Reasoning on the topic of our rich language. Writing-reasoning of the OGE. The Russian language is unusually rich in adverbs - Works, Abstracts, Reports. Statements about the wealth of the Russian language

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It is impossible to imagine a single nation that does not have its own language. Without a language there is no people, and without a people there is no language in which this people would speak. Language is a backbone element national culture, but some languages ​​go to a more global level, becoming the languages ​​of international communication. One of them is our native Russian language ...


The Russian language is surprisingly rich and beautiful; it is the main forming core of Russian culture. Russian culture cannot exist without language, therefore every cultured person is obliged to preserve his native language.

There are many languages ​​in the world, each of which is unique in its own way, unusual, interesting to study. Each nation has its own original characteristics, its own mentality, its own cultural experience - all this is reflected in the language, and it is with the help of the language that the people can preserve and multiply their national heritage.

Russian is the language of high culture; outstanding works of world literature, world theater and cinema have been created in Russian. Russian is the native language for such generally recognized geniuses as Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Pushkin and for many other writers, poets, playwrights, critics, public and cultural figures. The modern Russian language did not arise from scratch, it is the result of long-term transformations East Slavic languages... Also, modern literary Russian is also a consequence of the interaction between different dialects, between the features of the language of different social groups and strata of the population. This interaction took place over several centuries and led to the formation of the modern living Russian language.

Language is a system-forming part of culture, with its help not only communication between people is carried out, the peculiarities of the mentality of the people are imprinted in each language, the native language is the main factor in determining national identity. With the death of the language, culture also perishes, so everyone who belongs to Russian culture and considers himself a cultured person must take care of the language he speaks. The Russian language, of course, is not threatened with extinction now, it is spoken by several hundred million people. Russian is still a relatively young language that has yet to develop and change in the future. The protection of the language is inextricably linked with its development; one should not only protect the traditions and heritage of Russian culture, but also enrich the culture with new opportunities. The greatest opportunities for a language open up when a society develops its language and develops with it.

Russian is the language of international communication. For how many centuries it has been the Russian language that has served as the most important basis for mutual understanding between the peoples of multinational Russia and other neighboring states. Perfect command of the Russian language not only enriches a person spiritually, but also makes him part of the great wealth of Russian culture.

Even more essays on the topic: "Russian language":

Today I am one of 170 million people who consider Russian as their native language. I am proud of this, because Russian is the great world language. Russian belongs to the languages ​​of interethnic communication, it is one of the ten most widespread languages ​​on the planet. This is official language the largest state in the world in terms of territory - Russia, as well as the second state in Belarus. Russian is the working language of the United Nations.

IN modern world Russian is spoken by another 110 million people for whom it is not their native language. There are dozens of countries in the world where Russian is taught in schools and universities. This is especially common in countries the former USSR, because Russian was the main language in the Union. For example, half of the population of Ukraine speaks Russian, and in a number of regions it is recognized as regional.

Why is Russian so widespread? First, the boundaries Russian Empire, and then the USSR, were very wide. The Russians have exerted and continue to exert a great political, economic and cultural influence on other peoples.

Now the spread of the Russian language in the countries of the former USSR is not to everyone's liking. Some politicians seek to supplant him and claim that he oppresses national languages... But people still communicate with each other in Russian, read Russian-language newspapers and books. The importance of the Russian language cannot be eliminated by artificial methods.

The second reason why Russian is widespread in the world is that many emigrants from Russia live in European countries, in the USA, in Canada. Russians also love to travel the world and communicate with people. I heard that in some American or Israeli cities all sellers know Russian: their buyers are Russian-speaking. Arabs and Turks are learning Russian: Russians come to them to have a rest.

The third reason for the importance of the Russian language in the world is literature. Russian literature is one of the greatest in world culture. The names of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and other great writers are known in distant corners of the planet. Germans, French, Spaniards study Russian at universities in order to read the works of these authors in the original.

Now in the world among the languages ​​of interethnic communication, English is the leader. English words even penetrate into the Russian language, often clogging it up. But I think it's all relative.

Firstly, now a whole army of translators is working, translating from Russian into English: Russian culture influences the English-speaking one too. Secondly, once upon a time there was already a fashion: everyone spoke French. Then the fashion changed, and people rushed to something new. And the great and rich Russian language, Russian culture have lived for centuries.


The Russian language is the national, interstate language of a great people and our heritage. I am proud to be a citizen Russian Federation that was born on our Russian land. Since my birth, the Russian language has filled my life and is of great importance not only in my life, but also in the life of each of us. Therefore, we are obliged to protect our native language.

From birth we hear Russian speech around us. She accompanies us all our lives. Wherever we go in Russia, our faithful assistant - the Russian language - accompanies us everywhere. At school, at home, in the theater, in the cinema - everywhere we hear Russian speech. But few people think about how important the native language plays in our life. Without him, we would not be able to talk with friends, read interesting book, write a letter to relatives.

Thus, the Russian language is the language of global communication, is of great importance in our life and on the world stage. Language acts as a necessary communication tool. During school breaks, you can often hear statements like this: “How tired of this Russian lesson! We teach him from the first grade! And why teach him? Everyone already knows him! " But it is impossible to know Russian thoroughly, although it is our native language. After all, its possibilities are endless! You can learn the Russian language all your life, always learning something new, but you never know all of its secrets.

I would compare the meaning of the Russian language in my life with the meaning of the Motherland for me. Just as I cannot imagine my life without my Motherland, so I cannot imagine it without the Russian language. The Russian language is the basis of our entire spiritual culture, our priceless gift. I owe him a lot. He gave me the opportunity to join the rich, centuries-old culture of the peoples inhabiting Russia, to learn everything about the life around us. I am sure that the Russian language will help me find a worthy place in my adult life.

I am grateful to fate that I live in Russia, study at a Russian school and study Russian and Russian literature, and speak Russian.

Therefore, I affirm: "The value of the Russian language in my life is great!"


The Russian language is the greatest language in the world and it has the status of an international language. Why? Firstly, a large number of people, knowing him, talk, and he is also widely known throughout the world. Secondly, at the United Nations, the working language is Russian. Thirdly, our language is informative and expressive, i.e. there are synonyms for each word, and there is a name for each object.

The Russian language was praised by many writers and poets. They were not only Russian, but also foreign poets and writers. For example, I would like to cite the statement of Prosper Mérimée: “The Russian language, as far as I can judge about it, is the richest of all European dialects and seems to have been deliberately created to express the subtlest nuances. Endowed with wonderful conciseness, combined with clarity, he is content with one word to convey thought, when another language would require whole phrases for this. " Yes, our Russian language is really rich, I am sure of that. I am proud that my native language is Russian, and I will not be ashamed of it!

About our mighty language during the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945, the very famous writer Anna Akhmatova wrote poems:

It's not scary to lie under the bullets dead,
It is not bitter to be left homeless,
And we will save you, Russian speech,
Great Russian word.
We will carry you free and clean
We will give it to our grandchildren, and we will save from captivity

Such a "strong" poem that it touches the soul. Each soldier, leaving for battle, recited this poem, it served as a hymn for them. The poem gave them strength, masculinity, stimulus and adrenaline.

But, to our great regret, our powerful and rich in expressions and words Russian language is in fifth place in the list of international languages. It’s a pity, a pity. With the help of the statement of the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, I would like to urge people to take care of our beautiful Russian language and not forget about it: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is a heritage passed down to us by our predecessors. Handle this powerful weapon with respect; in skilful hands it is able to work miracles. "

I love Russian and am proud of it! After all, the Russian language for me is like a breath of fresh air, like a breath of thirst-quenching water after a long thirst, and like a ray of bright and warm sun after a long, long darkness. More dear than the Russian language - there is no language !!!


Many people do not even think that his language is considered the richest. Why Russian? The answer is very simple, Russian is the only language in the world in which words can be replenished over and over again. From many expressions and invented words, our language, our culture is replenished, because much that was popular with our grandparents is also transferred into our colloquial vocabulary, and our grandchildren will also speak with our phrases.

The Russian language is very difficult, but that doesn't make it less attractive. Many writers said that any conversation can be conducted in Russian: a declaration of love, communication with the enemy, a friendly conversation, because it is he who can convey all feelings and emotions, better than any other language. The main thing is to learn to be a literate person, you should not shout to the whole world that he is too complicated and that too many stupid rules have been invented.

It should be remembered that the language we speak is a gift of our ancestors and not the teaching of the language - it is equivalent to forget about our relatives, not to accept their culture, to become a stranger among our own. It is especially sad to hear this from a small, still growing generation. After all, they do not yet know that by knowing him, you can discover new world... In the Russian language there are many words of synonyms, so it will not be difficult for anyone to compose poetry, choosing the right word will not change its meaning. It is very funny to learn new words, because a word meaning one object or action by sound can be associated with a completely different object.

Having fallen in love with the language, it will open up many possibilities for you, I checked all this on my personal experience... After reading a large number of books, you no longer remember the rules, and you freely write sentences without making any mistakes. This is what rich Russian means. So it's best to protect your tongue from a young age.

Maybe it already happened. I would venture to put it again.

Four linguists met at one of the scientific symposia: an Englishman, a German, an Italian and a Russian. And, of course, they started talking about languages. Whose language is better, richer, and what language does the future belong to?

The Englishman said: England is a country of great conquests, sailors and travelers who spread the glory of her language to all corners of the world. English - the language of Shakespeare, Dickens, Byron, undoubtedly best language the world.

Nothing of the kind, - said the German, - our language is the language of science and philosophy, medicine and technology. The language of Kant and Hegel, in which the best work of world poetry is written - Faust, Goethe.

You're both wrong, ”the Italian argued. Think, the whole world, all humanity loves music, songs, romances, operas. In what language do the best love songs, the most enchanting melodies and brilliant operas sound? In the language of sunny Italy.

The Russian was silent for a long time, modestly listened and finally said: Of course, I could just as each of you say that the Russian language - the language of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov - surpasses all the languages ​​of the world. But I will not follow your path. Tell me, could you, in your languages, compose a short story with a tie, with a consistent development of the plot, moreover, so that all the words of this story begin with the same letter?

This puzzled the interlocutors very much and all three stated:

No, this cannot be done in our languages.

But in Russian it is quite possible, and I will now prove it to you.

Name any letter, - said the Russian, referring to the German. He replied: All the same, let's say - the letter "P".

Great, here's a story with the letter "P":

Pyotr Petrovich Petukhov, lieutenant of the fifty-fifth Podolsk infantry regiment, received a letter by mail full of pleasant wishes.

Come, wrote the lovely Polina Pavlovna Perepelkina. Let's talk, dream, dance, take a walk. Come, Pyotr Petrovich, quickly.

Petukhov liked the invitation

The train arrived in the afternoon. Pyotr Petrovich was received by the most respectable father of Polina Pavlovna, Pavel Panteleimonovich.

Please, Pyotr Petrovich, sit down more comfortably, said dad. A bald nephew came up, greeted: Porfiry Platonovich Polikarpov.

Please, please! The lovely Pauline appeared. A transparent Persian shawl covered full shoulders. We talked, joked, invited me to dinner.

Dumplings, pilaf, pickles, liver, pâté, pies, cake, half a liter of orange were served.

We had a hearty lunch. Pyotr Petrovich felt a pleasant satiety.

After eating, after a hearty snack, Polina Pavlovna invited Pyotr Petrovich to take a walk in the park. A deep pond stretched in front of the park. We took a ride under the sails; after swimming on the pond, we went for a walk in the park.

Let's sit down, suggested Polina Pavlovna. We sat down.

Polina Pavlovna moved closer.

We sat, were silent, the first kiss sounded ...

Let's get married, get married! ”Whispered the bald nephew. Really, we will get married, ”the father who came up trumped.

Pyotr Petrovich turned pale, staggered, then ran away. Running, I thought:

Polina Pavlovna is a great game. Before Pyotr Petrovich the prospect of getting a wonderful estate flashed through. Hastened to send an offer. Polina Pavlovna accepted the offer. We got married. Friends came to congratulate, brought gifts. Passing the packages, they said: Lovely couple.

The Russian language is considered one of the most difficult and richest languages ​​in the world. It has a long history of its development. However, like Isama Russia.
Everything greatest writers The hypoets of our country also entered the history of the Russian language. After all, it was they who helped him develop, making changes there, transforming him. A number of such names can be easily named.

This is them. V. Lomonosov's entire theory of "three calm". This is I. M. Karamzin's teaching of elegant "salon" speech. This is, of course, and A. S. Pushkin, who made great changes in the Russian literary language of the 19th century. Yes, in general, all talented Russian writers and poets influenced the Russian language through their creations.

Language is a random set of letters and words. It is a system. We see the richness of the Russian language at all its levels, starting with sounds and ending complex sentences and whole texts. For example, in the Russian language, one of the few, there is a division of the verbs nalitsa. This is not the case for English and many other languages ​​of the world. In the phonetics of the Russian language, there are several divisions of sounds: voiced, deaf, sonorous, only voiced and only deaf, soft and hard, only soft and only hard sounds. In addition, there are also letters that do not denote any sounds (for example, soft and hard signs), as well as letters denoting several sounds at once in certain positions (vowels E, E, Y, Y).

The vocabulary of the Russian language conceals a tremendous wealth. In it, there are many words for not only feelings or actions, but even for their shades. In the Russian language there are huge numbers of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms. Only a Russian person can look his beloved in the eye, admire the eyes of a goddess, spit bribes to a neighbor and threaten to gouge out mortars to the enemy.

The vocabulary of the Russian language has developed so much that it contains many branches. These are professional, youthful jargons; varied secret languages(for example, the language of the underworld) and so on. A lot of Russian and foreign scientists are studying these sublanguages. They all admire the richness of our language, its inexhaustible possibilities.

In the modern world, we speak and write with the help of language. Consequently, unas is an oral and written language. The written, or literary, language is the same for everyone. There are a great many aust languages. Inevitably, Russian people can easily understand each other.

For example, residents of villages and small cities (especially the elderly) use words and expressions that are unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar to residents of megacities. And vice versa.

This is because in the Russian language there are dialects, words, expressions and pronunciation features that are inherent only in the inhabitants of one area. It is known that in the south of Russia the snake is called "goat", the hut is called "hut". An excellent example of dialect words was given to us by S. Yesenin in his poem "Vhata":

Smells like loose fighters;

Thrust stays kvass,

Above the chiseled stoves

Cockroaches crawl in.

Only in this quatrain do we find two dialect words (fighters, dezhka) and two words associated with the designation of village life (chiseled stoves, groove). The rest of the stanzas of this poem are also full of bright dialect words. With this work, Yesenin once again proved the wealth of not only a literary, but a national, "village" language.

It is known that the Russian language is one of the most difficult to learn. All foreigners who want to master our language speak about this. It is difficult for them to grasp the entire vocabulary of the Russian language, to master the subtleties of the grammatical structure, to learn how to correctly build sentences. But, all the less, the number of foreigners studying our language is not decreasing. This is largely due to our great classical literature. Residents of other countries tend to read the works of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky in the original language.

The mother tongue is a part of the national culture and a very important part of every person. Undoubtedly, you need to know and protect your native language. It is also important how to know and respect the languages ​​of other peoples:

Inet unas other property!

Know how to protect

Though in moderation of strength, into the spirit of anger and suffering,

Our immortal gift is speech.

Few dare to deny the wealth of the Russian language. And the few who dare to enter into an argument on this topic will be mired in wild disappointment, because every even a little educated inhabitant of the earth knows that the power of the great Russian language is indescribable! How concretely and concisely can one answer the question of what is the hidden power and strength that so glorify our native language? In this article we will try to briefly understand how and why this language became the most open, huge and powerful.


Before talking about the richness of the Russian language, it is worth recalling the ancient traditions. It is known that even in the distant IX century, the Slavs already spoke the Old Russian language. Of course, since then it has succumbed to many changes and adjustments until it became modern and generally accepted. It is worth saying that not only philologists and linguists were involved in the development of this wonderful language, but also talented people of all Russia. They improved it, made it more beautiful and brighter. Thanks to this, he became very interesting abroad. Many foreigners became interested in such a melodious and diverse language and wanted to learn it. Interesting fact that today our native language is one of the five most frequently used languages ​​in the world.

The main factor of formation

What is the wealth of the Russian language? The answer to this question is possible only after analyzing the history of the appearance and development of the language, because how can you judge something without knowing where it came from? If it were not for Christianity, then we can speak with almost absolute certainty that the Russian language would definitely not be the way we know it today. It should be understood that the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian languages ​​are very similar to each other. Perhaps, if not for the influence of religion, then all people spoke something in common between these three languages, and then the ethnic picture of the world would undergo strong changes.

The activities of Peter I

The peak of the development of the language fell on the 17th-18th centuries, and a great merit in this was Peter I. Crucial moment happened in the 17th century, because it was then that the emperor actively reformed all areas of the state foundation. Of course, all these changes could not pass by the most important thing - culture and language. He was able to introduce a civilian script, which supplanted the Cyril semi-Ustav. He also obliged everyone to use the new terminology, which was borrowed from European countries. It is worth noting here that all these innovations were mostly related to military affairs. At this time, such words as guardhouse, password and corporal appeared in Russian. Peter I invested a significant amount of his funds to open printing houses. They printed fiction books as well as special political literature. All this made it possible to capture in writing the main values ​​and cultural monuments of that time.

Mikhail Lomonosov

We must not forget about one more very important person, which made a significant contribution to the development of the language. We are talking about Mikhail Lomonosov. He wrote his works in correct Russian and tried to adhere to the rules of grammar as much as possible. After a while, these rules were officially introduced into the language, and the most interesting thing is that we still use many of them! The contribution of Mikhail Lomonosov is greatly underestimated, and in fact, for the most part, it was only thanks to him that such a branch of science as grammar appeared, which led to the publication of the first academic dictionary. With his own money, he published “ Russian grammar”, Which to this day is one of the greatest assets of Russian culture. It was from this moment that the public recognition of the Russian language as great and mighty began. They became interested in him abroad, began to study and improve. After the publication of the book, grammar textbooks for children were written, which were massively introduced into the educational program. It was Mikhail Vasilyevich who divided the texts into styles, highlighting the artistic, business and scientific.

The process of transforming the Russian language continues, and it is unlikely that it will ever end. New knowledge, new technology, and new areas of science regularly emerge that require special vocabulary. Our language borrows a lot of words from abroad, but this does not prevent it from remaining in the same demand, bright and diverse.

The power of language

Is it possible to definitely write what the richness of the Russian language is? It can be noted that today it is one of the most developed, demanded and processed languages ​​in the whole world, which has a huge book-writing base. But what is the wealth of the Russian language, how does it differ from others, what lexical and grammatical features make it the best? It is worth noting that when one begins to consider the significance and richness of a language, the first thing that researchers look at is the dictionary. If it is full of words that convey different things in an accessible, understandable and eloquent language, and also consist of letters that are pleasant and convenient to pronounce, then we can say that the language is quite rich. K. Paustovsky said more than once that only in Russian to denote ordinary natural phenomena, such as rain, wind, lakes, sun, sky, grass, etc., there are many different designations. The lexical richness of native speech is most vividly reflected in various dictionaries. V. Dal included more than 200 thousand words in his "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language".

Semantic richness

The richness and expressiveness of the Russian language largely depends on the meaning of the words. In this moment, our native language is also not inferior, because we have many synonyms, homonyms and just meaningful words. We remember that synonyms are words that have a similar meaning. There are many such words in the Russian language, which more than once helped unlucky poets who went crazy in search of a new rhyme: you just have to read the dictionary more carefully. It is important to understand that synonyms do not just call the same thing differently, they illuminate only a certain property of an object, helping to describe something more deeply and significantly. Here's a small example using the word famous. It can be easily replaced with units such as outstanding, great, wonderful, and famous. Moreover, each adjective reveals a word in a special subtext. The adjective “big” characterizes something objectively, the word “outstanding” gives a comparative assessment, “famous” means qualitative characteristic, and "wonderful" allows us to convey our attitude towards something.

Synonyms are an important and integral part of speech, because they allow you to figuratively diversify the language and avoid boring repetitions. The most interesting thing is that sometimes synonyms are used, which in their direct meaning may not have anything to do with the subject in question. For example, we say the word "a lot", but in different contexts it can be replaced with such synonyms as darkness, abyss, gulf, ocean, swarm, etc. This is just one example, but how clearly it demonstrates the diversity of the Russian language.


In order to understand what the richness of the Russian language is, you need to remember such an important concept as expression, which allows you to describe emotions. There are positive and negative expressions. The first type includes words such as beautiful, luxurious, bold, charming and others. The second type includes words such as sloppy, absent-minded, chatterbox, etc. Our native language is incredibly rich in emotionally charged words that allow us to express emotions such as affection, anger, love, anger, etc., using a variety of units, each of which has a unique meaning. Mikhail Lomonosov also emphasized this, saying that only two languages ​​have a sufficient number of affectionate and belittling words: Russian and Italian.


And yet, the question of what is the wealth of the Russian language has not yet been fully disclosed. In short, we can say that the wealth of a language is predetermined by the wealth of its individual units. We must not forget about phraseology, which is an important part of speech. Well-established expressions come from historical documents, past events, and even from the present experience of the people. The statements of common people most vividly and subtly convey different aspects of life. It's not for nothing that scientists collect folk wisdom bit by bit, because ethnos is the best creator and keeper of vital knowledge. Some scientists even compare the folk community with a philosopher who, living life, draws valuable lessons from it. You can get acquainted with the extensive Russian phraseology using the "Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by A. Molotov.

Enrichment with foreign words

Examples of the richness of the Russian language are impossible without words that came to us from abroad. They improve our language. It should be said that only the Russian language has such a huge number of prefixes and suffixes that allow you to create new words. Philologists rarely translate foreign words in transliteration - only if necessary. In all other cases, new unique words are born.


What is the wealth of the Russian language, if not in grammar? This is one of the most important components of speech. Our grammar is distinguished not only by its flexibility, but also by its expressiveness. Learning this language for foreigners is not an easy task. No matter how they say about the complexity of other languages, Russian, with all its diversity, remains one of the most difficult. For example, we can consider the category of the species, which indicates the way the action proceeds. It is somewhat more complicated than the category of time, because it allows one to characterize the action in different ways. For example, the verb "to do" can sound like "do", "finish", "finish", etc. Almost no other language in the world has such a variety of word forms.

Statements about the wealth of the Russian language

We have covered many aspects of our speech. So, what is the wealth of the Russian language? Let's briefly try to answer this question in words famous people... And Turgenev bequeathed: "Take care of the language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure and heritage passed on by our predecessors." Nikolai Gogol expressed himself very beautifully, who wrote: "You will marvel at the jewels of our language: whatever the sound, then the gift, everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself and, really, another name is even more precious than the thing itself." made an interesting remark: “How beautiful the Russian language is! All the advantages of German without its terrible rudeness. "

Summing up the results of the article on the Russian language, I would like to say that it is rightfully considered one of the richest, richest and most luxurious languages, but at the same time it is quite complex. Anyone who is lucky to be born and speak this language does not even realize the gift that he received. What is the wealth of the Russian language? The answer is simple: in our history and the people who created this invincible language.

Topic description: The Russian language remained and is now the language of poets and prose writers, the language of culture and a means of transmitting the national heritage of a huge cultural heritage from generation to generation.
A feeling creeps in that now the Russian language is underestimated and its role is underestimated, or even just it is used for their own selfish purposes modern society, leaving dark spots of swear words, replacing English and other words of foreign dictionaries, Internet jargon and "idle talk".
But the secret of the Russian language is that it is surprisingly flexible and rich, all estates can communicate with it and the same word can sound in dozens of variations and meanings. So "What is the secret of the Russian language", "Russian words" and "Why do I love the Russian language?"

Let's think together, and write the reasoning in the form of an essay on the topic:

"The great and mighty Russian language".

The wealth, euphony and greatness of the Russian language is the subject of admiration for many Russian classics. It is all the more surprising that our contemporaries underestimate its role, littering their speech with Anglicisms, jargon, colloquial expressions, newfangled Internet slang and swear words. If everyone thought about what value the Russian language is and what tremendous opportunities it has for expressing thoughts, then they would strive to know it even deeper and would neglect other means. What is the secret of the Russian language and why do I love it so much? I will try to explain it using weighty arguments and illustrative examples.

The wealth of the Russian language is not in the number of lexical units recorded in the dictionary, but in its flexibility, which has no boundaries. So, for example, it is believed that most of the words are contained in English language- about a million today. In the "Dictionary of Modern Russian literary language"- only 131,000. But this does not take into account the unique feature of our speech: if we take into account all possible word forms, then the number of lexical units in the Russian language will exceed 1.5 million.

Let us prove the consistency of the given argument with a specific example. Let's take any noun from the dictionary of the Russian language. Let it be "mom". Let's create word forms (grammatical varieties) for cases and numbers: mom, mom, mom, mom ( Genitive singular), mothers (nominative plural), mothers, mothers, (o) mothers. In English, the word "mother" has only one word form - "mothers" (plural). Such a comparison can be made with almost every noun in Russian: most of them can have 8 times more word forms than in the same English.

The dictionary of the Russian language is impressive in terms of volume and flexibility of semantic meanings so much that there is not enough life for complete mastery, even if we are talking about a person whose native language is. Figures prove very clearly: the absolute record for the number of words used belongs to A.S. Pushkin - about 24 thousand words (from the "Dictionary of Pushkin's Language"). A highly educated person uses a maximum of 8000 words in his speech. The average “native speaker of the Russian language” has even less: about 3-4 thousand words. Is this not a reason to think about how limitedly we use the enormous potential of the Russian language and how absurd the attempts to “enrich” our speech with jargon or Internet slang are.

The possibilities of the Russian language are so wide that you can replenish your vocabulary and not even half of it. The variety of word forms and meanings allows you to convey the smallest shades of meanings, to compose colorful figurative descriptions, to clearly express your thoughts - this is the virtuoso use of the wealth of the Russian language.