Comparative characteristics of the standards of basic general education of the new and old generation. Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards as one of the directions of modernization of Russian education. Expediency and necessity of state educational standards

The main content of Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is a list various types educational programs developed, accepted and implemented in Russian Federation. The main ones are general educational and professional educational programs.

General education programs(basic and additional) are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, and creating the basis for an informed choice and mastery of professional educational programs. These include programs:

1) up to school education;

2) initial general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary (complete) general education.

Professional educational programs are aimed at solving the problems of consistently increasing professional and general educational levels, training specialists with appropriate qualifications. Professional programs include:

1) primary vocational education;

2) secondary vocational education;

3) higher professional education;

4) postgraduate professional education.

The mandatory minimum content of each basic general education program or basic professional educational program (for a specific profession, specialty) is established, as already noted, by the corresponding state educational standard. As for the standard deadlines for mastering basic educational programs in state and municipal educational institutions, they are determined by the basic laws of education and (or) standard regulations on educational institutions of the relevant types and types or the corresponding state educational standard.

All educational programs, as can be seen from the list of their types, are divided into basic And additional. The main difference between them is that additional educational programs are not based on educational standards. Their task is usually to more fully satisfy the various educational needs of the individual. It is appropriate to note that exactly additional programs directly and closely related to educational services, which will be discussed in more detail in subsequent chapters.

According to the main types of educational programs considered in the Russian education system, there are many other varieties. Thus, the content of the activities of an educational institution is mainly determined by the educational institution itself, its leadership, and collegial bodies ( pedagogical council, academic council), teaching staff, taking into account exemplary curricula and programs recommended government agencies education management, as well as original programs, approved by the pedagogical or methodological council of the institution.

The emergence of innovative and alternative schools, the recognition by the state of the right to experiment in education have become serious factors in supporting pedagogical creativity. All teaching staff have the right to the author's program. Teachers have the right to independently choose the topic, content, and scope of such a program; they can use sample educational programs for their activities different levels and areas of general or vocational education, can develop new program, in accordance with your professional interests and creative abilities. This can be a subject curriculum of one thematic focus or a comprehensive integrated program that combines different thematic areas, educational areas or areas of activity. Author's programs are characterized by the peculiarities of the logic of course construction, the depth of the questions and theories raised in them, and the nature of their coverage by the author of the program. These programs are most often used when teaching special courses of students' choice, electives, or deeper study of certain topics of traditional training courses. Such programs are approved in accordance with the procedure established by the educational institution.

Today they are widely used modified educational programs, in which the basic parameters of the content of subject programs are preserved, but the means, methods, methods, and forms of achieving goals and objectives are changed, which does not require much creative effort from the teacher.

Currently in Russian schools For example, two types of training programs are widely used: standard and working training programs. In some cases, personal and individual author's programs are practiced, which are compiled and applied by innovative teachers, masters of pedagogical work.

Typical (example) programs outline only the most generalized, basic range of general educational knowledge, skills, abilities and a system of leading scientific worldview ideas, as well as the most general recommendations of a methodological nature, listing the necessary and sufficient means and teaching methods specific to a particular academic subject. Model programs are developed by the relevant executive authority, serve as the basis for drawing up working school and individual educational programs and are advisory in nature.

Based on standard ones, they are compiled educational (work) programs, which usually reflect the content of the national-regional component of the corresponding state educational standard, as well as the local (school, university) component, take into account the possibilities methodological potential teaching, as well as information, technical support and, naturally, the level of preparedness of students. Typically, a curriculum is structurally composed of three main components:

explanatory note or introduction, which defines target directions studying this specific academic subject in the system of academic disciplines taught within secondary school or the corresponding specialty in institutions of professional or postgraduate education;

guidelines on the issues of determining ways to implement the program, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids, assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the process of studying this academic subject. Special attention in programs in recent years reasonable attention is paid to interdisciplinary connections, which are presented in a generalized form at the end of the content of the main sections. This allows the teacher to be creative in developing work program, To lesson planning and the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in real pedagogical reality;

educational and methodological support of the program- a list of educational, scientific, dictionary and reference literature (main and additional), normative and legal sources used in the educational process, visual and technical means training, etc., without which the effectiveness of the classroom and independent work, not to mention distance education, will be reduced to zero.

Questions for self-test and reflection, practical tasks

1. What, in your opinion, is the expediency and/or necessity of state educational standards? How related is quality? modern education with the introduction of this educational institute?

2. Expand the political, legal and managerial nature of educational standards.

3. In your opinion, what is the reason for the diversity of meanings of the concept “educational program”? How does this concept relate to the concept of “curriculum”?

4. What types of educational and training programs are there? What characteristics are used as the basis for their classification?

5. What place do state educational standards and educational programs occupy in the mechanism of legal regulation of the education system?

6. Based on the analysis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, determine: a) the principles on which the development of state educational standards and educational programs is based, b) the subjects of development, adoption, implementation of state educational standards and educational programs and monitoring their compliance.

Donetsk Gymnasium No. 107





Prepared by:

Physics teacher

Pranchuk L.I.

Donetsk -2015




1. The reason for transferring general education institutions to new generation standards.

The main problems of school graduates are


Work with information;

Solve practical, socially and personally significant problems;

Conduct observations and build hypotheses based on them;

Draw conclusions and conclusions, check assumptions;

- “link” your life experience with the system of knowledge acquired at school.

The identified problems imply the need to transfer general education institutions to new generation standards. The main objective of the new generation standards is to improve the quality of education for schoolchildren and meet the needs of all participants educational process, as well as fulfilling state requirements in the field of general education.

State Standards, or as they also say, second generation standards or new standards, are aimed at overcoming a number of contradictions and creating modern education. They must satisfy the needs of the individual, society and the state as a general education.

A modern developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who:

· can make decisions independently, predicting them possible consequences;

· able to recognize and accept values human life, family, civil society, multinational Russian people, humanity;

· know how to learn, understand the importance of education and self-education for life and work, and are able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

· differ in mobility;

· capable of cooperation, respecting other people, capable of dialogue;

· socially active, respecting law and order;

· have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, its socio-economic prosperity.

The leading slogan in the construction and development of educational systems, “Education for Life,” has been replaced by the slogan “Education throughout life.”

2. The fundamental difference is the orientation of the standards towards educational outcomes. Results mean not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities(know, be able to, apply).

· It will be mandatory to form a system of universal educational activities for students, as well as the development of communication and information skills. Therefore, in addition to programs for each subject, a program for the formation of universal learning activities (UAL) is being developed. Therefore, there was a requirement to draw up a work program for each subject.

· New forms of testing work have appeared in the standard - complex testing work based on the source. It is this kind of work that will be used in independent examinations.

· Hours introduced extracurricular activities, which is an organic continuation training sessions. Their peculiarity is that they have a practical orientation, the final product of their activities. Extracurricular activity programs are also drawn up by the teacher; the standards provide exemplary results of extracurricular activities.

· All classes are based on an activity-based approach. At each lesson, the teacher plans active work students. The standards contain the main types educational activities.

· Education becomes a priority. The program of spiritual and moral education becomes a guideline for the formation of values.

All changes in the new standard should lead to the fact that the results of general education will be directly related to the direction personal development and presented in an activity form.

3. What are key features basic educational program of basic general education?

The basic educational program of basic general education determines the goals, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process at the level of basic general education and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, spiritual, moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development of students, their self-development and self-improvement, ensuring social success, development of creative and physical abilities, preservation and strengthening of students’ health.

The main educational program of basic general education is implemented by the educational institution through classroom and extracurricular activities in compliance with the requirements of state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

Extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personal development (spiritual and moral, physical education, sports and health, social, general intellectual, general cultural) in such forms as clubs, art studios, sports clubs and sections, youth organizations, local history work, scientific and practical conferences, school scientific societies, Olympiads, search and Scientific research, socially useful practices, military-patriotic associations, etc.

The forms of organization of the educational process, the alternation of classroom and extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education are determined by the educational institution.

4. What is the structure of the basic educational program of basic general education?

The main educational program of basic general education must contain three sections: target, content and organizational.

The target section should determine the general purpose, goals, objectives and planned results of the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education, as well as methods for determining the achievement of these goals and results.

Target section includes:

· explanatory note;

· planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education;

· a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.

The content section should define general content basic general education and include educational programs focused on achieving personal, subject and meta-subject results, including:

· a program for the development of universal educational activities (a program for the formation of general educational skills and abilities) at the level of basic general education, including the formation of student competencies in the field of using information and communication technologies, educational research and project activities;

· programs of individual academic subjects, courses, including integrated ones;

· a program for the education and socialization of students at the level of basic general education, including such areas as the spiritual and moral development and education of students, their socialization and professional guidance, the formation ecological culture, culture of healthy and safe lifestyle;

· Corrective work program.

The organizational section should determine the general framework for organizing the educational process, as well as the mechanism for implementing the components of the main educational program.

The organizational section includes:

· curriculum of basic general education as one of the main mechanisms for implementing the basic educational program;

· a system of conditions for the implementation of the main educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Standard.

The basic educational program of basic general education in an educational institution that has state accreditation is developed on the basis of an approximate basic educational program of basic general education.

5. Let us list the basic requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.

The planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education should:

1) ensure the connection between the requirements of the Standard, the educational process and the system for assessing the results of mastering the main educational program;

2) be a substantive and criterial basis for the development of work programs of academic subjects and educational literature, work programs of extracurricular activities courses, meta-subject courses, educational programs, as well as a system for assessing the results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education in accordance with the requirements of the Standard .

The structure and content of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education must adequately reflect the requirements of the Standard, convey the specifics of the educational process, and correspond to the age capabilities of students.

6. What approach to education does GOS LLC suggest? What does it consist of or what is it aimed at?

The Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which ensures:

· formation of readiness for self-development and continuing education;

· design and construction social environment development of students in the education system;

· active educational and cognitive activity of students;

· construction of the educational process taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

The standard is focused on developing the personal characteristics of a graduate (“portrait of a basic school graduate”):

· who loves his land and his Fatherland, knows Russian and his native language, respects his people, their culture and spiritual traditions;

· aware and accepting of the values ​​of human life, family, civil society, multinational Russian people, humanity;

· actively and interestedly exploring the world, realizing the value of work, science and creativity;

able to learn, aware of the importance of education and self-education for life and work, able to apply acquired knowledge in practice;

· socially active, respecting law and order, measuring his actions with moral values, aware of his responsibilities to his family, society, and the Fatherland;

· respectful of other people, able to conduct constructive dialogue, achieve mutual understanding, and cooperate to achieve common results;

· consciously following the rules of a healthy and environmentally sound lifestyle that is safe for humans and their environment;

· oriented in the world of professions, understanding the meaning professional activity for humans in the interests of sustainable development of society and nature.

7. The main forms of organizing extracurricular activities of students at the level of basic general education.

According to the basic curriculum for educational institutions DPR organization of classes in areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school. The time allocated for extracurricular activities is used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson system of education.

The following types of extracurricular activities are available for implementation at school:

1) play activity;

2) cognitive activity;

3) problem-value communication;

4) leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication);

5) artistic creativity;

6) social creativity (socially transformative volunteer activity);

7) labor (production) activity;

8) sports and recreational activities;

9) tourism and local history activities.

The basic curriculum identifies the main areas of extracurricular activities:

sports and recreational, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military and patriotic, socially useful and project activities.

The types and directions of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are closely related to each other. For example, a number of areas coincide with types of activities (sports and recreational activities, cognitive activities, artistic creativity).

8. How is the goal of education formulated in the new standard?

The main goal of Russian education is formulated: education, socio-economic support, development of a highly moral, responsible, proactive, authoritative citizen capable of creative innovative activity.

The conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education should provide participants in the educational process with the opportunity to:

achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education by all students, including students with disabilities health and disabled people;

development of personality, abilities, satisfaction of cognitive interests, self-realization of students, including gifted and talented, through the organization of educational and extracurricular activities, social practice, socially useful activities, a system of circles, clubs, sections, studios using the capabilities of institutions additional education children, culture and sports;

students mastering key competencies that form the basis for further successful education and orientation in the world of professions;

Formation of social values ​​of students, the foundations of their civic identity and social and professional orientations;

Individualization of the educational process through the design and implementation of individual educational plans students, ensuring their effective independent work with the support of teaching staff and tutors;

participation of students, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff and the public in the design and development of the basic educational program of basic general education and the conditions for its implementation;

Organization of network interaction of educational institutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of the educational process;

inclusion of students in the processes of transformation of the social environment settlement, their formation leadership qualities, experience social activities, implementation of social projects and programs;

formation of students' experience of independent educational, social, design, research and artistic activities;

developing students’ environmental literacy and healthy lifestyle skills that are safe for people and their environment;

use in the educational process of modern educational technologies activity type;

How should a lesson change in an educational institution that implements the basic educational program of basic general education in accordance with the requirements of the State Standards?

What is the novelty of the modern lesson in the context of the introduction of the second generation standard?

Individual and group forms of work in the classroom are more often organized. The authoritarian style of communication between teacher and student is gradually being overcome.

What are the requirements for a modern lesson:

a well-organized lesson in a well-equipped classroom should have a good start and a good ending.

the teacher must plan his activities and the activities of his students, clearly formulate the topic, purpose, and objectives of the lesson;

the lesson should be problematic and developmental: the teacher himself aims to cooperate with students and knows how to direct students to cooperate with the teacher and classmates;

the teacher organizes problem and search situations, activates the activities of students;

the students themselves make the conclusion;

minimum reproduction and maximum creativity and co-creation;

saving time and saving health;

the focus of the lesson is children;

taking into account the level and capabilities of students, which takes into account such aspects as the profile of the class, the aspirations of students, and the mood of children;

the ability to demonstrate the methodological art of a teacher;

planning feedback;

the lesson should be good.

How was a typical lesson? The teacher calls the student, who must tell homework- a paragraph read from a textbook. Then he gives a rating and asks the next one. The second part of the lesson - the teacher tells the next topic and assigns homework.

Now, in accordance with the new standards, it is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the child’s motivation to understand the world around him, to demonstrate to him that school classes are not about obtaining knowledge abstract from life, but on the contrary - the necessary preparation for life, its recognition, search useful information and skills to apply it in real life.

If we talk about specific methods that teach universal educational actions, they may include excursions and searching for additional material on given topic, and exchange of opinions, and identifying controversial issues, and building a system of evidence, and speaking to an audience, and discussion in groups, and much more.

Lessons should be structured according to a completely different pattern. If now the most common explanatory and illustrative method of work is when the teacher, standing in front of the class, explains the topic and then conducts a sample survey, then in accordance with the changes, the emphasis should be on the interaction between students and the teacher, as well as the interaction of the students themselves. The student must become a living participant in the educational process. Today, some children remain unnoticed during the lesson. It’s good if they really heard and understood something during the lesson. And if not?

The group form of work has many advantages: during a lesson, a child can play the role of a group leader or consultant. The changing composition of the groups will ensure much closer communication between classmates. Moreover, practice shows that children become more relaxed in communication, because not every child can easily stand in front of the whole class and answer the teacher. “Aerobatics” in conducting a lesson and the ideal embodiment of new standards in practice is a lesson in which the teacher, only guiding the children, gives recommendations during the lesson. Therefore, children feel that they are teaching the lesson themselves.

The main types of lessons remain the same, but changes have been made to them:

1. A lesson in learning new things.

These are: traditional (combined), lecture, excursion, research, educational and labor workshop. Aims to study and initially consolidate new knowledge

2. Lesson to consolidate knowledge.

These are: workshop, excursion, laboratory work, interview, consultation. The goal is to develop skills in applying knowledge.

3. Lesson on the integrated application of knowledge.

These are: workshop, laboratory work, seminar, etc. The goal is to develop the skills to independently apply knowledge in a complex manner, in new conditions.

4. Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

These are: seminar, conference, round table etc. The goal is to generalize individual knowledge into a system.

5. Lesson of control, assessment and correction of knowledge.

This: test, test, colloquium, review of knowledge, etc. Aims to determine the level of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities.

When implementing the state educational standard, it is important for the teacher to understand what fundamentally new didactic approaches to the lesson are regulated by regulatory documents. If we compare the goals and objectives with previous standards, their wording has changed little. There has been a shift in emphasis to the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education. They are presented in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results. You can, of course, draw parallels with the teaching, developmental and educational goals of the lesson, but they consider the result of the lesson in different planes. All educational activities should be built on the basis of an activity approach, the purpose of which is to develop the student’s personality based on the development of universal methods of activity. A child cannot develop with passive perception educational material. It is his own action that can become the basis for the formation of his independence in the future. Means, educational task consists of organizing the conditions that provoke children's action. As an example, we can cite assignments from traditional textbooks and textbooks on state educational standards.

State educational standards introduce a new concept - a learning situation, which means such a special unit educational process, in which children, with the help of a teacher, discover the object of their action, explore it, performing a variety of learning activities, transform it, for example, reformulate it, or offer their own description, etc., partially remember it. In connection with the new requirements, the teacher is tasked with learning to create learning situations as special structural units of educational activity, as well as being able to translate educational tasks into a learning situation.

The creation of a learning situation should take into account:

child's age;

specifics of the academic subject;

measures of the formation of students' UAL.

To create a learning situation, the following techniques can be used:

present contradictory facts and theories;

expose everyday ideas and present scientific fact;

use the “bright spot” and “relevance” techniques.

A learning situation may be a task to create: a table, graph or diagram based on the content of a read text, an algorithm according to a certain rule, or completing a task: to explain the content of a read text to a junior class student or practical work etc.

In this case, the educational material being studied acts as material for creating a learning situation in which the child performs certain actions (works with reference literature, analyzes the text, finds spelling patterns, grouping them or identifying groups among them). Masters methods of action characteristic of the subject, i.e., acquires cognitive and communicative competencies along with subject-specific competencies.

Structure modern lessons, must be dynamic, using a set of diverse operations combined into purposeful activities. It is very important that the teacher supports the student’s initiative in the right direction and ensures the priority of his activities in relation to his own.

Productive tasks are the main means of achieving educational results:

problems faced by teachers primary classes: the inability of children to independently solve the tasks assigned to them, lack of creative potential, difficulties in communication, forced the new State Educational Standard to significantly change the portrait of a primary school graduate.

If a student has the qualities laid down in the State Educational Standards, then, having moved to the middle level, he himself will be able to become an “architect and builder” of the educational process, independently analyze his activities and make adjustments to them.

Thus, unlike the old one, the new state educational standards introduce significant changes to the goals, content and organization of the educational process, which entail the need to restructure the entire educational activities V primary school and first of all the teacher who provides it.

The teacher, his attitude to the educational process, his creativity and professionalism, his desire to reveal the abilities of each child - this is all main resource, without which the new requirements of the State Educational Standard for the organization of the educational process in school cannot exist.

Much depends on the desire and character of the teacher and on the level of his professional training. If a person is open to new things and is not afraid of change, he will be able to start taking his first confident steps in new conditions in a shorter time.

Teachers will be able to implement the new standard without problems, mainly due to their ability to quickly adapt.

State educational standard (purpose, structure)

Federal state educational standards are one of the main tools for implementing the constitutional guarantees of the human and citizen’s right to education. With the adoption of the standard, not only the state can demand an appropriate educational result from the student. The student and his parents also have the right to demand that the school and the state fulfill their obligations. Regarding European and world standards of education, it should be noted that “blurring of boundaries” leads to certain obligations on the part of the educational institution, which guarantees not only the successful completion of training, but also obtaining a well-paid job. On the other hand, the student has certain guarantees, but also the need to constantly and qualitatively replenish his knowledge, demonstrating himself, which is very important, constantly as a qualified worker. This involves constant improvement of the student’s qualifications and the desire to constantly be in demand. In this context, a standard is a means of ensuring the planned level of quality of education. While stable over a certain period of time, the standard of education is dynamic and open to change to reflect changing social needs and the capabilities of the education system to satisfy them.

It is obvious that nowadays human activity is increasingly becoming fundamentally innovative. Human activity is growing in all areas of his activity. Processes of constant growth in educational sphere can receive further effective development only in the conditions of the formation of an innovative education system - a system focused on new educational results. In this regard, the transition to the Unified State Exam is a certain significant stage towards improving state educational standards of the Russian Federation.

Federal state educational standards must ensure:

1. unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

2. continuity of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education.

Federal state educational standards include requirements for:

1. the structure of basic educational programs;

2. conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs;

3. results of mastering basic educational programs.

Purpose and functions of new generation state educational standards

Today, the developing potential of educational standards is becoming increasingly significant, ensuring the development of the education system in the context of the changing needs of the individual and family, the expectations of society and the requirements of the state in the field of education.

1. a tool for organizing and coordinating the education system, serving as a guide for its development and improvement, a criterion for assessing the adequacy of educational activities to the new goals and values ​​of education;

2. a means of ensuring the unity and continuity of individual levels of education in the context of the transition to a continuous education system;

3. a factor in regulating the relationships between subjects of the education system (students, their families, teachers and heads of educational institutions), on the one hand, and the state and society, on the other;

4. one of the guidelines for creating a modern education infrastructure.

At the same time a new version standard should create conditions for more effective implementation of the traditional functions of standards as a means of legal regulation of the activities of the education system.

1. ensuring the right to a full-fledged education, which consists of ensuring, through the standard guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “equal opportunities” for every citizen to “receive a quality education,” i.e., a level of education that represents the necessary basis for the full development of the individual and the possibility of continuing education;

2. ensuring the unity of the country’s educational space, which represents a transition to the diversity of educational systems and types of educational institutions, requires the presence of a regulatory mechanism designed to stabilize the education system in the country. Education standards should fulfill this stabilizing and regulating role. Without limiting the development of specific regional approaches, the availability of various types of schools, variative programs, educational standards fix the requirements for the results of mastering the basic general education programs. The actual educational programs of a particular educational institution in their content may vary significantly in both the volume and depth of training they offer to students, but all of them are required to ensure the implementation and achievement of the requirements of the standards. This will ensure within the country a guaranteed quality of training for school graduates, which can be relied upon when organizing subsequent training. The standard is a critical factor in addressing many demographic and social problems in conditions of possible population migration, it will become the basis for recognizing the equivalence of educational documents obtained in different regions, etc.;

3. ensuring the continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education;

4. criterial-evaluative, which stems from the essence of the standard as a guideline against which the education system develops. Individual components of the system of documents that ensure the functioning of the standard carry requirements for the content of education, the volume of teaching load, and assessment procedures. educational results graduates are an integral part of the assessment of the educational activities of teachers, educational institutions, and the education system as a whole;

5. increasing the objectivity of assessment, the implementation of which is associated with the possibility of a radical restructuring of the existing system of monitoring and assessing the quality of educational results based on a criterion-oriented approach to assessment and the use of a system of objective measures of the quality of graduates’ training and the effectiveness of educational institutions, the education system as a whole, determined by the standard .

Obtaining reliable information about the real state of affairs in the education system will create conditions for making informed management decisions at all levels - from teachers (selection of optimal methods, timely correction, differentiation and individualization of education, etc.) to public education managers (development and adoption of measures to improve the state of education at the regional and federal levels, making changes to programs and textbooks, improving the organization and management of education).

At the same time, the Concept of Federal State Educational Standards for General Education is being developed: draft / Ros. acad. education; edited by A. M. Kondakova, A. A. Kuznetsova. - M.: Education, 2008., p. 19:

1. exemplary (basic) educational plans and programs;

2. systems for assessing the compliance of the content and quality of students’ training with federal state educational standards in the process of certification of graduates in various forms;

4. examination of textbooks, educational equipment and teaching aids for secondary schools;

5. certification systems for teaching staff;

6. control measurement materials for objective assessment and monitoring of educational achievements of students within the framework of the all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education;

7. approaches and methods for calculating mechanisms for budget financing of the education system, tariffs for teaching staff.

Thus, the State Educational Standards in the system of the existing legislative field of the education system become the most important normative legal act, establishing on behalf of the Russian Federation a certain set of the most general norms and rules governing the activities of the general secondary education system Senashenko V. S. O conceptual framework federal state educational standards of higher professional education / V. S. Senashenko / / Alma mater. - 2008. - N 9., p. 14.

The introduction of state educational standards into the system for ensuring the development of education is provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, state educational standards act as the most important regulatory legal act of Russia, establishing a system of norms and rules that are mandatory for execution in any educational institution that implements basic educational programs.

Existing state educational standards on the federal, regional level and at the level of the educational institution, in accordance with the document, are replaced by the federal state educational standard, which will include requirements for the results of mastering the main educational programs carried out by the educational institution.

At the same time, the implementation of higher vocational education programs can be carried out on the basis of educational standards and requirements independently established by federal-level universities, the list of which is approved by the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the right of an educational institution to formulate a curriculum is preserved, as well as the ability of educational authorities to influence its content, taking into account regional and national characteristics.

The new structure of the standard includes:

1. requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs (for general, social, professional competencies, as well as knowledge, skills and development personal qualities students ensuring the implementation of relevant competencies);

2. requirements for the structure of the main educational programs, including requirements for the ratio (volumes) of the components of the main educational program (humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, etc.), as well as for the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part that is formed by participants in the educational process;

3. requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs (i.e. requirements for ensuring the implementation of the main educational program).

The fundamental difference between the educational standards of the second and third generations should be their focus on the outcome of education. Educational results, which essentially express the goals of education, are inextricably linked with the conditions in which the educational process is carried out. Goals reflect the needs of the individual, society, and state in education. The conditions reflect the capabilities of society (the state) in providing education.

The law also spells out state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational process.

1. staffing - characteristics of the necessary qualifications of teaching staff;

2. financial and economic support - parameters of relevant standards and mechanisms for their implementation;

3. logistics - General characteristics infrastructure of general education (including parameters of the information and educational environment);

4. information support includes the necessary regulatory legal framework for general education and characteristics of the expected information connections of participants in the educational process.

Thus, the introduction of the federal state educational standard will allow the Concept of federal state educational standards of general education:

1. ensure the unity of federal requirements for educational programs and the conditions for their implementation throughout the Russian Federation, the continuity of educational programs at various levels of education and continuity in the historically established culture of the formation of educational programs;

2. increase the demands on the development of educational content by educational institutions at all levels, as well as create the prerequisites for more objective control over their activities;

3. promote the development of academic freedom in educational institutions and take into account the peculiarities of the formation of educational programs for the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

All of the above will ultimately contribute to improving the quality of education, the competitiveness of Russian education at the international level and, as a result, the quality of life and well-being of Russians.

An important feature of the development of education in our time is its globality. This trait reflects the presence integration processes V modern world, intensive interactions between states in different spheres of public life. Education is moving from the category of national priorities of highly developed countries to the category of world priorities.

Modern civilization is entering a fundamentally new information (post-industrial) stage of its development, when the globalization of social and cultural processes on Earth is recognized as the leading world trend. However, globalization, along with its positive aspects, has also given rise to a number of serious global problems: social, economic, environmental and spiritual-moral. In accordance with the strategy for the sustainable development of modern civilization, adopted at the UN conference in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, it is required new concept education, ahead of the prospects of the 21st century. The global mission in the field of education is carried out by the UN University (headquarters in Tokyo), founded in 1975 and part of the UN system. The University is a unique educational research structure, representing a community of scientists and serving as a forum for the search for new conceptual approaches to the development and solution of world problems.

To transition to the European level of education, the State Educational Standards are undergoing rethinking and significant changes. Educational results, which are also the goals of education, are inextricably linked with the conditions in which the educational process is carried out. Goals reflect the needs of the individual, society, and state in education. The conditions reflect the capabilities of society (the state) in providing education. The result of education is determined by the following directions of formation of personality qualities:

1. personal development;

2. social development;

3. general cultural development;

4. intellectual development;

5. communicative development.

Thus, the State Educational Standards become the most important regulatory legal act, establishing on behalf of the Russian Federation a certain set of the most general norms and rules governing the activities of the general education system.

One of the modern trends in the development of educational content is its standardization, which is caused by two circumstances. First of all, the need to create a unified pedagogical space in the country, thanks to which a uniform level of general education received by young people in different types educational institutions. Standardization of the content of education is also determined by the task of Russia’s entry into the system of world culture, which requires taking into account the trends in the development of the content of general education in international educational practice.

The concept of standard comes from English word standard, meaning norm, sample, measure. The main purpose of standards is to organize and regulate relationships and activities of people, which is aimed at producing products with certain properties and qualities that meet the needs of society.

Standardization, which refers to the development and use of standards, is an objectively necessary activity to streamline practice, its stabilization into integral systems that meet the historically changing needs of society.

The standard of education is understood as a system of basic parameters accepted as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the capabilities of the real individual and the education system to achieve this ideal (V.S. Lednev).

In this sense, the standardization of education in developed countries of the world has long been carried out through the development of curricula and programs, the establishment of a certain level of education, etc. However, the term “standard” itself in relation to education began to be used relatively recently.

Along with the Law “On Education”, the education standard is the main regulatory document that interprets a certain part of the Law. It develops and specifies such characteristics of education as content, its level and form of presentation, indicates methods and forms of measuring and interpreting learning results. The standard ensures the stability of the required level of education, its constant reproduction and improvement, which meets the prospects for the development of society.

An important indicator of the education system is the degree of democracy of its standard, which is primarily characterized by the ratio of the share of education centrally regulated by authorities with the share of education independently determined by educational institutions.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, as amended in 1996, stipulates that state authorities standardize only the minimum required level of education. Determining the content of education beyond this norm is within the competence of educational institutions. That is why the state standard of general secondary education distinguishes three levels: federal, national-regional and school.

The federal component determines those standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space of Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture.

The national-regional component contains standards in the field of native language and literature, history, geography, art, labor training, etc. They fall under the competence of regions and educational institutions.

Finally, the standard establishes the scope of the school component of educational content, reflecting the specifics and focus of an individual educational institution.

So, the education standard, on the one hand, reflects the obligations of the state to its citizen, and on the other, the citizen to the state in the field of education. The state requires its citizens to achieve a level of education determined by the standard and, in turn, guarantees the level of educational services necessary for this.

The federal and national-regional components of the education standard include:

Description of the content of education at each of its levels, which the state provides to the student to the extent of the necessary general educational training;
requirements for the minimum necessary training of students within the specified scope of content;
the maximum permissible volume of schoolchildren’s academic workload by year of study.

The essence of the standard of general secondary education is revealed through its functions, which are diverse and closely interconnected. Among them, the functions of social regulation, humanization of education, management, and improving the quality of education should be highlighted.

The function of social regulation is caused by the transition from a unitary school to a variety of educational systems. Its implementation presupposes a mechanism that would prevent the destruction of the unity of education. During the period of active search for new ways and models of education, educational standards are called upon to play a stabilizing and regulating role, without limiting the development of specific regional approaches, the emergence various types schools, creating variable programs.

Educational standards record the volume and level of full-fledged basic general education. Real programs in their content may differ significantly from the standard both in the breadth and depth of the training they offer to students, but all of them are required to provide a level not lower than that specified by the standard. This makes it possible to achieve within the country some guaranteed quality of training of school graduates, which can be relied upon when organizing subsequent training. This ensures the equivalence of education - the most important factor in solving many demographic and social problems: the possibility of population migration, recognition of educational documents obtained in different regions, etc.

The function of humanization of education is associated with the approval, through standards, of its personal developmental essence.

A clear definition of the minimum requirements for the general education preparation of students opens up opportunities for differentiation of training, providing for the possibility of mastering the material in a various levels. Thus, the prerequisites are created for resolving the contradiction between the rights and responsibilities of the student: the student is obliged to fulfill state requirements for the level of general education and has the right, if there is an appropriate desire, to move further in mastering the content of education.

The right to limit oneself to the minimum requirements when studying a difficult or unloved subject frees the student from an overwhelming total academic load and allows him to realize his interests and inclinations. Wherein open information about standards allows the student to consciously choose an individual trajectory of his development.

This approach to the content of general education largely relieves students of unjustified emotional and psychological stress, allows everyone to study at the highest level possible, forms positive motives for learning and creates conditions for the full development of the student’s personality.

The management function is associated with the possibility of reorganizing the existing system of monitoring and assessing the quality of learning outcomes.

The introduction of standards makes it possible to eliminate spontaneity and voluntarism in the development of a system of criteria for the quality of education of schoolchildren, increase the objectivity and information content of control, and unify assessments. Obtaining reliable information about the real state of affairs at school will create conditions for making informed management decisions at all levels of education.

State educational standards allow the function of improving the quality of education. They are designed to fix the minimum required amount of educational content and set the lower acceptable limit of the level of education. Before their introduction, there were no national mandatory norms. The existing guidelines and ideas about the quality of general education developed spontaneously, were aimed at the most prepared students and were inaccessible to a significant part of students. The absence of clearly defined limits of assimilation led to the fact that the actual level of knowledge of many graduates turned out to be extremely low, and the high level of education of individual schoolchildren did not solve the problem of the quality of education as a whole.

The introduction of educational standards makes it possible to resolve the issue of guaranteed achievement by each student of a certain, predetermined level of basic personal culture, helps to increase the overall level of education and, consequently, improves the quality of education in general.

Thus, the implementation of the main functions of the general education standard helps to ensure the unity of the educational space in the context of a diversity of types of schools, national and regional models of education; the formation of positive motivation for learning among students due to increased accessibility of educational material, normalization of the educational load, knowledge of the requirements for the level of education and the criteria for its assessment; transition to assessing the results of a teacher’s work based on the compliance of schoolchildren’s educational achievements with the educational standard; making informed management decisions; guaranteed allocation of time in the curriculum for activities of students' choice in accordance with their abilities, interests and inclinations.

Until now, general educational standards here and abroad have been presented in the form of programs and requirements for the level of preparation of schoolchildren in individual academic subjects. The general structure of the content of education was determined by the standard curriculum, which developed in a purely empirical manner. The education standard makes it possible to designate not empirically defined educational subjects, but basic educational areas, the set of which is scientifically substantiated. Based on the totality of these areas, which make up the invariant (basic) core of general secondary education, a wide variety of working curricula can be developed.

§ 4. State educational standard and its functions

One of the modern trends in the development of educational content is its standardization, which is caused by two circumstances. First of all, the need to create a unified pedagogical space in the country, which will ensure a uniform level of general education received by young people in different types of educational institutions. Standardization of the content of education is also determined by the task of Russia’s entry into the system of world culture, which requires taking into account the trends in the development of the content of general education in international educational practice.

The concept of standard comes from the English word standart, meaning norm, sample, measure. The main purpose of standards is to organize and regulate relationships and activities of people, which is aimed at producing products with certain properties and qualities that satisfy the needs of society.

Standardization, which refers to the development and use of standards, is an objectively necessary activity to streamline practice, its stabilization into integral systems that meet the historically changing needs of society.

The standard of education is understood as a system of basic parameters accepted as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the capabilities of the real individual and the education system to achieve this ideal (V.S. Lednev).

In this sense, the standardization of education in developed countries of the world has long been carried out through the development of curricula and programs, the establishment of a certain level of education, etc. However, the term “standard” itself in relation to education began to be used relatively recently.

Along with the Law “On Education”, the education standard is the main regulatory document that interprets a certain part of the Law. It develops and specifies such characteristics of education as content, its level and form of presentation, indicates methods and forms of measuring and interpreting learning results. The standard ensures the stability of the required level of education, its constant reproduction and improvement, which meets the prospects for the development of society.

An important indicator of the education system is the degree of democracy of its standard, which is primarily characterized by the ratio of the share of education centrally regulated by authorities with the share of education independently determined by educational institutions.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, as amended in 1996, stipulates that state authorities standardize only the minimum required level of education. Determining the content of education beyond this norm is within the competence of educational institutions. That is why the state standard of general secondary education distinguishes three levels: federal, national-regional and school.

The federal component determines those standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space of Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture.

The national-regional component contains standards in the field of native language and literature, history, geography, art, labor training, etc. They fall under the competence of regions and educational institutions.

Finally, the standard establishes the scope of the school component of educational content, reflecting the specifics and focus of an individual educational institution.

So, the education standard, on the one hand, reflects the obligations of the state to its citizen, and on the other, the citizen to the state in the field of education. The state requires its citizens to achieve a level of education determined by the standard and, in turn, guarantees the level of educational services necessary for this.

The federal and national-regional components of the education standard include:

Description of the content of education at each of its levels, which the state provides to the student to the extent of the necessary general educational training;
requirements for the minimum necessary training of students within the specified scope of content;
the maximum permissible volume of schoolchildren’s academic workload by year of study.

The essence of the standard of general secondary education is revealed through its functions, which are diverse and closely interconnected. Among them, the functions of social regulation, humanization of education, management, and improving the quality of education should be highlighted.

The function of social regulation is caused by the transition from a unitary school to a variety of educational systems. Its implementation presupposes a mechanism that would prevent the destruction of the unity of education. During the period of active search for new ways and models of education, educational standards are called upon to play a stabilizing and regulating role, without limiting the development of specific regional approaches, the emergence of different types of schools, and the creation of variable programs.

Educational standards fix the volume and level of full-fledged basic general education. Real programs in their content may differ significantly from the standard both in the breadth and depth of the training they offer to students, but all of them are required to provide a level not lower than that specified by the standard. This makes it possible to achieve within the country some guaranteed quality of training of school graduates, which can be relied upon when organizing subsequent training. This ensures the equivalence of education - the most important factor in solving many demographic and social problems: the possibility of population migration, recognition of educational documents obtained in different regions, etc.

The function of humanization of education is associated with the approval, through standards, of its personal developmental essence.

A clear definition of the minimum requirements for general education preparation of students opens up opportunities for differentiation of learning, providing for the possibility of mastering the material at different levels. Thus, the prerequisites are created for resolving the contradiction between the rights and responsibilities of the student: the student is obliged to fulfill state requirements for the level of general education and has the right, if there is an appropriate desire, to move further in mastering the content of education.

The right to limit oneself to the minimum requirements when studying a difficult or unloved subject frees the student from an overwhelming total academic load and allows him to realize his interests and inclinations. At the same time, open information about the standards allows the student to consciously choose an individual trajectory of his development.

This approach to the content of general education largely relieves students of unjustified emotional and psychological stress, allows everyone to study at the highest level possible, forms positive motives for learning and creates conditions for the full development of the student’s personality.

The management function is associated with the possibility of reorganizing the existing system of monitoring and assessing the quality of learning outcomes.

The introduction of standards makes it possible to eliminate spontaneity and voluntarism in the development of a system of criteria for the quality of education of schoolchildren, increase the objectivity and information content of control, and unify assessments. Obtaining reliable information about the real state of affairs at school will create conditions for making informed management decisions at all levels of education.

State educational standards allow the function of improving the quality of education. They are designed to fix the minimum required amount of educational content and set the lower acceptable limit of the level of education. Before their introduction, there were no national mandatory norms. The existing guidelines and ideas about the quality of general education developed spontaneously, were aimed at the most prepared students and were inaccessible to a significant part of students. The absence of clearly defined limits of assimilation led to the fact that the actual level of knowledge of many graduates turned out to be extremely low, and the high level of education of individual schoolchildren did not solve the problem of the quality of education as a whole.

The introduction of educational standards makes it possible to resolve the issue of guaranteed achievement by each student of a certain, predetermined level of basic personal culture, helps to increase the overall level of education and, consequently, improves the quality of education in general.

Thus, the implementation of the main functions of the general education standard helps to ensure the unity of the educational space in the context of a diversity of types of schools, national and regional models of education; the formation of positive motivation for learning among students due to increased accessibility of educational material, normalization of the educational load, knowledge of the requirements for the level of education and the criteria for its assessment; transition to assessing the results of a teacher’s work based on the compliance of schoolchildren’s educational achievements with the educational standard; making informed management decisions; guaranteed allocation of time in the curriculum for activities of students' choice in accordance with their abilities, interests and inclinations.

Until now, general educational standards here and abroad have been presented in the form of programs and requirements for the level of preparation of schoolchildren in individual academic subjects. The general structure of the content of education was determined by the standard curriculum, which developed in a purely empirical manner. The education standard makes it possible to designate not empirically defined educational subjects, but basic educational areas, the set of which is scientifically substantiated. Based on the totality of these areas, which make up the invariant (basic) core of general secondary education, a wide variety of working curricula can be developed.

Purpose and functions of new generation standards
New tasks set for school education today significantly expand the scope and purpose of educational standards.
As already noted, the first generation standards were focused mainly on solving rather local in nature problems of ensuring legal regulation of the content and planned results of school education in the context of legalization in the early 1990s. diversity of educational systems. This determined the main purpose and priority functions of the standards of that time - preserving the country’s unified educational space, ensuring accessibility of education within the limits of a minimum sufficient level of content and requirements for the training of graduates.
However, today the developing potential of educational standards is becoming increasingly significant, ensuring the development of the education system in the context of the changing needs of the individual and family, the expectations of society and the requirements of the state in the field of education.
Currently the standards must be:
; a tool for organizing and coordinating the education system, a guideline for its development and improvement, a criterion for assessing its adequacy to the new goals and values ​​of education (personal development as the goal and meaning of education);
; a means of ensuring the unity and continuity of individual levels of education in the context of the transition to a continuous education system;
; the regulatory framework for regulating the relationships between subjects of the education system (students, their families, teachers and heads of educational institutions), on the one hand, and the state and society, on the other.
At the same time, the new version of the standard should create conditions for more effective implementation of the traditional functions of standards as a means of legal regulation of the education system.
There are basic functions of the standard.
The function of ensuring the right to a full education. It consists in ensuring, through the standard, “equal opportunities to receive a quality education” guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation for every citizen, i.e. level of education, which represents the necessary basis for the full development of the individual and the possibility of continuing education.
The function of maintaining the unity of the country’s educational space. The transition to a diversity of educational systems and types of educational institutions requires the creation of a regulatory mechanism designed to stabilize the education system in the country. Education standards should play this stabilizing and regulating role. Without limiting the development of specific regional approaches, the emergence of various types of schools, and the creation of variable programs, educational standards fix the volume and level of full-fledged basic education. Real educational programs in their content may differ significantly from the standard both in volume and depth of training they offer to students, but all of them are required to provide a level not lower than that specified by the standard. This makes it possible to achieve within the country some guaranteed equivalent of the quality of training of school graduates, which can be relied upon when organizing subsequent training. The introduction of standards will be the most important factor in solving many demographic and social problems in the context of possible population migration, and will become the basis for recognizing the equivalence of educational documents obtained in different regions.
Function of improving the quality of education. General education standards are designed to set the lower acceptable
the limit of the level of training. Until now, such national norms did not exist. Ideas about the level of educational results developed largely spontaneously, were aimed at the most prepared schoolchildren, and the level of requirements for educational achievements was often inaccessible to a significant part of students. This led to the fact that the real level of educational results of many graduates was low, and good preparation individual schoolchildren did not solve the problem of quality of education.
The introduction of educational standards makes it possible to raise the question of the actual achievement by each student of a certain, predetermined level of training. Thus, the use of standards in school practice and a focus on their unconditional compliance are intended to increase general level education and, consequently, the quality of education in general.
The function of ensuring the continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education.
Criteria-evaluative function. It stems from the essence of the standard as a guideline against which the education system develops. Individual components of the standard contain requirements for the content of education, the volume of teaching load, procedures for assessing educational results, certification of teachers and educational institutions.
Function to increase the objectivity of assessment. The implementation of this function is associated with the possibility of a radical restructuring of the existing system of monitoring and assessing the quality of educational results based on a criterion-oriented approach to assessment and the use of a system of objective measures of the quality of graduate training and the effectiveness of educational institutions and the education system as a whole, determined by the standard.
The standard determines the acceptable level of education (educational
qualification), regarding which in society
a convention (agreement) is reached as to the necessary and sufficient level for the possibility of continuing education at the next level. It is this level that acts as the basis for a criterion-oriented approach to assessing the educational results achieved by each individual student, and allows for the transition to Dichotomous assessment. The use of a criterion-oriented approach and a dichotomous assessment system significantly increases the level of objectivity and reliability of assessing the achievement of standard requirements.
Obtaining reliable information about the real state of affairs at school will create conditions for making informed management decisions at all levels - from the teacher (selection of optimal methods, timely correction, differentiation and individualization of education, etc.) to public education managers (regional and national measures to improve the situation education, making changes to programs and textbooks, improving the organization and management of education).
The function of humanizing education and ensuring equality of opportunity for personal development. A clear definition of the requirements for student preparation opens up real prospects for individualization and differentiation of learning, providing for the possibility of mastering the material at various levels.
This approach frees the student from the overwhelming total academic load and allows him to realize his interests and inclinations. Unjustified emotional and intellectual stress is relieved, which allows each student to learn at a level corresponding to his capabilities and abilities, and forms positive motives for learning.

Standard (from the English standard - norm, sample) in the broad sense of the word - sample, standard, model, taken as the initial ones for comparing other similar objects with them.
A standard in the Russian Federation is a document that, for the purpose of voluntary repeated use, establishes product characteristics, rules for implementation and characteristics of design processes (including surveys), production, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, storage, transportation, sales and disposal, performance of work or provision of services. The standard may also contain rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, rules for sampling, requirements for terminology, symbols, packaging, markings or labels and rules for their application. Some standards in Russia may have the status of mandatory for use during the transition to a system of technical regulations.

State standard of general education - norms and requirements that determine the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs of general education, the maximum volume of students' teaching load, the level of training of graduates of educational institutions, as well as the basic requirements for ensuring the educational process (including its material, technical, educational -laboratory, information and methodological, personnel support).
The purpose of the state standard of general education is to ensure:
equal opportunities for all citizens to receive quality education;
unity of the educational space in the Russian Federation;
protecting students from overload and maintaining their mental and physical health;
continuity of educational programs at different levels of general education, opportunities for obtaining professional education;
social protection of students;
social and professional protection of teaching staff;
the rights of citizens to receive complete and reliable information about state regulations and requirements for the content of general education and the level of training of graduates of educational institutions;
basis for calculating federal standards for financial costs for the provision of services in the field of general education, as well as for distinguishing educational services in the field of general education financed from the budget and from consumer funds, and for determining the requirements for educational institutions implementing the state standard of general education .
The state guarantees universal access and free general education in educational institutions within the limits determined by the state standard of general education.
The state standard of general education is the basis:
development of the federal basic curriculum, educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, basic curricula of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, curricula of educational institutions, sample programs in academic subjects;
objective assessment of the level of training of graduates of educational institutions;
objective assessment of the activities of educational institutions;
determining the volume of budget funding for educational services, the provision of which to citizens free of charge is guaranteed by the state throughout the Russian Federation;
establishing the equivalence (nostrification) of documents on general education on the territory of the Russian Federation;
establishing federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of equipment for the educational process and equipment for classrooms.
The state standard of general education includes three components:
federal component - established by the Russian Federation (at least 75 percent of the total standard time allocated for mastering educational programs of general education is allocated);
regional (national-regional) component - established by the subject of the Russian Federation (at least 10 percent of the total standard time allocated for mastering educational programs of general education is allocated);
component of an educational institution - is independently established by the educational institution (at least 10 percent of the total standard time allocated for mastering educational programs of general education is allocated).
Since 2001, when the experiment on the transition to 12-year education began, a 4th component was introduced - student: consultations, motor classes, etc. But they do not relate to the maximum educational load, therefore they are optional for students.
At the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011, drafts of a new standard for secondary (complete) general education were published, which aroused widespread criticism. In April 2011, the third version of the standard was published, which was soon removed from the ministry’s portal.

5.1.2. Structure and functions of the state
educational standard

At the legislative level, Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and Art. 5 of the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” The main provisions of this article are as follows.
In Art. 7 of the basic educational law highlights the following most significant features of the legislative definition of the place and role of the state education system in Russian system education:
1. In the Russian Federation, state educational standards are established, which include federal and regional (national-regional) components, as well as an educational institution component. Russian Federation represented by federal bodies state power within the limits of their competence, establishes federal components of state educational standards, which determine the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, the maximum volume of students’ teaching load, and the requirements for the level of training of graduates.
State educational standards may be established for individual additional educational programs in the manner determined by federal law.
2. When implementing educational programs for students with developmental disabilities, special state educational standards may be established.
3. The procedure for the development, approval and introduction of state educational standards is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, except for cases provided for by law.
4. The main provisions of state educational standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, the procedure for their development and approval are established by federal law.
5. State educational standards are approved at least once every ten years.
6. State educational standards are the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates, regardless of the form of education.
State educational standards in higher and postgraduate professional education generally correspond to the above provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, but nevertheless have their own specifics, the most significant of which are (Article 5 of the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”):
- state educational standards for higher and postgraduate professional education are intended to ensure: a) the quality of higher and postgraduate professional education; b) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation; c) the basis for an objective assessment of the activities of educational institutions implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education; d) recognition and establishment of equivalence of documents of foreign countries on higher and postgraduate professional education;
- state educational standards for higher and postgraduate professional education consist of federal and national-regional components. Federal components of state educational standards for higher and postgraduate professional education include: 1) General requirements to the main educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education; 2) requirements for the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education, for the conditions for their implementation, including educational and production practice and final certification of graduates, the level of training of graduates in each area of ​​training (specialty); 3) the timing of mastering the main educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education in federal state educational institutions, which do not contradict the timing established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) regulations on higher educational institutions of the relevant types; 4) the maximum volume of students’ teaching load. National-regional components of state educational standards for higher and postgraduate professional education reflect national-regional features of training specialists in relevant areas of training (specialties);
- national-regional components of state educational standards of higher and postgraduate professional education are determined by the higher educational institution on the initiative of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and are implemented by the higher educational institution on a contractual basis with the relevant executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
- the main educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education are developed by the federal state education management body and departmental state education management bodies and, to the extent that goes beyond the relevant state educational standards, perform the functions of exemplary educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education.
As you can see, one of the most characteristic features The modern Russian state educational standard is to distinguish federal and national-regional components in its structure, which very clearly characterizes the federal nature of educational legislation and the entire education system in general. Let us briefly consider the content and goals of each component.
The federal component of the standard includes standards that ensure the unity of the pedagogical space of Russia and the integration of the individual into the system of world culture. It is associated with academic disciplines of general cultural and national significance. For example, for high school– this is the Russian language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history of Russia, for higher educational institutions– philosophy, foreign language, concepts of modern natural science.
The national-regional component consists of norms corresponding to that part of the content of education that reflects the national and regional significance of culture (native language and native literature, history, geography, art of the region). Thus, in the national-regional component of many standards of social and humanitarian specialties of higher educational institutions of the Ural region there are educational disciplines related to the study of the history and culture of the peoples of the Urals, the political and legal system of a particular subject of the Russian Federation, included in the Ural federal district and so on.
The educational institution component reflects the specifics of a particular educational institution and thereby allows it to independently develop and implement educational programs and curricula, which, in accordance with subparagraph 6 of paragraph 2 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is within the competence of the educational institution.
At the federal and national-regional levels, the education standard includes:
a description of the content of education at each of its levels, which the state is obliged to provide to the student;
requirements for the minimum necessary training of students within the specified scope of content;
the maximum allowable amount of teaching load by year of study.
In terms of content, the standard provides:
1) mastery of basic concepts and skills, which includes the ability to: a) recognize and reproduce the basic concepts of the branch of knowledge being studied; b) give them definitions; c) reveal the content of the concept, its scope; d) establish interconceptual connections with higher, lower, and adjacent concepts; e) give a practical interpretation of the concept;
2) knowledge of theories, concepts, laws and patterns of the foundations of science, its history, methodology, problems and forecasts;
3) ability to apply scientific knowledge in practice when solving cognitive (theoretical) and practical problems both in a stable (standard) and in a changing (non-standard) situation;
4) have their own judgments in the field of theory and practice of this educational field;
5) knowledge of the main problems of society (Russia) and understanding of one’s role in solving them: social, political, economic, environmental, moral, production, managerial, national, international, cultural, family, etc.
6) mastery of the technology of continuous self-education in branches of knowledge, sciences and types of activity.
State educational standards acquire real embodiment in the formation of the content of education in the following regulatory documents: curriculum, curriculum and educational literature (textbooks, textbooks, problem books, workshops, etc.). Each of these regulatory documents corresponds to a certain level of design of educational content. Syllabus– level of theoretical concepts; curriculum - to the level of the academic subject; educational literature – to the level of educational material.
The characteristics of state educational standards would be incomplete without defining their role and significance in society and the education system, which is directly expressed in the functions of the standards. These main functions include:
criterion-evaluative function: the standard is the standard towards which the educational process is oriented;
the function of preserving the unity of the country’s educational space: standards fix the volume and level of full-fledged basic education in the context of the diversity of types and types of educational institutions;
function of improving the quality of education: the standard sets the level of quality of education that needs to be achieved;
the function of ensuring the constitutional right of citizens to a full-fledged education: in the system of guaranteeing the right to education, state educational standards play an important role;
function of humanization of education: standards open the way to multilevel education, in which the content of training programs may exceed the norms of the standard. This promotes student-centered learning according to the interests, abilities, and capabilities of students;
function of managing the process and quality of education: standards are used by education authorities to create an effective system for monitoring the quality of education.
Such is the general view characterization of the legal foundations of state educational standards as an object and at the same time a means of legal regulation of the education system.