Analysis of the poem the shadow of a friend of Batyushkov. Analysis of Batyushkov’s poem “Shadow of a Friend” You might be interested

Sunt aliquid manes: letum non omnia finit;
Luridaque evictos effugit umbra rogos.

I left the shore of foggy Albion: It seemed that he was drowning in leaden waves. Halcyone hung behind the ship, And her quiet voice amused the swimmers. The evening wind, the splashing of the waves, the monotonous noise and flutter of the sails, and the helmsman on the deck calling out to the guard slumbering under the chatter of the waves; Everything was filled with sweet thoughtfulness. As if enchanted, I stood at the mast, And through the fog and night veil I looked for the kind luminary of the North. My whole thought was in memory, Under the sweet sky of my father’s land.

But the noise of the winds and the swaying of the sea brought languid oblivion to the eyelids.

Dreams gave way to dreams And suddenly... was it a dream?... appeared

The poem “Shadow of a Friend” by Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov (1787 – 1855) is called by critics one of best works, ever coming from the poet's pen. A.S. Pushkin spoke of it as a charming and perfect work. What makes this poem so impressive?

"Shadow of a Friend" is an elegy. It is dedicated to the tragic event - the death of I. A. Petin, who fell in the battle of Leipzig in 1813. Ivan Aleksandrovich was a close friend of Batyushkov, so his untimely death was a terrible blow to the sensitive heart of the poet. Konstantin Nikolaevich's experiences were reflected in the poem that he created in 1814.

This work has an unusual structure. The stanzas are simple quatrains, but their layout changes depending on their place in the composition.

For the first part, which introduces the reader to the surrounding lyrical hero– the author in reality, stanzas of the abab type are characteristic. There are four of them in total. This is followed by one stanza with a ring rhyme:
Dreams gave way to dreams
And suddenly... was it a dream?.. a comrade appeared to me,
Died in the fatal fire
An enviable death, above the Pleiss streams.

Behind it is a quatrain with the already encountered abab form. It seems that the poet uses this method of rhyming when describing a landscape or the appearance of a character. The penultimate stanza has the same form and really reflects the surrounding landscape.

Next, the lyrical hero makes a fiery speech. He asks the vision - the spirit of a dead comrade - how this is possible, because with his own hands he betrayed his body to the ground. The hero asks to say at least a word so that a familiar voice will please the soul tormented by grief. Here the poet uses the ring form of quatrains, which enhances the emotional intensity of the monologue.

The next stanza has a paired rhyme. This is the culmination of the poem, a return to reality. The ghost disappears, and the poet is left alone in the middle of the cold night.

The last stanza is the denouement. And again there is a ring rhyme, as the poet addresses his friend (continues the monologue): “You, oh dear brother! O best of friends!

The reader understands that the hero does not want to let go of his comrade’s soul, does not want to put up with his loss.

Despite the fact that some metaphors, for example, “Bellona Lights” (Bellona is the ancient Roman goddess of war), “Halcyone” (the soul of the daughter of the god Eos, transformed according to legend into a seagull), are unfamiliar to the modern reader, the elegy “Shadow of a Friend” does not become less touching . It is filled with real, sincere feelings, expressed in tender epithets (“dear friend”, “mountain spirit”). Even today, a poem can comfort the reader and give him strength in difficult times.

I left the shore of foggy Albion:
It seemed as if he was drowning in leaden waves.
Halcyone hung behind the ship,
4 And her quiet voice amused the swimmers.
The evening wind, the splashing of the waves,
The monotonous noise and flutter of sails,
And the helmsman's cry on deck
8 To the guard, dozing under the chatter of the shafts, -
Everything was filled with sweet thoughtfulness.
Enchanted, I stood at the mast
And through the fog and night veil
12 I was looking for the kind luminary of the North.
My whole thought was in memory
Under the sweet sky of the fatherland,
But the winds are noisy and the seas are swaying
16 A languid oblivion was brought over the eyelids.
Dreams gave way to dreams,
And suddenly... was it a dream?.., a comrade appeared to me,
Died in the fatal fire
20 An enviable death over the Place streams.
But the view was not terrible; brow
Didn't save deep wounds
Like a May morning, it bloomed with joy
24 And everything heavenly reminded the soul.
“Is it you, dear friend, comrade of better days!
Is that you? - I cried out, - oh warrior forever dear!
Isn't it me over your untimely grave,
28 With the terrible glow of Bellona's fires,
Isn't it me with true friends
I inscribed your feat on a tree with a sword
And escorted the shadow to the heavenly homeland
32 With prayer, sobbing and tears?
Shadow of the unforgettable! answer, dear brother!
Or everything that happened was a dream, a daydream;
Everything, everything, and the pale corpse, the grave and the ceremony,
36 Accomplished by friendship in your memory?
ABOUT! say a word to me! let the familiar sound
My greedy ears still caress,
Let my hand, oh unforgettable friend!
40 Squeezes yours with love..."
And I flew towards him... But the mountain spirit disappeared
In the bottomless blue of cloudless skies,
Like smoke, like a meteor, like the ghost of midnight,
44 And sleep left my eyes.

Everything slept around me under the roof of silence.
The menacing elements seemed silent.
In the light of a cloud-covered moon
48 The breeze was barely blowing, the waves were barely sparkling,
But sweet peace fled my eyes,
And all the soul flew after the ghost,
Everyone wanted to stop the heavenly guest:
52 You, oh dear brother! O best of friends!

Ya bereg pokidal tumanny Albiona:
Kazalos, on v volnakh svintsovykh utopal.
Za korablem vilasya Galtsiona,
I tikhy glas yee plovtsov uveselyal.
Vecherny vetr, valov pleskanye,
Oddnoobrazny noise and tremble parusov,
I kormchego on deck vzyvanye
Ko strazhe, dremlyushchey pod govorom valov, -
Everything is sweet, zadumchivost pitalo.
How charming, u machty ya stoyal
I skvoz fog i night pokryvalo
Svetila Severa lyubeznogo iskal.
Vsya mysl moya byla v vospominanye
Pod nebom sladostnym otecheskoy zemli,
No vetrov noise i morya kolykhanye
Na vezhdy tomnoye zabvenye naveli.
Mechty smenyalisya mechtami,
I vdrug... to byl li son?., predstal tovarishch mne,
Pogibshy v rokovom ogne
Zavidnoy death nad Pleysskimi struyami.
No vid ne strashen byl; chelo
Glubokikh ran ne sokhranyalo,
Like morning mayskoye, veseliyem tsvelo
I vse nebesnoye dushe napominalo.
“Ty l eto, mily drug, tovarishch luchshikh day!
Ty l eto? - ya vskrichal, - o voin forever mily!
Ne ya li nad tvoyey bezvremennoy mogiloy,
Pri strashnom zareve Belloninykh ogney,
Ne ya li s vernymi druzyami
Mechom na dereve tvoy podvig nachertal
I ten v nebesnuyu otchiznu provozhdal
S molboy, rydanyem i slezami?
Ten unforgettable! otvetstvuy, mily brother!
Ili proteksheye vse bylo son, mechtanye;
Vse, vse, i bledny trup, mogila i obryad,
Svershenny druzhboyu v tvoye vospominanye?
O! molvi word mne! Puskay znakomy zvuk
Yeshche moy zhadny slukh laskayet,
Puskay ruka moya, o nezabvenny drug!
Tvoyu s lyuboviyu szhimayet..."
I ya letel k nemu... No gorny dukh ischez
V bezdonnoy sineve bezoblachnykh heavens,
Kak dym, kak meteor, kak prizrak polunochi,
I left my eyes.

All spalo vkrug menya pod krovom quietiny.
Stikhii groznye kazalisya bezmolvny.
Pri svete oblakom podernutoy luny
Chut veyal veterok, yedva sverkali volny,
No sweet pokoy bezhal moikh ochey,
I vse soul za prizrakom letela,
All gostya gornego ostanovit khotela:
Tebya, oh mily brother! o luchshy iz druzey!

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