Head of the surgical department of the 2nd city hospital. Surgery. High technology in the department

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The surgery departments diagnose and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Abdominal, endoscopic and laparoscopic operations are performed on the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, biliary tract, pancreas and various types hernia Diagnostics are carried out using a video capsule. Proctological diseases are effectively treated. At active participation the Department of Hospital Surgery of the Russian National Research Medical University (head of the department, Professor S.G. Shapovalyants) has further developed minimally invasive endoscopic and ultrasound technologies for diseases of the gallbladder, complications of cholelithiasis; methods of diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic necrosis.

detailed information

general information

Surgical department No. 1

Head of the department – ​​Doctor of Medical Sciences Igor Leonidovich Andreytsev.

Older nurseMirzalieva Svetlana Vladimirovna. This is the most “stressful” department, with a large flow of emergency patients, difficult to diagnose, and in need of emergency operations.

Optimizing surgical tactics, improving diagnostics and justifying the use of laparoscopic interventions for acute intestinal obstruction and diseases of the colon are promising areas being developed in this department.

Surgical department No. 2

Head of the department – ​​Ph.D. Alexander Gennadievich Pankov.

With the active participation of the professor S.G. Shapovalyantsa minimally invasive endoscopic and ultrasound technologies for diseases of the gallbladder and complications of cholelithiasis have been further developed; methods of diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic necrosis.

Two surgical departments successfully use the most modern methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment in the following areas:

Surgery of the biliary tract and pancreas:

  • Surgery of the biliary tract and pancreas
  • The use of endoscopic ultrasonography for the diagnosis of pathological changes in the terminal part of the common bile duct and the head of the pancreas
  • Application of sphincter of Oddi manometry to diagnose stenosis of the major duodenal nipple
  • Use of balloon dilatation of the major duodenal papilla for the treatment of choledocholithiasis
  • Improving technology and expanding indications for percutaneous biopsy of parenchymal organs under ultrasound guidance
  • Introduction of minimally invasive methods of drainage of bile ducts for tumor and scar strictures
  • Introduction of new methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious complications of destructive pancreatitis
  • Application of minimally invasive methods for treating complications of acute destructive pancreatitis

Stomach and duodenal surgery:

  • Application of modern diagnostic methods and medicinal correction motor-evacuation disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • The use of conservative complex treatment of gastroduodenal bleeding using modern antisecretory injection drugs with daily monitoring of the secretory background of the stomach
  • The use of endosonography to diagnose the nature and prevalence of benign and malignant formations of the stomach and duodenum
  • Introduction of minimally invasive techniques for removing benign submucosal formations of the stomach under laparoscope control
  • Application of minimally invasive organ-preserving operations for duodenal ulcer
  • Surgeries for gastroesophageal reflux disease

Bowel surgery:

  • Comprehensive diagnosis of small intestinal obstruction and determination of optimal timing and methods of surgical interventions
  • Using a video endoscopic capsule to diagnose pathological changes in the small intestine
  • The use of intestinoscopy to verify diseases of the small intestine
  • The use of tube enteral nutrition in the early postoperative period in patients with diffuse peritonitis and acute intestinal obstruction
  • Application of minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of common forms of peritonitis
  • The use of decompressive methods for suturing the anterior abdominal wall in common forms of peritonitis
  • Performing laparoscopic-assisted interventions for colon cancer
  • Treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fissure, rectal fistula
  • Reconstructive surgery on the colon

It is possible to carry out simultaneous operations, i.e. simultaneously with other specializations (gynecology, proctology, etc.).

The complete interchangeability and coherence in work that exists between the staff of the department and practicing doctors and surgeons allows us to achieve significant success in the treatment process.

general information

The Department of Hospital Surgery No. 2 has been operating within the walls of the hospital since 1972. The surgical clinic includes the department, PNRL of surgical gastroenterology and endoscopy; two surgical departments.

One of the leading schools of surgical gastroenterology in Russia has been created on the basis of 31 hospitals. In its creation, the role of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Dr. medical sciences Yuri Mikhailovich Pantsyrev.

Sergey Georgievich

Since 2000, Yuri Mikhailovich was replaced by a talented student of the department, professor Sergey Georgievich Shapovalyants, who created a school of specialists in the field of abdominal surgery.

The successive relationship based on the previously established long-term traditions of high professionalism continues today, bringing remarkable results.

The clinic is located on the premises of two surgery departments. Each department specializes in areas of abdominal surgery. The heads of departments are highly qualified clinical specialists with academic degrees, including those who grew up within the walls of the hospital. Every year, the clinic performs 2.5-3 thousand emergency and planned operations; modern minimally invasive treatment technologies are widely used: endoscopic and laparoscopic interventions. The most complex operations are performed by clinic staff with many years of experience.

general information

Gallstone disease (also cholelithiasis, cholelithiasis and cholelithiasis) (GSD)- this is the formation of stones (calculi) in the gallbladder and bile ducts. Gallstones lead to the development of cholecystitis. In case of uncomplicated course of the disease, conservative methods of therapy are used. If using RCCP with EPST it is not possible to remove the stone from the bile duct, then surgical treatment is indicated.

Calculous cholecystitis- one of the options for the development of gallstone disease, which in turn occurs due to stagnation of bile - a fluid that regulates digestion. Stones formed from bile can be hard or soft, like clay, the size of a grain of sand or up to several centimeters in diameter. Their number ranges from a few to tens and even hundreds. However, neither the size nor the number of these unwanted “jewels” play a big role - to dangerous consequences Even a single small pebble can cause it.

Bitterness in the mouth, coated tongue.

The main symptom of the disease: pain in the right hypochondrium, extending under the shoulder blade. If it does not go away after an hour or two, it is better to call an ambulance. An ultrasound will help make a diagnosis. Fair-haired women are more at risk of developing cholecystitis. IN English speaking countries The principle of five “F” is known, because all five risk factors for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis in English begin with this letter: - female (woman), - fat (full), - fair-haired (fair-haired), - forty (not younger than 40 ), - fertile (giving birth).

Each of these signs has its own scientific explanation. Women and men have their own characteristics of the distribution of cholesterol: in the stronger sex, fatty plaques usually clog blood vessels, and in women, cholesterol more often passes into bile and forms stones. The female sex hormones estrogens also play a fatal role. They reduce the rate at which cholesterol passes through the gallbladder. Well, and finally, stagnation of bile regularly occurs during all periods when a woman’s hormonal levels change dramatically (menstruation, pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives, menopause). But if critical days last a maximum of a week, then during pregnancy the outflow of bile is disrupted for all 9 months. The formation of stones can also be promoted, on the one hand, by the abuse of fatty foods, and on the other hand, by low-calorie diets.

Unfortunately, there is not a single conservative or minimally invasive way to destroy stones. And drug treatment with bile acid preparations, and the introduction into the gallbladder (through a puncture) of special chemical substances, and crushing stones with ultrasound (lithotripsy) lead to only temporary improvement. All this does not eliminate main reason formation of stones, and therefore after a certain period of time they appear again. Therefore, the main method of treating cholecystitis today is surgery to remove the entire gallbladder (cholecystectomy).

Although formations in the gallbladder may not bother their owner for some time (in medicine, this phenomenon is poetically called “silent stones”). But, alas, much more often their movement leads to inflammation of the gallbladder wall (cholecystitis). If microbes are added to the inflammation, acute cholecystitis occurs, which requires surgical treatment. Surgery cannot be avoided even if a stone blocks the bile duct. In this case, jaundice, chills, and pain occur. Stones can block the flow of secretions from the pancreas, causing a deadly disease - acute pancreatitis. Removal of a gallbladder full of stones and essentially useless - cholecystectomy - is today carried out in the most gentle way possible, using laparoscopy, after just 3-4 punctures on the body. A few hours after the operation the patient can already get up, and after 2 days he goes home

Contraindications to cholecystectomy are:

  • Recent or existing inflammatory process of the genital organs at the time of the study.
  • Are common infectious diseases in the acute stage (influenza, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, thrombophlebitis).
  • The patient is in a serious condition with a disease of the cardiovascular system, liver, or kidneys.

Indications for the diagnostic procedure are:

The main symptom of the disease: pain in the right hypochondrium, extending under the shoulder blade. If it does not go away after an hour or two, it is better to call an ambulance. An ultrasound will help make a diagnosis. Fair-haired women are more susceptible to the risk of developing cholecystitis. In English-speaking countries, the principle of five “Fs” is known, because all five risk factors for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis in English begin with this letter: - female (woman), - fat (full), - fair-haired (fair-haired), - forty ( not younger than 40), - fertile (who has given birth) Each of these signs has its own scientific explanation. Women and men have their own characteristics of the distribution of cholesterol: in the stronger sex, fatty plaques usually clog blood vessels, and in women, cholesterol more often passes into bile and forms stones. The female sex hormones estrogens also play a fatal role. They reduce the rate at which cholesterol passes through the gallbladder. Well, and finally, stagnation of bile regularly occurs during all periods when a woman’s hormonal levels change dramatically (menstruation, pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives, menopause). But if critical days last a maximum of a week, then during pregnancy the outflow of bile is disrupted for all 9 months. The formation of stones can also be promoted, on the one hand, by the abuse of fatty foods, and on the other hand, by low-calorie diets.

Unfortunately, there is not a single conservative or minimally invasive way to destroy stones. Both drug treatment with bile acid preparations, and the introduction of special chemicals into the gallbladder (through a puncture), and crushing stones with ultrasound (lithotripsy) lead only to temporary improvement. All this does not eliminate the main cause of the formation of stones, and therefore after a certain period they appear again. Therefore, the main method of treating cholecystitis today is surgery to remove the entire gallbladder (cholecystectomy). Although formations in the gallbladder may not bother their owner for some time (in medicine, this phenomenon is poetically called “silent stones”). But, alas, much more often their movement leads to inflammation of the gallbladder wall (cholecystitis). If microbes are added to the inflammation, acute cholecystitis occurs, which requires surgical treatment. Surgery cannot be avoided even if a stone blocks the bile duct. In this case, jaundice, chills, and pain occur. Stones can block the flow of secretions from the pancreas, causing a deadly disease - acute pancreatitis. Removal of a gallbladder full of stones and essentially useless - cholecystectomy - is today carried out in the most gentle way possible, using laparoscopy, after just 3-4 punctures on the body. A few hours after the operation the patient can already get up, and after 2 days he goes home

general information

Thyroid- endocrine gland in vertebrates, storing iodine and producing iodine-containing hormones (iodothyronines) involved in the regulation of metabolism and growth of individual cells, as well as the body as a whole - thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine, T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The synthesis of these hormones occurs in epithelial follicular cells called thyrocytes. Calcitonin, a peptide hormone, is also synthesized in the thyroid gland: in parafollicular or C cells.

It compensates for bone wear by incorporating calcium and phosphates into bone tissue, and also prevents the formation of osteoclasts, which in an activated state can lead to bone destruction, and stimulates the functional activity and proliferation of osteoblasts. Thus, it participates in the regulation of the activity of these two types of formations; it is thanks to the hormone that new bone tissue is formed faster.

The thyroid gland is located in the neck under the larynx in front of the trachea. In humans, it is shaped like a butterfly and is located under the thyroid cartilage.

Diseases of the thyroid gland can occur against the background of unchanged, decreased (hypothyroidism) or increased (hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis) endocrine function. Found on certain territories Iodine deficiency can lead to the development of endemic goiter and even cretinism.

Indications for the diagnostic procedure are:

Diseases of the thyroid gland can occur against the background of unchanged, decreased (hypothyroidism) or increased (hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis) endocrine function. Iodine deficiency, which occurs in certain areas, can lead to the development of endemic goiter and even cretinism.

general information

Hernia affects people of both sexes. In women, an umbilical hernia occurs more often; in men, an inguinal hernia occurs. This pathology can occur at any age: from infancy to advanced years. But most often - in the most prosperous years, which are usually called working age.
The abdominal wall consists of muscles that support the internal organs and prevent them from protruding outward. But as soon as this natural frame weakens, there is immediately a threat of the contents of the abdominal cavity falling out through the hole in the muscles. This phenomenon is called a hernia.

Hernia- a dangerous illness, fraught with deterioration in the functions of “prolapsed” organs, forced to be not where nature intended them to be, and, moreover, fairly compressed. But the biggest risk with hernias is their strangulation. It occurs due to the fact that the organ, falling out of the abdominal cavity, cannot return. Like a noose, it is pulled over the edges of the hole in the abdominal wall. The blood supply is disrupted... within 1-2 hours the organ dies.

Therefore, delaying the operation may cost the patient his life. According to statistics, about 10-12% of umbilical, inguinal and femoral hernias are strangulated.

This often happens after heavy lifting and physical activity. The only way out is immediate surgery. But do not allow any infringement.

The first method, plastic surgery with local tissue, involves suturing the edges of the hernia using tension from the patient’s own tissues. If the hernia is small, the method is quite suitable, but if the hole is large, relapses may occur.

Relapses after such an operation range from 4-5 to 20%. In addition, if the method was used on large hernias, a person’s abdominal pressure may rise significantly.

In addition, since the organs returned to their rightful place do not have enough space and, due to the tightness, they have to put pressure on the diaphragm, patients may begin to have problems with breathing and heart problems.

During the rehabilitation period, you need to wear a bandage for six months and limit lifting weights for up to three to four months.

The second method of treating hernias is plastic surgery using mesh prostheses, similar to a patch. It's modern and much more effective method. There are practically no complications after it

There are practically no relapses (0.1-0.5%), since the prosthesis forms a frame that is much stronger than its own muscle tissue. This makes the method not only therapeutic, but also preventive. Thanks to the mesh structure, the flap will soon grow with its own cells and after a while it will be impossible to distinguish it from native tissues.

Recently, this operation has been performed laparoscopically - through three tiny punctures in the abdominal wall. After such an intervention, there will be no traces left on the abdomen, and you can be discharged from the hospital on the second or third day.

Indications for the diagnostic procedure are:

Redhead is a dangerous disease, fraught with deterioration in the functions of “prolapsed” organs, forced to be not where nature intended them to be, and, moreover, fairly compressed. But the biggest risk with hernias is their strangulation. It occurs due to the fact that the organ, falling out of the abdominal cavity, cannot return. Like a noose, it is pulled over the edges of the hole in the abdominal wall. The blood supply is disrupted... within 1-2 hours the organ dies. Therefore, delaying the operation may cost the patient his life. According to statistics, about 10-12% of umbilical, inguinal and femoral hernias are strangulated. This often happens after heavy lifting and intense physical activity. The only way out is immediate surgery. But do not allow any infringement.

Indications for the surgical procedure:

The first method is plastic surgery with local tissues.- consists of suturing the edges of the hernia using the tension of the patient’s own tissues. If the hernia is small, the method is quite suitable, but if the hole is large, relapses may occur. Relapses after such an operation range from 4-5 to 20%. In addition, if the method was used on large hernias, a person’s abdominal pressure may rise significantly. In addition, since the organs returned to their rightful place do not have enough space and, due to the tightness, they have to put pressure on the diaphragm, patients may begin to have problems with breathing and heart problems. During the rehabilitation period, you need to wear a bandage for six months, and limit lifting weights for up to three to four months. The second method of treating hernias is plastic surgery using mesh prostheses., similar to a patch. This is a modern and much more effective method. There are practically no complications after it. There are practically no relapses (0.1-0.5%), since the prosthesis forms a frame that is much stronger than its own muscle tissue. This makes the method not only therapeutic, but also preventive. Thanks to the mesh structure, the flap will soon grow with its own cells and after a while it will be impossible to distinguish it from native tissues. Recently, this operation has been performed laparoscopically - through three tiny punctures in the abdominal wall. After such an intervention, there will be no traces left on the abdomen, and you can be discharged from the hospital on the second or third day.

general information

Proctological ailments: functional constipation, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, polyps and colon tumors are among the so-called diseases of civilization. The main reasons influencing the prevalence of these pathologies are: poor environment, stress and our unhealthy lifestyle: alcohol abuse, smoking, poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity.

80% of the adult population has signs of hemorrhoids. Which is not surprising, since almost any representative of the fairer sex and the vast majority of men are prone to this disease. At particular risk: pregnant and postpartum women, people who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and suffer from obesity, as well as diseases of the pelvic organs and chronic constipation. Hereditary congenital weakness of the veins is also important.

There are two forms of the disease - acute and chronic. The main symptom of acute hemorrhoids is pain in the anus.

In the chronic form - prolapse of hemorrhoids and periodic bleeding (usually during or after bowel movements). Itching, irritation and pain are also possible. Hemorrhoids often begin to fall out in later stages of the disease. So, in the second stage this happens only when straining, then the nodes are removed back by themselves. At the third stage, the patient already has to adjust the nodes independently. At the fourth stage, the nodes fall out constantly, and it is impossible to remove them. Neglected hemorrhoids are dangerous for the development of thrombosis of hemorrhoids - a disease that can subsequently lead to colon cancer.

Diagnosis of proctological diseases should be comprehensive.

After a detailed conversation with the doctor, a manual examination of the rectum is performed, and then, if necessary, a more detailed examination is prescribed.

Sigmoidoscopy helps to identify most diseases (including cancer) at a very early stage.

Irrigation or colonoscopy allows using flexible endoscopic light guide tubes to see the inner lining of the large intestine along its entire length: from the rectum to the cecum.

Even if nothing bothers a person, upon reaching the age of 40, he must definitely visit a proctologist’s office and have a colonoscopy. If, fortunately, no signs of an existing or threatening future disease are found, then the experiment can be repeated after 5 years and then colonoscopy should be done regularly at the same frequency.

If, during the examination, the doctor identifies any precursors of a more serious disease: for example, a polyp, colitis of the colon, etc., then it will be necessary to begin treatment and continue to be examined annually. People of retirement age should undergo endoscopic diagnostics of the colon regularly once a year. Provided that the research is carried out by a good specialist and with decent equipment, the discomfort from these procedures is minimized.

On early stages Chronic hemorrhoids can be treated with outpatient surgical treatment. Here are the most common:

Using an automatic vacuum pump, the hemorrhoidal node is pulled into the lumen of the ligator, after which a latex ring is placed on the base of the node. It tightens the tissues of the node and blood vessels, causing their necrosis, and after 7-10 days the node disappears. The procedure is well tolerated by patients; there may be only moderate pain.

Sclerotherapy. With this method, a sclerosing agent is injected into the center of enlarged hemorrhoids using a special syringe. Reduced blood flow leads to thickening of the node and its death. After the procedure, mild pain is possible, which can be relieved with traditional analgesics.

Infrared photocoagulation– with this method, coagulation of nodes is carried out by a laser. As a result, a mechanical obstacle to the outflow of blood is created, necrosis of the node occurs and it falls off.

The main advantage of all these methods is their low invasiveness. All of them are performed without the use of anesthesia and do not cause severe pain. But, unfortunately, most often these methods achieve only temporary results. Their action usually lasts for 1-5 years, then hemorrhoids may appear again. For stage 3 and 4 disease, all these methods are useless.

Only surgical intervention (hemorrhoidectomy) can radically, once and for all, get rid of hemorrhoids. Unlike minimally invasive methods, during which only the hemorrhoid itself is removed, with traditional surgery the tissue of the hemorrhoids is completely removed along with the vessels that feed them, which are either coagulated or sutured.

Indications for the diagnostic procedure are:

After a detailed conversation with the doctor, a manual examination of the rectum is performed, and then, if necessary, a more detailed examination is prescribed. Sigmoidoscopy helps to identify most diseases (including cancer) at a very early stage. Irrigation or colonoscopy Using flexible endoscopic light guide tubes, it allows you to see the inner lining of the large intestine along its entire length: from the rectum to the cecum. Even if nothing bothers a person, upon reaching the age of 40, he must definitely visit a proctologist’s office and have a colonoscopy. If, fortunately, no signs of an existing or threatening future disease are found, then the experiment can be repeated after 5 years and then colonoscopy should be done regularly at the same frequency. If, during the examination, the doctor identifies any precursors of a more serious disease: for example, a polyp, colitis of the colon, etc., then it will be necessary to begin treatment and continue to be examined annually. People of retirement age should undergo endoscopic diagnostics of the colon regularly once a year. Provided that the research is carried out by a good specialist and with decent equipment, the discomfort from these procedures is minimized.

Indications for the surgical procedure:

In the early stages of chronic hemorrhoids, outpatient surgical treatment can be used. Here are the most common: Ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings. Using an automatic vacuum pump, the hemorrhoidal node is pulled into the lumen of the ligator, after which a latex ring is placed on the base of the node. It tightens the tissues of the node and blood vessels, causing their necrosis, and after 7-10 days the node disappears. The procedure is well tolerated by patients; there may be only moderate pain. Sclerotherapy. With this method, a sclerosing agent is injected into the center of enlarged hemorrhoids using a special syringe. Reduced blood flow leads to thickening of the node and its death. After the procedure, mild pain is possible, which can be relieved with traditional analgesics. Infrared photocoagulation– with this method, coagulation of nodes is carried out by a laser. As a result, a mechanical obstacle to the outflow of blood is created, necrosis of the node occurs and it falls off. The main advantage of all these methods is their low invasiveness. All of them are performed without the use of anesthesia and do not cause severe pain. But, unfortunately, most often these methods achieve only temporary results. Their action usually lasts for 1-5 years, then hemorrhoids may appear again. For stage 3 and 4 disease, all these methods are useless. Only surgical intervention can radically, once and for all, get rid of hemorrhoids ( hemorrhoidectomy). Unlike minimally invasive methods, during which only the hemorrhoid itself is removed, with traditional surgery the tissue of the hemorrhoids is completely removed along with the vessels that feed them, which are either coagulated or sutured.

History of the department. Surgical department No. 2 operates as a separate structural unit hospitals since 1974. The department was originally created to provide emergency surgical care around the clock. However, the population's needs for qualified and specialized surgical care were so high that from the moment of opening, the department began to carry out not only emergency and urgent, but also planned surgical interventions. The work of the department covered the entire spectrum of general surgery, and above all, operations on the abdominal organs: stomach, duodenum, liver, gall bladder, small and large intestines. In addition, the department became one of the “pioneers” in the mastery and development of endocrine surgery of the thyroid gland, as well as surgical phlebology – surgical treatment of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities.

From its founding in 1974, the department was headed by Nello Egishevich Sahakyan for 36 years. An outstanding surgeon and talented organizer, he created a single team, whose coordinated work at all times allowed the department to maintain a high level of medical professionalism. The rules and principles laid down by N.E. Sahakyan, have not lost their importance, and to this day their implementation serves as the key to achieving the proper level in the provision of medical care.

Due to its activity and good work results, surgical department No. 2 was chosen as the clinical base of the Department of General Surgery of the Medical Faculty of Moscow State Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov. Students, interns and residents began to study in the department, young scientists took their first steps in surgical science. IN different time Prominent figures in domestic surgery, professors Yuliy Efimovich Berezov, Alexander Sergeevich Ermolov, Valentin Mikhailovich Buyanov, Leonid Grigorievich Kurtenok, Nikolai Alekseevich Kuznetsov, worked in the department.

The skill of the department’s staff, ensured by mutual support, and framed by the traditions of one of the strongest surgical schools in the country, is confirmed time after time in high statistical indicators of the quality of surgical care.

Structure and activities of the department. The department has at least 60 surgical beds permanently deployed. The department's bed capacity, including reserves, includes 42 beds in general wards accommodating 6 people, as well as 21 superior beds accommodating 2 patients per ward. There are also 4 luxury rooms designed for 1 patient. The department has vascular beds for performing surgical interventions in patients with impaired blood supply to the brain due to atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid arteries, and employs highly qualified vascular surgeons with extensive experience.

The department provides medical care in accordance with territorial programs of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens. In accordance with the established procedure, on a contractual basis, the department provides paid medical services to foreign citizens, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation.

List of surgical interventions performed in surgical department No. 2:

  • surgical interventions for benign formations of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and soft tissues;
  • surgical interventions on the thyroid gland;
  • surgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • operations on the rectum (treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fissure - “minor proctology”);
  • surgery of complicated ulcers and other diseases of the stomach, duodenum, surgery on the liver, gall bladder, small and large intestine, including surgical treatment of diverticular disease of the intestine of various localizations, interventions for obstructive jaundice of both cholelithiasis and tumor origin, as well as elimination of intestinal obstruction;
  • surgical interventions for all types of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall, using modern methods plastic surgery, mesh, endoprosthesis, hernia system, abdominoplasty;
  • reconstructive operations on the small and large intestine (“major proctology”), colostomy closure, colonoplasty;
  • various types of diagnostic and therapeutic punctures with ultrasound guidance and control.

Endoscopic operations:

  • laparoscopic appendectomy for all forms of acute and chronic appendicitis;
  • laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis, its complications and other gallbladder pathologies;
  • endoscopic suturing of perforations of hollow organs, including “perforated” ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • endoscopic repair for hiatal hernias;
  • endoscopic hernioplasty for inguinal, umbilical and postoperative ventral hernias;
  • endosurgical phlebology, including endovenous laser obliteration for varicose veins.

In collaboration with the Endoscopy Department, all types of high-tech endosurgical interventions are performed: ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), lithoextraction (endoscopic removal of stones from the bile ducts and pancreas), installation of stents and endoprostheses of the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts. The continuous functioning of the department is ensured by close interaction with diagnostic services. A clinical diagnostic laboratory, ultrasound and radiation diagnostics departments, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging rooms operate around the clock.

On the basis of the department he leads scientific work Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexey Anatolyevich Sokolov. The main direction of academic work is the implementation of clinical practice advanced achievements of science and technology in the field of endoscopic surgery of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas.