Juliet's full name is Capulet. Characteristics of Juliet Capulet from William Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". Who is Juliet

"Romeo and Juliet" is one of the most interesting works of William Shakespeare. The tragic love of the main characters Romeo and Juliet, described by the English playwright, still causes unprecedented popularity among readers. The hostility between two wealthy families, which have been feuding for several centuries, finally ends. It ended thanks to the great and pure love of two young hearts, who by an absurd accident left this world. The real feelings that the heroes carried through many hardships and hardships ultimately brought long-awaited peace to families.

Characteristics of the heroes of Romeo and Juliet

Main characters


Romeo Montague is a young and passionate womanizer, frivolous but friendly. Initially, he courts the unapproachable Rosalina. He wants to achieve her favor with all his might, thinking that this is love. However, his friends are against this relationship. After meeting Juliet, Romeo forgets about Rosaline. He understands what real feelings are by looking at Juliet. Their love is full of difficulties and misunderstandings on the part of their warring parents. Romeo will do anything to be with his beloved.


Juliet Capulet is essentially still a child. By nature she is kind and calm. For her, her parents are considered an undeniable authority. The girl completely submits to their will and does not oppose her parents’ decisions. But that was before meeting Romeo. When a young man appeared in her life, she went against her loved ones and refused to marry the eminent count. For the sake of Romeo, Juliet is ready to take even the most desperate step. Literally in an instant, a sweet child turns into a wise and judicious woman.

Minor characters


Romeo's cousin and friend. Benvolio is an ardent opponent of family feuds. Romeo supports him in everything, and trusts him completely. Constantly in close proximity to Romeo and Mercutio.


Romeo's best friend, a rake and a merry fellow, a relative of the Count of Verona. Mercutio is one of the most prominent characters in the play. By nature, sarcastic and narcissistic. The young man dies from Tybalt's sword, in Romeo's arms.


Nephew of the Prince of Verona, Count. Juliet's fiancé, also against family enmity, has a good character. He dies at the hands of Romeo at Juliet's grave, blaming the young man for the death of his bride. Relative of Mercutio.

Friar Lorenzo

Concerned about the feud between two eminent families. Lorenzo accepts Active participation in the development of the love relationship of Romeo and Juliet. Helps them, crowns lovers. Believes that this love will bring reconciliation to the Capulet and Montague families. Lorenzo invites Juliet to stage the performance of her death in order to find a reunion with Romeo.


Juliet's cousin. He supports the feud between families and seeks to further inflame the centuries-old conflict. He kills Mercutio, and he himself dies at the hands of Romeo, who avenged his friend. A negative character throughout the play.

Capulet and Montague families

Two families waging a long-term feud with each other. They don’t even remember why the conflict started. After the death of their beloved children, they make peace.

Romeo and Juliet are heroes who showed the world what true love is. All of Shakespeare's stories are imbued with human experiences and tragedy. The play "Romeo and Juliet" is also included in this list. The characteristics of these characters make it clear that, despite their age, people have different views and thinking. The description of the plot and images of the characters is presented briefly.

At the beginning of the tragedy, Shakespeare introduces us to Juliet Capulet, an ordinary carefree girl (like many others at her age), surrounded by the love of a caring father and mother, a cousin Tybalt, to whom she is strongly attached, a friend - the Nurse, to whom Juliet trusts all the secrets, after all, having lost her own daughter, she nursed her from infancy. Juliet lives in prosperity, she has a noble, respected family in Verona.

She is almost fourteen, however, she is not yet thinking about marriage, deep down hoping to meet her love, although until now this feeling has not yet visited her heart. Celebrations and dancing are one of the entertainments of a diligent young girl against the backdrop of ordinary everyday life.

Juliet is always submissive to the will of her father and mother - in those days, parents were more revered by children than in our time. Therefore, to her mother’s unexpected proposal to take a closer look at the young Count Paris at the ball, as a possible groom, Juliet unquestioningly agrees:

“I will try to look kindly,
But this is only for you.
I am only carrying out your orders."

The girl is aware of the hostile relationship between her family and the family of Signor Montague, but this topic worries her little, she remains neutral; Juliet does not experience crazy hatred for the Montagues, instilled in her since childhood (such as, for example, in her brother Tybalt), she simply means this as a matter of course. Juliet, whom Shakespeare endowed not only with a big heart, but also with a big mind, is more reasonable and has her own opinion: it is stupid to try to hate people just because they are “some kind of Montagues,” because she is not familiar with them and in her personal memory Initially, they did not cause any offense to her and her family!

For the first time, Juliet had to seriously think about this after the ball, when she managed to fall in love with young Romeo Montague, and expressed her thoughts on this matter out loud on the balcony.

What is Montague? Is that their name?
Face and shoulders, legs, chest and arms?
Are there really no other names?
What does the name mean? A rose smells like a rose
Either call it a rose or not.
Romeo by any name would be
The height of perfection that he is.

Having fallen in love with Romeo with her heart, her mind and the awareness instilled by her parents that the Montagues are evil for their family, an enemy, fight with each other in her young head. But Juliet still listens to the voice of her heart and common sense triumphs over stupid prejudices - she is not so callous, not so blind as to hate only at the behest of her parents.

There is no affectation, licentiousness or feigned virtue in her, she is sincere in her feelings, which she cannot hide, which Romeo immediately admits, but upon realizing, he is afraid that he may regard her impulse as frivolity. She is afraid of creating the wrong impression of herself.

“Maybe I seem gullible?
Of course I'm so much in love
Why should you seem stupid?
But I'm more honest than many, touchy
Who play prudes,
I should have been more restrained
But I didn't know that they would hear me.
Sorry for the ardor and don't accept it
Direct speeches for ease and accessibility.”

Juliet is the first to offer Romeo a secret marriage, a legal marriage - in her opinion, proof of love. This is the only way, and not otherwise, that she can be with him - that’s how she was raised.

"If you truly love
And you're thinking about marriage - tomorrow morning
You and my messenger let me know,
Where and when do you want to perform the ritual...
But if you plan
It's bad, then I pray...
Then, I pray, give up your quest
And leave me to my melancholy."

In the grip of new feelings and blind love, she does not think about the consequences; the young people justify their action with hope (voiced by Father Lorenzo) - naively believing that the families, having learned about their marriage in the future, will make peace for the sake of their happiness. They do not allow the idea that the spirit of hostility may be stronger and doom their love to death.

Father Lorenzo:
“I expect happiness from this union,
He can turn enmity into love.”

On a rainy day, when Juliet learns from the Nurse about the death of her beloved brother Tybalt, who fell at the hands of her husband, she certainly falls into despair. Words of reproach to Romeo escape from her lips, which she immediately regrets - the love and life of her lover are worth much more to her than the life of her brother and even the lives of her parents combined.

Tybalt is killed, Romeo is exiled!
In exile! There is only one word: "exile"
Ten thousand brothers were killed at once.
Tybalt is killed - enough grief already.
If only this would end with one!
But if grief needs complicity
And the sorrows of the community of others -
Why follow these words:
“Tybalt is killed” - I didn’t hear
“Father” or “mother died”, or “both”?
I would mourn them as it should be.

This speech coming from the lips of such a young and sweet creature is a little shocking. Juliet is so obsessed with her feelings that she is ready to sacrifice everything that is dear to her. Perhaps she said this in the heat of the moment, in a fit of emotion, and her mind was not thinking straight. After all, in the end she will sacrifice only herself.

For the first time, Juliet shows her character, prone to desperate struggle, when she goes against her parents and dares to contradict her angry father, thanking but rejecting the honor given to her to become the wife of the groom they have chosen. This is a difficult moment in her life; she understands that her family is trying for her happiness, but she cannot reveal the truth. The always loving father threatens to kick her out of the house if the wedding is canceled, and the mother hits her with the words “leave me, you are not my daughter.” So many blows of fate fall in a row on the head of the unfortunate girl, who until recently knew no worries and worries: the death of her brother, the expulsion of her husband, the impending bigamy - dishonor, betrayal of her love. In desperation, she tries to find understanding from her faithful Nurse, but she, not fully realizing the strength of her ward’s feelings, advises her from the bottom of her heart to “follow the count.”

“Romeo is banished; I'll bet -
He won't come back to claim you
And if he returns, it will only be secretly,
And if this is the case,
I suppose - marry the count.
And your current husband is so far away,
What is it - like a dead person, the same benefit.

This was the last straw: the only one who always supported her in everything suddenly moved away, and Juliet chose death over marriage. In this way, she will remain pure before God, herself and her lover.

Go, adviser, - from now on I
I closed my heart from you. To Lorenzo
I'm coming. And if he doesn’t give salvation,
Then I will find deliverance in death.

Juliet does not consider the options of escaping with Romeo or confessing everything to her parents (in this case, they will be forced to refuse such a noble groom as Paris) - since this could cast a shadow on the honor of the Capulet family. Never disgrace your name!

She readily drinks Father Lorenzo's medicine, although she suspects that it may be poison. But there is no other way out, Juliet must use the last chance, even if her fears are not in vain - she has already decided to die, having prepared a dagger waiting under her pillow in the wings. All the doubts, all the horror that overwhelms her, spill out in her famous monologue, what could be worse than the unknown: whether she will die or live - only separation from Romeo can be worse. And with the words “Love, give me strength,” she boldly drinks.

“And if the monk gave me poison insidiously,
To kill me for fear of dishonor,
When would it be revealed that I was with Romeo
Did he get married before he married Paris?
What if I woke up from horror,
I'll go crazy in the dark and be wild
Play with the bones of buried ancestors,
And I will snatch Tybalt from his shroud,
And in a frenzy with my great-grandfather's bone,
Will I crush my skull like a club?”

Before our eyes, this girl is growing into a heroine! The courage of young Juliet is also evident at the end of the tragedy, when she, without hesitation, remains in the crypt, refusing the salvation that Father Lorenzo offers her.

Father Lorenzo:
“Don’t ask, let’s run, the guards are already close.
Let’s run, Juliet, I can’t hesitate.”

“Go, go. I'll stay here."

It seems that subconsciously Juliet already understands that she wants to stay here forever, dying next to her loved one. She sees no point in her continued existence without Romeo, whom she lived and breathed. And if the guards discover her, the secret will be revealed, the family will face shame, the parents will turn away from her. But it’s unlikely that the girl thought about all this; she acts impulsively and confidently: she finds Romeo’s dagger, rejoicing at such luck, and pierces herself.

But this is just a little girl dancing at a ball in her beautiful dress, among the smiling faces of admiring guests... Juliet’s love is truly stronger than death.

We believe that she and Romeo met in heaven and smiled, holding hands, watching from above as their parents extinguished the fire of a long-standing enmity forever.

Juliet is a complex character. She became the personification of fidelity, devotion, courage and eternal youth. Love and Juliet are inseparable, Juliet is love itself. Many tourists pilgrimage to Verona (Italy), where Juliet’s House is located, a balcony on which our heroine supposedly exchanges phrases with an ardent young man, a bronze statue of Juliet herself, as the Veronese people see her. “Juliet's Wall” is carefully pasted over with small multi-colored notes that tourists write to wish them luck in love, believing that the patroness of this bright feeling, young Juliet Capulet, will help them find it. You can even visit Juliet's Tomb, where, according to legend, her remains were buried. Also in Verona there is the so-called Juliet Club, an organization consisting of several activists who deal with the “Juliet mail”, responding to letters sent from all over the world, addressing directly the heroine herself. Thus, Juliet continues to live among us.

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or in How Lord Capulet seduced Montague's wife On September 16, Juliet's birthday is celebrated in Verona, Italy. Under the balcony of the house on Capella Street, 27, where, according to legend, the young heroine lived, crowds of people gathered and fun festivities took place. This is the tradition: no one cries about the fate of a girl who died untimely. The story of her love for Romeo is sad, but so beautiful and distant.

But to the point, without pathos, then the work of William Shakespeare is not at all as simple as we used to think. Actor, director, author of the “Director's Analysis” project Ivan Didenko made his own translation of “Romeo and Juliet” and read between the lines something that makes you feel uneasy.

I analyzed the immortal play for more than ten years and came to the conclusion: we are not at all familiar with our William


. We don’t understand the meaning of what he wrote or the characters of the characters. The hardest thing was to give up stereotypes,” the author notes. - For example, you know that Romeo and Juliet are very young. Juliet seems to be 13, Romeo - 15 or 16. This is definitely written somewhere, you think. I thought so too. About Juliet, the nurse says that by Peter's Day she will turn 14. But nothing is said about Romeo at all. Only the nurse speaks out in the sense that he is not as young as you imagine. And there are many such inconsistencies with the usual perception. Shakespeare's works seem to us "strict", where everyone, including the servants, speaks very beautifully. In fact, his texts are quite rude, replete with obscene allusions, which the authors of classical translations tried to avoid. I was engaged in the resurrection of what was buried in the tragedy of the classic. “We will rip the girls’ heads off! It’s only you who can pull it out, you’re all cowered with fear.”. First: “I can pull out so much.” What are they talking about? We see that where Russian-speaking translators added the word sword - “sword”, this is not in the original. And when Shakespeare writes: « I will rip the girls' heads off"- in English it means “to deprive one of virginity.” But we don't understand what the joke is. One of the servants says: the Montagues need to be the first to start a quarrel. To do this, you need to hook them with something. Pasternak writes: « When they come, I'll bite my nail.". And what? But it turns out that biting a nail or a finger in the mouth is a sexual insult. But how to write this in Russian? I'm not very happy with how I translated it, but I couldn't find another option. So far it sounds like this: “I can pierce anyone with my wit.” - “But it seems to me that your sharpness has become rather dulled. She’s kind of lethargic.” - "Any girl from the house of Montague makes me firm in my intentions." Enemies approach - one of the Capulet servants says: “I’ll be doing my best in front of them.” finger what I would like to do with them all". We understand that he is showing something very indecent. And this is much closer to the original text than just biting a nail, as written by Pasternak.

Take off your clothes

Now about the history of the relationship between Romeo and Juliet. There was no romance at the beginning of their acquaintance. Under the balcony of the girl he likes, Romeo does not confess his love to her - he has a different goal: surrender here and now. “Give up your innocence. Your monastic robes are ugly, only fools wear them. Please, take them off."- he begs.

Juliet is confused: come on, she says, not today. Romeo is outraged. « What are you, will you leave me unsatisfied?- he says, meaning the direct meaning.

The girl almost agrees: if you say that you love me beyond belief, I’ll give myself up right now. Romeo thinks. And then he leaves. Juliet shouts: "Romeo, where are you? How to return it? Romeo!" He is coming back. That is, the moment of making the decision to get married was not easy for him. He has a different goal. Seduce, lure, deceive, lie, agree to everything - he achieved his goal. They will fall in love with each other much later, closer to the tragic death.

Wed to the grave

There is a scene when Juliet’s father, Senor Capulet, discusses with a certain relative an incident that occurred 25 years ago at the wedding of his friend Lucenzo. We learn that this Lucenzo has a son, whose age is well known to Juliet's father. There is only one person in Shakespeare's tragedy who has a son: Lord Montague. And the name Lucenzo, in all respects, may belong to him. Something extremely unpleasant happened between him and Juliet’s father, which caused a quarrel between their families. According to my version, at the wedding of Lucenzo Montague, Senor Capulet seduced his wife. She gave birth to a son - Romeo. Montague hates his step-child, but Capulet adores and tolerates him in his home. It turns out that Romeo and Juliet are half-brother and sister, for me this is the main discovery of the play, which explains a lot. The young man, by the way, is 24 years old in this situation.

In order to avoid incest, Capulet wants to marry Juliet to Paris. Juliet rushes to Romeo, and the father very emotionally explains that she is wrong. When I translated this moment, I thought that nothing was worse than Pasternak’s - and Pasternak wrote: “ cholera, carrion, creature"- it’s impossible to imagine. But I looked literal translation and realized that this was still a soft option. The original goes something like this: “You pull yourself together and go to church with Paris next Thursday. Or I'll drag you on a rope. Cholera, carrion, rubbish, you are a fence girl, an ugly creature. Yes, so that you hang yourself, you little rubbish, wayward bastard... We lamented that God gave us one child, but it turned out that this was too much.” Senora Capulet tries to reason with her husband: « What are you, crazy?!" And she herself utters words that essentially sign the girl’s death sentence: « It would be better for us to marry the fool with her grave.”.

Premonition of trouble

The tragedy contains incredibly scary scenes. One of the most difficult begins with Romeo and Juliet spending the night together. In the morning, her parents appear to force her to marry Paris. This scene is filled not with love, but with horror of what is about to happen. When Juliet asks Romeo to stay even for a moment, a premonition of trouble arises. “It seemed to me that I saw you dead at the bottom of the grave,”- she says to Montague. To which he replies: “Believe me, my love! This is what you look like from here! Dry sorrow drinks our blood."

When Juliet realizes that the jokes are over, she rushes to the nurse: « Well, do something magical to fix everything!” But the nurse is silent. And it's such a horror. “Please, please, don’t marry me to Paris, you’ll kill me.”», - Juliet turns to her mother. She is adamant: "Do not talk to me- I won't say another word. I'm done with you."

She leaves, and the viewer is no less terrified than Juliet. We understand that the mother and other characters did everything to make the girl on the verge of suicide.

The courtyard of the Capulet house on Via Cappello, 23, is always crowded. For 7 euros you can look inside the museum. Image: globallookpress.com

Nurse's Daughter

There was another riddle in the text that I could not figure out for a long time. This is a nurse's monologue about how her daughter died 11 years ago. The woman names the dead child Suzanne, and then Juliet. She insists: the children were similar and the same age. So who died then, Suzanne or Juliet? We don't know for sure. We can assume that Juliet died, and in front of us is Suzanne. What does this give us? More than it seems. First, we finally understand why Juliet's mother is trying to destroy her. And secondly, the issue of incest is removed and the trusting relationship between the nurse and Juliet is explained.

All the characters in the tragedy care about their own benefit. And if the nurse says that Juliet is not the daughter of Capulet, her head will fly off her shoulders. When the father yells at Juliet, forcing her to marry Paris, the nurse tries to reason with him: they say, you can’t do this with your daughter. Capulet cuts her off: mind your own business. And suddenly the nurse says: « I'm not talking about treason". I can’t yet interpret this phrase, but it is very strong. So they both know something. And I like that there is a secret left, which maybe someone will reveal later.

Capulet definitely had a close relationship with the nurse herself. At night, when they are preparing together for the wedding of Juliet and Paris, Capulet calls the nurse by name - we did not know that she had a name - and wonders if she has stored sweets for the holiday. "All your sweets- Well, you’ll just lick your fingers!”- he adds. - “Oh, you old libertine! Go to your bed! Otherwise you won’t get up until noon tomorrow!”- the nurse waves him off.

When I am asked what this Shakespeare tragedy is about, I explain: it is not about love, but rather about hypocrisy. And if in the traditional presentation Romeo and Juliet die due to a tragic coincidence, then in the true interpretation the environment of the main characters is interested in their death. Romeo and Juliet had a lot of help in dying. And everyone got something from it. Mother dreamed of destroying Juliet - she did. The Prince of Verona, a relative of Paris, wanted money - and he got it by deliberately pitting representatives of warring clans against each other and fining them for brawls. Friar Lorenzo, who married Romeo and Juliet, sought to establish his status - and he did: he was called a saint. And only two old men - Montagues and Capulets - were left with nothing. Without heirs and without wives - Romeo's mother died of melancholy, and Juliet's mother says that her grave is already close.

If you take into account all these nuances, a different atmosphere of the work emerges. And I really hope that the play in the new translation will be staged. Shakespeare today, against the backdrop of the devaluation of cultural values, sets a new bar for the perception of artistic material. It will be read differently not only in Russian, but also in other languages. And even in English, since no one understands the archaic text anymore and proper adaptation is needed.

By the way

  • There are direct flights from Moscow to Verona (ticket for mid-October - from 13,385 rubles). Ticket for a flight with a transfer - from 11,790 rubles.

There are few people who do not know who Juliet is. The characteristics of this heroine are known all over the world. It was even named after her. But do you know everything about such a heroine as Juliet? Her characterization presented in the article makes it possible to get to know this girl better. You will probably learn something new about her.

Who is Juliet?

The characterization of the heroine presented in our article shows how the girl changes along the way (the author’s portrait is presented above) at the beginning of her tragedy she introduces us to a girl named Juliet Capulet. We first meet her in the 3rd scene of the 1st act. She seems to us to be an ordinary, carefree girl, like many others her age. Her mother and father take care of her. Juliet is strongly attached to her cousin Tybalt. She trusts all her secrets to her nurse, because she nursed her after losing her own daughter. The heroine lives in abundance. Her family from Verona is noble and respected in the city.

Juliet at the beginning of the work

The girl is almost 14 years old, but she is not yet thinking about marriage. Deep down, Juliet hopes to find her love, although this feeling has not yet visited her. Dancing and celebrations are what a young girl does for fun.

Juliet, whose characterization is given at the beginning of the work, is submissive to the will of her mother and father. Parents in those days were more revered by their children than they are today. Therefore, the girl responds with unquestioning consent to her mother’s proposal to take a closer look at Paris, the young count, at the ball.

Juliet's attitude towards the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets

Juliet is aware of the feud between her family and the Montague family. However, she is little concerned about this topic. The girl remains neutral. She does not hate the Montagues, which has been instilled in her since childhood and is characteristic, for example, of Tybalt.

Shakespeare endowed his heroine with great intelligence and heart. The girl has her own opinion and is very reasonable. She thinks they are stupid simply because they are Montagues. Juliet herself is not familiar with them. Moreover, in her memory, they did not offend either her family or her personally.

The heroine falls in love with Romeo

For the first time, Juliet is forced to think seriously about the relationship between families only after the ball at which she fell in love with Romeo Montague. The girl expressed her thoughts on this matter on the balcony. Juliet fell in love with Romeo, but her mind tells her that the Montagues are the enemy of her family. The girl still decides to listen to her heart. As a result of mental anguish, common sense triumphs over stupid prejudices. Juliet is not so blind and hardened as to hate at the behest of her parents.

Juliet's sincerity in her feelings

There is no feigned virtue, no promiscuity, no affectation in the heroine. The girl is sincere in everything. She cannot hide her feelings. Juliet immediately confesses them to Romeo. However, later she still comes to her senses. Juliet is afraid that he might take her impulse for frivolity. The girl is afraid that her lover will have the wrong idea about her.

It is Juliet who invites Romeo to get married secretly. In her opinion, legal marriage is proof of love. She can only be with Romeo this way - this is how Juliet was raised.

The naive hope of lovers

The girl does not think about the consequences, being in the grip of blind love and new feelings. The young people justify themselves with the hope voiced by Father Lorenzo. They naively believe that the warring families, having learned about their marriage, will agree to make peace for the sake of the happiness of their children. The heroes do not even allow the thought that the spirit of hostility will be stronger.

The heroine's obsession with her feelings

The characterization of Juliet from the story "Romeo and Juliet" changes as the plot develops. On the day when the heroine learns from her nurse about the death of Tybalt, her beloved brother (her husband killed him), she falls into despair. The girl reproaches Romeo, but immediately regrets it. For her, the life and love of her lover is much more valuable than the life of her brother and even her parents.

Juliet turns out to be so obsessed with Romeo that she is ready to sacrifice whatever it takes for him. Perhaps she uttered the words testifying to this in a fit of emotion. Perhaps her mind was not thinking sensibly at that time. In the end, the girl sacrifices only herself.

Misfortunes that fell on Juliet's head

All new qualities main character The presented characterization of Juliet from the story “Romeo and Juliet” reveals to us. The girl first shows her fighting nature when she dares to disobey her parents and contradict her father. She rejects the groom chosen by her parents for her. This is a difficult moment for Juliet, as she understands that her mother and father want her to be happy. However, the girl cannot tell the truth that she is already married. Many blows of fate fall on her head. But just recently, Juliet did not know worries and worries. The death of a brother is followed by the expulsion of the husband, and then the impending bigamy - betrayal of love, dishonor. In desperation, the girl tries to find support from her nurse, but she does not fully understand the strength of Juliet’s feelings. The nurse advises her to marry the count. This becomes the last straw for the heroine. Suddenly, the one who always supported her in everything moved away from her. And Juliet decides to choose death over marriage. This is the only way she can remain pure before her lover, herself and God.

Why does Juliet decide to drink poison?

The girl does not think about the possibility of escaping with Romeo and confessing everything to her parents. Indeed, in this case, mother and father will have to refuse Paris, such a noble groom, and this could cast a shadow on the honor of the entire Capulet family. Juliet cannot allow the honor of her family name to be disgraced.

The girl drinks the drug that Father Lorenzo gives her, although she realizes that it may turn out to be poison. But Juliet has no other choice. She must take the last chance, even if her fears turn out to be in vain. After all, the girl is already ready to die. She has prepared a dagger, which is waiting in the wings under the pillow. All the horror, all the doubts she is overwhelmed by, spill out in Juliet’s monologue. She says that the only thing worse than not knowing (whether she will live or die) is separation from her husband.

Death of Romeo

So, the heroine, in despair, decides to commit suicide by drinking poison. But Friar Lorenzo advises her to drink a potion that puts her into a death-like sleep for 3 days. When Romeo arrives at her tomb, the two of them can escape the city. This is Lorenzo's plan. But fate turns out to be cruel to the lovers. Romeo, having learned that his beloved has died, returns from Mantua. He drinks poison in the Capulet crypt so that he can be with Juliet after death. The girl wakes up and sees his dead body.

Juliet's Courage

This girl is growing into a real heroine before our eyes! And at the end of the work, Juliet’s courage is revealed. She remains in the crypt, not doubting anything. Thus, she refuses the salvation offered to her by Lorenzo.

The detailed characterization of Juliet, compiled by us, allows us to conclude that Juliet subconsciously already understands: she wants to stay here forever and die next to her beloved. IN later life without Romeo she cannot find meaning. After all, it was they who breathed and lived. If Juliet is found by the guards, the secret will be revealed. In this case, her parents will turn away from her, and the family will face shame. However, the girl hardly thought it all through. She acted confidently and impulsively. The girl found Romeo's dagger and pierced herself with it. This is how Juliet ended her short and bright life.

Characteristics of a hero are always given for a reason. After all, it is not without reason that the author consistently reveals the personality of his characters. What did Shakespeare want to tell us? What thoughts does Juliet's characterization make you think of? Shakespeare wanted to show the power of love, which no external circumstances can resist. The author of the work treats the characters from his drama with fatherly tenderness. He sees through them because He is their creator. However, Shakespeare does not blame his heroes for weakness. He tells us that ordinary people, with all their flaws and vices, are worthy of love. And she elevates them above the imperfections of the world and saves them from the evil reigning in it.

Love is stronger than death

It’s hard to believe that the heroine depicted at the end of the work is just a little girl who once twirled in a beautiful dress at a ball among admiring guests... The characterization certainly undergoes changes as the drama develops. The heroine's feeling for Romeo turns out to be stronger than death. I would like to believe that the lovers met in heaven and saw from above how their parents extinguished the fire of enmity forever. They were able to make peace only over the bodies of their dead children.

Juliet's House in Verona

In conclusion, we say that the characterization of the image of Juliet presented above reveals the full complexity of this character created by Shakespeare. The girl is the personification of devotion, fidelity, eternal youth and courage. You cannot separate love and Juliet. This heroine herself is love.

And today many tourists make a pilgrimage to Italy. Here in Verona is Juliet's House (pictured below). The house has a balcony on which this heroine allegedly spoke with Romeo. There is also a statue of this girl here. “Juliet's Wall” is always covered with many notes that tourists leave here, asking for good luck in love. They believe that Juliet Capulet, the patroness of this feeling, will help them find it. Juliet's tomb is also located in Verona. Here, according to legend, her remains rest.

This concludes the characterization of Juliet. Many of our contemporaries are familiar with quotes from the work, as well as the drama itself. For more than four hundred years, new generations have been enthusiastically reading about tragic fate Juliet. It's hard to believe, but Romeo and Juliet is a drama first published by Shakespeare in 1597! And she still inspires people from all over the world. And the characterization of the image of Juliet Capulet is still becoming the object of more and more works by professional literary scholars.

According to most people, the eternal work of William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet” is considered a symbol of true and pure love. The writer wrote many plays and a sonnet on this topic, but the most memorable is still the story of two heroes who, despite their young age, were able to recognize this true feeling and preserve it until the “coffinstone”.

An eternal work of love

The main characters of this story are Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Members of two families who have long been at odds with each other. The tragedy takes place in Verona, a town that brings together the two young heroes of the play at one of the balls.

Young Romeo immediately notices the sweet and truly beautiful Juliet, feelings for whom flared up in him like a fiery flame. And this flame could no longer be extinguished either by the feud of families, or by time, or by death. The same feelings flare up in the young lady in the very first minutes of meeting her Romeo. But what is Juliet Capulet really like, what true feelings was she capable of?

Brief description of Juliet

A sweet, pure and carefree creature - this is how one can describe the young lady who plays the main role in the work. From birth, the girl was surrounded by love and care from both her parents and her nurse. Juliet was only fourteen years old, and all she could spend her money on was free time, so this is for holidays and balls, which her noble family constantly organized. She spent the rest of her time at home, accompanied by her servants. This characterizes Juliet as a modest and immaculate girl.

The girl treated her loved ones and family with love and deep respect. Juliet followed all the wishes and instructions of her mother and father. She also admitted that she would soon need to get married, although she did not want to think about it. The thought of marriage for love did not leave her, despite the fact that this feeling had not yet visited her.

The external characteristics of Juliet are practically not described in the play, but from the context of the work we can assume that the girl was very fragile, charming and beautiful. And it fits perfectly with her inner world and feelings.

The birth of love

Juliet also accepted the fact that her family had long been at enmity with the Montagues. Although hatred of them was instilled in her own family since childhood, the girl did not want to enter into conflicts between the warring parties and remained neutral on this topic. According to the young lady, it would be foolish to harbor resentment towards them just because they are Montagues.

Juliet had to feel all the hardships of this family feud only after her first meeting with Romeo. That's when she first thinks about it. The author endowed this young creature not only with a big heart, but also with a mind that tells her that love should be above parental decrees and someone else's enmity.

Love Characteristics of Juliet

Having confessed their feelings, the lovers decide to have a secret wedding, which, according to the priest, was supposed to rise above all grievances and reconcile the warring families. It was able to prove the true feelings of the young, all their purity and innocence.

Love for young Romeo so overshadows the young lady’s mind that all other troubles and adversities fade into the background for her. She easily accepts the death of her brother, who died at the hands of Montague. As she herself admits, she would have survived a thousand more such deaths, but not the news of her lover being expelled from the city. Juliet is ready to sacrifice anyone to her feelings, if only her Romeo would be next to her.

Tragic end to a love story

The turning point in the fate of the young lady is the desire of her parents to marry her to a noble count. Juliet's heart breaks at the prospect of her impending marriage and the betrayal of her eternal and only love. Then the girl goes for help to the local priest, who offers to drink a special potion that can put her to sleep.

The courage shown in this scene can change all thoughts about Juliet’s gentleness and carefreeness. The characterization of the hero shows all her courage and determination in the name of saving love. She knows that she could die if the priest gives her poison instead of sleeping pills, but she still does this act in order to get closer to her chosen one.

All fears and doubts are dispelled by Romeo's death. Ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of reuniting with her beloved, she sacrifices herself. Juliet Capulet dies in her family crypt, having pierced herself with Romeo's dagger. True love, living in the hearts of young heroes, cannot bear the thought of further life without its soulmate. Courage, devotion and endless fidelity personify Juliet in the final scene of the work.

The tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" shows the importance of true love in the destinies of people. This feeling is capable of any feat and sacrifice. Even if that sacrifice is one's own death. Shakespeare gives Juliet Capulet all the qualities of a real woman: loyalty, devotion, care and eternal love.