Why is the truth hidden from people? Ancient artifacts of Siberia, which parasites hide from us and destroy. USA manipulates people's thoughts

Today, any sane person, thanks to the Internet, knows that the history of mankind has been written and rewritten hundreds of times to please the powers that be. IN this moment this is easy to observe even in the example of Ukraine, whose authorities are intensively rewriting history textbooks to suit their nationalist interests. However, not only Ukrainians, if you ask Americans who defeated Hitler in World War II, you will be surprised to hear that it was done by the valiant warriors of the United States; in America they simply have not heard about Russia’s role in liberating Europe from the brown plague of the twentieth century. (website)

However, few people know that the history of mankind has not just been rewritten - it has been invented from beginning to end, and such “correspondences” that we mentioned above are nothing more than the “whims” of people who have seized power in a particular country. In general, from childhood (from school) we are taught that we descended from a monkey, which took a stick in its hands and gradually began to turn into Homo sapiens relatively recently - no more than one hundred to two hundred thousand years ago.

Moreover, it does not surprise anyone that the remains of ancient people, such as Pithecanthropus and Neanderthals, are found by archaeologists extremely rarely; we are talking about dozens of bones found in different points The lands from which anthropologists reconstructed (as best they could) these supposed descendants modern man. At the same time, tens of tons of skeletons of giants, people with elongated skulls, and so on, are destroyed or hidden in the most hidden corners of museum storerooms. Why?

It is believed that the history of mankind has been rewritten by the Vatican, which tried to erase from people’s memory all memories of the previous bright civilization, in which there was no today’s obscurantism and the omnipotence of a handful of rich people over billions of powerless people. Moreover, that “wild paganism” is presented as a transitional stage to a modern “civilized society”.

Since people are gradually becoming wiser and gaining insight, since the 20th century academicians of all stripes have been involved in fooling people. It is they who declare any objects and archaeological finds that do not fit into the invented history of mankind as “inconvenient artifacts” and therefore try with all their might to hide, destroy, and distort their essence.

For example, historians prove to us that the elongated skulls of the Indians are a fashion, following the canons of beauty. However, the main thing is kept silent - where did such canons come from, who did the Indians imitate? The same thing happens with six-fingered skeletons; scientific orthodoxies are unable to explain this fact, and therefore simply destroy such archaeological finds that they do not like. At the same time, the British, for example, still count everything in dozens, that is, their measure is not 10, but 12 units. Where does it come from? And there are a lot of such examples. Today, for example, it is interesting to observe how independent researchers are bringing to the light of day more and more evidence of an ancient, brighter and more developed civilization.

But why do some conspiracy theorists think the Vatican is to blame for all this? They proceed from the fact that all Christian churches were built over “pagan objects” - in places of power and, perhaps, even over spatial portals that were erected by aliens, whom the Vatican cleverly turned into their gods, and simply hid all their traces. And he rewrote the history of mankind. It is no coincidence that, for example, a highly developed Slavic people- descendants of Hyperborea and much more. All that remained was what the Vatican needed for unlimited domination over people. Whether this is true or not, today it is common knowledge that all the wisdom of our Earth, hidden from humanity, is stored in a secret (huge) secret. At the same time, as conspiracy theorists say, one must understand that the Vatican is not the Pope. The latter is only a protege, a public figure of this dark and enormous force that has turned humanity into a society of powerless and unhappy slaves...


The Way of Salvation (excerpt)

First of all, let us understand the most important and piercing Truth in its simplicity -




This is not esotericism, not dogmatic religious nonsense, but an immutable scientific fact- objective Truth, which is hidden from people by “the powers that be.” They hide it for selfish purposes, because they see this as a threat to their power - the right they arbitrarily assumed to kill and rob people, as they understand this power, and what they constantly do to us.

The most simple proof This is that the leading states of the planet have already spent many hundreds of millions of dollars on hiding the Truth about life in the Universe. And the rich never throw money away! If it weren't for real threat their power from this Truth, they would never spend a cent on it!

But they spend and continue to spend! There is life in the Universe, and this is a threat to them!

For thousands of years, people were driven into the pool of religious obscurantism, scientists were killed, burned at the stake, and when this became impossible, they changed tactics, continuing to lie to people the same way. All means have been used mass media(media), more precisely - mass media of disinformation, silence, blackmail, defamation, intimidation, all the power government agencies and their special services, and when this does not help, they use a proven method - murder... How much money have they spent on streams of lies about UFOs and extraterrestrial brothers in mind, how much have they ruined human destinies and lives, but admit to people the reality of the existence of UFOs and intelligent Extraterrestrials they are not going to live like that!

As before, the authorities either lie, or, at best, when no lie will help, and the facts have become the property of the people, they keep silent! They stubbornly keep silent!!!

Here is one of the "fresh" examples:

On November 16, 1974, SETI, one of the government-funded organizations in the “search” for Extraterrestrial life, sent a coded message into space. The message was transmitted from the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. The power of the message was 20 trillion watts and it could be received almost anywhere in our Galaxy, but it was sent to the star cluster M13, located 20 thousand light years away, almost at the edge of the Milky Way. Even if someone heard the message there, due to the limited speed of radio waves, we would not receive an answer for 40 thousand years.

It simply could not be otherwise - these organizations are not engaged in the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, but precisely in concealing the fact of its existence. Indeed, if they were looking for intelligence in the Universe, then why not send a signal in 1974 not “to hell with the middle of nowhere,” but to the nearest star cluster? And how well SETI did it - “Are you looking for Extraterrestrial Intelligence? We are serious about this and don’t spare any money: we sent a signal of enormous power. Expect an answer in 40,000 years...” Beautiful!

On August 14, 2001, near another radio telescope located in Chilbolton, near Wervel in Hampshire (UK), a stunning event occurred. Recent history Humanity: the answer of Extraterrestrial civilization to this message from Earth has arrived.

Two large and stunning images appeared in the grain field. In the style of the already well-known “cereal circles”, they are drawn using “mysteriously” crushed ears of corn. One of them looks like a message sent by earthlings in 1974, and the other is the face of a humanoid.

These images appeared on August 14, 2001 in Chilbolton, near Wervel, Hampshire (England). (Based on materials from the website www.psyopnews.com)

Has any Russian or other world news agency reported this?

Was there any official statement from the English government, or at least a hint of such a statement?

Was there at least some “squeak” about this from the leading space powers - Russia and the USA?

Has there been any statement from the international SETI organization regarding this?

But it was this organization that sent a message into space in 1974!

Nothing! There was nothing!!! And it couldn’t be otherwise -

The truth about life in the Universe is hidden from the people of Earth by their governments.

Governments lie to people!!!

And this is also an immutable fact! Iron!!! You can't refute it!!! Nothing!!!

This is the bitter Truth of our reality!

However, everything in the Universe is not so simple - we cannot see most of it, since it is multidimensional and exists in 6 material spaces, 3 of which are inhabited. These are not “astrals”, not some “astral” or ephemeral “subtle” worlds - there is nothing “subtle” there, but there are the same material spaces, like ours, where there is a starry sky, a Universe, inhabited by intelligent subjects of the planet - with the earth, water and trees, grass and birds. These spaces are connected with ours, forming a single multidimensional Universe, but their matter and the spaces themselves differ from ours in the spin factor, energy and linear coefficients. This is also an indisputable scientific fact.

My monograph “Worldview or the Return of Prometheus” gives the main provisions of the theory multidimensional space, tells about the Earth and the Universe, about the creation of the Earth's biosphere and man on it. This Knowledge became available to people back in May 2002, when the book came out of print, and was given to people in advance in preparation for the renewal of planet Earth and the Judgment of Humanity.

And although straight from the printing house in accordance with current standards I gave about 2 dozen copies of the book free of charge and sent them to the official government agencies of Russia according to the distribution specified by the standard; to this day they remain silent. And the book went to divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and to regulatory government organizations.

But so far no one, I repeat, no one from official scientific circles has decided to accept the challenge posed by the book! Nobody! Even the odious Committee on “Pseudoscience” of the Russian Academy is silent!

And none of these official government and so-called "scientific" government organizations will never be able to refute the facts presented in this book. Never!

For the Truth cannot be refuted, it can only be silenced. They are silent...

And not only for this reason - the Knowledge contained in the book is intended not for the world of Lies and Violence, which now reigns on Earth, but for the New World of Earth, which is replacing the dying civilization of Evil. The “kept scientists” of government agencies simply cannot understand them.

It is not possible for them to understand the Truth, since they serve Evil!

And whoever of them understands, and says it openly, will have to leave work - Lies and Evil do not tolerate the Truth... So they remain silent, trembling for their salary - “pieces of silver”...

But the days of Evil on Earth are numbered... The truth is returning!!!

And this is also an objective pattern - you will see for yourself in the very near future.

There is still one Truth. About God and Man.

It was erased and desecrated by various religious obscurantist priests in their monstrous misanthropic and selfish activities. Yes, they pretend to be kind and dress up in the clothes of goodness, spreading poisonous seeds of lies in sweet voices, glorifying vice and cursing the Truth. This is true.

This is their essence. "Saviors" of souls... Soul killers!

It was with their help that about 2000 years ago engineers and scientists were killed, industry, culture, libraries, priceless creations of human genius were destroyed, Science left to the children of the Earth by the Messengers of Heaven was destroyed, and Humanity plunged into the abyss of ignorance, endless wars and the terrible Middle Ages with crusades, conquest, plague epidemics and fires of the Inquisition.

This is their doing - “kind” clergymen!

They say that God created man, and then they came up with a whole host of false “gods” - from the dirty Jewish pedophile Christ, the satanic Allah and the muddy Buddha, who presented himself as a “god” to people! And a whole panopticon of small “gods”!

Along with knowledge, people also came to understand the lies of these “gods”, and at the same time the denial of everything that the priests said, including the origin of man and the existence of God.

So Lie smears dirt on the Truth, since it cannot resist it!

“The powers that be” have been supporting the church in every possible way for thousands of years - it helps them fool the people and keep them in line. Let them pray to false “gods” - they will never reach the Real God! And they mug people as they please, with impunity, under the shadow of the “holy” church!

Without God and Knowledge, man found himself unarmed and defenseless against the arbitrariness of the power of violence. There is no one to intercede!




Science is beginning to understand the fact that the Earth's biosphere was created according to a single plan, and that man could not have descended from a monkey. She has still not been able to find irrefutable evidence of Darwin's hypothesis, and is increasingly inclined to believe that man is not a consequence of arbitrary evolution, but appeared immediately, as he is now. A huge amount of evidence has accumulated for this. This is a scientific fact. And only the rejection of God by official science prevents a scientific breakthrough in understanding the Man of the Earth. In my book “Worldview...” I talk in detail about who, when, how and where he created the first Man of the Earth, the structure and principles of operation of his main systems, and, most importantly, the main purpose of Man as the bearer of the Soul.

I talk about the Soul, how and when it is connected to the human body, as well as the departure of the Soul upon the death of the body, the laws of its development and upbringing in people’s bodies.

This is reliable scientific information. Try to refute it.

In the same book I talk about God the Creator.

God the Creator is not some obscure "spirit", how the church and its preachers lie, and because of this lie and misunderstanding they even declare themselves "representatives of God" on Earth, charging for their "divine" sermons for pay, not some "astral essence", as esotericism interprets, and GOD THE CREATOR first of all, a REALLY EXISTING PERSONALITY, SUBJECT, REASONABLE, HIGHLY INTELLIGENT AND HIGHLY MORAL INDIVIDUAL, LIVING FOREVER, ELECTED to his position LEADER OF THE HIGHEST CIVILIZATION OF THE UNIVERSE, which is also called "ALFA-NETWORK".

This Galactic structure of the planets inhabiting the Higher Civilization has about 600 celestial inhabited objects, on which more than 700 billion Higher humanoids of the Universe live. People have been calling them since ancient times ANGELS, and people classify the planets of their places of residence as high-density stars of the Blue and White dwarf class.

Angels live in the Higher habitable space of the Universe, the matter of which is significantly denser than the matter of our space and in relation to it is radiating, which is why we see their planets in the form of stars. We can't see them, but they can do everything. Including appearing on Earth in a form similar to us - then we see them.

Angels control the entire Universe, all its power and might. They can create new planets, light and extinguish stars, create life and biospheres of new planets. Everything is under their control.

Even time. And they live - Forever!!!

And all this Universal power of hundreds of billions of Angels is subordinated to the Higher Morality of Good, the Supreme Mind of the Universe - the Creator. All power is strictly controlled and subordinated to Him.

This Highest Civilization of Angels, by the Decision of the Creator, painstakingly created the Earth’s biosphere for 5.5 billion years - everything from the simplest cell, fly and blade of grass to Man!

Everything! It was Their titanic labors that became possible life on Earth, which Man, who imagined himself to be the “king of nature” in his unreasonable ignorance, has destroyed in great numbers, and the remnants are on the verge of destruction.

And now They, no matter what, have been preparing the SALVATION of the EARTH for decades.

Yes, because Man and Angels are related!!!

Our body is created in the image and likeness of the bodies of Angels, and our Souls are born in a Higher civilization. And to be nurtured by life they are sent to lower spaces, to planets like Earth, where they live in the bodies of people or people like us.

This is the Law of the Universe.

Only after going through the difficult life path and repeated return to earthly bodies, worthy Souls acquire the Right of Eternal Life and become Angels.

This is a method of reproduction of the Higher civilization.

And our planets are just “kindergartens” for raising future Angels. This is why they are created Highest civilization biospheres of planets of lower spaces and intelligent life on them.

Just for this!

And what kind of parent is yours? kindergarten"will he leave? Never!!! He will take care and protect...

That’s why we are still alive, despite our unreasonableness, despite all our vile “exploits”...

They protect us and help us! But for the time being they don’t interfere... - live on your own, that’s why you were sent here. This is a way of education.

Source of information: http://www.hot.ee/recloster/TheDayBefore/2.html

What is happening to planet Earth today (short excerpt on the topic)

On August 17, 2001, in Chilbolton, near Wervel in Hampshire (England), an amazing pictogram appeared on a field near the radio telescope - a response message from Extraterrestrial Civilizations to a message into space from Earth in search of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, sent from a similar radio telescope from Arecibo (Puerto Rico) November 16, 1974. Next to the response message, a giant “photograph” of the face of a humanoid humanoid was “put” on the field.

Response message from space The response message from space (picture on the left) was similar to a picture sent from Earth encrypted in binary code in the form of a radio telescope signal (picture on the right). Extraterrestrial Civilizations received this signal, deciphered it, understood its meaning, and sent a response message in exactly the same style, but not in the form of a radio signal, but in the form of a huge pictogram, which was “superimposed” on the field next to a similar radio telescope.

In fact, an outstanding event in the entire History of Humanity occurred - Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the Civilizations of the Universe, responded to the message of the Earth for the first time.

However, neither the government of England, nor any other government of the states of the planet reacted in any way to this outstanding event, on the contrary: - they did everything to hide the truth about the Life of the Universe from the people of Earth, and lies paid for by governments continue to be broadcast through the channels of the world and national media. that the Earth is alone in the Universe, and there is no life in Space...

In the period 1999-2004 inclusive, many pictograms appeared in a similar style, providing operational information about the progress of the construction of the new planet and the preparation of the Earth for transformation, from the analysis of which both the individual stages of construction became clear, and the timing of the work was specified as they were completed.

Source of information: http://www.hot.ee/recloster/WhatsWithEarth/

I would tell you what is written in the Book of Secrets, but then I would have to kill you“,” US President Barack Obama joked to famous journalist Michael Smerconish.

What are the world rulers hiding from us, forcing society to live by their rules!?

Dear readers!

We hate being deceived and led by the nose.

We fear for the future, wishing only good things for ourselves and our loved ones.

We always want to know the truth and search for the hidden truth.

And therefore, now it is very important for us to think carefully, opening our clouded consciousness.

Every new day we wake up, turn on the TV, open the latest newspaper, go online and, like sponges, absorb all the information that the media pours on us in an incessant stream every day. We rarely think about the degree of truthfulness, on a global scale, of all the information that reaches us. We are accustomed to the fact that the latest news that we learn about is more or less true, and this is how we build our new day, our everyday life, our life.

We blindly believed everything that was pumped into us to the fullest, starting from a very young age. All cartoons, movies, books and magazines, and finally textbooks at school (especially history!) extolled our system, human way of life and everything else connected with it. We were brainwashed, but we blindly believed and submissively existed.

Sometimes the truth is so harsh that perhaps many would prefer to live under the veil, not knowing what is really happening. It is always difficult to take off your rose-colored glasses, and even more so to admit that you are blind or a narrow-minded person who is unable to distinguish truth from fiction. And this is probably the worst thing. We are ready to deny basic things rather than admit our own blindness. All this is characteristic of humans, and only this can explain the fact that we often behave like a herd, easily being subject to the most, sometimes, absurd suggestions.

Suggestion- this is the basis of any religion, suggestion - this is the power of any power, a means of controlling the masses.

I'm not trying to open your eyes, but just think for a minute that everything around you is created only to control you. All! Everything you see around you, everything you hear, smell. Even your feelings sometimes work against you, and these are not paranoid thoughts. It’s just that it’s so deeply ingrained in us that we can’t notice it, unfortunately.


The history of the world is not really the way we are used to accepting it. In ancient times, various highly developed civilizations inhabited the earth for millions of years.

The existence of ancient civilizations is confirmed by material finds, which are sometimes attributed to alien activity or declared hoaxes.

For example, finds in mines containing millions of layers of rock, a gold chain, an iron parallelepiped, a 20-centimeter nail.

Or plastic columns found in coal mines of the USSR, an iron meter-long cylinder with round inclusions of yellow metal. An imprint of a boot tread in sandstone, found in the Gobi Desert, whose age is estimated at 10 million years, as reported by the Soviet writer A. Kazantsev, or a similar imprint in blocks of limestone in Nevada (USA).

Porcelain high-voltage glass, overgrown with fossilized mollusks, whose age is estimated at 500 thousand years, etc. These few finds so far allow us to conclude that the ancient civilization not only mined coal, had electricity and produced plastics, but also that there was not a single developed civilization on Earth.

In 1965, the Italian scientist Colossimo summarized the data of all then known archaeological expeditions and ancient written sources and concluded that in the past the Earth was the scene of military operations with the use of nuclear weapons. In the “Puranas”, in the “Rio Code” of the Maya, in the Bible, among the Arvaks, among the Cherokee Indians and some other peoples, weapons that are very reminiscent of nuclear weapons are described everywhere.

In ancient times, people were of considerable height. Today there is, perhaps, not a single nation that does not have legends about giants. In all the ancients written sources that have come down to us: the Bible, Avesta, Vedas, Edda, Chinese and Tibetan chronicles, etc. - Everywhere we come across messages about giants. Even the Assyrian cuneiform clay tablets speak of the giant Izdubar, who towered above all other people, like a cedar above a bush.

Many ancient structures were not built by our civilization. Official science simply does not recognize this or prefers to refute existing facts.

The next lie is...


The Bible that we use today was repeatedly rewritten and corrected to please the ruling kings and sovereigns. I will dwell only on a few points.

Why is there no murder in the seven deadly sins of man - the most important and serious sin!?

In the real Bible, Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden not because Adam ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, but because his son Cain killed Abel. It turned out that knowledge is a more serious crime than murder! After this replacement, it became possible to commit murders with the Bible in hand. Remember history - numerous bloody wars in the name of God, the Inquisition, executions with the blessing of the Church, and rulers at all times persecuted people striving for knowledge.

When reading the Bible, one absurdity immediately catches the eye - in the book of Genesis it is written: “God created Adam and Eve... Eve gave birth to Adam two sons - Cain and Abel... Cain killed Abel and was expelled by God... Cain knew his wife, and she bore him a son, Enoch..."

Question: Where did Cain's wife come from?

Who gave birth to all these sons, where did all these women come from?

Bible story O Noah's Ark came to us in a somewhat distorted form. Mount Ararat was far from the only place on Earth that was not affected by the flood.

Besides Noah, many people and animals were saved in various parts of Asia and Europe.

The Bible says “Do not build temples on earth, build a temple in your soul,” but again the church tries to keep silent about this, thinking about material wealth and the power that temple building gives.

End of the first part.... In the next part, the Truth about UFOs, Secret world governments, The truth about the end of the world.

Mood: As always

Atlantean Stone: What the recorded secrets of the universe hide from people. Part one

The Egyptian plateau of Giza, guarded by the Sphinx, has since ancient times been considered a place that keeps the secrets of the gods, and in 1996 archaeologists discovered a tunnel underneath it, protected by a light field. With the help of instruments, it was possible to detect the source of powerful radiation, and then the Atlantean stone with the recorded secrets of the universe shed light on the appearance of mysterious artifacts.

When the gods command a person to speak.

In the 30s, the clairvoyant Edgar Cayce received a revelation during a séance and heard a voice speaking about a cache of ancient treasures under this historical monument. Books were collected there along with artifacts left by the Atlantean civilization. The notes carved into the stones dealt with topics that were to be passed on to future generations. Then he called this place the Hall of Chronicles and proposed to begin excavations, but his words were not taken seriously. The prince of the king of the country visited the plateau in 1945 and sat down on a stone at the foot of the giant, but suddenly the earth shook, and strings of hieroglyphs appeared before the man’s eyes along with ancient objects personifying the gods.

Researchers of lost civilizations consider the buildings to be the work of extraterrestrial craftsmen, whose technologies cannot be replicated modern people. The three famous pyramids have clear edges oriented to the cardinal points, and the blocks are processed in an ideal way. It is clear that no one could carry huge stones here by hand, so there were other ways to build such masterpieces. Before the Flood, representatives of a vanished race lived on the earth, and in the 80s, scientists discovered traces of rain erosion on the surface of the Sphinx. This means that it was built before the rise of Egypt, but who did people consider gods then?

One of the hypotheses speaks of space aliens who can move in space and oversee the entire development of humanity. Astronomers made a map of the galaxy with life zones and saw that only in Milky Way There are 1000 exoplanets where the development of life forms is possible, and they are much older than their terrestrial counterpart. The chronicles of China mention the sons of heaven, who brought culture to our planet. New Zealand legends speak of white gods who flew here from heaven. What role did aliens play for humanity? One version suggests that they managed to transfer their knowledge to earthlings, after which they left them forever. The sons of the gods arrived here from Sirius and Orion, who gave impetus to the development of Atlantis.

Legacy of the Atlanteans.

It was first mentioned by Plato, who wrote that the continent went under water in 9600 BC, when the pole shift began, leading to the flood. In the 80s, a Russian expedition together with Alexander Gorodnitsky discovered at the bottom Atlantic Ocean sunken cities ancient civilization. This became a sensation, since the research took place at the site of a giant fault connecting the Eurasian and African plates. Basalt samples taken from here showed that they froze on land, since Atlantis really existed.

Casey in his notes described in detail this country, which discovered the law of the action of universal forces, after which they could send a message through space to anywhere in the world. Residents also traveled through the sky on airships, but were still able to move in a different environment. After the disaster, they did not die, but began to live in different parts of the planet, as eloquently evidenced by the legends of the Egyptians, who describe strange people, together with the god Thoth, who came from the sea. They were the keepers of extraterrestrial knowledge, and a secret order of priests of Osiris was created in the new country.

This included only the initiated Atlanteans, led by Hermes Trismegistus. The most mysterious figure of antiquity still causes amazement among scientists, since this man did things that went beyond the capabilities of people. He became the builder of the first pyramid, where there were halls with columns, and also wrote a book helping doctors diagnose and treat ailments. For thousands of years, Thoth was the main Egyptian priest, along with members of the school who owned secret knowledge. Newcomers underwent an initiation ritual, when they were closed in a sarcophagus with a lid weighing several hundred kilograms. They waited for a day for the council’s decision and did not know whether they would get out of here.

Often a dangerous ritual led people to death, as they fell into four-dimensional space, materializing their thoughts. Not everyone could withstand such a test, because it was necessary to control their emotions and terrible fears. The paranormal capabilities of the Atlanteans gave them the opportunity to control this world and understand their essence - as part of the whole, expressing themselves in any form. In 1924, scientist John Kinneman found a mysterious chamber under the Cheops pyramid, where time stopped and instruments malfunctioned. There was an unknown mechanism here, called an anti-gravity machine. Recently, Russian researchers have detected fields inside such structures that create special anomalies, and they are also powerful generators.

The pyramids are capable of capturing the seismic energy of the Earth and transforming it several hundred times. The tops of ancient buildings were made from an alloy of tin along with copper and gold, and then they were placed here magic crystal- Merkabah, fallen from the sky. The initiates gathered around the objects and created a sound, which became a signal sent to other worlds, and the blow of the rod completed such actions. The stone had light energy that could control gravity and create funnels that opened Parallel Worlds. On Egyptian bas-reliefs you can see images of a UFO hanging over the pyramids, so Giza was used by ancient people as a cosmodrome, but then the crystal disappeared from the top to be safely hidden by the priests, and the Sphinx shows the way to it.

Let's go back to 1450 BC and take a look at the Karnak Temple, where the ancient shrine of the Atlanteans is kept. It is securely hidden from view, and even the pharaoh does not have access to the Merkabah. But once a year a secret ceremony of Osiris is held here, when adepts initiate newcomers. Akhenaten became the first hunter for the sacred stone, and his actions were aimed at obtaining the artifact and gaining unlimited power. Religious reform became the reason for transporting the shrines to the new capital, where he plans to keep this relic. Suddenly, the priests of the temple became outlaws and then members of the order secretly took the Atlantean crystal out of the country to Tibet, where amazing events began to occur. But you will already learn about this from the continuation of the article...

To be continued...

What they hid from us...(part 3)

For details, see http://ludiindigo.info/ in the "Photo" section.

Amazing new Mayan artifacts prove extraterrestrial communication between the Mayans and their cosmic visitors.

Many people have speculated that the Maya were visited by aliens and that at least one of their deities, Kukulcan (also known as Quetzalcoatl), may have been a galactic alien who taught the Maya knowledge about agriculture, mathematics, medicine and astronomy, etc.

How else could one explain the Mayan calendar, a calendar that to this day can accurately predict every moon eclipse within 30 seconds? The Maya knew of planets that were not "discovered" until many centuries later...

What they hid from us...(part 4)

From childhood we were taught that in ancient times people were savages who used primitive stone or bronze tools. And now we live in space age and we have high technology. In fact, stone tools were used by those who survived the death of the previous civilization. And many of our technical achievements are inferior to those forgotten. Now we are just beginning to understand and master some technologies of hoary antiquity...

What they hid from us...(part 5)

As you know, under water the weight of any body is several times less, and you can swim under water (if translated into the concept of land, fly). Those. construction is greatly simplified. When the Earth turned, the pyramids ended up on land. Until now, the Egyptian pyramids are a huge mystery for scientists. But if they consider the pyramids - the structures of an underwater civilization - then everything will become more clear. The main thing that confirms this is the absence of steps in the pyramids. Indeed, why do those who need steps?


What they hid from us...(part 6)

Scientist, inventor Yuri Stepanovich Rybnikov, author of the theory of “One Electric Field" claims that at school we memorized (crammed) the multiplication table without checking its correctness, we were taught from the "cradle" to live by "faith" and this is what it led to. How we are taught to multiply 2 × 3 = 6, or 2 × 3=2+2+2=6, although logically and according to the rules of mathematics it was necessary to write 2×3=2×2×2=8 If we assume that the action of “division” is the opposite of the action of multiplication, then the ends do not meet, but the example 2×2×2=8 does not raise any doubts, then how, when dividing the number 8 by 3, we get 2.6..., i.e. we have “division” with a remainder, and therefore either the action is not “division”, or we divide incorrectly, or the statement that “division” is the inverse of multiplication does not correspond to reality... Using examples from physics, chemistry, and mathematics, Yu.S. Rybnikov shows and explains why modern science I don't see such obvious mistakes...