Special purpose center "Vityaz" and its servant Wagner - the killer of Bednov ("Batman")? The bloody Wagner, who destroyed militants on orders from the Kremlin, took a bullet from his own

Original taken from andreychernuhin in Colonel Wagner - Putin's guardsman

The murder in Novorossiya of Alexander Bednov - “Batman”, the hero of the defense of Lugansk and his people was organized by this man. Vagner Evgeniy Vladimirovich, born in 1971 Probably a hereditary "Chekist". His entire devoted dog life is connected with the internal troops, the Dzerzhinsky division. The division was first renamed, but this year the name of Dzerzhinsky was returned to it. He headed the special purpose detachment "Peresvet". Orthodoxy came into fashion, and Wagner was in the forefront here too.

True, his colleagues say that he sometimes put his maroon beret on his dog)

Then there were reorganizations, connections with other detachments, the result was the 604 “Red Banner” special purpose center “Vityaz”, which he headed (in the photo, Wagner is on the left in a beret in the Dzerzhinsky division in Balashikha at some Vertukhai anniversary).

He graduated from the combined arms academy of the Ministry of Defense, headed the 55th division of internal troops, and on September 11, 2014, was appointed deputy commander of the joint group in the North Caucasus. Married, three daughters. He received a 4-room apartment from the state, multimillion-dollar income, and has an expensive jeep. But he had to work off his Judas money through dirty deeds: his North Caucasian experience, where he “l personally planned and carried out 33 special operations in Dagestan to eliminate bandit groups, destroy their infrastructure, suppress the supply channels of weapons, ammunition and explosives. Showed high professionalism and courage. The unit led by Colonel Wagner killed 17 terrorists." http://kavpolit.ru/articles/na_vojne_radi_mira-9748/ . I think that Wagner didn’t bother there - he shot at cars that came to hand with flamethrowers, and declared those killed “leaders of the underground”). Now he has been sent to Novorossiya to “cleanse” it of prominent militia leaders who do not agree to the leakage of the “project.” On his orders, the “Batman” group was shot from an ambush with flamethrowers (this “maroon beret” was afraid to fight honestly).

Such Wagners and other “knights” will kill Russians in Moscow, too, when the Putin regime begins to shake.

The murder in Novorossiya of Alexander Bednov - “Batman”, the hero of the defense of Lugansk and his people was organized by this man. Vagner Evgeniy Vladimirovich, born in 1971 Probably a hereditary "Chekist". His entire devoted dog life is connected with the internal troops, the Dzerzhinsky division. The division was first renamed, but this year the name of Dzerzhinsky was returned to it. He headed the special purpose detachment "Peresvet". Orthodoxy came into fashion, and Wagner was in the forefront here too.

True, his colleagues say that he sometimes put his maroon beret on his dog)

Then there were reorganizations, connections with other detachments, the result was the 604 “Red Banner” special purpose center “Vityaz”, which he headed (in the photo, Wagner is on the left in a beret in the Dzerzhinsky division in Balashikha at some Vertukhai anniversary).

He graduated from the combined arms academy of the Ministry of Defense, headed the 55th division of internal troops, and on September 11, 2014, was appointed deputy commander of the joint group in the North Caucasus. Married, three daughters. He received a 4-room apartment from the state, multimillion-dollar income, and has an expensive jeep. But he had to earn his Judas’ money through dirty deeds: his North Caucasian experience came in handy, where he personally planned and carried out 33 special operations in Dagestan to eliminate bandit groups, destroy their infrastructure, and cut off supply channels for weapons, ammunition and explosives.

Showed high professionalism and courage. The unit under the leadership of Colonel Wagner destroyed 17 terrorists." http://kavpolit.ru/articles/na_vojne_radi_mira-9748/ . I think that Wagner didn’t bother there - he shot cars that came to hand with flamethrowers, and declared those killed “leaders of the underground”) Now he was sent to Novorossia to “clean up” it from prominent militia leaders who did not agree to the leaking of the “project.” On his orders, the “Batman” group was shot in an ambush with flamethrowers (this “maroon beret” was afraid to fight honestly).

Such Wagners and other “knights” will kill Russians in Moscow, too, when the Putin regime begins to shake.

The murder in Novorossiya of Alexander Bednov - “Batman”, the hero of the defense of Lugansk and his people was organized by this man. Vagner Evgeniy Vladimirovich, born in 1971 Probably a hereditary "Chekist". His entire devoted dog life is connected with the internal troops, the Dzerzhinsky division. The division was first renamed, but this year the name of Dzerzhinsky was returned to it. He headed the special purpose detachment "Peresvet". Orthodoxy came into fashion, and Wagner was in the forefront here too.

True, his colleagues say that he sometimes put his maroon beret on his dog)Then there were reorganizations, connections with other detachments, the result was the 604 “Red Banner” special purpose center “Vityaz”, which he headed (in the photo, Wagner is on the left in a beret in the Dzerzhinsky division in Balashikha at some Vertukhai anniversary).

He graduated from the combined arms academy of the Ministry of Defense, headed the 55th division of internal troops, and on September 11, 2014, was appointed deputy commander of the joint group in the North Caucasus. Married, two daughters. He received a 4-room apartment from the state, multimillion-dollar income, and has an expensive jeep. But he had to earn his Judas’ money through dirty deeds: his North Caucasian experience came in handy, where he “personally planned and carried out 33 special operations in Dagestan to eliminate bandit groups, destroy their infrastructure, and cut off supply channels for weapons, ammunition and explosives. He showed high professionalism and courage. The unit led by Colonel Wagner killed 17 terrorists." http://kavpolit.ru/articles/na_vojne_radi_mira-9748/ . I think that Wagner didn’t bother there - he shot at cars that came to hand with flamethrowers, and declared those killed “leaders of the underground”). Now he has been sent to Novorossiya to “cleanse” it of prominent militia leaders who do not agree to the leakage of the “project.” On his orders, the “Batman” group was shot from an ambush with flamethrowers (this “maroon beret” was afraid to fight honestly).

January 5th, 2015

Already wrote about him. More small touches to the portrait. Wagner is a combat colonel, not a parquet colonel, and spent most of his service in hot spots. He probably began his service in the internal troops. In 2001-2003 he studied in Moscow at the Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces (foreign officers also studied there), apparently by this time he was a captain or major. Upon graduation, he served in the 33rd OSN "Peresvet", structurally part of the 55th division of internal troops, and became a commander there. The Peresvet detachment was the size of a regiment. In the first photo, Wagner commands Peresvet, in the second he is preparing a special operation.

Was deputy commander and acting. commander of the 55th division, since 2010 he has headed the 604th TsSN "Vityaz" (formed on the basis of the old "Vityaz", "Rus", and included fighters from other similar units). In the first photo, 2012 on the parade ground in Balashikha, in the second photo at a ceremonial meeting .

He has extensive experience in conducting combat and counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus, including Chechnya, and could not help but intersect with Igor Girkin-Strelkov, who could not help but know him as the commander of “Peresvet” and “Vityaz”, since the FSB and VV special forces constantly contacted, not by chance, he said that “he knows more about this case, but will not talk,” 604 TsSN was made from the tracing paper of the FSB special forces. This is what they are armed with.

Various generals came to Novorossiya with the goal of suppressing and removing unwanted (read poorly governed) militia commanders. But these were all parquet generals who received their stars while serving in the “Arbat Military District”; they were only suitable for pressure. And for the cleanup, a person with Wagner’s experience and the combat resources of special forces was needed. How could you use such weapons to hit your own people? "The order is not discussed." Knowing well the personnel of "Peresvet" and "Vityaz", Wagner could easily select those who, on orders and for good money, would shoot their own mother. And since since September 2014, Wagner served in the Caucasus as deputy commander of a joint group, he probably brought the special forces troops to Novorossiya not from Balashikha, but from among those “knights” who served in Dagestan and Chechnya, in order to leave less legacy. And the main task of all these “Dzerzhinsky divisions”, “Peresvet”, “Vityaz” and other numerous special forces is to be ready to defend the current government and fight with their own people, as the events of 1993 clearly showed.

Original taken from andreychernuhin in Colonel Wagner - Putin's guardsman (2)

I already wrote about him http://andreychernuhin.livejournal.com/72181.html More small touches to the portrait. Wagner is a combat colonel, not a parquet colonel, and spent most of his service in hot spots. He probably began his service in the internal troops. In 2001-2003 he studied in Moscow at the Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces (foreign officers also studied there), apparently by this time he was a captain or major. Upon graduation, he served in the 33rd OSN "Peresvet", structurally part of the 55th division of internal troops, and became a commander there. The Peresvet detachment was the size of a regiment. In the first photo, Wagner commands Peresvet, in the second he is preparing a special operation.

Was deputy commander and acting. commander of the 55th division, since 2010 he has headed the 604th TsSN "Vityaz" (formed on the basis of the old "Vityaz", "Rus", and included fighters from other similar units). In the first photo, 2012 on the parade ground in Balashikha, in the second photo at a ceremonial meeting .

He has extensive experience in conducting combat and counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus, including Chechnya, and could not help but intersect with Igor Girkin-Strelkov, who could not help but know him as the commander of “Peresvet” and “Vityaz”, since the FSB and VV special forces constantly contacted, not by chance, he said that “he knows more about this case, but will not talk,” 604 TsSN was made from the tracing paper of the FSB special forces. This is what they are armed with.

Various generals came to Novorossiya with the goal of suppressing and removing unwanted (read poorly governed) militia commanders. But these were all parquet generals who received their stars while serving in the “Arbat Military District”; they were only suitable for pressure. And for the cleanup, a person with Wagner’s experience and the combat resources of special forces was needed. How could you use such weapons to hit your own people? "The order is not discussed." Knowing well the personnel of "Peresvet" and "Vityaz", Wagner could easily select those who, on orders and for good money, would shoot their own mother. And since since September 2014, Wagner served in the Caucasus as deputy commander of a joint group, he probably brought the special forces troops to Novorossiya not from Balashikha, but from among those “knights” who served in Dagestan and Chechnya, in order to leave less legacy. And the main task of all these “Dzerzhinsky divisions”, “Peresvet”, “Vityaz” and other numerous special forces is to be ready to defend the current government and fight with their own people, as the events of 1993 clearly showed.