St. Petersburg State University additional education. Educational establishments. Who can access additional education in St. Petersburg?

Year of foundation: 1724
Number of students studying at the university: 29206
Cost of studying at the university: 52 - 330 thousand rubles.

Address: 199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya embankment, 7/9


Email: [email protected]

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Over the past 10-15 years, the profession of psychologist has become one of the most popular. The interest of young and not so young people in self-knowledge, determining their place in the world, professional fulfillment and interaction with others, which is also constantly changing, led to the fact that there were many graduate psychologists.

If you have chosen philology as the direction in which you want to realize yourself, you are lucky - there are philological departments in many universities. If you are reading this article, you are doubly lucky, because today we will talk about where to find the best philological faculties in St. Petersburg.

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About the university

St. Petersburg State University– the oldest university in Russia, founded in 1724. Over the 289 years of its existence, St. Petersburg State University has secured the right to be called one of the best universities in Russia: a rich historical past, modern wide research activities, active development and innovation allow St. Petersburg State University to be at the forefront of Russian science.

Today, St. Petersburg University has more than 30 thousand students studying at 24 faculties, 13 thousand employees, almost 6,000 teachers (1,500 doctors of science, almost 3,000 candidates of science, more than 40 academicians state academies). The university has everything for study, hobbies and science: the richest Science Library them. M. Gorky, research institutes, museums, a large University publishing house, a university choir of students, graduates and teachers, clubs (from rugby and orienteering to the student search team "Ingria") and much more.

In November 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a law that assigned St. Petersburg State University the special status of “unique scientific and educational complexes, the oldest universities in the country, of great importance for the development of Russian society" Also, St. Petersburg State University is given the right to issue diplomas of its own design with the official symbols of the Russian Federation.

Educational programs of the University:
The University implements 98 bachelor's training programs, 83 specialist training programs, 157 master's training programs, 216 postgraduate education programs and 477 additional education programs.
Training is conducted on a state budget and on a contractual (paid) basis.
Forms of training: full-time, part-time and part-time.
Postgraduate education: postgraduate and doctoral studies.
Postgraduate studies: admission of a certified specialist or master on a competitive basis. Persons with a PhD degree are admitted to doctoral studies.

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More than 28 thousand students study at the university, and there are 13 research institutes at the university.
Training of specialists is carried out in specialties (certified specialist) and in areas of higher education vocational education(Bachelor and Master).
Forms of study: full-time, evening and correspondence.
The university admits citizens to places financed from the federal budget Russian Federation, citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as compatriots living on the territory of the republics of the former USSR.
Applicants must enclose with their application for admission to the university:
state-issued documents on secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational or higher education, 6 photographs measuring 3x4 and present an identification document and citizenship. Applicants may be provided with other documents if they are applying for benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
All full-time students liable for military service (studying on a budgetary and paid basis) enjoy the right to defer conscription into the army. They have the right. conclude a contract with the university's military education department for training in the reserve officer training program.
Students admitted to study on a contractual (paid) basis have the opportunity to receive a study loan for up to 10 years under the terms of the Credo educational loan program.
All nonresident students and graduate students full-time training is provided by the hostel. Social and living conditions at the university comply with current legislation.
Students enjoy all the rights and benefits and can receive a scholarship. Every year more than 200 students receive special scholarships for special achievements in studies and scientific activity. The university has a swimming pool and gyms, organizes winter sports camps, and constantly operates a dispensary.
Duration of training: full-time education - bachelor - 4 years, specialist - 5-5.5 years, evening and correspondence forms training - bachelor - 4-5 years, specialist - 5-6 years.
At the university, education is carried out both on a budgetary and contractual (paid) basis in the following faculties:
Faculties: specialties, directions, forms of education (D-full-time, V - evening, C-correspondence)
Specialty - ecology D
Directions: biology of the Far East, soil science D
Direction - Oriental Studies, African Studies D
Geography and geoecology
Specialties - geography of the Far East, ecology D, cartography of the Far East, environmental management D3, geoecology D, meteorology D, oceanology D, hydrology D
Directions - geography D, geography and cartography D; hydrometeorology D, ecology and environmental management D
Specialties - ecology B, environmental geology D, hydrogeology and engineering geology D; geology and geochemistry of fossil fuels D
Direction - geology (geological-hydrogeological department, geochemical-geophysical department) Far East
Specialties - journalism DVZ, public relations DVZ; advertising D
Direction - journalism D
Specialties - history of the Far Eastern Museum, art history of the Far Eastern Museum, museology D
Direction - art criticism (history of art) D
Mathematical and mechanical
Specialties - mathematics Far East, applied mathematics and computer science D,
Applied Informatics(in the humanitarian field) D, software and administration of information systems D, mechanics D, astronomy D
Direction - mechanics, applied mathematics D
Specialties - general medicine D, dentistry D
International relations
Directions - international relations D, regional studies D
Specialty - applied computer science (in the field international relations) D
Specialty - state and municipal administration D
Direction - management (departments - financial management, international management, marketing) D
Applied mathematics-process control
Specialty - applied mathematics and computer science DVZ
Directions - applied mathematics and physics D, information Technology D
Specialties - psychology of internal diseases, clinical psychology Far East
Direction - psychology of Far East
Specialties - sociology of the Far East, social anthropology DV, social work DV, labor economics DVZ, applied computer science (in sociology) D, organization of work with youth D
Direction - sociology D
Directions - physics of the Far East, radiophysics of the Far East, applied mathematics and physics of the Far East
Direction - philology (Russian language and literature) DVZ, philology (theory of linguistics) D
Directions - philology D, theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures D, theory and practice intercultural communication D
Specialty - applied computer science (in the field of arts and humanities) D
Direction - linguistics D
Specialties: Philosophy of Far East, Political Science of Far East, Cultural Studies of Far East, Museum Studies and Protection of Monuments of Far East
Directions - political science D, religious studies D, conflictology D, applied ethics D
Specialty - chemistry Far East
Direction - chemistry D
Specialties - mathematical methods in economics Far East, applied computer science (in economics) D
Specialties - world economy D, economic theory DVZ, economics and management at the enterprise (by industry) DV, accounting, analysis and audit
D, finance and credit DVZ, organization management D
Direction - economics D
Direction - jurisprudence of the Far East
Persons with higher professional education: bachelor or specialist are admitted on a competitive basis to master's programs, specialists and masters are admitted to graduate school. The duration of master's studies is 2-2.5 years, full-time graduate school is 3 years, and part-time study is 4 years.
University students have the opportunity to receive additional education under conditions of parallel training.
There are also other activities within the university educational structures:
French college- for senior students of city universities and people with higher education. The training course is designed for 2 years. A college diploma gives you the opportunity to continue your education in graduate school at a French university in any specialty.
Canadian College- for persons with secondary (complete) education. It prepares specialists in management and foreign languages ​​with the award of a bachelor's degree from the Canadian Christian College of Toronto and the issuance of a diploma of incomplete higher education, which gives the right to continue studying at the senior years of the university. Duration of training is 3 years. Day and evening departments. Training is paid.
Academic gymnasium- for schoolchildren starting from 9th grade. Enrollment for training is carried out on a budgetary basis. Admission is carried out in natural sciences, humanities, physics and mathematics classes.
The university offers future applicants: Evening training courses. Duration of training is 9 months. Applicants are trained in all subjects. Classes are organized for students in subjects that are included in the entrance tests (exams) of the selected faculty. Classes start on October 1st. Training is paid.
Correspondence preparatory courses. Applicants are trained in all subjects. The list of disciplines studied is determined by the student independently, depending on the chosen faculty. Acceptance of documents from September 1. Documents: application indicating the faculty and the subject being studied foreign language, Receipt of payment. Classes start after payment.
In addition to university-wide faculties, there are their own structures that provide preparation for admission.
For persons with higher professional education:
The University carries out retraining of specialists with higher education in the main educational programs of higher professional education on a contractual (paid basis). The retraining program for specialists provides for obtaining a new specialty and ends with mandatory state final certification (final qualifying work) and the issuance of a state-issued diploma of higher professional education The duration of training depends on the basic education and the form of training (day, evening, correspondence).
Persons with higher education can also study additional educational programs:
Professional retraining provides for training in programs of over 500 hours of classroom training (1-2 semesters), mandatory state final certification (defense of final certification work) and the issuance of a state-issued professional retraining diploma certifying the right to conduct a new type of training professional activity based on existing higher professional education.
Training can be carried out in educational programs of various durations (from 72 to 500 hours), aimed at in-depth study specific disciplines in the profile of the specialist’s current or future activities. Training ends with the issuance of state-issued documents: a certificate (for a training period of 72-100 hours) or a certificate (for a training period of 100-500 hours) of advanced training. Both basic and additional professional educational programs at the university for persons with higher education are implemented in faculties, special faculties, centers for retraining specialists and advanced training, and other departments of the university.

Today it is important not only to receive a good professional education, but also to regularly improve professional skills and expand your competencies. Investing in your own knowledge is a guarantee of a successful future and a brilliant career. The St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design offers the opportunity to obtain additional education within the framework of the programs professional retraining on the base higher education and advanced training.

Benefits of additional education

1. Short-term training. Unique modern approach to development educational programs allows you to train specialists as efficiently as possible in a short time.

2. Flexible schedule, which allows you to create individual plan classes without interruption from the main activity. Thus, students have the opportunity to combine work and study, which is extremely convenient for employed adults, young mothers, military personnel, professional athletes, people with disabilities health.

3. Application modern technologies training, taking into account the experience and characteristics of students, makes the learning process accessible and exciting.

4. Variability: you can choose any direction, regardless of the specialty you have previously mastered.

5. Affordable tuition fees.

How to apply for additional training?

Rules for admission to the Institute of Further Professional Education in St. Petersburg:

  • Persons who already have a professional education, as well as university students, are allowed to study.
  • To enroll in advanced training programs, you do not need to pass entrance exams and undergo a competitive selection process.
  • Enrollment of students is ongoing throughout the year.
  • The relationship between a person enrolling in additional professional education courses at SPbGUPTD and the university is formalized through the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of paid educational services.

Additional education programs at IDPO:

  • Professional retraining of specialists - mastering new profession(over 250 hours).
  • Advanced training programs – updating accumulated knowledge, developing practical skills within the framework of the acquired specialty.
  • Seminars and trainings (from 4 hours).
  • Internships – study of best practices and consolidation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice.

Acceptance of documents for admission to IDPO:

1. Application in the prescribed form.

2. Document proving identity and citizenship.

3. A document of the established form confirming receipt of secondary vocational or higher education.

4. Certificate from the place of study (for students).

5. 3 photos (3x4).


Enrollment for additional professional education programs is ongoing throughout the year. But, as a rule, there is an autumn intake (start of classes in September-October) and spring intake (start of classes in February - March). Classes begin as soon as groups are completed.

Who can access additional education in St. Petersburg?

Professional retraining and advanced training of specialists at the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design is available to the following categories of citizens:

1. citizens of the Russian Federation.

2. foreign citizens.

There are research publications: 1. Praetorian cohorts: model and practice // War and military affairs in antiquity. Para bellum No. 12. St. Petersburg, 2001. 2. Management of imperial saltus // Ancient Society IV. St. Petersburg, 2001. 3. Formation of colonate relations in the Western provinces of the Roman Empire // Man. Nature. Society. Actual problems 13. Proceedings of the international conference of young scientists December 26-30, 2001 St. Petersburg. 2001. 4. One episode from the Spartacist War: the last campaign of Spartacus // Battle in antiquity. Para bellum. No. 15. St. Petersburg. 2002. 5. Praetorians in war and politics // Materials of the student scientific society of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg, 2002. 6. Imperial land ownership and development of colonate relations (according to North African inscriptions) // Mnemon. Research and publications on the history of the ancient world. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg, 2003. 7. Dependent landowners and the labor of colons (Early Rome and the period of the Republic) // Mnemon. Research and publications on the history of the ancient world. Vol. 3. St. Petersburg, 2004. 8. Some aspects of the creation of “De agri cultura” // Materials of the student scientific society of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg, 2005. 9. Roman-Italian slave-owning slave economy of the time of Marcus Portius Cato the Elder (emergence, place of distribution, size, connections with the market) // Almanac of young archaeologists. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg, 2005. 10. Position of columns and colonate relations in Italy in the 1st-2nd centuries. AD // University historian. Vol. 3. St. Petersburg, 2006. 11. From private charters to general imperial legislative norms in the field of managing the domains of the Roman emperors // Law and globalization: issues of theory and history. St. Petersburg, 2009. 12. Colonization in the Roman Empire Republican period. (using the example of the western provinces): towards the formulation of the problem // Kazan Science. 2013. No. 1. P. 138-140. 13. CURRENT ISSUES OF PRE-UNIVERSITY PREPARATION OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN THE FIELD OF HISTORICAL SCIENCE (BASED ON THE ANALYSIS OF MATERIALS OF THE OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN AND PREPARATORY COURSES) // 2012 is the year of History in Russia. Current problems of studying and teaching history in higher educational institutions. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference. St. Petersburg State University; History department; editor-compiler: N. L. Kuznetsov. 2014. pp. 41-47. Development training courses for additional general education programs preparation for university in the subjects: 1. "History: practical course preparation for entrance examinations to higher educational institutions for students in grades 10-11" St. Petersburg, 2009 2. "Introduction to historical science for grade 11" St. Petersburg, 2009 3. "History: training course for students in grades 10-11" St. Petersburg, 2010 4. "History: four-month training course for students in grades 10-11" St. Petersburg, 2011 5. "History for high school students (four-month course)". St. Petersburg, 2013 6. "History for high school students", St. Petersburg, 2013 7. "History for high school students (intensive course)". compiling databases), Power Point, working with office equipment, working with Blackboard databases, deloweb IS