Scenario for the celebration of handing over a certificate upon dismissal. Certificate of honor for conscientious work - sample text. Konkov Anatoly Petrovich

"If the stars light up..."

8th grade dance

Good afternoon dear friends!


For the first time in our school history, we are holding a Presidential Award ceremony.

If the stars light up, it means someone needs it.

So a bright star has lit up in our sky.

A star person is a person who has achieved significant success, become famous, lit up the sky with his achievements, illuminating the path of hope for other people for their own success.

M. – Stars are the favorites of the public, people who have been treated kindly by attention. The life of a star is characterized by increased interest from others.

Fanfare sounds.

So, who are we talking about?


Activist of our school

An excellent pupil


Smart girl

Has excellent vocal abilities

Graceful and plastic

Of course this is our Kandyk. So, under thunderous applause, we invite the Winner of the Young Guides of the Republic of Armenia, the Winner of the Local Historian. Readings dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood, the winner of the “Student of the Year” competition, Surasmanov Kandyk.

On January 24, a solemn ceremony of awarding talented youth took place in the building of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, where the children who achieved high results in the field of science, sports and creativity, and contributed to the development and prestige of the Republic were awarded.

Presidential Award Winners Russian Federation There were 6 students from our republic, including our student Kandyk Surasmanova.

Chairman of the State Assembly Ivan Belekov also took part in the award ceremony for talented youth.

Let's see how it went. (video film)

A. – Who raises you to heaven?

M. – Only myself.

A. - Who brings you down from above?

M. - Only you.

A. – Where are the keys to your happy destiny forged?

M. – Only in you.

To present the awards, we invite to the stage the director of the MBOU "Yaboganskaya Secondary School" Kaimina Raissa Yurzeevna

M.- What is happiness?

To be at peace with the truth

Don't let the young and old get into trouble.

Be the first to lead by example in every case.
Take when assaulting a target

Precise eye.

. - What is happiness?

With a young mind

Comprehend science

On the earthly path.

Believe in humanity

When trouble comes,

Always show sensitivity and cordiality.

The floor for congratulations goes to the ex-director of our school S.M. Taitakova.

Kandyk! This song sounds for you and everyone sitting in this room.

Song "Light Up" in performed by Mama Ailen and Ohrasheva Ursula

What is happiness?

Happiness is in the morning, when you go to work,

Know: the worries of the world are your worries,

Happiness is breaking the sun into the face,

Cut a path for those who follow you.

. - What is happiness? It's very simple:

This is when people light up the stars

This is when the world is warmer because of you,

This is to know that we are all the grandchildren of Prometheus.

We give the floor to 11th grade students, Kandyk’s classmates and class teacher Aizhat Alekseevna Ilmekova

If a daughter grows up for the joy of others,
Smart girl, athlete and artist,
So it was my mother who tried -
She was also a mentor and close friend.

Here she is - your beloved child
Your girl, your little blood,

Your baby. There is nothing more expensive, closer or more beautiful.

We give the floor to Svetlana Vladimirovna Kandyk’s parents, Gennady Vitalievich.

But now, drum roll. We give the floor to the hero of today's celebration: the Presidential Prize Laureate, L. Kokyshev Scholarship recipient Surasmanova Kandyk.

So once again a star has lit up in our sky.

So someone wants them to be! And you have the opportunity to become a “star” within a year so that you too will be noticed!

The world is changing continuously, slowly.

Everything changes - from concepts to words.

And he will only be able to remain successful,

Those who are ready to change along with the world.

We end our ceremony with the words

Know yourself - it's interesting!

Create yourself - it's necessary!

Assert yourself - it is possible!

Show yourself - it's real!

Scenario of the Graduation Ceremony

1st presenter:

Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd presenter:


We are starting the solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to students of the specialty “Music Education” 2013

(Music sounds)

2nd presenter:

It’s great that the graduation ceremony begins with the kind smiles of the guests who came to congratulate and greet our graduates.

1st presenter:

They say that every person has his own “finest hour”. That most magnificent moment in life when fate says: “I give you a chance. Prove what you can do."

2nd presenter:

We think that such a “finest hour” for our graduates was studying at the Klintsov Social Pedagogical College.

(music plays, graduates appear on stage)

1st presenter:

So, welcome to our graduates!

2nd presenter:

Dear graduates! We wish everyone later life good luck and all sorts of victories. Well, you have already won the most important victory at this stage; you have received a profession that you can be proud of. May fortune continue to smile on you life path! Please go into the hall. (they walk to the music, and the presenter continues:)

And you, dear guests, don’t spare your hands.

Let the applause thunder in the hall.

We welcome with applause

these wonderful, cheerful guys!


1st presenter:

The right to open the graduation ceremony is granted to the director of the college, Sergei Vladimirovich Morozov.

(director speaks)

2nd presenter:

The floor for congratulations is given to the Deputy Director for Educational and Educational scientific and methodological work Panasyugo Elena Vasilievna.

1st presenter:

Just recently, you, dear graduates, came to college to get the profession of “Music Teacher” and now, five years later, you look so grown up, so independent and self-sufficient. Let's remember how it all began?

1st presenter:

It takes you 5 years to get your diploma.

And this, by the way, is not accidental.

Our music teacher Klintsovsky is known to everyone,

It is extremely difficult to study there.

You conduct and dance

And you draw notes on the board,

Diplomas for musicians and artists are waiting,

And now they will call you on stage!

2nd presenter:

And so, let's begin, sound the fanfare!
The main action awaits in this hall,
Waiting for the award ceremony
The highest award for years of study

Nomination "Leader by Vocation"

Participates in events and seminars,

Reads poetry, draws, sings.

Organizes and inspires

Healthy image leads life.

The diploma is awarded to the course leader:

    Sidorenko Tatyana Alexandrovna

Nomination "Our Stars"

1st presenter:

Diplomas are awarded to the winners in the category "Our Stars"

2nd presenter:

After all, if the stars light up, it means someone needs it. So someone wants them to be... And they are in college. These are our talented girls. Over five years of study, they managed not to earn a single C in their diploma, and this is worthy of praise. The diploma is awarded: (graduations)

    Bakina Alena Evgenievna

    Moiseekaya Irina Leonidovna

    Fitz Olga Viktorovna

Nomination "Cool Girl"

1st presenter:

This nomination is dedicated to those who not only studied and gained knowledge, but also managed to live the life of a college, participated in all events not only at the city, but also at the regional level.

2nd presenter:

In college life you are activists -

Today you draw, tomorrow you are artists.

In any case, we didn’t stand on the sidelines,

Because you are Cool Girls.

1st presenter:

Diplomas are awarded:

1.Volchek Irina Vitalievna

2. To another Kristina Amanovna

3. Kulago Marina Leonidovna

4. Gutor Olga Petrovna

2nd presenter:

Nomination “Modesty itself”

This nomination rightfully went to this girl, because she is really very modest, but at the same time very kind.

And so, the winner in the nomination "Modesty itself" became:

1 Khryapko Anna Mikhailovna

1st presenter:

Nomination "Miss Perseverance"

This nomination went to wonderful girls.

You have achieved a lot with your perseverance.

And this quality was very useful to you.

You worked honorably all five years.

diploma in your hands -

there is no better reward.

So, diplomas in the nomination "Miss Persistence"» are awarded:

1. Gerasimova Maria Sergeevna

Zakharchenko Yulia Georgievna

2nd presenter:

Nomination "Mr. Positive"

They know how to radiate goodness

With their warmth they warm part of the World.

Alas, not each of us is given this,

But under their warmth, our souls melt.

In nomination "Mr. Positive" Diplomas are awarded:

    Tsyvin Vladislav Vladimirovich

    Koshulyan Viktor Yurievich

1st presenter:

And now the floor is yours, graduates!

(word to graduates)

After the words of the graduates (video presentation)

2nd presenter:

Today you are entering a great life!

From the bottom of my heart - good luck, graduate,

And so that everything you dream about comes true,

Go straight to your goal boldly!

1st presenter:

We wish you much happiness and achievements,

You can find good friends

And may you be on all the roads of fate

Success awaits! Bon Voyage!

Scenario for presenting diplomas to university graduates “Bon voyage, graduates!”

Description: Plan for the ceremonial presentation of diplomas to university graduates “Bon voyage, graduates!” good, detailed, with competitions, presentation of diplomas.

SCENARIO High school prom University

Event date: Event time:
Sound engineer:
Speakers: college director, heads of departments, chairman of the trade union committee, elders study groups, Chairman of the Student Council; sing - , dance - .
Equipment: projector, screen.
Invite television.



Slide “Bon voyage, graduates!”
Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to the Great Hall of the Business and cultural center cities!

Presenter 2: At the most long-awaited, most wonderful holiday for students of all generations.

Presenter 1: Let us consider the ceremonial event dedicated to the presentation of diplomas to the university’s graduates of the year open.

ANTHEM OF RUSSIA (1 verse and chorus)

EXIT students,
ends the poem with the words “…college!”


Presenter 2: The student years have flown by,
And it's time to say goodbye

Presenter 1: There were joys, there were hardships
You are awarded diplomas...



2.1 Director's greeting

Presenter 2: Welcome to Excellence in Education of Russia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director
(Track “Director’s Exit”)

Director's word

Presenter 1: You are greeted by the folk art group of the Ministry of Education and Science, the pop song ensemble “_____________” with the song “________________________”

Artistic number

2.2 Awarding students

Presenter 1: Our dear graduates! Left behind are notes, exams, tests, sleepless nights, time spent in the library and the Internet. And today the long-awaited moment has come when you can accept congratulations on receiving your diploma!
Presenter 2: And today we will reward our most active, most hardworking, most persistent and persistent graduates!
Presenter 1: To award students with certificates of honor, the Deputy Director for educational work ________________________________________!!! (track_________________)
Presenter 2: And the deputy director for educational work _______________________________________!!! (track_________________)

Awarding certificates best students, deputies read out
As soon as the first student has been read, turn on the music (track__________________)

The awardees remain on stage for a group photo

Presenter 2: We are proud of you and wish you to remain as bright, creative and active.
Presenter 1: We invite you to take your seats in the hall.

2.3 Greetings from the Chairman of the Student Council

Presenter 2: Having traveled all the seas and continents,
Let the ethnographer put it in the book
That there is such a nation - students,
Cheerful and special people!

Presenter 1: The Chairman of the Student Council ____________________________________ is invited to the stage! (track_____________________)
Word to the Chairman of the Student Council
Chairman: “...From the graduates of pr.
have a video greeting."
Student Information Bureau presents...

2.4 Class teachers page

Presenter 2: We say the kindest, most sincere words of love and gratitude to our class teachers today!!!
Presenter 1: The teachers are all wonderful, each one is good in some way!
Just don’t try, you won’t find something better than your classroom!
Presenter 2: You are invited to the stage class teachers graduating groups:
——————————-insert with names and groups—————————–
Presenter 1: To reward for daily painstaking conscientious work and dedication to the profession, we invite the heads of departments _____________________________________________________ to this stage!




Presenter 2: We invite you to take your seats in the hall. Our dear class teachers! Thank you for your gigantic work! May your life be full of only pleasant surprises. Take one of them.

Artistic number

Presenter 2: Sports have been one of the brightest pages of student life in our college for many years!

Track + video ______________________________

Presenter 1: To present certificates for sporting achievements, the head of physical education, Master of Sports of the USSR in athletics, participant is invited to this stage Olympic Games 1980 in Moscow - ______.
Word (track_______________________ fades out)

Presenter 2: Students really need sports!
We are strong friends with sports!

Presenter 1: Sport is an assistant, sport is health,
Sports - games, physical education - HURRAY! (2 presenters)

Artistic numbers

rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics Youth Sports School No. 2
Presenter 1: Meet us! On stage, candidate master of sports, winner of the Russian championship among schoolchildren in certain types of all-around -
Trainer -___________________,
Choreographer – ____________________
without announcement (track________________________________)
Presenter 2: You were greeted by the pupils of Youth Sports School No. 2, sports acrobatics. Athletes Candidates for Master of Sports and 1st Degree Laureates: __________________________________!

2.6 Family
Presenter 2: We hope that sport will continue to be a bright page in the lives of our graduates and their families.
Presenter 1: After all, family is the foundation... This is the beginning of the beginning...
Presenter 2: This is a quiet haven from which the glorious road to life begins... And which supports a person throughout the entire journey!
Video presentation with family photographs of students to the music of J. S. Bach

Speech by students (preferably those who are already married).
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
We want our friends to say about you:
How nice your family is!

Presenter 1: Thank you, dear parents, grandparents, spouses and children, for your patience and for the support you provided us during our studies. We will try not to let you down.
Presenter 2: And our holiday continues... A musical gift from the ensemble
Artistic number

2.7 Trade union committee

Presenter 1: Obtaining diplomas is the result of the joint work of teachers, students and all college employees. The atmosphere in college largely depends on the work of the trade union organization. We invite the chairman of the trade union committee ___________________________________ to the stage. (track_________________________)

Word to the chairman of the trade union committee (3 min)
Gift and certificate (track_________________)

2.8 Presentation of diplomas

Presenter 1: Dear friends! The most long-awaited and solemn moment has arrived.

Presenter 2: Now you, dear graduates, will receive a document, the long and difficult path to which lasted from up to years and you completed it with dignity!

Presenter 1: Diplomas with honors are presented by the director of the college________________________! (track____________________________)
Presentation of diplomas with honors
Presenter 2: Being a student is hard work that requires enormous energy expenditure, but you achieved this through perseverance, an indefatigable thirst for knowledge, high efficiency, and you deservedly receive a diploma!

Presenter 1: We invite the following groups to this stage to receive diplomas:
—————————-Specify groups————————————


(background track______________________________)
Presenter 2: Let's not forget our beloved college,
Our teachers and friends,
Dormitory light unquenchable
Let's not forget until our last days!
Our years flew by quickly.
We already have diplomas, friends!
The time has come for us to say goodbye
The time has come for us to part.

Presenter 1: Congratulations to all students on receiving their diplomas!

Presenter 2: The story of youth is coming to a denouement
Chapters completed, dreams reviewed

Presenter 1: No longer relying on anyone’s tips,
You must solve all problems yourself

Presenter 2: Not every line will be smooth,
Not all trials will be easy,

Presenter 1: And life lies before you like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.


Song – “I wish”

(Track _________________________________)
Presenter 2: We thank all the college staff and students for their help in organizing the graduation party,
Presenter 1: Head of MUSE Records studio ______________;
Presenter 1: The leader of the ensemble ______________ and her students;
Presenter 2: Directors of the Cultural Center;
Presenter 1: Children's room sports school №2;
Presenter 2: College teachers __________________ for the poetic design of the evening.
Presenter 1: Graduate student _____________ for decorating the hall.
Presenter 1: Dear graduates! We don't say goodbye to you.

Presenter 2: We say to you, “See you again”!


You may also find it useful scripts for release:

1. Scenario last call for 11th grade
2. Scenario for presenting diplomas at a music college or school

By presenting his credentials, the foreign ambassador enters into first official contact with the head of state, and this meeting naturally has great political significance. They are also important in a purely human sense, since it is during this period that a climate of personal trust and mutual sympathy (or vice versa) is to a large extent established, which can largely determine the future success or failure of the ambassador’s mission and the possibility of maintaining regular contacts with the leadership host country.

In all countries credentials ceremony is developed especially carefully and in detail. Any, at first glance insignificant, deviation from diplomatic protocol can be regarded as disrespect for the ambassador and the head of state whom he represents. Unlike other norms, the procedure for presenting credentials in most countries is perhaps the most conservative and has remained unchanged for many years.

The presentation of credentials and letters of recall takes place in each country in accordance with its own ceremony. But we can highlight a number of key elements that are inherent in global practice as a whole: letters are accepted by the head of state at his official residence; High-ranking representatives of the state and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are present at the ceremony; the ambassador is accompanied by several senior members of the diplomatic staff of the embassy; upon presentation there is an exchange of speeches (not everywhere); after delivery, the head of state gives the ambassador an audience (talks with him); To go to the ceremony, the ambassador is allocated a car from the garage of the head of state; The dress code for the ceremony is ceremonial with orders. In some countries, the ambassador is given additional honors - the car in which the ambassador is traveling is accompanied by a military (police) escort; a guard of honor is formed in honor of the ambassador at the residence of the head of state; National anthems are performed. It is customary to report the presentation of credentials, at least briefly, in the press.

In our country the newly arrived head of the diplomatic mission pays a visit to the Protocol Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, where he is introduced to the procedure for presenting credentials. At the end of the conversation, ambassadors usually ask for assistance in organizing a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The embassy is informed about the day and time of the relevant visit by telephone. During a conversation with the minister (one of his deputies), the ambassador hands over copies of his credentials and letters of recall. Credentials are presented to the President of the Russian Federation in the Kremlin in a solemn atmosphere. The Ambassador is accompanied by his staff, as well as Russian officials - the directors of the relevant territorial division and the Protocol Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. The ceremony ends with photography.

After the presentation of credentials, it is customary to arrange a “glass of champagne” reception at the embassy, which is attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host country - participants in the presentation ceremony, as well as the diplomatic staff of the embassy. On the same day, the ambassador sends personal notes to the heads of other foreign embassies, informing them that he has presented his credentials and has begun to perform his duties.

The credentials ceremony in many countries requires participants to wear special clothes. Ambassadors of England to Sweden, a number of other monarchical countries, as well as accompanying managers Diplomats wear tailcoats for the ceremony. Representatives of African countries dress in colorful national attire for this occasion.

The development of the procedure for presenting credentials is determined by the social system, national traditions and historical past of a particular country, as well as generally accepted norms of international protocol. In the attributes of the ceremony, not without reason, there is a desire to emphasize the sovereignty and dignity of the state, its originality. The ceremony of presenting credentials in countries with a monarchical form of government remains more magnificent and complex.

In Belgium, for example, on the appointed day and hour, the chief adjutant of the king (queen) arrives at the ambassador’s residence and invites him to follow the presentation of his credentials in a car from the garage of the royal palace. The ambassador is not accompanied by all the diplomatic staff of the embassy, ​​but only by the minister-counselor and the military attaché. The dress code is full dress (uniform or tailcoat with medals). At the royal palace, the car is met and escorted by a military cavalry unit. At the palace, the ambassador and his entourage are met by responsible officials - the chief marshal of the royal court, the head of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc.

Then the ambassador, his entourage and the representatives present from the Belgian side enter the hall where the king is already present. The ambassador greets the king and presents him with his predecessor's credentials and letters of revocation. No speeches are made. The ambassador introduces his entourage to the king. After this, the king invites the ambassador (one) for a conversation, which lasts 10–12 minutes. At the end of the conversation, the king says goodbye to the ambassador and those accompanying him. This concludes the ceremony of presenting credentials. The ambassador, accompanied by the king's chief aide-de-camp, returns to the embassy.

In Sweden, an ambassador on his way to the royal palace is given a horse-drawn carriage; a guard of honor is formed in the palace; A military band is playing in the antechamber. In a number of countries, the ambassador is given the opportunity to receive a guard of honor parade, the anthem of his country is performed, etc. In Morocco, the ambassador bows three times (at the entrance to the hall, in the middle of the hall and when approaching the king). In Nepal, at the end of the ceremony, the king sprinkles a white handkerchief the ambassador with special perfume, which should symbolize the monarch’s trust in the ambassador and wishes for success in his activities. It is characteristic that ceremonial features that could be perceived in the modern world as not entirely convenient, or even humiliating and offensive for ambassadors representing sovereign states and their leaders abroad, are being eliminated from the award ceremony.

From the moment of presentation of his credentials, the ambassador is considered to have begun to perform his duties. Active activities in the country begin with visits to officials, political and public figures of the host country, as well as colleagues - heads of diplomatic missions. Such visits are considered protocol (courtesy visits), since their purpose is not to discuss or solve any problem, but to express attention to the person concerned and establish personal acquaintance with him.

List of officials who should be visited, and their order is communicated to the embassy by local protocol. However, in the interests of expanding contacts, the list can be supplemented, provided that this does not contradict the rules established by local authorities. Great caution is advised in this regard.

Paying visits and maintaining regular contacts with the host country is the professional responsibility of a diplomat, called upon to develop and strengthen bilateral friendly relations. A fruitful study of the country, true knowledge of its political, economic and cultural life is impossible without maintaining close contacts with representatives of various circles, carried out through visits and meetings. On the other hand, explaining the foreign and domestic policies of one’s government is also the most important goal of visits.

According to protocol norms, the ambassador, after presenting his credentials, makes first visits only to ambassadors. As for envoys, permanent and temporary chargés d'affaires, after receiving the ambassador's letter on presenting their credentials, they must be the first to pay a visit to the ambassador as the senior in rank. The ambassador pays them return visits.

Protocol visits to officials and heads of diplomatic missions are made simultaneously, interspersed (1-3 visits per day). The order of visits to officials is usually prescribed by local protocol and is strictly observed; The order of visits to foreign ambassadors is also subject to local protocol norms and established traditions in the diplomatic corps. However, depending on the state of relations with a particular country, the ambassador can make adjustments to the order of visits: delay some, speed up others.

Protocol visits are made by the ambassador's wife and the wives of other diplomats. IN different countries There are specifics to such visits, however, in any case, they are not in a hurry, based on the need to give the wives of diplomatic employees time to organize their lives and arrange their household. In some countries, the spouses of ambassadors pay visits to the spouses of the foreign minister. heads of government and state. Visits can be made to the wives of heads of other diplomatic missions, as well as to women who occupy a prominent place in the public life of the host country. Active representative work of the ambassador's wife, wives of diplomatic staff help to successfully implement the tasks facing the diplomatic mission. Naturally, this work requires the necessary preparation - general education and language.

Having “found his feet” in a new country, the ambassador himself will begin to receive notes from his newly arriving colleagues in the diplomatic corps about the presentation of their credentials. The protocol requires responses to such notes and application return courtesy visits. Delays in sending notes and return visits are extremely undesirable, since practical work Often there is a need to establish business contacts with one or another diplomat. Delays in preparing response notes and organizing return visits are a violation of protocol and can become an obstacle to organizing a much-needed meeting.

Thus, the appointment of the head of a diplomatic mission goes through four stages: a) request for agreman; b) appointment to a position; c) arrival in the country; d) presentation of credentials and official assumption of office.

Here you will find samples of text for a certificate of honor for an employee (employee) as a simple Good work, and for many years of conscientious work.

First names, surnames and names of organizations in the texts are used solely for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to your own. Recommendations for design are at the end of the page.

Option #1


Smirnova Elena Viktorovna

for conscientious work in the education sector, professionalism, high-quality and responsible performance job responsibilities and in connection with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Lipetsk College of Arts named after. Igumnova."


E. K. Goncharov

Option No. 2


Petrova Ella Eduardovna,

teacher primary classes municipal educational institution"Tambov secondary comprehensive school No. 25",

for impeccable work, high achievements in training and education of the younger generation, respectful and tactful attitude towards children.

Head of Department

education administration

Tambov district

Ts. Yu. Abdurakhmanov

Option #3

Administration and trade union committee of preschool educational institution No. 35 "Crocus" of the Mytishchi urban district


Sidorova Alla Solomonovna,

physical education instructor,

for conscientious work and in connection with International Women's Day.

Head of preschool educational institution No. 35

Yu. Yu. Merzlyakova

Order No. 52 of September 22, 2019

Option No. 4


Pchelina Alena Yurievna,

Deputy Director for Educational Work, MAOU Lebedyanskaya Secondary School

for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism and a creative approach to the process of teaching and educating schoolchildren.

Director of MAOU Lebedyanskaya Secondary School

T. T. Komarova

Order No. 12 of 09.11.2019

Option #5


Kashirin Maxim Yurievich – head of the Quality Control Department

Yelets organic fiber plant for conscientious attitude to work in honor of International Day workers - May 1.

The factory director

Kh. Kh. Lyadov

Option #6

Education Committee of the Administration of the Leningrad Region "Vsevolozhsk District"


Zorkina Julietta Kharitonovna – primary school teacher at MBOU

Vsevolozhsk secondary school, for conscientious work in the education system of the Vsevolozhsk region, pedagogical skill, significant creative successes and in connection with the 15th anniversary of teaching activity.

Chairman of the CO:

Ya. Ya. Bekhtev

April 2019

Option No. 7

Administration of the Kurortny district of the Leningrad region


team of LLC "Breeze"

for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism, patience and excellent organization of children's recreation during the 2019 holiday season.

Head of Administration

Kurortny district

Ts. Ts. Paramonov

Option No. 8


Solomonova Anzhelika Leopoldovna

for conscientious work, professionalism and a perfectly organized approach to the education and development of children’s speech in honor of their professional holiday.

Head of GBDOU No. 194

E. E. Mamzelkina

Taganrog 2019

Option No. 9


Sivolapova Ichkeria Borisovna

for many years of conscientious work for the benefit of the development of the school, the formation of the moral and intellectual potential of the younger generation, and the improvement of their professional skills.

Success and new achievements in your noble work, happiness, health, prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Head teacher:

Ts. Y. Shestilapova

village Troekurovo

Option No. 10


Maksimkina Alena Maksimovna

librarian Scientific library GOU BPO "Smolenskaya" state academy Law" for conscientious work, professionalism in work and enormous contribution to the training of highly qualified legal specialists.

First Deputy Minister

education of the Smolensk region

Kh. Kh. Ivanov

Smolensk, 2019

Option No. 11

Ministry of Education and Science of the Altai Republic


teacher of Russian language and literature at Altai secondary school No. 73

Shpakovskaya Lyudmila Yurievna

for conscientious work in the upbringing and training of the younger generation and based on the results of certification.

U. U. Sidorov

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of AK No. 622 of December 28, 2019

Option No. 12

Awarded to Kashirina Alena Yurievna

for his inexhaustible medical talent, high professionalism, dedication, generosity of spirit, many years of painstaking work in our medical field, as well as for his great contribution to the training and education of the future generation of surgeons.

Director of the RB "Cardiology Center No. 19"

R. R. Muravyova

Kalinin – 2019

Option No. 13

Administration of the Troekurovsky settlement


Goncharova Yulia Mikhailovna,

General Director of the Sovinki chain of stores for many years of conscientious work, assistance to the administration of the Troyekurovsky urban settlement in resolving issues of local importance, a significant contribution to ensuring the social stability of the residents of Troyekurovo and in connection with the professional holiday Russian Entrepreneurship Day.

Head of Administration

Troekurovsky urban settlement

A. A. Popova

Troekurovo – 2019

Option No. 14


Masaltseva Natalya Josephinovna, computer science teacher,

for fruitful work, significant success in ensuring and improving educational process, intellectual, cultural and moral development students' personalities.

Director of secondary school No. 1

with in-depth study

individual items

Z. Z. Zakirov

village Boyovo, 2019

Option No. 15


Razgulyaeva Ekaterina Maksimovna – manager of the branch of OJSC “Visit to the Moon” in the city of Kalinin

for conscientious work, high professionalism, providing a high level of service to citizens, personal contribution to the development of the economy of the city of Kalinin and in connection with Trade Worker's Day.

Head of the municipality

Kalinin city:

M. Yu. Adov

Option No. 16


Voevodina Anastasia Khotabovna

mathematics teacher at the municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 10 of the Zelenogorsk district.”

For conscientious, impeccable work, professional excellence, innovative initiatives, achieving high performance and efficiency in teaching activities.

Deputy Chairman of the Council

Primorsky district

city ​​of St. Petersburg

S. Yu. Petrov

Option No. 17

Bukhtiyarov Svyatoslav Anatolyevich is awarded,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Advertising of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education vocational education"Tagil" State University information technologies",

for many years of conscientious work in the system of higher professional education, a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and in connection with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the university.

Department Director:

Ch. Ch. Bystroglazova

Order No. 829 of 05/17/2019

Option No. 18

Open Joint Stock Company "FasadRemStroy"


Kashirin Yuri Mikhailovich - work producer of LLC Restavratsiya Inc. Lipetsk for many years of conscientious work in the field of construction, high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the development of the industry.

Option No. 19


Timofey Ilyich Smirnov, head of the branch of Pravoved International JSC,

for scrupulous work, dedication to the chosen cause, the highest professional skill, significant personal contribution to the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Orenburg region.

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly

Orenburg region:

T. T. Golodrantsev

Option No. 20


Stepanov Anisiy Arsenievich – chief legal adviser,

for conscientious work, high professional qualities and impeccable work for the benefit of the enterprise and in connection with the celebration of Housing and Communal Services Worker Day.

Director of Ecolife LLC

O. O. Zadripov

  • The “header” (top of the sheet) should indicate “Certificate” or “Certificate of Honor”.
  • After this, you can indicate who it is from (name of organization). However, this is not a strict requirement and in half of the cases the award is not indicated (since at the end of the page there should still be a name, position and sometimes the name of the organization from which the award was received).
  • All text is laid out in the center of the page (as shown in the samples).
  • The word "awarded" is usually written in capital letters, but if this is not possible, it is acceptable to write in lowercase.
  • The first and last name of the person being awarded can be (but not necessarily) bolded
  • At the end of the text (bottom of the page) on the left edge indicate the position of the responsible person and the name of the organization on behalf of which the employee is awarded (see samples above). On the contrary, on the right edge of the page indicate the initials and surname of the responsible person.
  • After the last name, indicate the order number and its date (if any).
  • If there is no number and date of the order, then at the very end of the sheet indicate the year of award (it is acceptable to indicate the full date, in the format: day, month, year).