Army assistance to conscripts. Who can really help conscripts regarding conscription issues? What legal assistance can you expect?

Legal assistance to conscripts in Moscow is a useful service that helps to avoid unlawful conscription for military service and resolve controversial situations when a young man of military age cannot join the army for health reasons.

Service in modern Russian army carried out on the basis of a call. Young boys who have reached conscription age must serve in the army for a year or give preference alternative service. There are special medical commissions in the military registration and enlistment offices, whose employees determine whether the conscript is fit for military service. army service or not. However, before passing the commission, every young man of military age independently visits doctors from the following list:


  • therapist;

    other doctors.

Each doctor will examine the recruit and make a report on the potential recruit's health in his or her medical field.

A medical specialist is obliged to listen to the conscript’s complaints and assess the young man’s health condition. Unfortunately, in modern Russia the health of people of military age fades into the background. Military registration and enlistment office employees and doctors strive, first of all, to fulfill the plan for recruiting conscripts. Because of this, guys who have obvious health problems are considered fit for military service. In our country, the practice of violating the rights of conscripts has become quite commonplace.

Future soldiers and their relatives are misled to ensure good recruitment statistics. However, it is worth knowing that the conscript has the legal right to challenge the medical opinion. True, many guys are afraid to argue with doctors or the military commissariat, because they are immediately intimidated by the fact that they will be sent to serve in remote parts of Russia. Often such intimidation achieves the desired effect. They agree with the doctors' conclusions because they are completely unaware of their rights. They should know that there are now many specialized legal organizations operating in Russia that provide support to potential army recruits within the legal framework.

Do you want to get exemption from the army in Moscow?

Get advice from a military lawyer about your situation with the military registration and enlistment office. You will learn how to get a military ID step by step and not serve in the army.

* we guarantee the confidentiality of your data

The principle of operation of legal organizations helping conscripts in Moscow

Situations in which a doctor or a representative of the military registration and enlistment office puts pressure on a conscript’s psyche, makes threats, or ignores a young man’s complaints about his health, happen quite often. Once in them, potential recruits are lost. There are cases when doctors deliberately “lose” the original conclusions and results medical research recruit. In any of these situations, the conscript needs the support of competent people, relatives and lawyers. In our country there are many professional companies that provide legal support to conscripts. Such institutions employ professional employees who legally provide assistance to conscripts and stop the arbitrariness of doctors.

Legal services that provide assistance to boys of military age mainly work according to standard patterns. First, the staff of the institution help the conscript obtain a certificate stating that he has a history of illness that prevents him from serving in the ranks Armed Forces Russia. Lawyers prepare a package of documents and also tell young man How to behave correctly at a medical commission. If after this the doctors or the military commissariat continue to insist that the young man must serve, then representatives of the legal organization will cancel this decision in court.

How to choose the right company for exemption from military service?

On the Internet you can now find a huge number of offers of legal assistance to conscripts. There are a lot of advertisements from so-called specialists, but you should not trust each of them. The recruit should be especially careful if the service offers its services at low rates.

The choice of a service that provides legal support to conscripts should be done correctly, focusing on the following recommendations:

    find out which employees work in the support service;

    How many conscripts have already been helped by the chosen service?

If the company is chosen wisely, then the conscript can trust its specialists 100%. Reliable companies that help men of military age employ real professionals in their field. They have serious experience in solving such problems, and the conscript can ask for support in communicating with the military commissariat. The main advantage of such services is that they operate exclusively within the legal framework. Their clients do not need to pay extra for unofficial services. By contacting such a company, a future recruit can be 100% sure that he will be given a real and legal military ID.

“Military Medical College” is the official service for helping conscripts, which has been providing its services on the market for more than 10 years. With our help, more than 5,100 conscripts received legal military ID. If you have legal grounds not to serve in the army, our specialists will help you avoid conscription. You can sign up for a free consultation or so that a representative of the VVK company will call you back.

Who can really help conscripts get out of the army? Conscript assistance service - reviews, free consultation with a military lawyer.

The temptation that the service for helping conscripts, reviews of which we received from friends, will help you get a deferment or complete exemption from service is great. It does not matter whether the conscripts received assistance from the “Conscript”, “Peaceful Warrior” (assistance to conscripts) collegium, or from some other law firm - the range of services and action plan for all military lawyers are generally the same. How law firms assisting conscripts work, whether their services pay off and whether it is possible to achieve a deferment or obtain a military ID on your own - we will consider below.

Three paths open to a young man who has set himself the goal of avoiding the army:
- turn to a criminal-corruption scheme and try to avoid conscription into the army for money;
— become a client of one of the many “anti-conscription” law firms;
- try to independently ensure compliance with your rights by documenting the grounds for obtaining a deferment or release from service and appealing misconduct draft commission.

Search engines provide a lot of articles, reviews and addresses on these issues, but not all of this information is useful. Let's try to figure out how and where a conscript can get real help in getting out of the army.

This scheme is as old as time and is based on the susceptibility of officials to bribery - the basis is the use official position persons holding positions in the structure of bodies state power and using their capabilities to obtain illegal income (bribes). In order to reach a “supplier” of services under this scheme, you must have some “connections” or “acquaintances,” since not a single corrupt official from the military registration and enlistment office openly advertises his services.

In some cases, this scheme is indeed effective, since it allows you to receive a “service” directly from the person with the authority to make a decision. The danger lies in revealing the activities of a corrupt official. In this case, all medical diagnoses that have no basis, improperly granted deferments and issued military tickets are automatically canceled, and the owner of such a “fake” document, despite the money he spent on bribery, will inevitably face conscription into the army, and often criminal charges. responsibility.

For evasion of conscription for military service in the absence of legal grounds for exemption from this service, the current legislation provides for criminal liability up to imprisonment for up to 2 years (Part 1 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). We should not forget about liability for giving a bribe (Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

A criminal scheme poses no less danger to a conscript when required document in order to be exempt from service in the RF Armed Forces, it is purchased from a “firm” or “specialists” specializing in the production of counterfeits - revealing the fact of using a falsified document inevitably threatens criminal liability. Often, scammers simply take the money and leave their conscript “clients” with nothing.

The conscript assistance service, reviews of which are in many ways diametrically opposed, is a relatively new trend in the Russian legal services market. For the first time, the idea of ​​​​assisting conscripts in liberating themselves from the Russian army, using legal methods of involving them in the whirlwind of paperwork and bureaucratic inconsistencies, came to the minds of the founding fathers of a small number of now widely known “anti-conscription” companies, which have expanded their activities to almost the entire country : “Military Medical College”, “Conscript”, “Intercessor”, “Conscript Assistance Service”, “Anti-draft”, “”, etc.

Read also: How effective is legal assistance for conscripts - reviews

These and similar companies are known to most young people for whom the time has come to be drafted into the army. This is facilitated by widespread advertising of law firms, which are active twice a year - precisely during the spring and autumn conscription.

“Anti-conscription” law firms that have spread networks throughout the country are often franchise firms that have purchased for a certain amount from the parent company the right to use the brand and implement established schemes of action in a particular region.

How legal are the activities of such companies and their assistance in liberation from the army? The only conscript assistance service that operates absolutely legally is the “Schedule of Illnesses,” for which, along with other laws on military service, it is a reference book. They do not engage in falsification of documents and other illegal things - these are completely legal organizations that help legally obtain a deferment or complete exemption from military service.

The essence of the work of “anti-conscription” law firms is that for a lot of money - depending on the promotion of the brand, the cost of such a law firm’s services can reach 100,000 rubles, you will receive a consulting assessment of the chances of being “dismissed” from the army and legal and sometimes medical support for employees companies. As a result, having spent a fairly large amount, you still get the desired result - a legal deferment or complete exemption from service in the RF Armed Forces.

As a rule, the first consultation with many military lawyers is free. During the conversation, the chances of achieving a positive result are assessed and the minimum cost of the service is determined. Often law firms for the protection of the rights of conscripts work “on stream”, helping in solving similar problems. However, if your situation requires some non-standard solutions, then either no one will “fit in” to solve your problems with the military registration and enlistment office, or the price tag for such services will be much higher than usual.

According to reviews on the Internet, assistance to conscripts at the Prizyvnik College and many others involves a number of sequential steps. After the initial consultation, the next stage is the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of consulting services. The contract may provide for a condition that is attractive to the conscript - payment of the amount in installments. But don’t be deceived – you will have to pay the entire amount regardless of the result, because The contract has been concluded and you will receive advice. Even if unscrupulous lawyers, who have taken in excess clients, cannot pay you due attention and directly accompany you when visiting the military registration and enlistment office or participate in court hearings, then with a high degree of probability they will recover the entire amount under the contract from you through the court.

Next, the conscript usually undergoes an additional medical examination at medical institutions recommended by the company. It is carried out in order to identify diseases that impede the passage of military service or giving the right to receive a deferment from conscription. Since the conscript undergoes the examination on his own initiative, it is always paid. Most health workers providing such services are financially closely tied to the franchisees, who receive a certain percentage of kickback for referring recruits to this particular specialist.

Moscow conscript assistance service, namely Arthur and Tatyana! Thank you for not giving up in a difficult situation and practically pulling me out of the recruiting station! Huge respect!

I agree, it takes a very long time to work with lawyers. I specially applied early so that the military man could get it quickly, but in the end, from April to October, while I was still on deferment from my studies, we worked on medicine, all the certificates were constantly reviewed by doctors. Then we went to the military registration and enlistment office and received a deferment until spring. The lawyers said that this is how it should be, but I would still like it without it. In the spring I received category B. Then I had to go on a business trip for the whole summer and only now it worked out...

A review of the best curator you could wish for. I think it’s unfair that there are a lot of reviews here about the conscript assistance service, but not a single one about Ekaterina Valerievna. In my opinion the best lawyer. I first “saw” Ekaterina in an article on Life, then on the armyhelp website, and then in the office. A very beautiful and smart woman. Even when I was incarcerated, I decided that I wanted to work with her, and I specifically asked that she handle my business. I don’t know why, maybe I was just lucky, but it happened that way. For autumn-winter...

We are very grateful for the help to our son, we especially want to express our gratitude to Egor and Valery! You are true professionals in your field, thank you for your work!

Thank you for the consultation, everything is very detailed and accessible.)

I sued the military registration and enlistment office because they did not want to admit the disease. The court was on our side. Thank you to the lawyers for helping me defend my position and get a legal military license.

Thanks to all the lawyers of the “Conscript Assistance Service!” my son almost joined the army, and if it weren’t for you, I don’t know how I survived all this! Thank you very much for helping to save the child and get a military ID!

A very long process. First you sign an agreement, then you go through the doctors, and then you go to the military registration and enlistment office with certificates. There they again send you to the doctors, then they give you a deferment, then again you go and get checked a couple of times by a doctor, then again you take all the certificates to the military registration and enlistment office. And only after that you receive a military ID. To get it, the military man spent time from April to November.

I came to the conscript assistance service when I already had a summons in hand, without them I would have definitely ended up in the army. Lawyers immediately appealed the decision of the military registration and enlistment office. Then he underwent examination. I showed these certificates to the doctor when I went through the medical examination again. And, lo and behold! The doctor immediately stated that they don’t serve with this kind of thing. Although before that, at the military registration and enlistment office they yelled at me that I was trying to mow down. True, they still sent me to be examined again. But they gave me my military ID anyway.

Multi-million dollar revenue, flourishing franchises, clashes with military registration and enlistment offices and Roskomnadzor.

To bookmarks

Photo: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

From April 1 to July 15, 2018, it takes place in Russia spring call. The Ministry of Defense plans to send 128 thousand people into military service - a record low number of recruits in the last 12 years. In the spring of 2017, 142 thousand young people were drafted into the army, and a year earlier - 155 thousand.

Last years Russian military registration and enlistment offices fully implemented the draft plan, and the number of draft dodgers (those liable for military service who received a summons but did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office) decreased - from 8.7 thousand people in 2012 to 1.4 thousand people in 2016.

For evasion of military service, criminal liability is provided - two years in prison or a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles (Part 1 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the Mediazona publication, about 700 people are tried under this article in Russia every year, while the main type of punishment remains a fine (on average 10-30 thousand rubles), and the last time they were sentenced to actual imprisonment was in 2013.

As a help service for conscripts will help protect against lawlessness in the military registration and enlistment office and legally avoid conscription?

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and legal assistance to conscripts in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan

You are a young man at an attractive age for military service (you have already turned 18, and there is still more than one draft to go before 27).

Is a summons to the military registration and enlistment office undesirable for you? Are you afraid of a violation of your rights when passing a commission at the military registration and enlistment office?

This is a common situation that conscripts find themselves in.

Remember, evading military service is a criminal offense.

The summons arrived, you passed the military commission and received the category “fit for service.” Do not agree?

When do you need the help of a military lawyer?

  • Your rights were violated at the military registration and enlistment office.
  • Do you have any doubts or don’t know how to get a deferment or exemption from military service?
  • You have a difficult life situation, and a summons has arrived from the military registration and enlistment office.
  • You don't want to serve in the army on principle.
  • You want to do alternative service.
  • The military commission did not find any illnesses in you, and you do not agree with this.
  • You need a military ID, but you can’t get one without serving in the army.

What is legal assistance for conscripts?

The Conscript Assistance Center provides legal support. The best military lawyers and attorneys with 3 to 16 years of experience in this area of ​​law provide assistance to conscripts in their release from the army.

Military lawyer:

  1. Analyze the situation and identify possible solutions.
  2. It will give you an algorithm for the correct actions.
  3. Will help you collect all the necessary documents.
  4. Will help you appeal the decision of the military commission.
  5. Will help you obtain a deferment even if you have a summons in hand.
  6. Will help you pass a military medical examination and receive a military ID with enlistment in the reserves.
  7. Will protect your interests in court and at the military registration and enlistment office.

Competent and timely legal assistance to conscripts gives them the opportunity to officially receive a military ID or a deferment from the army without wasted time and nerves.

Why do conscripts need legal assistance? Five reasons to simplify your life

  1. Knowing your rights and the rights of military commissars, you will independently determine when rights are being violated.
  2. Knowing what a conscript is entitled to helps you consciously choose whether or not to serve in the army.
  3. If rights are violated, you are not left alone with your problem, but you know where they will definitely help you.
  4. Not every lawyer will undertake to help a conscript, and military lawyers are dedicated to helping conscripts get released from the army, even in hopeless cases.
  5. A summons to the army is not a sentence, but an opportunity to receive the military ID you are entitled to by law, armed with the support of a military lawyer.

About the company SKA "Prizyvnik"

The SKA “Prizyvnik” group of military lawyers has been successfully working in the field of legal assistance and consulting for conscripts for more than 15 years. Every year, hundreds of young guys face injustice in military registration and enlistment offices and the bias of military medical commissions, and we help them overcome this injustice.

Our specialization is military law with all the subtleties, nuances and knowledge of all innovations and orders. This gives conscripts the opportunity to be confident in the predicted results.

We never give hope in hopeless cases, but we do everything in our power to defend the rights of the conscript in a legal way.

How does the SKA conscript assistance center “Prizyvnik” work?

  1. Your question will be answered comprehensively, taking into account all the information.
  2. You will receive an algorithm further actions on one's own.
  3. If the situation is difficult, you will be offered the help of a military lawyer.
  4. Have you agreed to receive legal assistance? They will tell you what to do next.
  5. Contact us in any convenient way and get a free consultation from a specialist!