Perception of thickness of blocks of dienes lesson notes. Summary of a math lesson in the middle group with dienes blocks. task: “What has changed?”

Irina Ryzhinskaya
Summary of GCD on FEMP with Dienesh's logical blocks in the middle group on the topic “Journey to the land of geometric shapes”


To consolidate children's acquired knowledge in the educational field

"Cognitive Development" (FEMP)



Strengthen children's ability to correctly name the seasons, days of the week, and parts of the day. Develop the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number. Strengthen the ability to recognize numbers up to 5. Clarify concepts “wide – narrow, long – short, high – low”. Consolidate knowledge about Dienesh logical blocks, main features geometric shapes(color, shape, size, thickness, signs and symbols.

Clarify knowledge about transport, its types, rules of behavior in public transport.


Develop speech, memory, imagination, logical thinking.


To foster in children an interest in mathematical games, friendly relations with each other, and mutual assistance.

Materials and equipment:

Dienesh logic blocks, task cards, signs-symbols, ICT (TV, tape recorder, tickets ( geometric figures , an image of a stream and a river, a bridge made of planks with tasks, trees - an apple tree and a pear tree, pictures with the image apples and pears within 5, numbers from 1 to 5, heroes - geometric figures(square, circle, triangle, rectangle, pointer, box with treats - different cookies geometric shape , emoticons.

GCD move:

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle and hold hands.

Circle of greeting "Hello, golden sun"

Hello, golden sun,

Hello, the sky is blue,

Hello, free breeze,

Hello, little oak tree.

Everyone lives in their native land,

All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, today we received an email from our kindergarten, specifically for children 4 groups. Let's read it and find out who it's from.

The text of the letter “Hello, dear guys!

Residents write to you countries of geometric shapes. We have heard a lot about you, how kind, smart and diligent you are, and we would like to invite you to visit us at land of geometric shapes. We'll be waiting for you. See you soon!"

Educator: Well, guys, let's go to journey?

Children: Yes!

Educator: How can we go to visit?

Children list types of transport.

Educator: Let's go by bus. (Children build a bus from chairs)

Educator: What do you need to buy when you travel on the bus?

Children: Tickets.

Educator: Right. Now I will give you tickets in the form geometric shapes and you will be seated according to your tickets.

(The teacher hands out tickets to everyone - geometric figures, children name what shape and color it is "ticket" and go to their places)

Educator: While you and I are driving, let's spend warm-up:

What time of year is it now?

What month is it now?

What day of the week is it today?

How many days are there in a week?

List the days of the week in order.

What part of the day is it now?

Name all the parts of the day.

Educator: So we arrived at land of geometric shapes.

The TV screen displays « Land of Geometric Shapes»

The teacher invites the children to leave "bus", children get up from their chairs.

Educator: Guys, look at our path there is a stream and a river running.

Tell me, how long is the stream?

Children: Short.

Educator: How wide is the stream?

Children: Narrow?

Educator: How long is the river?

Children: Long.

Educator: How wide is the river?

Children: Wide.

Educator: How can we cross the stream?

Children: To step over or jump over.

Educator: How can we cross the river?

Children: On the bridge.

Educator: To cross the bridge, you need to build it from planks with tasks on them.

Children decide logic problems :

1) Three white doves were sitting on the roof.

Two pigeons took off and flew away.

Come on, tell me quickly,

How many pigeons are left sitting?

2) There are three bear cubs in the apiary

They played hide and seek by the barrel.

One barely fit into the barrel.

How many ran into the forest?

3) A hedgehog walked through the forest

And I found snowdrops:

Two under the birch tree,

One is near the aspen tree,

How many will there be?

In a wicker basket?

4) Three fluffy cats

They lay down in the basket.

Then one came running to them.

How many cats are there together?

Educator: Guys, let's move on, look at two trees growing here.

This is an apple tree and a pear tree. Which tree is taller? Which tree is lower? Place on the apple tree 4 apple, and there are 5 pears on a pear tree. Which tree has more fruit? Place the corresponding number under the apple and pear trees.

Educator: And now, children, go to the tables.

Draws attention to boxes with geometric shapes standing on tables.

Educator: Guys, tell me which ones figures Are they in your shaped boxes?

Children: Circles, squares, triangles and rectangles.

Educator: What color are they?

Children: Red, yellow, blue.

Educator: What size?

Children: Big and small.

Educator: How thick?

Children: Thick and thin.

Educator: Well done! Now guess riddle:

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring, on the wheel.

Who am I, friends?

Call me!

Children: Circle.

Educator: Right. (Shows a big circle). We are greeted first by the circle and it has prepared interesting tasks for you.

A game "Russell figures in houses»

Children lay out the cards on the cards in accordance with the assignments. figures: by shape, by color, by size, by thickness.

Educator: Well done. We completed the tasks correctly. Listen to the next one riddle:

I am neither an oval nor a circle,

Not a friend to the triangle.

I am the brother of the rectangle,

And my name is.

Children: Square.

Educator: Right. (Shows a large square). The square has prepared the next task for you.

A game "Show me figure, like this"

The teacher shows the children cards with signs and symbols and asks them to find the same one. figure. Shows a square, children find and show a square of any color, size and thickness. Then the teacher shows a circle and the color red, the children find a red circle of any size and thickness. Makes it more difficult, shows three cards - a large yellow triangle, children find the corresponding figure of different thickness.

A game “Describe figure»

The teacher shows the children geometric figure, and children describe it using signs and symbols.

Educator: Well done. Now let's take a rest.

Fizminutka "Warm-up begins"

The warm-up begins.

We stood up and straightened our backs.

Leaned left and right

And they repeated it again.

And now hand jerks

Let's do it with us.

We squat by counting:

This is a necessary job

Train the leg muscles.

Educator: Listen to the next one riddle:

Three peaks

Three corners

Three sides -

Children: Triangle.

Educator: That's right, guys. (Shows big triangle) . Triangle also has an interesting task for you.

A game "Build a path"

Educator: Guys, we settled the residents into houses, and now let’s build different paths from the houses.

Hands out task cards to children - chains of geometric shapes, children build paths according to the model.

Educator: And you completed this task. The paths that you built led to flower beds, but there are not enough centers on the flowers, let's take a closer look and figure out which one the geometric figure is encrypted there.

Hands out flowers to children with encrypted words in the middle figure using code signs.

Educator: Well, the last one mystery:

We stretched the square

And presented at a glance,

Who did he look like?

Or something very similar?

Not a brick, not a triangle -

Became a square...

Children: Rectangle.

Educator: Right. (Shows a large rectangle). The rectangle also has an interesting task for you.

A game "Which the figure is missing

The teacher shows the children cards that depict geometric figures in three rows and three columns, one figure closed in some row. Children must guess which one the figure is missing.

Educator: Guys, you are great. Geometric shapes are very happy with that that you have completed all the tasks.

Educator: Well, guys, it's time to go back to kindergarten. In memory of our meeting geometric shapes give you a surprise.

(The teacher shows the children a beautiful box decorated geometric shapes, which contains cookies geometric shape).

Educator: Let's say geometric shapes"Thank you"! See you again!

The children sit in their seats on the bus and the teacher asks questions:

Educator: Children, tell me you liked ours journey? What do you remember most? If you liked completing the tasks and everything worked out for you, then get yourself an emoticon that smiles, and if you didn’t like our journey or something didn’t work out for you, then take yourself a sad emoticon.

Children choose their own emoticon.

Program content:

Strengthen ideas about geometric shapes, the ability to distinguish and name them (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).

Reinforce the idea that geometric shapes can be different sizes(big - small).

Strengthen the ability to correlate the shape of objects with geometric figures.

Improve the ability to determine direction from yourself.

Improve the ability to distinguish between right and left hands.

Keep the score within 5.

Strengthen the ability to group objects according to 2 characteristics (quantity, size)

Strengthen the ability to understand symbols.

Strengthen the ability to decode the information shown on the card.

Strengthen the ability to make simple conclusions and logical conclusions.

Development cognitive processes perception, memory, attention, imagination.

Practice the ability to agree nouns with adjectives.

Practice the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns.

Develop phrasal speech when answering questions.

Consolidation in speech of adjectives denoting colors, sizes, thickness.

Coordination of speech with movement.

Development of general and fine motor skills.

Cultivate the ability to hear each other, the desire to come to the aid of those in trouble.


The “Cars” manual – a small car is tied to a pencil by a string.

By winding a thread around a pencil, the child moves the machine. For every child.

The “River” manual – blue ribbons (river), cards with images of objects of various geometric shapes, Dienesh blocks, containers for blocks.

The “Tree” manual is a tree with bare branches, on the trunk of which a sad face is drawn, which at the end is replaced by a cheerful one; next to the bare branches, large and small circles within 5 are drawn in various combinations (3 large and 2 small, 4 small and 1 large, etc.); cards with leaves in the same combinations as the circles.

“Forest” manual – plates for marking paths; signs for Dienesha blocks (2 colors and their crossed out variants); Dienesh blocks are round in shape according to the number of children; Christmas trees.

The manual “Animals” – A4 envelopes made of black cardboard; yellow clothespins; images of animals according to the number of children, made by analogy with the “Nonsense” manual for Dienesh blocks; Dienesha blocks;

Yellow circle, yellow clothespins.

Letter, envelope with a sad face.


Treat, basket.

Progress of the lesson:

Dkids come into the group and notice balloon with an envelope tied to a string.

Yes, this balloon brought a letter! How do you think we can find out where it came from and who it was addressed to? (Read address).

The teacher reads the address: “For children of group 5 from animals from the Fairytale Forest.”

Guys, what news do you think is in this letter? How did you guess? (The envelope has a sad face). Let's quickly open it and find out what happened in the Fairytale Forest!

The teacher opens the envelope and reads the letter:

We are forest animals

They lived and did not grieve.

In the Fairytale Forest

They did a round dance!

But the evil Grandma-Yozhka

I bewitched everyone

And now in the forest

It became boring, sad...

Dear children,

You will help us,

From magical figures

Hurry up and collect!

What do we do? (We need help; defeat Baba Yaga; go to the Fairytale Forest; ...)

Do you think Baba Yaga will allow us to get to the forest so easily? (No). I also think that she will build various obstacles for us along the way. But I'll tell you a little secret: every time we pass her obstacle, she will lose some of her power, and after we find and collect the beasts from the magical figures, she will completely disappear!

So, are you ready to go to the Fairytale Forest and free it from Baba Yaga’s witchcraft? (Yes!).

2. How can we get to the Fairytale Forest? (By car). Since we are going to the Fairytale Forest, we will have magical cars - fast cars, small, but very fast!

Start your engines and let's hit the road!

I swing, I beam at full speed,

I am the driver myself, I am the engine myself!

I press the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance!

3. We've arrived! You and I have already traveled half the way in fast cars, but they won’t go any further - there’s a river ahead. How can we cross it? (..., along the bridge) What do you think happened to all the bridges: they are completely fragile, made not of bricks, but of objects! Who turned bricks into objects? (Baba Yaga cast a spell). What will happen if we cross such a fragile bridge? (...) This is Baba Yaga’s first obstacle - she doesn’t want us to cross to the other side of the river, and therefore she has enchanted all the bridges! Who will break their spell? (We ourselves!) How can we do this? (Choose bricks that fit the shape of the object and place it on top).

Children each build their own bridge.

The bridges are ready! Do you think they are durable? (Yes, because all GFs correspond to the shape of the object). Then we move to the other side! You and I passed Baba Yaga's first obstacle - we disenchanted the bridges - and her strength decreased!

Now the engine has turned on,

The propeller spun. Rotational movements hands in front of you.

We rose to the clouds Hands up.

And the landing gear retracted.Alternately raising your knees.

Hands to the sides - fly

We're sending the plane!Running in a group.

Here we have prepared a parachute. Simulation of putting on a parachute.

Push! Bounce! Squatting, jumping up.

Let's fly, my friend!Arms and legs to the sides.

The parachutes opened Connect your hands above your head.

The children landed softly.Squat.

5. Here we are in the Fairytale Forest! It's really sad here! Why do you think this tree is sad? (No leaves). What happened here, why are all the trees already dressed in leaves, and in the Fairytale Forest the trees are still bare? (The tricks of Baba Yaga). What to do, how to help the tree? (Pick up branches with leaves). Who guessed how to choose the right one? (Count the number of large/small circles and find a twig with the same number of large/small leaves).

Children complete the task.

Well done! What a beautiful tree it has become! Look, it is no longer sad, but smiles and thanks you! You and I have dealt with another spell of Baba Yaga and her power has decreased even more!

6. Now let's go into the forest to look for animals! But you need to be careful, Baba Yaga has set traps on the paths! These magic balls (round-shaped Dienesh blocks) will help us avoid getting caught in them. How will they help us? (Show where to turn - right or left).

Children walk along the paths in accordance with the chosen ball figure.

Well done! We bypassed another obstacle of Baba Yaga - we did not fall into her traps - and she had very little strength left!

7. The teacher points to black envelopes with clothespins:

Oh guys, what is this? (The animals are locked here!) I also think so, that the animals are locked here with clothespins and locks! Who will remember what we need to do to disenchant them? (Collect from magic figures). Here we have magic figures. But how do we know which animal is which? (Hare ears, bear paws stick out, ...)

Children remove clothespins, take out images of animals and lay out blocksDieneshaaccording to the icons. A short sound soundsnew signal depicting disappearednAriese Baba Yaga.

Well done! We disenchanted the animals and Baba Yaga completely lost her power and disappeared! Now the Fairytale Forest is free from her spell!

8. Let’s give the residents of the Fairytale Forest something kind and warm?! For example, I have this circle. What can we turn it into? (In the sunshine). What will help us turn the circle into the sun? (Clothespins)

Children make sunshine. The teacher removes the animals and steals treats in a basket in their place.

Let's hang the sun over the forest so that it will never be sad there again. (The teacher hangs the sun on the curtain on the window). Let's show our beautiful sun to the animals! Oh, where did they go? (They ran away into the forest, hid in a hole,...). And in gratitude for saving the Fairytale Forest from Baba Yaga, they left you a treat!

Guys, let's go and tell Maria Ivanovna about our adventure?!

Lesson summary on FEMP in the middle group

using Dienesh Blocks.

Subject:"Journey to the Land of Geometric Shapes"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes and the ability to work with Dienesh blocks.


Learn to name geometric shapes, describe their properties according to 3 characteristics (color, shape, size);

Practice forward and backward counting within 5, and quantitative counting;

Accustom to use words in speech that characterize quantitative and spatial relations;

Develop attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties, and generalize;

Continue learning to act according to the teacher’s verbal instructions;

increase the cognitive activity of children due to the attractiveness of the learning process, its emotional motivation, and plot content;

To foster friendly relationships, a sense of responsiveness, and a desire to help the cartoon character.

Vocabulary work : poster, geometric shapes, mysterious, travel.

Bilingual component: bear - ayu, hare - koyan, mouse - tyshkan, cat - mysyk.

Equipment: « rocket », combination lock, diagram of a fairy-tale city, “flower meadow”, red and blue hoop, Dienesh blocks for the game “Settled in the House”, toy crow, trees for the mysterious forest, geometric shapes for the fox and the bear, game “Treasure Hunters”, poster for the fairy tale “Adventures” Pinocchio."

Progress of the lesson:

1. General circle:

Hello my friends! I'm very glad to see you.

Let's stand in a circle and rejoice at this day, the meeting of friends and guests.

Game: "Clap, hello"

Children stand in the middle of the group clap their hands and put their palms to the neighbor’s palms with the words:“Clap, hello!”

2. Main part:

Guys, I want to invite you to an amusing trip. Ready to travel?

How can you get there quickly? (on a rocket)

Take your seats (children have blue and red emblems on their chests)

So, the rocket is ready for launch, count from 1 to 5, and off we go.

(children put their hands above their heads “house”, exhale ooooh).

It’s interesting to know what country we found ourselves in? In the land of geometric shapes. Oh, what is this, look, what do you think happened? (children's answers)

The phonogram “Tail by Tail” sounds

Children, who is singing this? Why is Leopold the Cat so angry? So who chewed on these figures? (Mice)

We need to do something, let's quickly go to the land of geometric shapes. Oh, look, there’s a big lock at the entrance, how can we open it?

Code lock game

Which figure is extra, why?

(they opened the lock and found themselves in the land of geometric shapes)

Look how interesting and beautiful it is in a fairyland.

(The phone is ringing. The teacher picks up the phone)

“Yes, I’m listening to you. Is this Leopold the cat speaking? Okay, I'll talk to the guys) ( hang up).

Guys, Leopold the cat needs our help; He was invited to the cinema and sent a poster for a fairy tale, and the mischievous little mice cut the poster into pieces and scattered them throughout our group. Can we help you find a fairy tale poster?

Look, this is what remains of the poster. In place of the empty squares there should be parts of the poster, and we will find them after we complete all the tasks of the mice. What task do you think we will start with? (from 1), why?

Search with your eyes in our group number 1.

Task 1. We ended up in the “Fairytale City”

Where does Little Bear live? (ay)

Where does the Hare live? (koyang)

Where does Leopold the cat live? (mysyk)

Where do mice live? (tyshkan)

Well done, you completed the task, let's find part of the poster here and use a magnet to glue it to place (Which?) No. 1.

Number 2 – task No. 2. We got to the "Flower Meadow"

Look, the harmful little mice have done a mischief here too, scattering all the flowers from the colorful flowerbed. Let's put some flowers in the flowerbed.

Blue team - collecting flowers of blue color and places it in a blue hoop;

Team red – collects round flowers and places them in a red hoop.

Where will we place the rest of the flowers? (to the general part). And why? (because they are not red or square).

We found part of the poster and placed it on number 2.

Number No. 3 – task 3 “City of Masters”

Children sit at tables according to the emblems.

Individual work with Dienesha blocks – game "Settled Houses"

Part of the poster No. 3 - in its place

Number No. 4 – task 4 “ Mysterious forest»

So the white-sided magpie has arrived, look, she brought something. (in the beak there is a bag, there is a letter):

I'm a clumsy bear

Cheerful and shaggy,

He lived quietly in the forest,

I was friends with the little fox.

And the evil sorcerer once

He destroyed us all.

You, guys. Help

Collect us from figures!

Here is a photo of a bear and a fox.

I invite girls to collect a fox, and boys to collect a bear. Walk around, look for shapes and match the animals to the pattern.

Well done, you've broken the spell on the animals.

Count how many figures are there in the image of a bear, which figures? And the chanterelles? Well done!

Part of the poster No. 4 is in its place.

Number 5 – task No. 5 “Treasure Diggers”.

The last part of the poster was hidden under one of the figures. You must use the diagram to find it.

The entire poster has been restored.

What is the name of the fairy tale to which Leopold the Cat was invited? (The Adventures of Pinocchio). We will take a photo of the poster and send it to Leopold by email. Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Take your seats in the rocket, count from 5 to 1 - let's fly (oooh).

3. Result, reflection:

Did you enjoy the trip? What was interesting? What was difficult?

4. Palming: you have become kinder, smarter, more friendly.

I know for sure that each of you has a kind, sympathetic heart, and you will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Well, Leopold the cat, for helping him put together the poster, has prepared a treat for you. (candies)

Zoltan Gyenes

Zoltán Dienes is a world-famous Hungarian professor, mathematician, psychology specialist, and creator of the progressive author’s method of teaching children “New Mathematics,” which is based on teaching mathematics through exciting logic games, songs and dance movements.

Dienesh was of the opinion that for children The best way to learn is not to sit sedately at a desk, listening carefully to teachers, but to develop freely through play. At the same time, Zoltan Dienes emphasized that the content of the game could be quite serious and complex scientific topic. It is through play that children will be able to master complex logical and mathematical concepts and systems. Based on these principles, Dienesh came up with logical blocks and his theory of “new mathematics”.

Meaning of "Dienesh Logic Blocks"

for the comprehensive development of preschool children

The opinion that mathematical thinking is not at all necessary in life, that it can only be useful to children in mathematics lessons, is very wrong! The ability to correctly grasp cause-and-effect relationships, to find parameters that connect seemingly different events and objects, the ability to think systematically is the most important conditions success in the professional and personal sphere, which means the development of logical mathematical thinking is the key to the future success of our children in life. Dienesh blocks are ideally suited for solving this problem.

The use of Dienesh's logical blocks in the joint activities of a teacher and preschoolers has great importance for the comprehensive development of children:

1. Dienesh blocks introduce children to basic geometric shapes, teach them to distinguish them by color, shape, and size.

2. Dienesh blocks promote development in babies logical thinking combinatorics, analytical abilities, form the initial skills that children need in the future to be able to solve logical problems.

3. Dienesh blocks help to develop in preschoolers the ability to identify various properties in objects, name them, adequately indicate their absence in words, abstract and retain in memory two or three properties of an object at the same time, and generalize the objects under consideration according to one or more properties.

4. Dienesh blocks give children the first idea of ​​such complex computer science concepts as algorithms, information coding, and logical operations.

5. Dienesh blocks contribute to the development of speech: kids build phrases with conjunctions “and”, “or”, the particle “not”, etc.

6. Dienesh blocks help develop mental processes preschoolers: perception, attention, memory, imagination and intelligence.

7. Dienesh blocks develop creative imagination and teach children to think creatively.

Set "Logic blocks of Dienesh"

The classic version of Dienesh's logic blocks is a set of 48 geometric shapes:

1. Four shapes (round, triangular, square, rectangular)

2. Three colors (red, blue, yellow)

3. Two different types sizes (large and small, thick and thin)

There is not a single identical figure in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four properties - color, shape, size and thickness.

For preschoolers who are just beginning to get acquainted with Dienesh blocks, it is advisable to simplify the set to 24 geometric shapes, eliminating the option of thick shapes. Only thin or only thick figures remain in the game. Thus, all figures differ only in three characteristics: color, shape and size.

Currently, it is possible to purchase various versions of the game with Dienesh blocks in stores. For games with preschoolers, it is advisable to buy sets that, in addition to figures (Dyenesha blocks), include sets of cards with symbols of properties (color, shape, size, thickness) and symbols of the negations of these properties. The set may also include a set of logical cubes, on the faces of which symbols of the properties of Dienesh blocks are depicted (thickness, size, shape, color) and symbols of the negation of these same properties. Logic cubes are used in conjunction with Dienesh blocks and symbol cards. The peculiarity of logic cubes is the possibility of “random” selection of properties (by tossing a cube), and children always like this.

Initial system of gaming activities

with Dienesha blocks for children of primary preschool age.

Dear adults! You must remember that each of the presented activities requires a lot of mental effort for kids, even if it seems to you that everything is very easy and simple. That is why, in addition to games with Dienesh blocks, each lesson includes elements of various types of health-saving technologies: finger gymnastics, relaxation exercises, development exercises speech breathing, gymnastics for the eyes, different kinds physical minutes, etc. Please do not exclude them from activities, children need them!

Game activities use:

1. Dienesh blocks only thin or only thick (set of 24 figures).

2. A set of cards with property symbols (color, shape, size).

It is advisable to conduct these game classes once a week, and the knowledge and skills acquired in the classes can be consolidated during the week in joint games between adults and children, in independent play activity children.

Game activity 1.

"Color, classification based on one characteristic."


2. A set of cards with color symbols.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny and pig.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny and a pig came to visit us. They brought us their toys.

The toys are called figures . We take out one figure at a time from the basket.

- What color is the figure?

- Blue! etc. until we have laid out all the figures on the table.

- How many figures did the bear, the bunny and the pig bring?

- A lot of!

- What color are they?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

The toys invite you to play with the figures and build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors can lie next to it. The toys begin to build, naming colors. They begin to make mistakes, first in names, then in construction. Children correct mistakes. Invite the children to build a train themselves. Children take turns taking one piece at a time and building a train (classified by color).

- The train has been built, let's ride it!

And the round wheels

(knock fist on fist)

- The bear, the bunny and the pig really liked the game. They love to play, but each one plays with pieces of only one color (a color symbol is placed next to each toy). Let's give them figures!

Children take turns giving figures to toys until the basket is empty.

- The toys say goodbye to us, let’s help them put the figures in the basket.

- What color are the figures?

Game activity 2.

"Color and shape, classification according to one criterion."


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

The toys praise children and remind them that everyone likes to play with pieces of only one color (a color symbol is displayed next to each toy). Children take turns giving figures to toys until the basket is empty.

- What color is Mishka’s figure?

The bunny wonders why all his toys are the same color, but still different, not similar to each other. The rest of the toys explain to him that all the figures are of different shapes. There are round shapes, there are square shapes, there are triangular shapes and there are rectangular shapes (shape symbols are displayed at the same time). The bunny says: “I don’t want to play yellow pieces today, I want to play round pieces!” Place a circle symbol near the bunny. The rest of the toys, with the help of the children, each choose their own shape, but an extra shape symbol remains. What to do. Let's call the kitten, he will play with us!

We collect all the forms in a basket. Children take turns giving figures to toys until the basket is empty.

The toys invite you to play with the figures and build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors can lie next to it. Children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classified by color). Similarly, it is proposed to build a train, in which each figure is a trailer, but only trailers of different shapes can lie next to it. Children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classification by shape).

- The locomotive is built, let's go for a ride!

The locomotive hummed and the carriages were driven away,

Chu-choo, choo-choo, I'll rock you far.

(move one after another with in a circular motion arms bent at the elbows)

The colored trailers are running, running, running,

(stomp while standing still, hands on belt)

And the round wheels

(draw a large circle in the air with the index finger of your right hand)

Knock-knock, knock-knock, knock-knock.

(knock fist on fist)

- We arrived with our toys to the forest clearing! Let's collect autumn bouquets of leaves!

One two three four five -
We will collect leaves.
(Clench and unclench your fists)
Birch leaves,(Bend the thumb)
Rowan leaves,(Bend the index finger)
poplar leaves,(Bend the middle finger)
Aspen leaves,(Bend the ring finger)
We will collect oak leaves,(Bend the little finger)
We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.(Clench and unclench your fists)

- We collected beautiful bouquets, we are returning to kindergarten. The toys say goodbye to us, let's help them put the figures in the basket.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

Game activity 3.


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with color and shape symbols.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Progress of the lesson:

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

(we set the symbols of the form)

The toys praise children and remind them that everyone likes to play with figures of only one shape (a shape symbol is displayed next to each toy). Children take turns giving figures to toys until the basket is empty.

- What shape does Mishka have?

- Round!

- What shape does the Bunny have?

- Square!

- What shape does the Kitten have?


- What shape does Piglet have?


The toys invite you to play with the figures and build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors and different shapes can lie nearby. Children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classification based on two criteria: shape and color).

- The locomotive was built, it turned out very beautiful! And now, together with our guests - toys, we can learn funny poems:

We're kicking stomp!

We clap our hands!

We are the eyes of a moment, moment,

We shrug our shoulders.

One - here, two - there,

Turn around yourself.

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up.

Everyone raised their hands up.

One-two, one-two,

Here's a fun game!

- Oh, for some reason our toys were scared, who is scaring them? And these, it turns out, are geese!

We walk in single file, spread our arms - wings, hiss: “Sh - sh - sh...” - long exhale, get angry (repeat 2 - 3 times).

- Look, geese, you scared everyone. Don't hiss, smile at us. We are kind, good guys, we want to be friends with you.

The geese smiled, stopped getting angry, flapped their wings and flew away!

- Our toy guests also say goodbye to us, we will help them put the figures in the basket

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

Game activity 4.

"Color and shape, classification based on two characteristics."


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with color and shape symbols.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we set the symbols of the form)

The toys invite you to play with the figures and build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors and different shapes can lie nearby. The toys “begin to build” the train themselves, make mistakes, and the children correct them, explaining these mistakes. Then the children take one piece at a time and build a train (classification based on two criteria: shape and color).

We built a train, went for a ride on it (we sat on chairs), we drove, we looked out of the windows.

- Oh, look, a rabbit!(finger play is carried out):

Cheerful bunny rabbit

frolicked in the clearing,

(Index and middle fingers = ears, other fingers = bunny face, twirl with your hand)

As soon as he hears a rustle, he freezes and does not breathe,

(Cuddle the “bunny”) -

And on the top of his head the ears grow like arrows!

(Move the straight “ears”)

And he has a hole under a tree on a hill,

(Make a ring = a hole from the fingers of the other hand)

He runs up to the hole,

(Twist the brush “bunny”, bringing it closer to the “mink”)

Jump - and dives into it!

(“bunny dive” into the hole!)

We're back at kindergarten! We put the figures in the basket, but the toys say that they want to play some more! Children help them choose which toys they play with today (red round ones, blue triangular ones, etc.). Next to each toy we put 2 symbols - shapes and colors. Children give figures to toys one by one until the basket is empty.

- What toys does the bear have?

- Red round ones!

- What toys does the kitten have?

- Yellow square ones! Etc.

(we add one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to two characteristics - round red, square yellow, etc.).

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

Game activity 5.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics.”


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular(we set the symbols of the form)

- Look carefully, it turns out that our figures are also different in size. There are small ones and there are big ones

- Let's give Mishka all the big figures, and all the small ones to the Bunny!

Children take one piece at a time and place it near the toys (classification based on one criterion: size).

- The kitten and the pig also want to play. Let's give the kitten large yellow figures, and the piglet small blue ones.

Children arrange the shapes according to the symbols next to the kitten and pig. After completing the task, the figures are placed in a basket.

- Most of all, our toys love to build trains. Let's play with them! Today only trailers can lie nearby different sizes and different shapes.

The toys “begin to build” the train themselves, make mistakes, and the children correct them, explaining these mistakes. Then the children take one piece at a time and build a train (classification based on two criteria: shape and size).

- What a wonderful little train we have! Let's go for a ride on it!

“We’re going” (we’re sitting on the chairs), “we’re looking out the windows.”

- Look what wonderful flowers you can see through the windows! They smell so wonderful!(breathing exercise is performed):

Children take a calm breath through their nose, hold their breath and exhale for a long time, saying “A-ah!” (repeat 2 - 3 times).

- Oh, the weather is getting worse, clouds have appeared!(gymnastics for the eyes are performed):

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds.

The sun of the flying cloud counted:

Gray clouds, black clouds.

(look with eyes right - left)

Lungs - two things,heavy ones - three pieces.

(look up and down with your eyes)

The clouds hid, the clouds were gone.

(Close your eyes with your palms)

The sun was shining in full force in the sky.

(Blink your eyes).

- We're back at kindergarten! Toys invite us to play with the figures again. The bunny asks you to find his favorite figure - yellow, rectangular, large!

3 symbols are placed near the Bunny. Children choose the desired figure. Figures for other toys are selected in a similar way (classification according to three criteria: color, shape and size).

The toys say goodbye to us, let's help them put the figures in the basket.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

Game activity 6.


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The toys invite children to play with the figures. The Kitten asks you to find his favorite figure - yellow, rectangular, large (3 symbols are placed next to the Kitten). Children choose the desired figure. Figures for other toys are selected in a similar way (classification according to three criteria).

The toys say that they brought hoops to play with. First they offer to play with one hoop.

- Let's put any symbol in the hoop, for example - “Big”.

- What figures will we put in the hoop?

- Only all the big ones!

- What figures will we place outside the hoop?

- All are not big!

Children arrange the figures in and outside the hoop according to the symbol in the hoop. The game is repeated 3 times, alternately with symbols of color, size and shape. Symbols can be placed not only inside the hoop, but also outside the hoop.

The bunny shows the second hoop and asks what the hoops look like?

On a ball, on a wheel, on a plate, on a balloon, etc.

- Let's all turn into balloons!(breathing exercises are performed).

- The balls deflated(relaxed tilt). We inflate them slowly(children straighten up, raise their hands up), the balloons are inflated, so they became big, very big, they flew high(children slowly swing their arms) . And now the balls have deflated through a small hole(slow, long exhalation through the mouth) . Let's inflate them again! (Repeat 2-3 times).

Bear suggests playing with two hoops (put them in such a way that one hoop partially overlaps the other). We place symbols in the hoops. For example: the blue hoop is “Big”, and the red hoop is “Circle”.

- All are big, but not circles!

- All circles, but not big ones!

- All big circles!

- What figures are outside the hoops?

The toys praise children and offer a fun game to play.

How our guys' feet are merrily knocking!


When our legs get tired, let’s clap our hands!

(clap your hands!)

And then our children dance in squats,

Down - up, one - two - that's how kids dance!


And once they start running, no one can catch them!

(run around!)

We are a remote people, albeit very small!

(sit on the chairs!)

- The toys say goodbye to us, let’s help them put the figures in the basket(we add one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - large round red, small square yellow, etc.) .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

Game activity 7.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics,

denial (game with two hoops).”


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

4. 2 hoops (blue and red).

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The toys say that they have brought hoops to play again. Let's put 2 hoops according to the symbol (arrange the hoops so that one hoop partially overlaps the other). For example, the blue hoop is “Small”, and the red hoop is “Square”.

- What figures are inside the blue hoop, but outside the red one?

- All are small, but not squares!

- What figures are inside the red hoop, but outside the blue one?

- All squares, but not small ones!

- What figures are inside the blue and red hoop at the same time?

- All small squares!

- What figures are outside the hoops?

- Everything is not small and not squares!

We replace the symbols and repeat the game 2 - 3 times.

- We haven’t been to the fairy meadow for a long time! Let's fly there today by plane!(relaxation exercise)

While reading a poem, children spread their arms, muscles are tense, and their backs are straight. The parachutes dropped, we sat on the chairs and relaxed, arms down, head down.

Hands to the sides, we send the plane into flight.

Right wing forward, left wing forward,

The plane is taking off. The lights came on ahead,

We rose to the clouds.

Here is the forest, we will prepare a parachute here.

The parachutes have all opened,

We landed lightly.

- Oh, who is that in the clearing? It's a bunny!(finger gymnastics)

We form a “bunny” from the fingers of our right hand.

Quickly from finger to finger

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping.

The thumb of the left hand is pressed into the palm, the remaining fingers are spread out. For each syllable, the “bunny nose” “jumps” 2 times on each finger of the left hand, except the thumb.

He went down, turned around,

And he came back again.

The left thumb turns away from the palm. The “bunny nose” goes down the fingers to the left palm, draws a circle and returns to the tip of the index finger of the left hand. The thumb of the left hand is again pressed to the palm.

Again from finger to finger

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping,

For each syllable, “bunny’s nose” “jumps” once on each finger of the left hand except the thumb.

Down again and up again...

The left thumb turns away from the palm. The “bunny nose” quickly descends along the fingers to the left palm and returns to the tip of the index finger of the left hand.

The bunny jumped the highest!

Left hand - fist with thumb extended, fist raised up. The “bunny nose” “jumps” on the tip of the left thumb.

The game with fingers is repeated, the “bunny” is now made up of the fingers of the left hand, it jumps along the fingers of the right hand.

- Let's ask our Bunny what is his favorite toy.

The Bunny asks you to find a red, round, large figure for him (3 symbols are placed next to the Bunny). Children choose the desired figure. Figures for other toys are selected in a similar way (classification according to three criteria).

The toys say goodbye to us, let’s help them put the figures in the basket (we put them one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - a large round red one, a small square yellow one, etc.) .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

Game activity 8.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics,

denial (game with three hoops).”


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

4. 3 hoops (blue, yellow and red).

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The bunny invites the children to play with two hoops (arrange the hoops so that one hoop partially overlaps the other). Let's put symbols in the hoops. For example, the yellow hoop is “Big”, and the red hoop is “Circle”.

- What figures are inside the yellow hoop, but outside the red one?

- All are big, but not circles!

- What figures are inside the red hoop, but outside the yellow one?

- All circles, but not big ones!

- What figures are inside the yellow and red hoop at the same time?

- All big circles!

- What figures are outside the hoops?

- Everything is not big and not circles!

We replace the symbols and repeat the game 2 - 3 times.

The toy bear praises the children and invites them to relax and do fun exercises:

One, two, three, four - we stomp our feet.

One, two, three, four - clap our hands.

Stretch your arms wider - one, two, three, four!

Bend over - three, four. And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel - we all do exercises!

The kitten says that he has another, third, hoop. He invites the children to play with hoops and shapes again. The hoops must be positioned in such a way that the hoops partially overlap each other. Let's put one symbol in each hoop. For example, a blue hoop is “Red”, a red hoop is “Triangle”, and a yellow hoop is “Big”.

- What figures are inside the yellow hoop, but outside the blue and red ones?

- All are big, but not triangular or red!

- What figures are inside the red hoop, but outside the blue and yellow ones?

- All triangular, but not big and not red!

- What figures are inside the blue hoop, but outside the red and yellow ones?

- All red, but not big and not triangular!

- What figures are inside the yellow and red hoop at the same time, but outside the blue one?

- All are big triangular, but not red!

- What figures are inside the yellow and blue hoop at the same time, but outside the red one?

- All big red shapes, but not triangular ones!

- What figures are inside the blue and red hoop at the same time, but outside the yellow one?

- All red triangular ones, but not big ones!

- Which figure is inside the blue, red and yellow hoop at the same time?

- Big, red, triangular!

We replace the symbols and repeat the game one more time.

- Toyssay goodbye to us, let's help them put the figures in the basket(we add one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - large round red, small square yellow, etc.) .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

- Oh, what is this?

What kind of strange springs rest on the shoes?

We will press them with our feet, we will press them tighter and tighter!

We press tightly! There are no springs, we rest.

Children sit on chairs, their toes are raised, their heels rest on the floor, their hands press hard on their knees. Then - complete relaxation.

The relaxation exercise is repeated 2 times.

Game activity 9.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics,


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, kitten and pig.

4. 4 hoops.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The toys invite children to play with hoops. The game with three hoops is played in the same way as the game played during play activity No. 8. Children choose which symbols to place in the hoops. The teacher, on behalf of the toys, tells them that these must be symbols of color, shape and size. You cannot put 2 symbols of the same attribute in hoops.

The game with three hoops is repeated 2 - 3 times with the replacement of symbols.

- How fun we played! Now we'll all go for a walk. But what is it? It's starting to rain! Stretch out your palms, let's catch the droplets!

Rain, rain, drip - drip - drip!

Wet tracks!

Let's go for a walk anyway, put on your boots!(We stomp our feet).

4 hoops are laid out on the floor next to each other along one line.

- These are pebbles! We walk along them so as not to get our feet wet in puddles!(A relaxation exercise is carried out).

- We are taking big steps. We hit bumps. We can’t step off the bumps; we’ll get our feet wet in the puddles. We reached a sunny clearing, lay down, relaxed, and sunbathed. Then we got up and went back(muscle tension again). We came home, were tired, sat down on the chairs and relaxed. Clap! Here we are again, children in a group, sitting beautifully on chairs.

The toys again offer to play. The bunny says that he only likes triangular shapes (put the symbol). The kitten plays only with large pieces (put the symbol). But they really want to play together (put a hoop between them). The little bear also likes to play, but he only plays with red pieces (put the symbol). And it’s boring for him to play alone (put a hoop between the bear and the bunny, between the bear and the kitten.

- What toys can a bunny and a kitten play together?

- In big triangular ones!(Children collect suitable figures into a hoop between the bunny and the kitten).

- What figures can a bunny and a bear play together?

- In red triangular(Children collect suitable figures into a hoop between the bunny and the bear).

- What figures can a kitten and a bear play together?

- Big red ones!(Children collect suitable figures into a hoop between the kitten and the bear).

Piglet says he wants to play too. He invites everyone to his game: a bear, a bunny and a kitten (in the middle between the three hoops there is a fourth one, we put a pig in it).

- What toy can all the toys play together?

- In the big red triangular one!(Children find such a figure and place it in the central hoop along with all the toys).

The toys thank the children and ask them to help assemble the figures. We put the figures in the basket one at a time, naming each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - large round red, small square yellow, etc. .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

The lesson ends with a round dance game. The movement in a round dance starts slowly, then speeds up and slows down again. On the last two lines of the poem, the children stop and clap their hands - clap for each syllable.

Barely, barely, barely, barely the carousel spun,

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't run,

Stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two,

The game is over!

Game activity 10.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics,

denial (game with four hoops).”


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, kitten and pig.

4. 4 hoops.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

(we set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The game with four hoops is played in the same way as the game played during game session No. 9. Children themselves choose which symbols to place in the hoops (which figures the toys play with). The teacher, on behalf of the toys, tells them that these must be symbols of color, shape and size. You cannot put 2 symbols of the same attribute in hoops.

The game with four hoops is repeated 2 - 3 times with symbols replaced.

- How cleverly you guys arranged the figures into hoops! How smart and quick-witted you are! And what dexterous fingers you have! Let's now help our fingers rest, they are probably tired, hide them in soft fists!(Finger gymnastics is carried out).

The fingers fell asleep and curled into a fist.

Clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist.

One! Two! Three! Four! Five!

Unclench your fingers one by one.

Wanted to play!

Move all your fingers.

Woke up the neighbors' house,

Raise your left hand, fingers clenched into a fist

Six and seven woke up there,eight nine ten -

Bend your fingers one by one to count.

Everyone is having fun!

Twist with both hands.

But it's time for everyone to go back: ten, nine, eight, seven,

Six curled up,

Bend the fingers of your left hand one after the other.

Five yawned and turned away.

Four, three, two, one,

Round fist like an orange.

Bend the fingers of your right hand and twist with two fists.

The toys ask children to help assemble the pieces. We put the figures in the basket one at a time, naming each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - large round red, small square yellow, etc. .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

- Well done boys! You played such interesting games today, you came up with them yourself! Now it's time to relax!(Children get up and have physical exercises).

One two three four five,

Let's start relaxing!

Let's stretch.

The back was cheerfully straightened,

Hands up!

One and two - sit down and stand up,

To rest again.

One and two - bend forward,

Once and twice - bend back.

Movements in accordance with words.

We have become smarter in games

Healthier and more fun!

Let's clap our hands!


Dear adults!

I hope this teaching aid, created to tell you about how to start using Dienesh blocks for the comprehensive development of preschool children, will not only be read by you, but also used in joint play activities with kids. I hope that your games with Dienesha blocks together with your children will not end there, that your imagination will prompt you in the future for a whole host of interesting and varied games.

I wish you many exciting moments in games with this wonderful didactic material. Let Dienesh's blocks teach your children to think logically and creatively solve the problems they face. Let these games help your children develop harmonious mathematical thinking, cognitive activity, creative imagination, let them teach them to answer various questions in an unconventional way, to think creatively in any life situation. And let all these skills and abilities help your children to go through life successfully in the future!


1. E.A.Nosova, R.L.Nepomnyashchaya “Logic and mathematics for preschoolers”, St. Petersburg, M., Aktsident, 1997

2. A.A. Stolyar “Let's play. Mathematical games for children 5-6 years old,” M., Prosveshcheniye, 1991.

3. A.A. Stolyar “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers”, M., Prosveshchenie, 1988.

4. From the collection “Improving the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten": article by Nosova E.A. “Formation of the ability to solve logical problems in older preschool age”, Lenizdat, 1990.

5. M. Fiedler “Mathematics already in kindergarten”, M., “Enlightenment”, 1991.

6. Kasabutsky N.I. and others. “Mathematics “O””, Minsk, “People's Asveta” 1983

7. Stolyar A. A. “ Guidelines To textbook"Mathematics "O"", Minsk, "People's Asveta", 1983

8. Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V. “Development of logical thinking in children”, Yaroslavl, “Academy of Development”, 1996.

Kristina Konova

overview classes with Dienesh blocks in the middle group" Lunar Guest".

GOALS: Development of logical thinking and mental functions, formation of thinking skills and abilities, training children's attention, memory, perception.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition"(FTsKM, (formation of elementary mathematical concepts, « Physical Culture» , "Communication", "Reading fiction» , "Socialization".

Program tasks:

To promote children’s ability to identify only one property (color, shape, size, thickness, compare, classify and generalize objects according to each of these properties.

To develop in children the ability to operate with one property (identify and distinguish one property from another, compare, classify and generalize objects).

To develop the ability to operate with two or even three properties.

Teach children to accept Active participation in recreating a silhouette in modeling games based on a model. Practice counting by ear within 7.

Continue to teach children to generalize objects by shape, size, color. Develop the ability to help each other and those in trouble.

Material: hammer, numbers from 0 to 7, 3 hoops, typesetting canvas, "Logical Dienesha blocks",screen, laptop, video:soft toy Luntik, Moon; recording the sound of a rocket taking off; candies - sea pebbles.

Stages. Description of the stages.

Stage 1. "Let's fly to the moon on a rocket"

What do they use to fly into space? (on a rocket). Do we have a rocket? (No). But we have geometric shapes. Let's make rockets from these figures (each for himself).

Stage 2. "Guessing the code"

Guys, our rockets won’t start unless we guess a special code, and this code is encrypted, listen carefully and count the blows of the hammer. And so, attention! We listen silently and count to ourselves.

Stage 3. "Help Luntik"

Let's help Luntik clear the planet of stones. To do this you need to go to the blue crater (hoop) put all the blue figures, and all the circles in the green. We approach one by one, take the stone, name the color, shape, size and say where this stone should be placed.

Our rockets are ready to fly. And now we are with you, children,

We're flying away on a rocket.

Five, four, three, two, one!

(The sound of a rocket taking off)

V. Let's fly! (children get up, and one after another leave the tables, and stand in a large circle, inside of which there are two hoops of different colors, “Logical games” are scattered around Dienesha blocks")

Here we are. We are on the Moon.

Guys, a lot of stones coming from outer space are falling on this planet. Look how many there are!

What is the difference? (Color, shape, size, thickness)

Well, guys, let's help Luntik clear the planet of stones. To do this, you need to put all the blue figures in the blue crater, and all the circles in the green one. We approach one by one, take the stone, name the color, shape, size and say where this stone should be placed (I take a big circle and put it in a green hoop, etc.)

Q. Look, was the task completed correctly? (Yes)

Okay, now tell me what shape of stones we have inside the blue crater (inside the blue crater are all the blue figures, etc.)

And the stones, what shape, color and size remained behind the craters (children call).

In order to keep it clean, let's remove all the stones that remain outside into the red crater. (All children clean up)

V. So everything was removed. Now it's order! Well done!

Guys, did you like our trip? (Yes)

What we did during our trip (They helped Luntik clear the planet of stones).

Well done! - Luntik was very pleased. And I prepared a surprise for you, but already on Earth.

V. It’s time for us to return, to our places, my friends!

Starship, starship,

Let's take off.

Returned from flight

We landed on the ground.

Q. Our rocket made a soft landing. Let's remember what tasks we completed, what interesting and unusual things happened to you.

(Children's answers)

Q. Guys, what planet do we live on? (Children's answers)

The teacher reads a poem. I love you, my Earth, -

Planet of Life - Blue.

Your poplars whisper to me,

how beautiful you are, dropping fluff.

You're all alone under the sun

keep the treasures of the sea,

open spaces of fields; mountains country

gray peaks beckon.

The moon, your companion, no matter how small, -

storm of ebb and flow.

Without further ado, she was able

shorten your run, gusts.

The flourishing of all life on earth -

water has healing power.

From steam, ice in pitch darkness

you brought water back to life.

You can't count your lakes and rivers,

There are no paths to be found in the taiga.

And your master is a man,

makes his duel with fate.

(Luntik - a toy appears)

Guys, for your help provided to me, I brought you a treat! These colorful stones are very tasty and sweet; my mother always buys them for me in the store.

Thank you guys for helping to clear my planet of stones. Goodbye.