Emptiness inside - what will help you cope with it. Emptiness in the soul How to get rid of the emptiness inside

Reading time: 2 min

Mental emptiness is a state characterized by the absence internal forces, emotional inaction, depletion of mental resources. It often overtakes a person when life loses its “colors,” feelings and emotions become dull, energy drops, and things that previously interested them cease to please. A person begins to experience boredom, apathy, he is overcome by the meaninglessness of existence, and depression sets in. The causes of this condition may be different, but you should definitely get rid of it, since it affects physical and mental well-being.


Sometimes a person himself does not notice it when spiritual emptiness approaches him. Close people often do not see that a person is feeling bad, while he actually experiences emptiness inside, carefully hiding it from others.

Often people complain about the following internal sensations: “empty inside,” “something is missing.” Such feelings can overtake anyone.

It seems that life is familiar without changes, but something is wrong, nothing is nice, melancholy covers.

Where does emptiness come from?

The following factors provoke this condition are identified:

– excessive demands on yourself and your immediate environment. A person’s inability to really evaluate himself and those around him, inflated expectations of getting something better, setting unattainable, unrealistic goals ends with what he wants in life not being achieved, and needs remain unsatisfied;

- life routine. In life, most of the time consists of ordinary things: work, study, household chores. Not everyone has a favorite job that pays well; it is also rare to have an understanding, adequate boss; There is not always a family, a loved one who will understand and support. If not everything is perfect at work and at home, the routine is repeated, then a person “plunges” into gray everyday life, forgetting about his needs, self-development, spiritual growth, and life is filled with spiritual emptiness;

– if you are surrounded by people without goals who consider life meaningless, then it is likely that the person will also begin to think;

– sitting on the World Wide Web dulls the sense of reality, takes up a lot of time, makes you dream about easy money and beautiful life. Instead of trying to achieve something in life, to develop, a person wastes time on regrets and aimless sighs;

– everyday fatigue or bustle leads to moral exhaustion, mental strength runs out;

– stress, loss of a loved one, life changes do not allow for quick recovery, cause mental pain and subsequently emptiness;

– mental shock or anxiety due to betrayal or betrayal leads to the collapse of the idea of ​​the world;

– lack of purpose in life. For example, having achieved a certain goal, life becomes boring and not so interesting;

– when a person is characterized by physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion against the background of chronic stress.

Often a feeling of spiritual emptiness is accompanied by indifference, melancholy, depressive mood, and apathy. A person lives with a feeling of hopelessness. If you do not pay attention to a suffering person, he can take his own life.

Mental emptiness causes indifference to everything: a person is not interested in the world around him, withdraws into himself, and stops communicating.

A person is prevented from living by experiences that are already in the past, but constantly remind of themselves. Because of his condition, he stops taking care of his appearance, his home, and loses friends.

How to get rid of spiritual emptiness

It is necessary to gradually fill the resulting void. Of course, this is not easy to do, but if you want to feel the “taste for life” again, then it is possible. You will need to show willpower and fill the empty space.

To do this, you must adhere to the following steps:

– you need to talk out what’s painful in your soul to your relatives or friends, you don’t need to be afraid to complain or overload them with unnecessary information;

– it is important to learn to trust. Close people are able to console, understand, listen, and give valuable advice;

- you need to understand the reasons for spiritual emptiness, perhaps for this you need to get away from the bustle of the city into nature, be alone, think;

– you need to “pump up” your emotions, extreme sports can help some people with this, others can watch melodrama, listen to music, read an exciting book, be among beautiful nature, have interesting conversations, etc.

You can fill the spiritual emptiness with new relationships that will give you a feeling of happiness, love, tenderness, passion.

It is important to establish relationships with loved ones. Due to the daily bustle, it is sometimes difficult for a person to find time to communicate with loved ones. Relatives will help “stir up” the soul and fill it with feelings. To do this, you can visit your parents or relatives.

Often a person’s favorite job saves him in a difficult moment in life. If work activity does not bring satisfaction, then you need to do what you have been wanting for a long time. You should not refuse to attend cultural events. They will give positive emotions. It is also important to find a hobby that will relax you and give you positive emotions.

A four-legged friend can also help get rid of spiritual emptiness. A pet will change a person’s life, it will become more meaningful and meaningful. Scientists have proven that pet owners are less likely to experience life dissatisfaction and feelings of loneliness.

It is important to learn to see meaning in every day you live. Always think positively, since thoughts determine actions and future life.

So, to fill the spiritual emptiness, you need to gather your strength and start doing something that brings pleasure and makes you happy. We must make an effort to make life sparkle with bright colors and feelings.

If the feeling of spiritual emptiness does not leave long time and there are prerequisites for the emergence of a depressive mood, it would be advisable to seek help from a psychotherapist. Psychotherapy uses methods such as psychoanalysis and physical family psychotherapy in treatment. Often the cause of mental suffering and increased fatigue are hormonal imbalances, so a consultation and examination with an endocrinologist will not be superfluous.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

You go to work, study, make plans, everything suits you and suddenly everything loses its meaning. What was useful yesterday is unnecessary today. Where does the emptiness inside come from and how not to fight it? How to feel the joy of life during such a spiritual “abyss”? What needs to be done to combat internal cold and emptiness? If you find a “desert” inside yourself, it’s time to plant a “blooming garden”. Read to the end and you will no longer feel empty inside.

Causes of feeling of emptiness.

When you realize “I can no longer fight indifference to everything,” then it’s time to give yourself a moral shake-up. It is important to figure out why life has stopped boiling inside you, and why you resemble a squeezed lemon. Psychological decline cannot just happen - there is a reason for it. Why did the ordinary one turn into a kind of gray mass, where there is neither freedom nor a feeling of freedom? Life turns into a black and white movie when a person is morally exhausted. Routine, eternal bustle gradually takes away energy.

If the first year of office work with a strict boss was bearable, then after three years you don’t want to just get out of bed and even think about going to work. The presence of stress is another factor that can drive a person into a corner and take away any desire to act. Fear of sudden changes, loss of something, critical situations, for which we are not ready - this instills a feeling of loneliness and devastation.

Emptiness inside is often the result of turmoil. How can you think about when a friend betrayed you or, conversely, you let him down? When you spent the whole night creating a project to attract investment in your business, and your competitor bribed investors and won. Shock is a great stress that leads a person astray from his usual path.

When important goals are replaced by unplanned situations, you may not be able to stand it. Usually, after such a shock, a person says “I can’t do it anymore” and a frightening feeling sets in. The acute period has passed, but its consequences leave a detrimental imprint. Here the difficulty arises in returning to the normal rhythm of life and again wanting to act for new results. If you lose what you have saved for so long, what you valued, your hands give up, and silence sets in inside.

There is emptiness inside, but what to do next? Under the influence of indifference, it comes. Under its influence, a person acquires the status of “hopelessness” and a complete lack of initiative to do anything. Therefore, as soon as emptiness has entered the soul, it must be driven out with all efforts. Otherwise, a person ceases to be, and his life becomes like a mess. In order not to completely alienate your family, friends, and prospects for happiness in such a state, you need to distinguish true reasons from false ones. Often, emptiness is a feigned state into which we lure ourselves, due to the following reasons:

  • Lack of attention or lack of privacy. “I’m so lonely/lonely, no one loves me.” You need to go to a meeting to communicate with interesting people and don't isolate yourself.
  • A whole day at work is completely exhausting, and then all you can do is lie on the sofa and watch TV. The work requires a responsible approach, fulfillment of duties that sometimes go “against the grain” of the employee. It is important to be ready to contribute or think about looking for a more interesting vacancy. We ourselves create the framework within which we experience oppression.
  • Waiting for a long time for success gradually takes away energy. After a while, any desire disappears. When you don’t feel the result, the effect of your actions, you gradually lose interest. You need to reconsider your views on the idea or pay attention to another type of activity.
  • “I can’t live in poverty anymore, I don’t want to be with these people, I deserve better.” The lack of goods, dissatisfaction with communication makes every day gray, and a person... Just what did you do for this to live in prosperity and be surrounded the right people? It is important to take steps to get out of the social bottom.

Symptoms of emptiness inside.

  1. Feeling of one's own inferiority. about appearance, success, social status- this makes you less valuable in the eyes of others. You feel worthless, lacking opportunities to attract attention.
  2. You set outrageous goals. The search ends up ruining your plans when you encounter difficulties.
  3. Indifference to others is enormous. I don’t want to make any effort on myself to get back on my feet. This is especially expressed when you are unemployed for a long time, do not set goals, and are underestimated in society.
  4. Fear of creating relationships. Phobia to approach a nice person and talk to him, although you have liked him for a long time. You really want tenderness, but you feel that you will not be able to take a decisive step. You are left alone with your fears and prejudices.
  5. arises from the understanding of meaninglessness. You go to work to afford to eat, to live, it drags on for years, the days seem gray, and you are indifferent. Circumstances and routine make a person a hostage.
  6. Thoughts of suicide appear when you realize your helplessness. Serious illness, loss of a valuable person, loss of valuables - great shocks take away common sense and instill chronic disease.
  7. People around you constantly judge, society puts pressure on you, and doesn’t accept you in your true form. A person feels hopeless, because he does not fit into any framework, and his attempts are bombarded with a barrage of negativity.

How to deal with this feeling?

Whatever the emptiness inside, and what caused it, there are always ways to rehabilitate. This condition can easily go away from where it came from. It is a mistake that during a “broken” period, people turn to alcohol and other addictions.

The opinion that temporary pleasure will free you from the state of emptiness is extremely erroneous. This will not give confidence, but, on the contrary, will accustom you to other addictions. In order not to pull yourself out of a larger quagmire of problems later, it is better to listen to these recommendations:

1. Be able to trust.

When it’s like cats are fighting inside, and you feel helpless, you should turn to those closest to you. You shouldn’t isolate yourself, but rather ask for support from those who will always understand. It's important to find someone you really trust. Sincere relationships allow you to find understanding, consolation,...

2. Take your mind off the negativity.

Has everything piled up and doesn’t allow you to breathe out freely? The moral emptiness will gradually go away if you pause. Why not go to the mountains from this noisy metropolis, from this bustle? You can feel it in nature inner harmony, which was missing all this time. Inner loneliness is often healed by solitude surrounded by nature, a new environment. If you have been wanting to go on a trip for a long time, now is the time to buy tickets and let adventure into your life. For starters, it wouldn’t hurt to at least go to the cinema, sing karaoke, make homemade sushi and invite guests!

3. Let feelings into life.

I can no longer be alone with myself, I lack feelings. The mood to create a personal life is a natural desire. How long can you live in the cold, be detached, look back at the touching dates of your friends and go on your way? If you've been saving yourself for better times, then it's probably time to become alive and attract attention to your side.

4. Give an emotional shake-up.

When life feels like a dry field of weeds, it is important to renew it and sow a new crop. Feelings and emotional shock go hand in hand. You can also rock frozen ones. You can’t always be an idol, walk headlong and not feel emotions. There are times when you are in the mood to cry, sing your favorite songs with a guitar, go to a club to dance, jump with a parachute, or sign up for martial arts. This will turn on your real mode and bring new breath into life.

5. Pay attention to development.

Emptiness can rob a person of any opportunity to get on his feet in order to achieve success. You can't let circumstances get the best of you. Do you dream of being an entrepreneur? It's important to communicate with successful people, go to trainings on personal growth, read a lot of literature. Do you have a secret desire to try yourself in acting or perform on stage? You shouldn’t deny yourself the idea of ​​expressing yourself.

Why not get special education, watch training videos, find useful contacts. It is important to make your way to a better future and assert yourself. Then emptiness will have no place in your life.

6. Find your own interests.

Work-home-work-bar-home-cafe and so on in a circle. Routine not only erases the boundaries of reality, it kills all interest in you in another type of activity. On weekends, you can go out of town to pick mushrooms or visit the swimming pool. Hobbies break up the ordinary days, which force you to be responsible, to do responsibilities, perhaps to pretend. - a way to regain your freedom and taste for...

If the emptiness inside does not give you peace of mind, apply these tips and you will feel the result. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, try to take control of the situation and begin the path of your own liberation. It may be difficult at first, but very soon this terrible feeling of devastation will leave you. Don't let every little thing negatively affect you, but strive to remain neutral - this will preserve your condition and give you a sense of confidence.

It happens in life that a person is consumed by a feeling of loneliness and apathy towards everything and everyone. Such spiritual emptiness may arise once or twice, and quite often it can prevent you from living life to the fullest. Without timely response, this condition can even develop into depression, which is considered serious psychological illness. The information below will help you recognize the characteristic symptoms of this phenomenon in time or avoid their occurrence.


The state of emptiness can appear completely unexpectedly. A person may not even notice what influenced it. Just at one point you stopped feeling happy. Life, of course, goes on, but it no longer brings joy. Those around you may have no idea about your problems, and you, in turn, will wonder: why did the emptiness appear inside me?

Among the reasons for the onset of such a crisis period are the following:

  • Banal fatigue. Every person at some point gives up and no longer wants to endure a constant routine, unloved work, eternal bustle, etc.
  • Stress. Feelings of emptiness are often observed as a reaction to loss loved one, serious changes in life, etc.
  • Shock. Something similar to stressful situation, but it can be caused by betrayal, betrayal, destruction of the usual picture of the world, etc.
  • Loss of life guidelines and goals. Every person has some kind of aspiration in life. It can be easily realized or very long-term, but its loss or achievement can create an emptiness in the soul.
  • Any difficult life situation can break a person. Inner emptiness is a natural result of such circumstances.


People suffering from this disease are distinguished by great indifference to the world around them. They withdraw into themselves, on their own problems, which are often simply far-fetched. When there is emptiness in your soul, you don’t want to do anything: take care of your own appearance, the situation in the house, leave your beloved four walls. In such a situation, a person is often left alone, because he ceases to be interested in communicating with friends and acquaintances. It is very good if there is a family that will not give up in a difficult situation and will pay attention to such a condition.

There is often a feeling that one's soul has been put on display. This is especially observed among people who have been betrayed.

Spiritual emptiness clouds everything around. The events around you simply fade away. This painful state quickly drags you into the abyss of loneliness and darkness, devaluing previously significant things. Such a condition, as is believed in psychology, can even lead to physical pain. Many people, when a feeling of emptiness appears, begin to suffer from migraines. In this situation, medications may not be effective.

If you do not respond to this condition in a timely manner, do not pull yourself together, or do not seek the help of a psychologist, you can lead yourself to a real disease - depression. The result of the latter, as many people know, is often suicidal behavior.

What to do first?

Inner emptiness requires serious attention from a person and, preferably, his loved ones. It is quite difficult to fight this phenomenon on your own without support, but it is possible. It will take a lot of willpower. In this case, be guided by one point: who would you really like to be, a weak, weak-willed creature or a person who knows how to rejoice, love and live? If you chose the second, then here is a list of completely simple emergency measures:

  • Start complaining. Yes, yes, exactly complain! This, like nothing else, will help you look at yourself from the outside, voice everything that is boiling in your soul. All that’s left is to find someone who can just go and cry.
  • Trust people. This may be very difficult for people who have just been betrayed, but take a closer look at your surroundings. Surely there will be someone to whom you can speak without fear, and who will help with practical advice.
  • Look for the cause of your condition. Self-digging in this case is only beneficial. Think about whether your job or a certain person may be to blame. You will have to eliminate this reason: find something you love or say goodbye forever to the culprit of the inner emptiness.
  • Stir up your emotions. It’s not particularly important here what emotions they will be, the main thing is to get rid of the indifference with which you Lately look at the world. Get adrenaline pumping into your blood. Extreme sports will help with this. Read a dramatic book, watch a fun movie, or just enjoy the sunset. There are many options, just choose something you like.

Another question is what and how to fill the emptiness in the soul. There is a lot of information about this in psychology. Below are just the main points.

How to fill the spiritual emptiness?

It is very easy for a person to think about this in his usual state, not subject to emptiness outside and inside. It is more difficult to perceive this information when you don’t want anything and the meaning of life disappears.

Having noticed a kind of emptiness in yourself, you need to try to pull yourself together, no matter how difficult it may be. this moment no matter what you said, or ask for help from loved ones. You can get out of this state; to do this, you just need to figure out how to fill the resulting emptiness in life. Several options can be offered in this regard:

Personal life

This is precisely the sphere that absorbs a person headlong and in all serious ways. Plunge into the world of feelings, find a place for them in your heart, and you will feel alive again. If you have a loved one, then let him take care of you. If you have children, take care of them. They probably don't have enough attention right now. Find a point of support for yourself: in the form of a person, a group of people or an event. In fact, it's boiling next to you real life. Don't let her bypass you!


Perhaps it's time to change your profession or place of activity. Have you ever wondered how much energy your work takes from you? Maybe it's time to turn your favorite hobby into one that brings profit? Activity itself gives us room for maneuver: new acquaintances, employment, goals, etc.


It's time to occupy yourself with something interesting and unusual. Agree to any offers; perhaps something will interest you right now. If you have long wanted to sign up for dancing or going to the gym, now is the time. Get yourself involved in something new, and you simply won’t have time left to think about how to get rid of the emptiness in your soul.

Think positively

If there is emptiness in the soul, it means that a lot of space has been freed up for something new and unusual. Now is the time in life when you can start everything with clean slate, with new emotions, feelings and friends. There is now a space in the heart that requires filling with completely new information. While you are filling it out, try to find support from your loved ones. You need communication now more than ever.

In cases where you cannot get out of this state on your own, psychology or psychotherapy comes to the rescue. Contacting a specialist should not be regarded as something shameful. For many people, the state of emptiness leads to more serious phenomena. To avoid this, it is better to undergo several sessions of psychoanalysis at this stage.

“I feel empty” - we can say this after the loss of a loved one, separation from a loved one, overwork at work or disappointment in ourselves and people.

“A void formed in her heart - where a place was prepared for premature children and those that could appear in the future. She was inconsolable for two years.”

This is a phrase from the book Shantaram, the moment when a woman experiences a miscarriage and learns that she will no longer be able to have children. Such situations knock the rug out from under your feet and your joy for a long time.

And often it seems to us that we can fill this black hole in our hearts with something external - new relationships, best job, wealth, the birth of a child, the next episode of the series and music in the headphones.

We are terribly afraid of this silence and insensibility. But what if being in silence can become a resource and an opportunity to finally understand yourself.

In Buddhism, they try to achieve this state through meditation and thought control, because in oriental culture to achieve “nothing” means to achieve “everything”.

So why do we feel an emptiness that disturbs and prevents us from receiving joy?

Inner emptiness is associated with a lack of love, but not from others, but from a lack of self-love and willingness to open up to others. Popular advice from psychologists - “love yourself”, sounds cliche, but, nevertheless, makes sense. Inner fulfillment arises from accepting and understanding yourself.

Only then can we accept the love of others fully and give it back, and this exchange of energy will not leave a hole in our heart.

How to deal with this feeling

Determine the source

Just as we can describe physical pain, we can define emotional pain and dissatisfaction. This requires courage and honesty to listen to yourself - to allow yourself to feel and hear what you have been trying to drown out for so long. will help you find answers to many questions.

Sit in a comfortable position in a calm environment, close your eyes and ask a question - after what event did emptiness appear in your heart, why does it bother you, and what do you think you need to get rid of this feeling. It is better to do this in the silence of the morning or, for example, somewhere in nature.

Give to others

Remember Dickens' A Christmas Carol and old man Scrooge, who lives only for himself, and how his life changes when he begins to help others. There is one “but” - you don’t need to expect anything in return.

There is no need to try to please or get something from another by showing concern. This is exactly what can lead to devastation - when expectations are not met. On the contrary, make it a habit to be grateful for the things you receive from others and the opportunities you have. will help cope with the feeling of emptiness.

Really love yourself

Perhaps if you confess your love to yourself in the mirror every day, you will someday believe it, but you won’t feel it inside. This is not about external things - a manicure, a new dress, a desired figure or an expensive vacation. It can feel empty even in the best of circumstances.

Self-love is understanding your needs and taking responsibility for actions that give you a feeling of security and value. Saying “no” in time is also self-love.

We need to learn this, it may take a long time to find and accept ourselves, but this is the basis for the fullness of our soul. In this article you can read about what can help in this difficult matter -.

Lozhkina Maria, site editor.

Photo: https://www.instagram.com/carli_o/

I hear more and more often about “internal emptiness”. from clients and friends.

“I feel like there’s emptiness inside. It’s even difficult for me to understand how I feel and what I want. I try to fill my time as much as possible with communication, books, TV, so as not to be alone with myself. Sometimes I eat, throw food on me so that it’s not so empty inside. But it doesn't always help. If it helps, it won't last long. But now the emptiness is growing. “- the client tells me.

Relevant? Let's figure it out.

REASONS for internal emptiness can be either early childhood, and as a result of events in adult life.
1. IN CHILDHOOD, when you were “under-loved” or “over-loved.” In the first case (hypocustody), when the child’s needs for love and intimacy are ignored, he chooses not to feel the pain of rejection, and at the same time it is better not to want or feel it at all.
In the second case (overprotection), the parents “want” a lot and often for the child. Such a child not only fails to form normal boundaries, but also loses contact with himself, his emotions, and desires.
2. IN ADULT LIFE, if a person experiences unbearable emotions for a long time (loss of a loved one, betrayal, destruction of the usual picture of the world, etc.), and in order to survive, he unconsciously blocks his ability to feel.
Thus, the inner emptiness is never completely empty. This is always the result of the displacement of the strong negative emotions(in early or adulthood).

Even on initial stage Once it is possible to determine the reasons (see above) for its occurrence, to understand what repressed emotions it is filled with, the feeling of emptiness, as a rule, weakens.
The reasons have been identified.
Now imagine your emptiness as an image. Better yet, draw this image, or tell someone about this image (preferably a close, trusted person). WHAT DO YOU FEEL (imagining, drawing, telling)? Most likely these are your repressed emotions.
These are the first steps. You can work with this “deeper” in therapy.
No longer try to fill the emptiness from the outside, but dive inside. Learn to hear your emotions and desires.

It’s great about “inner emptiness,” in my opinion, that Aglaya Dateshidze reflected in her poem.

If you want to look, but if you don’t want to, don’t look:
I was born with a huge hole in my chest.
And so as not to scream in horror at night,
All the relatives decided not to notice.

The doctor, having examined the carpets on the wall,
Through me, he told me that there was no hole.
Mom hung Christmas tree tinsel.
Dad told me to be ashamed of my blues.

I poured coffee into it, brought flowers,
To somehow escape from the emptiness.
I inserted men, girlfriends there,
Books, ideas, work and everything around.

Stacked candies and chocolate
Tons. And then lettuce.
Husband, child, car, your dreams,
Bright trinkets, smartphone, crosses.

Later illness. Looking around with hope,
With a devoted gaze, I searched, where is that friend,
Prince, healer, guru or saint,
Who will help me cope with the emptiness.

I was immediately ready to let you in lovingly
The first person you meet, but not yourself.
Like a hungry dog ​​in a kennel,
It's like a beggar at the front door.

I'm ashamed to think about what I did, where I slept
Who you spent the night with, what you ate, what you lied about.
Like the next morning, having made a decent appearance,
She told everyone that it didn’t hurt at all.

In new dresses, holding my breath,
I secretly dreamed that I was finally not me.
I dyed my hair an irredeemable color,
She zealously tried to break any ban.

Years go by, and I'm looking for an answer again.
I rejoice in different ways, and I am sad about the sick.
There will be no heaven. But it seems like the light
Shines into my soul. And the poet speaks in it.

Well, when there is not enough daylight,
The beam seems to be coming out of me.
Through my hole, as if through a magnifying glass of days,
People nearby see themselves more clearly.

They come and often thank us.
They always say something to me through it.
Children kiss the edges of emptiness,
And they secretly trust me with their dreams.

Someone (this was truly surprising!)
He even confessed his love to my emptiness.
One day the artist came and, with his mouth open,
He told me that he had never seen such emptiness.

Someone noticed that the quiet emptiness
He takes everyone in his arms. And then
A miracle happens in her. And if you stand up,
Without moving, he begins to heal us.

I would like to tell you that everything is fine,
And that the hole will just heal.
But forgive me, I definitely won’t lie,
I don't know how to patch it up.

The wise say, by the age of forty,
There, in place of the hole, there remains a scar.
If the weather favors us mortals,
Then he almost doesn’t whine and doesn’t hurt.

Maybe after many days
I will calm down and become a little wiser.
Even one day I will understand that the hole and sadness
Exactly the size of God. And I will smile.

Exactly the size of a soul. And, slowly,
I realize that this is the soul.

Empathy is a person's sixth sense

Inner emptiness

Mental apathy

I think many people in their lives are faced with a feeling of emptiness, inner emptiness. Some experience it often and are aware of it, for others it is not so obvious, perhaps they were not even aware of it in themselves, but, one way or another, everyone is familiar with this state.

Stay with yourself

This state frightens us, a person tries his best to avoid it, not to be in it. There are people who cannot be alone with themselves, it scares them, although they do not even admit to themselves that they are afraid. Characteristic signs of fear of being alone with oneself are a person turning on music, TV, or just reading a book. But there is a small but, some do it at will, that is, they want to read, watch, listen. They easily remain alone with themselves if they wish, this is normal. But there is another option, when a person begins to feel restless, tossing, nervousness in silence.

How does a person feel when he is in a state of emptiness? The first and one of the most vivid feelings is the feeling of the meaninglessness of life, it seems to a person that everything that surrounds him is meaningless and brings nothing except disappointment, everything that a person has created seems so small and insignificant. At this moment, all the goals that a person had lose their meaning. A person feels empty, useless, and unimportant in this world. Few people like this state and the mind begins to look for evidence that this is not so. A person experiences internal conflict, he sees his uselessness and does not agree with it.

Struggle, disagreement awakens in a person, and naturally, he begins to look for manifestations of his significance, to fill this emptiness external signs, or by cultivating inner spiritual qualities. Some begin to fill their world with things and with this they show their significance, value, others try to become spiritual or simply kind people- this is their value. They evaluate themselves this way, no matter whether this happens consciously or whether the person does not even realize that he sets his price himself, through the things that belong to him, the position he holds, or his internal qualities.

Having examined her condition, she compared it with a feeling of lightness, unburdenedness. It wasn't a flight or a release. “It’s just easy, it’s just the way it should be,” she said. Then she added, a little scared: “It shouldn’t be like this, right? I'm kind of empty. And I feel good. But empty is empty. It sounds kind of bad. I don't like saying it."

Immediately after what was said, the woman’s concerns followed. It was unusual and unclear to her what to do with this emptiness. The answer “fill” was a revelation for her, seemingly obvious, but very new. And here, for the first time, she was able to talk with a smile, and not with disappointment, about what she WANTS.

Her desires, so distant and unattainable, brought her only bitterness, melancholy and often pain. And now she was able to feel them, to feel the possibility of their implementation. It was as if she was tasting them, feeling them, listening to them. For the first time, she admitted that her desires were not empty, not hopeless, but had the right to be.

AFTER, a little later, forces appeared that she herself did not suspect. Strength to realize something so desirable and meaningful. In practice, it turned out that “fear has big eyes”... there were. Previously, everything seemed so complicated and labor-intensive. And now it came into her life so easily and correctly. And, most importantly, she rejoiced at the feeling of being the mistress of everything that was happening. And how had she not noticed before that everything was so simple?

Is emptiness good or bad? Is emptiness a “well done” or a “loser”? Should you be afraid of her? Should we strive for it? Sometimes this condition can frighten and deprive you of strength, and lie like a heavy burden or a gray veil over your eyes. But when the emptiness inside is the result of a “cleared” territory, it becomes archetypical. After all, it is thanks to her that we get the opportunity to bring to our territory only what we really need, what is truly important and desirable.

Is it easy to cleanse yourself of excess? Is it easy to get rid of debris and dirt? All our meetings BEFORE were difficult, painful, sometimes even scary. Memories, emotions, thoughts - it seemed there would be no end to them. They were all, as one, overwhelming, unpronounceable, terrible to look at, frightening. It was unpleasant to even approach many topics, let alone discuss them, and feel...

Emptiness itself can only become valuable once you can compare. When there was only unused trash around, and now there is an empty, clean room. Design it the way you want. Fantasize, fill it up.

Such emptiness is healing. It gives a powerful influx of strength and desire to act. But to empty yourself, say goodbye and let go of the remnants of the past - you have to decide to do this, you have to invest in it.

The emptiness inside prevents you from living or how to find meaning

You go to work, study, make plans, everything suits you and suddenly everything loses its meaning. What was useful yesterday is unnecessary today. Where does the emptiness inside come from and how not to fight it? How to feel the joy of life during such a spiritual “abyss”? What needs to be done to combat internal cold and emptiness? If you find a “desert” inside yourself, it’s time to plant a “blooming garden”. Read to the end and you will no longer feel empty inside.

Causes of feeling of emptiness

When you realize “I can no longer fight indifference to everything,” then it’s time to give yourself a moral shake-up. It is important to figure out why life has stopped boiling inside you, and why you resemble a squeezed lemon. Psychological decline cannot just happen - there is a reason for it. Why usual life Has it turned into a kind of gray mass, where there is neither joy nor a sense of freedom? Life turns into a black and white movie when a person is morally exhausted. Routine, eternal bustle gradually takes away energy.

If the first year of office work with a strict boss was bearable, then after three years you don’t want to just get out of bed and even think about going to work. The presence of stress is another factor that can drive a person into a corner and take away any desire to act. Fear of sudden changes, loss of something, critical situations for which we are not prepared - this instills a feeling of loneliness and devastation.

Emptiness inside is often the result of turmoil. How can you think about the positive when a friend betrays you or, conversely, you let him down? When you spent the whole night creating a project to attract investment in your business, and your competitor bribed investors and won. Shock is a great stress that leads a person astray from his usual path.

When important goals are replaced by unplanned situations, psychology may not be able to withstand it. Usually, after such a shock, a person says “I can’t do it anymore” and he has a frightening feeling of emptiness in his soul. The acute period has passed, but its consequences leave a detrimental imprint. Here the difficulty arises in returning to the normal rhythm of life and again wanting to act for new results. If you lose what you have saved for so long, what you valued, your hands automatically close, and silence sets in inside.

There is emptiness inside, but what to do next? Under the influence of indifference, melancholy, and apathy, depression sets in. Under its influence, a person acquires the status of “hopelessness” and a complete lack of initiative to do anything. Therefore, as soon as emptiness has entered the soul, it must be driven out with all efforts. Otherwise, a person ceases to be a person, and his life becomes like a mess. In order not to completely alienate your family, friends, and prospects for happiness in such a state, you need to distinguish true reasons from false ones. Often, emptiness is a feigned state into which we lure ourselves, due to the following reasons:

  • Lack of attention or lack of privacy. “I’m so lonely/lonely, no one loves me.” You need to meet interesting people and not withdraw into yourself.
  • A whole day at work is completely exhausting, and then all you can do is lie on the sofa and watch TV. The work requires a responsible approach, fulfillment of duties that sometimes go “against the grain” of the employee. It is important to be ready to contribute or think about looking for a more interesting vacancy. We ourselves create the framework within which we experience oppression.
  • Waiting for a long time for success gradually takes away energy. After a while, any desire to achieve goals disappears. When you don’t feel the result, the effect of your actions, you gradually lose interest. You need to reconsider your views on the idea or pay attention to another type of activity.
  • “I can’t live in poverty anymore, I don’t want to be with these people, I deserve better.” The lack of goods and dissatisfaction with communication makes every day gray and a person a pessimist. Just what have you done to live in prosperity and be surrounded by the right people? It is important to take steps to get out of the social bottom.