Notes middle group February 23 speech development. Summary of direct educational activities on communicative development in the middle group Topic: “Defender of the Fatherland Day. Progress of directly organized educational activities

Educational objective: create conditions for the formation of knowledge about the environment, give an idea of Russian army, its role in defending the Motherland, introduce some military professions.

Developmental task: develop the ability to maintain a conversation, be inquisitive, active.

Educational task: instill a sense of pride in one’s homeland, instill respect for people in military professions.

Integration educational areas.

Speech development: continue, based on enriching knowledge about the environment, expand and intensify lexicon, develop coherent speech when retelling a text, the ability to answer questions, read a poem expressively.

Cognitive development: introduce children to the national holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day, develop curiosity, visual and auditory attention.

Social and communicative development: introduce preschoolers to festive culture, cultivate a sense of pride in their Fatherland, and respect for defenders.

Physical development: continue to develop motor activity, be able to perform movements in accordance with the text, and navigate in space.

Artistic and aesthetic development: strengthen the ability to react emotionally to a piece of music.

Form of work:conversations, didactic games, reading fiction, organizing an exhibition of military equipment.

Equipment and materials: clearly - didactic material“Defenders of the Fatherland”, pictures: tank, plane, helicopter, plot pictures from the series “Defenders of the Fatherland”.


(The song “Brave Boys” is played in the group room)

Educator:Dear Guys! On February 23, we will celebrate the wonderful holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

Look, I have prepared pictures, let's name who is depicted in them:

Children's answers. (sailor, submariner, paratrooper, pilot, tanker, border guard).

Educator: How can you say in one word who is depicted on them?

Children's answers (defenders of the Fatherland).

Educator:Let's talk about some of them. Listen, I'll tell you about the tank driver: he's a tank driver, he controls the tank, he's wearing military uniform, he has a helmet on his head for protection, he writes down all the important data in a notebook, he is brave and courageous. Who wants to retell my story.

Children, if desired, retell the teacher’s story.

Educator:Listen to the story about the border guard: these are border guards, they guard the borders of our Motherland, trained dogs help them in this, one border guard looks through binoculars to find out if the enemy has appeared, guarding the border is difficult and dangerous. Who wants to retell my story.

Children retell the teacher’s story if they wish).

Educator:Now guess my riddles:

It takes off without acceleration and resembles a dragonfly.

It will spin, spin, and fly into the sky. (helicopter).

What kind of bird does it sing?

It doesn’t build nests, it carries people and cargo. (airplane)

A turtle crawls - a steel shirt. (tank).

How to call these items in one word? (military equipment).

Let's come to our exhibition of military equipment. (viewing the exhibition).

Physical education minute: (movements through the text)

The soldiers lined up and are ready to go to the parade.

Like soldiers on parade, we march row after row.

Left - one, left - one, look at us all.

We clapped our hands, together, more cheerfully,

Our feet pounded louder and faster.

Let's hit you on the knees, hush, hush, hush,

We raise our arms higher, higher, higher.

Our arms spun and dropped.

We circled around and stopped.

(Knock on the door)

Dunno came to visit.

Dunno:Hello guys! I really love holidays, especially when they give gifts. Yesterday the girls from Flower City gave me a card and a souvenir, and I don’t even know what kind of holiday it is.

Educator:Do our guys know what holiday we celebrate?

Children's answers.

Educator:Correct, you and I live in a huge country that has a name. What is the name of the country in which we live?

Children's answers

Educator:Our country has an army. Why does Russia need an army?

Children's answers

Poem reading:

Our army is dear and brave and strong,

She doesn’t threaten anyone, she protects the world.

Dunno:But now there is no war, what does the army do in peacetime?

(children's answers)

Let's play the game "Who does what?"

What does a military pilot do? (controls a plane)

What does a tanker do? (tanker rides a tank)

What does a paratrooper do? (paratrooper jumps from a parachute), etc.

Dunno:Where do border guards guard the border? (on the land)

Who guards the water border? (submariners, sailors)

Who guards the air border? (military pilots)

Educator:Dunno, the guys want to tell you a riddle.

He is familiar to all the guys, and he wears a helmet with an eagle.

Behind his back is a rifle, marching very deftly. (soldier)

Educator:What qualities should a defender have?

Children's answers.

EducatorLet's play the "Yes or No" game. I'll check how attentive you are!

Is our army strong? (Yes)

Does she protect the world? (Yes)

Will the boys join the army? (Yes)

Will they take the girls with them (no)

Is there a pilot standing on the border? (No)

Does he fly higher than a bird? (Yes)

Are we celebrating a holiday soon? (Yes)

Mom, congratulations to the girls? (No)

Is peace more important than anything else? (Yes)

Do even children know this? (Yes)

Well done!


Guys, let's remember what holiday we talked about today?

Who serves in the army?

What else did you like from our conversation? (children highlight interesting moments)

Well done guys, today we helped Dunno learn about the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday.

Target: compiling a descriptive story about people in military professions.


1. Educational: develop the ability to describe a person in the military profession based on questions and pictures;

2.​ Developmental: teach to name different kinds troops; develop the ability to use instrumental case nouns; develop the ability to correctly use singular and plural verbs; develop the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns.

3.​ Educators: to cultivate patriotism, respect for the army and the people who defend our country.

Equipment: subject and plot pictures on the topic.

Progress of the lesson

Org moment

Speech therapist: The holiday is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who do you think is the defender of the Fatherland? Why do we need it? (these are the military who protect and defend our Motherland)

The game “Who Serves Where?”

Speech therapist: Let's remember what military professions exist. I'll start the sentence and you finish it.

Sailors serve at sea

In the sky, the Motherland is pilots

At the border, the Motherland is border guards

IN airborne troops serve...paratroopers

In the tank forces, the Motherland is defended by...tankers

In the artillery they serve...gunners (loads, fires cannons)

The cavalry consists of... cavalrymen (they fight on horses)

The infantry serves...infantrymen

Game "Who does what?"

Speech therapist: Let's remember what the military is doing, what they are doing. I name a profession, and you say what this person does.

The pilot controls the plane, holds the helm, and conducts tests.

Border guard guards the border, talks on a walkie-talkie, looks through binoculars.

Captain of a warship- stands on the captain's bridge, looks through binoculars, gives commands.

Tank driver - controls the tank, switches levers, looks through the sight.

Game “Who do I want to become?”

Speech therapist: Now let's name who you would like to become. The child chooses a picture depicting a person in the military profession and names who he wants to be

“I will be a border guard...paratrooper, pilot, tank driver, etc.”

Game "What troops?"

Speech therapist: There are different types of troops. For example, pilots serve in the flying forces.

And what kind of tankers? tank forces

And the border the border troops

And the paratroopers... in the airborne troops

And the the infantry troops artillery troops

Game "Who needs what?"

Speech therapist: Now I will show you pictures of military equipment, and you tell me who needs it.

Who needs a tank... a tank driver

Someone needs a gun... an artilleryman

Someone needs a machine infantryman

Who needs binoculars...border guard

Who needs a parachute...a paratrooper

Someone needs a plane... a pilot


Speech therapist: Now, guys, stand in a circle and show how beautifully you can march. The speech therapist reads a poem, and the children march to the beat.

One, two, in step,

Three, four, step harder.

Soldiers go to the parade

And they take a step together.

"Count it"

Speech therapist: Let's count our military equipment. The speech therapist shows a picture of military equipment and a number. The child needs to correctly name the amount of equipment.

Writing a descriptive story.

Speech therapist: And now we will compose a beautiful story about a man of the military profession. The speech therapist shows a description diagram.

Speech therapist: First you need to name the one who is drawn in the picture. Then tell him what he does, what he needs for work. At the end, you must say what kind of work this person has (dangerous, difficult, important work).

Children take turns writing a descriptive story.

Summary of the lesson.

The speech therapist evaluates children's work in a differentiated manner.

Summary of the organized educational activities on familiarization with the outside world and development of speech in middle group:
Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Teacher Gevorkyan Svetlana Grigorievna
Target: to form children’s ideas about the army; continue to develop conversational speech.
Educational objectives:
- continue to form children’s ideas about the branches of the military,
about the features military service;
Developmental tasks:
- develop attention, memory, logical thinking;
- stimulate children’s speech activity and hand motor skills;
- strengthen teamwork skills.
Educational tasks:
- cultivate patriotic feelings.
Material used:
pictures depicting various branches of the military;
illustrations showing the everyday life of the army - soldiers training in the gym, on the obstacle course, at the training ground, etc.;
pictures for the game “Third Man”;
toys (tanks, planes, guns, ship).
Vocabulary work:
introduction to the active vocabulary of new concepts and words: duty, defender, service, Fatherland, army, border, pilot, sailor, artilleryman, infantryman, missileman, submariner, military equipment. 1.Organizational moment
A march sounds. Children independently examine illustrations on the Army theme; photographs and pictures of warriors. Everyone chooses a toy. They sit down on chairs.
2.Introduction to the topic
Guys, today we will talk about the army. February 23 is a very important holiday that is celebrated in our country. It is called Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who do you think the Defenders of the Fatherland are? (children's answers). Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors, soldiers who defend their Motherland, their people from attacks by enemies from other countries. Soldiers are united by commanders into the Army. Every country, every people has its own army. Our country Russia also has its own army. The soldiers of this army have repeatedly defended their people from attacks. The army consists of different types of troops. Every boy, when he grows up, will become a warrior, soldier or general. They are brave, brave. Look at these pictures (illustrations depicting various types of troops are displayed.) Who is depicted here? (answers). That's right, these are all warriors, soldiers of different branches of the military. Warriors know how to shoot. They are jumping with a parachute. They fly on airplanes, sail on warships.
3. Main part.
You have toys in your hands, these are military equipment.
What is the name of the toy (equipment)? Who controls it?
Sample answers:
- I have a tank, it is driven by a tank driver.

I have a plane. A pilot is flying in an airplane.
- I have a gun. An artilleryman fires from a cannon.
- I have a ship. The ship is controlled by a captain.
As the conversation progresses, the children look at photographs depicting different branches of the military, a military parade, and military equipment. Children answer questions in detail and complement each other.
- That's right, these are tank crews, sailors, artillerymen, pilots, border guards.
You named everyone correctly - these are different types of troops.
- Why do you think so many types of troops are needed? (answers).
If an army has different types of troops, such an army is strong: it can
protect your country at sea, on land and in the air.
- Guys, guess the riddles about the army:
A bird is flying - a fable (airplane).
A turtle crawls, a steel shirt (tank).
There are no wings, but this bird will fly and land (rocket).

Physical education minute:
Globe (showing with hands)
We'll go around (marching)
We’ll find a lot of friends there (hands in lock).
Let's sail on the ocean (a boat with two hands floats)
We are with the brave captain (helm).
We will travel around the whole world (bicycle with our hands).
But for now it’s a secret (finger to lips).

The game "Third Wheel" is played
Pilot, tanker, football player.
Airplane, tank, parachutist.
Automatic, pistol, tanker
Captain, gunner, ship.

Didactic game “Find out the type of troops.”
On the table are images of soldiers of various branches of the military. The teacher makes a wish for one of them. Children ask questions to the teacher, trying to guess who he wished for. You can only answer yes or no (then the game is played with one of the children as the leader).

Learning a poem:
Our army is dear
And brave and strong.
Doesn't threaten anyone
She protects us.

- Guys, why do you think the army is needed in peacetime? (answers).
The army must always be combat-ready to repel enemy attacks.
What do soldiers in the army do when there is no war? (is this time called peacetime? (answers).
To win, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, fast, and accurate. For this you need to train. Officers teach and train soldiers.
Now look at these pictures, they are about how soldiers live and train.
- What is shown in this picture?
(soldiers are working out in the gym: lifting weights, doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar). What is it for? (to be strong).
- What are the soldiers doing here? (soldiers learn to shoot).
What is it for? (to be accurate during battle).
- This picture shows an obstacle course.
What do soldiers do? (they run along a log, climb over a high wall, shoot, jump over a deep hole, go through fire). Why are they training here? (you need to be resilient during battle and be able to overcome various obstacles).

4. Summary of the lesson.
- Well done boys. Let's remember once again what holiday we talked about today? (February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day).
- Who is this holiday dedicated to? (military: sailors, border guards, tank crews, pilots)
-What do you need to do to become like them? (serve in the army, train a lot, be brave, strong, fast, accurate, fearless).
Children exchange toys, examine them, and play.

Responsible: music director V.I. Mishukova

Educator: Gavrilenko L.A.

Date: 02/20/2017

Summary of patriotic lessons in the middle group

on the theme “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Technologies used:

  • -Personally-oriented interaction between the teacher and children
  • -Health-saving
  • -Gaming
  • -Integrated lesson technology

Target: Fostering a patriotic attitude towards the Motherland and the army. Developing a sports spirit, instilling a healthy lifestyle


Social communicative development . Continue to introduce traditions and holidays. Foster patriotism. Create a festive mood. Clarify and expand knowledge about different types of troops. Continue to develop the desire for joint activities. Learn to act as a team, helping each other. To develop in children goodwill, a sense of mutual assistance and a desire to help.

Artistic and aesthetic development. To cultivate musical taste, a sense of rhythm, the desire to move at a pace to the music, to cultivate patriotic feelings when listening to musical compositions and singing songs.

Cognitive development . To clarify and expand children's knowledge about the various branches of the military, their distinctive features, destination. Develop memory, thinking, attention, observation.

Speech development . Form and activate a vocabulary on the topic “Army” through solving riddles and reading poetry.

Physical development . Develop motor activity, coordination of movements, large and fine motor skills both hands.

Integration of educational areas: physical and musical development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Types of children's activities: communicative, playful, motor.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the music, take a lap of honor, then sit down in their seats.


Guys, listen to the poem:

When there is ice on the rivers

And the blizzard rushes into the distance.

Brings us a wonderful holiday

Thoughtful February

The holiday of all soldiers will come,

Defenders, fighters.

Everyone will be happy to congratulate you

And grandfathers and fathers!


Guys, what holiday is the poem talking about? (answers) That’s right, soon our country will celebrate the holiday “Defenders of the Fatherland Day”.

Children sing the song "Good Soldiers"

Look how our hall is decorated. And what beautiful emblems you have, some children have airplanes, while others have tanks.

What are the names of troops with airplanes (answers), and with tanks (answers). Well done.

I propose to celebrate this holiday with competitions. Teams, line up. To the right, march at a pace.

Now the captains will introduce the teams to us (the children name their team in chorus)

1 boy : Our pilots are heroes, they vigilantly guard the sky,

Our pilots are heroes, protecting peaceful labor

2 boy : Our dear army guards the peace of the country.

So that we grow up without knowing troubles, so that there is no war.

Children sing the song “We will serve in the army”

Educator: Wonderful songs and poems about our valiant warriors, and what troops do you know? All of you, future defenders of the fatherland, who will tell me what “Fatherland” is? (answers) Let's see if you can stand up for our Motherland in difficult times? Tough challenges await you, are you ready?

Educator: To overcome all difficulties, valiant warriors need to be in good sports shape, and for this they start every morning with exercise. Let's get up for some fun exercises ( Musical composition"Fun exercise")

Perform movements to music

First task

Private . All soldiers know how to quickly dress, we call the captains and they will show us how they know how to quickly dress for formation (background music from the t/s “Soldiers”)

Dress in a vest and cap (two people)

Second task

Scouts. .You need to cross the front line to get information. The path is long and difficult, who will be able to cope with the task? (background music from TV series “In the Zone of Special Attention”)

They line up in two columns, crawling one by one under a rope with plastic objects tied to it.

Third task

Sappers . You need to deliver a secret package to the military headquarters, the path lies through a minefield that needs to be neutralized.

They run the distance from cone to cone. Between them there are 3 hoops that you need to move through yourself. When finished, sit on chairs.

Fourth task

Snipers . The enemy occupied an unnamed height, orders from headquarters: open fire to kill!

Throw sandbags at a vertical target.

Children perform a march at the DMI

Fifth task


Well done, you completed all the tasks. But soldiers must not only be strong, brave and resilient. They must also have the ability to quickly solve strategic problems.

Now let's check which of you can quickly guess riddles:

1. The plane soars like a bird.

There is an air border there.

On duty day and night

Our military soldier (pilot)

2. The car rushes into battle again.

Caterpillars are cutting the ground.

That car in the open field

Controlled (tanker)

3. He loves rocking at sea.

He walks quietly, swaying.

Sometimes he has an overgrown beard.

Old, valiant(sailor)

4. Any military profession,

You definitely need to study.

To be a support for the country,

So that there is no(wars)

Children perform the dance "Magic Flower"

Educator. Guys, I want to invite you to make gifts for our dads for the holiday of February 23rd.

Children sit at tables and do work according to the teacher’s plan.

(Children do their work to calm music)

Lesson summary .

Educator: Our holiday is coming to an end, you have shown your best qualities: strength, agility, endurance, knowledge, intelligence. We look at you with pride and believe that with such a change, our Motherland can be calm - you, worthy sons of the fatherland!

Praise be to the defenders of the fatherland!

There is no more reliable shield for the Motherland.

Let's wish them luck

And performing combat missions.

Russian warrior takes care

Peace and glory to our native country!

He is on duty and our people

Rightfully proud of the Army!

Teams line up. Step march.

They march to the march, and leaving the hall, they go to the group.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Defenders of the Fatherland”

Tasks :

Cognitive Development : to give children knowledge about the army, to form their first ideas about the branches of the military, aboutdefenders of the Fatherland .

Speech Development : enrich your vocabulary with new nouns andadjectives : parachutist, tanker, pilot.

Social - communicativeDevelopment : to cultivate a sense of pride in one’s army, to evoke a desire to be like strong, brave warriors, love for the Motherland, for loved ones, to cultivate kindness, the ability to make friends.

Preliminary work : examination of illustrations, pictures about warriors, military professions, conversations about the moral qualities of warriors.

Vocabulary work : Fatherland , Motherland, parachutist, tanker, helicopter pilot, pilot, cap.

GCD move:

Vos-l : Children, why do you think I asked you to bring photographs of your dads?

Children : because Father's Day is coming soon

Vos-l : What is the correct name of this holiday?

Children : Daydefenders of the Fatherland

Vos-l : That's right, very soon, on February 23, all our people will celebrate this holiday - Daydefenders of the Fatherland . Who are theydefenders of the Fatherland ?

Children : these are soldiers, fathers, grandfathers.

Vos-l : That's right, but our boys can be calleddefenders of the Fatherland ?

Children : Yes, because when they grow up they will also go to serve in the army.

Vos-l : Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors , whichprotect their people , your homeland,Fatherland from enemies .

Vos-l : How many of you know what the word Motherland means?Fatherland ?

Children : This is the place where a person was born and lives.

Vos-l : Right. Every country has an Army. Who serves in the Army?

Children : sailors, pilots, tank crews

Vos-l : Right,

“Our Army is dear and brave and strong,

Doesn't threaten anyoneshe protects the world ».

But now there is no war, what do soldiers do in peacetime?

Children : soldiers study, study military equipment, read

Vos-l : Let's look at photos of your dads and grandfathers together, sit back and let's look.

(slide show about dads and grandfathers)

Vos-l : Whose dad is this? Danil, tell us about dad

(children's stories about dads)

Vos-l : Guys, have you noticed that all the military have hats, what are they called?

Children : caps, caps

Vos-l : That's right, I have prepared a surprise for you today, let's see. Let's open the box, and there... Soldier's hats, can we try them on? put it on. Now you look like real soldiers. Show me how the soldiers walk

One two three four,

Three - four, one - two,

Who goes? - we are going!

Who sings? - we sing!

Who hardly walks together?

This is a small squad!

Vos-l : Well, the soldiers turned out wonderful, and now we’ll check what kind of people you areattentive :

Is our Army strong?(Yes)

She protects the world ? (Yes)

Will the boys join the Army?(Yes)

Will they take the girls with them?(Yes)

Are we celebrating a holiday soon?(Yes)

Mom, congratulations to the girls?(No)

Is peace more important than anything else?(Yes)

Do even children know this?(Yes)

Vos-l : Well done! Take a seat. Tell me guys what it should be likedefender of Motherland ?

Children : strong, brave, courageous, honest.

Vos-l : Our boys are now going to kindergarten, but years will pass and each of them will go to serve in the Army, choose any military profession, and there are a lot of them, let's take a look.

(slide show)

Vos-l : Who rides in a tank?

Children : tankman

Vos-l : Who jumps from a parachute?

Children : skydiver

Vos-l : Who serves on the border?

Children : border guard

Vos-l : Who flies a helicopter?

Children : helicopter pilot

Vos-l : Who serves in the missile forces?

Children : rocket scientist

Vos-l : Guys, now there are a lot of different military equipment in the army, but before it was like peopledefended their homeland ? Did they have technology?

Children : they were helped by swords, shields, horses, guns.

Vos-l : Well done! You and I looked at photographs of our fathers and grandfathers, but other children and adults did not see them, what should we do?

Children : show

Vos-l : Let's try together with you to arrange a photo exhibition with photographs of your dads and grandfathers, if you help me, we can handle it quickly. Well, then let's get to work, I have prepared the paper, help me.