Presentation "Alexey Leonov. The first manned spacewalk." Alexey Leonov. Man's first spacewalk Presentation on the topic Leonov astronaut

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Alexey Leonov, the first human spacewalk

Vanya Yakovlev 2 "B"

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46 years ago, a Soyuz launch vehicle launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, carrying the Voskhod-2 spacecraft. Its crew consisted of two people: the ship's commander Pavel Belyaev and co-pilot Alexey Leonov. The entire flight lasted a little more than a day, but it was a historic flight. During it - on March 18, 1965, pilot-cosmonaut Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov was the first of the earthlings to leave the spacecraft and make the first human spacewalk in history.

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A special transition gateway was created for a person to go into outer space. An astronaut going into outer space was connected to the spacecraft by a special hose, through which communication with the spacecraft was ensured, and oxygen was supplied, however, an additional emergency oxygen cylinder was attached to the astronaut’s spacesuit. Before Alexei Leonov went into space, Pavel Belyaev also put on a spacesuit.

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The spacewalk began on the second orbit. At this time the ship was over Egypt. At 11 hours 34 minutes 51 seconds Leonov floated into airless space.

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The movements were performed relatively easily, and he, spreading his arms like wings, began to float freely in airless space high above the Earth, while a 5-meter hose securely connected him to the ship. Belyaev transmitted to Earth: “Man has entered outer space!”

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Leonov flew about a meter away from the ship, then returned to it again. The Black Sea was floating right below, Leonov was able to see a ship going far from the shore, brightly illuminated by the Sun. Leonov sailed over the Caucasus ridge, over the Volga, over the Irtysh, over the Yenisei.

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When they flew over the Volga, Belyaev connected the phone in Leonov’s spacesuit to the transmission of Moscow Radio - Levitan read the message from the Telegraph Agency Soviet Union about man's spacewalk.

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Five times the astronaut flew away from the ship and returned. All this time, the spacesuit was maintained at “room” temperature, and its outer surface was heated in the sun to +60° and cooled in the shade to –100°C.

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... Leonov stayed in outer space 12 minutes, but these minutes are forever inscribed in the history of Cosmonautics!

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Leonov made his second space flight on July 15 - 21, 1975 as commander of the Soyuz-19 spacecraft. During the flight, docking was carried out with the American Apollo spacecraft. This was the world's first docking of two ships. different countries. The flight lasted 5 days 22 hours 30 minutes 51 seconds.

Alexey Leonov
man's first spacewalkVanya Yakovlev 2 "B"

46 years ago, a Soyuz launch vehicle launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, carrying the Voskhod-2 spacecraft. Its crew consisted of two people: the ship's commander Pavel Belyaev and co-pilot Alexey Leonov. The entire flight lasted a little more than a day, but it was a historic flight. During it - on March 18, 1965, pilot-cosmonaut Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov was the first of the earthlings to leave the spacecraft and make the first human spacewalk in history.

A special transition gateway was created for a person to go into outer space. An astronaut going into outer space was connected to the spacecraft by a special hose, through which communication with the spacecraft was ensured, and oxygen was supplied, however, an additional emergency oxygen cylinder was attached to the astronaut’s spacesuit. Before Alexei Leonov went into space, Pavel Belyaev also put on a spacesuit.

The spacewalk began on the second orbit. At this time the ship was over Egypt. At 11 hours 34 minutes 51 seconds, Leonov floated into airless space. The spacewalk began on the second orbit. At this time the ship was over Egypt. At 11 hours 34 minutes 51 seconds Leonov floated into airless space.

The movements were performed relatively easily, and he, with his arms outstretched like wings, began to soar freely in airless space high above the Earth, while a 5-meter hose reliably connected him to the ship. The movements were performed relatively easily, and he, with his arms outstretched like wings, began to float freely in airless space high above the Earth, while a 5-meter hose reliably connected him to the ship.
Belyaev transmitted to Earth: “Man has entered outer space!”

Leonov flew about a meter away from the ship, then returned to it again. The Black Sea was floating right below, Leonov was able to see a ship going far from the shore, brightly illuminated by the Sun. Leonov sailed over the Caucasus ridge, over the Volga, over the Irtysh, over the Yenisei.

When they flew over the Volga, Belyaev connected the phone in Leonov's spacesuit to the transmission of Moscow Radio - When they flew over the Volga, Belyaev connected the phone in Leonov's spacesuit to the transmission of Moscow Radio -
Levitan read a message from the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union about a man going into outer space.

Five times the astronaut flew away from the ship and returned. All this time, the spacesuit was maintained at “room” temperature, and its outer surface was heated in the sun to +60° and cooled in the shade to –100°C. Vostok 2

... Leonov spent 12 minutes in outer space, but these minutes are forever inscribed in the history of Cosmonautics!... Leonov spent 12 minutes in outer space, but these minutes are forever inscribed in the history of Cosmonautics!

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Leonov made his second space flight on July 15 - 21, 1975 as commander of the Soyuz-19 spacecraft. During the flight, docking was carried out with the American Apollo spacecraft. This was the world's first docking of ships from two different countries. The flight lasted 5 days 22 hours 30 minutes 51 seconds. Leonov made his second space flight on July 15 - 21, 1975 as commander of the Soyuz-19 spacecraft. During the flight, docking was carried out with the American Apollo spacecraft. This was the world's first docking of ships from two different countries. The flight lasted 5 days 22 hours 30 minutes 51 seconds.

Biography Born on May 30, 1934 in the village
Listvyanka, Tisulsky district, now
Kemerovo region, was ninth
a child in a family. In 1938 he
moved to
Kemerovo. In 1943 he went to
primary school No. 19. In 1948
the family moved to the father's place of work
to the city of Kaliningrad (Königsberg), where
his relatives still live there.
Graduated high school № 21
Kaliningrad in 1953. In 1955
graduated from the 10th Military Aviation
primary school
pilots in Kremenchug, where he entered
according to the Komsomol recruitment. In 1957
graduated from the Chuguev military
Aviation Pilot School (VAUL).
In 1960 he was enrolled in the first
squad Soviet cosmonauts.

The Vostok spaceship is a symbol of the space age. The world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space on it on April 12

Spaceship"East" symbol space age. On him
flew into space first in the world
cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin April 12

First Soviet
artificial communications satellite
Molniya-1, launched in 1965
year, reminds
fantastic flower or
space station from
films about the distant future.
Its giant “petals” -
These are solar panels
which are always oriented
on the Sun, and parabolic
antennas - to the Earth. Satellite
intended for retransmission
television programs and
long distance telephone and
telegraph communication.
By the way, in 1967 one of
satellites of this series for the first time in
the world received color
image of the Earth. (“Lightning1”)

The first person to see seventeen days and nights in one day was an astronaut.
German Titov, Yuri Gagarin's understudy, who completed a daily allowance in August 1962
flight on the Vostok-2 ship. During this flight I saw Titov
"TERMINATOR" - the border between day and night, constantly changing in space
every turn of the flight. All the astronauts describe this spectacle as unforgettable!
("Above the Terminator")

For an astronaut it’s a day and a half
hours - the time of revolution of the satellite ship around the Earth. For earthly
day greeted by astronauts 17
cosmic dawns.
In Leonov's painting "NIGHT
flies over the night Earth.
Through the veil of dark clouds
reddish city lights are visible.
And on the horizon, beyond which
The sun is hiding, has appeared
rainbow stripe earth
atmosphere. And above all this, embedded in black velvet
outer space moon
and shining stars.

Alexey Leonov, the first of
the astronauts succeeded
notice in space and then
depict the moment when
fiery red disk of the Sun
just got up from
horizon. Above the sun
appeared for a short time
extraordinary in beauty
halo, in shape
Russian kokoshnik. First
sketch of this drawing of an astronaut
made in color
pencils on the page
logbook on space
ship "Voskhod-2". ("On
Night on earth")

For the first time in the world in
result manual
in 1969 there was
collected and
operated on
satellite orbit
Soviet lands
space station -
prototype of future
large orbital
stations. (“Automatic
Sky docking")

And in 1975 they docked in space
already Soviet and American ships.
This was called the first in history
international space program
"UNION" - "APOLLO". Commander
the Soyuz-19 ship was Alexey himself
Arkhipovich Leonov! During the six-day
orbital flight of the Soyuz-19 spacecraft
were first experimentally carried out
joint means of rendezvous and docking;
docking of Soviet and
American spaceships,
mutual transitions of astronauts from the spacecraft
into the ship, joint research experiments. During
Leonov learned preparations for this flight in
one year English language"from scratch" (at school
he studied German)!
Soviet and American in flight
the cosmonauts showed excellent
interaction and mutual understanding,
tasks were carried out consistently and clearly,
in a truly friendly atmosphere. ("SoyuzApollo")

space exploration is impossible
imagine without workers
cosmonaut exits
open space. AND
was the first to go out into the open
space too Alexey
Arkhipovich Leonov! He
proved the possibility
stay and work
person in conditions
weightlessness and vacuum.

After this they began
even possible
astronauts from
ship to another
through open
space! ("Transition
to another ship")

The spaceship leaves
of its orbit. Atmosphere
becomes more and more dense. Co
all sides of the ship are covered
plasma jets. Temperature at
the capsule surface increases
up to 10 thousand degrees - higher than
on the surface of the Sun. Melting
and the outer coating evaporates.
Giant "space drop"
approaching the Earth... It can be seen
how they burn up in the atmosphere
small "meteors" shot designs
ship. (“Return to

"On the moon"
Not in astronautics
It happens
"a pointless waste
time". Each
second spent
astronaut or
satellite in orbit
makes a huge contribution to
world science. We all
we use it daily
in everyday life by millions
things created
thanks to
astronautics and
impossible without
And maybe already
very soon, even
the most fantastic
paintings by Alexey
Arkhipovich Leonov
will be repeated on
space photographs
ski tourists

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Presentation on the topic: Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov Science fiction artist

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...In small details that left a deep imprint in my memory, I remember the day when I wanted to tell others that I could draw and that I had already drawn a lot and I really liked it - it was September 1, 1943 of the war year. My mother walked me to school along the frost-covered wooden sidewalk of my native Kemerovo. We walked towards the sun, which rose as a huge golden ball and shone so brightly that I squinted first with one eye and then with the other, and then for the first time I saw how it rose above the scallops of houses in a poplar park. I carried with me all the valuables I had accumulated over my eight years: several colored pencils, pieces of watercolor paint, and a whole stack of my illustrations for Captain Nemo. Some boy pulled drawings out of my bag and showed them to the whole class. This is how my first exhibition took place, and I decided that I would be an artist. But life had other plans.

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I painted what I saw and what I thought. When I ran out of pencils, I made myself a lead pencil and used gray wrapping paper to draw on. I painted white Dutch ovens with flowers at the request of women who found themselves in Siberia from Ukraine. At one time I even painted wall hangings on sheets in oils - for this I already received bread. My parents encouraged my hobby in every possible way, helping me get paper, a pencil, or paint. Throughout my school years, I was a permanent editor of school newspapers, participated in all exhibitions and even received a prize for the portrait of Peter 1. The House of Pioneers was far away, but I went to an art circle. I remember the words of the teacher, solemnly pronounced: “Drawing is the source and soul of all types of images and the root of every science. Whoever mastered the drawing has mastered a priceless treasure!” -Do you know, children, who said this? Great Michelangelo! It was convincing for life.

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I didn't receive vocational education artist, although he passed competitive exams in 1953 at the Riga Academy of Arts. I became a fighter pilot, then a test pilot, and I was the first earthling to see our globe not through a window, but in free soaring. No perfect equipment can accurately convey what is seen. Only the human eye and the heart of the artist. They are able to convey to people the beauty of our Earth, revealed from a comical height.

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Thirty years along with main job I'm working on picturesque space. When I was accepted into the Union of Artists, the chairman of the Union, academician Ekaterina Belashova, recommended me with the words: “This is the best cosmonaut artist and the best cosmonaut artist.” Perhaps, indeed, the inseparability of these concepts is the meaning of my life. I must always improve both in order to be understood and to be successful.

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When I looked at the globe from a height of almost 500 km, I remembered Rockwell Kent - his pure colors, the absence of southern plein air. This is how Roerich would have written if he had found himself in the Arctic or in space. No matter how many artists visited space, each would paint in his own way, but always with pure colors. The Earth is beautiful from space - a huge blue ball of serenity, but without those details that adorn the planet - the creations of human hands. You can’t see the creations or nature itself, the things that make you happy since childhood: drops of dew, snowflakes, green forests, blue reaches, morning mists. I want to depict everything and put my understanding into everything. One life is not enough for this! Alexey Leonov

The presentation tells about a wonderful person, an outstanding cosmonaut, and a talented artist Alexei Leonov. Many of today's schoolchildren do not know about his feat, about his discovery, so it would be a good idea to download it for free this resource to class hour or an astronomy lesson to tell about another human feat, which, perhaps, will become an incentive for someone in life, a small or large guiding star.

A. Leonov’s life began in such a way that nothing could foretell that he would become a space conqueror. Born in 1934 into a large family, where he was the ninth child. Frequent moves in childhood, as his father served, did not prevent him from getting an education and enrolling in an aviation school, and then in a college, where he became a pilot. Thanks to his hard work, perseverance, perseverance, and desire to move forward, he was enrolled in the first cosmonaut corps. It was he who was later the first to go into outer space and conquer it. The talented cosmonaut not only told what he saw, but also conveyed it in his paintings.