Download t p Trushina ecological fundamentals of environmental management. Trushina, Saenko: Ecological foundations of environmental management. Textbook. See also in other dictionaries

1.1. Habitat. Environmental factors
1.2. Ways of adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions
Questions and tasks for self-control
1.3. Properties aquatic environment a habitat
Questions and tasks for self-control
1.4. Ground-air habitat
Questions and tasks for self-control
1.5. Soil as a habitat
Questions and tasks for self-control
1.6. Biosphere
Questions and tasks for self-control
1.7. Ecosystems: types and components
Questions and tasks for self-control
1.8. Cycle of substances in ecosystems. Species interactions in ecosystems
Questions and tasks for self-control
1.9. Species interactions in ecosystems
Questions and tasks for self-control

2.1. Laws of interaction between society and nature.
Questions and tasks for self-control
2.2. Main sources of technogenic impact on the environment. Pollution
Questions and tasks for self-control
2.3. Main groups of waste, their sources and scale of generation
Questions and tasks for self-control
2.4. Physical pollution of the environment.
Questions and tasks for self-control
2.5. Chemical pollution environment
Questions and tasks for self-control
2.6. Biological pollution of the environment.
Questions and tasks for self-control

3.1. Principles of Ecosystem Sustainability
Questions and tasks for self-control
3.2. Anthropogenic impacts on the hydrosphere
Questions and tasks for self-control
3.3. Anthropogenic impacts on the atmosphere
Questions and tasks for self-control
3.4. Anthropogenic impacts on the lithosphere.
Questions and tasks for self-control
3.5. Anthropogenic impacts on biotic communities
Questions and tasks for self-control
3.6. Possible causes of the environmental crisis. Global ecological problems planets.
Questions and tasks for self-control

4.1. Concept, types and forms of environmental management
4.2. Basic provisions of rational environmental management
Questions and tasks for self-control
4.3. Methods of environmental regulation
Questions and tasks for self-control
4.4. Environmental protection measures. The role of technological progress in environmental protection
Questions and tasks for self-control
4.5. Principles of production location various types.
Questions and tasks for self-control
4.6. Waste-free technologies and the use of alternative energy sources
Questions and tasks for self-control
4.7. Natural resource potential Russian Federation.
Questions and tasks for self-control
4.8. Animal protection and flora.
Questions and tasks for self-control

5.1. Concept and principles of environmental monitoring.
Questions and tasks for self-control
5.2. Environmental Safety Regulations
Questions and tasks for self-control

6.1. Environmental legislation of the Russian Federation
Questions and tasks for self-control
6.2. Government bodies environmental protection natural environment. International cooperation in the field of environmental management and environmental protection


Compiled in strict accordance with federal requirements state standards average vocational education for specialties of the enlarged group 19.00.00 “Industrial ecology and biotechnology” in the discipline “Ecological foundations of environmental management”. Contains a summary theoretical foundations of this science, taking into account modern development trends and applied aspects of environmental management. The principles of interaction between living organisms and their environment are considered; features of interaction between society and nature; development of ecosystems and causes of environmental crisis; fundamentals of rational environmental management; the concept of environmental monitoring, environmental regulation, legal and social issues of environmental management; protected natural areas; international cooperation in the field of environmental management and environmental protection. Complies with Federal State Educational Standard SPO 3+. For students and professional teachers educational organizations(or educational institutions secondary vocational education), as well as for everyone who is interested in environmental issues and the principles of rational environmental management.

Compiled in strict accordance with the requirements of federal state standards of secondary vocational education for specialties of the enlarged group 19.00.00 “Industrial ecology and biotechnology” in the discipline “Ecological foundations of environmental management”. Contains a presentation of the theoretical foundations of this science, taking into account modern development trends and applied aspects of environmental management. The principles of interaction between living organisms and their environment are considered; features of interaction between society and nature; development of ecosystems and causes of environmental crisis; fundamentals of rational environmental management; the concept of environmental monitoring, environmental regulation, legal and social issues of environmental management; protected natural areas; international cooperation in the field of environmental management and environmental protection. Complies with Federal State Educational Standard SPO 3+. For students and teachers of professional educational organizations (or educational institutions of secondary vocational education), as well as for everyone who is interested in environmental issues and the principles of rational environmental management.

The work belongs to the genre of educational literature. It was published in 2017 by Knorus publishing house. On our website you can download the book “Ecological foundations of environmental management” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

IN educational publication The main issues of ecology and environmental protection, features of the interaction between society and nature, principles and methods of rational environmental management, state, legal and social aspects of environmental protection are considered. Particular attention is paid to environmental regulation and forecasting the consequences of environmental management, current state environment of Russia. Both theoretical and practical issues of environmental monitoring are presented. After each chapter there are questions and tasks for self-control.

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  2. Ecological foundations of environmental management. Konstantinov V.M.

    15th ed. - M.: 2014. - 240 p.

    The textbook examines the current state of natural resources and the environment, provides the theoretical foundations of rational environmental management, the foundations of environmental legislation, covers issues of nature conservation in Russia and international cooperation in this area, and shows the role of environmental education in rational environmental management. For students of secondary vocational education institutions. May be useful for teachers of schools, lyceums, and colleges.

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    Preface 3
    Introduction 5
    The biosphere as an environment for human life and activity 7
    Anthropogenic impacts on nature on different stages development of human society 12
    Environmental crises and environmental disasters 18
    Terminology issues 23
    Natural resources and their classification 27
    Nature protection during environmental management 29
    Control questions 33
    Chapter 1. Brief essay conservation history 35
    Early stages of conservation 35
    History of nature conservation in Russia 37
    The modern stage of nature conservation 45
    Test questions 47
    Chapter 2. Use and protection of the atmosphere 48
    Structure and gas composition of the atmosphere 48
    Balance of gases in the atmosphere 51
    The influence of human activity on the gas composition of the atmosphere 52
    Air pollution 53
    Consequences of pollution and disturbance of the gas balance of the atmosphere 62
    Pollution prevention and protection measures atmospheric air 67
    Legal basis for atmospheric protection 69
    Monitoring the quality and degree of air pollution 71
    Test questions 72
    Chapter 3. Rational use and protection water resources 73
    Natural water and its distribution 73
    Water cycle in nature 76
    The role of water in nature and economic activity people 78
    Depletion and pollution of water resources 80
    Main pollutants and sources of pollution 83
    Determining the degree of water pollution 85
    Rational use of water resources, measures to prevent their depletion and pollution 8B
    Treatment facilities and circulating water supply systems 92
    Legal basis for the protection of water resources 93
    Monitoring of water resources, water quality and pollution 95
    Test questions 96
    Chapter 4. Use and protection of subsoil 97
    Bosom. Minerals and their distribution 97
    Distribution and reserves of mineral raw materials in the world and in Russia 100
    Human use of subsoil 101
    Exhaustibility of mineral resources 103
    Main directions of rational use and protection of subsoil 104
    Security natural complexes in the development of mineral resources 107
    Legal basis for rational use and protection of subsoil 111
    State monitoring state of the subsoil 113
    Test questions 114
    Chapter 5. Use and protection of land resources 115
    Land resources. Soil, its composition and structure 115
    The role of soil in the cycle of substances in nature.
    Economic importance of soils 119
    Natural and accelerated soil erosion. Types of accelerated erosion 122
    System of measures to protect land from erosion 130
    Results of anthropogenic impact on soils and measures for soil protection 131
    Legal basis for soil protection 136
    Test questions 138
    Chapter 6. Rational use and protection of vegetation 140
    The role of plants in nature and human life 140
    Forest as the most important plant resource on the planet 142
    Anthropogenic impact on the planet's forest resources and its consequences 144
    Forest resources of Russia 146
    Recreational value of forests 148
    Rational use, reproduction and protection of forests in Russia 149
    Protection of vegetation of meadows and pastures 156
    Use and protection of economically valuable and rare plant species 157
    Legal basis for vegetation protection 158
    Test questions 159
    Chapter 7. Use and protection of wildlife 161
    The role of animals in the cycle of substances in nature and in human life 161
    Human impact on animals 163
    Causes of animal extinction 166
    Protection of rare and endangered species 172
    Security the most important groups animals 178
    Legal basis for the protection of wildlife 187
    Test questions 189
    Chapter 8. Landscape protection 190
    Definition of landscapes. Their classification 190
    Specially protected natural areas 191
    Recreational areas and their protection 197
    Anthropogenic forms of landscapes, their protection 198
    Legal basis for landscape protection 202
    Test questions 202
    Chapter 9. Organization of rational environmental management and nature conservation in Russia 204
    State policy and management in the field of ecology 204
    Legislative and regulatory regulation of environmental management 206
    Test questions 208
    Chapter 10. International Cooperation in the field of rational environmental management and nature conservation 209
    A Brief History of the International Environmental Movement 209
    Environmental conventions and interstate agreements 212
    The role of international organizations in nature conservation 215
    Test questions 217
    Chapter 11. Ecological and environmental education 219
    Education for sustainable development 219
    Legal foundations of environmental education in Russia 222
    Environmental education at school 223
    Work of pupils and students of educational institutions in nature reserves and national parks 22B
    Ecological and environmental education in institutions of secondary vocational education 22B
    Test questions 230
    Conclusion 231
    References 233

    Contains a presentation of theoretical foundations taking into account modern development trends and applied aspects of environmental management. The principles of interaction between living organisms and the environment are considered: features of the interaction between society and nature: the development of ecosystems and the causes of the ecological crisis: the fundamentals of rational environmental management: the concept of environmental monitoring, environmental regulation, legal and social issues of environmental management: protected natural areas: international cooperation in the field of environmental management and environmental protection.
    Corresponds to Federal State Educational Standard SVE 3+ for specialties of the enlarged group "Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology" in the discipline "Ecological Fundamentals of Natural Resources Management".
    For students and teachers of educational institutions of secondary vocational education, as well as for everyone who is interested in environmental issues and the principles of rational environmental management.