that are believed to cause the global greenhouse effect.

The main greenhouse gases, in order of their estimated impact on the Earth's thermal balance, are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, halocarbons and nitrous oxide.

water vapor

Water vapor is the main natural greenhouse gas, responsible for more than 60% of the effect. Direct anthropogenic impact on this source is insignificant. At the same time, an increase in the Earth's temperature caused by other factors increases evaporation and the total concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere at almost constant relative humidity, which in turn increases the greenhouse effect. Thus, some positive feedback occurs.


A gigantic eruption of methane accumulated under the seabed 55 million years ago warmed the Earth by 7 degrees Celsius.

The same thing can happen now - this assumption was confirmed by researchers from NASA. Using computer simulations of ancient climates, they tried to better understand the role of methane in climate change. Nowadays, most research on the greenhouse effect focuses on the role of carbon dioxide in this effect, although methane's potential for retaining heat in the atmosphere exceeds the ability of carbon dioxide by 20 times.

A variety of gas-powered household appliances are contributing to the increase in methane content in the atmosphere.

Over the past 200 years, methane in the atmosphere has more than doubled due to decomposition of organic matter in swamps and wet lowlands, as well as leaks from man-made objects such as gas pipelines, coal mines, increased irrigation and off-gassing from livestock. But there is another source of methane - decaying organic matter in ocean sediments, preserved frozen under the seabed.

Typically, low temperatures and high pressure keep methane under the ocean in a stable state, but this was not always the case. During periods of global warming, such as the late Paleocene thermal maximum, which occurred 55 million years ago and lasted 100 thousand years, movement lithospheric plates, in particular, the Indian subcontinent, has led to a drop in pressure on seabed and could cause a large release of methane. As the atmosphere and ocean began to warm, methane emissions could increase. Some scientists believe that current global warming could lead to the same scenario - if the ocean warms up significantly.

When methane enters the atmosphere, it reacts with oxygen and hydrogen molecules to create carbon dioxide and water vapor, each of which can cause the greenhouse effect. According to previous forecasts, all emitted methane will turn into carbon dioxide and water in about 10 years. If this is true, then increasing carbon dioxide concentrations will be the main cause of warming of the planet. However, attempts to confirm the reasoning with references to the past were unsuccessful - no traces of an increase in carbon dioxide concentration 55 million years ago were found.

The models used in the new study showed that when the level of methane in the atmosphere sharply increases, the content of oxygen and hydrogen reacting with methane in it decreases (until the reaction stops), and the remaining methane remains in the air for hundreds of years, itself becoming a cause of global warming. And these hundreds of years are enough to warm up the atmosphere, melt the ice in the oceans and change the entire climate system.

The main anthropogenic sources of methane are digestive fermentation in livestock, rice growing, and biomass burning (including deforestation). Recent studies have shown that a rapid increase in atmospheric methane concentrations occurred in the first millennium AD (presumably as a result of the expansion of agricultural and livestock production and forest burning). Between 1000 and 1700, methane concentrations fell by 40%, but began to rise again in recent centuries (presumably as a result of the expansion of arable land and pastures and forest burning, the use of wood for heating, increased numbers of livestock, sewage, and rice cultivation) . Some contribution to the supply of methane comes from leaks during the development of coal deposits and natural gas, as well as methane emissions from biogas generated at waste disposal sites

Carbon dioxide

Sources of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere are volcanic emissions, vital activity of organisms, and human activity. Anthropogenic sources include the combustion of fossil fuels, the burning of biomass (including deforestation), and some industrial processes (for example, cement production). The main consumers of carbon dioxide are plants. Normally, the biocenosis absorbs approximately the same amount of carbon dioxide as it produces (including through biomass decay).

The influence of carbon dioxide on the intensity of the greenhouse effect.

Much still needs to be learned about the carbon cycle and the role of the world's oceans as a vast reservoir of carbon dioxide. As mentioned above, every year humanity adds 7 billion tons of carbon in the form of CO 2 to the existing 750 billion tons. But only about half of our emissions - 3 billion tons - remain in the air. This can be explained by the fact that most CO 2 is used by terrestrial and marine plants, buried in marine sediments, absorbed by seawater, or otherwise absorbed. Of this large portion of CO 2 (about 4 billion tons), the ocean absorbs about two billion tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide each year.

All this increases the number of unanswered questions: How exactly does seawater interact with atmospheric air, absorbing CO 2? How much more carbon can the seas absorb, and what level of global warming might affect their capacity? What is the capacity of the oceans to absorb and store heat trapped by climate change?

The role of clouds and suspended particles in air currents called aerosols is not easy to take into account when building a climate model. Clouds shade the earth's surface, leading to cooling, but depending on their height, density and other conditions, they can also trap heat reflected from the earth's surface, increasing the intensity of the greenhouse effect. The effect of aerosols is also interesting. Some of them modify water vapor, condensing it into small droplets that form clouds. These clouds are very dense and obscure the Earth's surface for weeks. That is, they block sunlight until they fall with precipitation.

The combined effect can be enormous: the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatuba in the Philippines released a colossal volume of sulfates into the stratosphere, causing a worldwide drop in temperature that lasted two years.

Thus, our own pollution, mainly caused by burning sulfur-containing coal and oils, may temporarily offset the effects of global warming. Experts estimate that aerosols reduced the amount of warming by 20% during the 20th century. In general, temperatures have been rising since the 1940s, but have fallen since 1970. The aerosol effect may help explain the anomalous cooling in the middle of the last century.

In 2006, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere amounted to 24 billion tons. A very active group of researchers argues against the idea that human activity is one of the causes of global warming. In her opinion, the main thing lies in the natural processes of climate change and increased solar activity. But, according to Klaus Hasselmann, head of the German Climatological Center in Hamburg, only 5% can be explained by natural causes, and the remaining 95% is a man-made factor caused by human activity.

Some scientists also do not connect the increase in CO 2 with an increase in temperature. Skeptics say that if rising temperatures are to be blamed on rising CO 2 emissions, then temperatures must have risen during the post-war economic boom, when fossil fuels were burned in huge quantities. However, Jerry Mallman, director of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, calculated that increased use of coal and oils rapidly increased the sulfur content in the atmosphere, causing cooling. After 1970, the thermal effect of the long life cycles of CO 2 and methane suppressed rapidly decaying aerosols, causing temperatures to rise. Thus, we can conclude that the influence of carbon dioxide on the intensity of the greenhouse effect is enormous and undeniable.

However, the increasing greenhouse effect may not be catastrophic. Indeed, high temperatures may be welcome where they are quite rare. Since 1900, the greatest warming has been from 40 to 70 0 northern latitude, including Russia, Europe, and the northern part of the United States, where industrial emissions of greenhouse gases began first. Most of the warming occurs at night, primarily due to increased cloud cover, which traps outgoing heat. As a result, the sowing season was extended by a week.

Moreover, the greenhouse effect may be good news for some farmers. High concentrations of CO 2 can have positive effect on plants, since plants use carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, turning it into living tissue. Therefore, more plants mean more absorption of CO 2 from the atmosphere, slowing down global warming.

This phenomenon was studied by American specialists. They decided to create a model of the world with double the amount of CO 2 in the air. To do this, they used fourteen-year-old pine forest in Northern California. Gas was pumped through pipes installed among the trees. Photosynthesis increased by 50-60%. But the effect soon became the opposite. The suffocating trees could not cope with such volumes of carbon dioxide. The advantage in the process of photosynthesis was lost. This is another example of how human manipulation leads to unexpected results.

But these small positive aspects of the greenhouse effect cannot be compared with the negative ones. Take, for example, the experience with a pine forest, where the volume of CO 2 was doubled, and by the end of this century the concentration of CO 2 is predicted to quadruple. One can imagine how catastrophic the consequences could be for plants. And this, in turn, will increase the volume of CO 2, since the fewer plants, the greater the concentration of CO 2.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect

greenhouse effect gases climate

As temperatures rise, the evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. will increase. Since warmer air can hold more water vapor, this creates a powerful feedback effect: the warmer it gets, the higher the water vapor content in the air, which in turn increases the greenhouse effect.

Human activity has little effect on the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. But we emit other greenhouse gases, which makes the greenhouse effect more and more intense. Scientists believe that increasing CO 2 emissions, mostly from burning fossil fuels, explain at least about 60% of the Earth's warming since 1850. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing by about 0.3% per year, and is now about 30% higher than before the industrial revolution. If we express this in absolute terms, then every year humanity adds approximately 7 billion tons. Despite the fact that this is a small part in relation to the total amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - 750 billion tons, and even smaller compared to the amount of CO 2 contained in the World Ocean - approximately 35 trillion tons, it remains very significant. Reason: natural processes are in equilibrium, such a volume of CO 2 enters the atmosphere, which is removed from there. A human activity only adds CO 2.

Composition of the Earth. Air

Air is a mechanical mixture of various gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere.

Air is necessary for the respiration of living organisms and is widely used in industry.

The fact that air is a mixture, and not a homogeneous substance, was proven during the experiments of the Scottish scientist Joseph Black. During one of them, the scientist discovered that when white magnesia (magnesium carbonate) is heated, “bound air” is released, that is, carbon dioxide, and burnt magnesia (magnesium oxide) is formed. When burning limestone, on the contrary, “bound air” is removed. Based on these experiments, the scientist concluded that the difference between carbon dioxide and caustic alkalis is that the former contains carbon dioxide, which is one of the constituents of air. Today we know that in addition to carbon dioxide, the composition of the earth’s air includes:

The ratio of gases in the earth's atmosphere indicated in the table is typical for its lower layers, up to an altitude of 120 km. In these areas lies a well-mixed, homogeneous region called the homosphere. Above the homosphere lies the heterosphere, which is characterized by the decomposition of gas molecules into atoms and ions. The regions are separated from each other by a turbo pause.

The chemical reaction in which molecules are decomposed into atoms under the influence of solar and cosmic radiation is called photodissociation. The decay of molecular oxygen produces atomic oxygen, which is the main gas of the atmosphere at altitudes above 200 km. At altitudes above 1200 km, hydrogen and helium, which are the lightest of the gases, begin to predominate. Since the bulk of the air is concentrated in the 3 lower atmospheric layers, changes in air composition at altitudes above 100 km do not have a noticeable effect on general composition


Nitrogen is the most common gas, accounting for more than three-quarters of the Earth's air volume. Modern nitrogen was formed by the oxidation of the early ammonia-hydrogen atmosphere by molecular oxygen, which is formed during photosynthesis. Currently, small amounts of nitrogen enter the atmosphere as a result of denitrification - the process of reducing nitrates to nitrites, followed by the formation of gaseous oxides and molecular nitrogen, which is produced by anaerobic prokaryotes. Some nitrogen enters the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions. IN In the atmosphere, when exposed to electrical discharges with the participation of ozone, molecular nitrogen is oxidized to nitrogen monoxide:

N 2 + O 2 → 2NO

Under normal conditions, the monoxide immediately reacts with oxygen to form nitrous oxide:

2NO + O 2 → 2N 2 O

Nitrogen is essential chemical element earth's atmosphere. Nitrogen is part of proteins and provides mineral nutrition to plants. It determines the rate of biochemical reactions and plays the role of an oxygen diluent.

The second most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere is oxygen. The formation of this gas is associated with the photosynthetic activity of plants and bacteria. And the more diverse and numerous photosynthetic organisms became, the more significant the process of oxygen content in the atmosphere became. A small amount of heavy oxygen is released during degassing of the mantle.

In the upper layers of the troposphere and stratosphere, under the influence of ultraviolet solar radiation (we denote it as hν), ozone is formed:

O 2 + hν → 2O

As a result of the same ultraviolet radiation, ozone decomposes:

O 3 + hν → O 2 + O

О 3 + O → 2О 2

As a result of the first reaction, atomic oxygen is formed, and as a result of the second, molecular oxygen is formed. All 4 reactions are called the “Chapman mechanism”, named after the British scientist Sidney Chapman who discovered them in 1930.

Oxygen is used for the respiration of living organisms. With its help, oxidation and combustion processes occur.

Ozone serves to protect living organisms from ultraviolet radiation, which causes irreversible mutations. The highest concentration of ozone is observed in the lower stratosphere within the so-called.

ozone layer or ozone screen, lying at altitudes of 22-25 km. The ozone content is small: at normal pressure, all the ozone in the earth's atmosphere would occupy a layer only 2.91 mm thick.

The formation of the third most common gas in the atmosphere, argon, as well as neon, helium, krypton and xenon, is associated with volcanic eruptions and the decay of radioactive elements.

In particular, helium is a product of the radioactive decay of uranium, thorium and radium: 238 U → 234 Th + α, 230 Th → 226 Ra + 4 He, 226 Ra → 222 Rn + α (in these reactions the α-particle is the helium nucleus, which in During the process of energy loss, it captures electrons and becomes 4 He). Argon is formed during the decay process radioactive isotope

potassium: 40 K → 40 Ar + γ.

Krypton is formed as the end product of the decay of uranium (235 U and 238 U) and thorium Th.

The bulk of atmospheric krypton was formed in the early stages of the Earth's evolution as a result of the decay of transuranic elements with a phenomenally short half-life or came from space, where the krypton content is ten million times higher than on Earth.

Xenon is the result of the fission of uranium, but the bulk of this gas remains with early stages formation of the Earth, from the primary atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere as a result of volcanic eruptions and during decomposition organic matter. Its content in the atmosphere of the Earth's mid-latitudes varies greatly depending on the seasons of the year: in winter the amount of CO 2 increases, and in summer it decreases.

This fluctuation is associated with the activity of plants that use carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis.

Hydrogen is formed as a result of the decomposition of water by solar radiation. But, being the lightest of the gases that make up the atmosphere, it constantly evaporates into outer space, and therefore its content in the atmosphere is very small.

Water vapor is the result of the evaporation of water from the surface of lakes, rivers, seas and land.

The concentration of the main gases in the lower layers of the atmosphere, with the exception of water vapor and carbon dioxide, is constant. In small quantities the atmosphere contains sulfur oxide SO 2, ammonia NH 3, carbon monoxide CO, ozone O 3, hydrogen chloride HCl, hydrogen fluoride HF, nitrogen monoxide NO, hydrocarbons, mercury vapor Hg, iodine I 2 and many others. In the lower atmospheric layer, the troposphere, there is always a large amount of suspended solid and liquid particles. The sources of particulate matter in the Earth's atmosphere are volcanic eruptions, plant pollen, microorganisms, and Lately

and human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels during production. The smallest particles of dust, which are condensation nuclei, cause the formation of fogs and clouds. Without particulate matter constantly present in the atmosphere, precipitation would not fall on Earth.