Message on the topic: “Pages of Russian history. Country of cities." Travel to ancient Kyiv

Western neighbors called Ancient Rus' a country of cities. How did cities appear in Rus'? The Slavs lived in settlements surrounded by strong log walls and deep, wide ditches. Such fenced villages were reliable refuges from attacks from enemies and wild animals that lived in abundance in the forest thickets. Gradually growing, the settlements became cities.

Working with a historical map and diagrams

  1. Find the cities of Kyiv and Novgorod on the map (see previous page). What can you learn about them from the map?
  2. Consider the diagrams of ancient Kyiv and ancient Novgorod. Use them to tell us about these cities.

The center of an ancient Russian city was usually fortified and called the Kremlin. Inside there was a princely palace and houses of the nobility, and the main city church towered. Outside the Kremlin lived artisans, traders and other urban people. The main shopping square of the city was noisy and lively.

Choose one of the trips to work in a group - to ancient Kyiv or ancient Novgorod. Get acquainted with these cities using the textbook. Complete tasks in workbook. Present the results of your work to the class.

Travel to ancient Kyiv

There were many beautiful cities in Rus'. But the most beautiful of all is Kyiv, the capital city of the great princes. Trade routes and roads diverged from Kyiv in different directions. They walked north and south, east and west. Boats and trade fleets stopped at the Dnieper piers.

Far beyond the borders of Rus' there was a rumor about the beauty and splendor of Kyiv. And there was something to marvel at! Each prince sought to decorate his capital.

Kyiv flourished under Prince Yaroslav, nicknamed the Wise (reigned from 1019 to 1054). By his order, the Golden Gate and the solemn St. Sophia Cathedral were built in Kyiv. Travelers considered Kyiv a worthy rival to Constantinople. Like a wonderful miracle, wooden towers with intricate carvings and golden domes of temples adorned themselves.

Before its destruction by conquerors in the 13th century, Kyiv was one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world.

Travel to ancient Novgorod

The north of our country is an amazing land of rivers and lakes. Here, on the banks of the Volkhov River near Lake Ilmen, stands Veliky Novgorod.

From the very beginning, nature was a faithful ally of Novgorod. The swamps and swamps that surrounded the city reliably protected it.

Like a hospitable, hospitable host, the city opened its gates wide to friends. Novgorod was located on a busy trade route. Rich merchant ships crowded around the piers on the banks of the Volkhov. Multilingual speech was heard on the streets of the city (1).

Boyars, merchants, and artisans lived in Novgorod. Among the artisans, gunsmiths, jewelers, stone cutters, and tanners were famous for their skills.

Children played with clay whistle toys. Fashionable women flaunted gold and silver jewelry, wore beads, rings, and amber bracelets.

The domes of St. Sophia Cathedral (2) are visible from a distance. Before the battle, the Novgorod warriors swore to stand up for St. Sophia. These words meant protecting your city, the Novgorod land.

The mighty Novgorod Kremlin has stood for almost ten centuries (3). Important events in the life of Novgorod took place here.

Novgorodians were famous for their freedom-loving, proud, independent character. The city was governed by posadniks, who were chosen from noble boyars at the veche - a meeting of all citizens. The people gathered at the meeting at the ringing of the bell. There was also a prince in the city, but the Novgorodians did not get along with him. But it was also impossible to do without a prince - Novgorod needed a military leader. And the Novgorodians began to invite the prince who they liked best.

The amazing life of ancient Novgorod was revealed thanks to the finds of archaeologists. For example, it became known that Novgorodians walked on wooden pavements. During excavations of one of the ancient streets of Novgorod, 28 “floors” of pine pavements were discovered. They were laid from the 10th to the 15th centuries - 500 years.

Birch bark letters became an outstanding discovery by archaeologists.

The ancient Novgorodians wrote on birch bark - birch bark. The letters were scratched out with special pointed sticks - scribble. Relatives and friends exchanged birch bark messages. Business calculations were carried out on birch bark. After reading, unnecessary certificates were thrown away.

  • Read the text. Use it when talking about birch bark letters.

Hundreds of years later, birch bark mail brought to us the names of some Novgorodians. One of them, the little Novgorodian Onfim, learned to read and write. His birch bark school notebooks are covered with letters, syllables and entire sentences. He was probably restless and mischievous, loved to play pranks and, while distracted from his studies, made funny drawings on birch bark.

check yourself

  1. What is the Kremlin?
  2. What magnificent buildings decorated ancient Kyiv?
  3. What activities were held in high esteem by Novgorodians?
  4. What is the importance of the finds of birch bark letters?

Homework assignments

  1. Come up with a story “At a literacy lesson in ancient Novgorod” on behalf of the student or teacher (optional).
  2. On behalf of a Novgorodian, tell about your city: a) to a foreign merchant; b) a resident of another Russian city.

Pages for the curious

Glorious feast in the city of Moscow

In the 12th century, Rus' was divided into many principalities. Their princes did not always get along with each other. Prince Yuri ruled in the Vladimir-Suzdal land. So he waged frequent wars with his neighbors. That’s why he received the nickname Dolgoruky - he wanted to take everything into his own hands.

In 1147, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky invited Prince Svyatoslav of Chernigov to a meeting: “Come to me, brother, in Moscow.” In Moscow, the princes agreed to act together against their enemies. A feast was given in honor of the noble guests.

A Russian chronicler spoke about this event. This is how Moscow was mentioned for the first time. No one could then predict that a small town among impenetrable forests would be destined to become the capital of the Russian state and that even the country itself would be called Muscovy by foreigners for a long time.

Next lesson

We learn about education and schools, chronicles, handwritten books Ancient Rus'. Let's compare ancient Russian books and modern ones. We realize that Ancient Rus' was a country of high culture. Let us understand the importance of ancient Russian chronicles for scientists.

Remember what you know about Slavic alphabet and its creators.

Zinina L.V.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 13" in Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region.

Primary school teacher.

Lesson in 4th grade on the world around us on the topic: “Land of Cities.”

Lesson objectives: To form in students an idea of ​​the cities of the 9th - 11th centuries, Kyiv and Novgorod.Tasks:

Organize work on studying the concept of “city”;give brief information about some historical figures and scenic attractions;

Develop creative activity students, general educational skills:search and information (ability to work with various sources of information);educational and intellectual (ability to analyze, generalize, find associations and use them)

Raising a humane creative personality who carefully and responsibly treats the history of their country; instilling a sense of pride in one’s country; fostering friendship and mutual assistance.


Cards, test, textbook “The World Around Us, Grade 4” by A. Pleshakov, presentation “Country of Cities”, diagrams for group work.

During the classes.

    Org. moment. Checking homework.
Section “Check yourself”, we answer questions. A) Individual survey . - How was government organized in Ancient Rus'?- What can you tell us about the family tree of Russian princes?B) Frontal survey. Blitz tournament. -Who was the head of Kievan Rus?- How was the management organized?- Where did the city of Kyiv originate?-Who was the first prince?- Which prince was called the Red Sun?- Name the Russian prince who went down in history as the baptist of Rus'.B) Generalization. - Guys, you have mastered the topic of the last lesson well, prepared additional material, and your knowledge of the history of the Fatherland has expanded significantly.3. Setting the goal of the lesson. - How many of you know what the word “Gardarik” means?- Do you want to know?- That’s what the Scandinavians called Rus', and the word meant “Country of Cities.”Today we will go on a journey through the main cities of Ancient Rus'.-What would you like to know today? – How cities were formed, in what places they arose, how they differed from Slavic settlements. And the topic of our lesson is “Land of Cities.”4. Studying new material. We already know how the Slavs lived, what their homes looked like, what the Slavic villages were like. The Slavs still had many enemies, so people tried to protect and strengthen their settlements.- Tell us how they did it using our layout.- Over time, such settlements - fortresses - began to grow and were called cities - from the words “fence”, “fence”.- And today we will find out what new appeared in the cities and how they differed from Slavic settlements.- Solve the crossword puzzle . 1. What important event happened in 988?2. Name the Russian hero.3. On what river did the Baptism of Rus' take place?4. What did people call Prince Oleg?The result was the word Kyiv. What other city name was heard in class today? (Novgorod).- We are going to travel to Ancient Kyiv and Ancient Novgorod.Working with the map. On page 41, find these cities on the map.- What can you tell about them? Where are they located?(They stand on the Dnieper River - on the water trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”. Kyiv is located closer to the Black Sea, and Novgorod - to the Baltic.)Working with the circuit . - Read the name of the scheme. Pay attention to the legend. What do we see here?- In what centuries is the territory of Kyiv shown on this diagram? (10th -11th century)- What can you say about the territory that Kyiv occupied?- How could you get into this city? (Through the Sophia Gate)- What was on the territory of this city? (Churches, palaces)Compare the Slavic settlement and the city of Kyiv in the 10th century. What are the similarities and what are the differences?- When did they start building stone palaces and churches?- What changes occurred in the 11th century? Compare the territories of the 10th and 11th centuries.- What rises in the city center? (Saint Sophia Cathedral).- Where could you get into the city now? (Through the Golden and Lviv Gates)- How is the city fenced? (Stone walls)Let's conclude: the city is the center of what? (Defense Center ) With the adoption of Christianity, churches began to be built in Rus'. The first church buildings were wooden and have not survived to this day. But already in the 10th century the first Russian stone church was built. A lot of stone buildings were completed under Prince Yaroslav the Wise.- Look at the family tree, in what years did he reign?Physical exercise.

Show presentation of 1 creative group. The oldest architectural monument that has survived from those times is the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. It was founded in 1037 by order of Yaroslav the Wise and has survived to this day, having stood for almost a millennium. This is a brick and stone temple with 13 domes.The Golden Gate is another creation of 11th century architecture. Think about why they were called that? On this gate, high above the ground, a church was built, which served as an observation post. The Golden Gate was also built during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise.In 882 Kyiv became the capital of Rus'. This happened due to its convenient geographical location.- Let's remember, what is the convenience of the location? Where was he?(The most important trade routes passed through Kyiv - “From the Varangians to the Greeks”, to Constantinople, to Asia, to Novgorod.)Let's conclude: Kyiv has become the center of what? (Trade center ) - Now you have an idea of ​​what Kyiv looked like. Think about how an ancient Russian city differed from a Slavic settlement? What's new?- We continue our journey through ancient Russian cities. And now we will get acquainted with an equally important city for Ancient Rus' - Novgorod.Show presentation of 2 creative groups. Assignment to the rest of the class: Listen carefully and formulate questions about the presentation.Questions:- On what river was Novgorod located?- How did you get to Novgorod? - What was located on the Sofia side?- What is the Kremlin?- What was located on the territory of the Kremlin?- What was the name of the Kremlin?- who lived outside the Kremlin?-Where was the trading area located?- What did they trade in Novgorod?- What was the trading area? (Trade Center) Exercise for the eyes.Working with the textbook. - Now you need to read the text on pages 50 -51, create a system of questions based on the text. We read and underline the supporting words with a pencil.Questions about the text:Where was Novgorod located?Who visited the city?Who lived in it?Who are the artisans?What crafts flourished?Let's conclude: the city has become the center of what?(Craft Center ) - In the 12th century, craftsmen of more than 70 specialties worked on the territory of Ancient Rus' (carpenters, joiners, tailors, icon painters, shoemakers, tanners, etc.)How was government organized in Novgorod?What is a veche?Compare this management system with the management in the city of Kyiv.Video film. - And now I invite you on a tour of modern Novgorod. You will see architectural structures that were erected from the 9th to the 12th centuries and have survived to this day. As you browse, think about what the buildings you see have in common. (Buildings of the Christian religion, built of stone, with domes)Let's conclude: the city has become the center of what? (Center of Religion) Reinforcement “Test yourself”Working with cards. For each question, select an answer and connect them with arrows.Check with answers on the computer.Lesson summary. What is a city? What is it the center of? (Center for Defense, Trade, Crafts, Religion)Reflection. - Continue the statements:Today in class I was surprised...Today in class I was amazed...Today in class I felt...

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  • Educational:
    • to form in students an idea of ​​the cities of the 10th-11th centuries, Kyiv and Novgorod;
    • introduce students to the architectural monuments of Ancient Kyiv and Ancient Novgorod.
  • Educational:
  • Developmental:

Equipment: physical map of Russia, computer, projector, screen, presentation on the topic “Land of Cities.”


1. Organizing time. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

– Today we will go with you on a journey through the ancient cities of Rus'. We will visit Ancient Kyiv with its Golden Gate, we will visit the shopping area of ​​Ancient Novgorod.

2. Checking homework

  • Survey students on the following questions:
  • How was government organized in Ancient Rus'?
  • For what merits do we honor Prince Vladimir?
  • What is the significance of Russia's adoption of Christianity?

2) Testing students’ knowledge on the topic “In the times of Ancient Rus'” (slides 1-10).

3. Collect works.

Working on new material Teacher:
We already know how the ancient Slavs lived, what their homes were like, and what the villages of the Slavic farmers looked like.

But the Slavs still had many enemies, and they began to build fortresses to protect their homes. Where do you think was the most suitable place to build fortresses? Students:

Working on new material Where enemies would be clearly visible. This is a high river bank.
Yes, the fortress was built in a place where it was covered by a river on three sides and a high bank on the fourth. On the side that was not protected by the river, they dug a deep ditch and filled it with water, thus creating an island where it was safe to build houses. A high earthen rampart was built around the settlement, a high log fence was placed on the rampart, and the logs were placed close to each other, with their tops pointed. Enemies could not overcome these obstacles unnoticed, and for friends a bridge was thrown across the ditch, which could be easily raised in case of danger. Such fortified villages began to be called cities, from the word “to fence, to fence.”

But the Slavs still had many enemies, and they began to build fortresses to protect their homes. Where do you think was the most suitable place to build fortresses? In such cities lived princes with their warriors and merchants with artisans. Who are merchants and artisans?

Working on new material Merchants are rich traders, owners of trading enterprises, a craftsman is a person who is engaged in his business, craft. Let's go on a journey through Ancient Rus'. (Consider physical card
and mark the location of Kyiv with icons) Let's look at the diagram of Ancient Kyiv on page 47; we also see it on the screen.
(Slide 11) Tell us about the device ancient city , Kyiv in particular. (Territory, buildings, how one could get into the city) Students: One could get into the city through the city’s Golden Gate.

Working on new material(Slide 12)
(Slide 13) St. Sophia Cathedral is one of the attractions of the Ancient City of Kyiv. It was built by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037 in honor of the victory over the Pechenegs. Metropolitan Hilarion spoke about the cathedral in the following way: “It evokes surprise and admiration in all directions lying around, for there is no one like it in all the midnight lands from east to west!” The temple was named in honor of St. Sophia - the wisdom of God. The temple was surrounded on three sides by galleries. Twelve domes of different sizes formed a composition, grouping around the largest dome - the thirteenth.
With its size and interior decoration, the cathedral made a huge impression on the townspeople. He rose almost to a height of 30 meters above the low huts that surrounded him. The extraordinary height of the vaults, and the mosaics and fresco paintings of the walls amazed the townspeople, accustomed to their cramped half-dugouts.
As the Tale of Bygone Years testifies, Yaroslav decorated the church with “gold, silver and church vessels.” St. Sophia Cathedral played an important role in the life of medieval Kyiv. Thousands of townspeople came here for church services. The residence of the head of the Russian church, Metropolitan of Kyiv, was located here. State documents were kept in Sofia, there was a library, the oldest in Rus', and a workshop for handwritten books. At the direction of Yaroslav the Wise, one of the first schools in Rus' was created in St. Sophia Cathedral. After his death, the prince himself was buried in the St. Sophia Cathedral in a marble sarcophagus.

Physical education minute

We will help you build a city,
We'll lay down the walls of the buildings brick by brick,
Let's dig up the flowerbeds with a shovel,
We plant flowers,
We'll raise the bridge, hang the lanterns,
And then we clap for ourselves:
Well done!

(Students imitate the movements behind the teacher)

Working on new material From Kyiv we move to Ancient Novgorod. (Look at the physical map and note the location of Veliky Novgorod) Review the diagram of Ancient Novgorod (page 47).

Students answer.

Working on new material (Slide 15)
Novgorod was the richest city in Rus'. He stood on the Volkhov River, near Lake Ilmen. Novgorod has been known since 859. It received the name “new city” after the townspeople founded it after the first one, which was earlier at the beginning of the Volkhov River.
Like any city, Novgorod was also a fortress. (Slide 16) It was protected from uninvited guests by an earthen rampart, a moat, and mighty towers. On the left bank stood the beautiful Kremlin. Kremlin – central part ancient Russian cities, surrounded by fortress walls with towers. On the territory of the Novgorod Kremlin, the golden domes of the cathedral, named, like in Kyiv, St. Sophia, sparkled in the sun. The cathedral was built in the middle of the 11th century. It was the main temple and symbol of the city.

Reading the textbook article pp. 48-52.

Working on new material In 1054, Prince Yaroslav the Wise died. Before his death, he divided the Russian land between his grandchildren and sons. The most powerful was the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. The grandson of Yaroslav the Wise sought to expand his territory, for which he was nicknamed Dolgoruky.
There is one legend associated with his name.
Once Dolgoruky and his retinue were riding through a dense forest. It was quiet in the forest. Only the branches crunched under the horse's hooves, and a rare bird flew screaming from tree to tree. A gray fog spread among the dense bushes. And suddenly Prince Yuri saw, in the midst of the fog, a beast with three heads, huge and shaggy. The prince waved his damask sword, and the monster was gone. One elder explained the vision to the prince as follows: “The appearance of a strange beast is a sign for you, Grand Duke. It says that you are destined to build a new city in this place.” The prince rode out onto a hillock, and the village of Krasnoe, the boyar Stepan Kuchka, appeared before his eyes. “Hey, boyar! - Dolgoruky shouted menacingly, - this land has been allocated for a new city!
And in 1147 a new city was founded on this site. Which?

Students: Moscow city.

Working on new material(Slide 18) “It was small, poor Moscow, it did not at all resemble our current white-stone, proud Moscow - not even a year had passed since it was built. Many still called it not Moscow, but Kuchkov, after the name of the owner of these places, the rich boyar Stepan Kuchka,” - this is what A. Ishimova writes about Moscow in her book.

Reading the textbook article pp. 53-57.

4. Consolidation of what has been learned

1) Conversation on issues. (Slides 19, 20, 21)

2) Didactic game"Names, Nicknames, Dates" (Slide 22)


  1. Golovin N.N. My first story. – M.: Terra, 1995
  2. Ishimova A.O. History of Russia in stories for children. (volume 1) - Research Center "Alpha", St. Petersburg, 1993

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Country of cities

Russian fortress city. 10-11 centuries How did cities appear in Rus'? The Slavs still had many enemies, and to protect against them they began to build fortresses. First of all, it was necessary to choose a suitable place for the fortress, where nature itself would help protect against enemies. Such a place was usually a high bank near a sharp bend in the river: if enemies arrived, they could be seen from afar. In addition, the river reliably protected the fortress on three sides.

On the side not protected by the river, they dug a ditch (a wide and deep ditch) and filled it with water. It turned out to be a man-made island. The Slavs built their houses on it. A high earthen rampart was built around the settlement, and a strong fence made of pointed oak logs tightly adjacent to each other was placed on the rampart.

It was very difficult for enemies to take a well-defended fortress. For friends, a bridge was thrown over the moat, which in case of danger could be easily and quickly raised. Over time, such fortified villages began to be called cities. Princes with their warriors, merchants, and artisans lived in the cities.

D revniy Kyiv

The history of the name of the city of Kyiv They say that in ancient times the Polyan tribe lived on this land. They loved the glades and looked after the land and built houses. And three brothers stood out among them - Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv and their sister Lybid. The brothers chose the most beautiful place on the Dnieper hills and founded a city on it. They named him Kyiv after his older brother.

Location and fortification of Kyiv The brothers chose a good place for settlement: all trade routes, both river and land, passed through it. But the city was constantly threatened by the Pechenegs, so the city was protected by ramparts, ditches, walls, and towers. The entire city was surrounded by strong log walls. It was possible to enter the city only through the Sophia Gate. Churches and stone palaces were built in the city. The city changed significantly in the 11th century

Method of governing the city of Kiev Kiev was ruled by a prince. And the city flourished under Prince Yaroslav, nicknamed the Wise.

Architecture of cities The very first church to be built was the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This church is also known as the Tithe Church, because Prince Vladimir ordered all residents to give a tenth of their income for its construction and decoration. The walls of the church are covered with frescoes.

The main temple of the city is St. Sophia Cathedral, built under Prince Yaroslav the Wise. 13 domes crown the huge structure, built by Greek craftsmen. Inside the temple there are splendid frescoes and mosaics. Even under your feet, the patterns of the mosaic carpet sparkle. In this cathedral they not only prayed, but also solemnly ascended the throne, beginning to rule the principality. One of the first libraries in Rus' was also located here.

The next architectural monument is the Golden Gate, the main gate of Kyiv. They are bound with sheets of gilded copper and decorated with carvings. Such wealth delighted the arriving guests.

The first mention of Kyiv Archaeologists have established that human settlements existed on the territory of Kyiv back in the Stone Age. Kyiv was founded around the 6th and 7th centuries as the center of the East Slavic Polyan tribe. In Russian chronicles the city of Kyiv is mentioned in 860.

The popular name Kyiv is “the mother of Russian cities”

D Revniy Novgorod

History of the name of the city Why does one of the oldest Russian cities bear such a name? On the shore of Lake Ilmen, where the Volkhov River originates, in ancient times the first Slavic settlement arose. This is how the city arose, which began to be called New.

Location and fortification of Novgorod Ancient Novgorod was located on the banks of the Volkhov River. The city was surrounded on all sides by an earthen rampart and the rivers Tarasovets and Gzen. The only way to get to the city was by water. The whole city was, as it were, divided by the Volkhov River into two sides: the Sofia side and the trade side. On the Sofia side there were monasteries: Nikolsky, Zverin, Dukhov and the Kremlin. And on the trade side there was a trade square and St. Paul's Monastery.

Method of governance The Novgorod Republic was governed in a special way. There was also a prince here, but the main role was played by the people's council. The Veche was a meeting of wealthy Novgorod residents that decided all important issues. At the veche they chose a mayor and decided which prince to invite; there they could also decide to expel him from the city if the Novgorodians did not like the prince. At the meeting, important laws were adopted and issues of war and peace were discussed. The veche was headed by the mayor, who, together with the prince, judged, collected taxes, made decisions about war and peace, and managed the city treasury.

City architecture In the middle of Novgorod's Vechevaya Square stood a bell. We bought it in distant Rome. When it was necessary to gather people, they rang this bell, and people, hearing the ringing, hurried to the square. The sound carried far, and it was so special that residents easily distinguished it from the ringing of church bells.

On the left bank stood the beautiful Kremlin. Important events in the life of Novgorod took place here.

Behind the walls of the Novgorod Kremlin, the golden domes of the cathedral, named, like in Kyiv, in honor of St. Sophia, glittered in the sun. The cathedral was built in the mid-11th century. It was the main temple, a symbol of Novgorod. “Where St. Sophia is, there is Novgorod,” the Novgorodians said in those days.

The first mention of Novgorod The city of Novgorod has been known in history since 859.

The popular name of Novgorod is “Mr. Veliky Novgorod”

The ancient Slavic state was founded in the 9th century, when Prince Oleg united the two largest cities under his rule: Kyiv and Veliky Novgorod. In addition to these pillars of Ancient Rus', there were 24 more cities. The Varangians who walked through this territory called Rus' Gardarika or the Land of Cities.

How cities arose in Rus'

The Slavs traditionally lived in settlements that were reliably protected by deep ditches and high wooden fence- palisade. It was safe to live in such fortified villages, because there were many robbers and wild animals in the area. Settlements gradually increased, grew and turned into cities.

First of all, the Russian city is a fortress, reliably fortified against unexpected attacks. This was the main difference between the city and the countryside.

Rice. 1. Old Russian settlements.

At the center of everyone large city there was Detinets or the Kremlin - the most fortified part, in which there were mansions of the prince or local nobility, as well as the most important city church.

The so-called “posad” grew around the Kremlin - a part of the city in which traders, artisans, artisans and other people lived and worked. The shopping area was always very lively and noisy.

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Ancient Kyiv

The real pearl of Ancient Rus' was its capital - Kyiv, the city of the great princes. It was located at the intersection of many trade roads that had great importance. Like rays, they emanated from Kyiv in all directions of the world. Large flotillas and single boats always moored at the Dnieper piers.

Far beyond the capital ancient Russian state there was a rumor about her beauty. And this is not surprising, because every prince wanted to make her even more beautiful. Travelers often compared Kyiv with the no less majestic Constantinople.

Along the entire perimeter, Kyiv was surrounded by high, strong walls. It was possible to enter the city only by passing through the only gate - Sofia, which was reliably guarded both day and night. Behind them were wooden houses with carved decorations and stone palaces, churches with bell towers, and a central square.

The most majestic building of Ancient Kyiv was the St. Sophia Cathedral, erected in the first half of the 11th century. He personified the wisdom of Christian teaching and, according to the plans of his creators, was supposed to strengthen Christianity in Rus'. The cathedral has only miraculously survived to this day, having survived numerous enemy invasions, looting and destruction.

Rice. 2. St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

In the north of the ancient Russian state, on the shores of Lake Ilmen, a glorious city was erected - Veliky Novgorod. Located in the middle of swamps and lakes, it was reliably protected from enemies by nature itself.

Like Kyiv, Novgorod was located at the intersection of busy trade routes. Local residents were no strangers to hearing foreign speech on the streets of the city: there were too many foreign traders of various goods here.

Rice. 3. Ancient Novgorod.

A privileged class lived in Novgorod - the boyars, as well as merchants and artisans. Among the latter, the following stood out for their special skill:

  • gunsmiths - masters of making various weapons;
  • tanners - specialists in leather dressing;
  • jewelers - masters of cutting precious stones and creating jewelry.

The real pride of Veliky Novgorod has become the Novgorod Kremlin. Until the 14th century it was called Detinets, since a squad - a princely army - lived on its territory. The warriors were often called “children,” hence the name of this fortification.