How to manage everything. Natalya Grigorievna Eremich Time management for women. How to keep up with everything Little secrets of big achievements

© Korchagina I. L., text, 2016

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016


Surely you have at least once said to yourself or others: “I don’t have time to do anything!” Not surprising. We live in fast-paced times. Today it is measured not in days and hours, but in minutes, even seconds. This is especially noticeable when you are standing at a traffic light. In those couple of tens of seconds while the green light is on, you need to have time to escape from the flow and rush on. Speeds have increased, opportunities have increased. But the demands have increased commensurately. How to manage everything?

In this book, we offer rules that will help you “run” without staying in place and without breaking down. To make the rules easier to understand, we accompanied them with exercises and tasks to solve your everyday problems. We hope that our book will become your work notebook, a diary, with the help of which you will become less tired, achieve more, win more often and never be late. Well, almost never. Do our exercises and move forward.

Chapter 1. Putting your thoughts in order

Whatever you call a yacht, that’s how it will float. Whatever thoughts are spinning in your head, that’s how life works out. Our consciousness, voluntarily or unwittingly, influences our actions, reactions to the actions of other people and circumstances. But we are not prisoners of our thoughts - we are quite capable of controlling them. In this section we will pay careful attention to how to do this.

Rule #1: Love what you do

It has long been established that a person who has found his calling feels happier and more successful. Such a person does much more than others, and his loved ones are amazed: “And how can you manage to do everything!”

But, alas, not everyone manages to find their calling. My experience as a psychological consultant has convinced me that the majority of the working population works under compulsion. Many chose a profession because their parents directed them to it. For example, my mother told one of my clients that she should work in the civil service, because there are social guarantees. And the girl wanted to go to drama school. “An artist – what a profession!” – the mother snorted, and her daughter obediently submitted her documents to the Academy of Management. Another client of mine started working in finance because the family council decided so, although she had dreamed of drawing since childhood...

This list can be continued endlessly. Most people work not for pleasure, but for earning money. IN modern world Favorite work and decent remuneration do not always come together. People choose money, because it gives them the opportunity to improve their living conditions, buy a good car, educate their children, and relax in a decent place. But if, at the same time, every morning when you wake up, you curse, go to work with a heavy stone around your neck, look longingly at the calendar and wait for the saving Friday, then it will be difficult for you to expand your time and get more done.

How to be? I am not suggesting that you give up everything and look for your favorite job, losing money.

I understand the reality of life very well and will not insist on unrealistic rules. My task is to help you, in real conditions, create optimal mental comfort for yourself, without changing anything in your life, learn to place emphasis and formulate your thoughts differently.


List what you like about your job, what inspires you. Salary? Fabulous! Do you like the work itself? Better! Let's find some additional nuances. And if you don’t really like the work itself, then it’s simply necessary to find additional nuances.

List everything! Don't be shy about "stupid" points. If you enjoy having coffee with your employees during breaks, make that a highlight of your activities. Yes, you go to work for the sake of socializing. Amazing! You have a great team! This great value. If the team is not very good, but there are people with whom you are especially interested in communicating, indicate this. If you like the view from your window or the location of your office and enjoy taking a walk during a break, please indicate that too. Does your job give you the opportunity to travel? Great! What else does your job give you? List everything.

Try to bring the number of points to seven, this is a magical number, and its magic will certainly inspire you to new feats.


2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

6. _____________________________

7. _____________________________

Did you like your list? Are you feeling more energetic? Well, the first step has been taken, let's move on.

Rule No. 2. Make a list of what you want to do

If you want to accomplish more, you need to understand what this concept of “more” includes. To do this, you need to create a new list.

What is important to consider when working on it? I've noticed that many people don't think through their words when making a plan. They write standard phrases, use templates, without checking whether these templates are suitable for a given person. Every person is unique! And your uniqueness must be present in your plan.

Check every word and choose the wording for yourself. What will help you find the right words? Say everything that comes to your mind out loud. Speak loudly and clearly, pausing. Of course, it’s better to do this alone, so that no one at home twirls a finger at their temple.

When pronouncing your wording, be attentive to yourself, watch how you react to them. Is it difficult to pronounce words or easy? How does your body feel? Our body knows what is good for us and what is not. Trust your body! If it easily responds to your plan, if you feel light and cheerful, the list is correct, and then you will be able to accomplish everything that is listed there.


Now that you've verbalized your list, let's write it down here. Don't forget to put numbers. They give you the opportunity to feel your importance. Like, that’s how much we have planned!


When compiling a list of tasks, pay attention to small items. Usually, when making plans, we list global positions and neglect the little things. For example, we do not include in the plan: washing the dishes, doing a manicure, doing exercises, reading a book. Some things we take for granted, we don't mention them - by default. But this is the wrong approach. Nothing should be default! We then forget about these little things, and they create the impression of something undone. Global things happen infrequently in our lives, but little things happen constantly. Every global project consists of a million little things. Make friends with little things, and then they will thank you!

Rule No. 3. Determine what mental characteristics you have

When making a plan, choosing a business for your soul or a job to earn money, it is very important to realize what type of personality (or personality structure) you belong to. It is best to do this in an individual consultation with a psychologist, because all the tests offered in the literature are either purely entertaining or too complex to test yourself.

But, realizing that not everyone has the opportunity to contact a psychologist personally, I propose to answer the questions light dough right now. It will help you understand what fairy tale hero you remind. Each of these characters has certain innate qualities. By understanding them, it will be easier for you to complete the tasks and exercises that I offer in this book.


1. If you had to choose between fame and money, which would you choose:

and money - 1 point;

b) fame - 2 points.

2. How do you feel about friendship:

a) I think that true friends are few, they must be valued and protected – 2 points;

b) I believe that the more friends, the better - 1 point.

3. Do you prefer to work in a team or alone:

a) it’s easier and more pleasant for me to work among people – 1 point;

b) I work better alone, people distract me - 2 points.

4. How do you prefer to relax:

a) I prefer a big, cheerful company, because I don’t like loneliness – 1 point;

b) it’s better to relax where less people, this is the only way you will gain strength - 2 points.

5. If you are assigned a new, complex case, you:

a) you won’t turn to anyone for advice, you are used to achieving everything on your own – 2 points;

b) be sure to ask knowledgeable people for help, because it should turn out well, but you are not very confident in your abilities - 1 point.

6. How do you feel about compliments:

a) with distrust and irritation:

these people clearly want something from me - 1 point;

b) with a smile and joy: I know that I deserve praise - 2 points.

7. If people on the streets stare at you, what do you think:

a) there’s something wrong with my clothes – 1 point;

b) people like to look at me -_____________________________

8. Do you think that the world is friendly or hostile towards you:

a) it seems to me that everyone likes me, no one dislikes me - 2 points;

b) the world is filled with enemies, and everyone needs something from me - 1 point.

9. People often fall in love with you:

a) constantly, and I’m very pleased with it - 2 points;

b) there is nothing special about me for everyone to like - 1 point.

10. If you are buying clothes:

a) you quickly choose what you are comfortable with and like – 2 points;

b) you can’t choose for a long time, you ask friends and are tormented by doubts - 1 point.

11. Will you defend your opinion if the majority disagrees with you:

a) of course I will, my opinion is always correct - 2 points;

b) I will not defend my opinion, even if I have no doubt that I am right: why waste energy? – 1 point.

12. How do you accept gifts:

a) gifts oblige a lot, so I’d better refuse them - 1 point;

b) I like to receive gifts and I like to give them in return - 2 points.

13. How do you deal with criticism:

a) criticism annoys me - 2 points;

b) I have to put up with criticism, because I am far from perfect - 1 point.

14. Answer honestly, you are talented:

a) perhaps I have talents, but they are deeply hidden - 1 point;

b) of course, I have many talents and various advantages - 2 points.

15. You try not to be fascinated by people, so as not to experience the bitterness of disappointment later:

a) yes, it is the only way protect yourself from worries - 1 point;

b) I don’t think about it - 2 points.

16. Would you like to go back in time and live your life differently:

a) yes, there are many things that I regret - 1 point;

b) no, I don’t need to correct the past, it can’t be better - 2 points.

Now let's count the points.

What did you get?

From 32 to 28 points

Pinocchio. His mood changes often and quickly, but most often he is cheerful. He is a lover of life, an optimist, and does not keep problems that burden his life in his head. At times he even seems frivolous. His inexhaustible charge of vivacity attracts people to him. He has a mobile psyche, he is able to instantly switch from one activity to another. This is a good ability that helps you quickly solve many problems. complex tasks. But Pinocchio switches too quickly, makes hasty decisions, does not have time to think, does not think about the risks and consequences, and often because of this ends up in difficult situations, especially if he comes across cunning opponents, like Alice the fox and Basilio the cat.

From 28 to 24 points

Malvina. She is also an optimist, but at the same time she is rational and looks at the world realistically. Her psyche is flexible enough to switch quickly, but at the same time Malvina has a sufficient degree of caution. She is thorough, although she does not fall into long thoughts that turn into worries. She has an easy-going, outgoing character, although some may blame her for being too practical. Malvina manages to accomplish a lot and achieve a lot more than others. And if she is not too arrogant and uses the help of others, she will achieve even greater success.

From 24 to 20 points

Harlequin. More of a pessimist than an optimist. It takes a long time to harness, and its braking distance is long. Harlequin notices details, knows how to see risks even where everything seems smooth and even. He makes an excellent critic. Such a person is simply irreplaceable in a team. Some are annoyed by his tediousness, but this is not tediousness at all, but thoroughness. Harlequin is a wonderful partner, reliable both in his personal life and in business. But if he is betrayed or deceived, it takes him a very long time to come to his senses, and his distrust of the world increases.

From 20 points to 16

Pierrot. A congenital bore and pessimist. However, his tediousness is not due to harmfulness, but because he needs to recognize everything. He is slow-witted, a dreamer and a walking problem. It's hard for someone to live! Pierrot finds problems out of the blue everywhere - where Pinocchio simply won’t notice them, Malvina will quickly solve them, and Harlequin will make a monumental monograph out of them. Pierrot, like no one else, needs the support of the audience, but he is reserved, shy, and has a hard time getting along with people. In the modern world, Pierrot is saved by digital technologies. It is Pierrot who makes brilliant IT specialists. Under no circumstances send Pierrot to play football, especially since he, as a rule, is not eager to go there himself. If you are Pierrot, overcome your innate shyness and create a circle of true friends around you. They will help you solve problems that seem unsolvable to you. With the help of friends, you can accomplish much more.

Rule #4: Be honest with yourself.

Were you satisfied with the test results? Did you learn something new or confirm your previous knowledge and assumptions? Be that as it may, I would like to emphasize that all these characters are neither good nor bad. These categories are not subject to ratings. These are some innate qualities that are important to understand and acknowledge. It is very important to be honest with yourself!

But man is so constructed that even in his own eyes, and even more so in front of others, he wants to appear better, whiter and fluffier. Why is this dangerous? A person begins to set unrealistic tasks for himself, and having failed to complete them, he is upset that he again did not manage to do anything, which means that self-esteem falls, the value of what he has done decreases, and as a result there is a feeling that life has failed.

How to take into account personality structure when drawing up a plan?

Malvina and Pinocchio are better off making a plan with an excessive number of points. They won’t worry if they haven’t completed something, and will easily put off until tomorrow what absolutely had to be done today. But if their lists are long, they won’t forget anything and won’t miss important details.

But Harlequin and Pierrot need to make short plans, consisting of three to five points. They definitely need to allow time for drying and shrinking, for braking and acceleration. But acceleration and braking must be limited, otherwise nothing will come of it other than acceleration, and the braking will be so long that you will forget why you braked. Even the slowest and dreamiest Pierrot can fulfill three points of the plan, and completed points always help to increase his own importance.

As you carry out your plan, don’t forget to give yourself pluses! Plus signs written on paper increase self-esteem. When setting yourself any life task, be sure to take into account your personality structure, then it will be easier and more interesting for you to solve it.

Rule No. 5. Figure out what's eating up your time.

A certain honesty and even courage are required to admit to ourselves what is the enemy of our routine. As a rule, every person knows this. He knows, but neglects this knowledge. But in vain! Until we deal with our sins, we cannot talk about any personal time management.

Some people drown in social networks and can spend the whole working day there, and then the evening. Others cannot stop immersing themselves in search engines; they make so many requests that they end up forgetting why they dived into the World Wide Web. Still others have become devotees of gambling on the stock exchanges and spend hours gambling, hoping to make a quick million. And how many fans of computer games there are!

I'm not suggesting that you suddenly cancel all this. I am sure that everything you do is necessary to one degree or another. But let's think about how much it should be. Let's find an adequate place for each activity in your plan. To do this, we will do the following work.

Indicate the activity that takes too much time. Remember to be honest with yourself!


Answer the questions in writing:

1. What does this activity give you?


2. Is this important to you? Don't rush to answer. Think carefully!


3. What will you lose if you stop doing this?


4. Can you refuse this type of pastime?


5. If you can’t give up completely, how much time can you allow yourself to spend on it?


Finally, answer yourself honestly to the most main question: What are you trying to replace with activities that consume your time? Why are you putting so much effort and time into it? the right activity? Most likely, you are doing this because you are missing something in your life. What? What in your life are you dissatisfied with? What would you like to change? What's stopping you from changing your life? Answer these questions honestly!


Having dealt with these questions, you can not only get more done, but also make your life more interesting, brighter, more meaningful and more successful.

Rule #6: Develop an Inner Sense of Time

To get more done, you need to be able to stop in time with one type of work and switch to another, and for this you need to sense the time. Alas, it’s not only happy hours that don’t notice. An internal sense of time is a special gift, and not every person has such an ability. But I am convinced that every person will be able to develop this ability if they direct their thoughts in this direction.

It was said about the German philosopher Immanuel Kant that he could tell the time at any moment without looking at his watch. From birth he was frail and weak, and in order to live a long and full life, followed a strict schedule. Friends made fun of his pedantry, but he was still the winner - he lived for eighty years. And this is in the eighteenth century, when the average human life expectancy was approximately forty years. So let's follow Kant's example and learn to feel time.

Keep track of time, no matter what you do. Constantly look at your watch and record the time. The question “What time is it?” shouldn't take you by surprise. If you don’t know for sure, then tell me at least approximately. If you start doing something that might get you excited and you forget to look at the clock, set an alarm in advance. If you're starting to play, set a timer for, say, ten minutes. After ten minutes, you need to stop the game and do something else, more important. If you are doing work, then set a timer for forty-five to fifty minutes. After fifty minutes, it is useful to take a short break, about five minutes. Or take up another activity.

For Harlequins and Pierrot, it is better to set the alarm clock twice: the first ring is a warning that the lesson must be completed in ten minutes. The second call is already final. During these ten minutes, the brain will prepare to complete the next process. This preparation will relieve the stress of sudden braking, which some people are very afraid of. By the way, this technique will be useful not only for Harlequins and Pierrot, but also for Pinocchio and Malvinas. This technique will help you better collect your thoughts and not be late for anything.

It is very useful to learn to sense time during a conversation. Especially if your line of work requires you to perform somewhere. Do you know how to comply with regulations? I very often take part in various " round tables", conferences. Alas, I very rarely meet speakers who know how to fit into the allotted time. It's a pity! This skill is a sign of business culture. Not to mention that it makes it possible to accomplish more.

If you want to learn how to regulate your speech, I highly recommend practicing with a voice recorder. Let's say you need to speak at a meeting. Record your speech. Try to complete it in the shortest amount of time possible. Listen to what happened. The exercise will be beneficial to you in every way.

To develop an internal sense of time, it is also useful to time what you do. For example, I conduct trainings and describe how many minutes each exercise, each task lasts. And I don’t schedule it like that: five minutes for this task, ten minutes for the next. So you won't be able to understand where your ten minutes begin and where they end. I time my trainings like this: start at 13:00. And then I start counting down. 13.05–13.25 – one exercise. 13.25–13.40 – next exercise and so on. I always finish my trainings at a precise time, because I understand: after the training, my clients have other things to do, they need to get from me everything they paid for and go into life with new knowledge.

Try to do the same in your work, it may be useful to you.

Natalia Jeremic

Time management for women. How to keep up with everything



Time management - the art of managing time

Why don't you get anything done?

Life is not a swing

If it's tobacco

Here comes the "frog"

The elephant move in the fight against mentality

Carrot and stick method

First step to success


Learn to say no

Say no only once

We do not care

Delegating tasks

What is most important

What's more important today

With a long view

Second step to success


How to learn to manage yourself

Look to the root

Change of world view

Not only to receive, but also to give

Moment of truth

Life guidelines

Setting Long-Term Goals

Specification is a necessary thing

Third step to success



Flexible or contextual planning

Day – week – year

Solving routine problems

How many minutes does it take to wash the floor?

Little secrets

The fourth step to success


The most important thing is the weather in the house

No one needs to know that you are a career woman.

Organize family time

Fifth step to success



Planning household chores

Immutable Truths

Examples from life (positive and not so positive)

It's easier to be a man

Sixth step to success



Time sinks

How to take into account the garbage time coefficient

when planning


Data Measurement

Typical time waster

How to find time for time management

Seventh step to success



I'm late - don't rush

Precision is the politeness of queens

Force majeure

Creativity and self-discipline go together

Save time

Eighth step to success


The best rest is sleep

Relaxing at work

Ninth step to success




Wise allocation of time is the basis for activity.

Jan Amos Comenius

I will take the liberty of continuing the aphorism by saying that wise distribution of time is the basis and peace of mind– when everything necessary is done and there is time left for rest and communication, a person receives enormous satisfaction and lives in harmony with himself and others.

However, you were among the readers of this book, and this means that not everything is going smoothly for you. At work, hundreds of unfinished tasks hang like a sword of Damocles, and at home, like the famous heroine of Korney Chukovsky Fedora: “A woman would cook cabbage soup, but go and look for a saucepan!” At night, instead of sleeping, you intensely remember what you didn’t have time to do during the past day: “I sent faxes, bought sausage, cooked dumplings, was late for a meeting with a client, but got there, ironed my husband’s shirt, checked my son’s homework... Oh God! My son has school tomorrow birthday, but no gift!" You begin to compose excuses for the morning (one for your son, the other for your husband, because your husband will reproach you not only for falling behind family life, but also in two folds on the sleeve of his shirt). After an almost sleepless night, having somehow coped with family troubles, you rush to work, naturally, late, which infuriates your boss, and at the same time you need to manage to persuade him to let you go early today for your son’s birthday.

Even if the story differs from yours, it’s probably not by much. Sighing, you will complain about the bitter lot of women. However, you can change any situation. Have you tried it and it didn’t work? You may have chosen the wrong path.

Don't look for a panacea for all misfortunes. Stop and think: are you in control of time or is it in control of you? Do you create your life or does it control you? Are you manipulating circumstances or vice versa? Surely you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and no one appreciates or even notices this, and the reproaches of others do not let you sleep at night. You have the power to change everything. In this book you will find the answer to the question of how to do this. Be patient and use your willpower when you decide to put into practice the theory described here, and the results will follow.

You will become familiar with the concept of “time management”, learn to succeed at work and not deprive your household of attention, learn the secrets of a successful business and delicious dinners prepared on time. Finally, you will learn the most important thing: how not to get hurt yourself while restoring the balance between work and family. A woman’s main weapon is her charm, which must be preserved, as well as the foundation of everything – her own health. You will learn how to relax properly, take care of yourself and still manage to do everything.

You are a woman, therefore, just as there is female logic, female psychology, there is also a female model of time management, which differs from the generally accepted one. The man’s task is to organize primarily the working and free time. The woman also has a kitchen, laundry, cleaning, checking the children's homework, as well as a solarium, massage, cosmetologist and hairdresser. Your task is to learn not to rush around, but to cope with all these matters in a timely manner.

After reading this book, you will learn how to learn how to properly manage the invaluable capital called “time”.

Chapter 1


time management - the art of managing time

Time management today is not just a fashionable expression. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and ordinary people. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. Not many people know what they are doing scientific work, and especially aware of what this science is called, so first let’s understand the terminology.

Time management is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time costs in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use a person’s life time in accordance with his goals and values.

Time management is the whole system organizing time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only how to set goals, but also how to achieve them by properly managing your work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results, as they often act haphazardly.

The modern rhythm of life does not always provide the opportunity to spend an evening in the company of an interesting book. In this material, you will learn how to devote more time to reading if it seems that you have no time at all.

Reading is not an overly complicated activity - you just sit down in a chair, pick up a book and start reading. But the main question is to find time for this. The problem gets worse if you're a big reader or if the book you're reading is incredibly exciting. Then a regular metro ride from home to work will clearly not be enough for you. If you think it's about reading speed, stop thinking - research has proven that fast reading less effective in terms of information perception.

More recently, journalist Patrick Allan examined the problem of lack of time to read books and came to the following conclusion: you can correct the situation with the help of a few simple rules. “I realized that I don’t read much because my room is completely unsuitable for this: the lamp is too inconvenient relative to the bed, so I have to get up to turn it on or off, but most importantly, I have a TV hanging right in front of the bed. Why read when you can fall asleep listening to a popular TV show?” says the journalist.

To spend more time reading, Patrick explains, try to make the whole process easier. When you are less distracted and comfortable with a book in your hands, your reading will be more effective. Patrick redecorated his room to make it easier to read: “I moved the lamp and adjusted the bed to make it easier to read while lying down. I moved the TV to another room, so now I can only do three things here: read, listen to music or sleep.” In addition, the journalist said that he got into the habit of leaving his phone away from himself so as not to be distracted by constant notifications while reading.

In addition to reading at home, Patrick changed his reading habits outside the home. “I realized that I almost always have a free minute, and I began to constantly take an e-book with me. Now, whenever I have a free minute, I read a few pages instead of scrolling through Twitter or depressing news,” he says. “You can, of course, read electronic versions of books on your smartphone, but I think that, most likely, you will be distracted by other applications.” Audiobooks can also be useful if you want to absorb information while working out at the gym or driving.

The journalist advises you to stop reading if you don't like the book. “I used to try to finish all the books I started, even if I didn’t really like them. I hoped that it would become more interesting as the story progressed, and I believed that if I quit a book halfway through, I would become someone who would not be able to finish it. But this is complete bullshit. A book is no different from a TV series or movie. After all, if you don’t like the series, you simply stop watching it. It should be the same with a book. Don’t waste time on things that don’t bring you pleasure,” he explains his decision.

Books should be fun, you shouldn't force yourself to read them. So when you read interesting book, you will definitely find time to read a few more pages.

Another piece of advice from Patrick is to read no more. three books simultaneously. He says that he cannot read only one book - he immediately gets bored and wants to switch to something else. But at some point, Patrick realized that he was reading too many books at the same time. “I noticed that there were so many books that reading began to become a chore again,” he says. Therefore, Patrick decided to reduce their number to three - this way he finishes each of them faster or realizes that it does not bring him pleasure and replaces it with the next one.

Patrick's last piece of advice is to talk about books with your friends. Surely you watch TV series and films that your friends recommended to you. So it's quite simple - the more you talk about the books you read, the more you read yourself.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, a person has to study all his life. Information becomes outdated too quickly these days. To always keep abreast of events, you need to read a lot and often. Fiction improves your speech. Books on pedagogy and psychology will teach you how to be a good parent and how to communicate correctly with people. Literature on running a business is essential for entrepreneurs. Any book will give an interesting and useful information, which can be used throughout life.

The most common reason for not reading is lack of time. However, in most cases, not having an extra hour is nothing more than a convenient excuse. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to calculate how many hours it takes to surf the Internet and watch TV. Meanwhile, time spent on your favorite TV series or social media, remains wasted time.

You can read not only at home. During the day there will be a huge number of free minutes.

Take it with you

There are lunch breaks at work. In addition, residents of modern megacities spend a huge number of hours in all kinds of queues. All this time can be devoted to reading. Even something as unpleasant as a traffic jam will seem more pleasant if you take a book with you. It is advisable that the reader standing in a traffic jam is not driving.

Before bedtime

A quarter of an hour of reading or a little more can be allocated before bed if you replace watching action and horror movies with a book. Stories about maniacs and monsters will give nothing but nightmares. Reading is peaceful and calming. In addition, information received by the brain shortly before falling asleep is absorbed much better. This feature of the brain can be used in cases where it is necessary to remember something without much effort. new material.

Instead of sleep

Some people use their commute to get some sleep. A subway car is not the best place to recuperate. You can sleep through your stop. You need to rest at home, but the best time to read is on the subway.

Comfort and convenience

The reading process should be as comfortable as possible, otherwise your eyes will quickly get tired. It should also be taken into account that transport during rush hour is usually crowded. This means that an ordinary book can cause inconvenience.


The electronic version is much more convenient than the paper version. It takes up less space. You can carry a whole collection of books with you and forget about visiting a regular library. To avoid buying a device, use a phone or smartphone on which a special “reader” program is installed. The program allows you to choose a convenient font size, make notes and set bookmarks. The phone is much smaller than the e-reader. It is convenient to hold it in one hand, grasping the handrail in transport with the other. Most popular books can be downloaded online for free or purchased in special online stores.

“Read” with your ears

Audiobooks are suitable for auditory learners, that is, people who perceive information auditorily rather than visually. Reading in moving vehicles is not always convenient. The reader is forced to move his finger along the sheet so as not to lose the place where he just stopped and not return to what he has already read. An audiobook gives you the opportunity to truly relax. You simply insert the disc into the player, put on headphones and listen to the announcer's voice. This kind of “reading” does not tire your eyes and allows you to fully relax in transport. Audiobooks are also suitable for those who have vision problems. Visually impaired people are not recommended to read in a dimly lit subway car or a swaying bus.

Every “avid” reader has a certain set of habits. Some of them should be encouraged. Others need to be gotten rid of.

One of the most bad habits– read several books at the same time. In order to have time to learn as much as possible, many readers take on studying 2-3 or more works. This kind of reading is not helpful. Information is not assimilated, the contents of books are confused. It is much better to pay attention to one piece at a time.

Reading on the toilet doesn't count either. good habit. This is one of the dirtiest rooms in the apartment, and you need to spend as little time here as possible. The book distracts from concentration on natural physiological processes. You should never read while eating. Time, of course, needs to be saved and spent wisely. However, eating is not a time when you need to do several things at the same time. When distracted by reading or watching TV, you have no control over the amount you eat.

Good habits will help make reading more productive. It is useful to write down the books you read. Keep a general notebook, a reading diary. The list will gradually be replenished, which will captivate the reader even more. In addition, a reading diary will help you not to repeat yourself, that is, not to pick up a book you’ve ever read a second time. Opposite each book you can make notes: liked it, didn’t like it, read other works by this author, etc.

Another option is possible reader's diary: see a list of books you need to read. In order for the notebook to be replenished, you need to regularly take an interest in new book releases. The process of crossing out another book you read can be a great pleasure.

Communication with like-minded people will help you stay up to date with events in the world of literature. To do this, you need to join the appropriate club or start your own. Club members can take turns holding meetings in their homes after reading each work. Sharing impressions will help you better remember the book’s material, plot, and character names. A literary club can be purely family-oriented. It’s good if representatives of all generations are included in the game, especially children, who should be taught to read from the very beginning. early age. If the book turns out to be interesting enough, a home performance based on the work should be staged. Children will certainly appreciate their parents' creativity and the opportunity to express themselves as an actor.

Not all works grab you from the first page. You shouldn't make hasty conclusions after the first chapter. The book seems boring, but you need to read it to the end. And the more boring the work, the firmer the confidence should be that it will be completed. You need to be able to bring any undertaking to a victorious conclusion. Reading is an opportunity to train yourself to be patient.

Try new things

If you are only used to detective stories, try reading romance novels or science fiction. You shouldn’t limit yourself and “get hung up” on one thing. Changing the genre significantly broadens your horizons. You will discover a lot of new and interesting things, you will find treasures that you never even knew existed before.

Wise allocation of time is the basis for activity.

Jan Amos Comenius

I will take the liberty to continue the aphorism by saying that wise distribution of time is the basis of peace of mind - when everything necessary is done and there is time left for rest and communication, a person receives enormous satisfaction and lives in harmony with himself and others.

However, you were among the readers of this book, and this means that not everything is going smoothly for you. At work, hundreds of unfinished tasks hang like a sword of Damocles, and at home, like the famous heroine of Korney Chukovsky Fedora: “A woman would cook cabbage soup, but go and look for a saucepan!” At night, instead of sleeping, you intensely remember what you didn’t manage to do during the past day: “I sent faxes, bought sausage, cooked dumplings, was late for a meeting with a client, but got there, ironed my husband’s shirt, checked my son’s homework... Oh my God! It’s my son’s birthday tomorrow, but there’s no gift!” You begin to compose excuses for the morning (one for your son, the other for your husband, because your husband will reproach you not only for the fact that you are behind family life, but also for the two folds on the sleeve of his shirt). After an almost sleepless night, having somehow coped with family troubles, you rush to work, naturally, late, which infuriates your boss, and at the same time you need to manage to persuade him to let you go early today for your son’s birthday.

Even if the story differs from yours, it’s probably not by much. Sighing, you will complain about the bitter lot of women. However, you can change any situation. Have you tried it and it didn’t work? You may have chosen the wrong path.

Don't look for a panacea for all misfortunes. Stop and think: are you in control of time or is it in control of you? Do you create your life or does it control you? Are you manipulating circumstances or vice versa? Surely you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and no one appreciates or even notices this, and the reproaches of others do not let you sleep at night. You have the power to change everything. In this book you will find the answer to the question of how to do this. Be patient and use your willpower when you decide to put into practice the theory described here, and the results will follow.

You will become familiar with the concept of “time management”, learn to succeed at work and not deprive your household of attention, learn the secrets of a successful business and delicious dinners prepared on time. Finally, you will learn the most important thing: how not to get hurt yourself while restoring the balance between work and family. A woman’s main weapon is her charm, which must be preserved, as well as the foundation of everything – her own health. You will learn how to relax properly, take care of yourself and still manage to do everything.

You are a woman, therefore, just as there is female logic, female psychology, there is also a female model of time management, which differs from the generally accepted one. A man’s task is to organize predominantly working and free time. The woman also has a kitchen, laundry, cleaning, checking the children's homework, as well as a solarium, massage, cosmetologist and hairdresser. Your task is to learn not to rush around, but to cope with all these matters in a timely manner.

After reading this book, you will learn how to learn how to properly manage the invaluable capital called “time”.

Motivation: how to overcome reluctance

Time management - the art of managing time

Time management today is not just a fashionable expression. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and ordinary people. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. Not many people know that they are engaged in scientific work, much less know what this science is called, so first we will understand the terminology.

Time management is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time costs in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use a person’s life time in accordance with his goals and values.

Time management is a whole system for organizing time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only how to set goals, but also how to achieve them by properly managing your work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results, as they often act haphazardly.

To successfully plan time, you first need to learn how to manage it correctly and ensure that it becomes a habit.

Of course, someone may say that time is beyond people’s control and life often presents surprises that ruin all plans. This statement is true. No wonder there is a wise saying: don’t make plans, don’t make God laugh. However, life's surprises are somewhat predictable. Agree: even if something planned was not accomplished, at the end of the day, along with remorse, there is also a feeling of satisfaction that part of the plans became a reality.

This happens when a person has made every effort to get everything done. It’s another matter when you haven’t implemented anything you planned because all your time at work is spent on coffee breaks, conversations with colleagues and smoke breaks.

Time management will help in both the first and second cases, if you approach the issue with all responsibility.

To begin with, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. This is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need. Not many people do this, as a result of which people mismanage their time and then regret it.

This feeling has been familiar to man since ancient times. Time management is far from the only attempt to learn how to properly plan your own time. One of the first to be puzzled by this was the man whose portrait took its rightful place on the hundred-dollar bill - Benjamin Franklin. It was his system of distribution of goals and tasks that became the basis for the development of modern time management.

The methodology is based on four basic principles.

1. Plan, otherwise they will plan you. You can manage only if you have a specific plan, a vision of your future.

2. Time is the most valuable resource. Since it cannot be stretched, accumulated or added, the only solution is its intelligent organization so as, as Rudyard Kipling said, “to fill the inexorable minute with sixty full seconds.”

3. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the main from the secondary. Time management implies the distribution of working time into strictly regulated (must be done) and soft (it is advisable to do, but if urgent matters arise, it can be postponed).

4. Only methodical adherence to a given course can lead a person to his goal.

Remember these principles and try to follow them at all costs. Time management should not be assumed to involve rigid planning. The philosophy of time management is different: people cannot be free in everything: if a person wants to gain freedom in one thing, he must limit it in another. For example, if you want to be able to quit your job at any time and escape from the hustle and bustle - go to the countryside, closer to nature, then first you must make your business process ideal, working like clockwork. Time management allows you to free up time for what you would most like to spend it on. This is a tool for setting life goals and spending time to achieve them. Time management is the study of allocating time for the most important things in life, and the sooner you learn its secrets, the richer and more interesting each day will be.