Interactive lesson “My life values, or Values ​​that have no price. Presentation on the topic “my life values” Slides on the topic life is the highest human value

EDUCATIONAL HOUR My life values Educational. Introduce the concept of “life values”, their classification, and consolidate this concept. Developmental. Activate and develop skills of self-knowledge, self-presentation and self-expression. Educates b an active position towards life, to promote a responsible attitude towards one’s life. Form of conduct : modeling project PREPARED classroom teacher 7-A KUZNETSOVA S.S.


VALUES are what a person especially values ​​in life, to which he attaches a special, positive life meaning.

VALUES - what has moral, aesthetic significance for us

and cognitive attitude. The doctrine of values ​​is called

axiology A person’s life values ​​are the foundation on which his whole life is based.. Life values ​​do not arise overnight. They are the result of our experience. A person’s life values ​​are formed from childhood. TYPES OF VALUES 1. Human values ​​2. Everyday values ​​3. Health-saving values ​​4. Spiritual values ​​5. Family values ​​6. Moral values ​​7. Cultural values ​​8. Legal values ​​9. Political values ​​Sayings of the sages of the East The Book of Proverbs is a book of instructions in the field of morality and ethics, affecting many aspects human life HOME OF MY LIFE VALUES I want to build a house where I will be happy, where I am surrounded by love, everyone will be everywhere, I’ll plant you next to the house The Family Tree, So that it is nourished from the earth by living power. Life values ​​are the foundation on which his whole life is based. A. Einstein Universal human values ​​are a set of the most general requirements to the behavior of a person belonging to any culture. Such values ​​include: -true, -Liberty, -justice, -beauty, -good, -Love,, -benefit, -preservation of human life, Having laid the foundation, we build steps, each of them is a small goal.

These steps lead to the values ​​of everyday life.

1. Hard work

2. Punctuality.

3. Thrift.

4. Responsibility.

5. Love of order

6. Diligence Before you climb up a ladder, you need to make sure that the ladder is against the right wall. Make sure that life goal

chosen correctly.

Dmitry Nagiev We will build the walls from blocks, and we will consider family values . We will build the walls from blocks and consider family values. Family values ​​are what is important for a family, that necessary “cement” that a group of people with similar genetic code unites into a friendly community. Common family values: -communication, -respect, -feeling of importance for the family, -the ability to forgive, - flexibility,-traditions,

-responsibility, -generosity… Spiritual values ​​Spiritual values ​​are ideas approved or shared by most people about what goodness, justice, patriotism, love, friendship, mercy, empathy, decency, sensitivity are... Cultural assets are property assets of a religious or secular nature that have historical, artistic, scientific or other cultural significance: works of art, books, manuscripts, incunabula, archival materials, components and fragments of architectural, historical, artistic monuments, as well as monuments of monumental art and other categories of items. PYRAMID OF VALUES THE BIGGEST VALUE IN THE WORLD IS LIFE: ANOTHER, OWN, LIFE OF THE ANIMAL WORLD AND PLANTS, LIFE OF CULTURE, LIFE OVER ITS ENTIRE DISTANCE, IN THE PAST, IN THE PRESENT, AND IN THE FUTURE... D.S. LIKHACHOV Although human life Life is like a zebra sometimes: You will never know what the year has in store for you - Joy or the oppression of worries. You just have to believe everyone, That the burden of problems will disappear, Life will turn into a different, Bright, bright stripe. After all, success will come to those who prepare for it. It is important not to give up, to wait for the right opportunity. Looking into the eyes of fate, Smile, tell yourself: Life is like a zebra sometimes: You will never know, What the year has in store for you - Joy or the oppression of worries. You just have to believe everyone, That the burden of problems will disappear, Life will turn into a different, Bright, bright stripe. After all, success will come to those who prepare for it. It is important not to give up, to wait for the right opportunity. Looking into the eyes of fate, Smile, tell yourself: - I am successful and beautiful!

I choose the positive!

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Life values

What are life values? What can a person value? What is value to you?

Listen to the parable and then answer the questions!

Did the father choose a good method? What method of persuasion do your parents use? Why did the boy cry?

What do I value in life? How to live life? What life qualities are valued in a person?

Optimism is a cheerful, cheerful attitude in which a person sees only the bright side in everything; believes in the future, in success, in the fact that the world is dominated by a positive principle, goodness.

Pessimism is a gloomy attitude in which a person does not believe in the future and tends to see the dull and bad in everything.

The world is multifaceted, multicolored, Sometimes kind, sometimes cruel, He is generous and stingy, rich and poor: Look at him - he is all for us! V. Alatyrtsev

Answer the survey questions

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation for the lesson “Life values ​​of the characters in A. Kuprin’s story “The White Poodle”

Presentation for a literature lesson in 6th grade according to the Merkin program. The presentation reflects the course of the lesson, the main tasks for students....

Life values ​​of a teenager

The life values ​​of each of us do not develop out of nowhere: we are permeated by the atmosphere in which we lived since childhood, the idea of ​​the values ​​with which we were surrounded. We must remember that...

The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly...

N. Ostrovsky

Like a fable, so life is valued not for its length, but for its content. Seneca

Good is not every life, but a good life.

He who does not value life is unworthy of it.

Leonardo da Vinci.

After all, a person is given only one life - Why not live it properly?

D. London

If you want life to smile at you, first give it your good mood.

B Spinoza

What are a person's values? What are moral values?



























Faith in God

Human life is the happiness of communicating with people, the happiness of contemplating beauty surrounding nature, happiness to study, discover the world, create, create new things, what people need. Every person rejoices, learns, is surprised, makes big and small discoveries for himself and for people.

Every person, while he lives, gives people joy and receives joy from people. The life of any person is valuable!

Continue with any sentence

Today I found out... It was interesting… I was on a mission... I managed… I was surprised... I realized that... I wanted…

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Archpriest A. Men said that a person has nothing more valuable than what is in him

something that cannot be touched with your hands, seen with your eyes, cannot be weighed or measured.”

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Spiritual and moral qualities of a person

  • Compassion Calm
  • Compassion Equanimity
  • Kindness Sincerity
  • Love Sobriety
  • Humility Moderation in eating
  • Selflessness Sexual restraint
  • Modesty (chastity)
  • Honesty Responsiveness
  • Sacrifice
  • Strength of will
  • Courage
  • Slide 4

    Cottage with winter garden, swimming pool, sauna, gym

    • Sports
    • Automobile
  • Slide 5

    Popularity in any circle of people and a wide circle of friends

    One or more true friends

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    A good education

    Highly profitable enterprise

    Slide 7

    Healthy, strong, family

    Worldwide fame

    Slide 8

    Change your appearance

    Be happy with yourself all your life

    Slide 9

    Carefree, carefree, pleasure-filled life

    Constant respect and love for you from those you value most

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    The ability to achieve success in anything you want, by any means necessary


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    A miracle performed for the person you love


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    a few extra years of life

    Painless death when the time comes

    Slide 13

    Rescue from the fire

  • Slide 14

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    Passers-by noticed the boys floundering in the ice hole. 13-year-old Yura, who studied at the same school with them, without hesitation, rushed to help
    But the children's strength quickly ran out. Cries for help could be heard even in houses located across the field from the river where the head of the local rural settlement lives. Vladimir Kulikov ran to the river in what he was wearing, slippers and light home clothes

    Slide 16

    The teenagers' outing almost ended in tragedy. IN Krasnodar region schoolchildren went to

    ice of a frozen river and fell into the water. A classmate rushed to help the drowning people, but was unable to pull them out. The fate of the boys was decided in minutes