Questions of methodological support. Methodological support for the activities of teachers in youth schools. Methodological support of pedagogical activities: conceptual basis





The article describes the features and problems of organizational and methodological support and methodological support for the activities of teachers in the changing conditions of the development of education and the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The content, forms and conditions for the implementation of organizational and methodological support, its role and place in the work system of MBOU Secondary School No. 4 are determined.

An important condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard general education is to create a system of methodological work that provides support for the activities of teachers at all stages of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The successful organization of methodological work is one of the important areas in the development and functioning of each educational institution. One of the conditions for readiness educational organization to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC is the creation of a system of methodological work that provides support for the activities of teachers at all stages of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.

The plan for organizational and methodological support in pedagogy is considered through the consistent implementation of the following steps:

    diagnosing the essence of the problem;

    information search for methods to solve it;

    discussing options for solving the problem and choosing the most appropriate way to solve it;

    provision of primary care at the stage of implementation of the solution plan.

The following methods and means of organizing such activities can be used: modern technologies training, including information and communication, distance learning, game, dialogue, focus groups, tutoring, team building and others.

It is important for us that these methods contain a reflexive basis as a necessary element and indicator of the quality of interaction in the system of continuous professional development.


When implementing organizational and methodological support for the professional growth of teachers, we identified the following problems:

1. Lack of a developed structure for organizing activities for organizational and methodological support of teachers of various categories and skill levels.

2. Lack of developed systems for control, diagnostic and monitoring activities.

3. Insufficiently developed forms of interaction with other organizations in the system of advanced training.

4. Establishment of relationships and interaction with methodological services of schools.

5. Difficulties in organizing platforms to “demonstrate” the productivity of teacher projects in the form of methodological competitions, creative shows, festivals, joint exhibitions of teachers and students, presentations, etc.


1. Support in pedagogy is considered special kind interaction aimed at creating favorable conditions development of subjects of interaction;

2. Organizational and methodological support is a holistic, systematically organized activity in the system of continuous professional development;

3. The purpose of organizational and methodological support is to facilitate the independent search for optimal solutions, relying on existing experience;

4. Organizational and methodological support in the system of continuous professional development is characterized by multifunctionality.

A single methodological theme of the school allows you to get a positive result in achieving them“Teacher’s professional standard as an objective system for assessing teacher qualifications” and implementation of the module of the School Development Program for 2015-2018"Improving the teaching staff."


Our support principles include:

    responsibility of the subject for choosing a solution (the one who accompanies has only advisory rights);

    priority of the interests of the person being accompanied, continuity and consistency of support;

    individual approach, priority self-study demand for learning outcomes in practical activities.

It is necessary to determine the difference between organizational and methodological support from another common way of providing assistance to subjects of education - methodological support, which, like organizational and methodological support, is implemented in the field of education and is part of continuous professional development.

By methodological support we mean different types of methodological work to achieve the goal. The purpose of methodological support is to master the content of training based on rational teaching methods; increasing the level of general didactic and scientific-methodological preparedness of students to implement the tasks of new educational standards; exchange of experience between students, identification of features, specifics, risks of implementing standards and development of measures to prevent them.

    in-depth study fundamentals of the theory and practice of social processes in society;

    studying new methods of teaching and upbringing based on the experience of innovative and creative teachers;

    study of regulatory documents of governing bodies of education;

    acquaintance with scientific discoveries, rationalization proposals in the field of educational and educational work;

    studying psychological and pedagogical literature on issues of training and education of students, as well as on problems of managing the educational process in a general education institution;

    studying the best practices of colleagues in the school, city, district, etc.;

    work on a single methodological topic;

    search, generalization, analysis and implementation of advanced and management experience of educational institutions in various forms.

    methodological support for self-education and self-development of teachers through the certification mechanism;

    development, analysis and implementation of modern methods of education and upbringing;

    development of a monitoring system educational process at school through the introduction of a testing and diagnostic base;

    educational activities and information support for teachers;

    system for demonstrating the results of the work of teaching staff.

Thoughtful and systematic methodological work aimed at increasing the professional competence of teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC is carried out throughsystem of such events How:

    meetings of subject methodological associations;

    thematic pedagogical councils;

    meetings of the school’s scientific and methodological council;

    meetings of the permanent working group;

    practice-oriented, problem-based and training seminars;


    internship and advisory platforms;

    institutional, municipal and district master classes and round tables;

    “open” academic and extracurricular activities;

    institutional, municipal, county and All-Russian competitions pedagogical excellence, innovative forms training sessions, pedagogical developments.

Theoretical background the organization of methodological work at the educational institution are the works of scientists: M.M. Potashnik, T.I. Shamova, P.I. Tretyakova, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, L.P. Romadina, T.N. Makarova, V.M. Lizinsky, Yu.K. Babansky and others.An analysis of research on the issue of support (N. G. Bityanova, O. S. Gazman, G. A. Davydova, E. I. Kazakova, M. S. Polyansky, I. P. Solovyova, etc.) allowed us to establish that support is an independent sphere of pedagogical activity generated by the humanization of education.


Understanding support as a management technology allows us to solve the problem of organizational and methodological activities in teacher training, both during the course and between courses.

Analysis of the theory and psychology of management (V.S. Lazarev, M.M. Potashnik, V.Yu. Krichevsky, A.I. Kitov, V.D. Shadrikov, M. Markov) made it possible to clarify the component composition (structure) and content of organizational -methodological support: diagnostic-analytical, value-semantic, methodological, prognostic. The methodological block consists of three modules: informational and methodological, organizational and methodological and practical (experimental implementation). The organizational and methodological module is aimed at organizing and conducting a system of various methodological activities to improve the skills of teachers: seminars (problem-targeted, scientific-methodological, design, etc.), round tables, internships, thematic individual and collective consulting.

Reflexive management of continuous professional development of teaching staff is planned to be implemented in the following areas:

    Organization of work on the implementation of a quality management system in educational institutions.

    Modeling a system of advanced training in the context of a competency-based approach.

    Diagnosis of the educational needs of teachers at various stages of their professional development.

    Organizational and methodological conditions for professional personal development teachers in the certification process.

    Organizational and methodological support of innovative activities.

    Creation of a quality management system for educational services.

    Psychological, pedagogical and methodological aspects of managing the professional and personal development of teaching staff during the intercourse period.

    Management of independent work of teachers to improve their qualifications during the intercourse period.

    Methodological support for the professional and personal development of young teachers.

    Distance forms of advanced training for teaching staff: organizational and methodological aspects.

    Improving education quality management based on the use of modern information and communication technologies.


The main conditions ensuring the effectiveness of the implementation of organizational and methodological support for the activities of a teacher are:

    inclusion of the teacher in event communities in which not only his professional, but also his spiritual development occurs;

    promoting the professional identity of a teacher in the process of accepting and mastering professional values;

    using the capabilities of humanitarian expertise in understanding the teacher’s personality in all its manifestations and creating pedagogical situations that contribute to the development of internal potential;

    improvement of management mechanisms aimed at motivating the professional growth of teachers: psychological (challenge system; cumulative system for assessing achievements; career teacher) and economic (bonus system of monetary reward, compensation package, social partnership)




St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Academic Gymnasium of St. Petersburg State University

Consulting, organizing the participation of school teachers in the All-Russian scientific and methodological conference “University Gymnasium”, “Information technology for Our New School”

    St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU),

    St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after. Bonch-Bruevich (St. Petersburg State University of Technology),

    St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Precision Mechanics and Optics (SPb GU ITMO),

    National Mineral Resources University "Mining" (NMSU),

    Russian state Pedagogical University them. A.I. Herzen (RGPU).

Organization and participation of schoolchildren under the guidance of teachers in the system distance olympiads and university competitions.

Participation in on-site events for applicants, visits to museums, exhibitions, teaching centers of these universities


TO forms of organizational and methodological support We include teachers:

    Organization of methodological support (consulting, tutoring, assistance in the work of creative groups, school-wide seminars, pedagogical councils). This direction is mainly in the nature of information transfer, but the forms here can be very diverse. They can be divided into active (discussions, business games, trainings, etc.) and passive (speeches at teachers’ meetings, conferences; questionnaires (other forms of survey); familiarization with printed information (books, teaching aids), etc.) ;

    Creation of organizational (work of resource rooms or information centers) and methodological (consulting) conditions for the participation of teachers in various events: courses, conferences, methodological associations, round tables, seminars, workshops, etc.;

    Providing methodological support (tutoring) for teachers conducting their research activities and pedagogical experiments;

    Information support for teachers’ participation in various pedagogical events(conferences, master classes, professional skills competitions) to present and summarize your experience.

The forms of methodological work under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard are divided into didactic and organizational.

Towards didactic forms of work, allowing to increase the level of qualifications, effectiveness, professional culture teacher, we include:

    speeches (reports) at pedagogical readings, seminars and conferences different levels, at thematic pedagogical councils of the school, meetings of school (NMS, MO, VTG) and city creative groups of teachers;

    conducting individual consultations for colleagues;

    organizing trainings for teachers;

    creative reports on the presentation of teaching work experience (using photo and video materials, a multimedia version of the presentation, etc.);

    participation in professional competitions and festivals of various levels;

    participation in professional methodological and creative exhibitions;

    participation in the creation of school-wide thematic methodological albums;

    holding open educational classes and extracurricular activities, parent meetings;

    development and implementation of professional individual creative projects.

TO organizational forms (to the structures of methodological services) we include:

    school teaching council;

    scientific and methodological advice;

    methodical school young specialist;

    professional pedagogical associations (methodological associations, creative duets, temporary creative groups);

    teacher as a separate self-sufficient structure (individual professional pedagogical self-education, self-certification, counseling and consultation);

    Expert Council and temporary expert groups;

    psychological, medical and pedagogical council;

    information service service.

An important task is to organize information support for the activities of teachers. Its successful implementation is facilitated byinformation service structures: methodological office, methodological laboratory assistants, library.

Their main functions:

1) formation of a data bank of the teaching experience of school teachers;

2) providing assistance to teachers and schoolchildren in scientific organization labor;

3) creating conditions for optimal access to any information;

4) prompt assistance.

Teachers with methodological status can create other structures that organize methodological work at school in certain areas. By taking an active part in the work of these structures, a teacher can fully demonstrate himself as:

    "teacher-organizer" (plans, organizes and conducts organizational and pedagogical events),

    "teacher - transmitter" (distributes his practical work experience, shares accumulated professional knowledge, develops professional skills among colleagues);

    "teacher - successor" (studies himself, acquires new professional knowledge and skills, learns from colleagues).

Individual work with a teacher – an important component of an integral system of methodological work. The school identifies four components of a teacher’s methodological work: self-education, self-certification, consultation (with colleagues) and consultation (for colleagues).

Priority in individual work with the teacher, attending classes and extracurricular activities, which allows you to provide advisory assistance on the development of new classes, as well as search for the best examples of pedagogical activities (methods and techniques of teaching, selection of content, etc.) with the aim of generalizing and disseminating them in the team, as well as attracting the best teachers to organize methodological work at school.


The most experienced teachers of the school are involved in this work, who:

    participate in the organization of seminars and conferences at the district and district levels held at the school;

    provide individual advisory assistance to city and district colleagues as part of the implementation of the flagship school plan in the following areas:

    psychological, medical and pedagogical rehabilitation of schoolchildren in educational institutions, correctional pedagogy;

    education of patriotism through museum pedagogy.

    give open lessons within the framework of the CPC;

    lead professional methodological associations of teachers - GMO;

    work in temporary expert groups for certification of teachers under the regional certification commission of the Department of Education;

    are members of the subject commission under the Department of Education for checking students’ Olympiad works, written exam papers school graduates applying for a medal participate in monitoring the quality of their final work;

    are experts of the certification commission of the Department of Education of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for the certification of municipal educational institutions.

Employee certification schools - a procedure for assessing his professionalism, including the results of methodological work. During the certification process, such important tasks as identifying the real level of teaching, education and identifying reserves for improving professional skills are solved.

In the process of the preparatory, pre-certification and certification-expert stages, teachers realize their creative pedagogical potential, using and organically combining the various didactic and organizational forms of methodological work presented above at the institutional, regional, district, regional and federal levels.Certification of teaching staff in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation"(Article 49) is carried out in order to confirm their compliance with their positions based on an assessment of their professional activities, taking into account the desire of teaching staff in order to establish qualification category. Certification of teaching staff in order to confirm their compliance with their positions should be carried out once every five years based on an assessment of their professional activities by certification commissions independently formed by educational organizations.


    We diagnose according to each criterion of the sections of the professional standard of the Teacher (self-diagnosis + observations of the administration + certification of the teacher for compliance with the position held)

    Based on the diagnostic results, we determine problem areas in the development of professional competencies of the Teacher in the following areas: professional knowledge; professional skills; professional actions, etc.

    We rank the identified problem areas.

    On problems of a “massive” nature, frontal work is carried out: seminars, methodological advice, debriefings, conferences, etc.

    On problems of an “individual” nature, targeted work is carried out with the teacher: drawing up a professional growth program, mentoring young specialists, thematic course retraining, etc.

    On the development of narrowly focused competencies, school specialists (educational psychologists, speech therapists, social workers, etc.) conduct practical seminars

To achieve the results of the main educational program, during its implementation, an assessment of the quality and effectiveness of the activities of teaching staff is carried out in order to correct their activities, as well as determine the incentive part of the wage fund.

Criteria for assessing the performance of teaching staff are developed by the educational organization on the basis of the planned results (including for interdisciplinary programs) and in accordance with the specifics of the main educational program of the educational organization. Generalized assessment personal results educational activities students is carried out in the course of various monitoring studies. When assessing the quality of teaching staff’s activities, the demand for teacher services (including extracurricular) by students and parents is taken into account; teachers' use of modern pedagogical technologies, including ICT and health-saving; participation in methodological and scientific work; dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience; increasing the level of professional skills; the work of the teacher in the formation and support of individual educational trajectories students; management of project activities of students; interaction with all participants in the educational process, etc.

Monitoring the achievements of TEACHERS based on measurable criteria:


    Improving the level of basic education for teachers.

    Increasing the proportion of teaching staff who have received the first and highest qualification categories in the prescribed manner and confirmation of compliance with the position held.

    Expanding the use of ICT in the school educational process.

    Participation and victories of teachers in professional competitions/programs.

    Hiring teachers under 30 years of age and specialists without teacher education.

    Improving the forms of methodological work.

    Improving computer literacy and information culture of teachers.

    Increasing the share of teachers who are subjects of innovative activities.

    Development of cooperation between schools and pedagogical universities to conduct applied research.

    Implementation special programs stimulating teachers.

    Prevention of professional deformation and burnout of teachers.

    Diversification of opportunities for advanced training of teachers.

    In-school teacher training.

    Inclusion of teachers in the competitive movement.

It is clear that no one person can meet all qualification requirements, and each school director has the right to focus efforts on specific aspects of activity: subject-matter, educational, work with the gifted, with the difficult, with the disabled - depending on the characteristics of his educational organization. In addition, no one requires the teacher, for example, to correct complex deviations in the child’s behavior, but his main task is to be able to recognize certain problems in time (whether it be a delay in development or mental retardation or simply attention deficit) in order to direct the child to to the right specialist. Teacher in in this case acts as a social therapist who detects the problem and, if necessary, refers patients to various specialists. Therefore, one of the main requirements is the ability to interact with other specialists: psychologists, social educators, defectologists, etc.


    Reshetnikov V. G., Tyumen regional state institute development of regional education. Organizational and methodological support and methodological support for the activities of teachers in the context of modernization of education, 2014.

    Radionova, N. F. Study of problems of higher pedagogical education as a way to improve multi-level training of specialists in the field of education / A. P. Tryapitsyna, N. F. Radionova // Training of a specialist in the field of education: Research activities in improving professional training: collective. monograph – St. Petersburg. : Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 1999. – Issue. VII. – P. 7–17.

    Kirdyankina, S.V. Scientific and methodological support for teacher professional growth: abstract. dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences / S. V. Kirdyankina. – Khabarovsk, 2011. – 24 p.

All forms of methodological work aimed at methodological support and support of teachers, K. Yu. Belaya presents in the form of two interconnected groups:

  • group forms- pedagogical advice, seminars, seminars and workshops, consultations, methodological exhibitions, mutual visits and collective viewings of the pedagogical process, creative microgroups, schools of excellence, work on common methodological topics, business games, brainstorming, etc.;
  • customized forms- self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internships, mentoring, teacher’s diary, etc.

Organization of general methodological space carried out through the activities of the pedagogical council, which is a creative workshop of teachers together with a senior teacher. Conducting teacher councils using traditional methods does not teach teachers new knowledge and experience. Updating the forms and content of teacher councils makes it possible to make decisions and make choices, exchange opinions, communicate with each other, and collaborate. Therefore, the modern work of teacher councils is built on the basis of dialogue, this is a free exchange of opinions of the teaching community on ways to solve problems, and not passive listening to reports; training in analytical activities using the example of analysis of pedagogical situations, modeling of psychological and pedagogical situations, individual and group consultations on specific problems arising during the implementation of the educational process, open viewings different types children's activities, routine moments, not just classes, etc.

Based on inter active learning topical issues are discussed jointly, problems are solved collectively, etc. This allows you to see how colleagues work, use their positive experience, and realize your shortcomings. Currently, many forms of such interactive group work have been developed: business games, master classes, pedagogical trainings, professional skills competitions, workshops, workshops, collective viewings, competitions, conferences, pedagogical readings, consultations, mentoring, self-education. They are used to improve the socio-psychological and pedagogical culture of teachers, develop communication skills through collaborative pedagogy.

Based on the collected data, the level of professionalism of teachers of preschool educational organizations is analyzed and programs for their professional growth are drawn up. Today, opportunities for advanced training and additional education teachers of preschool educational organizations are wide, and the forms of their activation are different to improve professional skills. Successful professional development of specialists is achieved through a combination of various forms of work: regular training and retraining courses, familiarization with new technologies for teaching and educating preschool children, interaction with parents through specialized publications - magazines on preschool education, methodological literature, participation in competitions held publishing houses. Published in periodicals as theoretical basis activities of specialists in the field of preschool education, as well as practical developments (author’s developments of teachers) for use in the educational process.

For example, according to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region dated December 28, 2009 No. 2804 “On the organization regional system advanced training of pedagogical and managerial workers of educational institutions of the Moscow region”, preschool educational organizations are actively restructured and organize a variety of additional forms of training for teachers locally. Increasing the competence of teachers is facilitated by their participation in regional events: thematic and scientific-practical conferences, training and problem-based seminars, round tables. Forms of work are determined taking into account the categories of teachers, their level of preparedness, experience and education.

An effective form of managing teachers and improving their qualifications in a preschool educational organization is the organization of work problematic or creative group under the guidance of a senior educator, which is created from experienced, highly qualified, creative teachers interested in studying and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience. Such a group makes it possible to solve a number of problems: accumulation of pedagogical materials, development of regulatory documentation (for example, regulations on monitoring the quality of the educational process), analysis of the results of activities on a methodological topic, etc.

You can select methodological associations, which are formed from experienced highly qualified teachers capable of creative work, their goal is the implementation of practical activities based on the achievements of science and best practices and aimed at improving the professional skills of each teacher, developing the creative potential of the teaching staff as a whole, which helps improve the quality of preschool education. At the same time, increasing the competence of teachers of a preschool educational organization is realized through a system of different forms of methodological work: the work of a kindergarten on a methodological topic, self-education.

In kindergarten can also be created innovation council. Its activities are aimed at uniting the innovative potential of employees, practical updating of the content of the educational process, demanded by the new pedagogical situation and influencing the strategic management of the development of the kindergarten itself. The activities of such a council allow a preschool educational organization to work in an innovative mode, to form employees’ willingness to master and implement theoretical innovations into practice.

The introduction of innovations is carried out in stages:

Stage I - assistance to teachers in mastering theoretical knowledge in the field of innovation, lectures, problem-based seminars, round tables, discussions, interactive games are organized, independent work and other forms with the invitation of representatives of science, there may be online consultations in order to identify problems and find ways to solve them;

Stage II - development of a concept, program of innovative content, implementation and testing in the educational process, for example, development of projects;

Stage III - generalization of the pedagogical experience of a teacher or creative group and dissemination through participation and speeches at conferences, publication of printed publications, etc.

Innovations include competitive work, the work of experimental and internship sites. Competitive work is carried out both within the kindergarten (for example, a competition of visual materials, a competition of pedagogical ideas, pedagogical skills) and in society (at the municipal, regional, federal levels). This is a special organization of methodological work with the active involvement of teachers, which allows them to increase their professionalism, provides an opportunity to look at their work differently, get acquainted with the experience of colleagues, and gain satisfaction from creativity.

For example, at the beginning of such work, you can conduct training using the method of E. de Bono "Six Thinking Hats"". The purpose of this training:

  • show the process of creation, development and dissemination of innovations that provide modern quality educational activities in a preschool educational organization;
  • increasing the scientific and pedagogical potential of a preschool educational organization through the inclusion of teachers in research, experimental activities on current problems;
  • formation of motivational, methodological and technological readiness of teachers to master innovations.

During the training, teachers, having become acquainted with innovative experience, can express their opinions and concerns, show feelings by wearing hats of six colors:

Then you can organize a discussion for teachers with interactive tasks "Ladder of Innovation". In the course of this form of methodological work, teachers, who have decided on the composition of the microgroup and the theme of their group’s work in the innovation context, determine the stages of work, build the logic of the process of creating and mastering innovations, using a ladder model. This form of work makes it possible to construct an innovation “from theory to practice”, moving step by step, to determine the theoretical, methodological and didactic content of the methodological products they produce.

This innovative mode of operation involves the work of experimental sites, the activities of which are related to the search, development and testing of new pedagogical ideas, finds or discoveries, and their inclusion in the educational activities of the organization. For this purpose, a concept, a program for the experimental site, and an action plan are being developed, which is implemented in the form research projects, seminars, round tables, master classes, providing advisory support to teachers from representatives of science, stimulation and development of pedagogical creativity, generalization of teaching experience, creation of methodological developments, and their dissemination.

The final level of innovative methodological competence of teachers and its dynamics is studied by the kindergarten methodologist using expert assessment according to several criteria Romashkova E. I. Card file of forms cognitive activity students. M.: TTSsfera, 2005.

  • Yakovleva G.V. How to assess the professional and methodological competence of a teacher at an innovative preschool educational institution // Preschool education. 2009. No. 10. P. 88-94.
  • Anzhero-Sudzhensky GO 2017

    Relevance…………………………………………………………..p. 3

    Directions of methodological work in educational

    institution…………………………………………………………..p. 5

    introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard BEFORE……………………………………………p. 8

    Conclusion…………………………………………………….page 13

    Literature……………………………………………………….page 14

    Appendix………………………………………………………pp. 15


    With the entry into force of the Federal Law dated December 29, 2012. No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” preschool education received the status of the first independent level of general education. In this regard, the standardization of preschool education is of particular relevance. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education. The subject of regulation of the standard is relations in the field of education that arise during the implementation of the educational program of preschool education.

    Modern education is developing in an innovative search mode, causing change various components of specialists’ activities. In this regard, strengthening the continuous nature of training and professional development of the teacher as a condition for his active adaptation to new models of activity, increasing the level of preparedness to solve professional problems and improving the quality of the results of the educational process as a whole is of particular importance.
    In this regard, the main task of preschool institutions is to create conditions under which children fully develop, and ultimately live out preschool age fully, and move on to the next level motivated to receive education at school. Creating conditions for the successful socialization of children at various stages of their age development, defined by the Federal State Educational Standard, tracking the personal progress of students, identifying problems of continuity between preschool and primary levels of education are important tasks of modern educational policy. The leading criteria for assessing the pedagogical process is the readiness of each specialist to create the following conditions:

    • for the development of the child’s personality as a subject social life and creating a pedagogically appropriate environment;
    • to achieve the goals of the educational process;
    • to respect the rights and responsibilities of the child in society.

    It is also necessary to evaluate the content of educators’ activities:

    • social order of the state for this type of institution;
    • social expectations of subjects of the educational process (children, parents, legal representatives, teachers);
    • involvement of other specialists of the institution in teaching work.

    The methodological service of preschool educational institutions needs to seriously work on increasing the competence of teachers, which will allow them to organize educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The capabilities and competencies of a teacher are one of the key points of the standard. The document specifies various competencies that are necessary for teachers to work according to this standard. Based on these competencies, it is necessary to build a teacher training system.

    The main principle of this activity is the principle of “cultivation”, the essence of which is as follows:

    Socially meaningful goal the teacher and the individuality of the student’s activity controlled by him are two sides of the requirements for the activity of the teacher (teacher). Without correlating the content of the student’s activity, developing a subjectively significant version of the content for him, without managing these processes, it is impossible to achieve pedagogical goals.

    Management of educational activities is carried out by the teacher with maximum awareness by the student of all processes of self-determination in it. Without identifying these processes, their reflexive analysis, without developing an adequate attitude towards them, it is impossible to build a personally significant implementation of educational activities.

    The pedagogical impact on the student must be understood and accepted by the latter. Otherwise, the student does not recognize the educational activity as “his own,” for which he is “personally” responsible (O. S. Anisimov).

    Directions of methodological work in an educational institution

    Methodological work is an integral system of interrelated measures based on science and progressive pedagogical and managerial experience, aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process by ensuring the professional growth of teaching staff and the development of their creative potential.

    Methodological work includes the following areas:

    Methodological support(interaction between the person being accompanied and the person accompanying them in matters of identifying, information retrieval and designing ways to solve problems of professional activity that are relevant for a teacher).

    Methodological support(joint search (creation), examination and selection, testing and implementation of more effective models, methods, technologies for the development of students).

    The purpose of methodological work in preschool educational institutions in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education can be formulated as follows: increasing the professional competence of teaching staff for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education through the creation of a system of continuous professional development of each teaching staff.

    Methodological support is properly organized actions (process) to organize the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in an educational institution. This is a process aimed at resolving problems of professional activity that are relevant for teachers: updating and diagnosing the essence of the problem, information search for a possible way to solve the problem, consultations at the stage of choosing a path, design and implementation of a plan.

    Achieving a new quality of preschool education and the child’s personality is possible only if the level of professional competence of teaching staff increases. Based on this, the tasks of the methodological service at the new stage will be the following:

    • Modeling main general education program preschool educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
    • Creation of a developing educational environment in preschool educational institutions, which will allow the achievements of a new quality of education to be realized.
    • Formation of a team of like-minded people in preschool educational institutions: develop a pedagogical credo, develop traditions, control and analysis of the educational process, identify, generalize and disseminate advanced pedagogical experience, involve educators in experimental work.
    • Promoting the development of professional competencies of educators aimed at using productive pedagogical technologies.
    • Improving the pedagogical skills of teachers by involving them in participation in competitive projects.

    The procedural model of methodological support consists of six successive interconnected and interdependent stages:

    Diagnostics of the educational activities of the teacher.

    Determining the difficulties of a teacher in educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and their causes.

    Problematization of a teacher’s difficulties in carrying out educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

    Placing an order for advanced training of a teacher.

    Organization of teacher training.

    Methodological guidance, consultation on creation and design methodological development.

    Each stage of methodological support, having its own goals, content, forms (specific methodological activities that together constitute the system of methodological work of preschool educational institutions in the aspect of problem solving) and methods, is interconnected with the actions of the teacher to eliminate the identified difficulties. The transition to the next stage is possible only if there is a result defined for each specific stage. (see Attachment)

    Educational and methodological support– this is one of the main areas through which work with the teaching staff is carried out. It must meet the requirements of the subject-development environment and new generation programs (manuals, toys, technical means training and education of preschool children), help the teacher in organizing the educational process at the modern level. The work carried out by the methodological service allows teachers to keep abreast of scientific and methodological information and quickly use new products in practical work. One of the effective and efficient forms of methodological work that gives impetus to the creativity of teachers is a system of supporting the professional growth of teachers.

    Methodological support for teachers is:

    • necessary information, educational and methodological complexes, i.e. various methodological tools that equip and contribute to more effective implementation of professional teaching activities;
    • is a process aimed at creating various types of methodological products (programs, methodological developments, teaching aids), including, in addition to methodological equipment components such as: joint productive work of the methodologist and teacher (team);
    • testing and implementation of more effective models, methods, and technologies into practice;
    • information, education and training of personnel.

    This process will work with the correct organization of the work of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution, which is an integral system of interrelated measures aimed at ensuring the professional growth of the teacher, development of his creative potential, and, ultimately, to improve the quality and efficiency of the educational process, to increase the level of education, good manners, development, socialization and preserve the health of students.

    The result of methodological support activities in conditions

    introduction of Federal State Educational Standards

    The end result of methodological support is the fact of effective and stable implementation of educational activities by a teacher under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, established as a result of repeated diagnostics.

    It follows that the subject of methodological work in modern conditions First of all, it is the teacher himself, who acts as an independent creator of his professional activities.

    The first stage - diagnostics of the teacher’s educational activity - allows you to obtain the necessary information about the characteristics and levels of the teacher’s educational activity at this moment.

    At the second stage, in the process of summarizing the diagnostic results, the teacher’s difficulties in carrying out educational activities under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and their causes are determined.

    At the third stage, the teacher’s difficulties in carrying out educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education are problematized. The need to eliminate identified difficulties requires not just informing teachers about the absence of something, non-compliance with the requirements, etc. It is important for the teacher to accept the fact of the presence of difficulties, recognize them as “their own”, and actively participate in determining ways to eliminate them.

    The fourth stage involves assistance in placing an order for advanced training of a teacher, namely in identifying and planning a system of preschool activities to eliminate identified difficulties.

    At the fifth stage, teacher training is organized, aimed at updating the teacher’s knowledge and developing his skills to carry out educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. Advanced training is carried out through lectures, problem-based seminars, thematic pedagogical councils, thematic practical seminars and conferences, individual and group consultations.

    The sixth stage involves methodological guidance, consultation on the creation and execution of methodological development in the form of a detailed procedure for fulfilling the requirements for the educational activities of a teacher, guaranteeing its effectiveness.

    What follows is the teacher’s use of methodological development in the design, organization, analysis and evaluation of educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education at each lesson and event.

    Repeated diagnostics, on the one hand, having established the fact that the teacher has solved the problem of carrying out educational activities, indicates the effectiveness of methodological support, and on the other hand, is the “starting point” for setting a new task for the teacher.

    The data obtained is used to identify typical difficulties for teachers and establish their causes.

    First of all, teachers are introduced to the diagnostic results, typical difficulties that impede their implementation of educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, and their causes.

    Problematizing difficulties involves assisting the teacher in identifying and realizing the lack of knowledge, pointing out existing illusions, and updating the need to eliminate shortcomings. Without denying existing achievements, it is possible to show how, based on what the teacher has positive, he can “increase” what is missing in his practice; demonstrate how it is in practice and how it should be. It is necessary to help teachers see the reasons for their difficulties not in external conditions, but in themselves, their shortcomings.

    It is important that any new activity - and the teacher should perceive educational activity as such in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education - causes difficulties, requiring a change in stereotypes, updating knowledge, developing the skills necessary for its implementation, increasing the amount of work, etc., which means resistance teachers is filled with personal meaning and requires paying attention “inward.”

    The above allows us to clearly formulate and understand the contradiction between the presence of difficulties and the teacher’s one-sided vision of the reasons for their elimination (in external factors) and turn to the consideration of other versions of the causes of difficulties. this work is carried out until the teachers indicate the main cause of the difficulties - in themselves.

    Questions: “What should we do now?”, “What do we want to achieve?”, “Can we do it ourselves? If you do it yourself, then how?” - allow teachers to strengthen their opinions about the need for additional knowledge, practice-oriented and problem-based seminars, during which a picture of the implementation of this activity will be built, the requirements for educational activities will be clearly formulated in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and methods for its diagnosis.

    Thus, an order for advanced training is formed, a plan for the methodological work of the preschool educational institution is drawn up, which is a set of methodological measures aimed at improving the skills of teachers in the aspect of effective implementation of educational activities.

    Based on the acquired knowledge, skills acquired by the teacher during the previous stage, the positive experience of their colleagues, compiled in the form of notes of classes, events and stored in the methodological office, teachers create and draw up a methodological development - an algorithm for the design, implementation and reflection of educational activities, requirements for its organization in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the application of which in practice guarantees the effective implementation of this activity.

    Methodological support is provided in the form of methodological guidance in the process of creating methodological development and consulting teachers during its preparation.

    Repeated diagnostics makes it possible to establish the fact that the teacher has solved the problem of carrying out educational activities and to prove the effectiveness of the developed model.

    The assessment of the effectiveness of teachers’ professional activities is carried out according to the following indicators:

    • Clarity in the organization of professional activities.
    • A variety of methods and techniques for working with children.
    • Dynamics of pedagogical support individual development child for a year.
    • Emotionally favorable microclimate in the group.
    • Information security for each area of ​​work.
    • Popular among students, parents, and colleagues.
    • Breadth of coverage of problems solved by social connections with government and public structures.
    • Pedagogical expediency of methodological support.
    • Availability of publications, generalization and presentation of experience at the city, federal and international levels.

    A methodological service must be created on a diagnostic and prognostic basis through a monitoring system aimed at tracking the level of professional competence of preschool teachers and the quality of education, attracting preschool teachers to participate in competitive projects, creating a portfolio for each teacher, and developing technological maps for educational programs.

    The professional development of a preschool teacher is a long process, the goal of which is to develop a person as a master of his craft, a true professional. It's no secret that modern teacher you need to be competitive, be able to position yourself in a preschool environment.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that the result we are striving for corresponds to the following parameters:

    1) conscious readiness of preschool teachers to implement new educational standards;
    2) the subjective position of the teacher regarding the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education,
    3) increasing the professional competence of teachers;
    4) activation of pedagogical reflection of one’s own professional activities;
    5) self-realization of the teacher in professional activities.


    The methodological service in the context of the implementation and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is the link between management and the educational process, implementing the main educational program and ensuring the results of educational activities, from which it follows that its planning and implementation must be treated scrupulously and very responsibly.

    “The processes for introducing the Federal State Educational Standard require special organized activities educational institutions, methodological services, new content for advanced training of personnel.”

    All of the above allows us to assert that federal state educational standards require serious support for teachers in various areas.

    At the same time, the main result of teacher training should be considered not the sum of units of acquired information, but the necessary changes that imply the dynamics of personal development of teachers mastering the new educational standard, which involves assessing the formation of their independence, responsibility, creativity, structure of interests and values, ability to express themselves, etc. .P.

    Methodological and psychological support for teachers will help them not only understand and accept the new educational Standards, but also successfully implement them in their professional activities.


    1. Demin, V.A. Professional competence: concept, types [Text] / V.A. Demin // Monitoring of the educational process. – 2000. – No. 4. – P. 35-39.
    2. Mayer, A.A. Supporting the professional success of a preschool teacher [Text]: methodological manual / A.A. Mayer. – M.: TC Sfera, 2012. 128 p.
    3. Prospects for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education as a condition for the formation of children's social experience [Text]: materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Kemerovo, February 19-20, 2014: in 2 hours/ed. Col.: E.A. Pakhomova, A.V. Chepkasov, O.G. Krasnoshlykova and others - Kemerovo: KRIPKiPRO Publishing House, 2014. - Part 1. – 288s.
    4. Troyan, A.N. Management of preschool educational institutions [Text]: textbook / A.N. Trojan. – Magnitogorsk, 2001. – 276 p.




    Organizational and methodological

    Information and methodological



    introduction of effective educational technologies that contribute to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

    ensuring the professional activities of teachers in the study, implementation and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

    obtaining analytical, diagnostic and prognostic information; current intermediate monitoring of the state and effectiveness of the educational process

    Forms of work

    seminars, workshops, master classes, webinars, round tables, scientific and practical conferences, project activities, course training for teachers

    pedagogical readings, scientific and practical conferences, are being formed digital libraries, media libraries, teacher databases

    questionnaires, surveys of participants in the educational process, examination of teaching materials


    ZDNMR MAOU "Secondary School No. 8"


    One of the key areas of the National Educational Initiative “Our New School” is the development of teacher potential. This is, first of all, due to the new paradigm of education, focused on developing practical skills in students, the ability to apply knowledge, implement their own projects, i.e. the formation of UUD. The relevance of the problem of the formation of universal educational activities due to new requirements for the education system, which are defined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2009. The methodological basis of the standard is the Program for the Formation of Universal Educational Actions, which implements a systemic and activity-based approach to learning, and their formation is a priority.

    Since any transformations taking place in a modern school are directly dependent on the level of professional pedagogical competence, their personal qualities, as well as on the level of development of motivational and value orientation towards the profession of “teacher”, the question arises about the need to develop the professional competence of a teacher, his mastery, the development of professional value orientations and qualities, a creative style of thinking, the development of modern pedagogical technologies, self-development and full self-realization in his chosen profession.

    One of the main forms of advanced training for teachers in the postgraduate period is methodological work. It includes all content and organizational forms of providing methodological assistance to teachers. We consider methodological work as part of the system continuing education teachers.

    The situation associated with the changes occurring in last years in education, problem-oriented results of the analysis of methodological work led to the need to change approaches to the implementation of methodological work in school, to place emphasis on the development of a system of motivation for teaching staff, on the formation of a corporate and professional culture of the teaching community, on a differentiated approach in working with teachers. Solving these problems requires the school administration to transition from an administrative to a managerial leadership system, which attracts, first of all, its personal orientation. The slogan “Personnel decides everything” is especially relevant today. The higher the level of development of the teacher in terms of the totality of his professional knowledge, skills, abilities and motives for teaching activities, the more effective and efficient the activities of the educational institution will be.

    The old system must give way to a new system of scientific and methodological work, which should become a means of developing a new style of pedagogical thinking and teacher activity at school. Therefore, work should be aimed at creating an in-school model of methodological support for teachers, which is capable of ensuring professional growth and the development of active creativity.

    Based on this, we developed the program “Intra-school model of scientific and methodological support as a condition for the development of teacher potential.”

    Target program: creation and testing of an in-school model of teaching and methodological support for teachers, ensuring the development of pedagogical potential, their readiness to implement the ideas of the activity-competence approach in their practice.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

    1. Develop and test an in-school model of scientific and methodological support for teachers.

    2. Create conditions that provide scientific and methodological support for teachers, taking into account the teaching experience, age, qualifications of the teacher, his attitude to professional activity (based on a differentiated approach).

    3. Determine the diagnostic system, criteria and indicators for assessing the level of personal and professional readiness in accordance with the new goals and objectives of school education.

    4. Make the transition from a managerial to a managerial leadership system.

    Scientific and theoretical justification of the in-school model of scientific and methodological support

    In management theory, the term “development” means the entire volume of activities, processes, and procedures that, firstly, help staff master the necessary competencies to effectively perform the tasks facing the organization, and secondly, contribute to the fullest and most comprehensive disclosure of everyone’s potential. “Development” and “employee training” are considered identical concepts.

    Based on the provisions of personnel management, we can highlight the socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical conditions for effective teacher training:

    1. First of all, you need motivation. Every teacher must clearly understand the goals, i.e., how teaching will affect his work, student learning outcomes, and also affect future personal well-being.

    2. The school administration must create a climate conducive to learning, and this implies the active participation of teachers in the learning process; the desire to learn new things, to analyze one’s achievements and mistakes; management support; desire to answer questions. Organizations with such an encouraging and supportive climate are called “learning” organizations.

    3. The learning process should be divided into successive stages with the consolidation of practical skills acquired in each of them. This is especially important when the subject matter is quite complex.

    4. Positive feedback is necessary: ​​praise, approval, encouragement of teachers, etc.

    To create an in-school model for the development of teacher potential, knowledge of the basics of andragogy is necessary.

    Andragogy– the science of adult learning.

    Adult learning technology is an integral part of andragogy. Its components are: content, sources, means, forms and methods of teaching. But the main thing here is the activity of the student and the teacher. The leading role belongs to the student himself. An adult learner – a teacher – is an active element, one of the equal subjects of the learning process.

    On the basis of the basic principles of andragogy, it is proposed to build activities for the development of teacher potential, the main characteristics of which are considered to be the active, leading role of the student (teacher) in the construction and implementation of the training program, on the one hand, and his joint work with the teacher, on the other hand.

    Based on domestic and foreign experience in organizing advanced training, based on the existing conditions in a general education institution, the following basic principles should become the foundation of an in-school model for the development of teacher potential:

    1. Priority of independent learning

    2. The principle of joint activity

    3. Principle of individualization

    4. The principle of focusing on problematic issues of practice


    Trainings, etc.

    In the proposed model, preference is given to active forms.

    2. Creation of organizational (work of resource rooms or information centers) and methodological (consulting) conditions for the participation of school teachers in various events: courses, conferences, district methodological associations, round tables, seminars, workshops, etc.

    3. Providing methodological support (tutoring) for teachers conducting their research activities, pedagogical experiments.

    4. Information support for the participation of teachers in various pedagogical events (conferences, master classes, professional skills competitions) to present and generalize their experience.

    5. Psychological and pedagogical support.

    Psychological and methodological assistance related to the introduction of personality-oriented learning technologies into the educational process (both in the field of interaction and in relationships with children).

    Preventive focus related to teachers’ acquisition of emotional self-regulation skills, development of the ability to maintain and activate compensatory, protective and regulatory mechanisms in order to preserve emotional health and professional longevity.

    From the school’s experience in introducing an in-school model of scientific and methodological support for teachers

    The school's teaching staff has been working on this problem for the first year. During this time, it was possible to achieve certain positive results. We believe that the effectiveness of methodological work depends on many factors and, above all, on:

    Priority areas of school education;

    Priority areas of the educational institution;

    Accounting for individual professional characteristics each teacher in its planning and organization;

    Relying on the individuality and creativity of teachers, their professional interests and abilities;

    The established advanced pedagogical experience of the educational institution;

    Planning methodological work begins with analyzing the needs of teachers and identifying existing problems. For this purpose, questionnaires, interviews with teachers, and self-examination of the educational institution are carried out on all main processes: managerial, educational, educational, scientific and methodological, psychological and pedagogical.

    For the successful implementation of methodological work, a control and analytical examination is carried out throughout the entire period in the following areas:

    w the state and effectiveness of methodological work;

    It is indicated what will be developed by the teacher to ensure EP and innovative activities: author’s programs training courses, calendar-thematic and lesson planning, lesson notes, collections of exercises, didactic materials, test texts, test tasks

    3. Generalization of own experience of teaching activities

    The topic on which the teacher intends to generalize his experience is indicated. Actions to systematize the accumulated material, analyze experience, prepare final generalized materials - writing recommendations, articles, preparing messages.

    4. Participation in the system of methodological work

    It is indicated in which methodological activities of the school the teacher expects to participate. What is his role

    Development of a program, project, master class, etc.

    5. Training in advanced training courses outside of school

    The topics of the courses that the teacher expects to be completed are indicated.

    Coursework, essay

    The bodies within which the teacher works and his functional responsibilities are indicated.

    Action plan, work reporting

    7. Teacher self-diagnosis

    Diagnostics, self-diagnosis, comprehension of the results of teaching activities and personal growth are indicated.

    Teacher’s personal diary, “portfolio” of teaching achievements

    8. Evaluation of professional growth results

    Tracking the results of personal growth (diagnostic studies, monitoring)

    Types of activities of teachers in the conditions of scientific and methodological support

    Scientific and methodological support for innovative and experimental work is carried out on the basis of the implementation of the program “Technology for managing innovative processes in school.”

    To optimize the control process, special measures are provided to manage the implementation of the program: forms for presenting intermediate and final results and reporting on them at meetings of the Ministry of Education, the NMS, an interview on the implementation of the teacher’s professional and personal growth program.

    An important structural component of scientific and methodological support is its multi-level nature, which can be represented as a model:

    w individual scientific, methodological and experimental work of teachers, which is carried out through the provision of methodological assistance in the development of:

    Individual OER programs;

    In choosing an individual methodological topic;

    In creating a “portfolio” of teacher achievements;

    In advanced training on an individual topic;

    When visiting and analyzing lessons;

    When preparing open lessons;

    Assistance to teachers taking part in professional competitions.

    w microgroup work of teachers includes:

    Providing methodological assistance in the development and implementation of OER programs (permanent creative groups of long-term projects);

    Development of educational projects;

    Conducting integrated lessons;

    Providing methodological assistance in preparing for teacher councils;

    w Research activities within the framework of the work of the Ministry of Defense are related to:

    Development of quality programs in educational areas;

    Work on the methodological theme of methodological unification:

    w collective scientific and methodological work includes:

    Information support for teachers;

    Participation in pedagogical councils;

    Scientific and practical conferences;

    Work on a single methodological topic;

    Conducting monitoring studies.

    Stimulating professional growth and raising the teacher’s creative spirit is facilitated by collective work on a single methodological topic, which becomes a tool for managing professional teaching activities and the basis for professional growth. Work on a single methodological topic is carried out in stages, at each stage certain tasks are solved, and various organizational forms are used. Working on a single methodological topic unites the creative efforts of teachers and has a positive effect on increasing the level of professional competence of teachers, including the level of methodological competence and general pedagogical culture of teachers. This academic year, the teaching staff of the school worked on the topic: “Improving the quality of education based on the formation of universal educational activities.” The purpose of the activity within the framework of this problem - creating conditions conducive to the development of universal learning activities that determine the individual’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The work was organized in several stages:

    Stage I. Organizational work. 2008//2010 G.

    Study of second generation standards;

    Selection of topics for the work of the Moscow Region, departments, methodological services;

    Determining the composition of creative and problem groups, creative workshops;

    Determining the topics of teachers' councils, theoretical seminars and psychological and pedagogical workshops;

    Development of individual self-education topics;

    Review – presentation of literature on a methodological topic, topics of self-education;

    Drawing up a control schedule.

    Stage II. Providing assistance to teachers in the implementation of new generation standards. 2009/2010 G.

    Practical training for teachers on the use of second generation standards

    Testing new forms of assessing students' educational results;

    Introduction of modern psychological and pedagogical technologies that contribute to the formation of UUD;

    New forms of advanced training (organizational and activity games, creative workshops, advanced modeling of lessons, presentation of PPO, etc.)

    Implementation of the control schedule.

    Stage III. Collection and processing of received information 2011/2012. G.

    · Active implementation of the results of pedagogical research, the use of advanced pedagogical experience of colleagues, work experience of creative and problem groups.

    Forms of work:

    1. Creative reports

    2. Project protection

    3. Open lessons

    4. Self-generalization of experience

    5. Innovative work

    Stage IV. Final. 2012/2013

    · Analysis of the work of the teaching staff on a scientific and methodological topic (pedagogical council, school educational forum, NMS, department meeting, MO).

    · organization of thematic exhibitions

    · assessment of the level of professional skills of school teachers

    · collection and structuring of materials from work experience

    · determination of prospects for further development.

    Work on a single methodological topic contributed to the activation of teachers’ creative spirit and their professional growth.

    Scientific and methodological support for teachers in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out through the implementation of the program “Comprehensive support of the educational process in the conditions of the school’s transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.”

    To provide methodological support for teachers during the school’s transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, the school’s methodological service has set itself the following tasks:

    Organization of theoretical, psychological and pedagogical training of teachers;

    Providing methodological support for participants in the testing of the Federal State Educational Standard;

    Study, generalization and dissemination of the experience of school teachers.

    At the organizational stage, creative groups were created in elementary and high schools, which developed and tested the Program for the formation of UUD. Solving the problem of providing assistance to teachers to competently read and understand the large volume of new documentation, standard recommendations, changes in teacher work planning, the methodological office organized the study of basic documents on the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.

    In order to increase the methodological competence of teachers, a system of advanced training has been built at all levels: self-education - school level- municipal level - regional.

    Scientific and methodological support for teachers who are in certification mode was carried out through the implementation of the program “ Preparation program for certification of teaching staff"

    Target: Creation of an effective mechanism for improving the professional qualities of teaching staff.


    To promote the development of the teacher’s personality needs to improve pedagogical qualifications. Provide maximum opportunities for creative self-expression of the teacher’s personality.

    Stages of development of professional qualities of a teacher:

    Stage I: preparatory:

      explanatory work about the purposes of certification, the principles of activity of the certification commission, self-diagnosis of the effectiveness of professional activities, on the basis of which the teacher draws up an application; advisory assistance administration: the teacher must realize his achievements, innovations, correlate them with qualification requirements, requirements for the position held;

    Stage II: studying the requirements of written qualification tests (Rules for conducting certification in the Trans-Baikal Territory), familiarization with the average statistical data on the results of the work of teachers in the Trans-Baikal Territory:

      developing a lesson (lesson) outline, solving pedagogical situations, getting acquainted with ICT competency tests, conducting self-assessment of teachers’ activities; expert assessment of the practical activities of teaching staff.

    Annual work schedule of the deputy director,

    organizing preparation for certification of teaching staff




    1.Creation of an information base for preparing teachers for certification.

    2. Drawing up orders for approval of schedules for teachers to undergo certification for compliance with the position held.


    Instructional and methodological meeting for teachers who are certified for compliance with the position held and who have submitted applications for the first and highest qualification categories:

      rights and obligations of the person being certified; rights and obligations of members of the certification commission; requirements for those being certified for suitability for the position held; requirements for those certified for the first and highest qualification categories.


    1.Attending lessons of certified teachers, studying documentation in order to provide methodological assistance.

    2. Expertise of professional competence.

    3. Examination of practical activities (documented results).

    4. Interview with teachers about their level of readiness for certification.


    1.Analysis of certification work.

    2.Preparing a schedule for certification for the new year.

    3. Completing an application for advanced training courses for the next academic year taking into account the needs of teachers to undergo certification in the future.

    Teachers' work plan for five years

    Previous year– assignment of a qualification category

    1 – 3 years:

    Improving the level of qualifications in courses. Self-education.

    Self-education work takes place in three stages:

      Selection of a topic, its theoretical study, study of existing work experience. The choice of topic is determined by analysis based on diagnostics, as well as taking into account a single methodological topic. Using the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice; Teacher creativity leading to positive results: open lessons, master classes. Methodological work within creative groups, methodological associations.

    4th year– preparation for certification.

    Algorithm of teacher activities in the year preceding the submission of the application:

    Study of the “Regulations on the procedure for certification of pedagogical state and municipal educational institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the rules for certification of teaching staff in the Trans-Baikal Territory.” Understanding what has been achieved over the period since the previous certification. Determining a claim for a qualification category Structuring the accumulated materials. Selecting a certification form. Formulating the topic of a creative report at school in front of the team. Writing an application.

    5th year:

    Registration of produced materials in accordance with the requirements for the declared category. Preparation of video footage of the performance: exhibitions, video clips of lessons. Working on the content of the speech. Conducting open lessons and events with the invitation of the school administration and colleagues.

    Scientific and methodological support for young teachers was carried out through the implementation program "School of a Young Teacher".

    This program is aimed at solving the problem of more successful adaptation of beginning teachers.

    Target programs: providing assistance to young professionals in professional and personal adaptation.

    Tasks programs:

    · create conditions for the development of an individual pedagogical style creative activity;

    · provide assistance in the study and creative implementation of the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices into the educational process;

    · create conditions conducive to the formation of continuous self-education.

    Stages of guiding the professional development of a young teacher

    Stage I: introductory

      familiarization with the school, its traditions, educational opportunities of the school; providing the teacher with a full workload; attaching a mentor to a young teacher; planning methodological work aimed at improving psychological, pedagogical and methodological culture (work in the Moscow Region, self-education); providing assistance in planning educational activities.

    Stage II: stimulating the activities of a young teacher:

      creating conditions for pedagogical community of different generations; monitoring the teaching activities of a young teacher; moral stimulation.

    Stage III: summarizing:

      fixing the level of teacher training, the effectiveness of the teaching staff in providing professional support to the young teacher; determining the prospects for further development of the professional skills of a young teacher.

    Mentoring is organized for young specialists in the methodological association. School mentoring is one of the forms of individual training for young professionals. Mentors are selected from among the most experienced teachers. In addition to mentoring, the school operates a school for young teachers, classes are held once or twice a quarter, and during breaks between classes, young teachers engage in self-education. Every year in April the school holds a week of young teachers “My Pedagogical Achievements”. Young specialists conduct open lessons and extracurricular activities, speak at meetings of the Moscow Region with reports on self-education. When conducting such events, mentors provide methodological assistance and pedagogical support.

    Scientific and methodological support for teachers summarizing advanced pedagogical experience is carried out on the basis of the implementation of the program “Theory and Methods of Generalizing Advanced Pedagogical Experience.” In order to provide advisory and methodological assistance to teachers summarizing their teaching experience, the OPPO department has published a collection of methodological recommendations for summarizing teaching experience. Accompanying teachers consists of familiarizing them with the methodology for summarizing experience, providing assistance in identifying the teacher’s private methodological system, determining the stages of the teacher’s work to summarize the teacher’s pedagogical experience, offering an approximate list of materials from the teacher’s work experience, conducting diagnostic studies to identify the level of teachers’ proficiency in research skills, level of teacher readiness in experimental research activities, diagnostic programs “personal and pedagogical self-regulation of teachers”, etc.

    Purposeful work to provide methodological assistance to teachers summarizing their teaching experience has made it possible to summarize the experience of 11 teachers over the past 3 years.

    We attach great importance to moral and material incentives for teachers.

    In connection with the introduction new system wages, the “Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the payroll for teachers and class teachers of municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 8” have been developed. This provision was developed in order to strengthen the material interest of school teachers in improving the quality of the educational process, developing creative activity and initiative in carrying out assigned tasks. The main criteria influencing the amount of incentive payments to a teacher are criteria reflecting the teacher’s work results. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of professional activities are developed in 3 main blocks:

      teacher activities aimed at ensuring the quality of student learning. scientific-methodological and innovation activity. activities of the teacher as a class teacher.

    At the end of the school year, the personal rating of teachers is determined. Using the methodology for determining personal rating allows you to:

      increase personal responsibility and interest of the teacher; introduce competition into the educational process; increase discipline in daily activities; obtain more objective data about the successes and shortcomings in the work of the teaching staff.

    Due to the fact that scientific and methodological work at school is built on a problem-diagnostic basis, collective and individual planning, systematic approach In managing methodological work, monitoring and continuously analyzing results, stimulating and creating conditions for the growth of professional competence of teachers, we have managed to achieve certain positive results over the past 3 years:

      72% of teachers have qualification categories; 98% of teachers completed long-term or problematic professional development courses; 100% of teachers are involved in methodological work and are engaged in self-education.

    The activity of teachers has increased, their desire for creativity has increased, and the number of teachers participating in innovation processes has increased. The school’s teachers take part in competitions at various levels and achieve good results:

      The school is the winner of the competition educational institutions implementing innovative educational programs and received a presidential grant;
      In the “Teacher of the Year 2010” competition, the English teacher took second place at the municipal level; In the regional competition of educational initiatives, 4 creative groups were awarded the status of “District Creative Laboratory”, and members of the creative groups were given the status of “Teacher-Researcher”; 6 teachers of the school are winners of the competition " The best teachers Russia within the framework of PNPO", the head of the library became the winner of a regional competition of author's programs for teachers of additional education; 2nd place in the competition “In-school systems for ensuring the quality of education”; In the city show-competition " Best model methodological work at the educational institution”, the school’s methodological service was awarded the victory in the “Knowledge” nomination. Experience. Professionalism".
      Since 2008, the school has been a regional platform for the design and implementation of quality management systems." In 2010, a primary school teacher received a grant from the Head of Administration of the municipal district "city of Krasnokamensk and Krasnokamensky district." 13 articles summarizing experience were published in the journal “Practice of Administrative Work”, in magazines for managers of the educational institution “Education Quality Management”, in collections of materials at the district and regional level.

    In turn, the growth of the level of professional skills contributes to the advancement of students in all areas of education and social activities, this is the essence of organizing scientific and methodological support for EP.


    Individual development trajectory

    professional competence of mastering

    activity-based teaching method for trainee teachers

    Task: gain experience in implementing knowledge: theoretical and methodological features of the technology of the activity method and didactic principles of the system in practical activities, relying on ready-made developments (scenarios) of lessons from master teachers

    Result of activity: experience in implementing knowledge - methodological features technologies and systems of didactic principles of the activity method - and, as a result, increasing methodological skills, acquiring the status of a “practicing” teacher.


    Actions to follow

    Coordination and approval of the “Individual” program plan

    Participation in the design, preparation and conduct of business or

    problem game, discussion or round table: “Goals and prices

    ness modern education", "The quality of modern education

    goal and ways to achieve it: a new stage in the development of Russian

    schools" (RF Law "On Education" 2004, state stan-

    darts. Educational program of the school).

    Preparing a speech at the pedagogical council in the form of a business

    howl or problem game, discussion or round table.

    Active participation in the pedagogical council.

    Participation in the discussion of an open or video lesson, in the design

    research and preparation of the workshop.

    Selection of material for the design of a methodological stand about di-

    tactical system "School 2000...", activities of the CSDP "School

    Participation in the workshop “Methods of formation

    development of new knowledge”, or

    “Implementation of the principle of activity in the construction of educational

    of the new lesson space.”


    Actions to follow

    Attending open lessons of master teachers at secondary school No. and

    participation in the exchange of opinions about the lesson.

    Studying the lesson notes of master teachers in order to identify

    knowledge of features in the construction of lessons.

    Writing a lesson summary for a meeting of the methodological association

    teachers' opinions primary school and mathematics “Study of cons-

    pects of lessons from teachers who have completed the basic level of training.”

    Self-preparation for analyzing a video lesson or an open summary

    lesson followed by a presentation and answers to questions from colleagues. Commenting on the lesson notes, answering questions from colleagues

    with participation in the workshop “Studying lesson notes”

    kov teachers who have completed the basic level of training.”

    Proposals for the development of plan programs “Individual

    development trajectory of professional competence of mastering

    activity-based method of teaching a “trainee” teacher for a new

    groups of teachers who have completed basic level courses.

    Demonstration open lesson or conducting video analysis -

    lesson followed by discussion and answers to questions

    Analysis together with the deputy director of the promotion organization

    professional competence in the post-course period. Message

    reporting on the results of mastering DSDM at the methodological association.

    Coordination with the deputy director and approval of the program plan

    “Individual trajectory of development of professional com-

    competences for mastering the activity-based method of teaching teachers -

    "technologist" (subject to completion of technological courses

    level) or correction of the “Individual” plan program

    development trajectory of professional competence of mastering

    activity-based teaching method for trainee teachers.

    UDC 373.24 + 377.111 doi: 10.20310/1810-231X-2016-15-2-109-117


    Stavtseva Yulia Gafuryanovna

    MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 7", Russia, Orel, e-mail: [email protected]

    The article is devoted to the importance of methodological support of the pedagogical process in a modern children's educational institution. The essence, structure and content of the work of a methodologist in a preschool educational institution are revealed, new forms and methods of professional training of educators are analyzed: a business game, methodological gatherings, workshops, creative microgroups, a literary magazine, etc. The content of the main directions of methodological support in a preschool educational institution is considered: information -analytical, motivational-target, planning-prognostic, organizational-executive, control-diagnostic, regulatory-corrective.

    Keywords: social and psychological support; subject-development environment; methodological work, methodological support, preschool educational institutions, teacher-educator

    A modern preschool educational institution (DOU) is a complex socio-pedagogical, goal-oriented, open, dynamic system, including various directions activities, which are: implementation of education, training and development of children, socio-psychological support and legal protection, financial, economic, material and technical, personnel and methodological support, improvement professional level teachers, formation of teaching staff, etc.

    Reforming the education system and its preschool level in accordance with the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” (2012) today requires institutions to rethink the main directions of their activities, including methodological ones, presented in the form of methodological work. What is methodological work, what is its essence, significance in an educational institution and in preschool institution specifically?

    According to the definition of V. I. Dubrova and E. P. Milosevich, methodological work is a holistic system of activities based on the achievements of science, advanced experience and analysis of teachers’ difficulties, aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the team, to achieve optimal results in the education, upbringing and development of children; sequential system of methods

    theoretical knowledge And practical application in any activity.

    Methodological work in preschool educational institutions is most often considered in the same way as in school, as an activity to improve the organization of the educational process of the institution and increase the level of professional training of teachers. From the point of view of L.A. Bakhturina, A.I. Vasilyeva, I.I. Kobinina, methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a complex and creative process in which teachers are given practical training in methods and techniques of working with children. The authors argue that the main significance of methodological work lies in the organization, control and analysis of pedagogical activities with the aim of comprehensive and harmonious development of the child’s personality and improving the professional skills of the teacher.

    It should be noted that the concept of “methodological support” is somewhat different from the definition of “methodological work”. L. I. Falyushina, in her research, understands methodological support of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution as the interaction of the person being accompanied and the accompanying person, aimed at resolving the problems of professional activity that are relevant to the teacher. K. Yu. Belaya considers methodological support of the pedagogical process in modern preschool educational institution as holistic, based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogy

    practical experience, a system of interrelated measures aimed at:

    1) improving the professional skills of each teacher;

    2) to develop the creative potential of the entire teaching staff;

    3) increasing the quality and efficiency of the educational process.

    The main thing in methodological support, as the author claims, is the provision of specific practical assistance to educators in improving the forms and methods of working with preschoolers. Therefore, its effectiveness should be judged not by the number of activities carried out, but by the quality of the pedagogical process itself in kindergarten and its results.

    As a result, according to most authors, methodological support of the pedagogical process in a modern preschool educational institution is an activity that improves and develops the professional competence of teachers in matters of the quality and effectiveness of the educational process. In what follows we will adhere to this definition. Consequently, the essence of methodological support as an activity is to provide systematic practical assistance to teachers in increasing their professional competence in matters of quality implementation of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

    Currently, the role of methodological support in preschool educational institutions is significantly increasing. This is due, firstly, to the need to rationally and quickly improve the quality of educational content through the use of innovations in software and methodological support, in methods of raising and teaching preschool children; improve the quality of organization of teaching activities, using more effective methods, techniques and forms of working with children.

    Secondly, the participation of teachers in the management of preschool educational institutions, in managing the cognitive process of a group of children, in improving the educational environment, in organizing the educational process and implementing educational programs new generation, which places higher demands on the improvement and development of the professional competence of a teacher.

    Thirdly, a humanistic, social-value complex of ideas that affirms the attitude towards a person as highest value, contributes through methodological support to the formation of a new style of relationships among all subjects of the educational process. The implementation of personality-oriented education and training, the transition from group forms of work to individual ones, the preference for indirect forms of pedagogical requirements, the emotional coloring of pedagogical relationships - all this provides significant assistance to the teacher and the child in their self-development.

    Methodological support for the pedagogical process, work in a preschool educational institution can be represented as a holistic, systemic activity based on the achievements of science and practice, aimed at the comprehensive development of creative potential and increasing the professional competence of the teacher. The final result of this activity is the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the organization of the educational process and the growth of the level of development of preschool children. The activities of preschool educational institutions are directly dependent on human resources, therefore the importance of methodological support increases, which creates conditions for the growth and development of the professional competence of each teacher and the entire teaching staff as a whole.

    IN different types and types of educational institutions of the domestic education system, methodological support can be provided in different forms of organization: methodological centers, methodological rooms, methodological communities, methodological services.

    Any activity, including methodological ones, begins with goal setting. Many authors address the goals of methodological work (K. Yu. Belaya, L. I. Ilyenko, N. V. Nemova, O. A. Skorolupova, P. I. Tretyakov, etc.). Of all the definitions presented by the authors, one deserves attention and justifies methodological activities - providing assistance to the teacher and the entire teaching staff in increasing and developing their professional competence in order to achieve quality results in their teaching activities, and everything else is the tasks with the help of which will be solved the main goal of methodological work. At the same

    In order to achieve the above goal, it is necessary to identify the initial level of professional training of teachers and only then formulate a goal and plan and organize methodological work with teachers.

    When formulating the tasks of methodological support of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to highlight a group of interrelated functions that are presented in a meaningful and quite systematic manner by L. N. Builova, S. V. Kochneva and E. V. Korotaeva, and propose the following content:

    Information - aimed at collecting and processing information on problematic issues of the methodological work of the institution, at identifying and creating a data bank on topical issues of the activities of the educational institution;

    Analytical - aimed at studying the actual state of methodological support and the validity of the use of methods, means, influences to achieve goals, on objective assessment the results obtained and the development of decisive mechanisms for its improvement;

    Planning and prognostication is the basis for the activities of methodological support of the institution. It is aimed at choosing both an ideal and a real goal and developing plans to achieve it;

    design - aimed at developing the content and creating various projects for the institution’s activities;

    Organizational-coordination - should take into account, based on problem-oriented analysis data, the specific situation in the institution, provide the opportunity for each teacher to increase the level of professional competence;

    The educational function of methodological support (advanced training) is aimed at increasing and developing the professional competence of a particular teacher in the implementation of the educational process, i.e. equipping the teacher with relevant pedagogical knowledge and technologies, developing his general erudition, as well as the personality traits and qualities necessary for a teacher;

    The control and diagnostic function occupies a special place in methodological support and is implemented in relation to

    to teachers. The organization of control makes it possible to determine the compliance of the functioning and development of the methodological activities of the institution.

    Specific tasks of methodological support of the pedagogical process of a children's educational institution were proposed by K. Yu. Belaya, who builds the following sequence:

    Establishment of regulatory requirements for the educational activities of the teacher and the child;

    Determination of methods, methodological tools and organizational forms of interaction between teacher and child that most fully meet the objectives of teaching a particular educational field;

    Providing teachers with the opportunity to constantly update theoretical and methodological knowledge;

    Creating conditions for improving professional skills and sharing advanced pedagogical (and methodological) experience.

    The next component of methodological support as an activity is the content, which is formed on the basis different sources:

    Laws of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents, instructions, orders of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and regions, defining the goals and objectives of the preschool education system, and therefore methodological work;

    Educational development programs in the region, institutions, proprietary programs, manuals that allow updating the traditional content of methodological support;

    New psychological, pedagogical and methodological research that increases the scientific level of methodological support;

    The results of diagnostics and forecasting of the state of the educational process, the level of development of children, helping to determine the main content of methodological support and self-education for teachers.

    It is obvious that the content of methodological support should be aimed, first of all, at fulfilling the specific tasks of each preschool institution, formulated in the Charter, development program and annual plan. One cannot but agree with S. F. Bagautdinova, L. N. Builova and S. V. Kochneva, who propose the content

    The need for methodological support of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution should be considered from the point of view of its main functions (see above).

    V. P. Dubrova and E. P. Milosevic consider the content of methodological support from the perspective of a competency-based approach. They build it in the form of components of the professional competence of a preschool teacher: socio-psychological competence; pedagogical competence; national, speech and everyday competence.

    There is another view on determining the content of methodological support. Thus, V. A. Belyaeva and A. A. Petrenko argue that methodological support as a process of developing the professionalism of teachers must be considered through internal and external factors. External factors are the sociocultural environment and the developing education system, where it is necessary to take into account the modern educational situation. Internal factors are self-education, self-education and self-development of teachers in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Thus, the content of methodological support of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution should be determined based on the level of professional competence of teachers, the main directions development of preschool educational institutions and the educational situation in education. It can be developed in accordance with the indicators of the main components of professional competence of teachers - didactic (knowledge of a number of leading didactic concepts); psychological and pedagogical; methodical; technological and technical and communication.

    A fairly important component of methodological support in preschool educational institutions is the forms of organization of methodological activities. Traditional content and forms of methodological support, in which the main place was and still is given to theoretical reports, not relevant to the topics of consultations and seminars, unsystematic control over the quantity, and not the quality, of classes and routine moments conducted by the teacher, have lost their importance due to their insignificant effectiveness and insufficient feedback.

    All forms of methodological support can be divided into two interrelated groups:

    Group forms - mutual visits, consultations, seminars and workshops, creative and working groups, business games, exhibitions, participation of teachers in methodological associations of the region, organization of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences and, of course, teacher councils.

    Individual forms - internship, interview, self-education, mentoring, individual consultations, self-education, conversations.

    The pedagogical council in kindergarten acts as supreme body management of the entire educational process, poses and solves specific problems of a preschool institution. When planning a pedagogical council, we must remember that this is a permanent and collegial body of self-government for teaching staff. He considers issues of optimizing the educational process; approves and adjusts plans, work programs, creative projects, personal plans for self-education, makes collegial decisions. The main tasks of the teachers' council are to increase professional qualifications teachers; determining ways and forms of updating preschool education in a particular institution, analyzing the quality of knowledge, abilities, skills of students, the level of work of teachers, the development of the kindergarten itself, increasing its rating in the region, summing up the activities of the preschool institution, and achieving the goals set by the team.

    Consulting has become firmly established in the practice of methodological support of the pedagogical process in kindergarten. In order to focus the attention of educators and encourage them to follow the logic of presentation, at the beginning of the consultation it is useful to formulate questions that will help to comprehend their own experience from the point of view of science, to express their thoughts and opinions. Depending on the level of qualification of teachers, it is determined to what extent knowledge can be drawn from their experience or limited to explanation. Helpful advice or a timely consultation corrects the work of both a young specialist and an experienced teacher.

    Seminars and workshops remain the most effective form of methodological work in kindergarten. A comprehensive plan with a clear indication of work time and thoughtfulness of tasks will attract attention

    more people wishing to take part in its work. At the very first lesson, you can suggest supplementing this plan with specific questions to which educators would like to receive answers. You can involve educators, specialists, medical workers. The main goal of workshops is to improve the skills of teachers, so they are usually led by educators who have experience working on this issue.

    Creative microgroups are created on a voluntary basis from among interested teachers when it is necessary to master new best practices, new methods, develop an idea, work methods, methodological manuals. When planning general activities It must be taken into account that several people are united in a group on the basis of a common interest, mutual sympathy, and psychological compatibility. Everyone first independently studies the problem or material, then everyone exchanges opinions, offers their solutions and conclusions. Teachers visit each other’s routine moments, direct educational activities, discuss them, highlight the best methods and techniques. The joint creative development of new things goes much faster. Many opinions or findings produce a valuable result in the end.

    A round table is one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of education and training of preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms placement of participants allows you to make the team self-governing, allows you to put all participants in equal status, ensures interaction and openness. The role of the round table organizer is to think through and prepare questions for discussion aimed at achieving a specific goal.

    Methodological gatherings allow you to discuss a certain small pedagogical problem in a free and relaxed atmosphere and develop the correct point of view on this problem. The successful completion of the event is largely determined by the creation of a favorable environment and an appropriate psychological climate. It is more convenient to have a discussion over tea. Issues that are essential for solving key problems at the moment are brought up for discussion. Topic for participants

    previously unknown, no preparations are being made for discussion.

    A literary newspaper or magazine is used in preschool educational institutions as an interesting form of work that unites employees. Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children are assessed (writing, speech skills, imagery of statements, etc.). You can create pages for children and parents.

    The pedagogical club is a form of methodological support that helps to activate existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills. Teams are formed, the number of which depends on the size of the team or the assigned tasks, and a jury is appointed. Teams are first introduced to the topic of the Club meeting and given homework. You can prepare mutual humorous greetings, mottos or chants. The leader prepares entertaining assignments that require non-standard solutions directly on the chosen topic. It is important to regulate the stages of the game and think through the necessary paraphernalia.

    Pedagogical readings are organized on various issues of teaching and education: thematic readings; final results of methodological associations for the year; as a result of the work of educators on self-education topics. During the year, teachers study theoretical and practical approaches to the implementation of their chosen topic. At the end of the school year, it is possible to watch open classes on this issue.

    An open screening makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during a lesson and get answers to your questions. Showing helps to penetrate creative laboratory teacher In addition, it awakens initiative, creativity, and contributes to the improvement of professional skills. Advanced experience originates in mass practice and is, to some extent, its result.

    Business games are often called simulation management games. The term “game” itself, in various languages, corresponds to the concepts of joke, laughter, lightness and indicates the connection of this process with positive

    emotions. It seems that this explains the appearance of business games in the methodological support system. The essence of business games is that they have features of both learning and work. At the same time, training and work acquire a joint, collective character and contribute to the formation of professional creative thinking.

    Self-education of educators performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in previous course training; contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills. The system of continuous professional development for each preschool teacher involves different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. Systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher and senior teacher is carried out in advanced training courses every five years.

    We are convinced that the success of a preschool institution largely depends on the quality of methodological work with personnel. Methodological support occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution, as it contributes to the activation of the teacher’s personality and the development of his creative activity. All its forms are aimed at improving the qualifications and skills of the teacher.

    Methodological support of the pedagogical process in kindergarten can be carried out in the following areas: information-analytical, motivational-goal-oriented, planning-prognostic, organizational-executive, control-diagnostic, regulatory-corrective. These areas are interrelated with each other and make it possible to increase the theoretical level and skills of teachers, thereby enriching the content of the pedagogical process. Let's take a closer look at them.

    * Information and analytical direction. We believe that the methodologist needs to have information about the condition preschool work, new directions in pedagogy and psychology of preschool upbringing and education, about new programs and technologies, as well as about the level of professional competence of teachers. For this purpose, a data bank about teachers must be created in the preschool educational institution, their educational level, experience, etc.

    An important area of ​​work with teaching staff is organizing their professional development. The preschool educational institution draws up a long-term plan for the next academic year, which provides for the timing and forms of advanced training for teachers and course training. The purpose of certification is to determine the compliance of the level of professional competence of teaching staff with the requirements of qualifications and qualification category. Preschool teachers systematically undergo retraining in advanced training courses.

    * Motivational-target direction. The leading criterion for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process is creative direction teachers of preschool educational institutions, which creates a favorable atmosphere to improve their professional competence. At the beginning of the school year, together with the head of the preschool educational institution and the Creative Council of Teachers, it is important to determine the goals and objectives of the work of the teaching staff, the forms and methods of teaching and educational work in kindergarten. At the first teaching council, a draft work plan for the teaching staff for the next academic year is approved, draft directions for the teaching activities of narrow specialists, and a schedule of classes, which is developed in accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (2012), are approved. When working on a draft annual plan, teachers and parents are surveyed, where they indicate issues of interest to them in the upbringing and education of children. Open events scheduled by month are also reflected in the annual plan.

    Each teacher, for one academic year or several years (as necessary), is engaged in the detailed development of one issue in the upbringing and education of preschool children and the accumulation of material about the chosen topic. The result of the work is an increase in the level of self-education of the teacher and the accumulation of methodological recommendations on the problems being studied. At the end of the academic year, a “Festival of Pedagogical Ideas” is held, at which the experience gained during the academic year is exchanged and the prospects for its implementation in the future are determined. next year at the preschool educational institution. The most interesting developments of teachers are formalized into advanced pedagogical experience. This is an incentive for teachers to work.

    * Planning and forecasting direction. To improve operational efficiency

    The preschool educational institution as a whole needs to determine a coordinated system of tasks and activities to solve them for the coming year. When determining annual goals for the current academic year, analyzing the state pedagogical work, in order to increase its effectiveness, the need arose to develop targeted programs. Thus, in 2015, a team of kindergarten teachers introduced a target program “Pedagogy of Health” for a five-year comprehensive strategy for improving children’s health. The program is aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of preschool children, creating a health-preserving system of educational and correctional work.

    In accordance with annual plan current plans are created: monthly, weekly, which specify, in some cases adjust, supplement the activities planned for the year, bringing them into line with the conditions prevailing for a particular period of time.

    * Organizational and executive direction. Methodological support for the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions is built taking into account the difficulties teachers have in working through various forms using new achievements of pedagogical science and practice. At the same time, not only traditional methodological events are held (pedagogical councils, consultations, seminars), but also various pedagogical rings, KVN, collective viewings of classes, etc. In the process of applying active learning methods, teachers do not receive ready-made knowledge, but “extract” it in the process self-study literature, comparison and analysis of different points of view on the problem, consolidation of knowledge in business games, decision problem situations, crosswords, etc. This provides a more conscious approach to the material being studied, promotes its memorization, maintains interest, and stimulates the creative activity of teachers.

    Every fall in our kindergarten we hold a Day open doors. On this day, a tour of the kindergarten is held, during which the parents of the pupils get acquainted with the conditions created for the upbringing and education of children, open classes, holidays (group birthday, group housewarming), where teachers show effective methods of interacting with children

    mi. At the preschool educational institution, a lot of work is carried out with the family to provide parents with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance. An advisory center has been created for parents on issues of raising children; briefings are organized in question-and-answer form with the participation of psychologists, doctors, speech pathologists and other kindergarten specialists.

    * Control and diagnostic direction. The effectiveness of the work of preschool educational institutions is based on the constant improvement of the educational process, and therefore it is necessary to identify the discrepancy between practice and the requirements that are presented in preschool education programs, as well as to determine ways to improve teaching activities. An important link in methodological work is the organization and implementation of control in preschool educational institutions, which can be operational, thematic, final, preventive, comparative. For example, thematic control on creating conditions for educational work with children is carried out by preschool educational institutions specialists who are competent on this issue. Thus, a speech therapist teacher checks “Creating conditions in groups for the development of children’s speech”; physical instructor “Creating conditions for the development of motor activity of preschool children,” etc. Specialists develop the main provisions of the test (compliance modern requirements, the presence of didactic and methodological material, compliance with age and program requirements, compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions, etc.).

    * Regulatory and correctional direction. The model of correctional and developmental work of a preschool educational institution is an integral system. Its goal is to organize educational activities, including diagnostic, preventive and correctional and developmental aspects, ensuring a high level of intellectual and mental development of the child. When determining the tasks and directions of educational work in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching activities, the need arises to select and systematize diagnostic tools for studying the level of development of students. A creative group of preschool teachers diagnoses the development of a preschool child (normally, with visual impairment, speech impairment), and determines the criteria for the level of

    her development - all this helps teachers identify the characteristics of each child and his difficulties, predict the tasks of education and training, taking into account the zone of proximal development. The diagnosis reflects an analysis of all aspects of the child’s development.

    We are convinced that the creative atmosphere in a preschool institution is facilitated by the active, scientifically based activities of the methodologist. It is he who should set an example in the desire to acquire new knowledge, in the use of non-standard techniques in working with children and teachers. The methodologist must get to know each teacher well and choose those forms and methods of work that will ultimately contribute to the creation of a team of like-minded people, the main goal of which is to care for the well-being and development of the youngest members of society.


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    3. Falyushina L. I. Quality management of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. M., 2004.

    4. Belaya K. Yu. 300 answers to questions from the head of the kindergarten. M., 2013.

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    1. Dubrova V. P., Miloshevich E. P. Organi-zatsiya metodicheskoj raboty v doshkol "nom uch-rezhdenii. M., 2005.

    2. Vasil "eva A. I., Bakhturina L. A., Kobinina I. I. Starshij vospitatel" children's sada. M., 2010.

    3. Falyushina L. I. Upravleniye kachestvom obrazovatel "nogo protsessa v DOU. M., 2004.

    4. Belaya K. Yu. 300 otvetov na voprosy zave-duyushchej detskim sadom. M., 2013.

    5. Bujlova L. N., Kochneva S. V. Organizat-siya metodicheskoj sluzhby uchrezhdenij dopolni-tel"nogo obrazovaniya detej. M., 2013.

    6. Tereshchenko G. F., Khorokhorina Yu. N. Netraditsionnye pedsovety kak sredstvo razvitiya professional"noj kompetentnosti pedagogov dopolni-tel"nogo obrazovaniya // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Humanitarnye nauki. 2010. No. 10(90). S. 65-b9.

    l. Samorodova A. P. Razvitiye professional"no-pedagogicheskoj kul"tury vospitatelej doshkol"nykh obrazovatel"nykh uchrezhdenij v usloviyakh instituta povysheniya kvalifikatsii: avtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk. Elets, 2001.


    Stavtseva Yuliya Gafuryanovna

    MBPEI “Kindergarten No. 7”, Russia, Oryol, e-mail: [email protected]

    The article considered value of methodological maintenance of pedagogical process at the modern child care educational institution. The author revealed the essence, structure and content of work of the methodologist at the preschool educational institution and analyzed new uniforms and methods of vocational training of teachers-tutors: business game, methodical sit-round gathering, seminars practical works, creative microgroups, literary magazine, etc. The author considered maintenance of the main directions of methodical maintenance at the preschool educational institution: information - ana-

    lytical, motivation - target, planned and predictive, organizational - performing, control - diagnostic, regulatory - correctional.

    Key words: social and psychological providing, subject developing environment, methodical work, methodical maintenance, preschool educational institutions, teacher-tutor

    Stavtseva Yulia Gafuryanovna, teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 7”, Orel About the

    Stavtseva Yuliya Gafuryanovna, Tutor of Municipal Budget Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 7”, Oryol