Chizhevsky solar activity. "solar" theory of Chizhevsky. About closed cities of Russia

The fact that the Sun is the basis for the emergence and existence of life on our planet, as well as the cause of most of the physical and chemical processes occurring on it, is a trivial truth, familiar since time immemorial. However, its role is much more significant and complex than previously thought.

Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky had the honor of scientifically proving that for the organic world of the Earth, not only the energy constantly emitted by the Sun is essential, but also periodically occurring changes in “solar activity”, or solar activity
Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky. Biography, contribution to science
Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky was an erudite and multi-talented person. He was born on February 7, 1897. After the family moved to Kaluga, he studied at the Shakhmagonov private real school (1913-15). Graduated from the Moscow Archaeological Institute (1917) and the Moscow Commercial Institute (1918). As a result of discussions with Tsiolkovsky, Chizhevsky begins to explore the problems of solar-terrestrial connections. Already in 1915, he gave a report “The periodic influence of the Sun on the Earth’s biosphere” at a meeting of the Kaluga Society for the Study of Nature. There he first expressed the idea of ​​​​the influence of solar activity on earthly life and brilliantly confirmed it with scientific research.
Chizhevsky's non-standard scientific views caused opposition from many influential scientists, which led to his removal from work. In 1942, the scientist was repressed and served his sentence in a camp in the Urals and Kazakhstan (1942-50), where he worked in clinical laboratories on problems of practical hematology and blood hydrodynamics.
After his release, Chizhevsky was in exile in Karaganda (1950-58), where he was engaged in biophysical studies of blood and problems of air ionization.
Honorary President of the International Congress of Biological Physics and space biology(USA, 1939), member of the Toulon Academy of Sciences (since 1929) and a number of other academies of sciences and international scientific societies Since 1959, Chizhevsky has been developing the question of the influence of the Sun on the physical and biological properties of blood. In my research I widely used mathematical methods.
In 1962, Chizhevsky was rehabilitated.
A.L. Chizhevsky died on December 20, 1964.
2. Research by A.L. Chizhevsky
Of the large number of problems associated with the interaction of the Cosmos and earthly humanity, Chizhevsky chose, first of all, the influence of the activity of the Sun on the earth's historical process. The material he collected made it possible to do this. Chizhevsky paid special attention to the coincidence of explosions on the Sun contained in his various information with large earthquakes and powerful volcanic eruptions on many continents. It seemed that the heavenly fire of solar activity caused an underground fire from the darkness, escaping from the mysterious depths of the planet in streams of molten lava and shifting huge layers of its surface layer.
The relationship between solar activity and intense volcanic activity
This is a clear diagram of such a relationship. We see that during strong solar activity, volcanic eruptions occur in different regions of the planet.
Research by A.L. Chizhevsky
“...I intensively conducted extensive historical research,” wrote Chizhevsky. – Based on the data obtained, after statistical study of an exceptionally large amount of material, I came to the following main conclusion: the number of mass movements in all countries increases as solar activity increases and reaches a maximum in the years of maximum solar activity. Then this amount begins to decrease and reaches its minimum in years of low sun activity. These cyclical fluctuations of the world-historical process were discovered by me in all countries and in all centuries, starting from 500 BC.”
3. The influence of solar activity on the historical process
Chizhevsky came to the conclusion that human activity, its rhythm, rise and fall coincide with the pulsation rhythms of the Sun itself. Uprisings Crusades, resettlement of peoples - all these specific historical events were associated with increased activity of the Sun itself, the appearance of spots on it or explosions and the influence of these processes on the Earth's magnetic field. The emergence of people's leaders, spiritual leaders, great commanders, outstanding statesmen and various kinds of reformers were also associated with the activity of the Sun, and their appearance and increased activity depended on the activity of the Sun itself, and possibly other cosmic factors.
The influence of solar activity on the historical process
The spread of teachings - political, religious, philosophical, various kinds of heresies and ideas that captured the masses - was subject to the same pattern.
When the activity of the Sun fades and cosmic calm reigns for a while, then “leaders, commanders, orators lose those forces that in the previous period fettered the masses and forced them to obedience. The masses are already finding it difficult to submit to suggestion.”
From the above, it should be concluded that there is some extraterrestrial force influencing the development of events in human communities from the outside. Simultaneity of solar and solar oscillations human activity serves as the best indication of this power.

4. Cycles of the solar activity process
A.L. Chizhevsky discovered an 11-year, rhythmically repeating cycle of solar activity development, in which he identified 4 stages:
1. Minimum period.
2. Period of increased activity.
3. Maximum period.
4. Degradation period.
Each period has its own duration, and some minor deviations are possible in both cycles and periods. However, their arithmetic average remains more or less constant: period I is 3 years, period II is 2 years, period III is 3 years, period IV is 3 years.
5. Historical and psychological features of 11-year cycles
Chizhevsky established the historical and psychological features of 11-year cycles. There were two of them, and they were repeated from cycle to cycle.
First. “...At the midpoints of the cycle mass activity humanity on the entire surface of the earth, in the presence of economic, political or military stimulating factors in human communities, reaches maximum tension, expressed in psychomotor pandemics: revolutions, uprisings, wars, campaigns, resettlement, creating new formations in life individual states and new historical eras in the life of mankind and accompanied by the integration of the masses, the identification of their activity and the rule of the majority.”
Historical and psychological features of 11-year cycles
Second. "IN extreme points During the course of the cycle, the tension of universal human activity of a military or political nature decreases to a minimum limit, giving way to creative activity and accompanied by a general decline in political or military enthusiasm, peace and calm creative work in the field of organizing state foundations, international relations, science and art with the disintegration and depression of the masses and the strengthening of absolutist tendencies of power.”
Now the study of rhythms, and not only solar, but any cosmic rhythms, is carried out by specialists of various profiles - geologists, physiologists, doctors, biologists, histologists, meteorologists, astronomers.
Application of the ideas of A.L. Chizhevsky in natural sciences
For example, it has been established that based on solar activity, it is possible to predict the weather, in particular, droughts in certain parts of the Earth, as well as the proliferation of pests: rodents and locusts. Such forecasts made it possible to take certain measures, for example, in 1958, N.S. Shcherbakov predicted the proliferation of locusts and their entry into the territory of Turkmenistan, and they were quickly eliminated thanks to his forecast. The basis for such mass reproduction of pests is changes in climatic factors associated with solar activity.
Application of the ideas of A.L. Chizhevsky in natural sciences
Studying the influence of the Sun on fish can also help the fishing industry. Kamchatka ichthyologist I.B. Birman in 1976 in his doctoral dissertation showed that one of the external reasons fluctuations in the number of fish, besides the Moon, there may be solar Activity. Based on his studies of the dynamics of natural processes depending on solar activity, Birman predicted back in 1957 that in the next 10 years, chum salmon stocks would sharply decrease without the use of vigorous measures. Indeed, after the 1957 maximum this happened.
7. The influence of solar activity on the occurrence of diseases
Of all the diseases that are susceptible to the effects of magnetospheric storms, cardiovascular diseases were identified primarily because their connection with solar and magnetic activity was the most obvious. Comparisons were made of the dependence of the number and severity of cardiovascular diseases on many environmental factors ( Atmosphere pressure, air temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, ionization, radiation regime, and so on), but a reliable and stable connection between cardiovascular diseases is revealed precisely with chromospheric flares and geomagnetic storms
The influence of solar activity on the occurrence of diseases
A connection between solar activity and the functioning of other body systems and cancer has been revealed.
The highest incidence of cancer occurred during the period of quiet sun, the lowest - during the highest solar activity. It is believed that this is due to the inhibitory effect of solar activity on poorly differentiated cellular elements, including cancer cells.
It was found that during the years of decreased solar activity, the incidence of malignant tumors increased.
The sun illuminates and warms our planet; without this, life on it would be impossible not only for humans, but even for microorganisms. The Sun is the main (although not the only) engine of processes occurring on Earth. But the Earth receives not only heat and light from the Sun. Different kinds solar radiation and particle flows have a constant impact on her life.
Space weather is gradually taking its rightful place in our consciousness. As with ordinary weather, we want to know what awaits us both in the distant future and in the coming days.

And again and again spots rose on the sun,
And sober minds became darkened,
And the throne fell, and they were irrevocable
Famine and the horrors of the plague.

And the sea wall boiled with vibrations,
And the nord sparkled and tornadoes moved,
And were born in the field of competitions
Fanatics, heroes, executioners.

And the face of life turned into a grimace;
The compass was tossing - the people were rioting,
Both above the earth and above the human mass
The Sun made its rightful move

Oh, you who have seen sunspots
With his magnificent audacity -
You didn’t know how they would be clear to me
And your sorrows are near, Galileo!

A. L. Chizhevsky, 1921, Kaluga

April 7th, 2009 , 01:22 pm

The theory of heliotaraxy (from helios - “sun” and taraxao - “disturb”) by Alexander Chizhevsky, formulated in the early 20s, states that “the state of predisposition to the behavior of human masses is a function of the energetic activity of the Sun.” The increase in solar activity, thus, through a special radiation called Chizhevsky z-radiation, affects the nervous and hormonal-endocrine system human body, leading to an increase in collective excitability.

Like various epidemics, there are also peculiar mental “fads”: massive outbreaks of negative emotions and aggressive behavior. According to Chizhevsky's theory, intense "bombardment" of the Earth with z-radiation transfers potential nervous energy social groups into kinetic, irresistibly demanding rapid release in movement and action. “Psychosocial” energy catalyzed by solar influence can be directed both towards the implementation of some common idea, for example, a revolutionary one, and towards ordinary hooliganism, if there are no unifying factors.

According to Chizhevsky, the peak of solar activity occurs at the culmination of the 12-year cycle. According to the logic of the theory of heliotaraxy, these periods should correspond to an increase in social tension, spilling over into historical “excesses”. At the same time, she herself Russian history fits quite harmoniously into Chizhevsky’s “solar” theory, and its most turning points chronologically correspond to the highest points of solar activity, the first of which occurred in 1905 - the First Russian Revolution, 17 - 2 revolutions, 29 - the Great Turning Point, 41 - the Great Patriotic War, 53 - Death of Stalin, the beginning of the Thaw, 64-65 - the removal of Khrushchev, the beginning of Stagnation, the end of the 80s - Perestroika, the apogee of the era of socialism, 2000-2001 - the arrival of Putin, the beginning of new transformations...

A. Chizhevsky, with the support of his relatives, conducted his first experiments on “living and dead” air. His research showed that negatively ionized air increases the vitality of any organism and, in proper quantities, can serve as an effective remedy. Availability electric charges in the air - one of necessary conditions life and normal development of organisms.

By 1926–1927, he had finally become convinced that fluctuations in the vital functions of humans and other living organisms are closely related to disturbances in the space surrounding them, and the virulence of microorganisms is directly dependent on some solar radiation. The research results opened up new paths in the development of many sciences, but in 1942, following an absurd denunciation, he was arrested and placed in prison.

But chance helped me continue my research. When Chizhevsky was in prison, an epidemic of the disease began there, which was localized thanks to his valuable advice. Since that time, the prison administration has done everything possible to ensure his scientific activity. They equipped him with a laboratory and allowed him to choose highly qualified assistants from among the prisoners for his work. When the release date approached, Chizhevsky asked to stay there for some more time to complete a series of his experiments on studying the electrical properties of red blood cells. After his term of imprisonment, he faced deportation to a camp. Once there, there was almost no chance of survival due to the difficult living conditions, but again chance helped him. In the camp he met Nina Vadimovna Endelgardt. Representative, in good health, accustomed to village life, she made a living for herself and him by handicrafts. Chizhevsky, in order to brighten up the atmosphere of that life, painted and wrote poetry. (4) By sticking together, helping each other, they managed to survive. After the camp they got married. After liberation, they lived in Moscow, and their small one-room apartment became a gathering place for biosphere researchers from all over the union. The alliance with N.V. Endelgardt played a huge role in preserving scientific works A.L. Chizhevsky. When the professor passed away, Nina Vadimovna herself carefully packed all his archives, sewed them into folders and handed them over to the archives of the USSR Academy of Sciences. (4) She also helped prepare and conduct readings in memory of A.L. Chizhevsky, which were organized on the initiative of the physics section of MOIP (Moscow Society of Natural Scientists). In February 1968, the first Readings in memory of the scientist took place at the Moscow Institute of IP. For a long time they were the center of attraction for friends and followers of Alexander Chizhevsky and were all-Union conferences in which representatives of various sciences participated. Nina Vadimovna also had to endure the latest attacks on heliobiology. On the day of Chizhevsky’s death, December 22, 1964, an issue of the magazine “Party Life” was published, in which an ideological libelous article about the activities and scientific heritage of A. Chizhevsky was published. (1) After it, the camp of solar researchers divided into 2 groups. Representatives of one preferred to accept the position of the authorities. Another group preferred the truth, bringing lists of A. Chizhevsky’s scientific works and diplomas from foreign academies to the editorial office of the journal as a refutation. A letter was sent to the CPSU Central Committee, and a commission was created to investigate. As a result, in the March issue of the magazine, the editors published the commission’s conclusion, noting that “thereby correcting the mistake made.” (1)

Chizhevsky understood the role of the periodic activity of the Sun as the role of a regulator of Earth processes in time and the strength of their manifestations, but in no way denied the role of people in them. Having first noticed the general patterns of interaction between the biosphere and solar activity, he sought to understand the mechanism of the ongoing processes of interaction between living nature and the external environment. He explored biological effect positively and negatively charged ions, established the strong reactivity of microorganisms to solar disturbances and discovered the possibility of predicting disturbances on the Sun using certain microorganisms. He laid the foundation blood, discovered the orderliness of red blood cells in the bloodstream, outlined the theory of electrical and magnetic interaction structural elements blood. He viewed all this as unified system interaction between the organism and its environment. (2) His theory made it possible to consider microorganisms as electrical resonators tuned to receive waves certain frequency, made it possible to predict epidemic processes on Earth. One of the properties of charged air ions is the ability to purify the air from microorganisms and small particles. In practice this was used in agriculture, unfortunately not for long.

The Chizhevsky lamp is used in medicine. After the first readings of his name, many scientific institutes began to study the issue of solar activity. In 1970, at a special meeting of the branch bureau general physics and astronomy of the Academy of Sciences of the SSR, the issue raised by Chizhevsky back in 1925 “On the development of research on heliobiological connections” was discussed. In 1973, the book “Terrestrial Echo of Solar Storms”, published at one time in Russian, was first published in Russian..

French IN Lately Research on the influence of solar activity on the living environment of the Earth is carried out in two directions: 1) searching for areas of correlation (connection) of solar activity with terrestrial processes and 2) through what means physical factors external environment, the influence of the Sun on biological organisms occurs. The first direction is essentially purely illustrative, because Today no one doubts the role of solar activity. The second direction is less studied, but continues to be developed by scientists. The results of some such studies can already be found. The literature (3, p.5) indicates that the reproduction of phages (living structures similar to viruses) accelerates during the passage of a thunderstorm, during disturbance magnetic field Earth. Radio radiation at a frequency of 200 MHz also has a stimulating effect. Under the influence of cosmic factors, bacteria can develop drug resistance and increase toxicity. Viruses develop (mutate) into new forms against which organisms have not yet developed protection. In some experiments, a bacterial culture was exposed to such a changing magnetic field, which occurs when. The aggressiveness of murine typhus bacteria increased 3 times, staphylococcus strains under the influence of a magnetic field increased their resistance 300 times. Due to solar activity, the composition of saliva and gastric juice in humans changes, that is, even in this way resistance to diseases is regulated.

Our ever-deepening understanding of the connection with outer space forces us to solve increasingly serious questions - how to surround us physical fields influence a person. What happens to a person with ever increasing electromagnetic radiation, as well as under ultrasonic and noise exposure. This issue needs to be resolved urgently.

Solar activity is now perceived as one of the forces that inevitably unite us with the Universe.

Marianna Dotsenko(ENT)

(Master of Biological Sciences)



1) A.L. Chizhevsky. Unpublished, bibliography, reflections, development of ideas. Moscow, RANS, 1998.

2) A.L. Chizhevsky. "Earthly echo of solar storms."

Moscow, Mysl, 1973.

3) Yu.V.Mizun, Yu.G.Mizun “Secrets of the Future” Moscow, Veche, 2000.

4) N. Cimahovica. “Heliobiologijas likloci” Zvaigznota debess, Nr.177, Riga, 2002.
“And again and again spots rose on the Sun,
And sober minds became darkened,
And the throne fell, and they were irrevocable
Famine and the horrors of the plague.
And the sea wall boiled with vibrations.
And the Nord sparkled, and the tornadoes moved.

And fanatics, heroes, executioners were born in the field of competitions...”

A.L. Chizhevsky And fanatics, heroes, executioners were born in the field of competitions...” Based on statistical research in the 20s of the twentieth century, discovered the relationship between sunspots and 11

summer historical cycle (before it, this cycle was identified at the beginning of the 19th century). […]

“At the beginning of the 20th century, based on the processing of statistical material on the history of more than 50 states (from 500 BC to 1914 AD), he came to the conclusion that mass phenomena - wars, rebellions and revolutions - associated with 11-year cycles of solar activity And fanatics, heroes, executioners were born in the field of competitions...” Wherein identified four intervals of the density of events associated with the appearance of sunspots: the first 3 years - 5% of events, the second 2 years - 20% of events, the next 3 years - 60% of events and, finally, the last 3 years - 15% of events. He predicted that during the period of increasing solar activity from 1927 to 1929, socio-historical events should occur that could change political map peace. Now we know that at the end of the 20s in the last century a major economic crisis really broke out and was gaining strength in Russia., and in Germany the situation was ripe for the emergence of fascism. Although it is unlikely that the results of A.L. Chizhevsky can be interpreted as unambiguous. It’s easy to make mistakes when arranging events along a timeline.”

Ivanitsky G.R., The cycle of society and science, M., “Science”, 2005, p. 235-236.

“The main sun cycle is only approximately 11 years. In reality, its duration sometimes reaches 16 and sometimes 17 years. The maturation of the maximum, its duration and decline are not determined by specific dates, but vary each time due to as yet unknown reasons. Therefore, when establishing, and even more so when trying to predict, the state of the Sun at any point in the period, extreme caution is necessary. Turning points in the activity of the Sun, marking the points of highest rise and lowest fall, can be named with accuracy only several months, and sometimes years later, by comparison with solar activity data for a more or less long period. […]

... it would be completely incorrect to assume that diseases or deaths are caused by cosmic or atmospheric-telluric phenomena. This, of course, cannot be allowed. We can talk about that push from the indicated external factors, which, falling on a prepared organism, leads to its death. If we take this point of view, it will become clear that the time of increased mortality is determined by cosmic factors, and the number of deaths is determined by the body’s readiness to perceive external influences, in in this case cosmic radiation of a harmful nature.

Therefore, naturally, it is necessary to strictly separate: 1) external influence on the body and 2) the body’s readiness to perceive it. These are two things with completely different meanings.

Nevertheless, the assumption is not without probability that if cosmic radiation of a given nature is repeated frequently or has too long a duration, then it can so shake the body that it becomes a readiness factor, that is, it turns from a predisposing factor into a causing, provoking factor. . In other words, the influence of even the weakest electrical impulses, lasting for many days, would perhaps be sufficient to ultimately cause a disorder in the electrical economy of the diseased organism.”

Chizhevsky A.L., Terrestrial echo of solar storms, M., “Mysl”, 1976, p. 29 and 323.

Cosmism of Alexander Chizhevsky, or Why the world has gone crazy

Vadim Gorelik (Frankfurt am Main)

or Why the world has gone crazy

For his diversity of talents he was called « Leonardo of the 20th century » . For his dedication to the study of the Sun and solar radiation - "sun man". For an unconventional view of Marxism-Leninism - « an enemy disguised as a scientist." His works are still little known. But everyone has heard his name - Alexander Chizhevsky. We want to remember him and his theory of space eras today.

Many people ask themselves the question: “What is happening in the world today? It looks like everyone has just gone crazy." Unusual natural disasters (tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, epidemics) and man-made disasters (planes crashing, ships sinking, accidents at nuclear facilities), monstrous aggressiveness during protests (burned cars, broken windows, vandalism in stadiums), politicians behave like fighting cocks, proving to each other which of them is cooler with the help of nuclear and missile “toys”. The frenzy of the broad masses reaches its climax: people are killed for one word or caricature. The cruelty is off the charts. Political scientists intelligently call this a period of turbulence that the world has entered. But few people think about the reasons for such a global phenomenon.

The sun is our everything. The fact that life on Earth owes its origin to the Sun is written in school textbooks. But the fact that our life is to a greater extent a cosmic phenomenon than an earthly one, and all processes occurring on Earth and in our society are strongly dependent on processes occurring on the Sun (Fig. 1), became known not so long ago.

And this was discovered by Alexander Chizhevsky, one of the major scientists of the last century, the founder of cosmo- and heliobiology, the man who proposed a new philosophical understanding of global earth processes. From the simple truth that solar energy lies at the basis of everything that happens on Earth, he deduced and mathematically proved the influence of solar activity cycles (SACs) on the frequency and intensity of earthly natural (earthquakes, tsunamis, epidemics) and social (wars, revolutions, rebellions, financial crises) cataclysms, which are very expensive cost humanity.

The difficult path of a genius. He was born on January 26, 1897 in the family of a major general in the Russian army. After the Kaluga Real School, he continued his studies at the Moscow Archaeological and Commercial Institutes and at the Physics, Mathematics and Medicine faculties of Moscow State University. In 1918, Chizhevsky defended at Moscow State University doctoral dissertation“On the periodicity of the world-historical process”, in which, using a large amount of factual material, he proves the influence of the DSA on all processes occurring on Earth. The crowning achievement of his discovery was the monograph “The Earth in the Embrace of the Sun,” written by Chizhevsky in French (Paris, 1938). This book was published in Russian only in 1973 after his death under the title “Terrestrial Echo of Solar Storms.”

Chizhevsky's discovery immediately received recognition. He was a full member of 18 academies around the world, an honorary professor at many universities in Europe, America and Asia. In 1939, in New York, the first international congress on biological physics and space biology elected Chizhevsky as honorary president and nominated him for the Nobel Prize.

But already in 1940, the “medieval trial” of Chizhevsky began. He is accused of deviating from the principles of Marxism-Leninism. The Chizhevsky case is being supervised by Vyshinsky. A devastating article “The Enemy in the Mask of a Scientist” appears in Pravda.

Chizhevsky was expelled from all posts, but remains free for now. He was arrested in 1942 on charges of defamation Soviet power. This cost Alexander Leonidovich 8 years in the camps and another 8 years as a special settler.

He was rehabilitated only in 1962, and two years later he was gone.

The essence of Chizhevsky's discovery. Chizhevsky analyzed a large amount of historical material and discovered a correlation between the CSA maxima (a large number of sunspots) and mass cataclysms on Earth. It was found that the periodicity of maximum CSA values ​​varies in the range from 8 to 16 years, with an average of 11 years (Fig. 2). Chizhevsky showed that during periods of increased solar activity, wars, revolutions, natural disasters, disasters, epidemics. From this, a conclusion was drawn about the influence of the 11-year CSA on climatic, geological and social processes on Earth.

“An astronomer reading the epidemiology of cholera,” writes Chizhevsky, “is involuntarily amazed by the fact that the well-known years of solar storms and hurricanes cause such great disastrous phenomena and, conversely, the years of solar calm and peace coincide with the years of man’s liberation from the boundless horror of this an invincible invisible enemy."

Fundamentally important from the point of view of the current situation in the world is the dependence on the CSA discovered by Chizhevsky of the mental activity of not only an individual person, but also the masses, causing their aggressiveness, the impact of CSA on the psyche of top officials of states and their teams, the likelihood of them making unconstructive decisions on various levels government, leading to economic disruptions and military conflicts.

Along with this, the scientist warned against a simplified understanding of his theory. The sun is not the cause of the appearance of certain earthly cataclysms. They could appear without the influence of solar storms, under the influence of socio-economic and geological factors, but the time of their appearance and, most importantly, their intensity are closely related to the peaks of the CSA. Solar activity is a trigger for processes occurring on earth and in society. Therefore, the study of solar storms is necessary to predict the likelihood of natural, biological and social disasters.

Chizhevsky's theory today. Over the past years, Chizhevsky’s theory has not only been confirmed, but has also become popular. An ominous triad: virtual communication, which easily forms a crowd in a matter of hours, aggressive television propaganda, zombifying this crowd, and technological progress in the service of barbarians so enhance the effect of the CSA that it has already become global problem. The further we go, the more people get involved in the adventures of mentally unstable leaders, and the world is going more and more crazy.

The latest events in Frankfurt, in March 2015 (peak 24 cycle) during the opening of the new European Bank building, when brutal crowds of protesters burned police cars and injured 89 police officers, are clear confirmation of this.

Now enriched with knowledge, let's try using Fig. 2 understand why the world is going crazy. Note that the average level of CSA is steadily increasing, and currently it is twice as high as in 1800. Today, 23 solar cycles have been studied, and since 2008, the 24th cycle began, which reached its maximum in 2013-2014. According to NASA forecasts, cycle 24 will have a double peak and will cause powerful magnetic storms.

Now let’s compare some of the most significant social and natural disasters with the CSA maxima. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the time lag (deviation of 1-2 years) of events from the CSA maximums due to the inertia of global processes.

15 cycle (1913-1923, maximum in 1917). First World War and revolutions in Russia and Germany.

Cycle 17 (1933-1944, maximum in 1937) World War II.

19th cycle (1954-1964, maximum in 1958) Suez crisis 1956-1957 and the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956.

20 cycle (1964-1976. maximum in 1968) War 1967-1968 between Israel and Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Algeria and the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Cycle 22 (1986-1996, maximum in 1989) Earthquake in Armenia that destroyed the city of Spitak (1988), collapse of the USSR (1990).

Cycle 23 (1996-2008, maximum in 2000). The collapse of Yugoslavia, accompanied by civil wars.

And finally, the last 24 cycle (2008-2019, maximum in 2013-2014). Global financial crisis. The largest earthquake in Japan, which led to the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the emergence of the Islamic State, the second Maidan in Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea and the hybrid war in Donbass, the confrontation between Russia-Ukraine and Russia-USA.

How to live further? To answer the eternal Russian question “Who is to blame?” we tried to answer with the help of Chizhevsky. But to answer the second eternal Russian question: “What to do?” - it’s more difficult to answer. We are unable to find control on the Sun. But for people exposed to solar radiation - quite. In his famous book “The Terrestrial Echo of Solar Storms,” A. L. Chizhevsky wrote: “ Government should know about the state of the Sun at any time this moment. Before making a decision, the government needs to inquire about the state of the star: is it bright, is its face clear or darkened by spots? The sun is a great military-political indicator: its readings are unmistakable and universal ». Theoretically correct, but what about the leaders themselves, who are also people? There, Chizhevsky proposed shielding the wards of seriously ill patients during CSA peaks. It would be interesting to imagine the situation in the world if the hats and offices of inadequate politicians, managers and financial figures were shielded in this way?

There are many proposals from physicists and psychologists for testing leaders who make decisions. Today there is testing of mental abilities using IQ coefficient. Perhaps it is worth introducing a similar mandatory coefficient of inadequacy (CI) for testing the psychomotor skills of leaders? And with some borderline value of CT, limit the access of such people to leadership positions?