Description of the Napoleon complex. The cause of Bonaparte's death was a hormonal disease. Napoleon's mental illness.

Napoleon is known not only for his victories and conquests, but also for his short stature. Many believe that it was because of his own people that he tried to prove his power and power. IN modern psychology Napoleon syndrome is a condition when a short person has a great desire and desire to become successful and rich.

How does Napoleon syndrome manifest in men?

Many representatives of the stronger sex feel a complex about their appearance. They believe that due to their short stature they will not be able to achieve success not only in their personal lives, but also in the work sphere. Dissatisfaction and feelings of aggression may appear as early as adolescence. In psychology, it is believed that Napoleon syndrome appears due to negative attitudes from surrounding people. Discrimination leads to the development of a complex that only gets worse over the years.

How does Napoleon syndrome manifest in women?

Ladies often have complexes about their short stature. Psychologists claim that women with this syndrome often compensate for their lack of growth with their ambitions. Such ladies strive to achieve high position in to lead others. Importantly, the problem leads to excessive aggression and cruelty.

How to get rid of the complex?

There are several tips to help get rid of Napoleon syndrome:

  1. Learn to emphasize your strengths, not your weaknesses. By the way, many people dream of being short. For example, women can wear huge heels.
  2. Choose clothes with vertical stripes that visually lengthen your height.
  3. It is important to consider that overweight people look even shorter.
  4. Try to always keep your back straight, since hunchbacking takes away the missing centimeters.

Napoleon Bonaparte went down in history not only as a great French emperor with a strong will to win and enormous ambitions. He would be quite surprised if he learned that today a cake, a pastry and one of the human complexes inherent in people with short stature and miniature shapes are named after him. What is this unusual psychological problem? Let's figure it out.

Napoleon complex in psychology

Why did it happen that it was Napoleon who was related to the inferiority complex? Yes, because with a height of only 1 m 51 cm, he was able to achieve enormous success and be remembered as a person with inexhaustible energy, self-confidence and determination. Today, psychology views the Napoleon complex as the desire of short people to achieve fame, success and wealth.

The first person to mention this inferiority complex in his writings was psychologist Alfred Adler. He used the term "Napoleon complex" when describing the behavior of short men who exhibit increased activity in various areas human activity. Let's consider this manifests itself in people of different sexes.

Napoleonic complex in men

Another name that this phenomenon has is “short man syndrome” or “complex little man" The meaning of these terms is the same - people of short stature have complexes because of their appearance, feel inferior and, realizing that nothing can be achieved with external data, they try to develop ambitions and the desire for success. Small men become aggressive starting in adolescence. Most often, anger towards others is a consequence of discrimination from peers or due to a woman’s refusal. Unlike tall men, “short men” are almost always sure that others look at them with disdain, and this fact exposes them to anger. There are also known facts that short men are much more jealous.

The Napoleon complex puts moral pressure on the psyche of men and this affects their relationships with others, especially with women. By the way, as for women, the situation here is exactly the opposite. Short men like tall women, and they reciprocate their feelings. As psychologists say, the reason here is that women value in men not so much their appearance as their strength, determination, intelligence and charm. In addition, short men mature sexually faster, their blood contains more hormones, which makes them much sexier than their tall peers. In addition, small men get sick less often and live longer.

Napoleon complex in women

Despite the fact that “small man syndrome” is considered to be a purely male ailment, women suffer no less from their diminutiveness. They categorically protest against the desire of men to protect them from all sorts of problems and surround them with care. What is this connected with?

According to psychologists, women with a Napoleon complex try to make up for the missing centimeters with their increased ambitions. This manifests itself in the desire to lead others, to gain a sense of self-worth and the desire for leadership. In practice, it is clear that short women still achieve career success, but in the process of moving up the career ladder they often become cruel and aggressive. There is a lot of evidence in history of the existence of the Napoleon complex in women. Among the famous miniature ladies are: British Queen Victoria (152 cm), the famous singer Edith Piaf (147 cm), Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva (162 cm) and, having done the almost impossible, one of the most sought-after models in the world, Eva Longoria (155 cm)!

Learning to live without complexes

There are many examples in history that prove the presence of a Napoleon complex in men and women. Just look at such names as Alexander the Great (150 cm), Lenin (164 cm), Hitler (165 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Mussolini (160 cm). However, representatives of short stature themselves have a very hard time in life. Starting with fear, self-doubt and ending with anger at the world. Undoubtedly, this complex shapes character and attitude towards life. However, there are ways out of any situation. If you yourself are a petite person and suffer because of your height, try to correct this situation with the help of simple tips:

  1. Don't dwell on the shortcomings of your appearance. Perhaps, for those around them, on the contrary, they are advantages.
  2. Wear clothes with vertical stripes. It will make you look taller.
  3. Wear only thin belts.
  4. Watch your weight. Extra pounds will make you look bigger.
  5. Sit and walk with a straight back. Try not to slouch.
  6. Wear a low heel or platform.

If your miniature does not suit you, remember the most important thing - learn to love yourself the way nature created you. Height is your dignity and you shouldn’t try to change it. People around you love you in any form. Learn to accept yourself and love your reflection in the mirror.

Napoleon Bonaparte - great commander, who has won many battles, is an incredibly smart and ambitious man. Women fell in love with him immediately; for men he was an authority, an example. He was small in height, about 1.51 m, but his achievements brought him to the very top. He went down in history as a great man. His desire for success and greatness was at odds with his growth.

In modern psychology there is a concept "Napoleon complex", denoting the desire of short men to achieve fame, wealth and success. History knows many people who became great and famous thanks to this complex: Herbert Von Karajan, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Frederick the Great, Charlie Chaplin, etc.

Men suffering from the Napoleon complex begin to realize their purpose in childhood. They understand that they cannot achieve authority with the help of strong muscles, and therefore they begin to develop other talents. They study long and hard, devote a lot of time to mental work, and achieve great results in their studies relative to their tall peers. They grow up independent, they have a goal, and they persistently strive to achieve it.

Despite the fact that outwardly such men look very confident, as if they are not afraid of anything, deep down they are overcome by doubts, they are unsure of themselves due to their physical shortcomings, and for their own satisfaction they try to realize their other possibilities. They are very complex in nature and difficult to understand. Probably, it was this versatility of character that gave rise to the success of such men as Woody Allen, Louis de Funes and Al Pacino.

The height of the Hollywood action star Jean-Claude Van Damme is about 1.7 m. He achieved enormous success, played many roles, and is on the list of the most magnificent men in Hollywood. But to achieve success, he had to stand in a parking lot for hours, waiting for producers, and pitch himself for a role in a movie, praising his abilities. At first he was not taken seriously, he was considered a “fool.” We can say that he accomplished a feat, becoming as popular as Arnold Schwarzenegger (1.9 m), Chuck Norris (1.8 m) and his other taller colleagues.

Also, small celebrities like to wear shoes with platforms or high heels. It fits into their style and makes them look a little taller. For example, Elvis Presley loved heels.

It makes me wonder, do women like short men? It turns out that many women simply adore short men, especially tall women. For example, Jacqueline Kennedy was married to Onassis, who was “on her shoulder,” this did not bother her at all, and their family was quite happy.

What attracts women to men is not their height, but their determination, reliability, strength of character, intelligence, charm and sense of humor. Success for such men is always guaranteed. Since men with a Napoleon complex very often have all these qualities, they attract women. Also another plus is that short men are more sexual, since the level of hormones in their blood is higher. Their immunity is also more resistant to disease.

  • Was Napoleon low?
  • Napoleon complex in women...

How would you expand on the concept of the Napoleon complex? Despite the serious faces of supporters of the theory of its existence, the true definition in the dictionary would look like this: “A fashionable phrase used by amateur psychologists to explain the desire of short people to achieve career heights and self-improvement, as well as a tendency to aggression, tyranny and power.” For many, the Napoleon complex is an explanation for all the problems and at the same time all the achievements of low people. But does the Napoleon complex really exist?

The unjustified image of an evil dwarf, ready to bite their legs, has stuck in the minds of most people. tall people, humiliate women and destroy nations just because they are higher than him. At the same time, Lenin (164 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Tamerlane (145 cm) are mentioned - really short men who left not the best mark on history. But what can you say about the reasons for despotism in the character of Osama Bin Laden (194 cm) or Saddam Hussein (188 cm)? Why did the preacher of peace and love, Mahatma Gandhi, who was only 164 centimeters tall, not become a tyrant, but take a completely opposite path? Let's remember the great actors who brought so much goodness and laughter into the world - Charlie Chaplin (165 cm), Jammel Debbouze (165 cm), Louis de Funes (164 cm). What kind of tyrants are they? Something doesn't add up...

Are short men aggressive?

No and no again. An experiment was conducted at the University of Central Lancashire to identify aggression in short men. During the experiment, participants were divided into pairs, given chopsticks in their hands and asked to “fence” with them, supposedly to determine dexterity and reaction. In reality, one of the partners was asked to specifically hit the fingers of the second participant during the fight. A more aggressive reaction was noted in tall men, while short ones reacted more restrained.

From this it follows that the “Napoleon complex” not only does not exist, but also discriminates against little people, accusing them of increased aggression, despotism and the desire for self-affirmation at the expense of others, which they actually do not possess.

Was Napoleon low?

The joke is that even the name of the complex is untenable. Napoleon was not short. Some sources indicate the very tiny height of the great commander - 151 centimeters. But if you carefully read the literature, you will find that the numbers are different everywhere, and that with the growth of the emperor there was a lot of confusion. When His Majesty died, his height was measured and recorded: 5 feet 2 inches. They just forgot to point out that feet and inches are French, and they are shorter than English ones. So for some time they converted French feet to English standards, until they realized that since the emperor lived in France, they measured him accordingly. When the error was corrected, it turned out that Napoleon's height was 5 feet and 6.5 English inches, that is, 169 centimeters. During the reign of Napoleon, that is, in the early 1800s, the average height of a man was 164 centimeters. It turns out that Bonaparte was even taller than many Frenchmen. Researchers believe that the myth about the short stature of the commander appeared due to the fact that in paintings he is depicted surrounded by grenadiers imperial guard, which accepted hefty young men no less than 178 centimeters tall. For that time they were real big guys.

Therefore, when talking about psychological complexes associated with short stature, it is better to call them something else. And leave the long-suffering Napoleon alone.

Napoleon complex in women...

...this is pure fiction. For most representatives of the fair sex, short stature is more a reason for pride, and not a reason for grief. If we talk about women’s complexes, it is better to remember Peter the Great, who was more than two meters tall. And all because the ideal of a woman for most of human history presupposed miniature, grace, and fragility.

Mentioning the Napoleon complex in women, experts begin to list famous stars show business, such as Shakira (150 cm), Natalya Andreevna from Comedy Woman (152 cm) or Alla Pugacheva (162 cm). It turns out that they achieved everything only because they were not tall enough? Okay, then where did the desire for fame come from among the other, higher famous personalities? What and to whom did Uma Thurman (184 cm), Nicole Kidman (180 cm) and Sigourney Weaver (183 cm) want to prove? Perhaps we should not associate such qualities as growth and determination, growth and ambition, height and beauty...

But problems in the careers of short women do exist. Little ladies are often taken lightly, not perceived as equals - especially by men, who look down on them, literally and figuratively. Little women have to prove again and again that they are no worse than their tall fellow tribesmen. But here we are not talking about the fact that a woman achieved success thanks to her miniature stature, but rather the opposite.

It’s the same story with representatives of the stronger sex. For every outstanding short man, there are five equally outstanding tall ones. People become successful not because they are short or tall, but because they dream, go towards their goals and achieve their goals.

The Napoleon complex in psychology is called differently - the short stature complex. It is not expressed at all in the way that was imposed on us by half-educated psychologists, and is not the cause of a dictatorial character or a desire to achieve fame.

The short stature complex begins to manifest itself in childhood - when a boy stands last on the line, when his classmates who have managed to stretch out tease him, when he realizes that he cannot fight back against someone the same age because he is bigger and stronger. The most interesting thing is that this complex takes root very deeply and makes itself felt even after the guy grows up, surpassing his peers. Yes, a man who is 185 centimeters tall may well suffer from a short stature complex. Sometimes this problem can manifest itself in quite ordinary boys of average height who feel that they are not tall enough.

What does the short stature complex lead to? It provokes depression, reluctance to communicate with people, a feeling of powerlessness and despair. People with such an attitude find it difficult to adapt in life; they feel that they are not capable of anything, that they do not have a brilliant future.

The sad thing is that the short stature complex is in most cases instilled in others. The coach says - where should you go in for sports, you’re undersized? The girl arrogantly turns away in response to an invitation to go to the cinema. School bullies can easily catch a guy behind garages and beat him up simply because he is short. And how many poisonous witticisms do little people hear in their direction?

Each of them decides for himself which path to take - someone becomes a victim of the complex and remains a loser for the rest of his life. Many become embittered, become aggressive, and try to suppress high-ranking people with the help of other resources - money and connections. But there are many who overcome the complex of short stature, treat their size with humor and do not lose heart in the face of difficulties that they will have to fight for the rest of their lives. Little people will have to prove every day that they are smart, hardworking and responsible enough for their position. They will have to prove this much more often than tall colleagues with the same exact personal qualities.

And this is the paradox. In most cases, it is not people with a short stature complex who achieve success, but people who have overcome it.

How to deal with the short stature complex? I think society needs to fight it first of all. If those around them had not ridiculed them, had not said that it was impossible to achieve anything with such height, had not considered short people defective since childhood, they would hardly have suffered from this complex. Most of them worry not because of the very fact of their short stature, but because of the attitude of others.

If each of us learns to restrain unflattering comments towards short men, teaches children to treat everyone with respect, regardless of physical characteristics, and to put personal qualities first, not beauty or height, we will get rid of not only the so-called “Napoleon complex” , and from many others.

Those for whom nature has not measured enough height can only be advised not to pay attention to fools. After all, the value of a person lies not in the length of the body, but in the spiritual content - kindness, hard work, responsibility and many other qualities, the presence of which depends only on him.

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From time immemorial, a man was considered a protector, the head of the family, who should be fearless, full of ambitions and aspirations. But every woman must understand that behind almost every lover there is a certain complex, which most men are not even aware of. In our article we will look at the main male complexes.

A man who is not lucky enough to be tall often has a lot of complexes about this. But short stature is often accompanied by huge ambitions and exorbitant vanity. Moreover, if a man turns this “shortcoming” to his advantage, then he is guaranteed success.

Any man of short stature should remember and look up to such famous personalities as Napoleon (1.57m), Diego Maradona (1.67m), singer Prince (1.58m), Dustin Hoffman (1.63m) - they all achieved lives of the greatest peaks and never complained about their growth. A woman should never focus on a man’s height, then he himself will not grow because of this.

"Boss" syndrome

Men begin to “sick” with this syndrome even from early childhood. Parents completely unconsciously try to raise a “real man”, focusing only on “masculine” traits and forgetting to instill in the child some useful “feminine” traits. And men from the cradle learn to prove their superiority as the stronger sex.

70% of men simply cannot stand the superiority of women, 64% have complexes in cases where their wife’s earnings exceed their income. 58% of men become fiercely jealous of their girlfriend if her career is going much better. As sad as it may be, it is impossible to “cure” a man from such a syndrome.

Lost time syndrome

While a person is young, he tries to get as much as possible from life, to climb the career ladder as high as possible. And when a man reaches old age, he begins to be bitterly disappointed that his strength is no longer the same and he needs to “slow down.”

For almost 80% of men this becomes a serious shock. But recognition and success can come even after 50 - this was proven by the famous artist Pablo Picasso. When a man crosses the 50-year mark, he becomes more vulnerable than before. If his woman is wise and tactful enough, she will be able to convince him that quality is now much more important than quantity.

Lot syndrome

Lot is a character from the Bible who, after the destruction of the cities of Gomorrah and Sodom, went into a cave with his 2 daughters. There he again revived the human race. Lot's syndrome does not indicate any perverted inclinations of a man - it is simply a man's instinct to protect his woman from another male.

But his daughter is his blood, his little woman, and in each of her guys he sees a rival. Fortunately for most daughters, this syndrome occurs very rarely, and it can be dealt with without much effort.

Impotence syndrome

Why do all women think that a man at any age is in a state of “always ready”? This is a myth that, most likely, was invented by men themselves in order not to lose their natural dominance over women.

The older a man is, the more susceptible he is to the fear of “falling on his face” in front of a woman. Disappointment in his own abilities can hit his pride much harder than any social troubles. But a loving, tactful and caring woman can easily cope with this syndrome.

Kotovsky syndrome

Have you noticed how fashionable it is now to shave your head bald? This is especially true for male celebrities. All men are adult children, and they are still convinced that baldness is something shameful and scary.

They think that if hair loss leads to decreased male strength. Agree that this is complete absurdity. And if a man shaved his head, he began to feel more sexy and masculine. In addition, in this way it perfectly disguised the emerging bald patches.

Alexander syndrome

The biggest anger in men is that they are suspected of being gay. They are so afraid that they will sexually attract not a woman, but another man, that they are ready to prove their courage everywhere and always.

Experts have found that only 21% of men have homosexual tendencies, and 30% even have experience of sexual contact with a man, acquired at a young age. This is precisely the experience that Alexander the Great had, after whom this syndrome was named. If you ask a man what will lead him to the most powerful stressed state, then the majority will answer that this is a suspicion of their “blueness.”

Hercules syndrome

As you know, Hercules (or Hercules) is a demigod from ancient Greek mythology. He has many feats and victories over monsters to his credit. But he was enslaved by the queen of the Amazons and forced to do work intended exclusively for women: spinning, washing, cooking, etc.

A similar syndrome appears in a man when he begins to completely depend on his girlfriend. She forces her lover to do “feminine” things even to the detriment of more important matters, even if it only seems to the man. By the way, most families in the modern world quarrel over such conflicts.

Don Juan syndrome

Probably, at least once in her life every woman has met a man with a similar syndrome. For a guy to be dumped by a girl? Well, no, his libido won’t survive this!

He is a male, and he is the first to break off all relations. But in a world where equality is already flourishing and emancipation is developing, men have become less jealous of such situations.