Characteristics of a teacher psychologist sample. Sample certification characteristics of a school teacher-psychologist for the highest qualification category. sample characteristics for a student. internship at a preschool educational institution

The psychologist has complete higher education with a degree in “practical psychologist” and works in the acquired specialty at the Nth comprehensive sanatorium school No. 1c (date) of the year.

A psychologist has the qualification category “specialist”.

Psychologist is a young, promising educational psychologist. She proved herself to be an initiative, energetic worker. Provides psychological support to all participants in the educational process in various areas of work: psychodiagnostic, correctional and developmental, advisory, preventive and educational, the purpose of which is to create educational institution conditions for the most successful personal development, education and socialization of the child, creating a positive psycho-emotional climate in student and teaching staff.

To ensure the effectiveness of his work, a practical psychologist develops a systematic and comprehensive planning, which includes: attending lessons, extracurricular activities, group trainings with teachers, group and individual diagnostics of all participants in the educational process, group and individual correctional and developmental classes with students, educational presentations at pedagogical meetings and methodological associations.

The psychologist pays great attention to the psychological readiness of children for learning, the adaptation of children to living conditions in a boarding school. For this purpose, conducts diagnostic work in classrooms, provides consultations to teachers and parents, and conducts adaptation classes.

The psychologist, together with the teachers, organizes monitoring of students at the sanatorium boarding school and then provides recommendations to teachers for use in working with children.

One of the main directions practical psychologist— preventive work with children who need special psychological and pedagogical attention. Based on the diagnostic results of these students, the psychologist conducts individual correctional and developmental classes with them and provides specific recommendations to educators and parents on developing their potential.

The psychologist pays great attention to prevention bad habits. A survey of students is conducted to determine their knowledge about the dangers of alcohol, smoking and drugs. Based on the results of the survey, recommendations are given to teachers and parents. To promote a healthy lifestyle, trainings are conducted on the anti-alcohol program “Family Conversation”.

A psychologist is in a constant process of creative self-development, works on himself, looks for optimal ways to solve school problems, and engages in self-education. Taking advanced training courses

  1. "Psychological and pedagogical design social development student’s personality” (specify the educational institution where the advanced training courses are taken).
  2. « General preparation practical psychologists of educational institutions." (specify the educational institution for taking advanced training courses).

She also regularly posts her articles on the school website on the “Psychologist’s Page”, in the school newspaper “12th Express”, and has publications on the publishing house’s website “ School world"on the topic: Training for teachers "Development of skills for relieving emotional stress."

The teacher corresponds to the position held and can be certified for the qualification category “specialist of category 2”.

For the full text of the material Characteristics of the activities of a practical school psychologist, see the downloadable file.
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Usually it was necessary to go to the HR employee with a reference. There is a difference between asking for a characteristic and providing another. Here is a sample that will save you time on drafting a quality document. Now characteristics are called letters of recommendation. Almost everyone has had to deal with such a concept as a characteristic. IN Lately The old concept of a letter of recommendation comes into use in our everyday life. Some time ago, the recommendation was replaced by a regular characteristic. If you had to be hired, or had the opportunity to take a responsible position.

Qualification characteristics of a teacher-psychologist

Job responsibilities

Carries out professional activities aimed at preserving the mental, somatic and social well-being of students and pupils in the process of upbringing and training in educational institutions. Promotes the protection of individual rights in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Promotes harmonization social sphere educational institution and carries out preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of social maladjustment. Determines factors that hinder the development of the personality of students and pupils and takes measures to provide them with various types of psychological assistance(psychocorrectional, rehabilitation, advisory).

Provides advisory assistance to students, pupils, their parents (persons replacing them), and teaching staff in solving specific problems. Conducts psychological diagnostics; using modern educational technologies, including information and digital educational resources.

Conducts diagnostic, psychocorrectional rehabilitation and advisory work, based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies. Draws up psychological and pedagogical conclusions based on materials research work for the purpose of orienting the teaching staff, as well as parents (their substitutes) in the problems of personal and social development of students and pupils.

Maintains documentation in the prescribed form, using it for its intended purpose. Participates in the planning and development of developmental and correctional programs educational activities taking into account the individual and age-gender characteristics of students, pupils, in ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state educational requirements.

Promotes the development of students' readiness for orientation in various situations of life and professional self-determination. Provides psychological support to creatively gifted students and pupils, promotes their development and organization of a developmental environment.

Determines the degree of developmental disorders (mental, physiological, emotional) in students, as well as various types disorders of social development and carries out their psychological and pedagogical correction. Participates in the formation of the psychological culture of students, pupils, teaching staff and parents (persons replacing them), including the culture of sex education.

Consults employees of educational institutions on the development of students, pupils, practical application psychology for solution pedagogical tasks, increasing the socio-psychological competence of students, pupils, teaching staff, parents (persons replacing them). Analyzes the achievement and confirmation by students of levels of development and education (educational qualifications).

Evaluates the effectiveness of the educational activities of teaching staff and teaching staff, taking into account the development of students’ personalities, using Computer techologies, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, and other forms methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of parent meetings, recreational, educational and other events provided for by the educational program, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance parents (persons replacing them).

Ensures the protection of life and health of students and pupils during educational process. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.


Other sample characteristics

Popular document samples and templates

  • Application for amendment of claims to determine the procedure for using residential premises
  • Sample application for compensation for material damage caused by a crime and moral damage
  • Inheritance litigation
    Entry into inheritance rights often involves considerable controversy. Receiving an inheritance by will and law has differences in its mechanism. Templates for statements of claim on issues related to inheritance rights.

    Housing problems
    Templates for claims in civil cases regarding residential premises. Housing law concludes the right to use the residence of the property. There is a lot of disagreement and controversy regarding this. There is a clear difference between a private house and a residential apartment. For the same reasons, there are problems in determining the procedure for using the apartment and the division of the personal account. Sample claims will help you figure out exactly what requirements should be indicated in a court document.

    Damage and compensation
    It happens that our property is damaged. Harm can be material or intangible. This is determined based on the presence of guilt and the ability to foresee harm. Depending on the absence-presence, there is an obligation to compensate for the harm caused. And the citizen whose property has been damaged seeks compensation. Broken cars, damage to minors, etc.

    Characteristics of a teacher-psychologist _________________ Born in 19__, higher pedagogical education (_____ years of experience).

    She has been working in kindergarten No. 10 “Ogonyok” since 2007 as a teacher-psychologist. She is characterized by the desire to continuously improve her skills through advanced training courses. In his work he uses latest developments in Psychology: Individual correctional work She is treated using sand therapy. The main goal of ____(I O) work in a preschool educational institution is to ensure the mental health of children.

    In ____ year, in the city competition of psychologists’ offices among schools and kindergartens of the city, she took _ place and was awarded a gift to the city educational institution.

    In ____, the psychological service of the preschool educational institution under the leadership of I.O. took __ place in the city in the competition “Preschool educational institution - high psychological culture.”

    AND ABOUT. - knowledgeable, proactive, competent teacher. He enjoys well-deserved respect among the team. In dealing with employees she is tactful, polite and friendly.

    Psychological diagnostic practice is to study age characteristics and the individual uniqueness of the child’s psyche in the most typical and characteristic situations of his life in kindergarten and build in accordance with them individual work with children and their parents.

    The main function of a psychologist in a kindergarten is to create conditions conducive to protecting the life and health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, and the free and effective development of the abilities of each child.

    Psychological work in kindergarten is carried out by full name. in the following areas:

      Psychological diagnostics aimed at identifying children with personal problems, children with difficulties in communication and learning, as well as psychological readiness for school.

      Consulting teachers and parents on problems of child development, psychological and advisory activities aimed at improving the psychological situation in the work team, organizing a developmental environment in kindergarten.

      Corrective work to develop attention as a condition for effective educational activities, correction is being carried out by I.O. as in shape group classes so and individual lessons(sand therapy), as well as constant supervision of individual children.

      She carries out preventive work in order to prevent psychological and physical overload (teaching children muscle relaxation).

    AND ABOUT. systematically increases its professional level, masters new technologies (“complex fairy tale therapy” by T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva: puppet therapy, sand therapy, masters meditative methods), participates in training seminars, professional development is mutually dependent on personal growth. The most pronounced personality traits of I.O. is: hard work, the need to complete the work started, patience and methodicalness. She is a good communicator. Possesses high sensitivity, developed empathy (the ability to empathize, sympathize, respond to someone else’s pain and joy). Emotional expressiveness and goodwill help her establish contact with different people. She always cheers for her team and is highly popular among her work colleagues. The main features of her thinking style are an orientation towards the subjective factors of the problem (values, assessments, feelings, etc.). Accuracy, order, adherence to rules - all this characterizes the work of I.O. .

    Her main mental state is a state of certainty in relation to herself, mental analysis is busy searching for effective solutions to problems under given conditions: curiosity, keen interest in everything that happens.

    Irina Shchepetinnikova
    Sample characteristics of a teacher-psychologist for the first qualification category

    Characteristics-presentation full name(in R. p.) teacher-psychologist name of the institution in accordance with the Charter, city.... region, year of birth, education: for example, higher, Yeletsky State University, 2010, specialty and diploma qualification, For example: preschool teacher pedagogy and psychology, preschool pedagogy and psychology, labor experience: …teaching experience: experience in positions: ... courses, for example, GOU DPO TO "IPK and PPRO TO", 2012, March, "Psychological support for personality development junior schoolchildren within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard", certificate No. 303 dated 03/02/2012; GOU DPO TO "IPK and PPRO TO", 2012, April, DPOP " Actual problems activities educational psychologist in an educational institution", certificate No. 2054 dated April 20, 2012.

    Name Patronymic name (I. p.) teacher- a psychologist during her work has established herself as competent, responsible, and proactive teacher - psychologist. She approached the organization of her work with professional interest, enthusiasm, and desire. WITH first days of activity one feels self-realization and dedication.

    Competent in the field personal qualities. Can find mutual language with different age groups, speaks well with children's groups and adult audiences. Accepts right decisions V problematic situations, in case of difficulties, quickly responds to the cause of their occurrence and eliminates them.

    She is quite self-organized, sociable, has the skills of introspection and self-control, and can defend her opinion. Is aware of the main events of modern political and social life, achievements in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology at the present stage. Good command educational technologies and methods.

    Software and methodological support of work following: program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, "Program of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy group kindergarten for children with general underdevelopment speeches (from 4 to 7 years)"N.V. Nishchevoy. Teacher- the psychologist uses manuals and practical developments authors: I. L. Artishevskaya, A. I. Veraki, V. M. Minaeva, M. Yu. Stozharova T. S., T. V. Lavrentieva, M. I. Chistyakova, A. S. Ronzhina and others. Picked it up material to work program"On the way to school" psychological pedagogical support of the correctional and developmental process in groups of preschool educational institutions.

    Proficient in personal computer skills. Works with various information resources and software and methodological systems that help in professional activity. She has her own personal website, on which she posted a personal portfolio with the presentation “Educating Tolerance in Preschool Children” and other materials that are constantly updated. The use of ESM allows you to create presentations of corrective measures in accordance with modern requirements.

    Conducts psychodiagnostic work using techniques authors: I. I. Pavlova, L. G. Rudenko, G. Witzlak, M. R. Ginzburg, M. A. Panfilova, G. T. Khomentauskas, etc. The obtained data is analyzed and systematized to determine diagnostic indicators. Based on the conclusions of the study, he outlines the tasks of further individual and subgroup correctional and developmental work with children.

    Organizes a number of psychocorrectional activities for the development of higher mental functions, emotional sphere, social behavior preschoolers. Draws special attention to the process of special work with individual children, as well as groups of children with similar developmental problems. Conducts surveys and testing among parents aimed at collecting information about interpersonal relationships in family.

    Organizes and conducts at a decent level various consultations on issues of education, upbringing and development of children preschool age. For teachers:"Psychological support for the process of preparing children of senior preschool age for systematic schooling", 2011, "Therapeutic play as a way to overcome neuroses in children", 2011, "Development of the memory of an older preschooler", 2012, "On the harmony of communication", 2013, etc. For parents - on the topics of child-parent relationships and the cognitive development of the child. With kids preparatory group In 2013, she held an educational competition “Smart Men and Women.”

    Developed annual and individual plans work, created a selection of psycho-gymnastics, kinesthetic and relaxation exercises, audio and video recordings necessary in the work.

    For teachers and parents of pupils made recommendations for assistance in matters of upbringing, training, development and social adaptation.

    Name Patronymic name (I. p.) teacher- proactive participant pedagogical councils preschool educational institution, seminars, workshops, round tables different levels in 2013, she made presentations at city seminars “Formation of graphomotor skills in preschool children” (according to the KRO plan, “Activities of preschool educational institutions and children’s clinics on the formation of healthy lifestyle in preschool children.” Since 2011, she has been working as part of the creative team of an innovative base platform under a joint agreement activities of preschool educational institutions with IPK and PPRO TO. Constantly attends MO and seminars for teachers - psychologists of the city, organized on the basis of the PPMS - Center "Trust" and the Department of Psychology of IPK and PPRO TO. Provides diagnostic results annually upon request from the district PMPK.

    The results of diagnostic studies recently show positive dynamics: 2010-2011 academic year year: educational development: group 5-6 years old - high level - 76%, average level - 24%, low -0%; psychological readiness To school: group 6-7 years old - high level - 32%, average level - 68%, low level- 0%, formed educational motivation - 68%, unformed educational motivation - 32%; 2011-2012 academic year year: educational development: group 5-6 years old - high level - 86%, average - 14%, low level - 10%; group 6-7 years old, psychological readiness for school: high level -50%, average level - 50%, low - 0%, formed educational motivation -94%, unformed educational motivation - 6%; 2012 - 2013 academic year year: cognitive development, group 5-6 years old - high level -74%, average level - 13%, low -13%; psychological readiness for school: group 6 - 7 years old - high level - 70%, average level - 26%, low - 4%; formed educational motivation - 92%, unformed educational motivation - 8%.

    Has a publication in the collection "Modern preschool education: traditions and prospects", issue No. 6, 2010, Yerevan State University, on topic: "Education of tolerance in children of senior preschool age in the process of familiarization with Russian folklore."

    Candidate first name, patronymic (R.p.) teacher-psychologist approved for awarding a certificate from the Department Education.

    Complies with the requirements of occupational safety, industrial safety, sanitary rules and regulations when organizing correctional and developmental activities.

    Head of preschool educational institution: signature, transcript of signature, date.

    WITH characteristic- familiarized with the submission, signature of the applicant, transcript of the signature, date.