Secondary maritime education universities. Modern Maritime Institute (sovmorin). Special rights when applying to study at a school

There are many maritime educational institutions in Russia and they are divided mainly into three groups: trade, fishing and military. Educational institutions that train specialists for the merchant fleet are divided into sea and river. According to the level of education, all educational institutions are divided into higher (universities and institutes), secondary specialized (technical schools and colleges) and nautical schools (vocational schools).

Nautical and river schools

Nautical schools with secondary specialized education, in our time many of them are called colleges in English, these are former nautical and river schools in which cadets received a solid maritime professional education, which allowed them to successfully work on all types of sea, river-sea and river vessels.

Higher maritime educational institutions

Marine higher education can be obtained from the following state universities and academies. There is practically no point in tormenting yourself with doubts about which one to enroll in in order to get better education. The level of teaching in all institutions is the same.

Map of nautical and river schools in Russia

Practice on a training sailing vessel

Even in the age of satellite and computerized navigation, electronic control of engines and most other mechanisms on a modern merchant ship, it is difficult to imagine maritime romance without sailing ships.

Training sailing ships of Russia

From the time of Soviet Union In Russian nautical schools, six training sailing ships have been preserved: “Young Baltiets”, “Kruzenshtern”, “Sedov”, “Mir”, “Nadezhda” and “Pallada”.

Practice for cadets

The word cadet translated from English means cadet. Applied to navy- naval cadet or river school, no matter what, secondary specialized or higher. About 20 years ago, cadets on ships were called a more appropriate word, trainees.

You will need

  • - a personal statement addressed to the head of the school about the desire to study at this school;
  • - autobiography in free form;
  • - a copy of the birth certificate;
  • - a copy of the passport or document confirming the Russian citizenship of the applicant and his parents (for those living outside the Russian Federation);
  • - an extract from the report card with grades for the first three academic quarters last year education, certified by the official seal of the school (the document must indicate the foreign language being studied);
  • - medical examination card issued by the military medical commission and certified by the military commissariat (put in the candidate’s personal file);
  • - a copy of the medical insurance policy;
  • - four photographs measuring 3x4 cm;
  • - a certificate indicating the place of residence, living conditions and family composition of the parents (or persons replacing them).


Make a choice educational institution, where you plan to study. There are only a few seaworthy and naval vessels on Russian territory. And the terms of study in them are different, depending on the age at admission. Age categories for those who have completed grades 4, 6, 8 and 11 secondary schools. Respectively, full course training will take place over 7, 5, 3 and 2 years.

Submit an application (report) about your desire to study at sea. Such a report is submitted by parents, or persons replacing them, until May 31. Please note that applications are accepted only through military commissariats at the candidates’ place of residence. The application is submitted to the district or city military commissar. The report must stipulate the consent of parents (or substitute persons) to send candidates to study at the school and subsequently enter the service of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation. Attach the required documents to the report.

Prepare Required documents about the availability of benefits upon admission. When enrolling, first preference is given to candidates from the preferential category. These include: - minor orphans, or persons without parental care (such candidates are enrolled without passing exams, only based on the results of an interview and the necessary medical examination); - students who have excellent grades in all subjects, awards or certificates of merit " For excellent success" (this category takes only one entrance exam in mathematics (written); if received excellent rating they are exempt from further exams, but if they receive grades below 5 points, they will have to take exams on a general basis); - upon receiving positive marks in the entrance exams; - children of military personnel. The conditions for compliance with this category should be clarified at the selected nautical school.

If you have been selected, arrive at the school on time, according to the information in the written call, which indicates the day and time of appearance. A call to school gives the right to obtain the necessary travel documents at the military registration and enlistment offices at the place of residence.

Pass all necessary tests and medical examination. All persons arriving at naval and naval educational institutions undergo professional and psychological selection, testing the level of physical fitness, medical examination and are then allowed to take competitive tests. entrance exams. Candidates who do not meet the conditions of physical fitness, health status and who have not passed professional psychological selection are not allowed to take further exams.