Statements of famous people about communication. Antoine de Saint Exupery on communication. Rules for communicating with people

Internet communication... How many nerves are given at a distance...

I really regret that there is no “punch your interlocutor in the face” button on the Internet.

The thread of communication is thin and consists of words woven into mutual interest. But if it’s not there, there’s nowhere to weave it in... And there’s no need.

I was just getting ready to leave the computer.
- HELLO. :))

Loneliness is when you spend most of your time on the Internet, reading comments on other people's statuses and photos...

In the relationship between a man and a woman, you need to look not for a match, but for an eternal flame.

The wisdom of a man makes him free, the wisdom of a woman makes her loved, all they have to do is give each other their wisdom...

The world around us is a mirror of our thoughts.

Your look is similar to mine, there is nothing in it except dreams and forgotten happiness...

The first sign of bad manners is a familiar address to a stranger at the first communication...

The main thing cannot be expressed in words. The most eloquent thing can only be silence, when you begin to hear the subtle melody of the soul, the beating of hearts and the silent conversation of the eyes.

I'll leave you alone... for a reward...


Family life is daily work on yourself, to ensure that your loved ones feel good and comfortable with you. Communication is the most important thing.

If a person’s conscience is clear, then there is no point in bringing him to light or offering to talk frankly...

Communication of the 21st century: - mb in sp? - Idk - well, please! - lan - thank you - nz - xd - lyu...

Our circle of communication has not changed over the years: computer, TV, refrigerator... However, those who try to invade it do the same: men, women, children...

You can’t play your own Mendelssohn at someone else’s requiem.

If they call you father, that's good. But if according to my mother...

Is the Internet a hub of loneliness? But for some it is the only way keep in touch with your loved one...

Sometimes you don’t want to talk to anyone but him. And everyone climbs. Except him.

Damn, the coolest love is when you fall in love by communication, and then by appearance...

The Internet is like life, I went to naked girls and caught a couple of viruses...

I really want to see some virtual acquaintances in real life all the time. And some of the real ones are lost on the Internet.

Virtual friends will never turn away from you - they will turn away from the computer or turn it off...

And I really like being REAL here! It's such a thrill to be yourself and have critics. envious people, ill-wishers... TAKE OFF YOUR MASKS PEOPLE!!! Damn it... on the Internet it's not appearance that matters... it's COMMUNICATION!!!

The only thing that constantly prevents Nyura and Vera, saleswomen from neighboring departments of the supermarket, from communicating normally is these stupid annoying customers

I won't cry or scream. You still won't hear it.

If you are ready to say what you were previously silent about, then get ready to listen to what you have not been told before.

Pleasant communication is an oasis in the desert of a lonely soul...

When you start talking, I'm trying to figure out when you'll stop lying to me :-)

We are not dependent on the Internet, as many people think, but on people with whom we can only communicate here and smile when we see them online.

Finding a person with whom it is interesting to talk is sometimes difficult, but it is quite possible. But finding a person with whom it is interesting to remain silent is often a real problem.

The most modest thoughts in conversation are the smartest ones. They begin to interrupt each other only when the conversation remains in their memory.

No matter how much you get sucked into the virtual world, always remember that all the most valuable and important things are on this side of the monitor! © zulnora

A person who does not read books is incredibly boring in communication...

Communication on the Internet is as if our thoughts meet somewhere on the border of consciousness... where the soul begins...

The Internet definitely develops n*ck skills.

Thanks to the Internet! Where else would I meet so many interesting and completely different people?

Relationships in MARRIAGE are very dependent on the quantity and quality of pronouns in communication...
... Yes... and “places of estates” too!))

Use your ears more than your tongue.

Modesty and appropriateness in conversations are worth more than eloquence.

What smart conversations we have... and what stupid lives we lead...

The Internet is a hub of loneliness. But for some, this is the only way to keep in touch with loved ones and loved ones...

Shutting up in time is an art! It's a pity, but it seems to me that I will never comprehend it...

The Internet is filled with Duncan McClouds... Everywhere you look there are personalities who are 100 years old or older! In my opinion, being ashamed of your own age is some kind of disease...

Statuses about communication on the Internet

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Communication is the most important factor in mental and social development personality. Communication skills are necessary for every person for full and high-quality interaction with other people, for adaptation in society. We all have minimal communication skills, but as life shows, they are often not enough to solve various kinds of problems and tasks that we have to face in life. Everyday life. Therefore, these skills need to be developed and improved, and in this article I will tell you how this can be done, touching on the most important aspects of human communication from my point of view.

First of all, let's define the concept of “communication psychology” in order to know within the framework of which science we will discuss such a topic as communication. Communication psychology is a science that studies and solves problems of communication and relationships between people. It includes topics such as verbal [speech] and non-verbal [non-speech] communication, forms and means of communication, language of communication, the art of negotiation and many others useful topics. Now let's look at the most important of these topics that are relevant to our daily lives to understand the benefits of studying communication psychology and how best to study it.

The purpose and meaning of communication

Everything must have a purpose and meaning that determine the need for action. If a person communicates with someone, he must understand why and why he is doing this, what is the purpose of this communication, what is the meaning of it, what are his prospects. Indeed, often problems, both during and after communication, arise due to the fact that people simply do not control this process; for them it is more spontaneous and less organized, which makes it unpredictable, and therefore not completely satisfying the interests and needs of communicating people, or one of them. It only seems from the outside that all people communicate with each other on business, meaningfully, with a full understanding of why they are doing this. In reality this is not the case. I tell you with full responsibility that even business communication, for which people prepare in advance, can ultimately turn out to be aimless and meaningless. There are reasons for this, but we are not talking about them now, we are talking about the fact that you need to pay attention to the purpose and meaning of communication, you need to think about this before starting a conversation with someone on this or that topic.

And there are always reasons for communication. Only people are often not aware of them, mainly due to the fact that they simply do not think about them. But once they start thinking about these reasons, they will immediately become clear to them. This is why we study the psychology of communicating with people in order to bring out all our hidden, unconscious motives that motivate us both to various actions and to communicate with someone. And to understand these motives, to comprehend and manage them, we must pay attention to our need for communication, which follows from our other more fundamental needs. After all, the ability to communicate was given to a person primarily so that with its help he could satisfy his basic needs, that is, for survival. Therefore, when communicating with someone, you need to think about what need you are doing this to satisfy, not forgetting that human communication itself is also a need. Although personally, I always connect this need with other needs and do not consider it separately from them. But this is my personal position, it may differ and, in fact, often disagrees with the opinion of other specialists. In any case, remember that if you do not see and do not understand the goals and meaning in any communication in which you participate, this does not mean that they really do not exist. Nor does this mean that your interlocutor does not have such goals, interlocutors who may know exactly what they need from you and will systematically strive to obtain it by communicating with you. But at the same time, their interests will not necessarily coincide with your interests. Therefore, even when communicating with someone for the sake of psychological relief, as women often like to do, you must always remain vigilant and not allow other people to extract important information from you, which can later be turned against you, and you must not allow them to instill in you harmful thoughts for you. Therefore, always ask yourself the question - why and why am I communicating with this person, with these people, what do I want to get from this communication, what goal do I want to achieve, how relevant is this goal for me and how should I communicate with this person, with these people to achieve it. Internal dialogue during communication is no less important than external dialogue - try to conduct both of these dialogues at the same time, otherwise during the communication process an emotional wave will pick you up and carry you wherever your interlocutor sends it. And this place may not be the place you would like to be.

Understanding in the process of communication

For communication to be meaningful and productive, and therefore as useful as possible for its participants, it is extremely important that the communicating people understand each other. And in order to understand each other, people must not only listen, but also hear each other, that is, they need to accept each other’s words, agree with them, think about them, try to understand them. To understand means to feel another person and accept his words, thoughts, feelings - to make them part of yourself, part of your beliefs. Therefore, in the process of communicating with people, you should listen to them very carefully so as not to miss anything they say. After all, any omission can lead to an incorrect interpretation of the interlocutor’s words, and therefore to incorrect conclusions that will cause you the wrong response. It is also important to understand what problems and tasks the person communicating with you is solving in order to communicate with him based, first of all, on his, and then on your own needs. After all, in order to find common ground, people must show each other their interest in each other’s problems and desires. And when everyone talks only about their own things, this is not communication - it is a two-way, or, if there are many interlocutors, a multi-sided monologue. Well, what kind of communication can there be if people don’t want to understand each other, if what matters to them is not what the other person says, but what they themselves say? This should not happen, otherwise there will be no benefit from communication, or even worse - it will end in conflict, quarrel, mutual accusations, damaged relationships and personal grievances.

So learn to listen and understand, and therefore accept the words and thoughts of other people. To do this, simply start thinking about these people you are communicating with and their interests. And remember to constantly put yourself in their shoes to understand and remember what people like to hear and what they don’t. After all, in order to understand what another person wants from you, you need to get openness from him, you need him to start trusting you, because without trust, communication will be incomplete, with difficultly identified, hidden desires. And in order for the interlocutor to begin to trust you, you must tell him what he wants to hear from you, putting yourself in his place. What might he want to hear from you? Yes, in general, the same thing that you would like to hear from other people. Please note how sometimes it is difficult to communicate with people the way you would like them to communicate with you, because in the process of communication a person does not always control himself and is often led by his emotions. But as soon as you take the entire process of communication under the control of your mind, saying what needs to be said, and not what flows out of you, you just need to start monitoring your words and your reaction, and communication will immediately become more effective.

You and I know what people like to hear, including about themselves, and what they don’t like, right? Do people like it when they are praised, when they are flattered and assented to? They love. Many people even like to be outright lied to, if it is a sweet lie. And when people are criticized, when their mistakes are pointed out to them, when they are told the truth about certain things and about themselves, which is unpleasant to them - is this what they love? No, they don't. So why should they talk about it? Often, there is absolutely no need. Although if you think about it, sometimes even the most bitter truth gives more than a sweet lie, and in order to really help a person, you need to pour into his ears what he does not want to hear. This is not an easy decision, considering that none of us want to be hated. But sometimes such decisions need to be made if the person with whom we communicate and whom we want to help come to an understanding of something that is important for him is really dear to us.

Communication with different people

In life we ​​have to deal with different people and with all of them we need to find some kind of mutual language. Otherwise, we simply will not achieve our goals, or worse, we will make enemies and enemies for ourselves, failing to agree, understand, and explain. But different people have different views on life, different worldviews, different points viewpoints on the same things, and of course, each person has his own personal interests, which may well not coincide, and at a certain stage they never coincide with the interests of other people. All this forces us to adapt to each other to one degree or another, communicating in a language that is understandable and acceptable to each other. Not everyone can and wants to understand other people, I would even say that often no one wants this, since each person always thinks more about himself than about others. But we are forced to be interested in other people, forced to look at the world through their eyes and choose the right words for them, since being absolute egoists we simply would not be able to come to an agreement with anyone. Therefore, we are often forced to speak not in the way that is convenient for us, but in the way that we need to speak so that it is convenient for other people, our listeners, to perceive us, and therefore understand us.

It happens that we have to communicate with people who are very unpleasant to us, and adapting to them is not only difficult, but also disgusting. But communication is for that purpose: to help us find a common language with people, with any people, by conveying to them information that is important from our point of view using different words, as well as the perception of this information from them. It helps us come to certain decisions, agreements, and concessions. Therefore, we need to be tolerant of those who, for one reason or another, do not suit us with something, but with whom we want to find a common language in order to come to an agreement. Always remember your goal when communicating with other people, so that even in those cases when some person with whom you are communicating is very unpleasant to you, you do not break ties with him, but persistently continue to communicate with him, in order to achieve this goal . A person’s need for communication includes the need for the ability to interact with other people, and therefore it is expressed not only in the desire to communicate, but also in the search for the most suitable opportunities for each specific situation to do this. We cannot be the same with all people, we cannot communicate with everyone in the same language - we must look for the key to each person, studying his manner of communication and outlook on life.

Never demand from people that they match your level of communication, since most people are happy to be in their own comfort zone, no matter how unpromising it may be. You cannot expect from other people what they are not capable of, so always communicate with them at their level and without the desire of people, do not try to pull them to your level, otherwise this will meet with strong resistance on their part. If people want to be who they are and do not strive to become better, do not try to change them, communicate with them in their language and negotiate with them in their comfort zone, not yours. Be reasonable, if you need to be understood, then become someone that people can understand. And remember that a civilized person is a product of civilization, not nature, so before you communicate with someone, find out what kind of environment this person is a product of. If someone understands exclusively the language of force, you should not call him to humanity and conscientiousness, look in your position strengths, or come up with them and present them as your arguments. If someone is not friendly with logic, do not use logic, use suggestion.

Adjusting to your interlocutor

For successful, effective and, I would even say, hypnotic communication, you need to learn to adapt to your interlocutor. Adjustment allows you to quickly establish contact with your interlocutor based on his model of the world, and thus best win him over. By adapting to your interlocutor, you will be able to achieve complete mutual understanding with him, since the more you are like him, the better you share his values ​​with him, letting him know that you look at the world the same way as he does, the more he will trust you. People trust more those whom they consider their own, and they consider as their own those who are a lot like them. You can learn to adapt to your interlocutor with the help of NLP, in this direction of psychology this skill is called - establishing rapport with the interlocutor. In theory, this is a simple task, but in practice, of course, you will have to practice to hone your skills of adjusting to your interlocutor, since for successful construction you need to do this very subtly and carefully, unnoticed by the interlocutor. If you master this skill perfectly, you will be able to find a common language with many, if not all, people. Remember - people trust more those who are similar to them, who are in many ways the same as them.

The simpler the better

Simplicity of communication is the destiny of the great. How simpler man in communication, the easier it is to understand him and the more people he will be able to convey his thoughts. Simplicity is generally one of the foundations of propaganda, which, as you know, can hypnotize people if done correctly. I admit, this golden rule, which my teachers literally drummed into me, since it was difficult for me to accept it without resistance, I still do not fully comply with. Sometimes I express my thoughts too complicatedly, so I know that they do not reach everyone. Therefore, friends, do, or rather, communicate not the way I do it, but the way I advise you to do it. And I advise you to keep it as simple as possible. Our language and our way of presenting information should be as simple as possible so that many people can understand us without much mental effort. It doesn’t matter whether we are writing an article, a book, a letter, or communicating live with a person, we must express our thoughts simply and clearly, without any abstruse complications if they are out of place. This is the secret of successful communication that many people know, but not many apply. Smart people want to emphasize their intelligence, they want to show their literacy and erudition, many of them like to use abstruse words when explaining something, they like complex terminology, with the help of which they try to impress listeners or readers. And they often succeed in this, but they do not always manage to come to an agreement with people and convince them of something, because they do not understand them, and therefore subconsciously do not trust them. Behind any complications there is often a lie hidden, which is why they say that the word “complicated” is often synonymous with the word “false”, because if they don’t understand you, then you can easily deceive, throwing dust in people’s eyes. This is not always understood, but is often felt by people. Therefore, they often reject everything complex.

Simplicity of communication means adjustment, respect, honesty, and a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor, who should see us as his partner, not an enemy. Therefore, never complicate your speech more than necessary during communication. Well, how much you can complicate it depends on who you are communicating with or what audience you are addressing. Just don’t forget that everyone, including smart people, will understand a simple speech or a simple letter, although this may cause them to doubt your mental abilities, which is often not critical, because truly smart people arrogance is not inherent, while those who think too much of themselves need flattery rather than the need to adapt to their subjective opinion of a competent and intelligent text or speech. But ordinary people, with all their desire, will not be able to understand an overly abstruse text or abstruse speech, which means you will not convey your thoughts and ideas to them, and will not get the reaction you need from them. Besides, I believe that it is simply uncivilized to communicate with people in a language they do not understand, forcing them to think and guess what you meant. After all, we are all ignorant about something, so we must be understanding about other people’s lack of understanding of what they are not versed in, and not reproach them for not knowing what we know.

Ability and desire to listen

I wrote about this above, but I would like to return once again to this very important point in communication, so that you understand what role it plays in this process. It is quite obvious that during communication people must want and be able to listen, and most importantly, hear each other. It is important, of course, first of all, to want to do it - to hear other people, then the ability to do it will come.

But what prevents us from doing this? What prevents us from hearing another person? This, friends, is an excessive focus on ourselves. Our selfishness, reluctance to think, narcissism, excessive self-confidence, unwillingness to see our interlocutor as an equal, unwillingness to agree with him and make concessions to him - all this is the reason for our indifference to the words of other people. And because of this, people often do not agree with each other, or agree, but in such a way that one of them feels like a loser, deprived, insulted, humiliated, offended. And this can negatively affect the development of relationships between people in the long term. After all, a battle won by someone, say you, in one verbal duel, after which the loser was forced to capitulate and make humiliating concessions for him, can subsequently lead you to defeat in the war. People do not forget insults and humiliations, therefore, when the opportunity arises, they are ready to get even with the offender. And this must be taken into account when communicating with anyone. You and I live for more than one day - the next morning the sun will rise again and we will have to reap the fruits of what we sow today. But do we think today about what this tomorrow will be like when communicating with people? Should we think about this? Think about it.

Thus, we can conclude that competent communication with people, in which we do not make enemies for ourselves, but, on the contrary, if possible, acquire new friends, allies, and partners, is the best way for people to interact with each other. And in order to communicate competently with someone, it is important to think not only about ourselves, but also about those with whom we communicate. Why, in turn, is it necessary to listen and hear people in order to understand them, and by understanding, select the correct model of communication with them. During communication, we use everything - our knowledge, bribery, intimidation, deception, flattery, adjustment, empathy, respect, and many other techniques that allow us to influence people in the way we need to achieve from them the decisions and actions we need. And at the same time, it is extremely important not to make enemies for yourself. The wisdom of communication lies in ensuring that all people are satisfied with this process and that no one holds any grudge or grudge against anyone.

Communication is a job, or better said, a game of the mind and a play on words, thanks to which we can win very substantial prizes in this life. And the psychology of communication teaches us how to play this game correctly, so by studying it you open up great opportunities for yourself. After all, the better you communicate, the more you will achieve in life.

The only luxury I know is the luxury of human communication.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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I would like to find (...) an institute that would teach people to listen. After all, a good manager needs to be a good listener at least as much as he needs to be a good talker.

Lee Iacocca

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The more people know each other, the less they understand. And the closer they get to know each other, the more alien they become.

Erich Maria Remarque

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And forgetfulness can cause anger, for example, forgetting names, although this is a minor thing. The point is that forgetfulness seems to be a sign of neglect.

Ancient Greek philosopher

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Today, if you approach a door, it automatically opens; if you approach a person, it automatically closes.

Per Halvorsen

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The Duke of Edinburgh has perfected the art of saying "Hello!" and “Bye!” with the same handshake.

Jenny Bond

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Elevation of spirit leads to unsociability.

A. Schopenhauer

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Remember that, with one small exception, the world is made up of others.

American writer

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The best way to interest others in oneself - to be interested in others.

Swiss writer and publisher

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The art of communicating with people rests, in essence, on the dexterous ability (which requires a lot of preparation) to perceive and accept food in the kitchen of which you have no confidence.

F. Nietzsche

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Yalu Kurek

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The most useful of all arts is the art of being liked.

English diplomat and writer

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Sociability belongs to dangerous, even destructive inclinations, since it brings us into contact with creatures, most of whom are morally bad, and mentally stupid and perverted.

A. Schopenhauer

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For success in life, the ability to deal with people is much more important than having talent.

English naturalist and writer

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It is a mistake to think that communication that overcomes loneliness is only possible person to person, only for human friendship. It is possible with the animal world, even the plant and mineral world, which have their own internal existence. Friendship is possible with nature, with the ocean, with a mountain, with a forest, with a field, with a river. The most striking example of true communication that overcomes loneliness is the communication of the human self with dogs, who are true friends, often better than other people. At this point, a person’s reconciliation with alienated, objectified nature takes place; in nature, a person meets a friend.

N. Berdyaev

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Sociability is the main characteristic of a rogue.

V. Zubkov

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The essence of courtesy is the desire to speak and behave in such a way that our neighbors are pleased with us and with ourselves.

French writer

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You can choose your path, but not the people you meet along it.

Arthur Shniler

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Always be sincere, even if you have something completely different on your mind.

Harry Truman

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Television has revolutionized communication between people, reducing it to two remarks: “What’s on the program today?” and good night".

Goodman Ace

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Sometimes you have to shut up in order to be listened to.

E. Lec

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Only those who are trying to overcome these barriers have the right to say a (very old) phrase about insurmountable barriers between people.

Karol Izhikowski

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We are observing an interesting phenomenon: nonsense as a means of communication between people.

E. Lec

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You only need to be in an elevator with someone to see how little people can say to each other.

Slawomir Wroblewski

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A person can do without many things, but not without a person.

Ludwig Berne

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The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought just like sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for it than for any other product.

American oil magnate and philanthropist

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The simplest and affordable way to mortally insult a person - to misrepresent his patronymic twice in a row.

Communication psychology is the science of interpersonal communications between people. The materials in the section on the psychology of communication prove that without communication, interaction between people is impossible.

What is the psychology of communication? Every successful man and a developed personality cannot live without communication. Next we will talk about how to successfully and effectively organize communication between people.

Man is a social being, therefore communication is an integral part of his life. With communication skills, we can adapt in society, but often minimal skills are not enough. They require constant development and improvement.

First you need to understand the concept of “psychology of communication,” which basically implies the features and types of communication, as well as the definitions of all the concepts that contribute to achieving a successful result in working on this task.

The essence of communication and its purpose

When starting a conversation in one form or another, people must clearly understand the purpose for which it is being conducted and what the predicted results of the conversation should be.

The concept of communication in psychology implies a certain classification of the latter:

  • Friendly
  • intimate
  • Business conversation.
The last type, at first glance, is considered the most planned type of conversation. But this type of communication often turns out to be meaningless.

According to psychologists, any communication cannot begin if there is no reason for it. As a rule, they are generated subconsciously, and the basis for the success of any communication is the awareness of the motives that drive us in this case.

To understand these motives, we need to pay attention to the need for communication, which stems from our basic needs.

Before the need arises to talk with someone, you need to ask yourself why. As soon as you answer this question for yourself, then the principle of constructing a future dialogue, its logical parts, and even possible results will become clear.

Features of communication

The structure of communication in psychology is analyzed by different psychologists. Each offers its own principle of classification.
By goals and means:
  1. Essentially the content
  2. According to the diversity of goals
  3. By means of communication used
The first type is divided into:
  • material communication;
  • cognitive;
  • active;
  • conditioned;
  • motivational.
Communication in terms of goals can be biological or social, and in terms of means - direct (when the senses are involved), indirect (the use of some means); direct (personal contacts) and indirect (communication involving second parties).

Speech communication, according to psychologist B. Lomov, is divided into three main levels:

  1. Macro level. When analyzing this level, the psychological state of a person in separately selected periods of time is taken into account. The relationship between an individual and a group is analyzed.
  2. Mesa level. The structure of communication in this case is considered as a logically completed situation, which, in principle, can change, and a person is considered in it at certain time intervals.
  3. Micro level. It is aimed at analysis minimum units communications that are considered as “question-answer”.
The functions of communication in psychology also have several types of classifications, but they can be summarized by combining them into the main six:
  1. Intrapersonal, when a person conducts an internal dialogue, that is, communicates with himself.
  2. Function of formation and development: when the partner is able to influence the interlocutor.
  3. Pragmatic.
  4. A function that allows you to transfer and separate the necessary information by degree of importance.
  5. Structuring and maintaining interpersonal connections, that is, the ability to build relationships between people.
  6. Confirmation function (you need not only to recognize yourself, but also to believe in yourself)
Features of the psychology of communication also lie in the analysis types of communication, of which there are several:
  1. Primitive, communication in which only implies communication according to the principle of human necessity. As soon as a person gets what he wants, communication with the communication partner stops.
  2. Formal, the essence of which is the use of “masks” instead of real emotions.
  3. Formal role-based, which is based on the relationship of social roles.
  4. Manipulative, the main task of which is to obtain benefits from one of the partners.
  5. Secular, in which there is no specific subject of communication.
  6. Spiritual, which is based on the interests of the case, but at the same time takes into account the mood and emotions of the interlocutor.
Types of communication in psychology also have several classifications, but they help establish the essence of contact with people or an individual.

Components of communication

Communication includes many components, which can be divided into three main components:
  1. Exchange of information.
  2. Exchange of actions.
  3. Perception and evaluation of a partner.
Working harmoniously, all three sides of communication entail joint activities of people that can improve their qualities and develop them.

The psychology and ethics of communication has its own characteristic features, taking into account which it is possible to organize the communication process and achieve the goals that have been set:

  • The ability to speak correctly.
    Communication itself begins with the realization that the interlocutor may understand you differently than you planned. In order to avoid this, you need to correctly formulate your thoughts, using your voice timbre, tone, emotionality and other qualities.
  • Understanding.
    When communicating, you need to be as clear and expressive as possible, because it is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who is open and willing to engage in dialogue.

Some communication tricks

The psychology of communicating with people also includes several tricks that will help build communication at the proper level:
  1. Franklin effect
    Franklin is considered an extraordinary and unusual person who knew how to manipulate people. So, by politely asking him to borrow some thing, he thus guaranteed a favor for himself in return.
  2. Ask for more than is required
    Ask the person for something that far exceeds your needs. Having refused, a person will have a certain sense of duty, therefore, when he hears a real, but for him, simplified request, he will happily agree.
  3. Mimicry (reflection)
    This concept is based on the fact that copying the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor improves the communication process. Psychological research suggests that people tend to sympathize with those who are similar to them.
  4. Names
    Dale Carnegie noted that the most pleasant sound for a person is the sound of his name.
  5. Listening skills
    According to the principles of psychology, in communication there is no need to point out a person’s shortcomings. If you want to influence the situation in some way, next time find some similarities in your opinions and try to start the conversation again with agreement. Then the interlocutor will no longer shy away from continuing the conversation.
  6. Rephrase what the other person told you
    This is one of the main guarantees of building friendly relations. Or you can rephrase the phrase you just heard in the form of a question.
Thus, the main strategy of the concept of “communication psychology” was analyzed. It was briefly possible to analyze the principles and features of communication, highlight the basic concepts and show possible ways to successful interpersonal communication.

The most useful of all arts is the art of being liked.
Philip Chesterfield (1694–1773),
English diplomat and writer

We must assume that if a reasonable person has no desire to please, then he has no desires at all, because he cannot help but know that without this he will achieve nothing.
Philip Chesterfield

Personal magnetism is the mysterious ability to achieve what you want without having any abilities at all.

For success in life, the ability to deal with people is much more important than having talent.
John Lubbock (1834–1913),
English naturalist and writer

The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought just like sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for it than for any other product.
John D. Rockefeller (1874–1960),
American oil magnate and philanthropist

Remember that, with one small exception, the world is made up of others.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. (1809–1894)
American writer

The essence of courtesy is the desire to speak and behave in such a way that our neighbors are pleased with us and with ourselves.
Jean La Bruyère (1645–1696),
French writer

Politeness is an artificially created good mood.
Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826)
President of the U.S.A

Politeness is the ability to listen with interest to what you know from a person who knows nothing about it.

I would like to find (...) an institute that would teach people to listen. After all, a good manager needs to be a good listener at least as much as he needs to be a good talker.
Lee Iacocca (b.1924), American manager

It's nice to be important, but to be nice is more important.

A cobra will bite you whether you call it a cobra or Lady Cobra.
Indian proverb

The best way to get others interested in you is to be interested in others.
Emil Ash (1894–1974),
Swiss writer and publisher

If there is any secret to my success, it lies in the ability to understand the other person's point of view and look at things from both his and my points of view.
Henry Ford (1863–1947)
American industrialist

A person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.
Dale Carnegie (1888–1955), American human relations specialist

And forgetfulness can cause anger, for example, forgetting names, although this is a minor thing. The point is that forgetfulness seems to be a sign of neglect.
Aristotle (384–322 BC),
ancient Greek philosopher

The simplest and most accessible way to mortally insult a person is to misinterpret his middle name twice in a row.
Maxim Zvonarev (b. 1956), journalist

Always be sincere, even if you have something completely different on your mind.
Harry Truman (1884–1972), US President

The secret of success is sincerity. If you can portray it, consider it a done deal.
"Glime's Formula for Success"

A person can do without many things, but not without a person.
Ludwig Berne

The only luxury I know is the luxury of human communication.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

You only need to be in an elevator with someone to see how little people can say to each other.
Slawomir Wroblewski

You can talk to everyone, but you can hardly talk to anyone.
Felix Hvalibug

Today, as soon as you approach the door, it automatically opens; As soon as you approach a person, it automatically closes.
Per Halvorsen

People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

Only those who are trying to overcome these barriers have the right to say a (very old) phrase about insurmountable barriers between people.
Karol Izhikowski

People should take small doses.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The more people know each other, the less they understand. And the closer they get to know each other, the more alien they become.
Erich Maria Remarque

You need to get to know a person very closely to see that he is a complete stranger to you.

You can choose your path, but not the people you meet along it.
Arthur Shniler

The Duke of Edinburgh has perfected the art of saying "Hello!" and “Bye!” with the same handshake.
Jenny Bond

You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.
American saying

Television has revolutionized communication between people, reducing it to two remarks: “What’s on the program today?” and good night".
Goodman Ace

It is a mistake to think that communication that overcomes loneliness is only possible person to person, only for human friendship. It is possible with the animal world, even the plant and mineral world, which have their own internal existence. Friendship is possible with nature, with the ocean, with a mountain, with a forest, with a field, with a river... The most striking example of true communication that overcomes loneliness is the communication of the human “I” with dogs, who are true friends, often better than other people. At this point, a person’s reconciliation with alienated, objectified nature takes place; in nature, a person meets... a friend.
N. Berdyaev

We are observing an interesting phenomenon: nonsense as a means of communication between people.
E. Lec

The more advanced the communication technology (Internet, email, mobile phone, etc.), the less there is to say to each other.
V. Zubkov

The art of communicating with people rests, in essence, on the dexterous ability (which requires a lot of preparation) to perceive and accept food in the kitchen of which you have no confidence.
F. Nietzsche

The easiest way for me to communicate is with ten thousand people. The hardest thing is with one.
D. Baez

All scoundrels, unfortunately, are sociable.
A. Schopenhauer

Everyone is sociable because he is poor in spirit and generally vulgar.
A. Schopenhauer

Sociability is the main characteristic of a rogue.
V. Zubkov

Sociability belongs to dangerous, even destructive inclinations, since it brings us into contact with creatures, most of whom are morally bad, and mentally stupid and perverted.
A. Schopenhauer

Elevation of spirit leads to unsociability.
A. Schopenhauer

You have to have nerves of steel to be friendly every day with the same person.
B. Disraeli

Sometimes you have to shut up in order to be listened to.
E. Lec